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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 27, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> we are and at! we are in it! >> i can't do anything! >> i heard trees falling and banging off that house and the electricity went off and i looked out the window and the barn was gone. >> having it hit so close to home makes me a little nervous for the summer. >> molly: nearly two dozen people are dead as the severe storms ripped across america's heartland this memorial day weekend. dangerous tornadoes have been reported in parts of the mississippi tennessee and ohio valleys. the threat of severe storms is now shifting east. hello and welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news live. i'm molly line. >> molly: we have another jam-packed hour. i'm griff jenkins.
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at least 21 people across four states have been confirmed dead. cars were flipped over. you see here. widespread damage left behind after a tornado outbreak tore apart communities in texas this weekend and millions along the i-95 corridor were are now at risk of these storms. >> molly: we have coverage. nick kosir is standing by with a check of the forecast but first we want to get the fox weather correspondent max word impurities on the ground and witnessed much of the damage. he has live now in valley view, texas. max. >> hey molly. if you can believe it, the gas station behind me was a refuge for dozens of motorists on saturday night. so many people on the roads traveling due to the memorial day weekend. this tornado ripping through this community as drivers tried to get off the roads into the gas station. if you can believe it, nobody died here though there were some injuries. seven people died here in valley view, texas, around a hundred people injured. we talked of the owners of this gas station about what this has been like for the community.
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>> it broke my heart. it's sad and i've been asking. >> we are family with everyone in valley view. it's a small town and everyone stops by year. we know everybody by name. it's beyond imagination what happened here. >> the tornado hit northern texas late saturday night. the tornado tore through an rv park, destroyed more than 200 homes and damaged 120 others. addressing reporters, greg abbott pledge support for storm victims and spoke about how in the immediate aftermath of the tornado every day texans came each other's aid. >> i'm proud of america and our state for coming together at times like these and i urge everybody across our state take a moment in time tonight to say a prayer for everybody who is in harm's way. they need your prayers, they need your support, and god willing, we will help them
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rebuild our lives as quickly as possible. >> between friday and sunday there were 38 confirmed tornadoes that touched down across ten states. the death toll from these tornadoes has been climbing along with the seven died in north texas two people died after an ef3 tornado hit northeastern oklahoma. eight storm-related deaths were recorded in arkansas and four people died in kentucky due to the storms. the storm on sunday morning caused a delay of the indy 500 after lightning was detected in the area. officials paused prerace activities and fans had to leave the grandstands. fans were eventually allowed to return a few hours later in the race eventually did get underway. power outages and have also been a big issue across the heartland. hundreds of thousands of people have been without power this as it stifling heat hits the area. people without ac as they try to clean up. molly. >> molly: challenges ahead. max gorden, thank you. >> griff: continuing coverage on what to expect this memorial day and the rest of the week as travelers had back home.
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fox weather meteorologist nick kosir with a live look at the forecast. nick, what are we looking at? >> it's been very active and deadly out there. over the past couple of days look at these severe thunderstorm watch and tornado warning screwed over 650 thunderstorm warnings and over 180 tornado warnings. 98% of kentucky since yesterday has been under some kind of warning be at severe thunderstorm watch or to need a warning and those same swords are pushing eastbound so readily wrong and i a 95 corridor here and even back off towards dallas and areas further south. we have a severe weather strap. there's a tornado risk but the hail threats are going to be on the high-end of the scale. from syracuse down to scranton and then even as far south as atlanta and places like charlotte and the carolinas. a little bit in the crosshairs here. this is your tornado threat.
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from scranton, pennsylvania, down to wilmington, north carolina, and then the damaging wind threat as a little more robust. wind gusts of 60 or 70 miles an hour possible and the potential there is also for hail. going through the rest of our evening here it will be a little bit messy right around 5:00 and dinner time we will see some of these showers and storms working their way from west to east across the i-95 corridor. that's not going to be a complete washout but at time some heavy downpours and storms. then a break. and then back to may be a shower or two. and we all know the i-95 corridor is busy and congested on a normal weekend evening. you throw on the fact that it is memorial day holiday out there and also there will be some rough weather and that will make for a slow go of things tonight. this is about 8:00. you see new york, philly, d.c. getting in on a few showers and even over toward the outer banks in areas further toward the east coast of north carolina.
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take it slow and be careful on the interstate if you are traveling tonight. >> griff: bring your patience and be cautious. fox meteorologist, thank you very much. molly. the speed to a new report from politico says that president biden is planning on addressing the verdict and former president trumps new york criminal trial which will enter its final stages tomorrow. i want to bring in leo terrel, fox news contributor and a civil rights attorney. leo, thank you for your time on this memorial day. we appreciate you coming into the studio for us. i want to get right into this because it will be a wild week ahead as news history in the making. closing arguments, jury instructions, and then the verdict watch but what do you make of politicos report that president biden will be commenting on all of this? your thoughts. >> it just confirmed what everyone in america is fully aware of. this case was a political trial. joe biden commenting on a state
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case? it's because of president trump. they have used the democrats, joe biden, have used the legal system to go after donald trump. it's not working. you look at the most recent polls that came out today but they are going to try to make a of this. joe biden is on his knees hoping for a conviction molly. he is hoping for a conviction because he wants to parlay that into a campaign ad. a speech. it won't work. the american public understands that this case is nothing more than a political witch hunt against president trump. trump will become the next president. speech it will be interesting to see what he has to say if that comes to pass. there were others that argue this case is political including president trump's own attorneys. this is will sharp. he spoke about this earlier today. >> we believe judge merchan has irretrievable biases. we have seen that play out in court in a number of different ways. i think he should have recused
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off of the case and that is an issue that we plan on continuing to press. directed verdict here, dismissal of the charges before it even gets to the jury would be a just outcome. >> molly: no indication that we will see that happen and the expectation is tomorrow we will hear those closing arguments and the jury will go behind those closed doors. your thoughts on what trump's attorney had to say there. >> i will tell you, expect a short trial week and the jury might get the verdict this week because look what has to happen. we need to see the jury instruction, we need to see what the actual charred crime was that trump committed. those things have to be worked out and there will be arguments and motions. how many hours will the judge give each side to argue a closing argument? all these things have to take place before the case is handed to the jury. i'm expected that the jury might receive the case but i don't see a verdict this week. maybe sometime next week.
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it is clear to me that this case has been basically set up for a conviction against trump and the reversal number they don't care. that might happen after the election. they are looking for some type of short-term damage against president trump. it won't work because again, the polls have already baked in this fact. most americans think this case is nothing more than a political witch hunt against donald trump. >> molly: shifting gears a little bit but you mentioned to polls so as to that a bit. there polls and have been out recently showing that the race nationally between former president trump and president biden has been pretty much deadlocked but in a lot of those key swing states, president trump maintains a little bit of a lead. what do you make of that despite all of this going on, despite the fact that we will your closing arguments tomorrow and potentially a verdict as you mentioned as early as next week and maybe even this week. >> it tells you what i've been saying and what most people who
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can read the case objectively heard the american people reject this case. donald trump is ahead in the polls. political report came out today. that's a left-leaning pollster. and he is leading and all the battleground states. donald trump is in new york. he is in the bronx. he spoke at a libertarian convention. donald trump is going out and he is resonating with the american people. there is something we can compare the trump for years with the bite in four years. the american public is sick of open borders, sick of crime, sick of the lack of support for law enforcement and on this memorial day, let's not forget we have joe biden who basically allowed 13 american soldiers to be killed in afghanistan. i didn't see him make any reference to that. this is what is happening under the biden administration. it won't happen under the trump administration. >> molly: i want to get to something good this is nate silver. famous polling guru.
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he suggests that biden should potentially drop out if these numbers continue going the way they are. democrats might be better off replacing joe biden on the ticket. if you are as concerned as defeating donald trump as democrats when the are you should do everything in your power to maximize the chance that you win. that is quite a statement particularly as we edge closer and closer to november. your thoughts. >> save this tape. joe biden has one more audition. that first debate. it is before the dnc. if he fails, if he is unable to communicate with the american people, expect a mutiny at the dnc. because they have seen the writing on the wall. joe biden can't win. those polls are consistently in favor of trump in the battleground states. i will submit to you that a new one will take place at the dnc and there will be an effort to replace joe biden. they do not want to stay with joe biden if they stay the same.
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>> leo terrell, thank you. we appreciate you joining us on this memorial day. >> griff: millions of american travelers are paying more for gas this weekend while the biden administration stays focused on electric vehicles. economic guru phil flynn will join us next. >> molly: people across the u.s. we will honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. madison's carpino with more on that. to you. >> people rendering the fallen soldiers this memorial day but also relaxing and spending time with family and friends. more events from across the country coming up next. t amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision
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and a drive to serve in new ways. syracuse university's d'aniello institute for veterans and military families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. >> molly: the golden state could be heading for a tax revolt. business in california are so fed out with the out-of-control spending they are going around lawmakers and targeting the voters directly to limit future taxes. democratic governor gavin newsom is going straight to the courts to deny voters that choice. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles to explain all of this to us. william.
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>> the taxpayer protection act is already on the ballot. it simply says if a city or state wants to raise taxes, they must get voter approval. the irony is governor gavin newsom and the state democratic party so self-proclaimed champions of voter protection went to the supreme court to kill the proposition before voters can vote. they argue that the proposition would deny government the money it needs to fix roads and public safety. they also argue that the measure is unconstitutional. >> this measure constitutes an unlawful revision so it can't appear on the ballot. you also go from having decisions about taxes being made by a full-time legislature with professional staff. the voters simply don't have the capacity to do that. >> under the proposition, two-thirds of voters would have to approve all future tax increases. at the state and local level.
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it would stop government from deceptively labeling taxes as a fee. >> what we have is essentially a two-way street. where the legislative power is shared amongst these two groups. the people on one hand, the legislature on the other. but the people have the last word. >> our opponents are so scared because they know this has a very high likelihood of passage. >> it's a very, very difficult number for any community to be able to achieve. >> and that person as a councilman from out small town in apple valley and he is saying you will never get two-thirds of the voters to agree on anything so that will be the end of new taxes if you will. bottom line is unless the supreme court intervenes and pulls us from the ballot, this proposition it's going to slam the brakes on government spending in the state. back to you. >> molly: there you go appeared voters in action. we will see what happens.
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william la jeunesse, thank you. >> griff: as millions of americans hit the road for memorial day, gas prices are higher than they were last year. this is an issue for the nearly 44 million drivers that aaa projects will travel more than 50 miles from their homes this holiday weekend. phil flynn sr. analyst and fox business contributor as well as our in-house economic guru. phil, let's look at these prices. you have got just a little bit more like $3.59 now compared to $3.57 a year ago. but while up from $2.59 from biden's first day in office and in context of where you live, we more expensive out there in california where william la jeunesse is. perhaps to other areas of the country. what do you make of it? >> it really is. and it's bad energy policy. we came in with this new
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administration basically saying we did not want to drill for american energy. we wanted to kill pipelines good we want to replace fossil fuels. but all of that has a cost. part of that cost is showing up at the gas tank this weekend. but i also think the government spending on all of these type of programs to try to push green energy is showing up because it adds to inflation. when you go to that barbecue today, just about everything on the table will cost more even the beer and the gas to get to that picnic. >> griff: we are hearing the administration, it looks like he will release some of the reserve. to try to bring those prices down and in fairness almost all politicians trying to these things. five months to the election. but if you look at the spr, the strategic petroleum reserve, you can see quite the impact it has had. we are at 638 million barrels and now down to 367 barrels. how much of a problem it's that?
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>> it's a huge problem. now when you look at fox weather and we are saying we are going into a very active hurricane season, we need those supplies for an emergency. not to lower prices ahead of an election which i'm afraid this administration has done many, many times. the problem that i have, this gasoline release from the northeast reserve, it's not a lot of gasoline. it will bring prices down in the northeast a couple of pennies for a couple of days but really, it is a wasting that gasoline that could be used for an emergency when we really need it. not just to try to lower prices a couple of pennies. the amount of gasoline is going to be burned in a couple of hours. so it's really more smoke and mirrors to try to appear like the biden administration really cares about lower gasoline prices. yet the agenda really does the opposite. >> griff: phil, this administration has been all in on electric vehicles. they have pushed it at every turn and continue to do so.
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it will be interesting and an election year how much voters care about electric vehicles but certainly here in washington you see tesla's everywhere. however, there is a very telling moment with secretary pete buttigieg yesterday. i want to play this for you and get your reaction. >> the most important thing is that the ev revolution will happen with or without us and we have to make sure it is american-led and that's what the president is focused on. we have been working with each of the 50 states. every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this work in the first handful. by 2030. 500,000 chargers in the very first handful of chargers are now already being physically built. >> griff: in that interview, the moderator also pressing on the secretary about the billions of dollars spent to stand up these charging stations and so if you ready to go. >> how many billions dollars per charge or does it come out to? what happened in the private
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sector? no. in the private sector they spend billions of dollars for electric chargers and they only got eight done at this point there would be an outrage by the investor. they would want a change at the top. and this is when you start making policy and government on energy based on aspiration and not reality. you can spend all the money you want but if the country is not ready for it or the infrastructure isn't ready for it, it's a waste of money. i believe the government is doing more damage to the energy conversion by getting involved in the market then go to and i think we are seeing that everywhere we look. >> griff: last question. coming back to our pocketbooks. i think honestly with gas prices over the years, people started thinking about watching just how much they can put in rather than just filling it all the way up but on a travel weekend like this, how much do you think the gas pump and the grocery store pena will play into this year's
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election? >> i think it will be the number one issue because people vote for their pocketbook. we got this memorial day season off to a great start. record travel by air, more people going through security. gasoline demand surged going into the weekend. but that is pent up demand. people i have talked to are tired of these high gasoline prices and inflation. and they will blame the guy who was in charge right now. he can say we have done all we can to bring down inflation but the reality is his policies do the opposite. when you start spending billions of dollars on electric cars that might not be built any time in the future or car chargers where you spend billions and only get eight done, that does not help america today nor does it help them in the future. >> griff: it does not indeed. phil flynn, fox news business contributor thank you very much. have a good rest of your weekend. >> think you. >> griff: you know molly, i
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love to barbecue. it's memorial day weekend and i've been barbecuing since friday afternoon. it is costing a lot more. you see the cost overall up 10%. burgers are up 15%. catch up, i don't actually use a relish and thank god i don't, it's up 50%. >> molly: that's my favorite. i'm the one with the pickle problem so i love relish but thank god catch up is only up 2%. i don't think my kids would make it throughout the day without catch up. >> griff: people forget by the way i have two daughters. my wife, a lot of different eating habits. one doesn't like burgers, the other one wants fish, one only eats chicken. when you think about barbecuing, it's hard to go in and have a tight budget because you need to please everybody at the table. >> molly: that's what you grill all we can appear just you are doing. take it one day at a time and everyone gets their favorites. >> griff: yes pier but no
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relish at our table. to. >> molly: millions of americans are also writing a long memorial day weekend but the day is for more than beaches and more than the cookouts we been talking about. people across the country are coming together to honor the heroes who have given their all for their country. madison's carpino is in cornelius, north carolina, with more on this. madison. >> hey molly. here people on lake norman are taking the time to relax today and spent time with family and friends as you can see but they are also thinking about the true and more purposeful reason behind this holiday. we spoke to one guy who said today he is thinking about his veteran grandfather. listen. >> having this nice day out, nice overall and reminds me about him and the good memories we had together. >> people forgot what memorial day is all about so hopefully people can take this day to remember. >> there are hundreds of events
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across the country today to honor people who made the ultimate sacrifice. and austin, texas, governor greg abbott leading a memorial day service at the central texas state veterans cemetery peered the cemetery at the final resting place for hundreds of military servicemen and women. >> they gave their lives to protecting our nation. they are america's finest and they are our sons or daughters. >> in oklahoma city this morning, hundreds gathered at the oklahoma national guard museum for memorial day ceremony. the list goes on with the hundreds of memorial day events going on today and if you are driving to one of those events, definitely give yourself some extra time because aaa is expecting it to be the busiest memorial day on the road in about 20 years and this afternoon is expected to be the worst of it. back to you. >> molly: madison's carpino, thank you very much.
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>> what is the purpose of the libertarian party getting 3%? what is the reason to take a chance of having this horrible president destroy our country which he will do in far less than four years. >> griff: president trump ripping president biden while trying to convince undecided libertarians to vote for him. we will tell you what else he is saying to win them over. >> molly: presidential candidate hillary clinton is still not over losing to trump who she is now blaming for 2016. phil mcgurn fox news contributor ways and next. n. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. my grandfather's run meyer the hatter for over 75 years now. he's got so many life experiences that he can share. finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded,
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>> molly: former president trump address to libertarians at the party's national convention on saturday night. he is trying to win over activists and voters who are a bit skeptical of his party and draw them away from independent candidate rfk jr. prayed let's
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bring in bill mcgurn and "wall street journal" editorial page member and former chief speechwriter for president george w. bush. thank you for giving us your time on this memorial day appeared we appreciate it. >> you are welcome. speech of kicking things off, president trump went there. he got booted but he stood there and he asked for the vote. your thoughts on the fact that he showed up before we could be a bit of a motley crue there. >> it's good that he showed up. he has gone through the process so far. rather than going to save audiences, he's going to take a risk and bring his message. i think it's good he went and i think it's good for the libertarian party that candidates from other parties want to address the audience. i am generally for more appearances before hostile audiences than fewer and there were also cheers among those boots. the libertarians appeared split. >> molly: i want to get into the strategy he's deploying.
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what he said. but the libertarian party nominated a political activist named chase all of her as the nominee for president. rfk didn't get the vote either. president trump did i get the vote. but here's what he had to say when he stood before there's libertarians listen. speak of the fact is we should not be fighting each other. if joe biden gets back in, there will be no more liberty for anyone in our country combined with us in a partnership. we are asking that of the libertarians appeared we must act and work together. combined with us. you have to combine with us. we cannot give kirk a joe biden four more years. >> molly: what you think about that? this is the team you want to be on. you want to be on my team. >> a third party like libertarians as a party of principle. they know they won't win the election. they get 3% of the vote.
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it's more than the major parties in a two-party system. they hang out their principles and make a statement that way. that said, i think the best argument donald trump pants. he is not a libertarian in no way can be considered a libertarian. neither can robert kennedy jr. but he can argue i'm a better choice than the alternative, joe biden's green new deal. he is closer to many libertarians on foreign policy than he is on trade. he is restrictive. but on foreign policy, he's closer to many libertarians with traditional republicanism. i think he has a case to argue my administration with regulation and lowered taxes would probably be more to your advantage than joe biden with the green new deal. even with robert kennedy's green program which requires the
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government to execute it. a lot of people are not going to agree and that's their choice. >> molly: he has a trance to get out there and make those sentiments to independent voters that might lead a liberal lit libertarian. he gets that part of his argument out there. i want to go up to the lamenting hillary clinton has been over her loss in 2016. here's what she said. they left me because they couldn't take a risk on me because as a woman i'm supposed to be perfect. they were willing to take a risk on trump who had a long list of let's call them flaws to illustrate his imperfection because he was a man and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief. of course she is not on the ballot and she can say anything she wants at this point in time without any particular repercussion. but your thoughts on her saying now it is the women. >> it's official now. women have joined the list of
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deplorable's. and all the people that cause hillary to lose. nothing has anything to do with herself as the times pointed out about her comments. i think it is an aisle. in 2016, there was a phone call between her husband and her. bill was in arkansas at the library on the rooftop and it was supposed to be a heated argument where she made the state arguments. everyone else's fault. james comey and so on that she was struggling. bill clinton said no, the problem is your campaign and you. i think they didn't go to wisconsin, they didn't make an economic appeal and bill argued that he should have been used more. it's an old argument. everything hillary does, she makes an excuse for. it is someone else's fault. it is never her fault end. >> molly: does she have a point on this one issue? she said her warning about
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abortion was ignored. your thoughts on that. >> she campaigned on it but the democrats problem with abortion was it relied not on legislation but on a court. the court was their favorite legislature to enact things and therefore be hard to challenge. the effort to overturn roe was a 50 year effort. a lot of patients getting judges on board. i doubt she was really for pushing legislation or something. she should welcome the court putting in the hands of the people as we have seen. it is a lot more pro-life and pro-choice legislation. what it means is she does not want this issue to be put with the voters. that's what it really comes to appeared >> molly: and it may be an issue in 2024. i don't know if she gets her wish on anything specifically in that regard and it is something that voters are clearly paying
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attention to. go ahead bill. speak of the final on that. not all women are pro-choice. many of them are but there is a sizable chunk, 30% or 40% who are pro-life and want restrictions on it. to talk about women as a monolith, that they all agree with hillary, as part of the arrogance. >> molly: that is a great point and thank you very much for bringing us that point and many of your other insights on this memorial day. we appreciate you joining us. >> happy memorial day. >> griff: it has been a holiday weekend of violence in chicago. we have a live report on the deadly string of gun violence that hit the windy city over memorial day weekend. >> molly: plus tragedy in los angeles. a soap opera actor gone down while heading home from work. the details on the actors death next. 's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam,
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"america reports" johnny wactor, a former actor on general hospital was shot and killed during a suspected theft in los angeles over the weekend. he was leading his shift as a bartender at 3:00 a.m. saturday when he approached 1 of 3 suspects apparently trying to steal the catalytic converter from his car. the suspects in the shooting are still on the loose. >> molly: chicago gang violence taking no holiday break this weekend and turning deadly. at least 31 people have reportedly been shot. five of them killed since just friday evening. garrett tony as live in chicago with more. >> we know of at least two more people who were killed just this morning. the youngest victim this weekend was a 5-year-old girl. police say she was in the car around 3:30 in the morning sunday. her dad was standing outside the car in a group when shots started flying. the little girl got hit in the stomach and died at the hospital. the 24-year-old dad was shot in
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the leg and is now in good condition. this was in the city's west side neighborhood where folks say there is been a lot of gang activity recently. >> like a war zone. >> it could be a lot better. they could patrol a little more. >> as the unofficial start of summer, memorial day weekend is when we see violent crime start to pick up and chicago. on friday mayor brandon johnson laid out his summer safety plan which focuses less on policing and more on addressing the root causes of crime by addressing millions of dollars into the city's most violent neighborhoods. >> we cannot deny the undeniable correlation between violence and elect. the same committees with this investment are the same committees plagued by violence. >> he is touting the suppose it success of his strategy by pointing to the steep drop in murders and shooting so far this year but it's important to
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remember those decreases are coming off of some of the worst violent crime numbers chicago has seen in decades and there is not a lot of margin for error at this summer with the national spotlight of the democratic national convention coming to chicago just a few months away. >> molly: i was just thinking about summer and we could see many more of these headlines. garrett tenney chicago. thank you. griff. >> griff: blood clots have increasingly become an issue for many people and now a veteran nfl player is walking away from the game after his own terrifying experience. dr. marc siegel is up next with all the details.
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>> molly: legendary nba player and broadcaster bill walton has died of following a prolonged battle with cancer.
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he was a two-time nba champion winning one title with the portland trail blazers and another with the boston celtics after retiring from basketball he became a sportscaster and was named one of the top 50 sports broadcasters of all time in 2009. bill walton was 71. >> molly: don't ask me when a veteran nfl player has announces retirement after requiring surgy to remove a blood clot. billy price at 2,181st round tripped said the risk of an internal bleed said it was too much of a risk for him to continue playing. dr. marc siegel and professor at nyu's lincoln center joins us. thank you. let me just show for our viewers the instagram post from this 29-year-old nfl star linebacker. he said in the blink of an eye everything can be taken away. as a healthy 29-year-old and
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unprovoked pulmonary embolism with no further medical explanation is terrifying. i'm truly thankful to be alive to and fortunately i will be retiring from the nfl as the risk of blood thinners is on a tremendous risk. what happened and how much of a concern is this to everyone? >> let me go over that speared by the way, he's probably right to retire because it is a contact sport. the biggest contact sport we have and if he got hit while on blood thinners and he obviously needs a blood thinners he can have a big bleed. that makes a lot of sense. did you know that two to 3% of the deaths that occur in this age group, the young people, 29 years old, are due to blood clots. he had a massive pulmonary emboli that was fished out by surgeons so that surgeon did a tremendous job because that is really life-threatening and where it came from and his case we look for genetic problems.
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these things can run in families. for athletes like that, and i don't think any of the supplies to him, but we look at injuries to the legs and also prolonged flights can cause this. you know nfl athletes are flying all over the place. prolonged air flights and injuries, prior injuries, being dehydrated, they all can cause this. the other thing i want everyone to know is pulmonary emboli is on the increase because of obesity. 40% of the u.s. is obese. you have more than twice the chance of getting a blood clot if you are obese. especially because of the sedentary behavior because you are sitting around and if you are overweight and you have inflammation in your body, you can get a blood clot. people ask about covid. covid definitely has increased the risk of blood clots directly. especially early in the pandemic and everyone out there asks about the vaccine. i think we have the answer to that finally. a huge study out of the u.k. and estonia looked at 10 million
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people who were vaccinated and 10 million people who worked and those who were vaccinated and then got covid had a 70% less chance of getting a blood clot. less. that doesn't mean that the vaccine couldn't be associated with a blood clot. we saw that with the j&j shot early on which is one of the reasons it got taken off the market. there is a risk thereto but the bigger risk is from covid it itself. >> griff: and the vaccination or not plays a part that we are aware of in this nfl player story. i want to bring you back to that because billy price is us outside linebacker who was drafted first round to the bangles. but many of the new york giants fans will remember him as a tough outside linebacker and they look at him and think how can such a young man that looks so tough on the field have this life-threatening thing and we are told it was a saddle clot. affecting the lungs.
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can you explain a little more about his condition? >> i'm glad you brought me back to that because i want everyone to know that most of the time it starts in the leg as a blood clot in the leg but from the way he is announcing it, it didn't start as a blood clot in the leg. i just started in the lungs and saddle means it affects both of the arteries to the lungs. to both lungs at the same time so that's why it is life-threatening. it can shut off the blood flow to both lungs simultaneously. you need to get in there really quickly and fished out. we don't know where it came from. my best thought would be genetic. that he had a genetic predisposition for it. that would explain it. certainly he doesn't look obese, certainly it doesn't look like it involved his legs. >> griff: frightening stuff. dr. marc siegel, thank you very much. molly. >> molly: severe storms are gripping this out this memorial day weekend. more continuing whether coverage is coming up ahead the threat of this dangerous storms. it shifting east and we will
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12:00 pm
>> nearly 2 dozen people are dead as violence storm -- violent storms were up across america. tornadoes reported in parts of mississippi, tennessee and ohio valley. damage assessment being done on the ground with state and local officials. hello and welcome to the brand-new hour of fox news live.


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