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tv   Journal  KCSMMHZ  April 6, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT

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♪ >> hello and welcome to the "journal." i am brian thomas. >> welcome. >> serial marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the bosnia sort -- bosnian war. >> tuareg rebels declared an independent state in western mali. >> millions of christians all over the world commemorate the crucifixion and death of jesus christ. ♪ >> it was 20 years ago that the
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serbian and yugoslav forces started their siege of the bosnian capital of sarajevo. the wars that marked the breakup of yugoslavia into various ethnic states lasted nearly four years and cost 100,000 lives. two million people became refugees. >> today saw a river of empty red chairs stealing sarajevo's main avenue as bonnie and -- bosnian smart the anniversary is the last anniversary of the bloodiest conflict in world war ii. >> 11,541 red chairs. one for every single prison killed during the siege of sarajevo that began two decades ago. the chairs are empty. they look like blood staining the street that itself became a stain on european history. sniper alley. and it is a history that people here have difficulty forgetting.
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maria still lives in this street. the words "cautioned bullets" are spray-painted on her house. >> for me, those times are not over. i still get scared every time an exhaust pipe backfires. >> on april 6, 1992, tens of thousands of bosnian muslims, orthodox christian serbs, and roman catholic croats joined a huge rally here. surely before, the eu recognized bosnia as an independence day. serb nationalists responded with anger, opening fire on a crowd from a hotel and killing five people. it was the beginning of a war that lasted until 1995. to this day, the nation remains divided by ethnic tensions. >> people are still fighting. we still do not have real peace. >> politicians in the country,
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whether it muslim, serb, or croats, have been able -- unable to settle their differences. today is also an appeal for peace. >> we will have more on sarajevo later in this show. days ahead of the deadline for an agreed ceasefire in syria, government troops appear to be stepping up their attacks on opposition strongholds. >> activists have issued unconfirmed reports that the shelling of the cities of homs, duma, and rastan have continued. 24 people were killed on friday alone. it has triggered a flood of refugees. some 23,000 are now living in turkey. the u.n.-brokered ceasefire is due to come into force next tuesday. >> each of former intelligence chief and right hand and to hosni mubarak is apparently decided to run for the presidency after all. silliman issued a statement saying he changed his mind because so many egyptians wanted him to run. he still needs to gather 30,000
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signatures to get on the may ballot, and thousands of supporters of one candidate turned out in cairo. one candidacy could be rejected a since it emerged his mother was reportedly a u.s. citizen. >> nomadic tuaregs have blamed the dependence for what they call the state of azawan. the secession bid was rejected by african muslim capitals. tribesmen have seized the northern towns or they say they want to oppose sharia law in northern mali. >> the new military regime has proven too weak to dislodge the experienced fighters, many of whom served before mercenaries for libya's muammar gaddafi. >> the former governor's palace in this desert city, the tuareg flag now flies overhead. the nomadic tuareg has long thought to establish their own nation in northern mali, a region they call azabad. two weeks ago a military coup
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plunged the country into chaos. mutinous million troops imposed the government. loyalist troops -- troops left in north and headed south, leaving the region but for the taureg to take over. how -- so far, another mali's neighbors north europe recognized the tuareg-controlled region as an independent state. >> we consider this unilateral declaration of independence of azawad to be null and void. we call on the tuareg rebels to act within the framework of political dialogue that respects mali's constitution and the country's unity. >> the west african block across is considering military intervention to stave off more rebel advances. >> police and hungary have captured a man suspected of murdering four of his relatives with a machete.
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three other family members were wounded in the attacks. 60 kilometers south of budapest. investigators believe the killings were sparked by a domestic dispute. they found the suspect, who is in his early 20's, near the family home where the murders took place. one of the world's most notorious arms dealers has been sentenced to 25 years in prison in the united states. russian bingu wa mutharika was convicted by a new york -- russian viktor bout was arrested for selling arms to militants. >> it puts an end to the dramatic story of the men involved in trafficking arms to conflicts in africa, south america, and the middle east. >> weapons dealer viktor bout, dubbed by some the merchant of death, faces spending the next 25 years behind bars. according to u.s. prosecutors, viktor bout bought old planes and weapons after the eastern bloc's collapse and sold them to dictators and terrorists around
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the globe. the former soviet military officer has always denied the accusations. prosecutors had sought to put viktor bout away for life. instead, he got a minimum sentence. his lawyers say they will appeal the conviction. >> he was prejudice in the eyes of an american jury who heard terrible language about killing americans. he was trapped into saying those awful things about americans, because he intended to sell airplanes. >> viktor bout was arrested four years ago in thailand after planning to sell 15 million euros worth of weapons to colombian rebels. in reality, his clients were undercover u.s. operatives. the russian foreign ministry has also objected to the trial and called viktor bout's conviction crown was and biased. moscow says the court had a clear vendetta against viktor bout and that it will continue to seek his return to russia. >> in a moment, we will have
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reactions to criticism of the poem denouncing israeli threats to attack iran over a controversial nuclear program. >> first, a quick look at other stories making headlines. >> the deforestation of the amazon rain forest as dramatically gathered pace. data released thursday shows that the first three months of this year, the amazon rain forest shrank three times faster than in the same time span last year. rapidly developing livestock and soil forming are said to be the key factors. >> the u.s. coast guard has used cannon fire to suggest -- japanese ship washed out to sea by last year's tsunami. it drifted across the pacific to the gulf of alaska. marine officials decided to sing the ghost ship after a canadian fishing boat give up an attempt to salvage it. >> the president of malawi died
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of a heart attack. 78-year-old bingu wa mutharika was a former world bank economist. according to the constitution, the vice president is now in charge of the southern african nation. a german writer and nobel prize winner, gunter grass, defended his controversial upon this as israel is a threat to world pleat -- peace and is planning a strike against iran, no one is addressing his argument, just attacking his person. >> the palm has sparked a lot of debate in germany. major newspapers and networks have given plenty of time to the poem "what must be said" which has been sharply criticized by many including benjamin netanyahu. >> the poem that gunter grass published earlier this week has triggered a storm of criticism. the winner of the nobel prize in literature has been accused of everything from ignorance to anti-semitism. but gunter grass says he's being
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attacked unfairly. >> i feel like i am seeing the media lining of together on one side and crowding out any opposing voices. i am getting heaps of e-mails from people who agree with me. but of course, the media will not mention this. people are not open to the content of the poem. the facts that i mentioned. and these facts are not being contested. >> brass says the very discussion he hopes to ignite with his column is not taking place because voices like his are stifled from the outset. >> i know, of course, that one voice is not enough. i want many people out of friendship and concern for israel to break with this taboo that germans need to hold their tongues, that we're not allowed to voice a valid criticisms of israel. >> but that seems unlikely to happen. not many people seem to share
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gunter grass's views. yet he did achieve one thing, a literary critic said. >> isn't this a great day for german literature? the whole world is talking about a poem by gunter grass. i do not agree with the views, but the fact that a poem could have such an impact and the 21st century is fabulous. >> perhaps gunter grass can take comfort in that stock, despite feeling misunderstood, and that when the dust settles, germany might discuss some of the ideas he raised in his poem. >> millions of christians around the world are marking good friday which commemorates the crucifixion and death of jesus christ in jerusalem. >> today, the fateful walk along the route christ said to follow in his final hours, for many programs, it is a chance to relive the past. >> christians fought to the narrow streets of jerusalem's old city district on friday to join the annual procession along
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the way of suffering. tradition has it that jesus carried his cross through these narrow streets on route to the hilltop where he was crucified. >> it is really a special thing for me, because it is not only your commemorating that day, but you're also walking those steps or those ways that he took during his life. >> earlier on friday, people gathered for mass at the ancient church of the holy sepulchre, built on the site where christians believe jesus was crucified and buried. the service was led by the catholic archbishop of tourism known that the latin -- known as the latin patriarch. for many, the pilgrimage to jerusalem represents a renewal of their faith. >> we thank god for jesus, that god loved us so much that he
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sent his son to die for us. that he nailed his son into a cross so we could be reconciled to him. >> in rome, preparations were underway for the way of the cross procession there. thousands of people are expected to attend the ceremony led by pope benedict. >> easter eggs are a popular part of the celebrations at this time of year, but their use dates back to europe's pre- christian past. >> the eggs have inspired artists across the continent for centuries. now on exhibition has been devoted to the mine in southern germany. >> this is the gorbachev peace egg from 1991. created by the house of faberge. it is the most valuable single item in the museum in a bavarian town. only two of the five gorbachev eggs producer on display to the public. the museum has brought together two private collections to put
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in this show of decorated eggs from around the world. exult symbolic value for many people. as a sign of fertility and life, for instance. for christians, eggs represent the resurrection of christ. in the middle ages, early easter eggs or colored blood red for that reason. but soon, those who could afford to begin giving gilded eggs. the gold leaf used to decorate them often came from here, famous for its gold leaf production. perhaps the star of the show here is this egg, bearing the name of germany's new president, jaochim gauck. it is this year's carven not -- carnival procession in duesseldorf. >> we got it from a sponsor who is not even from here. he bought the and get an option. >> and now it is part of an exhibition that incomes is no less than six different decorative eggs. " we're going to take a short break. when we come back, we'll be
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visiting a family divided by the bosnian war 20 years ago. >> we will also be looking at how german soldiers are honored, those that take part in peacekeeping missions. stay with us. >> do not go away. ♪ ♪
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>> thank you for joining us. 20 years ago after the collapse of communism throughout eastern and central europe, yugoslavia was torn asunder by a war that had it -- pitted former neighbors, friends, and family members against each other. >> bosnia bore the brunt of the fighting and ended up being divided into two states. the bosnian serb republic in the muslim croat area. this is a story about a northern town. krickstein countered brothers and sisters who, like their native country, were torn asunder by the war.
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>> at home in northern bosnia herzegovina, 14 years ago she reluctantly returned to her country after the end of the bosnian war. >> back then, the authorities in berlin pressured me to come here. >> she lives in this town with her daughter. the rest of her family are scattered around the world. >> my other daughter lives in australia. thanks to technological developments, we can see each other and write to each other on the internet. >> she can also talk to her brother who lives in berlin with his wife and family. more than 1,000 kilometers separate brother and sister. her life is not easy. before the war, muslims or the majority here.
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today, they are a minority, and it is the serbs, many former refugees, who hold sway in the community. there are regular disagreements. for example, over the reconstruction of the mosque destroyed during the war. >> there were objections about the call to prayer going up five times a day. i do not know why. >> there are other provocations as well. some time ago, someone broke into the mosque and set up a cross there. serve flags were common sight, too, but bosnia has its own flight. many nationalist serbs object the multiethnic bosnia ins. >> why is it so bad here? it is not bad. but it is bad to have to think about it. who belongs to which ethnic group? me muslim, you serb.
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>> in the bosnian serb republic, muslims stand little chance of finding a job. serbs face the same kinds of problems in the muslim dominated parts of divided bosnia. family photos of her brother and his family 20 years ago after they had come to berlin to get away from the war in bosnia. the family is still in the german capital and feel at home there. to them, the problems in bosnia seemed remote. it is a place the only visit on holidays. >> berlin is an ethnically diverse city. that is what my home town used to be like. sadly, it is not anymore. but i hope that time will come again. and my country will again be multi-cultural. >> they experienced that multiculturalism daily, like in the soccer team that their son plays for. the team members come from a wide range of ethnic origins and
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diverse backgrounds. this is just one among many. would he like to play for germany one day? >> for bosnia. why? because my parents are from there. but when we visit bosnia, after two weeks the kids start saying they are ready to go back home. >> home to berlin. the family or is allowed to stay in germany after the bosnian war because of the children. the twins were about to be born. the parent said jobs and more rapidly becoing integrated. >> my brother and i speak only german with each other, and i speak german with my mother, too. i used bosnian only with my father. i prefer german. >> the children have grown up as part of germany, and their father, too, has adapted to new life in a foreign country,
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although he misses his sister and a life that once had in bosnia. back in bosnia, the system would like to look forward to the future, too. but that is hard to do. >> the war is to blame. without this war, we would still be together. then everything would be all right and we would support each other. >> the fighting in bosnia may have ended, but for many of the country's people, the conflict and the suffering go on. >> after the bosnian war, the united nations peacekeeping operation saw german troops on foreign soil on one of their first missions since the second world war. to sum it was a sign of a united germany maturing in taking responsibility on the international stage. >> for others, it merely brought back memories of germany's military aggression and past atrocities. another is a new debate here about how to honor those german soldiers who risked or gave their lives for the sake of
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peace. >> a ceremony to honor the fallen. families of soldiers killed in service to their country gather at the defense ministry to remember their loved ones. the monument was erected only a few years ago. germany's defense minister says that soldiers who were killed while serving overseas deserve more recognition. during a visit to troops in afghanistan last year, he made the case for national veteran's day. the armed forces association welcomes the suggestion. >> the service of these soldiers deserves respect. it is important for these people who risk their lives for their country. >> when the bundeswehr was established, its mission was strictly defensive. but in the 1990's, is started joining international missions. since then, more than 300,000 soldiers have served overseas in more than 100 of them have been
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killed. some germans reject the idea of a veterans day. they say it would recall painful chapters in germany's history. >> a veterans day assembly and necessary. it is linked to the unfortunate tradition of german militarism. >> so the debate continues with no end in sight as a germany struggles to find a way to honor its soldiers without glorifying war. >> a change of pace. some business news. it is looking more likely that the ownership of a bankrupt german drug store chain will move abroad. german media reporting that international private equity firms are the most interested in buying that retailer. >> paycheck slovak firm has said to made an offer for the chain. an earlier investment house in dusseldorf was said to be interested, but it is now unclear if they are still on the short list of potential buyers.
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south korean electronics giant samsung is flexing its muscles in the smart phone battle against u.s. rival apple. samsung started the year off with record profits for its smart phones and tablet computers. >> the company exceeded all expectations, raking in four billion euros in the first quarter of 2012, a 100% increase over last year. samsung is closing the gap with market leader apple, especially with its galaxy notes phone. >> most analysts expected a strong result by samsung, but the figures announced on friday exceeded all predictions. the south korean giant is further closing in on its main rival apple. last year, smart phone sales outstripped pc sales for the first time. over half a billion or sold worldwide. about one in five of them was a samsung, trailing slightly behind samsung was apple with 19% of the market.
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nokia took a nosedive promising a 50% drop in its sales to just 15.8% of the global market. the battle for the growing smart phone market is getting tougher, not just at the retail level. companies have also taken their fight to court with lawsuits over patent rights. questions of intellectual property rights and which companies are allowed to produce wood products mark the beginning of a new stage in the fight. >> some sports now as we wrap up this program. april is certainly a very fickle month. the weather can turn from warm to cold in a single day. and german soccer, too. it takes very unpredictable turns. >> one thing is certain, several teams at the bottom of the table are fighting to remain in at the bundesliga as the season winds to a close. >> sometimes stormy, sometimes sunny. the month of april can be a veritable 10 best of conflicting
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emotions. especially in the bundesliga. some supernatural intervention might be what kyser needs to stay in the top flight after 18 games without a win. the red devils have lost two games. a home match my provide badly needed points. >> we will fight to the end. the boys will fight as long as we have a chance. >> cologne has conceded 12 goals in its last three matches. the coach has kept his job for now. they have been just four players for the match against bremen. and he is mad after internal team gossip was leaked to the media. >> i cannot comment. go into the locker room and ask the informants' there.
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there are a lot on this team. that is just awful. >> he was promoted from the second division and for months a little like it might be headed right back down. but hard work and dedication are paying off. he has gone undefeated for six straight weeks. this weekend, they travel to byron munich. anything can happen. >> recapping the top story. in bosnia, marking the 20th anniversary of the started the civil war in the former yugoslavia. it was the bloodiest conflict following world war ii here in europe. >> that is that for now but you can find more on our website at see you soon. >> do not go away. captioned by the national captioning institute
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