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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  January 23, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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now that's the kind of guy that would get a tattoo of me on him. do you hear that, johnny? someone dedicated. it's okay. send you to another convention. tucker is up next. i am watters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: the geniuses at the mars cooperation imagine you want to be lectured about sexual politics while you ate their chocolate candies. a lot of people just wanted a snack. a chapter in the m and m wars. what happened to antifa?
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the left wing militia group dressed in black masks. you remember them from the summer of 2020. they burned our cities. churches and police stations and courthouses. the killings they committed was to defeat donald trump. and make the country so chaotic that voters would want to change. they were so effective that kamala harris herself raised money to bail them out of jail. in the end antifa played a pivotal role in our presidential election. then the moment joe biden was inaugurated, antifa seemed to disappear. nobody asked yeses about where they went or who was paying them. they served their purpose and then they left. so it's very clear who antifa was and is. antifa is the armed instrument
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of the democratic establishment in washington. their job is to mobilize when politically necessary. this is a new things in the united states. but political militia are a common feature in third world politics. in our country only one party has them. the democratic party. with that in mind it's interesting to note that antifa is back in norris. -- force. that's not a good sign for joe biden. antifa has a solid track record of getting rid of sitting presidents. this is from fox 5 in atlanta over the weekend. >> people arrested 6 people that left buildings damaged and a police car destroyed after it was set on fire. >> [shouting]. >> downtown atlanta erupted into a scene of chaos saturday night. a protest took a violent turn.
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3 buildings were damaged when rioters threw bricks and rocks at windows and 2 police cars were targeted and one lit on fire. >> [sirens wailing]. >> atlanta police say within 2 blocks of the protestors starting their destruction they dispersed the crowd. six were arresting facing eight charges including democrats and arson. only one is a georgia residents. >> tucker: unleash the whackos. somebody has. they got so mad they through in from across the country to stage a riot. the story behind this riot is that a guy called torch guido. decided to shoot a state trooper in georgia and the cops shot back and killed it in response.
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that's the story they are telling. it doesn't make a lot of sense. but everyone in the media is running with this. cnn included. cnn turned to a freelance reporter to explain what happened this weekend in atlanta. watch this. >> there is a real blurring of the lines and the use of the word violence. is property destruction violence? to some people it is. this idea that breaking windows or other acts of property destruction are the same as actual violence against humans, it's a dangerous and slippery concept. we use the word violent, violent, violent. it gives the impression, the only act of violence against
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people that i saw were police tackling protestors. >> tucker: why does every neo-liberal talk like a socialology professor at a college? that was david explaining it's not violence because it's against property. when they burn your house down, it's not violence. it's always the same script. remember the burning police station in minneapolis. cnn said the riots in kenosha were fiery but mostly peaceful. that freelance reporter david is not actually a reporter. he is a professional antifa apologsit. we are not just guessing on
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that. he went on twitter to raise money for antifa including for this guy in the protest. is cnn dishonest? the question is why this particular brand of dishonesty? why people who warned you about right wing extremists running for cover in the city they are based? cnn's world headquarters in atlanta were destroyed by antifa in may of 2020 after saint george floyd died. here's the tape. >> [shouting].
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>> [screaming]. >> [shouting]. >> tucker: so that day in may of 2020, antifa got inside the cnn center. smashed the windows and went right in. cnn would say look, we have to put antifa on the do not promote list. we can't run cover for the people who smashed the windows of our world headquarters but they are doing it anyway. why? because cnn is not on the left. they have no ideology. cnn is above all and four square on the side of the people in charge. they are not defending antifa. they are defending the people who benefit from antifa and that's the democratic party. in case you doubt the connection consider catherine clack of massachusetts. -- clark. she is the minority whip.
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so worried about climate change her kids were having nightmares about it. clark's own son was riding along with antifa in boston on saturday night. he was vandalizing a monument on boston common when police tried to arrest him. protestors assaulted the police causing an offer to bleed from the nose and mouth. oh, that was her son. clark was forced to issue a statement about this, of course. if you knew what the personal lives of the people who run the democratic party were like you would understand their politics. clark referred to her son as her daughter and wrote that quote: this is a difficult time. in the cycle of joy and pain in parenting." your adult son pretends to be a woman and attacks police
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officers. totally normal. part of the cycle of parenting. if you knew the details of their personal lives you would understand their politics. this is the party of weak men and unhappy women. when you have an effect here is the official endorsement of domestic terrorists from the highest level of the democratic party. this is their militia. these are their state sanctioned shock troops and they are immune from criticism. you will go jail for owning a 10 round magazine, but they get to do whatever they want. merrick garland and christopher wray who runs the fbi make sure that every last january 6th defendant spends years in jail. on the no fly list but antifa terrorists get released as soon as they are arrested. in atlanta the police arrested the 22-year-old son of a surgeon in maine.
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in case you are wondering who these people are. they come from the key democratic demographic which is not people of coloring or working people. the key demographic is upscale professionals and their lunatic children them kid grew up in a $2 million mansion. pickets on his father's yacht. arrested on domestic terrorists charges. he got out of jail immediately. he went develop to an antifa riot. in atlanta he committed more domestic terrorism including arson. why does this kid the rich kid get off when the people who showed up at the capitol to complain about what seemed like fraud in the 2020 election, they went to jail?
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you have checked the percentage of january 30th defendants who experienced bankruptcy? these are real working people. it's a different group of people. they didn't go to a liberal arts school. they are actual working people. they are in jail and the rich kids are out. anyone going to ask merrick garland to explain that. anyone going to what antifa is? who leads this group. how many more riots before the "new york times" gets interested? who pays for this? what is their background? give us news on antifa. they are the biggest armed militia in the united states and we know nothing about them. they are aligned with the democratic party. they are telling you the real
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threat is the ar-15s. you must disarm republican voters. [laughing]. why don't you go ahead and disband antifa. let's find out who their leaders are and see them in jail. then you can tackle street crime and pay attention to the drug cartels and you will convince some people to register their ar-15's. until you do that up yours. marjorie taylor green represents georgia. this happened in your state. there is a militia that floats around america. when needed they show up and start burning buildings and flipping over police cars and no one knows who is paying for. how can that be? >>ure laid it out perfectly. -- america is sick and tired of antifa. just from 2020 their response
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caused $2 billion in damage and many people dead. the war is against the police. the reason why is because antifa is the ground troops of the democrat party. they breed them. they raise them. then they bail them out of jail when they get arrested. they never get prosecuted. that's because we know the truth. it's the democrats in control. it's the establishment and the unelected bureaucrats that make no apologies for their support of antifa. it's time to do something about antifa. i will introduce legislation to declarantant domestic terrorists. they need to be taken apart. -- who funds them? whenever they come out and erupt in violence, attacking police officers and attacking businesses and cities like my city in atlanta, in georgia, we need to make sure they are
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arrested and charged with domestic terrorists charges. enough with antifa. they are not anti-fascists. they are the fascists. they show up and defend democrat causes. not only do they attack police but defend the drag queens targeting our children is story time and go after people and demand they get vaccinated and wear masks during the pandemic. >> tucker: this is thean arkist group for vaccine mandates? tell me how that works? >> just like they are environmentalists. >> tucker: marjorie taylor green, thank you very much. 11 people were murdered in a mass shooting on saturday --
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in monterey park, california. after the shooting without knowing any. facts some in the media tried to use the mass murder to advance their specific political agenda. trace gallagher has that story. >> in the early hours after the shootingly didn't have a suspect, motive or number of victims. but the media had no problem describing it as a hate crime. adam schiff said this is a horrific example of needless gun violence against asian-americans. chuck schumer followed suit and said we must stand up to bigotry and hate. the wisconsin state rep the same woman who called kyle rittenhouse a murderer said we
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are broken as a nation. even the "l.a. times" decided it was better to write than wait, saying. the shoots raises fears of anti-asian hate. then came the sheriff with factual information. >> the suspect is a 72-year-old male asian. >> why apologize when you can pivot? mising onny and racism are part of white supremacy. people don't have to be white -- and far left media watch dog explained what really happened. right wing media are exploiting the ethnicity of the shooter. reporting the fact he was an
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asian male is exploitation. >> tucker: trace gallagher, thank you very much. so, the idea that you have any role in your children's childhood is being attacked by school administrates who not only think they are parents but god and try to hurt any patient speaking up against the sexual indoctrination of their children. one principal made shocking allegations against a father for speaking out. that father joins us next to share his story.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: joe biden's lawyer issued a very, very carefully worded statement over the weekend. told you six items of documents had been found in joe biden's home. they didn't say six documents. they said six items consisting of documents. what the hell is that? they could have found six file cabinets but you are not allowed to know because the doj and the fbi are not saying anything. unlike in previous cases.
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they are coordinating all of their searches with joe biden's lawyers want . not showing up with helicopters and dogs like they did to roger stone -- no, no, they are being nice. what they have said we can't vouch for because these people lied for a long time. more evidence today. a senior fbi agent in charge of the trump collusion probe, he was just charged in collusion with russia. a money laundering scheme with russia. that's shocking? a russian oligarch gave this guy money. this is the same fbi that is conducting the investigation of joe biden. there is a lot going on here. in the mountain of reporting on
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this, one thing stuck out to us from the "new york post" today. she quotes from a long email that hunter biden sent to his business partner in 2014 before a trip to ukraine. that email makes it clear that hunter biden was reading classified documents he got from his father in clear violation of federal law. it's obviously true. it can be proven true they are done. more tomorrow. so, we try to do animal segmentes when we can and highlight the heroism people when we can. occasionally those two topics come together. we are talking about the former denver bronco defensive lineman
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wolf. a mountain lion was killing people's dogs. wolf did not call the authority. he grabbed a bow and arrow and hiked 10,000 feet into the mountains and took out the mountain lion that was killing dogs. he is a talented hunter and man of action. a former nfl player and talk show host. thanks for coming on. this mountain lion is killing people's dogs. you didn't call fish and game. you decided to do it yourself. tell us about the decision. >> before i get into the specifics of hunt, i want to give background on the mountain lion in this colorado. since 1990, there have been 23 human attacks. last year in a town by boulder, colorado, 15 pet dogs were
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killed in 30 days. people were calling parks and wild life, where are you at? why aren't you helping us. i got a call from a good friend. i was not paid for this hunt. he said there is a cat up here. do you want to come help? i said let's go. we get up there. the first thing we see is a full grown mule deer he drug across the road across the street from number's house. we followed the tracks up to his porch. it was up on this woman's porch. living underneath her porch. the land owner said we have house cats and they are acting weird. we wondered why. it's because you have a 200 pound mountain lion walking across your front line. in colorado you are allowed to use dogs to get cats treed. it's important to see what kind
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of cat you are after. you want to go after full grown male mountain lions. the full grown males will kill kittens as well to get the female lions to go back into heat. it's important to manage the herd. we got the dogs on them. it was the -- i have been through tough training campus. -- camps. this hunt beat me up bad. i am cut up and scraped up. i had full body cramps. the cat itself was 9600 feet altitude. you are sucking air that high. i was able to make a good ethical shot and harvested the cat. got him out of there and did everything by the book. this was completely legal.
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cpw checked the cat. i got the meat processed. i will eat that cat. i can't believe what is happening to me. going on a legal hunt by the book, they have had 200 calls at colorado parks and wild life like i did something wrong. i did nothing wrong. everything was legal. >> tucker: the main reason i wanted to have you on to remind people who live in urban america, it's different when you live in a place where mountain lions kill people and pets. it's not like brooklyn at all. maybe people should understand that before they make threats against men like you. i appreciate you coming on. >> thanks for having me, brother. >> tucker: sean is the father of
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2 elementary school students. the parents were worried about a woke mural with a girl holding a sign that said hate has no home here. purely political. the principal of the school called his employer the fire department and accused him inaccurately of trespassing and harassment. sean is not deterred. he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. the principal at the school rather than calling you, called your employer to get you fired because you complained about her aggressive pom ticks. -- politics. were you harassing her? >> no, i was there as a parent. not an activist.
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>> tucker: did you have problems at work after this? >> i was fully investigated. i went through a panel interview. they determined there was nothing from her allegations. >> tucker: because she made this call you were investigated? >> yes. >> tucker: have you thought about calling the school board to have her investigated? >> she's never been investigated. this happened on august 26th. i didn't get a response from the school board or the superintendent until november. thanksgiving weekend. >> tucker: did you threaten her? >> no, sir. >> tucker: you said keep the politics off my 8-year-old? >> basically. >> tucker: and that was harassment disagreeing with her propaganda? >> right. >> tucker: you went with other parents. what advise would you give to the millions of parents out there who watch this day after day and say nothing? >> don't be intimidated by what happened to me. parents need to stand up for
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their children. even if it means running into some issues like i ran into. >> tucker: it's harassment to call your employer to try to get you fired for speaking your mind. you are running for the school board? >> i am running for the school board. >> tucker: i love that and you if get ou will provide supervision. >> i am running for school board not out of retaliation but because i want to seeective change. i want to be the change that people want to see. >> tucker:oo --. thank you for doing this. >> yes. instagram. education rescue. >> tucker: which it needs.
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thank you. it looks like jeffrey epstein accomplice ghislaine maxwell made more allegations about his death. many are upset that m&ms will no longer be politicized in candy. this show is getting the blame which we proudly accept.
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>> tucker: you vote for a political party and you have no right to expect they will do everything you want or their views will be the same as yours. you may send them money. but for a party just weeks after taking office, the republicans in the house, to flip 180 degrees on 2 of the biggest topics in american life, that's a middle finger right in your face, isn't it? a couple of examples. the new chairman of the house foreign affairs committee
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michael mccall of texas announced on cnn over the weekend that any republican who opposes sending billion dollars more to ukraine needs to be educated on why the borders in ukraine matter more than our borders here. watch. >> a lot of members of your conference, fellow republicans want to stop giving money to ukraine. should ukraine be worried that the money will be stopped coming from the u.s.? >> no, there is enough support on both side of the aisle the majority in the democratic party and in the republican party. we have to educate our members. they don't understand what is at stake. >> tucker: it was right before the last election in november that, that guy said no audit all of the billion dollars we have sent to zelenskyy and his wife in ukraine. now he is saying no.
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you don't have to worry. you can't afford eggs but zelenskyy and his wife don't have to worriy because we will never stop sending them billion dollars. then he demanded that the biden administration send tanks to the ukraine. not to the border of his state where 7 million people have come in the last year. but tanks for ukraine border. and lindsey graham agrees. lindsey graham got unhinged visiting kyiv over the weekend. >> all 3 of us share the same goal. >> [speaking foreign language]. >> for ukraine to drive the russians out of ukraine to, achieve that goal the ukraine military needs tanks. >> [speaking foreign language].
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>> am tired of the [bleep] surrounding who will send tanks and when they will send them -- >> tucker: germany could pay for it. ukraine is in europe. there is lindsey graham standing between the two most left wing member of the u.s. senate demanding you paid for it. they are conceding that ukraine is losing and you have to double your commitment to ukraine. they don't care about you. the new chairman of the house financial services committee, a republican from north carolina mchenry announced that one of the biggest problems with american finance today, the thing he is worried most about is too many white men work in banking. this fact is male whiteness is a pressing emergency. mchenry directed all six of the
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subcommittees to get to work fighting whiteness. the subcommittee on housing and insurance will focus on policies for inclusion in the housing industry. how about just housing for american citizens? no, it's got to be race based. di di diity -- diversity and inclusion were the only things listed. mchenry doesn't want to upset maxine waters the ranking democrat on the committee and a partner with a long history of making hateful statements about white people. maxine waters is a racist and an accomplished hater but congressman mchenry wants to placate her and not you. why? we reached out to his office to
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invite him on the show. he declined. that offer is always open. jeffrey epstein turned up dead in a new york jail cell in 2019. the cameras didn't work and the guards were not there. why would an accused murderer be jeffrey epstein's cell mate. bill gates seemed happy that jeffrey epstein was dead. ghislaine maxwell just offered her opinion about his death. watch this. >> i believe he was murdered. i wondered how it happened. because he was covered under the
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non-prosecution agreement. i wasn't mentioned. i event one of the co-conspirators. i wish i never met him. >> tucker: weird this could happen. the most high-profile prison inmate in america is murdered and no one talks about it. that's strange. what do we know about the death of jeffrey epstein from the medical pers perspective ? >> i was present at the autopsy. there were 3 fractures in the wind pipe that are typical of crush injuries from homicide strangulation rather than
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hanging. there were hemorrhages in the eyes. more typical of a homicide. and the ligature imprint on the neck did not match the ligature present in the cell made from a sheet. that made it more likely that this was a homicide than suicide. but we never got to find out how the body was found. was he found hanging or not? the two guards were sleeping. he was dead a few hours before he was found. the two guards never made a statement that was released as to how the body was found. it cut down and brought out to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. >> tucker: where are the
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congressional hearings on this. i appreciate your honesty. thank you. these stories about how the new york subway is very dangerous. our colleague fox news meteorologist was badly attacked on the new york subway after interveneing to protect an older man. adam joins us next to explain what happened. plus the m&ms ad campaign has ended. we are blamed for it. we say that with some pride. an update coming up. every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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after my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. duckduckgo, privacy simplified. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris >> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: fox news meteorologist adam was riding the new york city subway sunday when he saw an elderly man pushed around by teenagers. he tried to intervene and the young men beat him. three were released without any charges by the manhattan d.a. you look tough. i am sorry. >> pulled this off, all right?
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>> tucker: quite well and did it in the service of a good deed. i am shocked. what happened? >> i was on my way home from the giants game. watching it at a bar with friends. it was 12:45 in the morning. the car was busy. seven teens, one started to light up a joint with the lighter still in his hand put it in an elderly man's hair and it blew up like a match book. his head was on fire. i was sitting right there watching it. guys, you can't do that. they didn't want to be told what they could not do. the focus was on me. you have a problem? yeah, you can't do that. he was like try to stop me? it was a group of seven guys. i caught a good left. put my head back into the wall. another guy on a crowded car.
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no one else said anything other than get off the car. i moved to another car at a stop. the doors open and the whole group gang rushes me and beats me and kicks me. i hear put him to sleep. they wanted to knock me out. my goal was to cover my head. once you are unconscious know whos what will happen? i got kicked up and down the side and stomped on. they got their licks in. >> tucker: these guys lit an old man on fire and seven beat you to the ground? >> because they didn't like that anyone had anything to say. don't tell us what we can't do. >> tucker: wow! that's unbelievable. adam, that's a shocking story. we are glad you are okay. >> thank you. >> tucker: thanks for doing that. well, mars inc. made candy.
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and m&ms which they claim melted in your mouth but not in your hand. churning out calorie bombs was not enough more mars. our product is healthy but we are woke so don't notice. mars made their m&ms characters as unattractive as possible. the korean m&ms lost her sexy boots and the orange m&ms was a poster boy for the mental health crisis and would embrace his anxiety because america needs more neurotic candy. last year the company added obese and lesbian m&ms. it's good to be fat, have more m&ms. before we could complete our investigation, mars announced it
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is suspending its ad campaign. at cnn they were infuriated by the news. anchors who have not had a carb since the bush administration became hysterical with mars pro-fatness campaign. crist an powers attacked this show for our fat phobic garbage rhetoric. and congressmen and the "new york times" did the same. they can't stand the idea that candy is not political but we are grateful it's not. we'll be right back.
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>> tucker: you may have seen picture of the strangely shaped object in the skies over turkey. what is that exactly? it's not normal no matter what
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they tell you. [laughing]. tomorrow, millions of church-going christians in america vote for the democratic party. ? why our friend made a documentary asking that question am a first look tomorrow. have the best night with the ones you love. we will be back. see you then. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." carnage in atlanta. windows smashed and vehicles torched and police attacked. six arrested for domestic terrorism. you are not allowed to call them violent according to fake news cnn. where is liz cheney and adam looking into violence and rioting. no hearings on the


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