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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 19, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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jillian: biden is proud of rashida slave only thing he could recall her actual name. >> where is rashid? i tell you what. i did to say to you i admire your intellect, i admire your passion and your concern for people. >> what about isaac omar or adam presley? todd: it is wednesday may 19th, attention on the tarmac, president biden conference about us support for israel on the trip that was meant to be about infrastructure. live in washington is progressive pressure mounts. >> house republicans slapping a $500 fine for siding with the cdc and defying speaker pelosi's mask mandate. >> the parents stationed at fort bragg accepting a diploma on his behalf, if that's not powerful
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enough for you, wait until you see ice classmates responded, "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning starts right now. >> can you imagine? can't wait to tell you more about that story. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning. todd: fox news alert, rockets rocking gaza for another night is 0 keeps up its assault on hamas. the violence slowing down the process getting ugly in jerusalem and the west bank. >> amy kellogg is live in jerusalem at the neighborhood that saw the unrest. what is the latest? >> this is where the latest
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round hostilities really started, talk about a possible cease-fire and eventual cease-fire continues, quite likely none of these issues are going to be resolved. it was very tense here last night until midnight. the smell of skunk water is heavy in the air. there were violent clashes, at a police check the houses that are slated for eviction. there were strikes and protests all across the west bank as it is a day of solitary, two palestinians were killed, some of them apparently armed and they charged the police to open fire in their direction. more rockets have been fired by hamas across israel, there were scenes of panic. so far since this all began nine days ago 3750 rockets have been fired by hamas, 550 have fallen inside the gaza strip.
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that arsenal is estimated to be 13,000 rockets so they still have plenty of fire if they choose to. the airstrikes continue. israel believes it has set the test organization back many years that they say it is increasingly difficult to get the rocket launchers, 213 palestinians have been killed, 63 children according to the palestinian ministry of health. we understand the israelis have tried to assassinate yet again the commander hamas's military wing, a man who is legendary, he has been launched by israel for 20 years. there have been numerous assassination attempts on him. he lost an eye, he lost an arm, he lost both legs, a child and his wife and apparently is still going strong. back to you. >> amy kellogg, thank you.
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jillian: president biden gets in a heated exchange with rashida tlaib for efforts in the middle east. todd: president biden faces the question about his response to the situation. >> reporter: this is a fine example of the kind of pressure president biden is facing from members of his own party. he traveled to michigan to talk about electric vehicles but barely got a foot on the ground when he had a face-off with rashida tlaib, outspoken critic of us policy toward israel and they spoke for several minutes with the president mentioning her in his public remarks. >> rashida tlaib, where is rashida? i tell you what. i want to say to you that i admire your concern with so many people, thank you for being a fighter.
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>> pronounced her name wrong but felt the need to reach out to her point of view and reiterated us support for israel and its right for self-defense in the face of thousands of rockets fired from hamas. there have been protests here and around the world many in support of the palestinians, white house press secretary jen psaki defended biden's work behind-the-scenes to address the violence. >> the best way to end and international conflict is not to debate it in public. our focus and strategy here is to work through quiet intensive diplomacy. >> reporter: many republicans say biden needs to show more results. >> what president biden needs to realize, whether it is hamas or hezbollah or for that matter china, they are going to test him. right now he is perceived as
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being a week leader. he should let it be known the united states will stand with our reservation with the nation of israel. >> reporter: on capitol hill, house democrats blocked an effort put forward by republicans to sanction hamas. however, one prominent democratic member of congress is backing away from efforts to delay a big arms sale, us arms sales to israel. todd: congressman jim jordan on the state of our country after the president's first few months in office. >> reporter: just 118 days of the biden administration with congress controlled by the democrats we went from secure borders a chaos:went from energy independence to gas lines, from peace in the middle east to attacks on israel and now democrats are talking about not allowing israel to purchase arms
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in the middle of a war. that is heretical they are so we need to put together a message like you said and point out all the crazy things these folks are up to and the fact they want another commission to impeach donald trump a third time, that is heretical they are. talk about the story of the first amendment, we will be fine. >> house republicans define nancy pelosi by refusing to wear face masks in the chamber. a dozen republicans took off their masks tuesday including a florida congressman in protest of nancy pelosi's mandate requiring face coverings on the house for. many lawmakers being vaccinated. pelosi's -- leah cdc guidance is fully vaccinated people do not have to wear masks. >> reporter: governor greg abbott prohibiting government entities in his state from requiring masks saying we can continue to mitigate covid 19 while defending texans liberty
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to choose whether they mask up. masks cannot be required in public schools after june 4th. tried to impose mask mandate can be fined up to $1,000. doctor drew pinsky, an internist appeared last night, says americans who received the vaccine need to start living their lives again. >> follow the science you are vaccinated, you normally cannot get significant disease, you can't transmit it so the only people who have to worry of people who choose not to be vaccinated and they wear masks or not. it is not us wearing a mask after being vaccinated. >> many americans spread confusion over mask wearing as a result of mixed messaging from the biden administration and the cdc. >> dallas investigators suspect additional charges for derian brown in the murder of cash burn
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it, once forensic data comes back from the suspected weapons, brown is being held on kidnapping and burglary charges, brown was allegedly seen in home surveillance video taking a number 4-year-old from his bed in the middle of the night. he was sleeping next to his twin brother carter. was later found stabbed to death in the streets and remove carter from the home. north carolina deputy who shot andrew brown junior last month will not face charges. brown, quote, recklessly drove his car toward the deputies. >> mister brown's death while tragic was justified because mister brown's actions caused three deputies to reasonably believe it was necessary to use deadly force. >> attorneys released a statement saying in part, quote, the shooting was justified as an insult and a slap in the face to andrew's family, the community and rational people everywhere.
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several body can videos released in public for the first time showed deputies arriving at the scene until they removed the brown from his car. >> the fbi interview and top lawmaker part of its ongoing investigation into governor andrew cuomo, the post-reporting ramirez spoke to prosecutors and federal agents for nearly 3 hours earlier this month, reportedly discussed handling of nursing home deaths during the pandemic and his multimillion dollar book deal. >> donald and milania trump make their debut in the national portrait gallery in dc. a photo of the former president now hangs in the exhibit, behind the desk of the oval office. >> a picture of milania added to the exhibit, the pictures will be switched out in the future. the new york times appearing to blame the trump administration for the recent violence in the middle east. national security council for
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the trump administration joins us to respond. >> first it was shake shack, now it is the brooklyn -- new york city mayor bill deblasio getting dumped on according to the latest vaccine establishment. we are coming right back.
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>> the united nations gather tomorrow to address the situation in the middle east as violent rages between the israelis and hamas. >> new york times writer appears to blame the ongoing conflict on the trump administration. here to react, chief of staff fred fleiss, thanks for being here. here's the quote blame you guys, they were widely seen as demonstrating declining interest on the part of some of his relapse arab neighbors in backing the palestinians giving benjamin netanyahu of israel more latitude to pursue
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strategies that further intensify israeli-palestinian tensions. what your response to that? >> it is really absurd. he praised the abraham accords which brought peace to the middle east. liberal pundits hated the fact that donald trump really had diplomatic victories moving towards peace and not giving the palestinians an opportunity to veto efforts towards peace. biden has tried to embrace the palestinians, he has a policy, the new york times trying to cover. >> we will follow that and in the meantime let's talk about this. i find completely fascinating, congress is preparing for a ufo briefing next month. the question is do ufos pose a national security threat? i want to listen to the former ufo investigator for the uk ministry of defense. take a listen. >> we may not be alone and when we get this report to congress
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hopefully the department of defense and intelligence community will come clean but make no mistake this is probably the single biggest defense and national security issue we face today and we need some answers. >> reporter: a lot of people are serious about this, you being a former cia officer read a declassified city a few years ago about the cia's ufa files. i'm curious your take on this. you think we are alone and you think this is a national security threat? >> the cia used to keep ufo files until 1990 because the government didn't know where else to keep them. these reports tend to be things we don't understand, misidentified aircraft. the problem is some of these opposing ufos could be
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pranksters flying drones pretending to be ufos, can be mistakes. but, we need to pull this out before we start saying these are actually aliens flying unidentified aircraft. todd: what about the reports before we had drones? drones are relatively recent phenomenon. >> a lot of these are unexplained physical phenomena, sometimes mistakes and equipment, reflections. there are a lot of explanations. sometimes they are government aircraft, people may not know about. if someone's are still aircraft and didn't know what it was you could easily think that was a ufo. jillian: what do you expect to come from this briefing? >> i don't discount the fact there is some type of unidentified aircraft that we can't explain. i have seen some of these tapes, looks like they identified aircraft that can do things aerodynamically that we can't explain but i think congress will look at this carefully and ask some questions to allow all
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the other explanations that are more plausible. jillian: time will tell. thank you very much for joining us on these topics, we appreciate it. have a good day. todd: i love how excited you get. we have to figure a story we can send jillian 2, mars coming up but -- jillian: i'm so fascinated by it. todd: apple accused of putting profit ahead of privacy taking down their safeguards so they can do business in china. >> the risk apple's business practices pose. >> i need what i need ♪♪ and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize
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what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food.
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for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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contorting itself to fit this initiative? >> a lot of american companies who do business in china found they have to sell their souls to have access to chinese markets.
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it is worse with apple as you suggested these iphones and ipads can track what people say, who they call, your emails, texts and where you go. the servers for apple in china are controlled by the chinese communist party and china is notorious for surveillance of its own people and apple is playing into their games, helping china spy on their population, it is a shame but not unusual because to do business in china, american companies have to share intellectual property and things like what apple is doing. todd: what about this hypocrisy. apple in the us is on the forefront of every thing woke, china they are right along with the ccp with the chinese people.
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>> they help to censor what chinese people can see. china is one of the biggest human rights violators in the world, they do it consistently and so much hypocrisy and american corporations particularly the big tech companies like apple, google and twitter and others who look at every little thing to be offended by in the united states but yet they do business and even support practices around the world we would never tolerate in america. todd: all about the green. here is apple's response to the report, we never compromise the security of users on data in china. the key part is decisions are not always easy and we may not agree with the laws that shape them but our priority is
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creating the investor experience without violating rules, we are obligated to follow. how bad a precedent is it what apple is sitting when it comes to other us companies in business in china. >> i tracked the issue for years. a trade agreement 20 years ago was supposed to open chinese markets to american manufactured goods but didn't work out that way. to sell our goods we had to build plants, hire chinese labor, give them our intellectual properties, so our soul so apple, among many other companies that wanted cheap labor, cheap access to a huge chinese market and she production where they can send products around the world but it is about the money and whether it is professional basketball in this country that make millions and when there is an issue,
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basketball players siding with chinese communists in their country, particularly disturbing with high tech companies like apple but have access to so much private data that can be used by a country the president's people like china does. todd: you talk about selling your soul to the devil, pick up the book satan's dare, that works. appreciate your time. jillian: senator rafael warnock compares the pandemic to a controversial project in atlanta. >> don't just teach us how to make their way out of covid 19, teach us how to make our way out of covid 1619. jillian: likening the pandemic to this christine 19 project which teaches america's through
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founding was when the first slaves were brought to the country. the project has been criticized by historians who call it in accurate and that it lacks context and perspective. now to this. a heartwarming moment a soldier's parents accept his college diploma on his behalf. fellow graduates gabriel, standing ovation in connecticut. he is serving in the u.s. army stationed in fort bragg, thank him for everything he is doing. they must be so proud. still to come dozens of house democrats say it is racist to consider known gang members a threat to the us even if they are here illegally and convicted of felonies. and angel mom joins us to react. >> turn people to dc who are willing to tell the truth, willing to fight for our
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freedoms regardless what it costs you personally, economically, socially. todd: the homeowner who protected home from blm protesters running for senate. his message to the voters next.
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resident asked us for language on school reopening guidance as the cdc director go double down on mask requirements. jillian: 5 oh videos show that whole masks are taking on. >> reporter: laying out how the biden administration asked them to write the rules on school reopening. >> reporter: those suggestions you are for exit for beta men the final draft.
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>> they gave us flames and asked for it. >> reporter: randi weingarten saying the goal is to get schools fully open by 2021, the director of the cdc on the need for student mask wearing and social distancing for the foreseeable future, mass should be worn by people with certain exceptions like eating or addressing -- drinking. nothing changes. >> not having the opportunity before the end of the school year this school year is unchanged. >> reporter: kids are speaking out how the masks are affecting the land of viral video, a passionate plea to his district school board asking why teachers are able to skirt mask is when students can't. listen.
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>> they yell at us kids that we need to pull hours up. i asked my mom is there's worse to this and there is, hypocrisy. jillian: the teacher in wisconsin taking mask requirements with new level the rain one of her students who was vaccinated after he dared to go maskless in the classroom. >> don't care if you are vaccinated. i don't want to get sick and die. people -- i don't like you. >> that teacher is put on administrative leave and according to a statement they are taking steps to support the students in this case as well. todd: that was some video. congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez is leading dozens of house democrats looking for more
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changes to immigration policy, for deportation even if convicted of felonies, agnes ronald was murdered by previously deported illegal immigrant and joined me now. tell me what happened to your son ronald on the date in 2002. >> mice and was standing on the driveway talking to a friend when he noticed someone approaching from behind, and he was going to shoot in the back, severing the main artery and in surgery, in spite of massive amounts. jillian: i understand the shooter was a known gang member. >> previously deported also.
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>> reporter: i'm curious your opinion when you read this letter from house democrats and dhs that reads we are in a moment of racial reckoning in communities across the country calling for end to mass incarceration and racist policing, and on the same squad systems and you have alexandria ocasio cortez, to end the approach to immigration, we have policies to end mass incarceration, commercialization in deportation, what do you want them to know. >> we see left radical thinking politicians and too many of them in congress right now. i want them to know, they need
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to protect us as citizens what rationale could they possibly have by not deporting criminal illegal aliens, what rationale? now they are going to call me a racist, we'll americans everything, we don't owe illegal aliens anything, they broke our laws, broke into our country, they need to be deported. we have to mask shaming, we are ashamed because we want our laws enforced and criminals deported. this is insanity, and we are being destroyed from within. this needs to stop. this is a sense of my son is a model citizen. what did they call me? a criminal? you've got to be kidding me.
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>> i am sure at that time you were happy to come here and imagine it. i'm sorry for your loss. thank you for joining us. >> a colorado woman facing new charges, barrymore a few favor with a dead body as well as a dangerous weapon. new charges are in addition to a first-degree murder charge in connection to his wife's disappearance. suzanne vanished a year ago, a famous man who defended his home during a black lives matter march running for the senate. how that protests led him to the campaign trail. >> god came knocking on my door last summer disguises an angry mob and it did wake me up. the people who are sick and
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tired of cancel culture. you have to send people to dc, willing to tell the truth, willing to fight for our freedoms, regardless what it costs you personally, economically, socially. todd: mccloskey will face eric brighton in the republican primary. he was not the only one with competition. dennings announced she will try to unseat senator marco rubio. she joined the house in 2017. and the first impeachment trial, the short list for vp pics. >> increases to more than half $1 billion, it is estimated at $515 million for the next drawing on friday, first time to do that. there were no winners during last night's drawings, $70 million, a handful of people will receive million-dollar checks after hitting some of the winning numbers.
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don't have any tickets to check. president biden's job falls flat. >> not much to get in front of the car. >> the reaction lighting up social media. they are up front. they are friends at fox and they want you to download the super 6 apps. play for a chance to win 10,$000, 450 or 75 million. topics ranging from entertainment to sports, free to play, download the fox super 6 apps now. ♪♪
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♪["i'll be seeing you" by billie holiday] ♪ i'll be seeing you ♪ ♪ in all the old familiar places ♪
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jillian: president biden lighting up social media after joking he would run over a reporter who was asking about israel. todd: carley shimkus here to break down the anatomy of the joke. carley: president biden toward the ford plant in michigan, to the electric half 154 spin and behind the wheel clearly in no mood to answer questions. watch this. >> mister president can i ask you a quick question on israel? >> know you can't. get out of the way i will step on it. i'm only teasing. carley: some people wondering what the reaction would have been had donald trump told the exact same joke, the guest tweeting this would be a 5 alarm fire if joe biden was a republican and said this to a reporter. different when president biden says it, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
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jillian: what christiana has to say. carley: kirstie alley is one of the only outspoken trump supporters in hollywood and she sat down with tucker carlson to review what the experience is like for her. >> i feel like i'm in the twilight zone. i'm the same person, i voted for obama twice. you liked me when i voted for obama and now, it made me rethink weirdly my whole friendship. carley: a pretty lonely place to be. she said she was working on a movie four years ago and started to say about voting for donald trump, spoke to producers about it, but we are not going to say it out loud or never work in this town again. no surprise there but you can catch her full interview with tucker carlson on tucker carlson today at 4:00 pm on fox nation.
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todd: our intrepid producer, big brokenness fan. but if you listen closely you can hear her crying at the visual whereabouts. >> bill deblasio did become an instant meme for what he wore during his press conference yesterday. watch this. >> the next are stepping up one, the whole city of new york. the nets, the battle against covid with mobile vaccination site right outside berkeley center. carley: you can win tickets to the playoff games if you get a shot, that is why he was looking like a bit of a teenager. look at this tweet, this is what every undercover cop at a college bar looks like, this is
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after last week when the burger and fries went over so well. we jumped the shark on the vaccine thing. jillian: it has been so long. todd: i didn't know that was coming. carley: glad i can make you laugh this morning. todd: thanks to president biden, three guantánamo bay prison is likely to be released. are we back to the days of letting terror suspects go? our next guest lost his brother on 9/11 and said this isn't about justice. jillian: open item and set to begin. live on the ground in iowa, the latest in molly tibbetts's murder trial.
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mac opening statements it to begin today in the trial for the illegal immigrants accused of killing molly tibbetts. todd: ashley strohmeyer joins us with what we can expect. >> reporter: the opening statements are starting this morning starting at 8:30 at the scott county courthouse, the jury selected we women in 7 men. they were told there would be graphic images, they were asked about that but none of them have an issue with that. 26-year-old kristin there is an illegal immigrants in the us from mexico who stands trial for murder one after telling police he stabbed tibbetts to death and dumped her body in a cornfield. after she went for a run and didn't show up for work the next morning in her hometown of brooklyn, iowa, they have 18 to 20 witnesses they can call to
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testify, the trial could go 10 weeks, 10 days to two weeks but some say it won't that long. the trial date has been changed due to covid but also from brooklyn, i just got county because it gained so much attention. the trial starts at 8:30 in davenport, iowa. >> the biden administration moving ahead with its promise to quote tom mowbray. free detainees including the oldest prisoner being held at the military facility. me to discuss, donald areas whose brother was killed on 9/11. how much gut punch is the latest reopening of your wounds? >> the obama administration, to close gitmo by any means necessary.
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maybe not as much as the taliban and 5, 5 taliban commanders in exchange for bow bergdahl, talks about serving with honor and distinction as a military veteran retiree. this is standard operating procedure for the administration, the most radical elements in society. >> here of the prisoners in question. do we really think these guys are not going to join a terrorist cell the moment they get to a country that is a little more sensitive to their needs? >> the fbi estimates 20% of gitmo grads go to the battlefield. if you take somebody like this fellow who was a business
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facilitator for al qaeda, met with usama bin laden, khalid sheikh mohammed, was never a front-line warrior, all too easy to get back to his own pattern of behavior. unless we forget, some of that in 2003, bringing al qaeda operatives into the united states, us resident and this fellow gave al qaeda recommendations on using biological and radiological and nuclear weapons against the united states, the periodic review board says he is not a continuing threat, but in front of this review board turned them down. he refused to accept responsibility, doesn't know the difference tween legitimate and
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illegitimate businesses, the impact of his actions on people. all of a sudden biden comes in, the review board is good to go. i am sure the others, this other guy is. any kind of got punched, really concerned about justice. they would release his 2016 fbi report about the arabian government's involvement in 9/11. it is quite clear the saudi government provided material support for terrorism leading to 9/11, no worse or better than this guy. and if you really want justice,
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let's readjust our priorities, 9/11 families and american citizens and gitmo detainees. todd: just because these guys are and 20 something disaffected g hardee's doesn't mean they are boy scouts. just because they are older doesn't mean they were boy scouts. we appreciate your insight, sorry for the loss of your brother, appreciate you coming on. jillian: honoring an nfl starter and army ranger who made the ultimate sacrifice, leading the push of retiring pencil and's football jersey.
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jillian: a fox news alert. hamas wanting 4000 rockets
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towards israel as tensions grow overseas but at home rashida tlaib is cost confronting the president for siding with our allies. the latest. todd: the trial for the illegal immigrant accused of murdering molly tibbetts, live in iowa with what to expect. change it seems unfair teachers take their masks off while they yell at us that we need to pull hours up. >> a fourth grader going viral for obliterating his school's mask mandate. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪♪ what's wrong with being ♪♪ what's wrong with being confident ♪♪ todd: we are doing this now. i am confident that i know these two cities in new york and we are looking live to


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