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tv   CBS4 News at 630PM  CBS  November 7, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm MST

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everything was on the line, you'll be able to say you voted for a stronger, fairer, better america where we build bridges, not walls. >> reporter: clinton argues that she has a reputation for building consensus in the senate and that she can do it in the c white house, too. >> pelley: nancy cordes, thankd you very much. on to major garrett. major, what was trump's close today?he how did he try to wrap it ups with the voters? >> reporter: scott, the closing argument is this: everyone in american political life notd supporting donald trump is some combination of stupid, corrupt or weak. and in the case of hillary clinton, trump argues vigorously she's all three. he also lays before his supporters this proposition: if
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, i'm the only change agent, someone with political clout and celebrity status sufficient to beat the special interests in washington at their own game. it is a nationalist, populist and conservative argument that trump found very resonant responses from his supporters. the key question is are there enough of those supporters to push him over the top?s >> pelley: nancy, as everyone knows, there are 13 very closell divided states. we call them the battleground states. how does clinton feel about those tonight? campaign feels confidently determined, scott. it feels a lot like the atmosphere around the obama operation in 2012, which isn't entirely surprising because it's a lot of the same people. they are very data-driven. they have a strategy that's been in place for a long time.r they know what they need to do to win. if they execute the strategy properly, they win. in fact, a couple days ago i was talking to marlon marshall, the director of state campaigns.di i asked him if he's feeling more nervous this week than last week
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in he said, "you're assuming that i'm nervous at all, and i'm not." >> pelley: major, donald trump almost has to sweep the table oo the battleground states. how do they feel about that prospect? >> reporter: scott, tomorrow they're going to be looking at a number of states obviously, but michigan, pennsylvania, new hampshire loom the largest for the trump campaign. also out west, colorado and nevada. i was talking to a senior trump adviser. i said, wait a minute, the earle vote in nevada is running way against you. you have to break the mold toag he told me the mold is already broken. we just don't know by how much. >> pelley: major garrett and nancy cordes on election eve,uc thank you both. charlie rose will be moderating our election night panel tomorrow night. and he's here tonight with usli now. charlie? >> reporter: thanks, scott. joining me now is peggy noonan,e a columnist with the "wall street journal," jamelle bouie
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"the new york times" d magazine. mark, looking at where these candidates are, what does that say about their priorities and the situation on the day beforei the election?in >> well, it's interesting that both candidates will be spending time in pennsylvania and these are clearly states that donald trump needs at least oney of them. they're also states that don't have early voting and so the more work you can do on election day or the day before election e day, it will have a bigger difference. these are both states in the campaign and the trump campaign have been emphasizing really closely. >> rose: jamelle, what abouts these constituencies that they will be looking to gain early participation?n >> trump is obviously trying to dust up his support with working-class white voters and probably try to cover support.em the clinton campaign's obviously very focused on giving african american turnout up and sustaining high hispanic turnout. part of the problem is in statep like north carolina, which is a tipping point state for the
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re polling places, high requirements for i.d. havell actually reduced african american turnout by about 9%. so that's a real challenge for the clinton campaign going into tuesday. >> rose: the idea of voter suppression? >> right, voter suppression. >> rose: peggy? >> i think two great questions.y one, does the obama coalition turn out for hillary clinton in an organized, concentrated way, significant enough to give her a win? on mr. trump's side, does the does the working class show up? is there actually a secret trump vote that nobody knows about that is going to show up at the polls as his campaign has suggested. >> pelley: how about women? >> women have been problematic for mr. trump. i think in states like pennsylvania it will probably turn out to be suburban women w who might have gone republican but who didn't want to go down the trumpian path considering
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in nearby ohio, a woman recently said to me, "it can't be trump and i'm a republican." i said, why? she said, "because i have a son and i don't want him to think it's okay to talk like that man."ip >> rose: one thing we expect is large participation by latinos in this election. >> it's a game changer potentially. in florida, especially north carolina, in early votes, two crucial states, certainly if hillary clinton can win at lease one of them she's in very, very good shape. there's been very, very high latino turnout, that would seem to favor her. and obviously it's a great surprise for them. >> i think it gets to this question of missing voters. there's the shy trump voter, but there's also the shy clinton voter. i think quite a few of the shy clinton voters might actually be non-white voters who are not picking up on the polls but may be turning out to vote. >> rose: guys, thank you very y much.
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back to you, scott. >> pelley: charlie rose, thank you very much.wo of course, the outcome of the u.s. election has a worldwide effect, so we spent correspondents to two capitals. elizabeth palmer is in moscow. manuel bojorquez is in mexicohi city. >> this is the heart of our factory. >> reporter: this factory outside mexico city produces a new type of cement repair mix. jose osawa is the owner. >> this is one of the main products we import from the state.r: >> reporter: the free tradet agreement known as nafta allows him to import the ingredientsth without paying tariffs. >> basically all my raw materials come from the states, all the machinery, all the electronics, they come from the u.s. >> reporter: so the more you sell, the better you do, the better those suppliers in the u.s. do, as well. >> yes, my suppliers are very happy if i'm growing. >> reporter: that's one way to look at nafta. s here's another.>> >> nafta is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere, but certainly ever signed in this country. >> reporter: donald trump has vowed to renegotiate or rip up
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has led to trump protests here. what would happen if the united states decided to get out of nafta?ge >> i think it would be a huge mistake and hurt significantly u.s. companies. any kind of company. >> reporter: blanca trevino is c.e.o. of softtek, a high tech service provider headquartered in monterrey, mexico. >> the partnership benefits us ind think of the jobs that are think much more how many jobs would be lost if we didn't have this kind of agreement? >> reporter: it's estimated that more than a million u.s. jobs are directly tried to trade with mexico. softtek, for example, employs more than 500 people in the u.s. and all the software and hardware it uses for corporate clients around the world is purchased from u.s. companies.ou >> it's not just i.t. think about tourism. think about transportation. there are so many things also related to nafta that are
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>> reporter: but trump points to job losses in u.s. manufacturing to countries like mexico. hillary clinton is heavily favored here, and not just on trade, scott.ex one mexican tv network has branded its election coverage, "it's her or the wall," no mention of trump. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez in mexico city for us tonight, thanks. of course, for their part, theee russians have been accused of computer hacking to interfere with the campaign. our elizabeth palmer is in moscow tonight. liz, what are the russians saying about that? >> reporter: well, the russians have denied that they meddled i. the u.s. election but those denials haved on occasion sounded like taunts. take, for example, president vladimir putin at a conference recently. he said that america's reaction to the reports of meddling were hysterical, implying that theba u.s. is being thin-skinned and defensive. and then he went on to say
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mistaken." >> pelley: what, in yourco opinion, has the russian government been trying to achieve with all of this? >> reporter: well, they want to undermine confidence in america's voting system, both at home and abroad, and also to belittle american democracy, but maybe most of all they want they want to be considered players on the world stage. and the very fact that the united states has to prepare for the possibility of russian cyber attacks tomorrow during the election or even that we're talking about vladimir putin and russia's role in america's scott, that's a win for the kremlin.r >> pelley: liz palmer in front of the kremlin tonight on the moscow river.. liz, thank you. well, each of our 50 states has made up its own rules for election day. some of them have made voting easier.ot some harder. carter evans has >> reporter: in california,al early voting has been under way for weeks to accommodate a record 19.4 million registered voters. there's a lot of concern about
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d >> i tell people not to let thet dialogue about that deter them from going out to vote tomorrowi >> reporter: dean logan is the reg star in los angeles county, where the only thing you need to bring to the polls is yourself. >> california does not requireou i.d. to vote. you sign the legal oath that you haven't voted anywhere else andb that you are eligible to vote and they'll issue you that >> reporter: but 14 states haves new, restrictive voting laws. nebraska and ohio both reducedne early voting days. anyone other than a caregiver or family member to drop off another voter's absentee ballot, and seven states now require photo i.d. at the polls. deputy director at the brennanaw center for justice. >> these strict photo identification laws includes identification that up to 8% to 12% of americans don't have. i all these laws do is put barriers in front of the ballot
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>> reporter: if people start to interfere with voters asking for i.d.s, asking citizenship, what's going to happen? >> we'll contact our friends in law enforcement and ask them to intervene to ensure that voters are not intimidated. >> reporter: and the department of justice plans to deploy more than 500 poll watchers to 28 states to make sure that federal voting rights laws are followed, but, scott, that is actually fewer poll monitors than the department of justice sent out in the 2012 election. >> pelley: carter evans for us tonight. carter, thanks very much. n t edition of the "cbs evening news," the election torch is passed to millennials. and later, what the world think. of all of this. "what's your position on equal pay for women?"
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blood coming out of her wherever." "i think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing." "i don't wanna sound too much like a chauvinist but when i come home and dinner's not ready, i go through the roof." "so you treat women with respect?" - "uh, i can't say that either." - "alright." priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. when i became governor, i knew we had to protect
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why i need a good team in the state senate. like rachel zenzinger, a former teacher who's fought for equal pay for equal work. daniel kagan championed property tax rebates to help seniors afford their utility bills. jenise may worked to cut taxes for 30,000 small businesses. and tom sullivan is a veteran who believes in an open and transparent government.
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streaming news service cbsn is following the election throughbs social media and the voters who use it most, millennials. elaine? >> reporter: scott, millennials now make up 41% of eligible voters.os that's almost as many baby boomers as there are in this country.0, for those under 30, more than one third say social media has been their most helpful source during the campaign season. so on election night, this is where we will be tracking what the voters and the candidates vt are saying throughout the we'll be sharing tweets, photos and videos we're getting from voters across the country as well as real-time data on trending topics. for example, one of the most popular election-themed trends on twitter today has been the hashtag #electionfinalthoughts. this is a hashtag twitter users have been using to sound off for the last time. l before voters head to the polls. take this one, "i think these past months we've done more damage to each other than ouro
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another from laura brown, "remember, america, that the world is watching and waitinges for your decision. don't embarrass yourselves any further." scott, as far as the youth vote, a recent harvard poll found that over half of young people said they feel fearful about the nation's future.he the question is are they so fearful that they may not turn out tomorrow? we'll be watching what they're saying and what the candidates themselves are saying across all social media platforms. >> pelley: elaine quijano from cbsn. elaine, thank you very much. now, could the presidential election be left up to the house of representatives?oi you're going to meet the
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>> pelley: you probably heard as much as you want to about clinton and trump, but do you know evan mcmullin? he's running for president, and he has a real shot at winning utah.
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>> i'm going to vote for you because i want to take a stand like you are. >> reporter: in his home state of utah, evan mcmullin is both loved and loathed. >> we rallied on the capitol steps for you. f >> i call him f-ing mcmullin. >> reporter: utah's votes were considered safe for trump until he jumped in as a third party candidate. why are you running foron president? >> i think hillary clinton is deeply corrupt. she's willing to sacrifice our national security secrets and information.rue donald trump, on the other hand, is somebody who is willing to divide our country, race against race, religion against religion, and he does pose a true danger to our country. >> reporter: mcmullin is on the ballot in just 11 states, but winning utah could block trump's narrow path to the white house.t if the race is so close that neither clinton nor trump get 270 electoral votes, the house of representatives picks the next president. if mcmullin wins utah, he would
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do you acknowledge that you have basically zero chance of winning? >> that's a strong statement. our odds are very long. they're dependent upon the race being very close. >> reporter: the race took nasty turn when a prominent trump supporter sent out this robo-s call attacking mcmullin, which the trump campaign has condemned. >> evan is over 40 years old and is not married and doesn't event have a girlfriend. i believe evan is a closetelie >> donald trump is afraid. donald trump is scared of me, is scared of what my campaign ispa doing in utah and elsewhere. he's afraid of being humiliated. he's a very fragile man. >> reporter: but is mcmullin's support strong enough to upset trump? ben tracy, cbs news, salt lake city. >> pelley: coming up, what the c world thinks of democracy, american style. american style. >> cbs news has original reporting like no other, morning, evening, and through
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election day i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible ing. to keep our communities safe, we need a district attorney like jake lilly -- tough, smart, and determined to keep us safe. as a former special assistant u.s. attorney and iraq war veteran, jake lilly is an experienced prosecutor who will be tough on violent crime, including murder and domestic abuse. and he has a smart plan to provide treatment for non-violent offenders, including veterans suffering from mental illness or addiction.
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, scott tipton -- our congressman? or is he a real-estate agent for big-money campaign contributors? tipton sponsored a bill to give away our public lands to his out-of-state donors. over 30 colorado business leaders called tipton's plans, "a serious threat to the outdoor recreation industry and...thousands of jobs." gail schwartz will defend our public lands and won't put colorado's future up for sale.
quote quote
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when i became governor, i knew we had to protect our colorado way of life. it's why i need a good team in the state senate. like rachel zenzinger, a former teacher who's fought for equal pay for equal work. daniel kagan championed property tax rebates to help seniors afford their utility bills. jenise may worked to cut taxes for 30,000 small businesses. and tom sullivan is a veteran who believes in an open and transparent government.
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al campaign 2016 is the top story all over the world. seth doane takes a look. >> reporter: it may be america's election, but the world is watching. >> hillary clinton and donald trump so close in the polls. >> reporter: russia has figured prominently with allegations of hacking and trying to influence the election. some leaders have started to publicly court candidates. israel's prime minister has keps his options open, meeting with both. while north korea's state media indicated that country would lean trump.
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in years past? t >> yes, i think so. >> reporter: sarah varetto is v.p. of news at italy's sky tg24. >> i think in these days with donald trump as a candidate, a it's a huge story. it's a huge story. >> reporter: varetto says they're dedicating more and more air time to the campaign. >> we can't imagine two candidates so different or more opposed. >> reporter: in britain, sky news is promoting its coverage with a spoof. >> ? that's right, it's me. t-r-u-m-p ? >> reporter: it pits the candidates against each other in a boxing ring.n' >> ? so let's dump trump, your campaign's more dead than the guinea pig you wear on your head ? >> reporter: this match has gotten ugly.
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ed is this the kind of democracy you want? in china, where the ruling communist party often speaks through state media, a recent "xinhua" commentary noted the election revealed the "defects of democracy," adding, "thes selection of the u.s. leader ha" become a shouting match of insults."he the debates aired at 3:00 a.m.ig local time in italy. >> we have them on during the night.av >> reporter: the world is watchind barely wait for november 9th. seth doane, cbs news, rome. >> pelley: and that is our special expanded edition of the "cbs evening news" for tonight. "cbs this morning" with charlie, norah and gayle will kick off our coverage tomorrow. then our streaming service cbsn will carry the baton throughoutr the day. and please join our entire
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election night coverage beginning with a special edition of the "cbs evening news" at 6:30 eastern time. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs y captioned by
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? i am not your ordinary guy ? so, how's your gig going down at the retirement home? oh, it's crazy. this one old guy thinks i'm his son-in-law. [ both chuckle ] the other day, he took a swing at me. missed me by like six feet, fell into another guy. they shattered like a bag of light bulbs. yeah, my mom's getting fragile, too. i think this is gonna be the last winter
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well, i should get going. didi's got me volunteering at a soup kitchen. they make me wear a hairnet. a hairnet. oh, by -- by the way, guys, i got this. don't worry about it. can't help you. i'm into a couple of girl scouts for a lot of cookies. all right. jimmy? -hey! -hey! how are you, buddy?! good to see you! what? i haven't seen you since you retired, man. you look amazing. look at you. get out of here. what have you been up to? uh, you know, this and that. don't be modest. i see the soaring eagle security shirt. you're the guys who took down bin laden, right? all right. i know. no, no, i get it. you can't talk about it. you're very funny, but you know what? i only got to work one day a week. so while you're out patrolling the streets, now i'm sitting home in front of the tv interrogating a bag of fritos. oh. ooh, that sounds good.
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of weird. yeah. we had some good times, didn't we? it was great, man. 10 years together. that squad car's got to feel a little lonely without me, huh? yeah, well, you know, i get by. yo, jimmy, let's roll, man. hey, this is my new partner, nicky dawson. nick, this is my old partner, kevin gable. i'll go get the food. i'm the guy. [ chuckles ] now you got a face to go with all the stories and stuff, so... [ chuckles ] stories? christmas eve, all the motorcycles on the roof? no. how about breaking up the burglary at, uh -- at galaxy bagels? no. me chasing that crazy deer through the mall? it was epic. are you kidding me? that sounds awesome, but no. it was awesome. but he didn't tell you anything about me? what, is this your first day working with him? no, uh, it's been a few months now, uh, since the last guy retired. yeah, that's me. that's the guy he's talking about. oh, wait a sec. i know who you are.


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