tv Hannity FOX News October 7, 2010 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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right here, bus we are definitely looking out for you -- because we are definitely -- because we are definitely looking out for you. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. the november midterms are less than four weeks away. you can see the anger and frustration in the voters. >> barack obama, this is the worst president in history. >> our economy is in a lockdown. >> the american people are outraged at what washington is doing. >> we cannot sustain -- whoops. was that my -- >> the reports of the deaths of the democratic party have been greatly exaggerated. >> all of you know who i am. gentleman i think the president and vice president's
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language is like the coach giving you the tough will have talk before you start the game. people want jobs. >> where are the jobs? j either he doesn't know how to create jobs and real economic growth or he doesn't want to. >> every in america is scared to death, locked done. >> sean: 27 way and counting. in a moment sarah palin will join us live from florida. as we continue towards the midterms major news. we've been monitoring gallup's generic ballot for several months this is the poll that asks americans which party they would support if the election were held today? the gop boasts historic double lead. gallup has broken it down into two scenarios: if turn out is high on election day 53% say they would vote for the ran candidate. only 40% democrats.
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on the second scenario, if turn-out isler on election day, 56% of likely voters say they would vote for the ran candidate. only 38% would vote democratic this is an incredible 18 point lead for the gop. with only 27 taste out, those are very encouraging -- 27 days out, those are very encouraging numbers. me governor sarah palin, thank you for joining us. >> thank you sean. >> sean: these are historic numbers. we never see numbers leak this. some have been saying maybe -- numbers like this. some have been saying maybe 1894 we had a 100 seat change over. what is your feeling? >> maybe it is symbol lick of what happened in 1860 -- when a new party was formed and lincoln was elected because the wing party wasn't living up to its standards and there
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was such a shift. these numbers are historic almost fearful. this means the left will become even more and more desperate and adamant to destroy those who are running on a common sense conservative agenda, those republicans who are going to be been fitting from this vitter turn out that is showing, especially with the generic ballot that the gop is the pick. >> sean: i think we had a crucial moment in the debate mcmahon and blumenthal in connecticut. mcmahon accidents -- blumenthal is asked a simple question, how do you create jobs? >> tell me something, how do you create a job? >> a job is created and it can be in a variety of ways, by a variety of people, principally by people and businesses in response to demand for prod diagnostics and services -- products and services and the maine point about jobs in
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connecticut is, we can -- and we should create more by creative policy. that's the kind of approach i want to bring to washington. i know about how government can help preserve jobs. >> sean: variety of he ways. variety of people. we need to be creative. if you can't answer that question you are not qualified for office. i wanted to get your reaction? >> he sums it up buy putting it on the government's back. the government would be the answer to the problems facing our economy today. as reagan said, government is not the solution, too often government is the problem. it is private sector, job creators being able to keep more what they earn. reinvest and hire more people. government's role in all of this mess is to get out of the private sector's way and quit taking and burdening the private sector. >> sean: i want to show linda
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mcmahon's answer. it seems me this might be a crucial moment. >> government, government, government. government does not create jobs. is very simple, an entrepreneur takes a risk. he or she believes that he creates a goods or service that is sold for more than it costs to make it if an entrepreneur thinks he can do that, he creates a job. >> sean: that so simple? >> yeah. so simple. and that reflects linda's appreciation and respect for and her knowledge of the free market system that built america into the most per russ, healthiest, safest and secure nation on earth. as opposed to someone like barack obama, her opponent too but barack obama 8% of his career in the private sector. he doesn't know how to aren't a business, create a job except reliance on spending
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other people's money and doing those things that a socialized government would do to create jobs. that's what the left's mentality is. government is to did it. >> sean: you are in florida tonight. -- we saw what alan grayson did to his opponent down there. we watched the story of meg whitman. sheid everything that anyone could ask in terms of hiring a woman she paid $23 an hour to. was given a false social security card and false driver's lens in california. it seems democrat -- license in california. it seems democrats are not going to run on stimulus, cap and tax. the first question i have, what advice do you give -- you have lived under fire -- to those candidates that are going to be victims of these smears? >> remember, what they are doing. this is coming from obama's presidential campaign book, which guess back to olin ski's
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campaign -- which goes back to olinski's campaign book. the politics of personal destruction, perhaps will be the only thing that you have on your opponent so you makes/w things up about them. you lie, you spin, you do watch you can and use a complicit media to assist you in this, a left wing media. these candidates need to be prepared for those rules of radical to be applied to them. they need to stay on message, optimistic. they need to remind the american people what the time tested truths are that created this great nation. those time tested truths that rely on a smaller, smarter government. not growing government and over-reach of government. reminding americans what we already know, needing to have that confirmation, that affirmation that the candidate knows it too and promises to fulfill those -- >> sean: i agree. i think the american people
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really want a return to first principles. and constitutional government. and our founding fathers, our declaration, limited government and greater responsibility. i believe all of that is true. that raises the next question. what should the closing arguments be for the republicans in this last month? >> it guess got to be that the belief in the time tested truth that built america can be applied today. it is a matter of political will. take a specific issue like energy independence. we need to -- to have more energy secure instead of relying on foreign sources to fuel our economy and to heat up the job creation opportunities that we need. it is a matter of political will. it is not a mary of do we have the resources, ingenuity, the workers? we have all of that -- now, it is a matter of the candidates being able to articulate in an issue like energy independence.
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how it is they are going cast votes, implement policy to allow the resource development we immediate. that's one specific example. what our candidates need to do in their closing argument is be specific. in their promises make sure the american public is hearing what they say. can trust that candidate they willful fill those promises to get us back on the right track. >> sean: obviously, you just seem to -- you know whenever your name comes up, it is major news almost every time. there was a number of exchanges, you supported joe miller. lisa murkowski is now running as a write-in. there was this e-mail exchange with todd and joe, et cetera, joe miller answering questions whether you can be president one day. what do you think when they try to make you the issue in these campaigns? what is your reaction to that exchange? >> yeah, trying to make me par
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of the narrative in gentlemen miller's campaign. joe miller is the right person to help lead alaska, to help lead our nation and the desperation of the other camp trying to attack him on a leaked private e-mail from todd to joe miller that is part of the question too. how did the media get that e-mail that todd had written? >> sean: your last name is palin doesn't that mean your e-mails are hacked often? >> doggone it, yeah that is desperation. for lisa murkowski to have he tried to run as a libertarian. with backing of unions and the democrats and the special interests she is revealing her true colors. joe miller is staying consistent with his beliefs and intentions. >> sean: when we get back ads from christine o'donnell and linda mcmahon and others and get your reaction to it. much more with governor palin after the break. >> first, how toxic is president obama?
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and leaves febreze freshness. ohm with me... oohhhmmmm. stop. please. thank you. [ male announcer ] remove soap scumkill bacteria, and leave breze freshness witmr. clean disinfecting bathroom cleaner. >> sean: for months democrats have been distancing themselves from president obama. it looks like manchin is taking a new level. he's suing the obama administration over a federal coal mining policy. saying we've been fighting president obama's
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administration's attempts to destroy the coal mining industry. if he distances himself from the president any further, he'll be a republican. more with governor palin, stst host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? did the little piggy cry wee wee wee all the way home? piggy: weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeee weeeeeeee. mom: max. ...maxwell!
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piggy: yeah? mom: you're home. piggy: oh,cool, thanks mrs. a. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. ♪ i like your messy hair ♪ i like the clothes you wear ♪ i le the way you sing ♪ and when you dance with me ♪ you always make me smile [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn express hotels, you always can. holiday inn express. stay you. and now stay rewarded with a sweet dilemma. up to five free nights at any of our properties or double points. >> sean: as we 10, continuing join us live from florida, sarah palin. governor, you have been out there, been very supportive of christine o'donnell in delaware. she's had a tough time with
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the establishment attacking her. she seems to be rebounding at last in a couple of the polls. she came out with an ad i want to get your reaction. >> i'm not a witch. i'm nothing you've heard. i'm you. none of us are perfect, but none of us can be happy with what we see all around us. politicians who think spending, trading favors and backroom deals are the ways to stay in office. i'll go to washington and do what you'd do. i'm christine o'donnell and i approve this message. >> sean: your reaction, governor? >> i think that's good. that's very positive. what i think she could add is to explain what the real witchcraft and voodoo politics and s going on in d.c.. that's why she is determined to right some wrongs and get some truths so our economy can
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get roaring back to life. >> sean: i thought particularly the "saturday night live" piece and some things said bay liberal commentators are particularly mean spirited and vicious. i guess more than any other person in america you can relate to this. you probably know and can sympathize. how hard do you think it is on her? howard was it on you? >> it's got to be tough on her personally. i at least, i have trigg, i have my 2-year-old who i can look at, hold and love. he makes me realize what is really important in life when those darts and arrows come they don't mean anything when i know what real love and truth is, in the eyes of a child. that made it easier on me. i'm sure christine has her own groundedness her own end compass. she is the right one for
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delaware. look at what her opponentss are doing. what some in the establishment tried to do. yet i think they saw the light and they've come around realizing we need christine in d.c.. she knows what she is talking about when she says the free market principles need to be applied. >> sean: you are going to campaign for her i recently heard? >> i'm honored. i'm excited. >> sean: more details on that. one thing i would like to see, i want conservatives, this from me is a conservative ascendancy, i registered as a conservative in new york, which you can do. i don't think it is a republican ascendancy. i want to see people be aggressive in campaign. democrats all they've got is a smear campaign. hard hitting and truthful. this is a good model for others. >> announcer: would you lie about serving in a war? >> we have learned something
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very important since the days that i served in vietnam. >> announcer: blumenthal did again and again. >> when we returned, we saw nothing of this gratitude. >> announcer: he covered one lie with another. >> the days i served. >> announcer: if he lied about vietnam, what else is he lying about? >> sean: when i served. when we returned. he never served. i thought that was truthful, hard hitting and i liked that aggressiveness. did you think that's effective? >> absolutely. it does need to be based on truth. that aggression which we need because the future of america is at stake in these midterm elections. yes, there needs to be a healthy aggression based on truth. that's what the rise of momma grizzlies about, papa grizzlies too. who understand when there's a threat to their cubs, they are going to rise up on their hind
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legs and defend what is there and make sure future opportunities are there. linda is part of that. >> sean: very simple, i'd like to see some ad barack obama and nancy pelosi. it is funny. the only ads that are coming at them seem to be coming from democrats. i didn't vote for that stimulus, that health care bill. i don't see many ads from the republicans. from your perspective for tactical purposes do you think that would be effective for them to do that? >> i think the simplest thing a republican can did is truthfully state their -- can do is truthfully state their competition's record and let voters know they did support obama, pelosi, reid that agenda is of a social bent that is doing harm to our country and future. just point out what it is they did to support obama, pelosi, reid and i that i says it all.
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>> sean: good to see you. we appreciate you being with us. >> thanks. >> sean: coming up, liberals continue to insist the economy is getting better. unfortunately, grim numbers speak louder than their lip service. what will the new jobs data mean for democrats in mean for democrats in november? when my doctor told me that my chronic bronchitis was copd... i started managing it every day. i like to volunteer... hit the courts... and explore new places. i'm breathing better with spiriva. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for both forms of copd... which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i take it every day... it keeps my airways open to help me breathe better all day long. spiriva does not replace fast acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain... or have problems passing urine. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma,
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>> sean: a new report released today shows the recession may be far from over despite what democrats want you to believe. >> the stimulus has been a success. it has created jobs. created and saved 2 1/2 to three million jobs. >> 3.6 million job iss were saved or created. >> each month we are adding jobs in the private sector. >> sean: according to the national employment report 39,000 jobs were lost in the
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private sector last month. this data has many fearing friday's report in which experts estimate that unemployment rate will jump to 9.7% could be worst than projected. these numbers are not only bad for americans since these are the last to be released for election day this spells disaster for the democrats. voters write the economy as the top issue. polls show the american public is increasingly frustrated with washington's performance. a recent poll has congressional approval at a low 17%. meanwhile, u.s.a. today reports despite the administration's promise of transparency, there's at last 162 million dollars of stimulus funds that does not disclose. joining me with analysis is sandra smith from the fox business network. and radio host monica crowley. you look at these numbers that
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may come in friday. if the numbers stay flat or go up, it has to impact the election. >> absolutely. right now that is the number one thing on the minds of the voters. president obama has said it himself. if the voters choose to vote, based on the state of the economy, it is going to be bad news for the democrats. huge jobs number friday today huge disappointment. biggest drop in private payrolls we've seen since january this is not getting better, at all! >> sean: it is getting worse. >> it is. >> sean: if you look at food stamp recipients are at a record 41.8 million americans, 1 in 7 poverty. that food stamp number gives barack obama a record. 20 consecutive months where the number of people needing food stamps has gone up. >> then you pair that with the spike in the number of home foreclosures every month you are getting record highs this economy is getting worse. the problem with the democrats
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is they've controlled the congress for almost four years now. the presidency almost two years now. they own this economy. there is no more blaming. it is their policies that have tan a shakey economic situation and may it gravely worse. number within issue is jobs and they've failed in every way. >> sean: i agree. it is their debt, deficient the city, stimulus, omnibus budget, their health care bill. they own it. although they seem obsessed with ing george w. bush. >> heading into the elections they are trying to distance themselves from the decisions they've made. two scenarios goldman sachs put out today one fairly bad the second is a very bad within. the fairly bad one has no good news. gdp growth 1 navratilova to 2% into next year. -- 1 1/2 to 2% into next year.
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the badly news slipping back into a recession. economists are saying there is no light at the end of the tunnel. >> sean: i have an ap article in front of me. head lean is working-class whites shun democrats. from the ap, alan fram desperate for jobs cool towards barack obama, working-class whites flocking to republicans physician a group long water of democrats into a bigger i am -- long wary of democrats. those are the reagan democrats coming home. >> that's my point. the reagan democrats, the hard hats, blue collar workers. two republican presidents, i would say three george w. bush, nixon and reagan were able to exploit that and talk directly to these folks. what is happening now, they are living this bad economy everyday. they are out there on the ground. they can find work. they've just lost their job, their home is being foreclosed on. the democrats have been in
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control now for multiple years. their policies on stimulus on obama care, on cap and trade, on refusing to vote on the bush tax cuts they've taken the situation and made it gravely worse and they will pay in november. >> unfulfilled promises. there's 162 million dollars uncutted -- unaccounted for in the stimulus. what happened to where joe biden was to be watching the store. >> i can't go to that website that i was promised i would be able to see where every dollar was spent. >> sean: didn't biden said he wanted to strangle the next republican that talked about the budget. >> just a figure of speech. >> sean: if i talk about strangling democrats it would be taken seriously. one of the things that really has ied people, i thought the -- irked people, i thought during the campaign they were on message. they ran a very efficient campaign. frankly, one that could be
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admired and one that will be studied. but they allowed the president to go on all these vacation. the first lady is headed to spain. multiple trips. seemingly out of touch with the american people. congress leaves town without voting on what our taxes are gonna be come january. in this environment, you would think they understand that's not gonna work well that is going to backfire. >> robert gibbs is still willing to stand in front of everybody and paint a rosey picture. while they are sending a bad message by letting him take vacation and play golf and everything, they are still standing in front of the american people and saying things are getting better. >> sean: i am advocating, i think robert gibbs has done a great job as white house press secretary. i do not want him fired. i want him to stay where he is. >> i'm sure president obama will listen to that advice. >> the irony too of what you are saying about the imagery
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and the lack of sensitivity, the image they are putting out that the economy is getting better, hang in there, going on all of these trips, you think back to the 2008 campaign, sean and sandra, the whole thing was imagery. the whole thing was an illusion. i was all smoke and mirrors. you would think they would be extra sensitive to how their actions are being perceived now they are in office and they've been tone-deaf. >> sean: the president can catch a break his little presidential seal came off while he was speaking. >> major symbolism, not a good sign. >> while he was talking about technology. >> sean: guys good to see you. next dnc chair kaine made a bold prediction only to be proven wrong less than two hours later. the first lady is getting ready to hit the campaign trail. when we come back michelle malkin will explain the
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...toward stressless furniture and accessories when you purchase more than one stressless seat. experience the unparalleled comfort of stressless. ...featuring our entire stressless line. give yourself the gift of ultimate comfort. and where better to find it than from stressless, the innovators of comfort. call now for a free catalog and dvd featuring our entire stressless line. >> sean: first lady obama is taking a break from telling us what we can and cannot eat and is dumbing up support for democrats. she is asking people to donate cash to help fend off a republican upset in november. also hitting the campaign
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trail for some democrats. the first lady is scheduled to attend fundraiser for senator feingold. alexi giannoulias, bennet, blumenthal, murray and senator boxer. the first lady will make a fundraising stop for nancy pelosi, seeing as her job as speaker is definitely on the line. that's some list. joining me with reaction is the author of the number within "new york times" best selling book, culture of corruption, michelle malkin. welcome back. >> thanks for having me. >> for the first time in my adult life i'm proud of my country. america in 2008 is a downright mean country. i guess things have changed. >> i guess so. i do think america should watch out. the bitter half of the white house is being let loose on the campaign trail. some democrats think it is a smart idea to be seen next to michelle obama. as you just referenced with those past emnations from the first lady, she has quite a
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history of griping. not exactly what people want to hear right now, especially after her failed, botched spain trip. >> sean: it is interesting. obviously, democrats don't want to be seen with her husband. the latest strategy seems to be if you are not smearing republicans and sending out pamphlets or running ads that are full of lies, i guess the next thing you can do is pretend you are not a democrat. >> that's right. you cannot find that word in most of these democrat campaign ads right now. i think of course there's only so much they can do to cover their stripes. what is interesting, particularly to me about michelle obama's schedule, looking at the kinds of democrats that she has chosen to help. i think you will see two faces of michelle obama on the stump. on the one hand you will see her posing as the champion of the working people and demonizing republicans as the
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mean people who are keeping them out of their jobs. you see that with the grass roots online appeals. she is now doing a michelle match program. where she is moneygrubbing for small donations of three dollars or more that she says will be matched. matched by whom? we didn't know. apparently there are unnamed anonymous donors who will match it. i believe is code for big labor and is 88 million dollar war chest. >> sean: there was a piece today saying the president two days after election day is plan -- planning to head out of dodge and going on a foreign trip for 12 days. what do you think of this, perhaps maybe i'm making too much of this. the president speaking and the presidential seal, how symbolic falls off the front of the podium when he's speaking. >> the president: that starts with education, especially in fields like science,
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technology, engineering and math. we cannot sustain -- whoops -- was that my -- oh goodness that's all right. [ laughing ] >> the president: all of you know who i am. [ cheering ] >> sean: to his credit, i assume that line wasn't in the teleprompter. perhaps i go too deep in my assumption here. quick recovery on his par. but, is that symbolic? >> i think so. the omens -- do not bode well. i think it is more than the seal symbol lickally that is dropping of course. i -- symbolically, i think a lot of these candidates are going to drop like flies including the ones michelle obama is crusading for. the one in illinois replace obama and his senate seat,
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alexi get the shady banking buddy now -- alexi tkpwae, the shady banking buddy, he cancelled his appearance amid heated questions about a three million dollar tax deduction that he took for working 500 hours at his shady family bank the now defunct broadway bank. in colorado where michelle obama will be campaigning for michael bennet, dales cost the denver public schools 25 million dollars. these are the people she is -- ponding -- championing and embracing not only does it tell you the corruption and shadiness they embrace it tells you about the kind of lousy candidates the democrat party has been fielding. >> sean: those are all great points. i think there's something else tkaeper going on. bob woodward of all people -- said it is on the table the idea that hillary clinton, an obama -- hillary clinton
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ticket is being considered. white house is obviously denying this. on -- as soon as that came out, then mark penn, hillary clinton's pollster says this is going to be a referendum election on obama. everybody is predicting this is going to be a bloodbath for the democrats. obviously there's bad blood there and there seems to be political posturing from within. i wanted your take on that. >> sure hillary supporters have been far more open in the last couple of months about sniping and griping their displeasure with the current team. you have seen a lot of turnover not just on capitol hill and elected office that you are seeing that. everybody is belting the obama administration. of course, some -- is bolting the obama administration. of course that is natural and cyclical. i agree with woodward this is about obama. >> sean: michelle malkin appreciate you being with us.
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daniel silva is back. white house correspondent fox news contributor juan williams is here. he's editor at daily caller not to be confused with daily, kidding tucker carlson is here. the economy is the biggest issue. we this guy giannoulias running for obama's old seat. listen to him answer what spending bill he would oppose. >> what kind of spending would you have voted against? >>
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. >> sean: does he even know what job he's running for? >> you ask the gator a specific answer someone who is this shallow who has no idea what he's talking about to press him this hard is just cruel. >> in fact, his opponent, in the race -- [ talking over each other ] >> you don't want to hear the truth. his opponent voted for tarp. >> sean: forget it. here's the point. he doesn't understand the process. that's what comes through in this. >> i think he might understand it better than we think. a lot of people put a gun to their head in washington is part of problem.
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it is easier to vet for things than it is against them. the republicans into this same trap in the last congress. and ran up some pretty big deficits. >> sean: i don't think is going to happen. i think if the republicans win, i think they stan they're on probation -- i think they understand they're on probation. >> i don't think the people who put them in are going to stanford nonsense. >> that would be fascinating. you think there are people on the ran side right now who will say if we are serious about cutting the deficit, we are willing to cut some of this entitlement spending and say to older americans, you know your medicare payments -- >> i don't think the are willing to say that. i think there are tea party members who believe that. they are going to force republicans to face the real issues which are entitlements. >> i don't even see from it the people who are endorsed by the tea party saying --
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>> yes. [ talking over each other ] >> sean: they are gonna roll back and repeal health care and obama obviously is going to oppose it. they are going to move spending levels at least to 2008 levels if not 2007. they are going to propose all sorts of spending cuts. obama is not going to go the route of clinton and he's going to oppose them that's going to set us up for phase two of getting america back on track. >> like spending like deficits you have never seen. extent the bush tax cuts but don't tell us how you are going to pay for it? >> sean: hear a word i said? >> you didn't tell me if we extent bush tax cuts, how do we pay for it? >> sean: this is the problem with the liberal behind it is disforred in real life when you cut taxes, reagan proved this, he doubled revenues to the government. went from 70 to 28%, liberals, maybe not you, liberals were
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screaming we were going see the next depression. >> what i'm saying is president obama wants to cut taxes up to $250,000. the question is it ran guyesque to cut taxes for people -- it is it reagannesque to cut taxes for -- it wasler unreagan than it is now. >> sean: we have a 20 month record, people in need of food assistance in this country in large part because of high unemployment because small businesses, people that make $250,000 a year are not spending and investing and it will get worse if they don't extend those tax cuts. >> one of the big problems is this tremendous certainty. we left town, the congress did without putting the tax situation in -- a little more clarity to it. the president is seen as
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someone who is profoundly hostile to business. i think that is has been a real drag on this economy. >> you can take -- i think taxes should be cut in the end something the issue. spending on entitlements is thish you. the other stuff is a distraction. we are talking raising the retirement unpopular across the board with everybody are going to have to be done or the country will collapse. >> all these politicians and we just saw this with giannoulias on the democratic side, refuse to say to the voters -- >> sean: when republicans proposed cutting medicare, to 7% a year for seven years democrats accused them of trying to kick granny out on the street. >> i'll tell you what happened with republicans. they did a prescription drug benefit and don't say how they going to pay for it. >> sean: i talk about a and you talk about z. >> the same thing we are talking about. how do you say to people, cut,
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cut and take it seriously? >> sean: i will explain it when we get back. when we get back. >> i'm sure ♪ for he's a jolly good fellow ♪ the meeting's tomorro in dals ♪ ♪ we need to finish tho projections ♪ ♪ then output the final presentations ♪ ♪ sally, i'm gonna need 40 copies, obviously collated ♪ wht's going on? when we're crunched for time, brad combines office celebrations with official business. it's about efficiency. [ courier ] we can help. wh you ship with fedex, you can work rht up until the lastinute. it gives you re time to get stuff done. that's a great idea. ♪ i need tspeak with you privately ♪ ♪ i found your resume on the printer ♪ everyone! ♪ i found your resume on the printer ♪ [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who gives you more time. fedex.
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>> sean: as we 10 with our great, great american panel many interesting speculation that hillary clinton might replace joe en. white house is denying it. one interesting side note, hillary clinton's pollster said this is a referendum election on barack obama. who would you prefer to have as barack obama's vice president? hillary clinton, 55%. gentlemen biden, 25%. -- joe biden, 25%. believe it or not juan in may shock you but i have people who are close to the clintons. they were encouraging me to keep up my investigations of barack obama during the primary.
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they felt they couldn't do it. feeding me information at times. encouraging me behind the scenes. who would have thought the clintons would do that. i know for a fact hillary and bill clinton do not like barack obama? >> the fact is, look americans love hillary clinton. they remember the whole -- >> americans do not love hillary clinton. >> going back to the trouble she with her husband. she was -- people thought it was her turn when barack obama came in and took the nomination. to this day, especially women, see her as the one who had the opportunity. >> sean: you agree the clintons and the obamas don't like each other? >> it is not that they don't like each other. >> sean: the race card was played against her. >> clintons have their own agenda. >> it is not they dislike each other it is they loath each other like the devil runs from holy water. if i could raise protest to
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the treatment of joe biden. he's being treated with disrespect bay the white house. joe biden knows a lot more about the world than the president does. and they treat him like -- they treat him like the mentally defective -- like a loser. >> sean: they ought to buy him a teleprompter or lend him one of baracks because he goes off message and it hurts him. >> you know things are bad when the chief of staff leaves before the midterms. this early -- >> he's on a campaign, joining a race he can win. >> sean: he can even participate in. >> earlier in the administration having this discussion about replacing the vice president. i think it says a lot about the state of this it white house and the state of the administration. it makes for good talk. i'm not sure if it is at all gonna happen. but it sure -- >> how would you like to have hilary clinton breathing down your neck as vice president?
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no way they would allow that she would be undermining him at every turn. >> if you are thinking about 2012 she would add a lot to the ticket. >> she would. >> sean: it won't matter hot vice president is. i'll tell you why, if unemployment is above 8, 9%, somewhere in there, this will be barack obama's economy. and he will be thrown out of office for being a failure on economic poll -- policies -- >> sean you would have to run. i would have to think about you. are you thinking about it? >> sean: would you vote for me? >> of course. >> sean: over barack obama? >> i'm not sure he has the credentials, the experience. but the republicans have nobody. the republicans have zero, zip for a candidate. >> sean: i'm thinking tuck going to run. chris christie won't run. >> i don't like carr. >> what kind of car did you have?
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>> i think chris christie is going to be the nominee. >> sean: latino voters would vote overwhelmingly democratic. they are totally not engaged in this race. >> sit this one out. >> sean: why? >> a number of reasons. i think they are affected not enthusiastic about this administration. the white house and the democratic party gambled to try to fire the latinos up over the immigration issue and it didn't work. >> it backfired. they seem to have operational blow-back and they've managed to fire up the other side on that issue. they might have lost that. >> that is so true. harry reid moved immigration up on the schedule when he knew it could never go through. i think it was a race conscious strategy and a disspeubl -- despicable one. it made opponents of immigration mad. >> i disagree.
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