tv HLN News HLN August 2, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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the mystery surrounding a missing gulf war fighter pilot shot down in iraq in 1991 has been solved. has the military tracked down the remains of captain michael "scott" speicher. a massachusetts couple discovers their baby boy posted for sale on a craigslist ad. how the examer got his photo. dozens of toledo cops who lost their jobs over budget cuts are returning to work. how the city plans to pay for it. and back to school season may mean a resurgence of swine flu. hear what federal officials want to do to help keep it in check. hi, you're watching "hln" news and views. i'm natasha curry. the remains of the first
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american pilot shot down over iraq during the 1991 persian gulf war are finally back home. navy captain michael "scott" speicher disappeared when his plane went down over anbar province on the first night of the war. his remains have now been recovered and positively identified. the discovery should end years of speculation that speicher actually survived and was held captive. >> it is a bittersweet ending. i mean, it is great that we have finally accomplished an ending. but it is bett bittersweet. you always hope he will be found alive. if he was found alive, look what he's missed. his children are in college now. and, you know, what kind of life would he have led, being a prisoner of war and always speculation that he was, you know, tortured and beaten and, you know, so it is, like i said, it is bittersweet. >> the navy says an iraqi civilian told u.s. forces early
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last month that he had witnessed the crash. another iraqi told marines that he saw speicher's body being buried after the crash. the state department is trying to find out what happened to three americans who were taken into custody in iran. iranian media reports they were arrested for crossing illegally from iraq into iran. a fourth american who was supposed to join them on a hike through the kurdish region of iraq apparently fell ill and stayed behind. one of the americans detained in iran is from pennsylvania. his mother spoke to cnn radio network. >> my husband and i are eager for the best welfare and conditions for our son josh and for the other two it companions he's with. and that is our only concern, his welfare, and the best conditions for him. >> the state department says the
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swiss ambassador to tehran is trying to get information about the detained americans. the u.s. has no diplomatic relations with iran. for president obama and his administration, a six-month checkup. he gathered his entire cabinet at blair house across the street from the white house for two days of meetings about goals and accomplishments. both the president and vice president joe biden met with cabinet officers on friday. biden ran the show yesterday, while the president was at camp david. the white house says the meeting reviewed what the administration had done in its first six months and set priorities for the next six months. treasury secretary timothy geithner was at that meeting and he said the economy is no longer on the edge of collapse. he expects it to grow by the end of year and predicts unemployment will slow significantly by this time next year. >> the broad consensus of the private forecasters is you'll see positive growth this year and expect that to continue. >> 2.5% level?
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>> not clear yet. but you need growth before you get people's businesses to start creating jobs again. and that's what we're going to be focused on doing. >> geithner's predictions weren't all rosie. he warned the bailout plan and the economic stimulus bill are expanding the federal budget deficit to unsustainable levels. he says any economic recovery won't last unless the deficit is reduced in the near future. arizona senator john mccain is also worried about the skyrocketing deficit. he says while he thinks president obama's stimulus had some effect on the economy, it is also put the country trillions of dollars in debt. >> this is a short-term improvement in the economy. and i'll be glad to give him credit for that. but the question that i think we should be asking are the long-term consequences of this unprecedented debts and deficits, are they beneficial to the country and i think the answer is no.
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>> mccain says the long-term consequences of the deficit will be devastating unless the country does something about it. with back to school season around the corner, public health officials say they're now worried about the spread of swine flu. authorities expect the h1n1 virus to spread further and faster once kids return to the classroom. they're encouraging kids to use hand sanitizer. eventually the goal is to vaccinate school aged children but a vaccine won't be available for months. in the meantime, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius says states should prepare for the flu as if it were a resurgence of the 1918 pandemic that killed 100 million people worldwide. investigators in idaho looking for a missing boy are focusing on a home in boise. they searched it yesterday and on friday and also closed off a land fill on the property. the homeowner says investigators dug in his backyard after police dogs picked up a scent in his truck. he says his truck was stolen before the boy disappeared, and
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someone later returned it. >> it was pretty devastated that my truck is being -- it being considered part of this. whatever lead helps. i have complete cooperation with them because it is a little boy that needs to be found. >> wallace said he's innocent. robert manuel disappeared nine days ago after visiting his mom. police say they have no suspects but they are following about 300 tips in this case. new york's laguardia airport is back on schedule today. that's after a fake bomb caused a massive evacuation. the suspect, scott mcginn, is being held without bail for allegedly bringing in a backpack with wires and batteries. officials say mcginn has a criminal record. august is off to a deadly start for u.s. and allied forces in afghanistan. nine have died in combat just this weekend. three americans were killed today in eastern afghanistan. yesterday six nato soldiers died in and around the city of
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kandahar. at least three of them were americans. 75 nato troops died in afghanistan last month. that's the highest one-month death toll since the u.s.-led invasion in 2001. in canada, a stage collapsed in the middle of an outdoor music festival. one person was killed and 15 other people were injured at the big valley jamboree in alberta. a storm rolled in while some 15,000 people were watching the festival yesterday. the crowd started to evacuate, and that's when the stage came down. police say emergency services helped rescue some people trapped under the rubble. president obama's economic recovery plan focused on shovel-ready projects to put people back to work. but it is also giving people jobs, people who never touch a shovel. see how money is helping to fight crime.
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the recovery program to pay for the return. toledo is getting another federal grant that will put 29 more laid off cops back in uniform. they'll start reporting for duty later this week. >> they're very pleased and it is good news for them and for their families and for the rest of us here at the police department. this will enable me to put some of those detectives back into the detective bureau where they can do follow-up investigations to property crimes and we need all the help we can get in that area. >> the chief says toledo is getting the maximum federal assistance available. even so, 15 officers who were laid off will not be going back to work. so how would you like to be the only family living in a 32-story building? it happened in ft. myers, florida. now the family's attorney filed two lawsuits saying that the building wasn't finished as promised. the family paid $430,000 for the unit, four years ago, but when no one else moved in, the
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building turned off lights and the pool and the parking garage. sealed off the garbage chute and never developed a planned clubhouse, marina and restaurant. the developer says the amenities were never promised and the family has rejected all their offers to resolve the situation. u.s. marshals have seized skin sanitizer made by a company based in utah. the fda is warning people not to use clarcon skin products. no problems were related to using the products have been reported to the fda. clarcon voluntarily recalled the products in june. the fda says the company failed to follow protocols that could have prevented the contamination. a kentucky man faces a murder charge in the death of a triathlon competitor.
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according to police, yates sped away from the scene and took off again after he was stopped by an off duty officer. his mother took yates back to the crash site, where he was arrested. a teenager who was in and out of a coma for two months is finally home. a car accident nearly killed her. we find out what happened when she was in the hospital and will stay with her family forever. >> reporter: a sea of green shirts, bracelets, balloons, shoes, even bandannas waited for 30 minutes saturday to hug 16-year-old sequoia smith. >> i feel awesome. >> i'm so excited. >> but in reality, the so-called green team has been waiting three months for sequoia to come home. >> it was very frightening. a lot of times she was just so unstable. >> reporter: after she faced life threatening injuries --
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>> working throughout the day, trying to keep her at that point that she would make it one more day. >> reporter: sequoia's favorite color, lime green, soon decked the halls at ut medical center. >> kept asking us and they were telling us they were praying for us because of our shirts. >> it was really amazing the support that her friends and family and church, you know, really gave her. >> reporter: but the color and the prayers didn't stop with sequoia. >> we usually start seeing other people in need. >> we started visiting other people throughout the hospital. >> reporter: they even started singing songs, like the one brandon blanchard wrote for sequoia. >> that was a really cool experience and i won't forget it. >> you knew they were spreading joy and faith throughout the entire building. >> reporter: the group says their constant vigil brought sequoia home. >> the doctors told us from the beginning that prayers were the only thing that would heal her. >> they saved my life.
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i came back alive. >> reporter: though she's in the clear, the group is still praying. >> dear god, we thank you that you brought sequoia back to us. >> reporter: only now sequoia is praying with them. >> makes me want to cry. >> reporter: allison morrow, 10 news. a solemn ceremony marked the christening of a worship honoring a marine who sacrificed his life for his comrades. corporal jason dunham's mother smashed a bottle of champagne on this ship named after her son. three other marines are alive today because dunham covered an exploding grenade with his body in iraq in 2004. his mother and one of the men whose lives were saved said this is a perfect way to honor him. >> what it reminds me the most about is jason would think it was cool to have his name on a ship. as a military person, the meaning is definitely there. as a mom, i'm having a hard time
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because my son's not here. >> he's the reason i'm standing here in this interview. he's the reason i go home to my pregnant, beautiful wife and my 2-year-old daughter. and if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't -- they wouldn't even exist. wouldn't be here. >> sergeant hampton and the other two marines suffered burns and shrapnel wounds from the explosion. if you ever posted your child's picture on facebook or personal blogs, listen up. a massachusetts couple says someone took their son's photo from their website, and used it in an adoption scam and she might never have known about it if a good samaritan hadn't alerted her.
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a manhunt is under way in israel for a gunman who opened fire at a youth club for gay teens. a 17-year-old girl and a 26-year-old man were killed in the shooting late last night in tel aviv. 11 other people were injured. police are treating the attack as a hate crime. and israel's only openly gay lawmaker agreed with that approach. >> we all -- we didn't expect such a murderous attack. this is the first time something like that is happening in israel. and we are not going to sit quietly and let this pass away. we're going to fight for our freedom. >> the shooting has come to a
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shock to many in israel where gays and lesbians are alloweded to openly serve in the military. and openly gay musicians and actors are among some of the most popular in the country. only six medals of honor have been awarded during the course of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. and that's a very small number considering the 244 were issued for the vietnam war. a bill ordering a review of the awarding process passed the house. military officials say nominations don't go through any more or less scrutiny than in the past. president obama he has ordered the detention center at guantanamo bay closed in january. and for the first time we're finding out what might happen to the terrorism suspects detained there. senior officials say the administration plans to transfer them to a super maximum security facility in the united states. the prison would have its own federal court facilities. it may be located at ft. leavenworth, kansas, or a michigan prison that is about to shut down. the revelation comes a day after
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a yemeni detainees apparently committed suicide inside the psychiatric ward at guantanamo bay. six people were wounded in a shooting outside a chicago church where a gang member's funeral was being held. there was a stampede when people inside the church heard that shots were being fired. precautions were taken so the shooter couldn't get inside. >> they lock the doors for about two or three minutes and then opened them back up. we found four bodies lying on the ground. >> it was so brazen. you know, violence in schools and churches, supposed to be a safe haven f that's violated, we're really in trouble. >> witnesses say the shooter ran off. no one has been arrested. police believe the shootings are gang related. a massachusetts woman who posted her son's baby pictures on her family's blog got a surprising lesson in why that's not such a good idea. and you may think twice about posting your kids' pictures online after you see this report from shawn kelly from affiliate
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wcvb. >> reporter: 7-month-old jacob brennan was busy tasting toys when his mother jenny got a suspicious e-mail. >> out of the blue, some girl e-mailed us and said, i think you should know that someone is using jake's picture in an adoption scam. >> reporter: it sounded hard to believe, brennan did some investigating and found this ad on craigslist about a cute baby boy available for adoption, but no picture. brennan e-mailed the listed address and got this in her inbox. >> the picture he sends you is a picture of jake. it was horrifying. i never would have thought in a million years that i would have the emotional reaction that i did. >> reporter: the e-mail claimed her son is canadian born and living in an orphanage in cameroon, the republic next to nigeria. >> i got really angry. incredibly angry. >> reporter: but brennan decided to play along in search of more clues. she discovered if you hold the cursor over the picture, it
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shows the address for her family's blog. the scam unraveled. >> even though he's not being harmed, i think in a way he's being sort of violated. >> our thanks to shawn kelly from wcvb for that report. the brennans have since made their family blog private. most churches collect money during the service, but the first backers church in florida decided to give money to its members on the condition that they pay it forward. 1800 members received envelopes containing anywhere from 10 to $100 and the church asked them to use the money for random acts of kindness to those in need. members say word of the deed got around pretty quickly. >> had started to explain what our church was doing and before i could even get it out, she said, is it the baptist church in the middle of town? i said, yeah, that's right. how did you know? she said i already had two other
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the mystery surrounding a missing gulf war fighter pilot shot down in iraq in 1991 has been solved. how the military tracked down the remains of captain michael "scott" speicher. a massachusetts couple discovers their baby boy posted for sale on a craigslist ad. how the scammer got his photo. dozens of toledo cops who lost their jobs over budget cuts are returning to work. how the city plans to pay for it. and back to school season may mean a resurgence of swine flu. hear what federal officials want to do to help keep it in check. hi, you're watching "hln news and views." i'm natasha curry. the remains of the first american pilot shot down over
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iraq during the 1991 persian gulf war are finally back home. navy captain michael "scott" speicher disappeared when his plane went down over anbar province on the first night of the war. his remains have now been recovered and positively identified. the discovery should end years of speculation that speicher actually survived and was held captive. >> it is a bittersweet ending. i mean, it is great that we have finally accomplished an ending. but it is bittersweet. you always hope he will be found alive. if he was found alive, look what he's missed. his children are in college now. and, you know, what kind of life would he have led, being a prisoner of war and always speculation that he was, you know, tortured and beaten and, you know, so it is, like i said, it is bittersweet. >> the navy says an iraqi civilian told u.s. forces early
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last month that he had witnessed the crash. another iraqi told marines that he saw speicher's body being buried after the crash. the state department is trying to find out what happened to three americans who were taken into custody in iran. iranian media reports they were arrested for crossing illegally from iraq into iran. a fourth american who was supposed to join them on a hike through the kurdish region of iraq apparently fell ill and stayed behind. one of the americans detained in iran is from pennsylvania. his mother spoke to cnn radio network. >> my husband and i are eager for the best welfare and conditions for our son josh and for the other two it companions he's with. and that is our only concern, his welfare, and the best conditions for him. >> the state department says the swiss ambassador to tehran is
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trying to get information about the detained americans. the u.s. has no diplomatic relations with iran. for president obama and his administration, a six-month checkup. he gathered his entire cabinet at blair house across the street from the white house for two days of meetings about goals and accomplishments. both the president and vice president joe biden met with cabinet officers on friday. biden ran the show yesterday, while the president was at camp david. the white house says the meeting reviewed what the administration had done in its first six months and set priorities for the next six months. treasury secretary timothy geithner was at that meeting and he said the economy is no longer on the edge of collapse. he expects it to grow by the end of this year and predicts unemployment will slow significantly by this time next year. >> the broad consensus of the private forecasters is you'll see positive growth in the second half of this year and expect that to continue. >> 2.5% level? >> not clear yet.
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but you need growth before you get people's businesses to start creating jobs again. and that's what we're going to be focused on doing. >> geithner's predictions weren't all rosy. he warned the bailout plan and the economic stimulus bill are expanding the federal budget deficit to unsustainable levels. he says any economic recovery won't last unless the deficit is reduced in the near future. arizona senator john mccain is also worried about the skyrocketing deficit. he says while he thinks president obama's stimulus had some effect on the economy, it also put the country trillions of dollars in debt. >> this is a short-term improvement in the economy. and i'll be glad to give him credit for that. but the question that i think we should be asking are the long-term consequences of this unprecedented debts and deficits, are they beneficial to the country and i think the answer is no. >> mccain says the long-term
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consequences of the deficit will be devastating unless the country does something about it. with back to school season around the corner, public health officials say they're now worried about the spread of swine flu. authorities expect the h1n1 virus to spread further and faster once kids return to the classroom. they're encouraging kids to use hand sanitizer. eventually the goal is to vaccinate school aged children but a vaccine won't be available for months. in the meantime, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius says states should prepare for the flu as if it were a resurgence of the 1918 pandemic that killed 100 million people worldwide. investigators in idaho looking for a missing boy are focusing on a home in boise. they searched it yesterday and on friday and also closed off a land fill on the property. the homeowner says investigators dug in his backyard after police dogs picked up a scent in his truck. he says his truck was stolen before the boy disappeared, and
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someone later returned it. >> it was pretty devastated that my truck is being -- it being considered part of this. whatever lead helps. i have complete cooperation with them because it is a little boy that needs to be found. >> wallis said he's innocent. 8-year-old robert manuel disappeared nine days ago after visiting his mom. police say they have no suspects but they are following about 300 tips in this case. new york's laguardia airport is back on schedule today. that's after a fake bomb caused a massive evacuation. the suspect, scott mcginn, is being held without bail for allegedly bringing in a backpack with wires and batteries. officials say mcginn has a criminal record. august is off to a deadly start for u.s. and allied forces in afghanistan. nine have died in combat just this weekend. three americans were killed today in eastern afghanistan. yesterday six nato soldiers died in and around the city of kandahar. at least three of them were
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americans. 75 nato troops died in afghanistan last month. that's the highest one-month death toll since the u.s.-led invasion in 2001. in canada, a stage collapsed in the middle of an outdoor music festival. police say one person was killed and 15 other people were injured at the big valley jamboree in alberta. a storm rolled in while some 15,000 people were watching the festival yesterday. the crowd started to evacuate, and that's when the stage came down. police say emergency services helped rescue some people trapped under the rubble. suppose you were in the middle of the country and you needed to be seen by a doctor, say, in california. one doctor actually has a way to make that visit happen without either of you taking a trip. dr. sanjay gupta looks at futuristic medicine in today's "vital signs". >> reporter: dr. chung regularly see s patients via the wireless robot.
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he can see patients in a room from just about anywhere. >> let's go live, we're here controlling this robot in santa barbara. we're here in texas. dr. chung does this all time. he could control a robot in this hospital or anywhere in the world. >> anywhere in the world. >> reporter: a high quality camera allows the robot to move its head from side to side and record images from all angles. there is a laptop, and a remote joy stick that lets the doctor zoom in and check a patient's pupils, vital signs, even examine their brain scans remotely. a surgeon could essentially talk someone through an operation as if they were doing it themselves, in real time. >> for more on this and other exciting advances in medicine, go to our website,
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31 toledo police officers laid off because of budget cuts are getting their jobs back. the city is using a grant from the federal economic recovery program to pay for the return. toledo is getting another federal grant that will put 29 more laid off cops back in uniform. they'll start reporting for duty later this week. >> they're very pleased and it is good news for them and for their families and for the rest of us here at the police department. this will enable me to put some of those detectives back into the detective bureau where they can do follow-up investigations to property crimes and we need all the help we can get in that area. >> the chief says toledo is getting the maximum federal assistance available. even so, 15 officers who were
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laid off will not be going back to work. so how would you like to be the only family living in a 32-story building? it happened in ft. myers, florida. now the family's attorney filed two lawsuits saying that the building wasn't finished as promised. the family paid $430,000 for the unit, four years ago, but when no one else moved in, the building turned off lights and the pool and the parking garage. sealed off the garbage chute and never developed a planned clubhouse, marina and restaurant. the developer says the amenities were never promised and the family has rejected all their offers to resolve the situation. u.s. marshals have seized skin sanitizer made by a company based in utah. the fda is warning people not to use clarcon skin products. it says they have harmful bacteria in them. the products are being promoted under several brand names with the claims they can be used to treat open wounds, damaged skin, and that they protect against infectious diseases.
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no problems related to using the products have been reported to the fda. clarcon voluntarily recalled the products in june. the fda says the company failed to follow protocols that could have prevented the product contamination. a kentucky man faces a murder charge in the death of a triathlon competitor. police say 26-year-old kenneth yates ran down 47-year-old john carr during the bicycling portion of the grueling race in louisville. according to police, yates sped away from the scene and took off again after he was stopped by an off duty officer. his mother took yates back to the crash site, where he was arrested. a ceremony marked the christening of a worship of a marine who sacrificed his life for his comrades. corporal jason dunham's mother smashed a bottle of champagne on this ship named after her son.
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three other marines are alive today because dunham covered an exploding grenade with his body in iraq in 2004. his mother and one of the men whose lives were saved said this is a perfect way to honor him. >> what it reminds me the most about is jason would think it was cool to have his name on a ship. as a military person, the meaning is definitely there. as a mom, i'm having a hard time because my son's not here. >> he's the reason i'm standing here in this interview. he's the reason i go home to my pregnant, beautiful wife and my 2-year-old daughter. and if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't -- they wouldn't even exist. wouldn't be here. >> sergeant hampton and the other two marines suffered burns and shrapnel wounds from the explosion. if you ever posted your child's picture on facebook or personal blogs, listen up. a massachusetts couple says someone took their son's photo from their website, and used it
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a manhunt is under way in israel for a gunman who opened fire at a youth club for gay teens. a 17-year-old girl and a 26-year-old man were killed in the shooting late last night in tel aviv. 11 other people were injured. police are treating the attack as a hate crime. and israel's only openly gay lawmaker agreed with that approach. >> we all are in shock. we didn't expect such a murderous attack. this is the first time something like that is happening in israel. and we are not going to sit quietly and let this pass away. we're going to fight for our freedom. >> the shooting has come to a shock to many in israel where gays and lesbians are allowed to openly serve in the military. and openly gay musicians and actors are among some of the most popular in the country. only six medals of honor have been awarded during the
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course of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. and that's a very small number considering the 244 were issued for the vietnam war. a bill ordering a review of the awarding process passed the house. military officials say nominations don't go through any more or less scrutiny than in the past. president obama has ordered the detention center at guantanamo bay closed in january. and for the first time we're finding out what might happen to the terrorism suspects detained there. senior officials say the administration plans to transfer them to a super maximum security facility in the united states. the prison would have its own federal court facilities. it may be located at ft. leavenworth, kansas, or a michigan prison that is about to shut down. the revelation comes a day after a yemeni detainees apparently committed suicide inside the psychiatric ward at guantanamo bay. six people were wounded in a shooting outside a chicago church where a gang member's funeral was being held.
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there was a stampede when people inside the church heard that shots were being fired. precautions were taken so the shooter couldn't get inside. >> they locked the doors for about two or three minutes and then opened them back up. we found four bodies lying on the ground. >> it was so brazen. you know, violence in schools and churches, supposed to be a safe haven. if that is being violated, we are really in trouble. >> witnesses say the shooter ran off. no one has been arrested. police believe the shootings are gang related. a massachusetts woman who posted her son's baby pictures on her family's blog got a surprising lesson in why that's not such a good idea. and you may think twice about posting your kids' pictures online after you see this report from shawn kelly from affiliate wcvb. >> reporter: 7-month-old jacob brennan was busy tasting toys when his mother jenny got a suspicious e-mail. >> out of the blue, some girl e-mailed us and said, i think you should know that someone is
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using jake's picture in an adoption scam. >> reporter: it sounded hard to believe, brennan did some investigating and found this ad on craigslist about a cute baby boy available for adoption, but no picture. cute baby boy avail for adoption but no picture. so brennan e-mailed the listed yahoo! address and got this in her in box. >> the pictures he sends su a picture of jake. >> it was horrifying. i never would have thought in a million years that i would have the emotional reaction that i did. >> reporter: the e-mail claimed her son is canadian born and living in an orphanage in cameroon, the republic next to nigeria. >> i got incredibly angry. >> reporter: but she decided to play along in search of more clues. she discovered if you hold a cursor over jacob's picture it shows the address for her family's blog. >> i know other people had access to it. >> reporter: the scam unraveled through an elaborate correspondence. she called chorts whauthorities
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person asked for $300 just to start the application process. >> even though he's not being harmed in a way he's being sort of violated. >> thanks to affiliate wcvb for that report. brennans have since made their family blog private. most churches collect money during the service. but the first baptist church in florida decided to give money to its members on the condition that they pay it forward. 1,800 members received envelopes containing anywhere from $10 to $100. the church asked them to use the money to spread random acts of kindness to those in need. members say word of the deed got around pretty quickly. >> i started to explain what our church was doing and before i could even get it out, she said, oh, is it the baptist church in the middle of town? i said, yeah, that's right. how did you know? she said i've already had two other people that have given me money because of what your church is doing. hopefully it will inspire people to continue to bless people and see that it makes a difference. >> all together, members gave away $25,000 of the church's
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