tv Happening Now FOX News September 22, 2010 11:00am-1:00pm EDT
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daughter. and you know, who can blame him. bill: probably was -- he admits it, and a lot of parents can relate to that guy, right? we will see you thursday. martha: thanks for stopping by. "happening now" starts right now. jon: yeah, i think we can all relate, can't we? >> jenna: absolutely. jon: hell oerbg i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee and we welcome you to "happening now", in the top box, a whole lot happening at the white house today, first off, president obama gearing up for a health care town hall meeting this hour as another top aide bites the dust. plus the explosive new book by bob woodward, detail ing afghanistan. we'll talk to a reporter who got an advance copy, one of the only people to see it. op jon in the middle box, michelle and the mid terms, now the first lady is ready to hit the campaign trail, where he's headed and -- sees she's headed and what
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she hopes to do for the democrats. jenna: ancient fossils dating back a million years, unearthed in california. a total mistake. the amazing story as to how they were found. jon: an exclusive look at the president and his war council. washington insider bob woodward's new book due out next week exposing deep divisions in the white house over the war in afghanistan. and a bombshell about afghan president hamid karzai. julie kirst is live at the white house with more. the white house reaction this morning to that book's release, julie, what is it? >> hi jon. white house officials are downplaying the conflict and the fighting that's portrayed in bob woodward's book which comes out in a couple of days. senior administration officials believe and they tell us that this book shows president obama as someone who likes to ask a lot of questions, they say someone who is decisive, and takes a broad view of history,
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national security and his role, that's from senior administration officials. the book, though, does portray a national security team that is deeply torn over the war in afghanistan. again, white house officials say that the book also shows the president who pushed to get the afghan strategy right. that's from white house officials. jon: some of the early reporting indicates that this book quotes the president in great detail. the white house gave bob woodward all kinds of access. why? >> reporter: and they always do, don't therbgs administration officials, and past presidents? this is his 16th book, the first 15 were best sellers, i mean, he's arguably the most famous journalist in the country. so the idea from an administration's point of view is to talk to bob woodward and try to manage the message, if you will, instead of having unnamed sores do that for the administration. jon: shifting gears, julie, the president's top economic adviser, larry summers, he is leaving the
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administration. the question is was he forced? >> again, officials here saying this is no surprise, that this doesn't illustrate a shakeup of the president's economic team. his departure, though, is a big deal, it gives the administration to retool his team, send a message going into the midterm elections. as you know, voters out there are frustrated on employment, unemployment is 9.6%, and summers was a chief architect of the president's policy, from the stimulus bill to financial reform bill, jon. jon: julie kirtz live at the white house, thank you. coming up, jenna is going to talk about our panel of economic experts on what this shakeup at the white house means and who might replace larry summers. we want to hear from you as well, some of the names floating well, meg whitman, republican for governor of california and former coof ebay, carly fiorina, former
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hewlett-packard ceo, she's running against senator barbara boxer in california, laura tyson, she was bill clinton's national economic council director so she already knows the ropes in washington and ann mulcahy, on the president's economic advisory board. go to our show page, now, vote there, you can also leave a comment by clicking on our blog section, or e-mail us your choice and comments, happening now at jenna: let's talk a little more about this new book that everyone in washington and really elsewhere is talking about today, someone who has actually seen an advanced copy of bob woodward's obama's wars is peter baker, of the "new york times", white house correspondent for "the new york times", and peter you're one of the few that has actually seen and gotten a look at this book. what can you tell us, what's the most significant thing about this book? >> well, i think it's a book that recounts in pretty vivid, narrative detail the
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sort of internal struggle, both within the president's teal and even within the president himself, about how to handle this war in afghanistan. you see a lot of doubt on the part of the president and the part of some of his advisers about whether or not that war can be successful in some fashion, you see a lot of backfighting among the different camps within the administration over -- around the context of that policy debate, and i think what you get out of it is a pretty riveting look at how really important policy is made in this day and age. jenna: tell us a little more about the president's -- how the president is portrayed. you mentioned doubt but overall how is the book describing this president? >> he says he thinks he has about two years with the public when it comes to afghanistan, so he has to do whatever he's going to do in a relatively quick fashion, otherwise, he feels like he's going to lose the public's support. in fact at one point he tells senator lindsey
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graham, republican of south carolina, that he had to impose a july 2011 deadline to begin withdrawal because otherwise, he said he was afraid he would lose the whole democratic party. and you see him pressing his advisers, give me an exit strategy, tell me how this ends in effect and he quietly told the vice president, joe biden, a skeptic of the war, to push his alternative plan in these private meetings. so he was trying to sort of look for ways out before he eventually did approve an increase of another 30,000 troops last winter. jenna: you talk about afghanistan in the strategy in your writeup for "the new york times". you've also said that as afghanistan goes, so does the president's reelection, or that is something that you took away from the government. -- from the book. why do you think that? >> clearly, this is a central issue, i think, that this withdrawal next year, 2011, will come at a time when people will begin to focus on the election of 2012, if things are going
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well by 2012, in fact, if afghanistan is in a more stable place and troops are coming home, that obviously plays one way politically. if not, if afghanistan is continuing to deteriorate and the president had to make a real choice about what our involvement will be there in that context, that has great political implications. by that time, 2012, of course, we will have been in afghanistan for 11 years, by far our longest war. jenna: let's talk about the timing now as well. obviously the mid terms, everyone is ramping up to that, the president today talked about health care reform and also moving to new york city after that to make several speeches at the u.n. talktous a little bit about the timing. does this rally, this book, the portrayal of the president and administration, benefit one side or the other? >> well, we'll see how that plays out in the coming days. i mean, every time a woodward book comes out you see lots of buzz and attention, some of the juicy
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areas, details, who's up, who's down, who hates who, that sort of thing, and there's a lot of that in this book. we'll have to see how that plays out. different people will see it on different parts of the book to make their argument about president obama, some will take it and say look, this shows a thoughtful commander in chief trying business hess -- his best to find a solution, others will look at it and say he's indecisive or he's thinking too much about politics or what have you. so you know, it really depends on how people interpret the book once it's actually on the book shelves. which won't be until monday. skwr*ep jen they have to wait a little while. good thing you got the preview. peter baker, "new york times" white house correspondent, we thank you for joining us today. >> thanks for having me, appreciate it. jon: a protest erupts in east jerusalem, protestors throwing stones at police after an israeli security guard killed a palestinian man. police used tier gas, water -- tear gas, water canons to
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bring the crowd under control. officers believe the man was pelted with rocks and did this in self-defense. jenna: in iran, take a listen: >> a bomb ripping through a crowd hurg a -- during a military parade. at least ten people were killed, dozens others injured. most of the victims were victim and children. and this happened in a city near the borders with iraq and turkey. officials there blaming kurdish separatists for the attack, iranians have fought occurred irk rebels in this area for decades. jon: any now he -- any minute now the five members of the security council will talk about iran, preventing it from becoming a military power, secretary clinton one of the people in the talks, one of the events taking place as part of the u.n. general assembly which just convened. eric shawn is live at the u.n. for us. this meeting on iran, tell us about it. >> reporter: jon, in about
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five minutes or so the five permanent members of the security council, plus germany, expected to begin this meeting, another attempt to try and stop iran. the meeting will be behind closed doors as they try and coordinate the policy against tehran and its efforts to continue a disputed nuclear program. as you know, iran is violating four security council resolutions. this all comes as mahmoud ahmadinejad remains in new york for this week and so does his heated rhetoric, but despite that the iranian president indicated that iran would be interested in talks. the white house has left open the door, they say, for that, but there's nothing concrete yet. we expect a meeting to come out of that statement when it is completed. this comes as we heard ahud barak who told us he thinks sanctions with more effective than people think, and they need more time and warns the world much get much -- must get much tougher.
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>> there is a need for more determined action or steps than those that were taken to make sure of this. >> i also asked him in that interview if israel has potentially the will to attack nuclear facilities if it does come to that. he said that's not a subject to discuss on television, but israel is a satisfyern state, and that it will do what it has to do to defend itself. jon. jon: i guess president obama is headed to the u.n. today? >> reporter: yes, he will be here later on this afternoon for his first of two addresses to the united nations. this one is dealing with the u.n. summit on global poverty. the attempt is to try and halve global poverty by half by the year 2012. about a billion people still live on only $1 or 1.25 a day. so the u.n. programs here is an attempt to try to deal with malnutrition and other problems associated with such grinding poverty.
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we'll seen several heads of state and billionaire bill gates arrived a few moments ago. his foundation, of course, is also helping to fund some of these programs. jon. jon: eric shawn at the united nations for us today, thanks. jenna: politicians are taking time out of the general assembly to see a big superstar on stage, colombian president juan emanuel santos, one of the many world leaders at a shakira concert last night in new york. >> ♪ >> ♪ jenna: that wasn't the concert, that was shakira singing, a native of colombia, she thanked her colombian president for being there, also in attendance, wraoepb raina of jordan. >> the federal estate tax is poised to return in a big way. what does that mean for businesses across the country, including this family farm you're looking
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at here in we'll get into that. also an attempt to evade police, not w-g out so well for this guy. whoa! we'll show you what happens next. a treasure trove of fossils just discovered in a most unusual place, the remains of saber tooth cats, tiny horses and sloths, big as grizzly bears. some more amazing pictures to show you and we'll talk to one of the guys in charge of all those bones, coming in a. up.
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jon: a police standoff ends in dramatic fashion in oklahoma. a guy named ambrose martinez, dangling from the side of a bridge for two hours when you suddenly falls, plunging into the river below. a rescue team winds up fishing him out and taking him to a hospital. police wanted to question martinez in the disappearance of his eight-year-old daughter alyssa, police say one of martinez's friends checked alyssa out of a school and took her to her father, an officer found them together after an amber alert was
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issued a few hours later. jenna: if congress allows the bush tax cuts to expire at the end of the year the estate tax is going to return. this is a tax on the transfer of assets at the time of death. so when someone passes away and for example, gives you a gift in their will, this is a tax you have to pay on that. there are unattendant consequences of this, and the effects potentially on many small businesses like family farms. the fox business network's elizabeth mcdonald is live in new jersey with this story. amac, the government thinks of the estate tax as tax on the rich. why would it affect businesses like the one you're at now? >> it would affect businesses like we're at here in wycoff, new jersey, adma farms, because it exempts just $1 million, $1 million, from the estate tax which will rise to 55 percent, january 1st. and jenna, five senate democrats, including senator al franken and mr. sanders,
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want to raise the estate tax to 65 percent and make a retroactive -- it retroactive to january 1st of this year, so jenna, studies suggest that one in ten commercial farms will be hit by this estate tax, and these guys are scrambling out here, jenna, they're doing a lot of estate planning, they're hiring an army of lawyers and accountants to deal with it, and they're also saying that they may need to even sell their businesses, they're small businesses or their farms, to even pay the estate tax, jenna. so it's a very big deal out here. jenna: we talk a lot about debt, elizabeth. i know we've talked about it on this show quite a bit. how much federal tax revenue does the estate tax raise? >> reporter: yeah, this is the issue that really bothers a lot of people who have to deal with the estate tax, a lot of the opponents of what people call the death tax. they say it only raises 22 billion, $25 billion, every year, so that's not -- that's a lot of money, that about covers the annual
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dollar amount of cost of pork barrel spending in congress. so they're saying for that reason alone, the death tax should not live, it should not survive, and there's moves afoot in congress to soften the blow. we won't know if those legislative changes will take effect by january 1, but come january 1, jenna, a lot of small businesses across the country and farms like this one that we're at are going to get hit big time and in studies suggest it could cost 1.4 million job losses next year because companies may have to sell their businesses, or small businesses may have to sell their businesses or their farms to pay the tax. back to you jenna. jenna: we don't want to see any more job losses. elizabeth mcdonald, thank you very much. jon: guess who's a hot commodity for democrats as they campaign for the midterm elections? michelle obama. her big election campaign push. can a popular first lady give some candidates a badly needed boost this november?
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celebrity to leave "dancing with the stars" this season. big disappointment in this newsroom. finally, pair -- paris hilton, denied entry at tokeo's airport, japan refusing to allow the socialite in because of her drug conviction in las vegas. jon: first lady michelle obama is getting read read -- ready to hit the campaign trail. her fundraising tour you might call it kicks off next month, she'll stop in illinois, california, new york and wisconsin among other places and is not expected to slow down until voters head to the polls in november. let's talk about it with lynn sweet, washington bureau chief for the washington sun times. what's the value of having the first lady out there, raising money for some of these candidates, stphr*eupb. >> the value is, jon, that she is raise millions of dollars. the democratic party has three or four surrogates who can get in the mega bucks quickly, joe biden is the most energetic one,
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obviously, president obama, bill clinton. democrats have been clamoring for michelle obama to come out and help them out. jon: isn't it a fact that she's actually more popular than her husband is now? >> last poll i saw, i think it might have been by 15, 20 points. one of the ways that she's been more popular than president obama is that she has avoy \dollars/{^ed} doing anything controversial, so i think there is a lot of thought put into where she is going on this first wave of campaign sreufs and what she would be doing. so i think you will not see her at big rallies as of now, and these fund-raisers are guaranteed friendly crowds. jon: we're looking at the results of that poll you just referenced, a favorable rating of 68 percent, only 27 percent of those voters surveyed considered her with an unfavorable rating. so is she expected to talk a lot of politicsage trip?
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>> no. if you mean politics by getting out red meat, no, i think you're going to see nice warm milk. she briefly called reporters from some of other staff yesterday, we were told she wants to basically talk up the administration goes, i think she relies on her own biography a lot, i think she would look to others, particularly president obama and president biden much edgier in what they caulk about and most don't expect her to be calling on republicans by name. jon: it's a lot of these events where people pay a lot of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars a plate, maybe the buying donors get invited to have their picture taken with the first lady but she's not going to be making big grand speech? >> that's of right now. and when i asked about her schedule, because when you think of it, you know, biden has almost 40 events between now and november 2nd, she has the six cities, seven
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states, i think they'll build more into it but for the moment don't look for anything big right now. one of the reasons, i'm told, is that she doesn't like to travel. she won't travel on weekends, she has family business, she wants to tend to, and that's the best time for rallies. when it gets closer to the campaign, people have a lot more rallies during the week, so we'll see what happens on that front. but she's very effective spokesman for the administration, and i've seen her many times on the stuff, she's a heck of a good speaker herself. jon: interesting, she did a lot of campaigning for her husband two years ago after she got into the white house and stopped the speeches, her favorability rating went up 20 points. >> absolutely, because when -- you know how tough h-s when -- tough it is when you're on the campaign trail, she said a few things that have got her in troubling i've always been told that she felt terrible about it because she might have threatened the ability of her husband to be elected president.
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one of the things she was determined to do was not to be controversial and one way to do that is not to be political. jon: thank you, lynn sweet. jenna: will illegal immigrants be allowed to stay in this country? the white house getting hit with questions on policy changes and whether they're providing illegals back door amnesty. a major player on the president's economic team calls it quits. a look at who could be replacing larry summers and what that means for our country's economic future.
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jon: top senate republicans taking homeland security secretary janet napal tano to task -- natal tano to task, whether amnesty creates a back door policy for others. molly henneberg is check thank out. >> reporter: some sen to, seven republicans on the senate judiciary committee that oversee immigration law they say the department of homeland security is trying to skirt immigration law and they point to three draft memos from groups under the department of homeland security leaked in recent months. for example, one by ice, the immigration and customs enforcement agency, included a section suggesting its officers should not take into custody an illegal immigrant charged with a traffic violation if that person is not a threat to public safety. the senators wrote in the letter, quote, whether or not the proposals in these memos have officially been
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implemented, it is increasingly clear that this administration is following the spirit of these proposals by dramatically narrowing its effort to remove whole classes of illegal immigrants. the senators say the administration is trying to get around the law. >> this whole setup is an effort to back door congress, to do things in the secretive way, just to see what you can get away with. and that's not the way our federal government should operate. everything should be out in the open. >> but the department of homeland security says these memos are being taken out of context and being made to seem as if they are official policy when they are not. they are, rather, according to the department of homeland security, an attempt to solicit various ideas, and quote, collect feedback, and in some cases the memos did not even get passed up to the highest levels in the department. a spokesman says, quote, we are not engaged in a back
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door amnesty and are on pace to place more people in immigration proceedings this year than ever before. 1dhs official tells fox, there is new guidance for immigration officers to use, quote, discretion in dismissing cases against illegal immigrants who already are pursuing legal permission to stay here and likely will be, quote, granted status, anyway, so that dhs and ice have the manpower to go after more dangerous illegals, jon. jon: molly henneberg in washington, thanks molly. jenna: now back to some business. larry summers, the third key member of the white house economic team to head out the door in recent months. he's joining budget director peter orszag, who left in july and cristina romer, chairing the council of economic advisers, who left a few weeks back. who is on the short list to replace summers and what's it mean for our economy? let's have peter marici, for the u.s. international trade commission, jeffrey franco,
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part of the economic adviser toes clint kwraopbd charles payne, ceo of wall street strategies, welcome to you all, gentlemen. >> nice to be with you. jen jeff, larry is coming home to harvard. you've been in this seat before, not only in harvard but as economic adviser. what's your take on this? >> well, i know when three economic advisers from the white house, perhaps the top three, leave in short order, people are suspicious and wondering if there's some reason beyond the stated reason of they want to spend more time with their families and their life, but i'm pretty sure that that is the reason. notwithstanding that when i know that sometimes there are policy differences, and people say it's for personal reasons, but in this case, i'm pretty sure that's right. there's no real policy differences and no scandal. jenna: so as far as your knowledge of larry, what's your relationship? have you worked with him before? >> yeah, i've known him for many years. jenna: it sounds like you
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guys know each other pretty well. how would you say this changes the dynamic of the economic team? >> well, i don't think you're going to see a change in the president's economic polices. then of course there's the point that whatever the economic polices that the president wants to enact, congress is going to vote no on almost all of them. the dynamic, i mean, it could change, this job that summers had, director of national economic council, more than half the time has not been a person who's been highly visible publicly but rather has been a person to make the trains run on time so the successor could easily be in that category, or it might be another figure, another way -- either way. >> charles, who should take the seat? >> who should take t. i'd love to see someone from business, someone who would stand up to the president and have different ideas, but who's probably going to take it, we already hear that they would like to have a woman because most of the people on the team now are men, ann mulcahy of xerox is
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high on the list, i would say perhaps her, and the political environment, when she was at xerox, she laid off 30,000 people, nevertheless, i would suspect that maybe she's at the top of the list right now. other than that, you know, laura tyson's name has been thrown out there, but i would rather see someone with more rite leaning economic theory, someone who has actually been in business to go and be a voice of reason for the administration. jenna: peter, someone like meg whitman, perhaps? that's someone who our voters have chosen, they choose meg whitman. what do you bank that opportunity or that possibility? >> i don't think it's a great idea to have someone from industry. we wouldn't want an industrial manager, a surgeon general. the person who does this job briefs the president daily on the pulse of the economy. we need someone with economics training to do that. that doesn't need to need to be the lead policymaker. if we had allen blinden from princeton, that would be
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good but there is a gender shhh. also allen blinden would be more acceptable to the northeast establishment that likes very sound theoretical economists. they are suspicious of phds that have an industry bent. but in that regard, the strongest person is laura tyson, she's well regarded in the economics profession, she has a strong interest in industry. the other two women are outsources. that's plain and simple, and they will aggravate people who are already very critical of the president's policy in domestically focused business, people like u.s. steel and so forth, the folks that have to compete with chinese imports. if he goes with mulcahy or diana ferrell, he simply won't have credibility with standing up to china in the eyes of those constituencies. jenna: jeffrey, with laura tyson, what with you tell us about the her? >> laura tyson would be excellent. it used to be said you don't take the same job you had 15
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years ago or one of lower rank but maybe that role has been -- >> jenna: would you take it? you were on the council of economic adviser, would you take the job? >> no, for the same job, you're like i did it, but i'm not a contender for any of these, and i think that getting the much private -- the private sector has its a-- attractions but number one, i know you're not supposed to say this but believe it or not, having experience in government actually helps to have a government job, so the idea would be someone who has a variety of experience. as far as a gender issue, there are a lot of women in this administration. i don't think obama is going to pick someone just because they're a woman. laura thaison would be a good can indicate. there are others, too. jenna: final thoughts on this. we talked about this market, we know larry summers is going to be leaving but not until the end the year. when do you think the administration has to announce this to maybe add certainty about the direction of this team? >> you wonder how the november elections are going to play into this, and i would think that they would
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want to announce it before then, or it could become a campaign issue. if they want someone political, dick parsons' name has been put up there, i think peter marici might be a good pick. jenna: peter, want that job? what do you stph-pbg. >> i don't think this white house would want me around. >> i don't think so, but you might be great for the job! >> thank you very much. jenna: you never know! we're going to have to run, actually. i'm sorry, we have to run. peter, charles, we thank you very much. we want to show what our viewers are voting again for the poll, they thought meg whitman. who knows, she might be the next governor of california and that race won't be determined until the first week of november. we'll see, depending upon those results who could be in the running for this position as well. jon: after november, we'll see. she could have a very big job on her hands or a lot of time on her hands. in california, the city of bell, a small working class town, where city leaders have made sky high salaries, the administrative officer there, raking in more than a million dollars
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a year. well, now he and seven others face court action in what the d.a. there calls corruption on steroids. we're live with that story. also in california, the la brea t.a.r.p. hit the treasure of fossil animal, now a find could elips la brea. we'll show you some amazing finds. the flinstones have nothing on this.
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jenna: this is a story a lot of you have been asking about. brand new developments in the bell, california corruption scandal, where city leaders raked in more than 5 1/2 million dollars on the back of the taxpayers in this very small blue collar town. it's a case that's sparked outrage in bell, also around the country in general, and right now, eight city leaders, including the mayor, are in court, facing
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arraignment. william la jeunesse is following this live at the los angeles superior court. william, break it tkoufpblt how did this even happen? >> well, let's -- the drama this morning, jenna, really is if and when this accused gang of thieves get out of jail. why? in los angeles, if you're accused of stealing a million dollars, you have to post a million dollars bail. robert rizzo, the city manager, we're talking $3 million. now, on one hand, these are first-time offenders, white collar crime, not a threat to society, they have families and they're a low flight risk. on the other hand, in los angeles, you cannot use ill gotten or money obtained illegally to post your bond. the d.a. has a right to investigate the source of funds that you use to post your bond. therefore, their attorney is going to say hey, let these guys out, judge, the d.a. is going to tai listen, i need to find out where this money is coming from. so you have these eight
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former and current city officials who may be in jail for an extended period of time as the d.a. investigates where that money is coming from. that's what's going to happen in arraignment this morning. they're all likely to, of course, plead not guilty and then they'll argue over in or out of jail, jenna. jenna: do we know how long they could be up for as far as staying in prison? are they really facing jail time here? >> reporter: well, obviously, if convicted, rizzo is facing decades in jail, as city council members -- city council members, probably a few years. they're accused of miss appropriating funds, falsifying records. robert rizzo, the city manager, the ring leader, if you will, of this thing, he basically made up a counterfeit contract, used false signatures, to pay himself, used public money to pay a private loan. these are serious charges. they could be facing serious time. back to you. jenna: we'll see about the
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bail today. william la jeunesse, thank you. jon: utility workers make an astonishing discovery, a cache of fossils that supposedly dates back almost 1.4 million years. those workers made the incredible find in the san mateo canyon, 85 miles southeast of los angeles. some of the fossils include creatures like this giant sloth. who wouldn't like to find one of those, and a giant cat that was the ancestor of the saber tooth tiger. joining us mou, micro biologist rick greene wood, director of corporate and environmental health and safety for southern california edison. this find occurred because your company was getting read oh to build a power sub station on this plotter ground, right, and you suspected there might be fossils there? >> yes, we did. before we do any disturbing activities in the ground, we do a complete historical analysis and we talk to experts in the area, so we expected to find fossils. i think what was unexpected
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was just the depth and breadth of what we discovered in this area. jon: 1500 fossil bones and fragments found all together? >> yeah, and some of the species are still being identified, so they'll more than likely be new species, but we did find prehistoric camels, horses, as you mentioned, the predecessor, the saber tooth cat, and we found one horse bone that actually had bite marks in it from one of these cats, so it's just an incredible find. jon: and what happens to -- all right, i'm afraid we're going to have to leave, swre breaking news. thank you for being with us. jenna: we do have breaking news, we want to make you -- take you straight to miami. we know little about this situation right now but we have a car chase on our hands. jon, i know you're familiar with this area more than most because you spent a long time coming there. >> i lived there for a
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number of years, worked there 14. hard to tell, obviously, from this shot, where we are let's listen to wfbn. >> we're going very tight, we're stabilizing a little bit here and you can see, on to oncoming traffic as it heads southbound on 57th avenue, we've got a vehicle next tom, he's going to go through an intersection that's coming up, a left and right turn signal here. this is very, very dangerous, very dangerous here. through that intersection -- actually, through that traffic light there as he continue toss go southbound now, i'm looking at -- it looks like west 68th place as it comes through, here's the intersection, now making a lefthand turn and it's going to be going eastbound, eastbound here, what would be the equivalent of 119th street, 119th street, west 68th, continues to be followed by three broward sheriff's office vehicle and we are now on the -- let me just get my bearing here, we're south of amelia heir
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heart park, eastbound, going eastbound. still pursued by officers from broward sheriff's office, the chase beginning, first we heard it was up on i75 coming southbound, he's going to pull into here, looks like a bailout is occuring here. the door is open, door is open again, police officers now, a collision there between a broward sheriff's office vehicle as it makes a right hand turn here. we're in the neighborhood now, we're in the city neighborhood, and in what would be the equivalent of east hilea. just weeding -- weaving through the neighborhoods here. we'll try to pick up an address for you. jon i don't know that's ralph rayburn, the chopper pilot for wsvn, this started in broward county, they are in dade county to the south, home of miami, it's officially miami metro dade county now but you can see
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this guy is just absolutely oblivious to anybody else's safety, he is roaring through residential neighborhoods. it apparently started as a traffic stop, after some kind of a car accident. let's listen in again to wsvn. >> -- for stop signs there, we are now continuing eastbound, we're going eastbound here, and i'm looking for an address. we're still to the south of amelia earhart park, it puts us just south of opilaka airport, we're continuing just past the opilaka flea market. i'm looking for landmarks to give folks at home an idea of exactly where this chase is continuing on. almost involved in an accident there, with another broward sheriff's office vehicle, now we have the vehicle making a left turn and coming northbound. again, it looks like we're getting to get of what looks like the tip that police officers are trying to get up to the back corner of the vig and just tip it slightly as it's continuing at high
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speed to get the vehicle to spin out. here you go, watch t. there it goes, there's the tip, with two other vehicle, there are people inside, there's going to be a bailout, there's one running, another with the hands up, the driver is in the vehicle. we're going to back out and see, we've got the police officers taking this guy down here, we're going to stay with this just for a second here. we don't want to lose it. that is the subject in custody here. we're going to swing back over and stay on this for a second here. he's complying with police officers to stay still as they cuff him now. more police officers showing up here on the scene, another officer running over. okay, we've got the suspect in the vehicle, being dragged out here, one guy being dragged by his heel, he's complying with the police officers, too, he doesn't look like he's in too good shape, he's over, we have more signs, forcing the driver out of the vehicle. a lot here happening, we're trying to show you everything we can. we're bringing the camera out here wider, there you can see everything that's happening. we're going to give an address as soon as i can
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take my eyes off screen. we are east fifth avenue and east 68th. east -- i think we got that address out there, okay. east fifth avenue and east 68th street in hialea, this chase is over, a chase that lasted for the better part of about 15 or 20 minutes from the time we heard it launched to go out and you can see they now have subjects in the custody all over the place here, again, in hialea, it started on i75, a number of police officers and agencies now trying to sort this out, and we're trying to make a determination as to exactly why the police were chasing this vehicle, but obviously the driver and passengers did not want to stop and finally ended up in a crash when a police officer tipped the back of the vehicle, got it to spin out, collided with two parked vehicles in hialea. jon: well, you can see the mayhem that ensued after this police chase began in broward county, florida, ended up in hialea, which is
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in miami-dade county. it's actually not too far from where i used to live on east 56th street, they wound up on east 68th street. what started this all? we don't know for sure. jenna: we do have local reports that we want to pass on to you. police were apparently chasing these guys because they're burglary suspects. we had another initial report that maybe this started at a traffic stop but obviously a lot of sketchy information and big credit to wsvn, ralph rayburn, the helicopter pilot that was narrating that for you. if we can, we want to show thaw video. we have to watch this scene. but we have to show you that video of what the police did. you don't see something get much better than that, and that was played as perfectly as you can get. jon: you can tell the police had made the decision that this was getting so dangerous they are going to have to make that pit maneuver, it's called, to turn that car around. very often, police try to hang back, not pursue these
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cars too quickly, because they don't want to drive the driver into doing something really crazy, mowing down a bunch of pedestrians, hitting another car head on that, kind of thing, but this guy was driving so erratically and frankly, so -- well, crazily, that they decided to employ that pit maneuver. >> going through residential areas, these were not like the highway where you're around -- you're in residential areas where people have their homes, and we're taking a look at this video as police officers came in. you could see some of them looked like they used taser devices on some of these guys but we're still trying to get a count on how many were actually in that car. it's tough to tefplt they were pulling them out every which way, you saw someone break into a run after they did that pit maneuver. jon: it also appears they pulled the guy out of that silver car at the top of the screen that was run into by the suspect's car, what that is all about, we don't know. maybe he had some choice
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words for the officers. who knows. but this is going to be a wild one to sort out. all taking place in hialea, florida, miami-dade county, where it looked like four suspects, maybe, got pulled out of that car, possibly a burglary. certainly a chase. and it was a wild one. we'll try to get more information for you and update you as best we can. jenna: we sure will. you don't get stories like that very often. new next hour as well, we're going to be covering a few stories for you but we will go he app leave you with that picture. we'll take you to another story as well. in yemen, dozens of militants have been captured. how close yemeni forces are to anwar al-awlaki. house speaker nancy pelosi is one of the most powerful people in washington but republican john dennis is trying to take her down on election day. he's going to join us live. and american scholars, invited to a dinner date with mahmoud ahmadinejad. we're going to speak with a
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host: could switching to geico realis a bird in the handre on worth 2 in the bush? appraiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect. appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, appraiser: conservatively it would be worth 2 in the bush. woman: really? appraiser: it's just beautiful, thank you so much for bringing it in. woman: unbelievable anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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jenna: hi, everybody, thanks for joining us, i'm jenna lee. stpho: i'm jon scott. senators are getting an assessment of the terror threat that faces this country. the director of the national terrorism center telling them al-qaida in pakistan is at one of its weakest points ever but the terror threat to the u.s. are rising in ways that are harder to predict and more likely to proceed. catherine herridge is live from washington. they say al-qaida is weaker but the problem is more complicated, right. >> reporter: he says the al-qaida core in the tribal areas of pakistan is weaker from an organizational standpoint than it's been in years but the actual threat is more diverse. in other words the al-qaida movement has metastasized like a cancer with regional
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affiliates gaining strength. >> the raeufpbg of al-qaida cora fill kwraeuted and allies plotting against the homeland during the past year suggests the threat has grown far more complex and under scores the challenges of identifying and countering a more diverse array of threats to the homeland. >> reporter: one example fox news has seen an internal justice department report that shows that 41 americans have been charged in class one terrorism cases since january of 2009. the significant here is that is a case where there is a specific connection to an international terrorist group, jon. jon: catherine herridge in washington, thanks. jenna: let's take you to falls church, virginia where the president is holding a backyard discussion on healthcare reform. hreuts listen in. >> you have millions of people who are unemployed. you have hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their homes.
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there is a lot of apbg sit and stress out there. so much of our focus day-to-day is try to figure out how do we make sure that this recovery that we're slowly on starts accelerating in a way that helps folks all across the country? but when i ran for office i ran not just in anticipation of a crisis, i ran because middle class families all across the country were seeing their security eroded, partly because between the years 2001 and 2009 wages actually went down for the average family by 5%. we had the slowest job growth of any time since world war ii. the "wall street journal" called it the lost decade. and part of the challenge for families was is that even as their wages and incomes were flat lining their costs of everything from college tuition
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to healthcare was skyrocketing. and so what we realized was we had to take some steps to start dealing with these underlying chronic problems that have confronted our economy for a very longtime. and healthcare was one of those issues that we could no longer ignore. we couldn't ignore it because the cost of healthcare has been escalating faster than just about anything else, and i don't need to tell you all that. even if you have health insurance, you've seen your copayments, premiums skyrocket. even if you get healthcare from your employer, that employers' costs have skyrocketed and they are starting to pass more and more of the costs onto their employees. more people don't get healthcare from their employers. and in addition what you are seeing was that at the state level and at the federal level the costs of healthcare, because
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people weren't getting it on the job and were trying to get it through the chip program, or medicaid, or disability or what have you, all those costs were driving our government bankrupt. anybody who is out there who is concerned about the deficit, the single biggest driver of our deficit is the ever escalating cost of healthcare. so it was bankrupting families, companies, and our government. so we said we had to take this one. and most of us, as i traveled around the country i'd hear stories from families in every single state, you know, they had a child who had a preexisting condition and they couldn't get health insurance, or thought they had insurance only to find out that in the fine print there was some sort of lifetime limit of the sort that paul described, they'd bump up again it and suddenly they are out of luck,
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and potentially going to lose their home or lose whatever savings they had because the insurance that they thought they were getting wasn't going to fully cover them. some people will tell me stories about just as they got sick the insurance company would have gone through their form and saw some mistake and just dropped their coverage, because they hadn't listed -- in some extreme cases, we had folks who, you know, had a gall bladder problem 15 years ago that had nothing to do with the sickness that they were now experiencing, but the insurance company said, you forgot to list that, and so we are going to drop you from your insurance. i met young people all across the country who, start off in life, getting their first job weren't getting health insurance and couldn't stay on their
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parents' policies. so the amount of vulnerability that was out there was horrendous. jenna: that is president obama speaking again on healthcare. also looks like he's talking a little bit about the economy at falls church virginia. he's going to travel next to new york city where he's expected to speak at u.n. today as well as tomorrow, several speeches coming up. i want to point out the significance of this discussion on healthcare reform. we have a lot of the charges of healthcare reform coming into effect tomorrow on thursday. we'll be talking more about that. healthcare has certainly been a hot button issue going into the midterm elections because so few democrats actually want to talk about this issue. the president taking it on today before he heads to new york city. jon: just into the fox newsroom, if you were watching at the top of the hour you saw a wild one out of south florida. broward county and miami-dade county, i'm still not used to
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the name change where a big car chase just wrapped up. harris is on it from the breaking news desk. >> reporter: i can tell you a little bit more about what started all this. our local affiliate there is reporting that a stolen vehicle taken from coral springs, florida was picked up by four men and they went on a chase with needs up to a hundred miles per hour. they did a pit maneuver, they clipped the back of the car so the car would spin out of control. here is the guy who gets tasered. just moments ago the fire department showed up, the medics are out there with these two guys to make sure they are okay after the tase erring. they have one of the guys being loaded up onto a stretcher, and they are going to take him away by ambulance. the other guy is being looked at. here is the live picture that i'm talking about right now live from our fox affiliate out of miami. the fire department working on the through guys, there were
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four all together in this reportedly stolen vehicle from coral springs all the way to hialeah at speeds up to to a hundred miles an hour. this started with a burglary. don't know if anything was burglarized before they stole that car, allegedly, but this is where they ended up. an amazing chase, it didn't last that long, it had a lot of fireworks in it and now the medics will go to work. the men hitting the ground pretty hard. it may not be the tase erring that hurt them. it may be the ground too. they'll work on the guys i'm told and book them dano. jon: and the perp bouncing off the chain-link fence, that didn't look too fun. >> reporter: the one guy has not moved in the last 20 minutes or so. from what the public information officer has said they don't expect the injuries to be too bad. i'll stay on it. they've been out there for quite
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sometime. jon: there is a question about what happened to the car that the pursuit car hit. you see right there the officers are opening that silver or white car at the top of the screen, they were opening the driver's door. we thought he was an innocent bystander and apparently he was, some of our newsroom observers with very keen eyes noticed that when the car door opened all kinds of smoke wafted out. that car is in a turn lane, he's not just parked there by the side of the road, and i'm guessing that smoke might have smelled a little funny to the officers and that's probably where they pulled that driver out. >> reporter: i'm only getting a four count of men inside the car who they took into custody. that would be a fifth person unrelated to this and very unfortunate for him if his wafting smoke was illegal. jenna: new information on a major push in south carolina to block cellphone signals inside prison walls. the debate resparking after an
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inmate smuggled a phone and coordinated a hit that left a prison guard nearly dead. he did that all within the walls of this prison. jonathan serrie joins us live from columbia south carolina. jonathan how are the inmates even getting access to cell phones? >> reporter: hi, jenna, in a small number of cases visitors are able to smuggle the phones into the prison. by and large correction officials tell us they are simply tossing the phones over these perimeter fences. take a look at the confiscated phones over here. 600 have been confiscated from persons around the state of south carolina. in many cases the phones have been eupl bidded in footballs. you can see where they were cut open and people would toss them over the perimeter fences. over here you can see a potato launcher as you pan to the left. this was used to actually launch the phones over the fences from a very long distance. as you can see the inmates and their friends outside are getting very creative. jenna: very creative indeed.
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600 phones? what illegal activity are these phones being used for? >> reporter: corrections officials tell us that in some cases they are being used to harass witnesses, law enforcement officers, and in some cases even their own prison personnel, including captain robert johnson. he was shot sick times in -- six times in his home back in march. for several years south carolina authorities have been pressing the fcc and congress to allow jamming of cell phones in prisons but so far to no avail. >> that's what made it so difficult to talk to captain johnson's wife that morning as he lay there on the operating table with six bullets in him was the fact that if the fcc had just done its job he wouldn't have been shot. >> reporter: the cellphone industry has been opposing jamming. they say that jamming signals will penetrate prison walls and disrupt legitimate communications on the outside. south carolina correction
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officials say technology exists that can limit jamming not only to specific buildings but specific rooms, so the debate and disagreement continues. jenna: we'll continue to follow it. jonathan thank you so much. jonathan serrie for us today, thank you. jon: it's a horrifying crime that has shocked the entire nation. it happened in the northeast. a doctor's wife and daughters brutally murdered in their own home, perhaps burned alive. would you know how to handle a home invasion? survival tips from an expert straight ahead. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. [music playing] when you take away all the canned chicken broth that adds msg, one stands alone. the secret is swanson 100% natural chicken broth.
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even better, an allstate agent can do the switching for you. let the good hands give you a great price and make it easier for you. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. jenna: right now a major offensive targeting al-qaida in yemen. a short time ago officials confirming that five homes suspected of hiding militants were destroyed. they are denying reports that u.s.-born radical anwar al-awlaki was among the targets. greg palkot is covering the story, with us from london today. what is the latest you're hearing here. >> reporter: from everything we
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are hearing the fighting is intensifying in yemen. it's focused on a town called hauta. u.s. backed and trained yemen military targeting a town known to be a hideout for al-qaida figures, and an offshoot of al-qaida growing and active in yemen. we have been told that 28 al-qaida militants have been captured today. unfortunately for yemen four yemen soldiers killed as well. thousands of civilians have fled and perhaps thousands more could be used as human shields inside the town. this is all in a sphopbs by attempts by militants last week to blow up a strategic natural gas pipeline not far from the town. now to anwar al-awlaki. there had been reports the last couple of days that the u.s.-born radical cleric anwar al-awlaki could in fact be hold up with the al-qaida militants in that town. he is of course of big interest to the u.s.
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linked to several terror attempts including the failed christmas day detroit bomber. we are told he's hiding out about 60 miles away from the action. and yemen government officials tell me that he is not a target of this action, but they also say they'd love to get him. jenna: greg palkot for us in london thank you. jon: the fight between al-qaida forces and yemen army troops is intensifying. what will it take to get the rebels out of this strategically important country for good. joining us bob bare. the christmas day attempted bombing of the jetliner, umar farouk abdulmutallab he was alleged to be part of al-qaida in yemen, right. >> reporter: i think he was certainly trained up and he probably picked up explosives in yemen. he learned how to work the desraoeuts that -- device that with us supposed to blow up the northwest airlines flight. we have to look at yemen as an
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ungovernable part of the world. it's difficult for the yemen forces to get up into the mountains which throughout history have been well isolated and very well armed. jon: is this attack or action basically in response to the kind of thing we saw on christmas day? >> reporter: it's in response to that, but at the same time the government in the capitol is under threat from al-qaida, it's under threat from another sect, which has been attacking the government. it has to respond to the attacks or it will not survive. jon: what is the saudi connection in all of this. >> reporter: we have to remember that osama bin laden was orange in a lea yemeni from the same area. saudi arabia is worried about its own yemen population which is a source of instability. there have been numerous attacks on the saudi border.
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there are 250-barrels of oil sitting in saudi arabia under the sands. this conflict is of intense interest to washington. jon: it seems like we have our hands full already with wars in iraq and afghanistan. do you see any potential for u.s. forces ever getting involved in yemen? >> reporter: i don't think we have enough forces to really retake those mountains. we are going to have to depend on the government in the capitol. it would be a terrible war to fight there. predators and missiles will help but it can't win the bar. jon: bob bare, thank you. jenna: he's one of the bad boys of world politics, iran's president seems to surround himself with controversy. so would you have dinner with him? our next guest has and will again tonight. what should he ask the dictator? plus take a listen to this. >> here are my monkeys to make you pay for it all. >> get back, everyone.
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>> i'm melting. >> thank you for saving us. >> who are you. >> i'm done dennis i'm running for congress. jenna: his ad campaign compares nancy pelosi to the wicked witch of the west. could the most powerful woman in washington actually lose her seat in november? john dennis likes a challenge and he joins us right after the break. ring ring. progresso. everyday i eat your soups, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes... you're really, rich and happy. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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jenna: you're taking on who some are calling the most powerful woman in history, and that's certainly no easy task. what do you think you are bringing to theee electorate that nancy pelosi doesn't. >> reporter: i'm a much better fit for the district. nancy pelosi is a straight corporatei sit. she is concerned about her
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special interest cronies. i'm a much better fit. i think she's had huge policy reversal in many of her positions that she's never explained. that's one of the reasons why we want to debate her. i think in the debate you'll see i'm a much better fit. jenna: we reached out to nancy pelosi and her team, they declined to comment for this segment. we wanted to mention that to our viewers. the san francisco chronicle says you're a rare breed of republican bird. what's the reaction from the local community. >> reporter: there's some surprise, i'm a different type of republican which i think makes me a much better fit for the district. the city is much more fiscally conservative than most people realized. they voted against propositions that would increase taxes. on social issues i'm much more open to -- to what the district is about. and so people are looking at me and looking at republicans in a
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different way. jenna: we're looking back at some of the results from past elections that nancy pelosi was in. pelosi won the elections obviously at a percentage that was pretty high, 72% of the voters voted for her, 10% voted for the republican candidate. what is your call for this year? i mean what is your strategy, what are you bringing to this election and how do you hope to chip away at that type of popularity. >> reporter: i think her numbers are very soft in the district. our own internal polling shows she is very weak surprisingly even with independents and democrats. that's one of the reasons you showed the video, and we have a series of them coming out. we are using things like -- tactics like humor to help break down sterotypes that people might have about a republican in the district. and so far so good. i think we're polling at numbers that republicans haven't seen in a longtime, and i think it reflects that whole thing about as i was saying before that
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we're a much better fit for the district. jenna: what are you doing in washington by the way, it's a long way from san francisco. >> reporter: you become in politics, you have to come to the swamp, which you have to drain every so often as nancy pelosi says. i hear you're from san francisco, when are you going back home. jenna: if we see you chipping away at the poll maybe jon and i will come home. we'll talk again soon. jon: but you're buying dinner. jenna: of course it's my hometown. jon: deal. in new york the race for governor is getting tighter. a new poll shows democrat cuomo ahead of paladino by 6 points.
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he suddenly got overwhelming support from the tea party. michael bloomberg just endorsed andrew cuomo. republican tom koerb bet is 15 points ahead of the democrat onorato. he's entering the race with twice the cash of his democratic rival. the don't town is very much on. you can get constant updates on races like these from our in the field reporters and producers, read stories as well that you'll only see on fox news, click on the follow fox link at jenna: the bush tax cuts, keep them or let them expire, it's the hottest issue on capitol hill. if they expire how much more money will you have to give to the government next year? this might actually surprise you. plus a three hour q and a marathon with iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad hosting a dinner with american religious leaders and scholars.
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what's it like breaking bread with iran's leader? our next guest will be there tonight and we'll ask him. with intuit websites. just choose a style, then customize, publish and get found. sweet. get a 30-day free trial at when allergies make them itch, don't wait for your pills to kick in. choose alaway, from the eye health experts at usch lomb. it works in minutes and up to 12 hours. bausch & lomb alaway. because it's not just your allergies, it's your eyes.
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when the bush tax cuts expire. >> reporter: the tax man will be knocking very loudly on that door. married couples with children could indeed take the biggest hits if the tax cuts are allowed to expire in one hundred days by the way. let's take a look at some of the specific details for you, break down the ugly details. let's begin with firstly the child tax credit which will be reduced from a thousand dollars per child to $500. what impact could that have, 31 million families will pay an average of more than a thousand $33 a year. there's been a lot of rhetoric that the bush tax cuts were for the wealthy. this is one example where middle class families certainly got a boost from the cuts. jenna: when i see the child tax credit on the screen that doesn't matter how much money i make, i could make $50,000, i could make $500,000 that tax credit applies. >> reporter: it's cut in half. jenna: what about the marriage penalty. >> reporter: yeah, if you file together, if a couple file a joint return they will pay more tax and if they file separately,
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it's a penalty essentially for being married. this has a big impact as well. the latest numbers 31 million couples will pay an average of $595 more. i broke this down a little bit. a married couple making 2 32,000 dollars will pay more tax than an unmarried couple making $370,000. there was a lot of disparity. there is supposed to be an equalization. that's going to hurt married couples out there. jenna: you're giving the guys in our newsroom incentive not to impose, it's cheaper to be single. >> reporter: that's why they call it the marriage penalty, ladies watch out. jenna: the tax discussion affecting relationships. it's astonishing. >> reporter: just another fact factor. jenna: thank you so much. jon: we have told our viewers that iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad is in new york city right now for the u.n. general assembly. has usual he's been ruffling
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some feathers. tonight he will host a dinner for american scholars who study in iran. jim walsh is one of those scholars from the massachusetts institute of technology. he's been to five of these dinners, tonight is his 6th and yes he'll be breaking bread with ahmadinejad. the question is why. >> well, you know, why do media want to interview important figures, because there is news to be made. scholars trying to understand why a country acts the way it does they'll take any opportunity they can to meet with a head of state a world leader so they can understand and anticipate what they will do in the future. jon: the better question is why does ahmadinejad act the way he does. >> that's the key question this time around in particular, because back in tehran he's facing internal problems and it's not the green movement that's not where it's coming from, it's coming from within his own party. jon: he presents this unflappable very calm exterior. you'd never know he has all kinds of heat at home.
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>> that's right. part of that -- he is here in new york and doing lots of interviews and lots of meetings in part because his real audience is back home. he wants the people in iran to see him as a world leader. he wants to push up his image. one way to do that is come to the u.s. the u.n. and boost the images. jon: what sort of moods have you seen in ahmadinejad at these dinners. >> sometimes he's professor-like. sometimes he's angry. sometimes he's diplomatic. i've seen different sides of him each time. jon: what is on the menu. >> there will always be kabob. jon: how many people are there and how does it work? >> it varies, sometimes there's 12, as many as 30. and what happens is it's question-and-answer, but it's a particular kind of question-and-answer. one person will ask a question, he'll collect all the questions at one time and he'll respond to
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all the questions one at a time. jon: do you really get a response? if your number is right that could be 30 december. -- questions, does he really give you an answer to all 30. >> he does restate the question surprisingly well and sometimes you get an answer and sometimes you don't. like you would do with any politician. the idea is to keep asking the questions to see if you can learn anything new. jon: page 6 the gossip column in our sister publication, the new york post says today that mahmoud ahmadinejad is even security councilled -- is ensco u.n. ced at a hotel and his food stinks so bad he has to bring in his own chefs. >> i will make no comment about that except to say that every iranian meal i've had has been
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delicious. jon: come back and tell us about. >> i will, jon. jon: thanks, jim. jenna: we showed you this dramatic high-speed car chase in south florida. it was taking place in broward county. you can see the pit maneuver done by police officers that ended it all and a a little bit of chaos. mike jackels joins us more to -- joins us to tell us more. >> reporter: about 11:30 this morning a police officer in coral springs florida spotted this suspicious vehicle in a residential area where they've had an increase in residential burglaries. that police officer then began following the vehicle. when it was determined that vehicle was stolen, which was a very short time that vehicle took off. it headed south into a neighboring city where broward sheriff office deputies picked up on that vehicle and followed that vehicle into miami county. at this point we have three suspects in custody.
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information is still being determined as to what happened, but what we do know is this was a reported stolen vehicle out of miami county. it was in broward county and the chances are these three people in the vehicle were up to no good. jenna: and so what happens now, we're actually seeing some video of where your officers have apprehended some of the guys that were in the car. we see them using taser to bring some of them down, what happens next. >> deputies and other law enforcement from adjoining areas did subdue the three suspects. they did deploy nonlethal means to take them into custody, and right now they are going to sort it out and find out what this was all about. jenna: how would you describe the way that your officers handled it. looks like pretty clean. when you see the pit maneuver, we've seen it attempted several time in other car chases, and never cleanly as that. >> i cannot confirm whether a
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pit maneuver was done. i did not see that. we know this incident ended in an area in north miami with the three suspects taken into custody and no reported injuries, so that is good news, and the investigation is in the early stages here, so the deputies will do their thing and determine what happened and we'll keep you posted. jenna: it's good to get the bad guys if that's what they are. and thank you for joining us. the information officer from broward county. jon: they got their guys. fox news alert, jenna, mike emanuel is reporting that rahm emanuel the white house chief of staff could leave as soon as next month, which isn't all that far away when you think about it. the rumor is that he wants to leave washington to potentially run for mayor of his hometown, chicago, an opportunity that became all that much more tan ta hraoeuzing just a week or so ago when mayor daly announced he would not run for re-election.
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it has always been apparently rahm emanuel's dream job, so now he's considering it very carefully. but if he runs the feeling is he needs to make a decision very quickly. rahm emanuel could be leaving the white house as early as next month. pete rouse, a senior adviser and chief of khaf to senator barack obama -- staff to senator back back seems to be the likeliest to take over if rahm emanuel is to leave. jenna: two suspects in connecticut charged with raping and murdering a mother and her two daughters in her home, an update on the trial. plus important tips on how you can survive a home invasion. what should you do? we are going to ask that question coming up. eggland's best eggs. the best in nutrition... just got better. now with even more of the vitamins your body needs. like vitamin d. plus omega 3's. there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste.
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[ female announcer ] eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. the beer egg. [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever.
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woodward president obama admits that the withdrawal date set in afghanistan is political saying, quote i can't loose the whole democratic party. this is big, important and we will discuss it in detail. plus is velma heart, the woman cross-examining obama at the town hall meeting this week the new joy the plumber? we'll explain how his petition see is being related more to president carter. jon: men charged in a horrific home invasion that left the mother and two daughters dead. steven hayes charged in the murder of a mother and her two daughters. the only survivor dr. william petit who is attending the trial every day. harris faulkner is watching the
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trial. >> reporter: they are back in court today after the judge fell ill last week. it has been explosive in the courtroom today with shocking details about what detectives found. a state police sergeant on the stand, and just moments ago we are getting word that he has told the courtroom that they found a pink backpack, and this case could really hinge on this evidence they found in the pickup truck of the suspect steven hayes, and of course his alleged accomplice who has yet to go on trial. the pink backpack with the initials hep. police say it stands for the name of 17-year-old victim hailey elizabeth petit. they found a cellphone belonging to the younger daughter. just to refresh everybody's memory these two young tkpweurpls along with their mom were beaten, tied up, killed. the younger girl and the mom sexually assaulted, the house set on fire. the father the only one to survive, as you said, dr. petit
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took the stand last tuesday and today had to hear the shocking details of all the evidence that these guys still allegedly had on them, on their person. the cellphone was actually on one of the suspects and inside their truck. back to you i'll continue this watch this out of new haven, connecticut. jon: so much really awful information on that one, harris, thank you. jenna: it's true every time we hear the story, we've talked about it quite a bit because it is happening right now, it simply breaks your heart and stirs up a lot of fear. we wanted to take this opportunity to talk a little bit about maybe to protect your family and be proab tiff about it. vito coluchi is here, is there anything we can do to better protect our families? >> jenna for sure in our house you have to secure all your windows and doors. it's amazing how many people keep their doors open, and that
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include cellar doors and windows. a barking dog as strange as this sounds is a great deterrent. i'm a big believer in motion sensors that light up your house like it's the middle of the daytime, like a baseball field, anybody steps on your property. the bad guys are not going to stand around and do that. a good security system. never leave your keys outside under a mat, in a mailbox beings some of those stupid little things you buy to hide-a-key thing. they know all this kind of stuff. you have to be proactive about that, and the security systems, and the motion sensor things that will trip and the lights will come on very big, even a barking dog, jenna. jenna: a good reminder for all of these things. one of the things that is so traumatic about this crime is the randomness of this. this woman and her daughters were targeted in a supermarket. we hear, fight back or don't
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fight at all, what would you say? >> if you're out in the open in a supermarket parking lot, places like that, mall, saet setting, some kind of garage, fight back. if they get you in the car you have very little chance of surviving. you'll probably get raped and/or murdered. i tell people all the time, you see this key over here, when you're walking to your car or from your car, keep this near you. if anything suspicious at all hit the panic button on this, hit your car alarm, even if you're not sure, hit the alarm, that will scare people. they don't want to get bothered when there is a lot of noise going on. they don't want lights around your property, car alarms going off in your garage. i carry a gun and i still keep this in my hand when i'm walking some place just to trigger that. jenna: good advises specially when we're look at some ofs stories. thank you so much for being with us. jon: is this another kind of crime? it looks like ordinary ice cream, but it makes you high. are you ready for pot ice cream?
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jenna: fox news is taking a close look at what is working for the economy as it travels the road to recovery. some are looking at mcdonald's. the fast food giant is rising in these tough times. for a closer look we bring in mike to be inch who is live in chicago working this story. mike, what is mcdonald's doing right? >> reporter: the secret of of the success seems to hinge on three different points. would, one, they are open all the time, 18, 24 hours.
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they get the customer what they want. fast. that is the key to fast food. this is the same market machine that makes ronald mcdonald as identifiable as santa claus. here is a line you recognize, the people come up, they get their food fast. remember the old fiberglass chairs that used to be part of mcdonald's. that has given way to a big comfy leather chair, we are sitting by the fire. they are pumping in the wi-fi. they've got healthy options, maybe it's better to say healthier options. you can get mcdonald's salad, apple dippers instead of french flies, smooth tees. people in a hurry want their burgers and fries, they want their egg mctpuf inch, maybe not so healthy. but the dollars keep rolling
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into mcdonald's. jenna: tough assignment. we hope you make it through the day. not sure how you're doing it. eat some french fries for us. >> reporter: you got it. jenna: by the way way fox news is covering what is working in our economy during these challenging times. go to and check it out. the spotlight section on our home page, you can find more reporting from mike tobin what is working for mcdonald's. jon: as mine they have the old plastic chairs, no comfy leather seats for me. an explosive new book by bob woodward reveals the battles inside the white house over the war in afghanistan. moments away from very big news, who will be the new judges on "american idol," is jennifer lopez replacing simon? we are live in l.a. with the latest.
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you've got -- you got a look at stuff? >> i d. jon. it's been around a whaoeurblgs each half pint contains four doses, and eating the whole thing would be like about eight joints, but because it's not regular hated, it's really unclear how much pot is in it. users have to figure out how much they need through trial and error. they also have to trust that whoever made it is using fresh ingredients, in a sanitary kitchen. supporters of legalization here in california contend that once counties are allowed to tax and regulate pot, those kinds of public health concerns can be addressed but critics don't buy any of these arguments, they're very concerned that if prop 19 on the november ballot passes, these ice creams and other sweetadeils will fall into the hands of children and eventually we'll see cannibas in everything, not just ice cream but in spaghetti, coffee creamer, mashed potatoes, you name it. as one critic put it to me, if prop 19 passes, california will be like a
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