tv Fox News Live FOX News December 25, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PST
a massive and brutal winter storm turning deadly in several states including new york, buffalo getting slammed by what the government likens by nothing less than a war. hello and merry christmas. welcome to fox news live. i am griff jenkins. >> good to see you. merry christmas. western new york is certainly no stranger to have severe weather. rarely, if ever, this bad. the blizzard dumping more than d blamed for multiple deaths.
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killed during this massive winter blast. authorities found drivers dead in their cars after those people were stuck out in the below freezing temperatures or hours. unable to drive in white out conditions. the blizzard turned roads into sheets of i.c.e., knockdown power lines and created havoc for rescue crews trying to do everything that they can to save these residents. in the buffalo niagara international airport, they are cooked until at least tuesday. that tells you how bad the conditions are. dozens of stranded drivers. the dangerously high weight in the massive snow drifts. >> this will go down in history as the most devastating storm and buffaloes long story history of having battled many battles. many major storms. we are still in the middle of it. we are people that need to be rescued. people with their power off in their communities.
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buildings where pipes are bursting and flooding is occurring. >> the county sheriffs office is using snowmobiles to reach stranded drivers. they need all the help that they can get. is not like they are not used to the snow. they get slammed all the time. we are talking about lots of snow, heavy snow. about 6 feet tall being blown in by the massive drifts. the wind around 80 miles per hour. right now search and rescue crew still working to get as many people off the roads as possible. a driving ban in place in buffalo. they want you to stay home and stay safe. youth you are stranded you're not safe. >> 80 mile-per-hour wind. category one hurricane. thank you so much. graph. >> anita, authorities launching an active homicide investigation inside the jehovah witness gathering hall in thorton, colorado.
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about 10 miles north of denver. police say two people confirmed dead and a suspicious device was found on the scene. christina coleman is live with this story. what is the latest? >> we have a lot of new information within the past hour. two people are dead in this case, including the alleged shooter. a man shot and killed his wife and then shot himself. officers responded to the incident after someone called 911 to report a fire at the kingdom hall of jehovah's witness congregation in thorton. we just talked with a spokesperson of the local fire department and she tells me that when their crew showed up, there was no evidence of a fire. thorton pd said a suspicious device was found at the scene and that it is being evaluated by a hazardous materials unit. they are not disclosing what that device is at this time. police also said that this is not or was not an active shooter situation, they also say that
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they do not believe anyone else is in the building at the time of the shooting. they say the incident happened both in the parking lot and inside the building. a local news outlet is reporting that a body was found in the parking lot. we will confirm that information and other details related to this tragic incident. police also say they are not holding a press conference on this today, but to be on the lookout for any updates on social media. again, just a recap, two people are dead, police believe a man shot and killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself. they say that there is no ongoing threat to the community and the police are continuing to investigate this shooting. >> christina coleman with the latest details. thank you. anita. >> five teenagers are facing charges in connection to the deadly shooting at minnesota's mall of america friday night. swat officials arrested the suspects at a home nearby saturday. about 12 hours after a
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19-year-old man was shot and killed during a brawl. police believe that the shooting resulted from a long-standing feud between two groups of teenagers. authorities say that the five suspects even stop for food at white castle after the shooting. police still on the hunt for a sixth suspect. >> president biden spending christmas at the white house waiting for the $1.7 trillion government spending package to reach his desk. republicans are outraged that a bill of this size was able to pass without barely any review or oversight. aisha is live at the white house with more. merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you, griff. congress may be out for christmas but this bill is still having some major aftershocks in washington. a last-minute, congress approved the massive $1.7 trillion government funding bill also called the omnibus. the senate republicans and nice nine house republicans helped
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democrats passes gargantuan bill applauding it with defense funding. democrats taking a victory lap. >> many knew that this was a good bipartisan deal. i think them for their willingness to work for the american people. i do not love everything in this bill. quite frankly, i find these endless increases year after year to be appalling. >> so others say what is appalling about this bill is all the pork in it. they blame their colleagues for rushing through the process right before christmas. here is pat phelan on "sunday morning futures" today. >> $3 million for an lgbtq museum in new york. it was an absolute piece of garbage and that is why voted. hell no. >> house minority leader kevin
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mccarthy already threatening to kill bills if he becomes speaker next year. still does not have the votes for that yet. the ironic part about all of this, the very reason for rushing through this happened anyways. congress had to pass yet another bill since it will take another couple days for this omnibus to actually reach president biden's desk. >> the irony of the omnibus. thank you very much. >> you got it. >> for more on this, let's bring an in republican congressman from ohio. congressman, merry christmas, happy hanukkah, happy holidays, thank you for coming in today. we really appreciate it. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> so many republicans are unhappy with the bill for a variety of reasons. what about those 18 senate republicans who voted yes? critics are saying why could they not just wait and then trust that the new congress under republican leadership
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could have crafted a completely different bill. >> you know, this happens 11 hours before a shutdown, which could be avoided by extending things. more importantly, 11 days before republicans take over the house of representatives. certainly, we could have pushed things into the next year. certainly, try to get a much better bill out of this. i hate omnibus bills anyway. 1.7 trillion. the reports, we still have inflation. you know, consumer spending is down. we are heading towards a recession. besides all the pork that was mentioned in the clip just before and that is only just part of it, democrats insisted on the child tax credit which is adding to the labor shortage and increasing spending, again, driving more inflation. they did not deal with the full expensing of r&d which is an increase in corporate taxes by billions of dollars which
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negatively affects our supply chain which we know very evidently from covid that we are in a mess with our supply chain. our health is at risk. we are just dealing with a cruel economy right now. >> a lot of people feel that way. of course, the bill has passed and the president is expected to sign it. looking ahead now, there are a number of investigations the new house leadership is talking about pursuing. let's listen to a clip from shannon bream. she was on fox news and friends. >> they have talked a big game if they will investigate all kinds of things about the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan that cost 13 precious lives of our service members. hunter biden, what happened with covid, what happened with twitter. they have a very full plate and there will be a lot of critics watching closely to see if you want these investigations to happen, they will be looking closely to see if they actually come to fruition. >> that is a good question. if you look at a variety of
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topics, republicans say they want to investigate, you just heard shannon roloff a number of them. what do you think should come first? >> i don't know if anyone has to come first over the other because some will take place in various committees. they can be occurring at the same time. it is not so much about being vindictive politically, what it is about as an after action review and lessons learned. what is actually taking place in our government today. the american people needing to know about. you know, when it took place at mar lago, the intelligence committee republicans that came forward and said we did not criticize the raid, what we said was if this is a national security issue, which you are claiming it to be, we should be briefed on it. a matter of knowing what the government is actually doing. you know, some people will say that the gop likes to attack the irs. well, is that right or is it the irs that likes to attack the
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conservatives? just look at things like the shooting at the baseball field. the fbi has still refused to give us, the intelligence committee, the case file on this where they called it suicide by cop. clearly, they got it wrong. this guy came to assassinate many, many republicans. it would've change the balance of power in the house of representatives. i am leading the investigation on the origins of covid, the house until committee, our intelligence committee has ignored key evidence. we are looking at where the funding is gone, what grants have our government given to work with china to create what is called -- all of these virus. there is no commercial use for a virus that is able to infect and kill more people. is this associated with the bio weapons lab? we have all of these types of things. as we move forward, we will
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declassify some of the things that we have, some of the things that the intelligence community has put out. we will try to get the truth to the american people so that we can protect our country. >> a lot of people will be interested in the investigation, into the origins of covid, that is for sure. on this christmas sunday, i want to take you and our viewers back to christmas of 2005. i think this is 2005 when you spent christmas in iraq as a military doctor, a surgeon for the army reserve. it seems like a long time ago, but when you look at these pictures, what are the memories that go through your mind to spending christmas in iraq? >> a couple of things. how the american people were in sending things to us and sending things to troops. people that did not even know us were sending things that we were able to distribute. you are there and you think of christmas and you think of peace on earth and certainly that is not what was going on around us. it was very special many many
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ways. i think that you feel closer to understanding what the birth of christ was all about. you know, this christmas for our particular family, we watched our niece in that stampede in korea, a very lovely young lady and the way that we look at this, for this christmas is she is not just celebrating the birth of christ, she is celebrating christ birth with christ. the one in iraq, i would say that it was special in many ways. >> no doubt. thank you so much, congressman, for your service and your thoughts today. we send our deepest condolences for the loss of your niece, of course. enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend. thank you for coming in. >> all right, i need out. airports slowly getting back up and running after airport cancellations and delays and even spreading some christmas cheer. ♪
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holiday travel stillness for millions of americans this weekend. flights canceled or delayed today leaving many stranded or stock in the long lines at the airport on christmas. charles watson is live at the airport in atlanta. i know you had a steady stream of passengers behind you before. how's it looking there now? >> hey, good afternoon, anita. i would say things are pretty busy here for christmas. the lines are a bit smaller, but despite that, it does not look like people will get the break
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from the travel disruptions of people have been dealing with for days. it has truly been a nightmare for tens of thousands of holiday travelers as well as airports and airlines who have been plagued with cancellations and delays nationwide and in large part due to the deadly arctic blast we have been dealing with over the last few days. today, there's been more than 5000 delays in more than 2000 cancellations across the country. not great, but it is much better than just 24 hours ago. it could be a sign that conditions are improving after a transit hub nationwide battered by brutal conditions. >> kind of expected. you know that the atlanta airport is a busy airport. i think that when you travel, for me, i kind of know. it is going to be an obstacle. you just deal with it. >> i feel bad that it is canceled so many plans for the holidays for people. we are just really fortunate our family has been okay and traveling. >> yeah. the airlines and airports are not out of the woods just yet. the brutal temperature snapped pipes flooding a delta lounge in the international terminal and in buffalo, white out conditions got so bad there that the airports shut down on friday. officials say that it will remain closed through 11:00 a.m. on monday when wendy and
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visibility is expected to improve. things have not been any better four folks who chose to hit the roads this travel holiday. aaa expecting roads to get busy again on tuesday and wednesday. folks will have to buckle up out on the roadways. >> just have to have some patients there, definitely. charles watson live in atlanta, thank you very much a merry christmas to you, charles b mack merry christmas. >> anita, flu cases are slowing down in several states after brutal started this year's flu season. reporting that 6.3% of hospitalizations last week were due to flulike illnesses. that is down from 7.5% just a month ago. let's bring in fox news medical contributor and johns hopkins professor. merry christmas. thank you for taking some time. we passed the worst of it?
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what do you attribute to the fact that we are hopefully seeing things wing. >> that is a big question right now. the fact that influenza a peaked around thanksgiving time may suggest that the worst is behind us. the problem is that with influenza, there are multiple different strains. while a has been the dominant strain, to other minority strains that may very well blossom. the flu season came early this year. it came in early november, end of october. normally it starts now and december and january. we will have to see if influenza a flu strain crowded out other infections or we may still have more or if the worst is behind us. >> we have heard a lot about the triple dimmick, the covid flu and rsp combination. if it is indeed waning some, that, i assume, will be a good sign with what we are facing now with all three.
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>> well, right now, it has been labeled a triple dimmick, but really influenza has dominated this past infection wave. covid is still a very low burden on hospitalizations. we do not have a good compass on the true number of covid hospitalizations. remarkably after nearly five years. we do not have a good handle on how many people are in the hospital. i call a group of doctors around the country and a representative set of hospitals, they really say they are not seeing a lot of covid severe illness. i am very concerned about the china epidemic, griff, and that is because new variants tend to come out of densely populated areas with uncontrolled epidemics. that is what china's dealing with right now. it is probably a good time for the united states to institute a mandatory testing policy for travelers from china back into the united states. >> that could definitely help. quick tips for americans with
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this flu. this is when it usually starts. washing your hands. what else should people be doing? >> the flu shot is available. recommended for anybody over six months of age. 20% effective. you can think of it in those terms, it may be less so in very senior people. those are the people most at risk. common sense, if you are sick, stay home or be careful especially around people that are vulnerable. hopefully we will never go around the days where you can call for an sauber to somebody at work and it is acceptable. hopefully, that is one thing we have learned. >> i want to change topics a little bit. the life expectancy for americans hitting a 25 year low. we can show you here what it has dropped just about 2.4%. 201978.8 years compared to 202176.4 years. what do you attribute to tha
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>> covid deaths and substance abuse deaths which are increasing steadily. it is what we call non-covid excess mortality. the united states, one of the highest number of covid non-access mortalities. almost no non-covid excess mortalities. these are the consequences of mental health harm. heart disease is still the number one killer in the united states and if you think about it, we are not really addressing that properly. we are still giving people the wrong information about avoiding fat when they should really be avoiding sugar. we are not talking about school lunch programs and other important things that we should be talking about. the old guard medical establishment is holding on to these legacy medication based therapies. we have the most medicated generation in the history of the world. we should probably be treating more diabetes with cooking classes than just insulin. >> maybe this is a wake-up call.
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the prescription may be good old-fashioned good diet, better diet and exercise. >> that is right. we don't talk about food as medicine and we should. people should understand that it is not a matter of simply avoiding fat, that is an old-school thought that we have come a 180 on. it is really a matter of avoiding processed foods and added sugar. when you do that, you can see a tremendous turn around. i tell my patient if you want one tip, drink water instead of the sugary drinks. today on christmas, you can eat or drink whatever you want. >> that is a great christmas message. if the food is there, you have to partake in it. you have new years to get that diet and exercise. thank you so much. again, merry christmas. thanks for taking the time. >> anita. >> drink whatever you want on christmas, right, griff. moving on. the u.s. accuses north korea of supplying arms to a russian mercenary group that is actively
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fighting in ukraine. details on that coming up next. it's a storm that crashes, and consumes, replacing thought with worry. but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation. an answer that leads to even more answers. mayo clinic. you know where to go.
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>> good afternoon. great to see you. around the world people are celebrating christmas. here in the holy land historic sites in jerusalem teeming with visitors and last night in the biblical town of bethlehem thousands gathered at the traditional birthplace of jesus. the church was filled with worshipers praying with the latin patriarch of jerusalem. palestinian president was among the group that attended a midnight mass. earlier in the day christians walk through major square and a parade of pilgrims entered with the bagpipe playing alongside a marching band. a welcome change from the past two years that's all sharp decline from ancient sites due to the covid-19 pandemic. thousands of miles away, pope francis delivered his traditional christmas eve mass. more than 1000 people in attendance both inside and outside in st. peter's square. the pope had a solemn message calling on people around the world to remember those suffering from poverty and war. this morning during his christmas message the pontiff
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discussed suffering and places like ukraine, yemen and afghanistan. he also talked about greed and consumption in the modern world. [speaking in native tongue] >> on this day as we sit around a widespread table, may we not advert our gaze. a town whose name means house of bread. think of all of those, especially children who go hungry while a huge up amount of food daily goes to waste. resources are being spent on weapons. >> an important message to remember this holiday season to be thankful for what you have and to be kind to others. >> an important message. good to see you, my friends. >> north korea is raising tensions from asia to ukraine and beyond. not just with its unprecedented string of missile tests. selling rockets to russian mercenaries.
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the british government says that the group has some 20,000 mercenaries fighting in ukraine and national security council spokesman john kirby says that the group is spending more than $100 million per month in ukraine. let's bring in joel rubin former deputy secretary of state under president obama. joel, thank you for coming in today and happy holidays to you. >> happy holidays, anita. >> thank you. i wonder if i could have you start by explaining to our viewers what the group is. described as a private paramilitary organization like private army of vladimir putin. is that correct? >> yeah, you've got it right. a mercenary group. a private army that is ran by a best friend and chef of vladimir putin, ironically. the world's leading mercenary. they have conducted operation operations throughout syria and africa. they are now in ukraine, as you
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described. it is this confluence with north korea where north korea is providing weapons to the group to fight on behalf of russia because russia, right now, is desperate. they are trying to replace russian troops. emptying the jail spirit these convicts are now going out in the war zone. it is really the worst of the worst. that is what vladimir putin is now relying upon. >> that is awful. trying to trade action on the front lines for the freedom of these prisoners, is what i understand spirit you know, the white house was talking about this. john kirby had something to say about north korea selling arms to this group. let's listen to what john kirby said. >> north korean officials have said publicly that they would not support russia's war in ukraine and yet here they are delivering arms and direct violation of un security, of un security council resolutions.
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in fact, for months now, the russian military has been relying to lead combat operations and part of the dawn boss. in certain instances, they are actually subordinate to the commands. >> what, if anything, can be done about this. can the united states do anything to stop north korea from selling these weapons to this group? >> well, it is quite telling that north korea does not want to own up to the fact and that was colluding with russia to suppress the ukrainian people. so, of course, first and foremost, continue to sanction and track and monitor north korea, they are provoking across the region. they have been for years. threatening more missile tests and advancing their missile program. we have to continue to work closely with our allies in japan, south korea and asia to keep them boxed in. to this dynamic, we need to make sure that we are doing what we
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are doing which is strong bipartisan support that we saw last week for continued military aid to ukraine. continuing to support them in this fight. they are wearing out the russian military. now, vladimir putin is looking to the russian prisons to try to defend his indefensible decisions to invade ukraine. keeping focused, supporting as we have been while also looking at north korea and calling them out, they cannot hide. our intelligence apparatus is too smart. it is just not true that north korea is not involved in this war. >> yeah. let me ask you about the fact that this group is going to the prisons and getting prisoners to go to the front lines. you have touched on it a little bit, but what does that say about the depletion of the russian army in the state they are in. just a quick answer here. >> bottom line is sending people to the front lines to get blown up by ukrainian military apparatus. this means that they are at the
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end of their rope. the russian people don't want to fight this war. it is vladimir putin's war. clearly, this is a war that he is losing. we just have to keep focus on what we've been doing to eventually get him to end this unconscionable invasion of ukraine. >> those prisoners going to the front lines, they have nothing to lose. they go there and they just do what they are told. all right, thank you so much for coming in today. interesting discussion and happy holidays. >> happy holidays. >> grass. >> some orthodox christians in ukraine making big changes to how they celebrate christmas after russia's invasion. we are live next. it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how liberty mutual
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vehicles come in all different sizes. yet ordinary windshield phone holders are one size fits all. does that make sense? no. but this does. the adjustable windshieldfone from weathertech. it extends and retracts for a perfect fit in any vehicle. plus, a quick release tab for easy one handed in and out. and for kids, use it in the back seat too. comes with short, medium and telescopic arms, to fit any vehicle. order the american made windshieldfone at even makes a nice holiday gift.
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despite the constant shelling, christmas celebrations are taking place across the country. nate is live with the latest. hey, nate. >> just a confusing christmas for lack of a better phrase. a lot of people celebrating tonight, but so many are grieving as well. the more deaths we are learning about after the russian attack there yesterday, take a look at this video today.
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you will see pictures of ukrainians, they are waiting in line to donate blood to help save the lives of the 64 people that were hurt in that russian attack yesterday. president zelinski called it terrorism yesterday. tonight he has a more positive message for ukrainian since christmas. listen to this. >> we will sing carols more cheerfully than ever to be louder than the sound of the generators. you will hear the voices and greetings of our loved ones and our souls even if the connection and the internet go down. >> griff, take a look at this. soldiers are finding a way to celebrate christmas and the hardest of times. some of them even have decorated christmas trees and trenches. russia has been pushing. extending tremendous resources to do it. so far the ukrainians have held the line there. soldiers also got quite a surprise today. musicians and actors showing up
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putting on christmas performances for them to boost morale they are on the front lines. but take a look at this video. this was just a couple of hours ago. hundreds of people gathered at the train station. there was a big christmas tree with decorations. the tree was lit up with the manually powered generator. you see christmas carolers they are performing before hundreds of people, many people just watching, other singing and dancing as well. back here, power continues to be an issue. operating at about a 50% efficiency which is worse than any other part of the country right now. you see people finding creative ways around that so that they can continue celebrating during this difficult time. >> the power outages not stopping christmas celebrations. i covered this story on the orphans and love even the western part of the country and i saw that there was a positive christmas story on those orphans
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as well. >> that is right. for entrepreneurs from new hampshire higher. they started this nonprofit called common man for ukraine. they delivered gifts to orphans across 21 different orphanages in the western part of ukraine including leave. so kids who, you know, many of them have been brought during the war. kids going through a really difficult time, obviously, even before the war and things have got worse during the war are having something positive this christmas season v-neck that is a christmas spirit and great story to end on. merry christmas. thank you, nate. >> merry christmas. >> all right. the christmas season. helping others in need. especially the homeless. lauren greene with the moving story of those working to help the most vulnerable coming up, next. were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck.
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welcome back. many of us gather at home with our families this holiday, homeless shelters are working hard to make sure as many people as possible have at the very least a safe place to sleep tonight. the homeless are often not what you may think they are. lauren greene has this story. >> the music, the spectacle of new york during the holidays is certainly grand, but there is also the less grand. josiah, leader of the nonprofit city relief works tirelessly to dispel the myths about homelessness. >> it is sort of like an iceberg. >> panhandlers as well as mental illness. >> the bulk of the iceberg is families and working parents and
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children. >> i realize that the face of homelessness is not what you think all of the time. >> deidre denise is one of those faces. a few years ago she left an abusive marriage, got a job at a starbucks but the hourly wage was not enough to pay rent. she found herself in a shelter. >> being homeless at christmas, especially in my situation, losing everything that i had had was a sorrow and a sense of loss and abandonment that i could not measure. >> deidre stayed in this homeless shelter for several months. she would wait for a bed. for christmas, she decided to give what little she had, a $5 gift card to every woman in the shelter.
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>> i gave the women starbucks cards because i would hear them say, i got to go sit in starbucks today and have oatmeal and a cup of coffee. >> he can function as rent for like an hour or an hour and a half. >> we can all help the homeless, but first see them as god image barriers like his book title explains, they are our neighbors with no doors. >> i would encourage all my brothers and sisters in christ specifically to think about what it looks like for us to be a part of that movement that jesus started. that movement of compassion. i believe that will change the world. >> her life change around as well as support from city relief. in new york, lauren greene, fox news. >> the goal for or who had the most professional to irwin's has died. 188 victories on the lpga tour died suddenly yesterday. her family says she was with them celebrating christmas eve. considered to be among the
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brayden has amazed me. he's so strong. you hear about cancer, but you don't ever think that it will be your child. it was your was your worst fear coming to life. the doctor tells us your son has a large tumor. and he said, well, that's not the only tumor. we thought my son had one tumor. he had hundreds. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. at st. jude, it went from so hard to we're going to take care of this. what they have done for me, my son, my family, i have no words for it.
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plans for offshore wind energy projects. they said their concerns about its financing and questions its viability. the controversy raising fears about the feasibility of the offshore wind industry. molly line has more. reporter: one major developer and contract smith utilities in massachusetts to the largest offshore wind projects. have tried for months to renegotiate filing court documents complaining about unprecedented commodity price increases. interest rate hikes and by shortage. overall the viability of the project. main power went another off when power sought to reassign the it is a viable bear despite challenges caused by extraordinary global macroeconomic conditions. further south the settlement has been reached between virginia utility regulators and dominion energy coastal virginia offshore project which regulators say will be quote among the most
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expensive sources of power in the entire united states. a performance guarantee has been dropped which could leave martone commissioner notes cost may also be spread broadly among all in the state who stand to benefit from the clean energy. some analysts warn. >> double or triple in the last two years. significantly for offshore wind. even despite all the subsidies being offered. >> aims to enter the next round of bidding in the spring hoping to keep commonwealth going. i'm cape cod, molly nine fox news. >> how do they celebrate christmas in japan? you will never get sprayed for lots of people with some kentucky fried chicken. that is right. the american chain has become a holiday here over the last 50 years. with lines at restaurants
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spilling onto the street. kfc japan records highest sales of the year during this time making about $52 million in the week before the holiday. [laughter] clicks i approve it. let's get some kfc it's a great thing to do on christmas. oh my goodness. i need it was great to be with you. that will do it for street merry christmas everyone, the five christmas special is next. ♪ >> i am greg gutfeld, along witd judge jeanine pirro and jesse watters along with dana perino's, the five. ♪ merry christmas america but have you got my card in the m mail. and as you are enjoying time with friends and family, fasten your seatbelts we have a huge show coming up. including dana and the judge of bacon delicious holida
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