tv Hannity FOX News December 28, 2022 11:00pm-12:01am PST
>> i think you're right. that's about it for us tonight. you can watch tucker's interview with randall carlson right now on fox nation. and , of course, tune in each night at eight to the show. that is the sworn enemy of line pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. our friends, the very fabulous ,the very honorable, the very attractive. and jason chaffetz is filling in for hannity tonight. >> jason , how are you doing? thanks. i love that interview with shanté. that's that. i just ordinary people doing extraordinary things. >> i love it. great show, sean. happy holidays. >> merry christmas and happy new year. appreciate it. all right. well, welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm jason chaffetz. filling in for sean. and tonight, i want you to picture this. president joe biden basking in the warm 80 degree caribbean air, listening to the sounds of waves crashing on the shore from a luxury villa in the islands. >> compliments of a wealthy donor. at the very same time, a winter
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until friday. i got a car the next day. i don't know how i happened to get it from enterprise. and we drove drove for two days now. now i get to the airport. >> no bags, at least twenty five hundred southwest flights across the country have been canceled so far wednesday. it's a slight improvement from tuesday, but not by much. and travelers are growing impatient. >> oh, it's very tiring and stressful and all that. too much delays, cancelations every now and then to sleep at the airport. >> the situation is not expected to get better until later this week, with southwest only operating about a third of its routes through friday so that their crews can catch up. of course, this all started with the winter storm that hit right before christmas. but some say the airline is also using outdated software that's creating staffing issues, leaving passengers stranded and with missing luggage. >> i spent over a thousand dollars coming back between the rental car hotel's meals.
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>> now, the feds are looking into this and lawmakers on capitol hill are saying investigations will be coming in the new year. jason . >> katie, thank you. as you might expect, president biden is blissfully unaware today. he called the lid at 10 00, six a.m., presumably so he could bask in the caribbean sun . the president is on vacation after all. keep in mind, this comes after a recent beach vacation to the luxurious kiawah island in south carolina. and then another relaxing vacation in nantucket. along with around 60 mini vacations to delaware. >> this year alone. so with joe taking off so much time to recharge, just who is actually running the show? >> well, it's certainly not biden's transportation secretary mayor, pete. it took pete four whole days to respond to the ongoing travel crisis caused primarily by southwest airlines. now, one prominent democrat, nina turner, is voicing concern
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,quote, what's happening with railroads, airlines and the supply chain is the result of small city mayer being made the secretary of transportation as a means to pad his resume for president . secretary budha gege is a prime example of falling up. >> joining us now with more are two republican members of the house transportation committee, south carolina congresswoman nancy mace, who was directly impacted by the travel chaos, along with texas congresswoman beth van dyne. thank you both for joining us tonight on "hannity". i want to start with you, congressman mays'. you had some personal experiences. tell us about that. but more importantly, how is this going to affect americans and how are you going to help solve it from a congressional viewpoint? >> well, not only that, am i on the transportation committee in congress, specifically the aviation subcommittee, but this hit close to home because
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my kids, my teenage kids got stranded in baltimore trying to make it home on christmas eve. and even today, five days later, we still don't know where their luggage is right now. and so we've been personally impacted by this. in fact, the young lady who's operating a camera i'm sitting in front of right now was stranded in denver, colorado, for five days. luckily, she made it home but didn't get to see her son for christmas. and still doesn't know where her luggage is . this has impacted thousands upon thousands of people. and i was disheartened and disappointed to hear the president basking in the caribbean during this crisis could not be any more tone deaf right now because this has affected tens of thousands of people that can't get on trains, can't rent cars, can't can't their flights to get home. and they're stranded all across the country. right now. i want to hear a judge say he's going to audit and figure out where the seven billion dollars went that southwest received from american taxpayers. that's what i want here tonight. >> yeah. congresswoman, that's
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the issue, right? i mean, congress passed it. presumably you voted against it. i don't know. maybe you voted for it. but one point two trillion dollars in infrastructure. mayor, you know, they're handing out a lot of money, but he says he's going to hold them accountable. but where is he took them four days to respond to this and start making comments? >> well, i mean, it's not just biden goes on vacation when he's most needed. you look at budha , judge, from the beginning, this guy was not qualified to take this job. he's a cabinet secretary. and in his first year in the office, we're having tremendous supply chain issues . people can't get the supplies that they need when businesses are going bankrupt. where is he? he takes two months off for paternity leave. earlier this year, we know the rail strike potential looming over us . >> we were going to have again, i mean, a massive amount of of
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of hit to our economy. you're going to have municipalities that couldn't get chemicals to be able to treat their water supply. and where was pete? oh, that's right. he was on a family vacation in portugal. he could not be bothered not to not to go on vacation to postpone that for the american people. this is a man who was not qualified for the job, has never really been on the job. and we've trusted him with one point two trillion dollars worth of taxpayer dollars. and you're seeing how he has just completely fallen on his face time and time again. >> yeah, i like that comment. that is , you know, this is somebody in his career. >> follow it up. he had a failed presidential run. i don't see anything. you know, there's a reason why they call him pothole pete. i mean, what in his resume would lead you to believe that he could solve the major problems that we're having with rail and transportation and the airlines and whatnot? but you're going to get a chance to grill him a little bit and hold him accountable, that when republican take control. what do you hope to do? congresswoman bass?
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when he does come before the committee at some point? well, we'll have lots of questions. i know on the oversight committee, i'll have a gavel, one of five subcommittee chairman over there. but on the transportation committee, he's going to have a lot to answer for when he comes to congress. what is he doing with the taxpayer dollars that have been received? how are they being distributed? how is he going to hold southwest accountable? what you're seeing today is the federal government rewarding bad behavior by having private companies be bailed out and subsidized by the american taxpayer. so what is buta gedge going to do about it besides hold a press conference? but this is one thing that i want to make clear . nina turner and beth van duyne are both absolutely correct on pete buttigieg. but this is what happens. you had democrats in the left spend millions of dollars against people like me in swing districts who want to hold the administration accountable, who want to hold agencies accountable so that republicans can't hold them accountable. it's really important to support candidates like myself and beth dandi.
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and i hope that your viewers tonight will go to nancy may stg support so that we can hold the administration accountable when we're in the majority. well, you've got your workload ahead of you because there certainly is no excuse for the amount of money that these this administration has been given. but how they spend it, what they've done and how they've done it, go get them, because just next week you'll actually have the gavels in hand . thank you both for joining us . tonight on "hannity", congresswoman nancy mace and congresswoman beth van duyne. >> thank you. appreciate it. all right. without a doubt, if a republican jetted off on a relaxium vacation during a weather related crisis, they'd be excoriated by the mainstream media, but not joe biden, the very liberal associated press cheered for biden's big trip, tweeting, quote, president joe biden on tuesday was headed to a place very familiar to him, the u.s. virgin islands, to enjoy some downtime and warmer weather and ring in
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the new year with family. boy, that's some breaking news right there. and cnn, that was even worse. take a look at this from the hard hitting report from this so-called news outlet. quote, the first couple are beach people, said a family friend familiar with their vacation preferences. others who know them well said there is little more they enjoy when relaxing than pitching an umbrella on the beach, tossing a towel onto the sand and closing their eyes under a warm sun . later, in this so-called article, it read , quote, the first lady in particular finds peace in her books and soaking up the sun. i think you get the picture here now with reaction. fox news contributor charlie hurt and the host of the larry elder show for epic time's larry elder. gentlemen, i know you both enjoy the sun. >> charlie, come on . who likes i mean, who's who's a . son ? i'm sure the first lady likes the warm sun on her eyelids
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as she lays back . >> but this is really bad optics when you've got millions of people that are affected at home, now, that ap story reads a little bit like an novel written by stacey abrams. look, we all like the sun. we all like the beach. but i mean, nobody likes the beach the way joe biden does. he spent something like a third of his presidency at a beach at his beach house in delaware. and , you know, i get it. everybody needs a vacation. people understand that. but can you imagine if somebody when you had a storm like this, can you imagine if george w. bush decided in the middle of katrina to take off and go to the gulf and vacation somewhere? the media would absolutely destroy. but i think all this is going to ultimately come back to bite biden, because, you know, the big picture is this. joe biden spent his life on a government salary. his wife is a schoolteacher,
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and somehow they came in. they've spent their lives doing this and they have become so fabulously wealthy that they have vacation homes that they gedera down to places like st. croix at a time when people across the country, you don't have to be in buffalo or and you don't have to be writing southwest airlines to realize that americans are plunging themselves into debt just to get by right now. this is going to come back to haunt these people. and i'm glad i'm glad it will . you know, politically, i'm glad will people this stuff, you know, people sort they want people to have time to go on vacation. but this is this is getting ridiculous. >> yeah, larry, i mean, look, everybody does need to do it, but it's hardly there's hardly a case to be made that joe biden is burning the burden at both ends, that he's just working so hard that the poor guy just got to be let out there. i mean, come on . it's just he doesn't have a case for that. and if something is happening, it's a disaster.
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they want to see their leaders be they're reacting, pulling the levers to make their life better and easier. and these to the secretary of transportation and the president of the united states . clearly we're not. jason , i have never been one of those to criticize president for taking vacation. it's a rough, tough job. you're always having your staff with you. you're always commander in chief 24/7. my problem is , jason , he should have been calling lid's earlier. i would rather him have called lyd noon every single day of his presidency. maybe then we would have avoided the disastrous pullout from afghanistan. maybe then we would have avoided him reversing the donald trump policies on the border. maybe then we wouldn't have been paying people not to work. maybe then we would not have had joe biden standing up there saying, if you take the vaccine, you won't get covid as far left wing politicians are concerned. i'm just assuming they stay away from the oval office and not make decisions and not undermine the country, not make
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us go from our energy independence to energy dependance. not increase inflation. i would rather that joe biden have taken a vacation every single day with presidency rather than show up for work and make all these disaster decisions that are hurting our country. >> yeah, you know, charlie, one of the vacations he has been taking is obviously he's been neglecting the border ,but the media continues to be such i mean, it's such a disappointment. and i don't why i act even surprised anymore, but hardly do they ever hold this person accountable. do they press him? >> he had so few interviews through the entire year. he can't get through one . he barely got through one with it. you know, an actress the other day. >> so the media continues to disappoint me. now. >> it really is kind of shocking the degree to which they have given up any even pretense that they're trying to cover any of this with any sort of critical and we saw it
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with president obama and then we saw it with president trump where they turned on him and they just completely incapable of treating them fairly at all. and now they've got to the point where they don't even try to treat stories remotely seriously. and , you know, and we are in a situation and this is why i do think that ultimately the american voters, democrats and republicans alike, are going to punish this guy for this stuff because as larry pointed out, with all of these problems that that, you know, every problem that people feel in their personal lives, whether it's inflation or gas prices or the wide open border, every single one of those problems, you can draw a direct line to those problems. from policies of this administration. >> usually executive orders that this president has put into place himself. and it's going to come back to haunt. there's you know, they they sort of dodged a bullet in this last election. but it's it's you know, they're
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going to pay the piper in the next election. larry, i've only got about 20 seconds or so. >> but last word to you. jason . you're disappointed by the media, the same media that's been ignoring the twitter file story, the same media that's been ignoring the borders, say so, jason . they've got a double standard, selective outrage or hypocrisy? >> you know it. charlie knows it. i know it. well, listen, i have a wonderful happy new year and thanks for joining us tonight on "hannity". >> all right. coming up, day, a new day on the hill with republicans set to take control of the house. the biden white house, they've got to be a little bit nervous. full details straight ahead with congressman james . stay with us as this special edition of "hannity" continues . >> hey, i just got a text from my sister. >> you remember rick , her neighbor? sure. he's the 76 year old guy
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". in just six days, the republicans will officially take control of the house, and that means oversight of the biden administration. house gop conference chair lisa elise stefanik tweeted today that accountability is coming for, quote, joe biden and his administration, hunter, biden and the entire biden crime family, big tech and its allies in adding that house republicans will once again make government accountable to we the people. this comes as we're continuing to learn more and more about corrupt behavior inside big tech. elon musk is revealing that twitter staffers actually had a fauci fan club back channel at the same time, the platform was taking direction and money ,by the way, from federal officials to censor dissenting viewpoints, uncovered policies
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like lockdowns and mandates. and it's not just twitter, musk is also claiming that google is using censorship tricks to make certain links disappear from its platform. now, this will all be the subject of congressional investigations once republicans take power in the house. here to preview those, investigate ins is the incoming chairman of the house oversight committee, congressman james colmer. congressman, i got to tell you, i used to be the chairman of that committee, but i'm a little jealous right now because you got a full plate ahead. you you got a target rich environment. i had one as well. but tell me, prioritize. set the stage here. when you get that gavel next week. what's at the top of the agenda? well, there's so many i'm going to tell you what we're going to start with . but remember this, jason . there's been no oversight of this administration for the past two years. they haven't had a single cabinet secretary or undersecretary in front of the oversight committee for the entire time. joe biden's been president for two years.
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now. you go back two years prior to that when they were in charge of the oversight committee and donald trump, which we had. thirty nine cabinet secretaries and undersecretaries in front of the house oversight committee. so we're going to start with all of wasted taxpayer dollars. we're very concerned about where so much of the covid stimulus money went. the pp loan money went to unemployment insurance fund money went. we're going to go into the entire origination of covid. we believe that the government was involved in a cover up and trying to cover up every effort that would have shown that this covid-19 bias more than likely originated from the lab and move on . we're going to talk about all the tax dollars that went from the nih to all the medical scientists who always had dr. fauci back , who always defended him on everything that he said we needed to do as americans and that we now know we probably shouldn't have been doing with respect to government shutdowns and virtual learning in schools and things like that. and obviously, we're going to be very interested in the biden family influence
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peddling because more and more comes out every day about influence peddling with this family. but more than more than anything, that's come out in the last few weeks is the cover up by the fbi, who had the laptop and knew that this family had been involved in influence peddling for over a decade and they were making great effort to communicate with twitter. and we believe facebook to try to censor the story. this is very concerning and we want to know why. so we've got a whole host of items that we're going to begin oversight on in six days. >> yeah, we'll get that committee populated and get staffed up because there is a lot to go after. it really was malpractise when you put it in terms like that, malpractise of the last two years of the congress did not really hold anybody coming before that committee. i think it's interesting that the first or second week of january , i think it's the eighth or ninth president biden is actually headed to mexico city. and my recollection is last time he headed to mexico city is the vice president .
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guess what? he brought hunter biden and hunter bright and jim cooper, his business partner. so on air force two, they went there with hunter biden's business partner. so it'll be interesting to see if any of the other media cover that story. but i am i am glad that you're diving deep into that, because the the the the biden family business and the corruption there and the ongoing interest is certainly a legitimate story. >> as you look down the road and covid explain what you can get at after covid because nobody in the house or senate did an investigation of the origins of covid. no, they didn't do anything, jason . and you look that we have found all this correspondence between dr. pouching, dr. collins, where they were really concerned about spinning the narrative to label anyone who would suggest that the covid-19 originated in the lab as a conspiracy.
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now, we know that there were disinformation boards in all these government agencies. it wasn't just the fbi. it was also hhs and dhs and the department of defense. and there were lots of disinformation boards trying to suppress anyone who had competing ideas or competing facts. dr. fauci, anything that dr. fauci said was gospel, anything that anyone says would critique emon would need to be banned from social media. so this is a concern. we're also tracing the money because one thing that i learned when investigating about all the money that went to nih, that went to the different scientists that were on dr. fauci advisory boards was how big of a slush fund the national institute for health had. and we believe that a lot of this slush fund was going to was being handed out to people to always confirm everything that dr. fauci said. you know, one thing that we need to make sure it never
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happens again is that one person has this much control during a pandemic. i mean, there should probably be three dr. fuji's instead of one . dr. fauci. and we now have learned that the person overseeing dr. fauci from the nih was his wife. i mean, the list of of potential wrongdoing is never ending with respect to covid-19 . and just think about what you just said, jason . there has not been a single hearing in the house or senate over the origination of covid-19. why would that be an, why do we now know that that there were disinformation boards within all these government agencies? and remember, dr. fauci said things like there are no taxpayer dollars that went to one lab, no taxpayer dollars went to fund gain of function research. our committee, our staffers, on the oversight committee determined that was false. and now they're trying to spin the narrative and try to explain their behavior. >> and you can't explain it now and when you get to dove in
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and find out how dr. fauci and his wife became so rich and whether or not they were actually getting royalties from these things that they oversaw . wow, that's going to be explosive. congressman, we're soon to be chairman. comber, thank you for joining us on hannity. all right. here, more for more reaction. former senator scott brown and executive director of heritage action for america, jessica anderson. thank you so much for joining us . senator , i want to start with you, because we just went there a long laundry list with the incoming chairman. but there are a lot of other things out there like, say, maybe the border and the lack of border security. >> what else do you want to see the house getting after? well, first of all, there's so much to do and so little time the the the wide range of biden missteps and issues that the congress, soon to be chairman referenced a real and very important and i commend him and his committee for tackling those things. but the one thing that was glaring you already referenced, which is the border and what they're going to do about it.
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and it's absolutely not secure. but more importantly, what about the economy? what about inflation? what about energy? let's get a change of direction . that's why the american people put the republicans in charge. it wasn't because the laptop, it was because they want a different direction on the economy. because it's hurting. it's been going in the wrong direction. and the american public expect the republicans to do something about it. so i hope they don't get lost and get bogged down in some of these issues that they just referenced. which are important. but respectfully, the economy is a lot more important. oh, no doubt. look, they've got to be able to legislate. they got to be able to try to rein in this spending, which is at record levels. and , jessica, i mean, one of the concerns is some of the bills they passed. >> they now have john podesta in charge of a fund of three hundred and fifty billion dollars. that's so-called clean energy. i mean, we got exasperated by solyndra that was happening under barack obama,
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president obama. but they have three hundred and fifty billion dollars at their disposal to hand out to their goodies favors. and they're their preferred vendors out there to deal with green energy. you can't tell me that's not going to be fraught with waste. fraud and abuse. >> well, you absolutely know it will be, jason . and to the senator's point, i actually think we need to expect a lot more of this incoming house. they need to be able to do multiple things at once. they need to legislate, but they need to be intense when it comes to oversight. it's not just the salacious ness of hunter biden's laptop that needs to be exposed or the danger at the border that needs to be understood. it's this larger question of can the american people actually trust that our elections are fair? that big tech is going to protect our first amendment rights, that the border is secure? all of these things are at the heart of why oversight matters. and right now, none of us can trust that any of this is true. so they have a heavy, heavy task ahead. six days in time, we'll know if they're up to us.
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and i hope that they alone will be able to turn this around and actually show the american people why we want conservatives to be in power, because it's oversight and then we need real accountability. >> a senator, what can the congress do in terms of foreign affairs? you also served as ambassador. you were a united states senator, ambassador to new zealand. >> what can they what can the congress do to affect foreign affairs? >> well, you can start giving money and aid to people in countries that want to hurt and kill us . they can stop buying oil from other countries that want to hurt and change our way of life. and become energy independent like we are under president trump. i mean, that's just for starters, we can secure the border, which a lot of foreigners are coming in. some of them we have, a majority of them. we have no idea who they are. that's number number one , two and three. and then we can show some guts when it comes to dealing with some of the things that, jessica, we maybe different sides, but some of the high tech bills that they're pushing forward allow for basically back doors and almost
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a greenlighting celibates effect for the chinese communist party. especially in the open apps bill that they're looking to push. i mean, these are things that when you deal with chuck schumer and amy klobuchar and the ftc and the commerce department and all the other good government agencies called the power to regulate our high tech industry, which is the number one performer. i mean, come on , we have to do better than that. i don't trust the government when it comes to these things. look at obamacare. look at the post office. look at the veterans affairs department. they can't run things. they don't do it well. and when you give chuck schumer and you give all these other people right now the money and the ability, like podesta to do what they're doing, it's just a recipe for disaster. >> yeah. jessica, last word. i've only got about 20 seconds or so. >> well, i would just encourage that as as the oversight team exposes everything that is at the heart of the biden regime's corruption, they have to follow through accountability, accountability. and so the next few years are
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going to tee that up for hopefully a big wave in twenty , twenty four to bring accountability to all these bad actors that are hurting our country. >> yeah, accountability. >> just we want to expose these things that sunlight is the best disinfectant. >> i hope people do get a reality check on how bad our find our country's finances are as well. and do things maybe tackle things like maybe term limits or a balanced budget amendment or something like that. thank you both for joining tonight. all right. up next, shocking new video shows a group of suspected illegal immigrants attempting to ransack a home in south texas. we'll play the tape and get reaction to biden's this border crisis with texas attorney general ken paxton. and arizona attorney general mark aaronovitch. as we continue. hey, if you could and should anyone ever tell you to respect your elders? oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
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america is listening yet another day and another biden border disaster caught on tape . security video obtained by fox is on. bill meluzin shows a group of suspected illegal immigrants trying to break into a house in a texas border town . and the owner says it's not the first time as this kind of chaos continues to plague one community after another. meanwhile, rather than take even an ounce of ownership over the drastic policy failure, the biden white house continues to attack republicans like texas gov. greg abbott, who recently bussed more migrants to biden's doorstep. in washington, d.c., the governor's office said in a statement, quote, the white house is full of a bunch of hypocrites led by the hypocrite in chief who has been flying planeloads of migrants across the country and oftentimes in the cover of night. and whether biden likes it or not, the humanitarian
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catastrophe at the southern border could be biden's defining issue in the new year, especially with house republicans vowing to conduct real oversight here. here for reaction to arizona attorney general mark aaronovitch and texas attorney general ken paxton, two attorney generals. appreciate you both joining us tonight. i always start with ken paxton here and talk about that situation in texas. i mean, this one's caught on tape, but this type of crime is happening more often than just the one incident that was caught by fox. >> and you're right, unlike joe biden, i've been on the border many times. >> i've talked to ranchers, farmers all along the texas border. people are terrified because their property is being damaged. their fences are being cut, their cattle are being let loose. people are breaking into their houses. they're stealing their their their cars and trucks. they don't feel safe with their children. this is a common occurrence along the texas border. and i'm sure it's also a common occurrence all along the border of arizona.
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new mexico and california. and it's unfortunate that this president doesn't seem to care and doesn't even have the time to meet with any of these people that have suffered tragic consequences as a result of his policies. >> yeah, the president hasn't met with those people. you won't even meet with the border patrol, for goodness sake. attorney general brockovich explained from the arizona perspective what you're seeing . and if you can get into the whole idea of busing and what the administration is doing to move people outside of arizona, texas and other states to other parts of the country, jason , there is crazy, insane. and there's what joe biden has done at our southern border. i mean, i think what his actions demonstrate is that he's ready for a different type of asylum because the reality is every state is a border state. 50% of the thetan all flowing into this country now is flowing through the arizona border and the past two months enough that it has been seized kill potentially the entire population of the state like
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louisiana, where our friend and colleague jeff landry is . so this is an unpressed crisis in every single day. there's about two thousand god ways, you know, people that are bringing illegal drugs and crime into our country. and so when i see somebody like governor abbott sending a few thousand migrants to places like martha's vineyard or, you know, to washington, d.c., you see the left, all these human cries about what a catastrophe it is . but meanwhile, places like yuma, arizona, have tens of millions of dollars of reimbursed health care costs in places like arizona and texas. we are spending tens of millions of dollars on incarceration costs. there's cost to our education system. and of course, you cannot break the law. your first act, entering the country, breaking the law undermines the very principles of the rule of law and why people want to come to this country in the first place. so what joe biden has done is unnecessary, unwise, and it's unconstitutional. and that's why we continue to him. >> yeah, look, this are
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policies that are put in place by the biden harrison administration in action. these are the consequences of the changes that they made. attorney general paxton, texas. i mean, it's just taken the brunt of this. i heard the mayor of denver complaining that they had about a thousand migrants and they were ordered an emergency declaration. but texas is dealing with this and arizona is dealing with this by by numbers that are so astronomical. i can't even fathom. >> yeah. day one , joe biden announced that he was not going to deport people. we've now sued him, i think, 11 times over immigration issues. and the reason is he's violating his own constitutional role to enforce immigration law. and the consequences are not surprising. he's known exactly what he was going to get. and we've gone from really good numbers to the trump administration and from following federal law to basically ignoring federal law and ignoring his duty as president to enforce his his federal federal laws and the
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problem is we're all suffering the consequences and it's not going to be just texas and arizona. i promise you this as this as more and more people come as millions across the border, we're all going to be affected. and mark's right. this is not just border states . we're all going to become border states . and we're all going to pay for this not just and in cost, but also in lost lives and in higher crime. >> and that's the issue. >> attorney general aaronovitch is the biden harris administration. they're not enforcing the current law and exacerbating the problem because these people are being invited into this country. but then once they get here, what are they supposed to do for food and shelter and jobs and everything else? they're just to expect a handout. i mean, what else are they going to do? >> they're here illegally. just to put this in perspective, we throw these numbers out there. i mean, there's a record amount of people dying of drug overdoses in this country. especially fentanyl, because the cartels have southern control of our border.
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i was a gang prosecutor for years, jason , and it breaks my heart to see what joe biden has done in secretary orca's in ceding control of our southern border to the cartels. they're making record profits. they're undermining destabilizing mexico, and we're all paying the cost. and once again, we've talked about this before, but the number of apprehensions of people on the terror watch list are once again record amounts of people. so america's is less safe as a result of the bush administration policies. and really, it starts with just a simple enforcing the law as it is . look, i'm a first generation american. i understand why people want to come here. >> but when you undermine the rule of law, when you undermine the constitution, you essentially eradicate and destroy the very reason why people want to come to america. and until joe biden cares more about middle america than he does south america and central america, this problem will not go away. and it is a catastrophe, a manmade disaster. and we are less safe as a result of joe biden.
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well, i think they're doing it on purpose. i think the democrats, exactly what they're trying to do, because i could just hear making the argument at some point they're going to say, oh, well, there's so many people here we can't deport. how would you deport all these people? well, you invited them here and they need to be deported. gentlemen, attorney general paxton, attorney general brockovich, have a happy new year. thanks for joining us . all right. coming up, joe biden once called travel restrictions against china racist, but now he's imposing travel restrictions of his own is covid-19. infections are rising rapidly in the communist country. full details straight ahead with the fox news medical team. >> don't go away. if you need dental implants, we have great news. reset smile. is a dentist approved more affordable way to replace your missing teeth from home? no dentist office visits are required. just go to reset, smile .com and order your at home press
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travel restrictions against china xenophobic. but now we're learning that the u.s. will require a covid test from travelers from china. this comes amid reports of yet another outbreak as china's zerok covid policy is once again failing and lockdowns have proved to be ineffective. and here at home, medicine shortages for children are now prompting major drugstores to limit purchases for example, at cvs, health has a two product limit on fever, reducing over-the-counter products as families grapple with influenza rsv and covid. here to break it all down, fox news medical contributors dr. marc siegel and dr. nicole saphire. thanks for joining us . dr. saffire, i want to start with you. >> you know, why wait two weeks if you're going to put these restrictions, travel from china, why wait two weeks? >> why not start it like today? and the other part is , is this going to be effective?
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>> well, come on , jason . first of all, look at the chaos that's already happening at the airports right now. and president biden just needs to give them a couple of weeks, although i can tell you, i don't really think that these testing requirements are really going to do anything. the only thing that i think would be interesting is to get some positive tests from people coming from china just to see. exactly try and sequence the virus. if they test positive to see what variant is circulating in china right now. we assume it's omicron, but it could be delta and it could be something else. they have high levels of infection right now. and for every new case of infection, that's when you start seeing the variants emerge. and with low level population immunity like china likely has, you know, there is a concern that a new variant will come from that. is that going to happen? i don't know. do i think there needs to be a level of panic? i don't believe so. but i think we have learned from history over the last three years that these travel mandates, testing or even just travel bans, they largely don't work. dr. siegel, what's what's your take on this? >> i agree with a lot of what
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you just said. first, of all, imposing this two weeks after the fact is not really the right thing to do. if you think that there's still time to do anything, you'd have to do it. now, so it looks very political . i do like the idea that they're going to try to target people that go from china to other countries like europe. and into the united states . but i'm kind of wondering, having interviewed homeland security at the time in twenty , twenty , when trump put these in place, how they're actually going to make that happen because the airlines don't release that information. i like the idea of testing, but people get around that. jason , you could test negative today and positive tomorrow, and that's going to happen. so inevitably, people are going to come into the united states with this with these variants from china. and i also agree with dr. sapphire's point that with low population immunity in china, because they have a low vaccination rate, they used very poor vaccine. they had these ridiculous covid zero strategies where no one got exposed to the virus. this proves once and for all that doesn't work.
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now, it looks like from what we're hearing, there's millions of cases there and it's almost inevitable that a new variant will spin out of this and it's going to put us at tremendous risk. i almost feel that we should ban travel from china completely halfway measures aren't going to work. and even banning travel from china, it's too late for that. this bbf point seven there, some very it looks like it's more contagious than any of the others that we've seen. and that's definitely there in china right now, when we could be heading for a lot worse. so but i also agree with dr. seth is not the answer either. so, dr. sapphira, i got to transition a little bit to something that really affects moms and dads and grandparents like myself, and that is the ability to go get over the counter medicine. look, with the baby formula shortages under biden. now, we got problems just getting ibuprofen in places that come from china and other places. are we making too much of this or is there really a run
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on these children's over-the-counter medicines that parents need? well, jason , the shortage of childhood medication right now, specifically reducers cold medications. it's multifactorial. first of all, we have a lot of sick kids. there's flu, there's rsv, there's strep, there's but there's everything going on . and so people are using the medication. so certainly the demand is up. but also people are still in a state of panic, as they were. when you start seeing words like triple dimmick and everything and then shortages, i mean, people don't go out and they start buying up whether they need it or not. and unfortunately, when people go out and hoard it, then when the children who actually need the medications go , the parents go and it's not there. so there are some supply chain issues, but i think there's more increased demand. yes, there are more sick kids, but i think people are still in the state of panic. and just like you were seeing with toilet paper early in the pandemic, people are also buying up some of this as well. so when you start seeing these stores putting restrictions on the amount of bottles you're able to buy, i think that's not
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a bad thing because you don't want to necessarily have people price gouging and you want to make sure that there are stocks on the shelves. dr. siegel, have only got about 30 seconds or so, but what's your thought and perspective on this? >> one of the proofs that she's right, that this panic buying is that no one's paying any attention to the fact that rsv has dropped 65% over the past week and flu is down 35%. so the actual diseases that are leading to the panic buying are decreasing dramatically and it isn't changing anything. one quick point, jason . where's the government and all of this? you know, where's the supply chain from the government? where's the defense production act? the kahrizak should allow for some of this to be in the national stockpile. well, they got tamiflu on a benefit. >> and where's ibuprofen? doctor ? the president's on vacation. i'll get to it when he gets back . we'll be back right after this. >> stay with us. i in your medicine cabinet, less sick days.
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call active start the easier, more convenient way to get control products delivered to your home at no cost do you call 1-800- four nine seven fifteen seventy two . >> these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a gold mine. she doesn't know if she owns a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more . she can all were part of it to cover for cash, even a term policy, even term policy, even find out if you're sitting on a gold mine. coal country direct today at eight hundred four nine six ninety two hundred or visit coventry direct .com. >> it's time once again for the all american new year live from nashville, tennessee, with a special if you don't want to miss. it's the all-american new year, presented by tunnel to towers and verizon. >> hey, can i get a noisemaker something? >> well, welcome back to this
12:00 am
special edition of "hannity". many thanks to sean for allowing me to sit in his seat . i hope you have a chance to check out my website. it's jason and jason . the .com or my twitter handle, which is jason. and that's all my podcast, which is jason in the house. we're time to turn it over to the ingraham angle and tonight, we've got raymond arroyos filling in. raymond, the show is all yours, my friend. >> happy holidays. merry merry christmas. you said we'll talk soon. great to see you. i'm raymond arroyo. in for laura ingraham. this is a special edition of the "ingraham angle" from new york city. >> but first we have a fox news alert. we're learning tonight that the health of pope emeritus benedict has taken a drastic turn. pope francis is asking the public to pray for the former pontiff, who he said is very sick. the national catholic register is reporting that benedict is experiencing kidney failure. we will monitor any breaking news on this situation and bring it to you as it
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