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tv   ABC9 News at 5pm  ABC  January 20, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm CST

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for consumers.. mos: more money in my pocket? for my family but not for energy companies.. and this woman who lost her job at an oil company this month. ((sot)) temetreon roberts: "i can't say i was overly shocked only because of the climate. it's been this way for months." ((sot)) jarvis "and if prices continue to drop, the biggest fear in the markets right now is that energy companies will start to default on their debt. it could be similar to our financial crisis in the great recession." another big concern? volatility in markets overseas.. especially china.. the asian giant's growth for the year was less than 7-percent.. that's the lowest in 25 years. ((sot)) jarvis "if you have money in stocks, your best bet is to ride it out as opposed to take it out of the market because people who take it out of the market when it's down are the people who lose." liz tag: so bottom line.. take a deep breath... analysts say.. just remember, this could be a rocky year for the
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news, ny . " jenna: the trial of a sioux city man accused of killing a man in sloan last year is being delayed till this summer . tim: a district judge rescheduled timothy schroeder's trial for july. it was originally set for next month. the change comes after attorney's asked judge jeffrey neary for more time to prepare for trial. 30-year-old schroeder has pleaded not guilty to first- degree murder and other charges after being accused of killing 29-year-old dustin wilder at his home in sloan in january 2015. according to court documents, schroeder was with his wife in wilder's home, when he shot him several times. wilder was found later that morning by a dog sitter. tim: the state has withdrawn a plea agreement with a 19-year-old iowa man who is accused of killing two sac county teens while driving drunk. trevor feauto will now stand trial for two felony counts of vehicular
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the deaths of two 16-year-old girls. bailey jacobsen and lindsey quirk, both from wall lake, were killed in that crash. authorities say feauto was driving a pick-up truck that collided with the girl's car in rural sac county in august of 2014. the sac county attorney says the plea agreement was withdrawn because the family didn't feel it provided a severe enough punishment. his trial is expected to begin in april or may. tim: the shooting death of a bald eagle has authorities in cedar county on alert. according to nebraska game fish and parks, the bird and 2 illegally shot pheasants were found on sunday in rural cedar county about three miles southwest of yankton. bald eagles are a federally protected species. anyone found guilty of shooting the nation tresure faces up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in fines. tim: arguments concerning a siouxland town and whether it should be considered part of the omaha indian reservation began today in front of the u-s
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the issue arose in 2007 when the tribe sought to impose liquor taxes on the community of pender. pender officials says the city is not part of the reservation because the land that makes up the town was sold by the tribe back in the 1880's, but lower courts have repeatedly ruled the land still makes up part of the reservation and the tribe retains sovernty. tim: centurylink has closed its call center in sioux city, displacing 47 employees. a spokesperson for the call center confirmed it shut down on friday. nancy devinay- mcneley says the closure is part of century link's ongoing effort to remain competitive by reducing costs and achieving operational efficiencies. the work from sioux city's center is being transferred to a site in utah. the 47 employees were given the option to follow the work to utah, apply for other jobs within the company or accept
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tim: with less than two weeks to go before iowa's first in the nation caucuses--candida tes from both sides of the aisle--are pulling out all the stops--in some cases--letting some of their big guns--like bill clinton and sarah palin--help spread their message. abc's bazi kanani, now, with the latest frorm the campaign trail. "donald trump ?.back on the trail solo?after his big endorsement from sarah palin. ..telling
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that it's the white house or bust for him. trump: "if i don't win for president, even if i won the nomination and didn't win i would consider that a major loss." the former alaska gov. later joined trump in oklahoma. nat palin: let's make america great again political analysts call palin's endorsement extremely valuable. dowd: keep in mind that sarah palin is more popular than any republican candidate rug for president right now among republicans. on the democratic side, a stunning new poll shows bernie sanders with a nearly 30-point lead over hillary clinton in new hampshire. and another shocker...91 percent of new hampshire democrats view sanders favorably.. for clinton.. just 65 percent the vermont senator is also within striking distance in iowa. sanders: i believe that we have the momentum, and i think we stand a very good chance to win in both states. and the clinton campaign agrees?sending out a plea to donors that concedes (gfx) "there's a real possibility we could lose those contests" clinton's top surrogate, her husband, blamed sanders lead in new hampshire on his "home field advantage" since he comes from a neighboring state. bill clinton: the real issue is who can win the election, who is prepared to do the job," clinton urged his wife's supporters not to worry....he said he always knew the race would be competitive. bk abc news " tim: local government will be the focus when the league of women voters of
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legislative town hall on january 23. it runs from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the sioux city public museum. the public is invited to attend and share questions or concerns with their elected representatives. legislators will be asked to share their legislative priorities for 2016, followed by questions from the audience. you can find more information on our website at siouxland matters dot com. jenna: a popular form of transportation on college campuses is being banned at the university of south dakota. tim: according to administration, self balancing hoverboards will not be allowed in campus dorms. abc 9's bria bell has more details... bria: tim and jenna, the associate dean of students says last thursday the campus sent out an email to students informing them on the new ban in place. the university of south dakota has asked students not to have the hoverboards in dorm rooms as a safety
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reported incidents of the boards malfunctioning and catching on fire. dr. howe the associate dean of students says, the school reviewed its policies after the u-s safety product commision released reviews concerning fire hazards. "we've only seen a handful of students. it's largely more just looking at the fire safety issues that could be caused by the possible combustion of the battery. we didn't want to take any risks by having our students in resident halls face that kind of a consequence, so that's what prompted the decision," said howe. students still can ride the boards on campus, but the recent ban has had mixed reaction from students. "i feel like you could get your hoverboard registered on campus and sign a contract on the issues of what could happen or who would be charged for it," said williamson. "i personally think its a smart idea," said waite. "i don't see the point for the ban," said parkinson. "if they're banned on the school, i'd like to follow the
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the school says it will monitor residence halls to ensure bria: that students are not bringing them into the dorm rooms. reporting live in studio, bria bell abc 9 news. tim: still to come... chain restraunts are already required to list calories on their dishes, but that practice could soon come to your local mom and pop restaurant as well. fred: (fred) we have a chance of light snow tomorrow, and we will enjoy near- normal temperatures. by the weekend, things are looking even warmer. the forecast is after the break! " "
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snow is expected tomorrow? (fred) not very much! less than a half inch, it appears. some of us will see little to no snow. fred: (fred) road conditions are in pretty good shape, but highways 18 and 9 in northwestern iowa still have some snow and ice coating them
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neal welding company skycam hd shows cloudy skies on the ho chunk centre in sioux city. 27 is the high today and 19 the low. 27 is our current temperature in sioux city. local temperatures are in the 20s. winds are southeast at 10 to 15 miles per hour, resulting in wind chills in the teens for most, and single digits in storm lake. you can see low pressure forming and quickly stirring up snow in kansas today. that system will bring us a small chance of light snow, but this system looks less impressive today than it did at this time yesterday. the stormcast hd shows the kansas snow not presenting a large impact to us locally. this system looks weaker than yesterday. it will be gone by thursday night. on friday, high pressure will slide through, helping to
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colder air from the north in the process. as the high slides east saturday, a southerly wind will build in, pushing temperatures upward over the weekend. the snow forecast shows only a dusting of snow for most of us tomorrow. sioux city may see little to no snow. your forecast for tonight is a low of 17 with cloudy skies. tomorrow, expect a high of 25 and a slight chance of light snow. the 7-day forecast shows highs in the 20s except sunday, when we will actually get above freezing with a high of 33. after tomorrow, the weather pattern looks quiet. fred: tim: jenna: shape, but highways 18 and 9 in northwestern iowa still have some snow and ice coating them as of the last report. the port neal welding
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on the ho chunk centre in sioux city. 27 is the high today and 19 the low. 27 is our current temperature in sioux city. local temperatures are in the 20s. winds are southeast at 10 to 15 miles per hour, resulting in wind chills in the teens for most, and single digits in storm lake. you can see low pressure forming and quickly stirring up snow in kansas today. that system will bring us a small chance of light snow, but this system looks less impressive today than it did at this time yesterday. the stormcast hd shows the kansas snow not presenting a large impact to us locally. this system looks weaker than yesterday. it will be gone by thursday night. on friday, high pressure will slide through, helping to bring more sunshine but also dragging in colder air from the
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slides east saturday, a southerly wind will build in, pushing temperatures upward over the weekend. the snow forecast shows only a dusting of snow for most of us tomorrow. sioux city may see little to no snow. your forecast for tonight is a low of 17 with cloudy skies. tomorrow, expect a high of 25 and a slight chance of light snow. the 7-day forecast shows highs in the 20s except sunday, when we will actually get above freezing with a high of 33. after tomorrow, the weather pattern looks quiet. fred: tim: jenna: (tim) thanks, fred. (fred) you bet. tim: fast food and chain restaurants are required to disclose calorie counts for everything they serve. but what about that mom and pop restaurant around the corner? with more, here's abc news senior medical contributor dr. timothy johnson. " a fast-food burger? an overloaded plate of appetizers at your favorite chain? we have been hearing a lot about some high calorie servings of the foods you love at these well-known venues. but a new report? suggests that those d and chain
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alone. researchers at fts university? looking at restaurant meals in three major cities? finding that in many cases, mom and pop establishments were no better than chain restaurants? with equally large portions packing just as many calories. the average entr?e contains more than 12 hundred calories? that's more than half the daily calorie requirement for an average woman. and no particular cuisine was off the hook? researchers sampled everything from italian to mexican to chinese? finding belly-busting calorie counts in nearly everytyhing they tried. all the more reason, if you want a reasonable everyday calorie count, to consider fine dining from your kitchen at home versus a restaurant menu. with this medical minute, i'm dr. timothy johnson." jenna: aftr the break, a kid in desmoines is making a splash in
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youngest volunteers to sign up to help with a national campaign. we'll hear from him when we come back. tim: with just 13 days until the iowa caucuses. dad: i know. spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. mom: hey. dad: the culligan man.
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culligan man: the problem is your water!
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so keeping everything spotless is effortless. dad: spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. volunteers are an integral part of campaigns, especially now... and they come in all shapes and sizes. but sabrina ahmed introduces us to one who might surprise you. " " "nats volunteers at the hillary clinton campaign are hard at work...
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caucuses. nats they're calling voters... nats trying to get them to commit to supporting their candidate february first. 2:29:19 "the volunteers are the most impotant part, theyre the ones talking to their neighbors, organizing and taking ownership of their precints." among the chatter... nats you'll hear one voice that's not like the others. nats george reynal is only eleven years old. 2:46:16 "honestly i have no idea how many hours ive spent doing this." that's because it's a lot. 00:00:00 i had a bit of an idea i knew what a caucus was but i didnt know how it worked. now that im doing it, it's really interesting. george diligently works through his list of calls to make... nats.. not allowing himself to get discouraged. nats when people don't answer... nats or when they just hang up. nats that's because he says he believes in her record. 3:29:11 "i think shes the onlly candidate with the experience that our president in this modern day of really just tension between nations needs, as secretary of state and even as the first lady." and her vision for america. 3:53:21 "shes a fighter, she fights not for the americans of today but the americans of tomorrow." he's not the only middle schooler who spends their free time here. 01:56:06 "just really shows just how strong our grass roots organization is." but he says not enough kids are
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hillary, just get invovled with any candidate is a great opportunity." " tim: after the break... there's word from oregon today that the armed protesters who took over a wildlife refuge are considering an exit strategy. we'll have the details when we return.
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there are signs that it could soon be coming to a close. jenna: earlier this month an armed group of protesters took over the malheur wildlife refuge. but leaders of the group outlined some of their plans to leave the refuge today. andrew dymburt (dim-burt) has the latest. " "go to that bird sanctuary and go look for chicken bleep i think you'll look much more comfortable" this was the scene at yesterday's press conference. but today, was far more calm. the militia and the environmentalists opposed to their occupation, listened in as lavoy finicum and ammon bundy, the miltia's defacto leaders, laid out their plans " we did not come as protesters, we did not down to stomp our feet and cry about being abused although that certainly has happened." he says plans include turning over the wildlife refuge to loggers and miners, building a lumber milland using his armed militant group to protect
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use the resources as they wish. he also urged ranchers to tear up their grazing permits, in crane tuesday night. "we came down here to get the loggers back to logging, the ranching back to ranching and the mining back to mining." but environmental protesters question the militia's motives " i'm concerned that our public lands be kept in public ownership the fact that the bundys and other militants are discouraging people from using their public property, and probably damaging it, that's a concern" another stakeholder interested in preserving this land, the "pie-ute" tribe. they've called for the ousting of bundy's group. "yesterday i reached out to the paiute tribe and i'm reaching out again. i am asking them to interface and to open up a dialogue" "i do want to reiterate our desire to have an open dialogue with the paiute tribe and to
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what are their claims" " tim: fred's back next with a final check of our forecast. stay with us. (fred) your forecast for
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with cloudy sktomorrow, expect a high of 25 and a slight chance of light snow. the 7-day forecast shows highs in the 20s except sunday, when we will actually get above freezing with a high of 33. after tomorrow, the weather pattern looks quiet.
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