tv Hannity FOX News July 31, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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williams. juan, three things i want to point out as we start this. the president made declarations that he's running, cut the deficit in half during his first term. he said he was running in the worst economy since the great depression so he knew the economy, the economic situation he was running in and he had nancy pelosi and harry reid. he got his stimulus, he got his budget bills passed and got his healthcare bill passed. so at this point is this not the obama economy? is this his or not? >> well, it certainly is, sean. i don't think there's any question. but, of course, what you didn't say was even last week when the government was looking at the economic conditions, they said retroactively looking back, the situation the president inherited was even worse than they thought. >> worst than the worst economy since the great depression? >> yeah. here's what i like about your introduction. you laid out the parameters for this election i think exactly right. this is what it's about. and if you just go by what sean
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hannity said tonight, you would have to say, well, barack obama did a great job because, guess what? -- >> granted. i will could be seed a point. >> because the growth of government, right -- >> wait a minute. >> okay, go ahead. >> wait a minute, no new jobs. >> what? 28 straight months of job growth, 4.2 million more jobs since he took office. >> juan, we have just under a million fewer people working today than when he took office so we have no new net new jobs. sorry you can't spin it. fewer americans working and $5 trillion in debt. governor sioux. >> this has been four years of disaster for america. the president laid out his own goal of 5.5, 6% unemployment after three years and we are at 8.2. we have 24 million people suffering either unemployed or underemployed. we have kids graduating from
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office with less than half of them being able to enter jobs, even slightly related to what they studied for. one and a half percent growth rate last week. the worst growth rate you could possibly imagine at this stage coming out in the fourth year of coming out of a problem. the growth rate should be around six to eight percent, and this president is a failure in that. he spent $5 trillion and he has nothing to show for it. he thought there were going to be shovel ready jobs and he admitted he was blowing smoke when he said that. we have an economic disaster. and when you ask the president what's going on, he says it worked. why can't he be honest and acknowledge the fact that it failed, not that it worked? >> wow, john sununu, the sky is falling, the sky is falling and i'm chicken little. george that's not you. this is not you to be so
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negative and pessimistic about america. i have lectured sean has been about this. you have to believe in the country. and the thing to understand is the government is smaller today than when president obama took as. we came in with a difficult time. >> that's not true. juan, that's not true. >> it is. >> first of all, that's in the true. there are more public employees today than when he took office. >> no. what we have is smaller government. if you are asking about the size of government, government expenditures, the rate of growth in terms of spending is the smallest it's been since going back to -- >> juan, juan. >> juan, that statistic that you and the president tried to pawn off on the american public has been debunked even by the most liberal of analysts that say he is cheating with those numbers. >> oh, yeah. >> he put $5 trillion extra pending into the game, and he laid that debt on the back of the young people of today, tomorrow and my grandkids.
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>> it's not cheating. it's not cheat being, it's transparency. >> it's cheating. >> remember what i said before, in the last administration the cost of the wars, the cost of bush tax cuts, that wasn't considered. but if i look at just hard facts like, gee, how is the nasdaq doing, it's more than doubled since he took office. and how is the dow doing, up 10% since he took office. corporate profits? >> higher. >> and how are american people doing in terms of jobs? they are not working. this president has kept people in the poorhouse. >> let me say, governor, and i will throw it back to you. we have the highest number of people dependent on government in american history. we have 15 million more people on food stamps. we have 27 million in underemployed americans. he said he would cut the deficit in half. he's given us the largest deficits. and he called george bush
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unpatriotic for and irresponsible about, he's given us $5.5 trillion in debt in 3.5 years. george gave us 3 in eight years. >> sean, i can't believe you are mimicking that statistic that the president himself has stopped talking about. he is the biggest spender in american history. he has increased the size of government at the federal level. he has sent moneys to the states and municipalities and have them increase the size of government. he's increased debt and we have people who are still looking for jobs after four years. >> john, when you know that in fact what we are seeing in state and local government is a terrific error of retrenchment. and there's a big drag on the company right now. the private sector is adding jobs. what we are seeing cuts in terms of people that are firefighters, policeman, and that's where the cuts are coming. and so when you talk about added spending, i think what you are referring to is the stimulus. remember, americans got tax cuts
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under the stimulus and i know you are a tax cut guy so why would you be bad mouthing the stimulus? >> because it didn't work, and this. >> it sure did. >> and this president runs around lying to america saying it worked. it has not worked and we have problems. and when you ask him why it didn't work, he says it is europe's fault, it's because we are using atms, we had a tsunami, we had more rain, we had less rain, we had drought. everything is an excuse for this president. stand up and be counted for, mr. president. we have to decide what america is going to do. mitt romney has put together a package and a plan that will move this country forward. juan, i mentioned it the other day. bob karrow's book on lyndon johnson, his fourth book has a huge section there talking about the months before kennedy was assassinated and after lyndon johnson took office and both kennedy and johnson were desperately trying to get congress to pass a tax cut
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package across the board so that they could get growth again going into the 1964 election. this isn't just republican dogma, this is real. and the hard leftists of that taken this president's mind over have convinced him that tax cuts for those who make investments is a good political position to fight and to denigrate the rich and the successful in america. >> john, i know you want to respond. i'm not trying to cut you off but we have time restraints. we will come back and have more with governor sununu and one of the chief architects of the economy, goolsbee is here. and the outrageous bias when it comes to the treatment of ann romney by the mainstream media and we have examples of how they
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>> the government spending levels, but i think they look high because there's a recession. the spending is higher than it would be if we had two and a half, three percent growth because so many people on medicaid and getting food stamps. >> they played the race card on me and we now know they planned to do it all along. >> no question getting up and going to the office and basically performing the essential functions of the office, a man whose been governor and had a sterling business career, crosses the qualification threshold. >> what i think we need to do is find some way to avoid the fiscal cliff, to avoid doing anything that would contract the economy now. >> does that mean extending the tax cuts? >> well, i think what it means is they will have to extend -- i
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don't have any problem with extending all of it now. >> we continue on "hannity" with former governor john sununu and juan williams. billbill clinton has been callen now like mighty mouse to the rescue. first of all he accused obama playing the race card on him and he defended bain, then he said we are in a recession, then he said we oughted to extend all the bush tax cuts. and i mean almost every position, and he said governor romney is qualified to be president, and he's had an incredible business career s that the guy you go to to rescue obama? >> yeah, he also said president obama is a far better candidate for president and should be re-elected and it's essential in terms of making sure that our economy continues to grow. i did not -- >> sounds like he agrees with mitt romney more to me, governor. >> no, i think he was respectful of mitt romney. i think everybody is. he's had a tough time over there in europe and in israel. he certainly hasn't been very
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diplomatic. >> he didn't bow before anybody. >> if you are going to try to spin me on this one, sean, come on. he's had a rough couple days here. >> yeah, he had a rough week. obama gets endorsed by hugo chavez and mitt romney gets endorsed by -- that's a rough week, isn't it? [laughter] >> let's get right down to it. let's start with the dust up in england. can you imagine the scandalous exhibitionist newspapers in england criticizing an american presidential candidate for saying exactly the same thing that those same newspapers had in their own headlines the week before? come on. the american press hand-in-hand with the british press is making something out of nothing. mitt romney had a -- >> they are picking on poor mitt romney. look, mitt romney is clearly not a diplomat, he's not at the level you would say this is someone american can trust to represent -- >> come on, juan.
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>> what does he need to do, apologize? does he need to apologize for america to meet that standard? >> he isn't helping the situation in the middle east. hold on a second, john. do you really believe mitt romney, i know you are a surrogate but i want an honest answer. do you think he helped the israeli-palestinian situation. >> yes. >> -- by insulting the pam palestinian? >> he's shown strength. among obama has not done. >> and, okay, one at a time. governor. >> but what was the important part of that trip? and it hasn't really been reported well. when he went to poland and addressed the poles in terms of the transition that started in 1975, when pope john paul ii and the welenca movement began to bring poland out from under the soviet union, it reminded people that big government oppression is not the way people want to
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live. they want to live with free enterprise and freedom and self determination and democracy. and that is something that i think is important that we remind ourselves about all the time. and mitt romney's speech in poland is a great example of how to redefine what the future of america and the world ought to look back to and move forward to. >> john sununu, you are like the man following the circus. you are cleaning up and you are doing a good job. i appreciate it and i hope mitt romney appreciates it. but the fact is let's get back to -- >> juan, wait a minute. wait a minute. you are the guy saying the five trillion in debt a from a guy who promised to cut it in half in the first four years and save jobs, i think the same thing can be used for the spin you are handing out here tonight. >> no, i'm being more respectful. >> $5 trillion in debt, you deaf the in defense i believe, and by the way, he did apologize for america and he doesn't believe in america exceptionalism.
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>> you find me a situation he apologized for america. he's the biggest booster of america. >> the biggest booster of america? let me bow to that one. >> and here's the rest -- >> you guys are talking about tax cuts. let's get back to jobs. >> he's created no jobs. fewer americans working. >> look, because we were in a deeper, most troubling situation -- john, you said this at the top of the evening. >> we should have more recovery again. >> he got into a bad situation. >> oh, come on. >> but he has extended the bush tax cuts, extended payroll tax cuts and not only that he has done it in a way that's produced jobs for 28 straight months. >> there's no new jobs. >> what? >> the amount of jobs he's produce sudden less than you would have with population growth. there's no recovery, there's just swallowing around, waiting for someone to come and save america. thank god there's an election in november. >> and the guy coming to save is going to cut taxes for the well
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think, cut regulations on corporations -- >> you are already demonizing the investment class that's ready to invest in equipment and hire people. >> oh, yeah. well, with the tax cuts -- >> yes have to break. >> with the bush tax cuts, what's the problem, john? >> even bill clinton grease -- agrees a john sununu. he should do it again. >> thank you, juan. >> coming up, president obama takes sole credit when something good happens to the country. that's not enough. he wants to take credit for your success as we. we have dana perino coming up. and one of the architects of the obama economy, austin goolsbee and i go one-on-one as he defends obama's record. i have a few surprises coming up in that debate. coming up. all multivitamins give me the basics. they claim to be complete.
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>> one thing president obama is good at is casting blame when things do not go his way. whether it's pointing fingers at president bush, congress or those pesky job stealing kiosks or machines, nothing is off limit. but when things go right it's all thanks to the anointed one. let's take a look at the web video from words matter 2012
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that proves once ask for all if something goes well for you, don't you dare look in that mirror because to steal a line from the president, you didn't build that. take a look. >> that's why one of the first decisions that i made as president was to save the us auto industry from collapse. >> not a day goes buy that i'm not focused on your jobs. >> i ask you to cap student loan payments faster. i asked them to send me a new national tourism strategy. >> i said i would go after bin laden in if we had a clear shot at him, and i did. >> i was brief. >> i met repeatedly. >> i determined today at my direction -- >> if you have a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> no words, just speeches. >> here to breakdown who is to bless and who is to blame, we
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have our own dana perino and the host of varney and company, stuart varney. of course, he takes credit but the kiosk, atm, we know the litany. >> one of the amazing things about 2012 that you didn't have in 2008 is a lot of tape from president obama. and i think one of the most effective campaign strategies for the opposition, being the republicans, is to just let his words speak for himself and let people decide. >> i agree with you. what did he promise? what did he deliver? didn't he say he was going to cut the deficit in half in his first term? >> he said a lot of things. i just noticed that he said i saved the american auto industry. fast forward to today and you see john motors, government motors, in absolute crisis. and they fired their top marketing guy, their stock is in the tank, they can't replay $26 million and gm is in crisis. that's one montage that you put together there. i think the president is getting desperate. i think august is going to be a
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terrible month for the economy and i think it's at that point that the polls start to turn. >> that's probably why there's been so many attempts at distraction. the latest is, and of course he uses surrogate and in this case it's harry reid. harry reid goes out and said mitt romney would be embarrassed by his son and that issue has to do with the fact that i've heard from somebody. i've heard some source, unnamed, that didn't pay taxes for ten years so they can distract and play class warfare at the same time and create this cloud of secrecy over mitt romney. pretty sinister. >> is it any wonder that the senate has not passed a budget in like four years? the poisonous atmosphere that he fuels. senator reed saying that, you have to ask yourself is there no limits, is there no shame? and on that side of things. if mitt romney says something that someone thinks, oh, maybe that was a little off, it's a gaffe that gets international headlines, but they can say something like this about him
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and his father and just walk away and say, oh, i'm just raising questions. i'm just raising suspicion. >> he could have committed a felony. >> he didn't admit that he snorted cocaine, right? a felony. mr. varney, is that unfair? >> i don't know. i do know that the establishment media is playing along with this. distraction. playing along with it big time. did you see the tape from the -- from mitt romney, where there was shouted questions at him at this very holey site, a memorable site in poland and he would not answer. they are screaming questions at him, looking to find fault. an aid to romney say show some respect, show some respect. i thought he made the establishment media look really bad at that point. >> there are two things that are really interesting. one is when you look at the gallop poll, people don't care about class warfare. number two, i want to hoe this particularly to dana because you worked for president president .
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but now it's falling on deaf ears at this point but the president throughout his presidency, watch what he says. >> we weathered the arab spring's effect on oil and gas prices. the japanese earthquake and tsunami effect on supply chains, the extraordinary economic uncertainty in europe. and recently markets around the globe have taken a bumpy ride. >> there are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. you see it when you go to a bank and you use an tatm. you don't go to a bank teller oregon you go to an airport and you use a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate. >> we are inheriting so many champ edges. >> we knew this was going to take time because we've got this big, messy, tough democracy.
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>> the previous administration and previous congress has created an expensive new drug program, passed massive tax cuts for the well think, and funded two wars without paying for any of it. >> these are far from the best of times by any measure. my administration inherited a fiscal disaster. >> we inherited a big mess. >> how do you react to that? >> it's to be expected. i mean, we've heard this now for five years. this has been his -- there's no doubt he was dealt a difficult hand. >> so was president bush. >> but this one -- >> ts one was significant. but the policy also they chose to put in place did not help the economy. in fact people are making the decision now that it has made it worst. >> far worse. >> and the sand in the hourglass is going so quickly. we are 98 days to the election. how do they turn it around? there are only 8% of americans left undecided at this point. >> it's an excuse factor the president has operating here and
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plus he's rewriting economic american history. he keeps saying, and it's the same talking points owl the time. the tax cuts of george bush, they create the the great deafcy. absolutely untrue. the tax increases of bill clinton in the 1990s created the surplus. not accurate. they are rewriting history. anything to avoid looking at the state of the economy now, which is perilous, indeed. high unemployment, massive debt -- >> and getting worse. >> and it's getting worse. >> and his number one policy issue was last on the list in the gallop poll. their biggest concern is jobs. >> let's remember, we could be leading the world out of this. >> we could be, but we aren't. >> it will not work. >> it will not work. say that again. >> it won't work. >> all right, guys, good to see you both. and coming up, what happens when a democratic senate candidate praises communist china?
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he gets rewarded at a prime time speaking slot at the democratic convention. and former obama economic advisor, austin goolsbee is here for a "hannity" classic one-on-one shootout. will he defend president obama getting four more years. and also a segment that should have all women outraged. how ann romney is treated by the mainstream media compared to michelle obama. spiva helps corol my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell yr doctor if you have kidy problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you ta, even eye drops.
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>> the bad fuse keeps coming for team obama on the economic front. the consumer numbers in the economy is dropping again i cord to go gallop's weekly survey, consumer confidence that peaked in may has plummeted to the lowest since january. so it's difficult to argue that the president deserves another four years in office but here to attempt do that is one of the architects of the obama economy, former chairman of the council of economic advisers, austin goolsbee. sir, welcome back. >> sean, thanks for having me again. >> appreciate it. you are a good man. you are one of the few obama people who have the guts to come on this program. they usually only do shows that suck up to the president. i don't suck up. >> look, i know you don't, but one of these days your bosses are going to come over and ask you why you keep having me on here because you have to stick up for me. >> fair and balanced, austin. you are here. let me start with a question that may seem a little off beat.
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if somebody makes definitive statements running for office, running for the office of presidency, should is matter if they fulfill their promises? >> yes. >> okay. let's go back to the quote, the great sportscaster in new york, let's go to the videotape. this is then candidate, now president obama. >> that's why today i'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office. because of the massive deficit we inherited and the cost of this financial crisis, we are having to go through the books line by line, page by page that we can cut our deficit in half by the end of my first term and reduce it by $2 trillion over the next decade. all tolled, by the end of my first term we will cut the deficit in half. when i took office i pledged to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term.
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our budget meets that pledge and puts us on a path to pay for what we spend by the middle of the decade. >> we are borrowing 40 cents of every dollar. he not only didn't cut the deficit in half but he's given us the largest deficits of any president in the history of this country, over $5 trillion in new obama debt. is he a failure? >> no. sean, what you left out is the primary reason that the deficit did not go down substantially in the last year, is that in a totally bipartisan way, republicans and democrats agreed in 2010 to extend all the bush tax cuts, knowing perfectly well that it was going to. >> did the president himself sign that bill? >> yes. >> okay. now here's the point. what you are forgetting is for the first two years, and you were there, is that the president had nancy pelosi in the house and harry reid in the senate. he got his budgets passed, got
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his stimulus passed, got his healthcare passed and we -- wait a minute. he failed, and we have fewer americans working today and $5 trillion in debt and you are going to tell the american people that's a success? >> sean, you are trying to switch it around. let's go back -- >> you have to focus here. >> your first charge is that the president said he would cut the deficit in half, and he didn't. now i remind you -- >> he broke his promise. he failed. >> no. it was off of the $1.3 trillion deficit that he was left with as -- >> when i took office i pledge to cut the deficit in half by the end of the first term. our budget meets that pledge and puts us on a path to pay for what he spend by the middle of the decade. >> yes. and that was the -- look, sean, his budget that he proposed would do that and the republicans and democrats agreed at the end of 2010 that they were not going to try to cut the
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deficit because the economy was still hurting. they would extend the tax cuts. >> that's like read my lips, no now taxes. >> just the opposite. read my lips, we won't have taxes go up. sean, you are expressing surprise the deficit remains high in where in a bipartisan way they agreed. >> in july of 2008 your president said that george bush was -- >> and yours. >> was unpatriotic and ire response spill that we were taking a credit card to the bank of china in the name of our kids and grandkids, and that's irresponsible. that's unpatriotic. he has accumulated over $1 trillion more dollars in debt in three and a half years than george bush did in eight years. wait a minute. we have almost a million fewer americans working, austin, and you are going to tell the american people that that is success? you are going to -- >> sean, you are combining two different things and we can talk
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about them. we will do them one at a time. the point that he made with george bush and said what undermines the country is when you are in an economy that's doing well -- >> not what he said. >> -- it's not a time to be running big deficits. that's what he said at that time. >> he said george bush has taken a credit card to the bank of china in the name of our kids and grandkids and he's -- and our deficit went up to $9 trillion and now it's $16 trillion. >> sean, both parties knew perfectly well that we would continue to have large deficits because of the tax cuts. >> for two years he got his plan passed. two full years, all democrats. >> i'm not disputing that at the -- at the outset when he steps in in the middle of the deepest recession of our lifetime this they engage in things that make the deficit bigger for a two-year period. the question is why did it not come down by the end of his first term?
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and the answer, as you know very well, is that they chose in a bipartisan way to extend trillion of dollars of bush tax cuts. that's why. >> you know, i will say i respect the fact that you come on the program. i know you are a good guy. but that's like blaming -- that's like blaming atm machines and kiosks and tsunami and earthquakes and fox and sean has been for his failures. >> and why do we not are $50 between us? >> the last question are we better off than we were four years ago? are we enter off as a country. $5 trillion in new debt, obama debt? >> we are definitely better off. now, from the moment he took office it was like, you know, going up on the roof, the guy let's go and we are halfway falling before your bum -- pumpkin is going to smash on the ground. and you are not allowed to say the pumpkin looked great when i last saw it because it was
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halfway to the ground when he stepped on to it. i realize that's a bit of a weird analogy. >> that's kind of weird. >> the point being, if you do in a bipartisan way a tax cut knowing perfectly well that that's going to increase the deficit, it's not genuine and it's not appropriate to turn around and say how could the deficit be that big. >> if we continue to spend by borrowing 40 cents of every dollar, we will be greece, and obama has spent more than any president in the history of this country. matter, accumulated debt in more debt in his term than 41 presidents combined. we will have you back. we are out of time. >> thank you. >> time to check in with greta. bright yellow tonight. >> it is. it's trying to keep me awake. i have a little jet lag. >> it was a great interview, by the way. >> and we will see part two tonight. our interview with president shimon peres is also tonight.
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and we have pat buchanan and chairman darryl issa is here. we have a full pack show, sean. >> we will be watching in 17 1/2 minutes. and elizabeth warren is rumored to be the author of the original obama you didn't build it comment and now she's slated to speak prime time at the convention. go figure. >> no, there's nobody in this country that got rich on his own. nobody. send money to anyone's checking account with chase quickpay. all you need is an email address or mobile number. you're welcome. take a step forward
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because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. >> that was massachusetts senate candidate elizabeth warren, the original author of that you didn't build it your own comment and now joining me is pat caddell, the ceo of ald productions, and there's obama following up with these comments. >> just like we tried their plan, we tried our plan and it worked. that's the difference. >> if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> the private sector is doing fine. >> is it just clueless? >> absolutely clueless. absolutely. i love when people come in mainstream and think that they know what they are talking about. where were you when it started? she's forgetting where did the capital come from, who invested in it, it's not the government that invest, it's the investors that take the risk on it.
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if i need a road i'm the one that actually does it until there's proof of concept and then they come in. >> thank goodness my mother gave me smashed peas and changed my diaper, i didn't build this life of mine, and jesus is breathing into my soul. how dumb is this? >> i think elizabeth warren's work about the bank bailouts and the rip offs that were going on has been quite good. she's gone very hard left in this message in massachusetts. it's massachusetts. but the problem, it seems to me, is that when you have 75% of the people who disagree with that argument, you have a problem. so we are going to double down on this? i find that strange. her argument is, it doesn't make sense to voters because all of us use the roads. to not acknowledge what people do is an afterthought. it comes out of the same kind of thinking, i hate to tell you, it's the same thing that barney frank has.
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>> i guess for them, a we look at this situation that's unfold be here, it seems that the president does not -- look, as donald trump often says, this is a president whose biggest deal was his house deal with the convicted felon, tony resco. this is a guy who never -- worked for acorn community organizer and believed in the system with jeremiah white. what has he done? >> he doesn't know how to sweat. he doesn't know what it is to have the courage to go out and sweat for something that you believe in. he doesn't know what it's like to be alone with your thoughts at night figuring out how in the world will i feed my family and -- >> how many hours a night do you sleep? >> three or four. >> i slept more when i was working. donald trump is right, the problem is experiences and then it's in the body language. the problem i have with this, you know, if you listen to the spot that scott brown ran, which this is part of it, he quotes
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bill clinton talking about what small business people do, john kennedy's words, lyndon johnson. >> that's a great ad. >> but it is about mainstream democrats that used to be about we had people who worked in something other than public employees. >> you saw me debating austin goolsbee. does that go over? at the end of the day when people see the deficit, unemployed, the level of dependency higher than it's ever been, can they get away with republicans and three years into the obama administration. >> it's more than that. people can look and you talk about people getting up and look at the stock market. we don't care about that. it's can i put gas in my car to get to school. can i afford to put it in the school system. can i pay for the milk? can i pay for the bread? everybody in this country that i talked to over and over and over again have tightened to such an extent. tive source is higher, suicide is higher, addictions are
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higher. >> somebody has to take responsibility. you are promised one thing and it doesn't work, it's about leadership. i disagree with what you did earlier about all the things clinton has said about him. the real danger for letting clinton stand up there is that clinton is a symbol of a different kind of presidency, a different kind of leadership. and it's called real leadership, and guess who doesn't have it. and he's really opened it up. -- >> we have breaking news i have to share with you. breaking news out of texas tonight. tea party candidate ted cruise, he wins the gop senate nomination in today's runoff, and he was up against the state's lieutenant governor. coming up next, one of these women was branded a fashionista, and the other out of touch with reality for her wardrobe choice. it's not hard to guess who was who. we will look at the latest example of left wing mainstream media liberal bias. announcer ] at scottrade,
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falling all over themselves as michelle obama stepped out for a reception at the buckingham palace. price tag 6,000 hundred dollars. as you imagine, ann romney would not get the same treatment. if you don't believe me, let's go back to may. she was hammered by the mainstream media for wearing a designer shirt during an interview with cbs news. the cost of the shirt, less than $1,000. here's an example of the treatment ann romney got from nbc news. >> turns out the craziest thing with the ann romney appearance was the shirt ann romney chose to air. it was instantly recognized at the reed silk shirt after of the reed summer collection and it's available to anyone for a mere $990. yet another example of how out of touch the romney family can be with how 99% of americans
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live. >> and the same guy that went after horses that are used for therapy for ann romney, and joining me now is reaction, republican strategist, leslie marshall. and noel. noel, i don't know if nbc will cover this. it will be interesting to see if they do. >> here's the deal. this is really funny. ann romney has a wealthy husband, what do you expect her to dress in, something from the gap? but michelle obama is being supported by the taxpayers and what i like is i want to know when her husband was u.s. senator for short term or when he wrs a community organizer was she sporting $6,800 jackets? i don't think so. and with her husband trying to send a message he's connecting to the common man and he really feels the pain of what's going on in america, having his wife running around in an almost $7,000 jacket really sends a conflicting message. >> don't you think, leslie, in fairness that nbc news ought to do a story on the $6,800
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whatever? i wear jeans and sneakers everyday and a baseball hat so what do i know? >> i do know that. that is true. but, sean, you guys are a little bit confused here. michelle obama is the first lady. ann romney wants to be the first lady. i remember. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. no, we got into the whole 99% over $900 shirt and now it's $6,800 in tough economic times. you know, with concerts and basketball and golf and trips -- >> wait a minute, sean. when you are the first lady of the united states -- >> that's impossible. that will never happen. >> and any dignitary -- yes, i know. but when nancy reagan was first lady, the designer used to make her beautiful gowns, usually in red, and it's very common for first ladies in the united states to be given very expensive clothes by designers. >> i don't care. i don't care what she wears or how much it costs. it's liberals that do this,
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liberals that play class warfare, noel. >> we are talking about ann romney being attacked and singled out for one thing and that was her expensive blouse. leslie, here's the point. michelle obama, who the whole message of the obamas is, you know, they are trying to connect and that they understand the common man. do you really think that she made a good choice in wearing this designer outfit for $6,800? >> quick. we are out of time. >> the bottom line, the president is not say being i'm going to run the country the way i ran my businesses, mitt romney is. and the -- >> styles of the rich. >> and mitt romney. >> the styles of rich and famous and one percent obamas. i love to play class warfare and the media, double standard. good to see you both. that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled. greta is next to go on the record and we will see you back here tomorrow night. greta, take it away. >> tonight, is it a cheap shot by senate majority leader harry
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reid, claims one, no name, told him gov. romney didn't pay taxes for ten years but, of course,sen nor reed won't name names. instead he's giving his remarks to the media. is that fair or slime my? and rush limbaugh says gov. romney just hit a home run. what does he mean by that? you would hear from him. and we sat down with president shimon peres in israel. and that's all minutes away. but first the sizzling political controversy over the fast food chain. chick-fil-a is at the center after political storm. why? well, the catch's president openly opposes gay marriage. he said it invites god's judgment on our nation. and then came the responses. mayors of several cities recently banning chick-fil-a. there's also an online petition to boycott the chain. but now the counter protests
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again. some political leaders urging people to support the restaurant chain. and former governor palin tweeting photos of herself and her husband at a texas chick-fil-a. she joins us. good evening. >> good evening. welcome home. let's start with the picture of you and todd. are you jumping into this because of the cause or because of the response by some, and most notably some mayors calling for a boycott? >> well, calling for the boycott has a chilling effect on our first amendment rights. and the owner of the chick-fil-a business had merely voiced his personal opinion about supporting traditional definition of marriage. one boy, one girl, falling in love, getting married and having voiced support for kind of that cornerstone of all civilization and all religions since the beginning of time. he then basically getting
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