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tv   RT News  PBS  November 22, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PST

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you is you. cd ever growing nsa spying scandal takes another twist. it appears that secret data collection started twenty years before september allowed in the presidency of ronald reagan and more the revelations ahead i checked the calendar lately once on the twenty thirteen many in the mainstream media are already talking about the twenty sixteen presidential race will take a look at why some are obsessed
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with the grace that still years away. and fifty years ago today the nation the world was stunned by the assassination of president kennedy the majority of americans think there's what's the story will take a look at some of those spirits leader and shout a fan. friday november twenty second wind and wants to be seen. i mean you're a d that you are watching are key. what's it like bush and obama are not the only presidents that have been instrumental in the end a season full collectction of american identity that we're now learning that president reagan deserves some credit for those seeking an essay powers. in eighteen eighty one reagan approved something called executive order twelve triple three an order that mandates the duties and foreign intelligence collection of the country's seventeen intelligence agency is now as you might imagine
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this order has had no oversight by congress. it holds many questionable privacy protections if any at all and the only changes that have been made to a come from guidelines issued by the attorney general the lane which in this order is still confusing and complicated. most people don't even understand that in the region. however executive order twelve triple three remains a superior authority that guides intelligence operations. the order gives agencies the ability to function outside the confines of a warrant or court order if approved by the attorney general. it also allows for those institutions to operate outside the confines of judicial or congressional oversight. as long as it's in the pursuit of foreign intelligence. ask about the special order and are likely to find out much. in fact director of national intelligence james packer was questioned in october about violations of the program at a senate judiciary committee hearing. here's his exchange
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with minnesota center in equal shot. the kids and i was on the third is that the subject matter of the hearing was to fifteen seventy two and is called violations over ten years occurred under the offer for collection on or under the auspices protective order cool completely. i write this as i that we are probably asking questions on and in a wood paintings have heard about it there. senator dianne feinstein has been a vocal supporter of the nsa said that more transparency is needed over this order can she's encouraging the passage of the bill that would require increased congressional oversight including a full breakdown of the guidelines that govern its use. and this week the white house correspondents association along with thirty seven news organizations called out the obama administration for its heavy restrictions on photographers with side access to president obama and various white house and that's a letter read as
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surely as if they were placing a hand over a journalist hinterlands officials in this administration are blocking the from having any view of important functions of the executive branch of government. news outlets say that the seats at the events are held friday is undermined when the white house has its own photographer cover the events then post the photos on social media for example they say they were allowed to cover the president's meeting with pakistani human rights activists will of the nice outside. yet he says and the chief white house photographer tweeted debts and they were restricted from shooting his meeting with senators mccain and graham of this but they showed up on seasons twitter feed. the white house has of course defended its policies saying they don't have the capacity to give photographers access to every event. and instead the administration has touted its efforts and maintain high visibility on social media which they say he is used as
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the primary medium to get information and photos out an interesting lead sees that we did this out today in your response to the letter it's as co president obama signs a bill in the oval office as at press photographers take photo. but the levity is likely to be welcomed by correspondents association and journalists who are on edge with the administration they say isn't transparent in the least. this comes of course on the heels of an october report by the committee to protect journalists. which revealed how the obama administration frequently kearns routine disclosure of information on the plane its own media to evade scrutiny by the crass on election day twenty thirteen chris christie was re elected as governor of new jersey and in the aftermath instead of being asked questions about how we would serve his constituents over the next four years reporters is that asimov barrage of questions about his
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presidential ambitions to which he then replied twenty sixteen as a long way away and in few days we are still three years away from another presidential election. you wouldn't know it if you watched less tv news contents unseemly wanna jump the gun rt scary and boring has more we are less than one fourth of the way to president obama second term and people are already speculating and ill occupied the white house next year. beyond her years now but it is never too early to start talking twenty sixteen after all everyone else is doing it this far away twenty sixteen but it looks like wall street already making calls on just two will be facing off in the twenty sixteen election cycle comedian and will interest is thinking like most americans are thinking oh my god you people give us a break don't know what's gonna happen. twenty two sixteen the deceased may rise so high that california is taken note of the late carl equation we
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don't know what's gonna happen. i find any nominated political experience the twenty sixteen speculation is no gap when he had just released a new presidential election poll that has republican chris christie tied with democrat hillary clinton in a hypothetical twenty sixteen white house race. neither of them have even announced that they're going to run them but apparently in the race started. mark levine of the political commentator who prides itself on winning the washington post in the loop presidential election contests for correctly predicting be liked or a vote for all fifty states and the twenty twelve election. it says these poets are unreliable. polls three years out lots of fun for pundits did lots of fun the people speculate the mean nothing. for instance three years before the two thousand eve election in the sitting president george w bush had his second term lament the polls of republican rudy giuliani going head to head of a democrat who reclaimed the lead those candidates became their party's nominee and three gears up for the two thousand for election
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polls told us our core or tell the request and it would be the democratic challenger to incumbent george w box but john kerry ended up being their nominee and planning garden even run while we are about a thousand days away from election day. chris christie has been christened by the poles of the republican nominee. are you still celebrating of landslide victory over barbara bowen island in new jersey governor three were interested in doing is to be the governor of new jersey. in fact it's got a lot of things to do about things to focus on the tiller breeze to be speculating about what the big calm in my future lots of other people's featuring in our party on the blue side we had held weekly in leading the polls for the twenty sixteen election. she was also cold as the nominee for the two thousand for in two thousand a day like she is in the years before the race. i don't think anyone would have predicted in two thousand seven. the brock obama was going to win the democratic nomination and other candidate can surprise pollster is or other factors could arise that for someone
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to brown. it was inevitable in two thousand and eight the sixteen win over she she might be on trial for domestic abuse. so if the polls are so inaccurate three years now. while conducting. all of them would love to see the poll numbers trying to pull into hiding to make money because if chris christie looks like you can and do well then you'll get more money in its coffers to the do have real world implications to snuff for this that when they do for the money get calls might not get back your readings of two of the present three years outs but they certainly can help candidates raising money for their campaigns in washington d c perry and boring parts. candid talk more about the adsense in the twenty sixteen and joined now by a weak and needy an activist and host of moment of clarity in the eighties so much for joining me. i marinated a very bad so why is the media already sell adsense with an election that has even started. because
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they're lazy and it's meaningless and i mean i didn't think you might not turn on the news and they said they wouldn't cover the green bay packers game with his children and remain active for the next two out that would have as much importance in terms of what's actually happening in the world. i mean i didn't think the addition of the trip right. he admits with one hand it's sad to note the other is grab your wallet or what we're all looking over here we go in to look back in your house is foreclosed on in the gutters not die the benefits of the from the sky protecting the kind of arty know the answer that question. i think it is as important as the queen even know what is hillary clinton person you mentioned the word afar but now i'm learning a little something now in fact it didn't know every moment of hillary clinton life and uncovered for the past thirty years. the format of other men on the civil war. what
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could that possibly be telling us things useful at this point it's it's utterly meaningless or not really learning too much. and from the constant assassin discovers that sony what stories are being told as to that of course there's enough room to report the latest and greatest on the twenty sixteen campaign. the ag's actually that's the true story of all they're telling us about what came out of chris christie space hole where up were missing the fact that you know the japanese are trying to make sure the pacific ocean doesn't become km that aren't using duct tape and silly putty like that that's not being discussed the mass walkout during the climate change summit in august in illinois where i live with in the middle of hurricane i thought semi trucks flipped over but that's not being talked about enough with me on the event and we know that none of that news is actually imploring time. and that will assist in the end. now though
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i was visiting that they also went on to a story and the pink black and white with these two candidates liberty and of being whatever for any presidential race was in college to go inside the baddie batman and joker yet it would be batman and joker in batman and joker agreed on ninety percent of the structural issues that the top. that same corporate owned employees running for office and were told like it's a dark and light. and leave the house that is speculating the evening the sun your hot sun on some of the current front runners the tree out of an essay about them. and then went into betting on horse race and you're watching the horses as they come out of the womb of going on that one looks like it. i called it. what are your thing you don't trust the polls and
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time. in the know who has an opinion right now i tag came in to imagine isolate the opinion should be. hey i don't want one of the two corporate candidates like that to be at the top of the polls. isaiah. and judging the most beautiful butterfly by looking at the maggots in the maggots book of butterflies but still if they did that be a perfect analogy. re enacting the paintings so much for all your wonderful and thank me and acted as weak and can host of moment of clarity things for the moment of levity. a florida police department's website has missed a statement that says quote the miami gardens police department is committed to building a better tomorrow and community interaction. it is coming under fire for the way that is interacting with the community after being accused of systematic around fanatic convenience store and one and in particular police report showed that twenty eight year old girls sea and sand has been stopped and questioned by police in miami
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gardens two hundred and fifty eight times in four years he's been searched more than one hundred times in the restive and cl fifty six nights. most serious offence and can connect with possessing a small amount of marijuana according to the police six the tiller rats were ponds and by trespassing. however this was the problem stands and is the clerk at the same convenience story theme is repeated me stop and frisk that. the two oh seven quick stop owner had signed up for zero tolerance program getting police broad powers to stop and rest people in and around historic. he quickly of course regretted it and took down the sign showing he was a participant after repeated incidents but the police the owner of the convenience store decided to document what was happening. by installing fifteen video cameras in the shop last year. the video show cops stopping people addressing them and using excessive force for no apparent reason. now the shop owner and his attorney are
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preparing to file a federal civil rights lawsuit against the police department they say is participating in illegal activity. since the beers for the affordable care act percent notion many americans have come out criticizing everything from the government subsidies to the health care doc of the website. it's known that supports the president's signature legislation more than the working women of nevada as legal brothels. so this shed some light on why that is earlier i was joined by dennis hopper owner of the film about a brothel the bunny ranch. along with two of his employees at the bunny ranch dressing kisses and taylor of. the i started out by asking taylor what her experience has been trying to healthcare as a worker. i meant the impossible. a new link to me elaborate a little the last one seems to have the best and the eye. able to get health care. the idea
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that has the same hands. she says. asset for you is that in a similar experience. yes the cleanest your illegal working girls to have very high stds and aids rates. we have none to be about relief and threatening the life and to prostitutes for the weekly and state mandatory. so continent and he's come out of the house now for a da is to work right top and say but yet we still get an institute dance that don't have anything to do it as denying coverage. any press at what you'd typically tell insurance companies are perfection and sand and is immediately disqualify you and the lake i could be on and it's not like you can find shad meaning something did happen they would find out so you know it you just have to be upfront and paintings to items that dunedin not processed one after another. this is
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the best profession that is legal in nevada county for which she wore eye is at all possible for you to provide insurance. it's not because they did to the contractors and even if i could get something for which we can't somebody like taylor who has the upper preexisting condition which would get covered. but now with obamacare. the working girls are going to get covered it's a great thing for the girls. ryan and taylor needless to say health is a slightly more at risk in this profession and i'd ask job for example don't bother sound is it that in as workers are charged the most or even denying health care when they're the ones that perhaps he is a must. it's really disappointing we work really hard and were able to i had the best hand gently and then said nobody should definitely be another way how can one's name when that job
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contrast that with the ipod i think they need to look at us as individuals as legal licensed prostitutes. we see the doctor more than we see our family. every week every single week. it's a mandatory or we can even come into the house and work so i think that they need to look in our industry and singularly and stand and gripping and illegal activities that we don't have anything to do with it now but no it's a good thing cuz they don't have to worry about any of that stuff because with obamacare they get covered its pre existing condition doesn't matter your employer with these goals are to be covered in outside or i think the working girls about shock and promote the view ladies this is the first time in eight you will even be able to get health insurance. yet as i sign up new covenant and intense and i don't know how long was not the bad side it is the good sizes though the working girls to get
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insurance at affordable cost the bad side is as good as a daughter called obamacare because now i have to spend about a quarter million dollars a year extra. because of my employees before if you have less than fifty employees you didn't have to worry about it but now that there are lumping them all together. all seven of my duvet of legal brothels are lumped into one lump sum and now with the cost me a quarter million a year or so bad bad for the ownership good for the work deals what's your problem unassuming at a sending that email and then abt that i'm sure. no problem with that in order before stew was it something we've been working on for the last six to eight months to revive good health care for employees and were working out but i don't want to meet only a half to overpay a quarter million dollars year. possessed with the cops show at the end and caress it cost me about you know the difference in cost you anything you learned that purchase health insurance
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before obama care how much with something like that cost us and how much do you expect it to kos now. i admit i was in medical school. so i hiked mt smart plan. they'll cost me forty dollars a month. i had to go on sustained because i just couldn't afford on a few waves. i literally was working. maybe for nate out of the month dedicated to my studies. so health care was not an affordable option in time and i told them that i see and to complain and the probable date is denied me straight out and then canceled my policy. the clown in a day. so i went better coverage starts in on lassie i wanted to get your bags not sign and it is something that's become quite a controversy which is obama as one sided healthcare dot com got its gonna lock in a bad
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rap for that certain feed is functioning website a dysfunctional a you know what it costs and nancy think the criticism over the site is a bit overhyped or perhaps a distraction in any way. no not at all if it's under way it's meant that the disaster in a show eucharistic to do a better job with that website that they are our men and women take to donate the bunny ranch webmaster to obama to help them out with this immense get this thing work and so these tools to get insured. it seems he certainly does need help i've received all of you coming on and sharing some new perspective with us dennis hof owner of the bunny ranch and teal and his employees for us the kisses and taylor leading feel. and fifty years ago today american president john f kennedy jr was assassinated in dallas texas. twenty four year old named the party oswalt was charged with shooting jfk and oswalt and south was then shot by jack ruby two days later during a transfer to county jail. not the official investigation
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concluded that cause well acted alone. when people question that we've done fidel castro who faced off against jfk during the cuban missile crisis and the bay of pigs invasion said in recent years. i have reached the conclusion that oswalt could not have been the one who killed kennedy. and on this subject the majority of americans agree with castro the thirty percent of americans thinking that one man was responsible for killing task a full sixty one percent think that the death was part of a larger conspiracy. so why do so many americans doubt the official narrative when it comes to jfk to talk more about this i was going to earlier by preaching this eco savvy marketing. there's asked her about why so many people every project that is arrogant. he is the official mary and quickly fell apart than they like and then mounted them to me and i think oliver stone's movie if you really hope people understand the enormous and consistency is what the official narrative in all
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the really on the facts that came out later on during the course i will be on top to the poll was burned on initially over fifty witnesses heard a fourth shot coming from the grassy knoll area. that's a lot of people here in a different account from what we are told on the professional snipers have tried to replicate the harvey oswald shot from the book depository couldn't do it no one has ever been able to do that to this day. e howard hunt deathbed confessions and we killed jfk on the oswald had c i a tie is on his work in a coffee shop a stone's throw away from covert action the court nadir for the ci day there's so many more iv of say one more to help select commission assassinations actually concluded a couple decades later the forensic evidence that there was indeed more shots and that oswald was not the one perpetrator were talking about and actually very rational. they never re investigated this after the warren commission canola alan and then hours after the event the warren commission actually just made
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its conclusions the arena and they just kind of fall through so they are re had their conclusions to start a pre conceived and so they fit the evidence the kind of fed around those conclusions saying that it's really unfortunate will not cause alarm and who do people think killed jfk. what are the theories out there basil i've been reading from the game to that yet so i added we're not saying that space aliens here were talking about people who had you been involved in order for the car for up to be facilitated in the way it didn't i think when people say it's the mafia. the mafia come into good use of bobby kennedy's brother and also jfk cook on initiating a corrugated effort to kind of go after organize crime which is something that no one else in the lead on an omni people say well the market now that the problem but that is that that's too easy a loss to his american mafia conduct an orchestra to compress the extent that the government did. so i think a lot people say it wasn't just the mafia the dt reason it couldn't have you been here this eia be involved and the mafia and
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some people can speculate big oil and some people say just johnson tom courtenay with the c i did give roger stone who was nixon's presidential advisors said that he heard makes them multiple times say d i know it when he was deathly assassinated and that the warren commission was a shoddy piece of found sounds very interesting and wish you could actually find out which one of those theories is that rely on the hill when people look back and get his legacy as ninety percent approval rating that is very different thing from nowhere most presidents are to finish their terms. just look at president obama doesn't look like if you need finishing very high on the dl think his assassination really feeds into that and how high his approval ratings are outstanding and i mean i'm not one to really be keen on historic revisionism and i'm sure kennedy was in the greater the guy is we hear an impact is quite a womanizer and on the disastrous bay of pigs invasion when it really was of really a scar on his record but the altar stone i was talking to him earlier break in a sudden are feeling
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he was telling me why kennedy was indeed different. one sticker for that the inherited his office zealand. and he was suspected by the military leaders the hardliners of the us. he did not have peace that the wherewithal to really continue the ice in our arms. he had failed to do so in layoffs going to send ground troops. he failed in queue but the pale peach to give it to suit the air support that it needed to win he failed in the vietnam to really carry two much more thinking. each process with the enemy he said. non combative i should not come back people. we would be alive if kennedy had not done what he did it the cuban missile crisis was crucial we were really at the edge for the sitcom they wanted which the joint chiefs of staff wanted to go to want to invade cuba. one other thing caliber sundin and there but that he actually stood up to the joint use of such robert mcnamara guns operation northwoods planters are really extreme planned and
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that people are connecting i've rejected claims that isn't really on their interest and why they wanna quickly touchy about the term conspiracy theory now that's something that you cover all the time i hear show. of course as a negative connotation. a case of the jfk assassination least active these days. how damaging is this terminology to really important thoughts and ideas that are sort of on field goal against the grain outside of mainstream narrative and then why is it that jfk to get his nation was able to bypass that i actually disagree i think the majority of people even though they do believe that jfk was assassinated a conspiracy and contributed still shut you down into the mainstream media and the such a concerted effort on behalf of the cna that the real interesting part after the jfk assassination happen on there was an actual c i a memo that said let's inject his term conspiracy theory in reno operation mockingbird were they actually infiltrated a lot of the mainstream media. c i and we were talking how were they actually inserted as this
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narrative on just to shut down question and now that the ball into a pejorative term that basically shut down question debate about anything that contradicts the winner casey comes anonymous tip that anything alternative now that's a true shame that adding my house and preakness at inky summons to appear. and scab over time are about to get a little more crowded chinese state media announced friday that the country to its first unmanned stealth around on a twenty minute test flight the drone nicknamed the sharp sword can be used for anything from surveillance to missile strikes. they were manufactured as part of the country's arms industry and another chinese related news the people's bank of china has come out and said that it is called no longer in china's favor to accumulate foreign exchange reserves. this is big news because china is currently the largest foreign creditor to us and holds more than one trillion dollars worth of treasury bonds. there's no indication however that the people's bank will cut
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its current holdings of u s that. that doesn't for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com such rt america. check out our website our t dot com sites usa. email me on twitter and an irrigated an aussie with accuracy i am shea. the us. it was will
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will will or will it. i was crying and trying to tell two months from our own share of the united states and britain on throwing their weight behind included talks begin on the sheet is from six paul collins and talking with the mainland officials in geneva. i'm trying to persuade them to cut the atomic extent a tease extended fashion show by day in hopes of a deal russian prime minister a certain number of those over eighteen can eat that. us officials say faculty of state john kerry is on display


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