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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  November 26, 2015 4:00am-5:00am CST

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from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm elaine quijano. over the river and through the snow, americans head out of town under tight security. >> our military, our intelligence, and our homeland security agencies are on the case. also tonight, calls for peace after chicago police release video of the fatal shooting of a black teenager by a white cop. how the hits frank gifford took on the football field affected his long-term health. and a carpenter helps kids build a better life. >> reporter: what do you think about the chair? >> i think that it's perfect. this is the "cbs overnight news." as nearly 47 million people began heading out of town for thanksgiving, president obama took the unusual step of going on national television to assure them they'll be safe. with isis threatening paris-like attacks in this country, the president said every element of
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"on the case." here's homeland security correspondent jeff pegues. >> i want the american people to know that we are taking every possible step to keep our homeland safe. >> reporter: flanked by his national security team, today, president obama assured americans that while there was no credible threat, law enforcement officers across the nation were working overtime to keep it that way. for the 25 million people expected to use airports over the next few days, that security will be visible, like here at los angeles international airport, where heavily armed officers are on patrol. but nationwide, some airport police officers complain security is blind to the so- called insider threat. at many airports some workers do not routinely go through security. the american alliance of airport police officers is calling for mandatory screening for all airport employees. marshall mclain is with the organization. >> you and i, when we travel on
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screened. why not have employees screened as well? >> reporter: the department of homeland security says it is reducing access points for employees and looking into mandatory screening. secretary jeh johnson: >> we're evaluating whether more is necessary right now. that's something that i and tsa has been focused on as recently as today. >> reporter: several thousand officers will be on duty in new york city along the thanksgiving day parade route. on the rails, heavily armed police are along amtrak routes in the northeast. to show the system is safe, secretary johnson took the train this afternoon. but the bottom line seems to be that americans should go about their business and enjoy the holidays. but, jim, law enforcement is advising people to be vigilant, especially in public spaces. >> jeff, thank you. 42 million americans will be traveling by automobile. transportation correspondent kris van cleave now on what they'll be facing.
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>> reporter: it's expected to be the busiest thanksgiving holiday on the road since 2007. erin misar is driving from rochester, new york, to durham, north carolina. >> our gps all of a sudden added another hour on to our travel time, so that was super unexpected. >> reporter: just as those 42 million americans hit the road, the national highwa traffic safety administration reported a sharp spike in traffic deaths for the first half of 2015. 16,225 people died up over 8% from last year. if the trend holds for the year that would be the sharpest percentage increase since 1946. the biggest reason, almost half of those killed in passenger vehicles were not wearing their seat belts. backseat passengers are a particular concern as they're less likely to buckle up, and 22 states do not require it. this dash camera shows they are still very much at risk in a crash. dr. jim hedlund studied backseat passenger behavior. >> it takes a second -- you don't have to think about it.
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it's cheap, it's easy, and it may save your life. >> reporter: plummeting gas prices, the lowest on thanksgiving since 2008, may also be a factor in the rise in traffic deaths, says aaa's tom calcagni. >> the more people that are on the road and the more people that are driving longer distances, the greater the risk. >> reporter: one trend aaa has noticed, more people leaving on tuesday. jim, aaa hopes that makes the drive on wednesday less terrible. >> kris van cleave on this getaway wednesday. thank you. from the rockies to the great lakes, snow, ice, and rain are expected to create rough sledding on the roads tomorrow. overnight, snow fell across the west. carter evans shows us where it really piled up. >> reporter: in california's sierra nevada, a foot of new snow made driving treacherous. >> so dangerous out here you really want to get your chains on so you can make, you know, the safest drive up there. >> reporter: the pre-winter storm covered roads in oregon and brought 50-mile-per-hour wind near lack tahoe. further east in colorado, the wind snapped utility poles.
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and in washington state, hurricane-force winds splintered trees and knocked out power, according to resident vin chawla. >> it was rocking. we had probably three or four large branches hit the house, went outside, looked up, and saw branches flying, hitting neighbors' roofs. >> reporter: along the california coast, king tides up to eight feet deep flooded san francisco streets, and huge waves pounded coastal buildings in san diego, providing a scary show for diners in this restaurant. but misery for some is paradise for others. california ski resorts are seeing three times their normal snowfall and their earliest opening in 10 years. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. in chicago tonight, there are calls for calm following the release of a graphic video showing a white police officer fatally shooting an african american teenager. this happened 13 months ago, but the officer was not charged until yesterday.
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>> reporter: two more police dash cam videos of the october 2014 incident have just emerged and while neither sheds much light on the shooting, one shows a different angle. 17-year-old laquan mcdonald is on the ground dying from 16 bullet wounds as the police, including the officer who did the shooting, stand around. the release of police videos sent protesters into the streets overnight and this afternoon. city officials and mcdonald's relatives have called for calm, but there is frustration that it took more than 400 days to charge the cop jason van dyke. do you think the powers that be wanted this case to just go away? >> i think so. >> reporter: howard brookins is on the city council. >> when the victims appear to be underprivileged or minorities, that it takes a long time for justice to come their way. >> reporter: for now, officer van dyke is being held at the
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his lawyer is dan herbert. >> he's really fearful for his-- what's going to happen to his wife and kids. but he's -- he's hanging in there. >> reporter: van dyke has had 18 citizen complaints against him in 14 years, including allegedly excessive force and racial epithets. none resulted in discipline. and herbert says the tapes don't tell the entire story. his client, he said, felt mcdonald made a "threatening gesture." can i see those threatening gestures if i looked at the tape closely? >> you can't see what my client saw. >> reporter: van dyke will next be in court on monday when a judge will decide whether to grant him bail or keep him in jail, jim, in the custody of the cook county sheriff. >> dean reynolds covering for us tonight in chicago. thank you. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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the u.s. commander in afghanistan said today american forces violated the rules of engagement when they mistakenly bombed a hospital run by doctors without borders last month. the airstrike in the northern city of kunduz killed at least 30 civilians. more now from david martin. >> reporter: it was one of the worst accidents of the afghan war, and it was caused by what general john campbell described as "a perfect storm of mistakes," committed by america's elite special operations forces. >> this was a tragic but avoidable accident caused primarily by human error. >> reporter: after nearly five days of nonstop fighting in the city of kunduz, american commandos were holed up in a police station with afghan troops. the afghans requested a strike on a nearby government building which had been taken over by taliban fighters.
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an ac-130 gunship was called in by the american ground commander. the gunship was given the coordinates of the government building, but its targeting system zeroed in on an open field instead. the air crew visually identified the closest structure that resembled the government building they were supposed to strike. they did not know it, but that building was in fact the hospital run by doctors without borders. before opening fire, the gunship provided the coordinates of the target to a command center at bagram airfield. the command center knew those coordinates belonged to the hospital, which was on a "no strike" list, but nobody put two and two together. the gunship opened fire. someone from doctors without borders called bagram to report the attack, but by the time the command center realized the mistake, the gunship had already ceased fire. all this happened at a time when the american combat role in afghanistan had supposedly
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ended, and under the new rules of engagement, the american ground commander did not even have the authority to call in that strike. some of the commanders involved in the strike have been relieved of their duties, and now face possible disciplinary action. jim. >> david martin at the pentagon, thank you. in the northern iraqi city of sinjar, kurdish fighters have discovered tunnels used by isis fighters to survive u.s. airstrikes. it reveals an underground city with electricity, plenty of food, and stacks of ammunition. all of this was built up during the year isis controlled sinjar. kurdish forces retook the city two weeks ago. one of the two russian airmen shot down after venturing into turkish airspace yesterday was rescued today by syrian allies. the other was killed by the militants on the ground. the survivor denied turkey's claim that it gave repeated warnings before firing on the russian plane. he said he never heard one. holly williams joins us now from
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istanbul. holly, a lot of finger pointing but for the time being at least it seems cooler heads are prevailing. >> reporter: that's right, jim. this looked like a very dangerous situation just 24 hours ago. we had an american nato ally shooting down a russian warplane after it allegedly strayed for just 17 seconds into turkish airspace. we had a dead russian pilot, and we had the russian president, vladimir putin, threatening serious consequences. today, though, it is very clear that all of the players in this drama, including the u.s. and nato, want to avoid a conflict. the turkish president, tayyip erdogan, said today that he did not want to see an escalation and russia said that it would not wage war against turkey. so a crisis has been averted this time, but that doesn't solve the underlying problem
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the u.s., russia, turkey, iran, and other countries have all taken sides in syria's war, and they are all now being drawn deeper and deeper into the conflict and perhaps closer to a conflict with each other. >> but for the time being no escalation. holly williams reporting for us tonight from turkey. thank you. today, the family of the late football great frank gifford revealed he had a degenerative brain disease known as cte. an autopsy confirmed it. gifford died in august at the age of 84. cte can result from repeated hits on the football field. anna werner tells us gifford suffered plenty of them but one in particular stood out. >> reporter: it was one of the most devastating hits in nfl history. future hall of famer frank gifford was leveled catching a pass against the philadelphia eagles. the play, which came to be known as "the hit," sidelined gifford for more than a season.
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disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or cte, confirmed what his family had long suspected after gifford's 13-year career taking numerous hits. he died of natural causes. wife, kathie lee gifford: >> he never wanted to lose his dignity. he had seen so much of that through the years and that's what i prayed, that the lord would take him the way he wanted to go. >> reporter: researchers at boston university told us today that 88 of the 92 former nfl players they examined suffered from cte, that's 96%. dr. robert cantu heads the boston university's cte center. >> sometimes it can be one horrific single injury, but mostly it's repetitive head injuries. >> reporter: both the new york giants and the nfl said today they appreciate the gifford family's efforts to help advance understanding of cte. jim, the nfl said it is not waiting for science but is working now to improve the safety of the game. >> anna werner, thank you very much. still ahead is thanksgiving eve.
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it's become a thanksgiving tradition. most major retailers will be open tomorrow so americans can start their holiday shopping. of course, many are open 24/7 online.
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trenton, new jersey, is what the online retailer calls a fulfillment center, and the holiday rush is already in full swing there. in order to keep up, amazon has hired 100,000 extra seasonal workers. one of those is 20-year-old zahmir ibezim, a college student looking to save up money before he heads back to school in january. the money you make here, what are you going to use it for? >> i'm going to use it to pay back school. >> so this is to make money to pay off some loans? >> yes. >> amazon's hiring is a 25% increase from last year but they are the exception. overall, holiday hiring is expected to be just slightly higher than last season. fedex is adding 55,000 workers, roughly 5% more than 2014. major retailers like macy's and target will add the same amount of workers as last year. andrew challenger is the vice president of the employment firm challenger, gray, and christmas.
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>> because so much of the holiday spending is now being done online, the jobs are changing. now more of the jobs, instead of being in the front room, are moving into shipping and handling, into warehouses, and into the actual delivery of those products. >> jeanette washburn, a mother of six, is working in the amazon warehouse for the first time. so it's good to have a little extra cash? >> absolutely. to do something that's just maybe a little out of the ordinary for the household. >> do you want to do this full time? >> you know, if that was offered to me, i would consider it, definitely, but i'll be back next season for sure. >> last year, more than 20,000 of amazon seasonal workers were offered full-time positions after the holiday rush was over. president obama continued a thanksgiving tradition today. [ laughter ] granting pardons to a couple of turkeys named honest and abe. that one is abe. the president thanked his daughters, malia and sasha, for joining him for the ceremony. he said, "they do this solely because it makes me feel good,
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not because they actually think this is something i should be doing." the pope shares his biggest safety concern with our allen pizzey as he visits africa.
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next. pope francis arrived in kenya today, his first stop on his first-ever trip to africa. cbs's allen pizzey is traveling with the pope. allen, the spiritual leader of the world's 1.2 billion catholics is now in an area where there has been brutal fighting between christians and muslims. what is he hoping to accomplish? >> reporter: jim, i think the first thing he wants to do is bring the message of peace and reconciliation.
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muslims can all sit down together, they should sit down together. violence is wrong. he'll also talk about the environment, but that all comes back to his message that deprivation leads to terrorism. if you've got people who are deprived, they've got reasons to fight, they've got reasons for ethnic differences, that's a worry, jim. >> early next week his itinerary takes him to the central african republic, which is a war zone. does he seem concerned about his own safety? >> reporter: as usual, the answer to that is no. he's using open popemobiles and vatican officials, when you ask if he's wearing body armor, laugh as if that's preposterous. on the plane today, i asked if he was worried about the trip, and he said, "to tell you the truth, the only thing i'm worried about is mosquitoes." when i said, "me, too," he went like this and said, "did you bring your spray," and smiled. and he didn't have to bring his, because one of the journalists gave him two cans, jim. >> allan pizzey, from nairobi. allen, thank you. in a moment, a carpenter and his young apprentices building a special bond.
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we end tonight with a man who has a special talent for helping kids with special needs. turns out, they're a perfect fit. here's elaine quijano. >> remember how we walk, right? slow and controlled. >> reporter: michael konstalid has been a physical therapist in the new york public school system for eight years, a job he pursued because of his late father. >> my father had a neuromuscular condition, and growing up, becoming a physical therapist, i realized he had a much more difficult, challenging life than i ever knew. >> reporter: his father inspired him in another way, too -- he was a carpenter. growing up, konstalid would help his dad build things in his shop, a skill he now brings into the school. >> reporter: i started with
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building a balance beam, and it developing into,ky build you a desk. >> reporter: konstalid says the chairs kids use can have a big impact on how they learn, so he started working out of a makeshift workshop in the basement of a brooklyn elementary school where he builds customized furniture out of salvaged scraps of wood. how can school furniture affect learning? >> for a child who has balance, coordination issues, they're trying to learn to the best of their ability, solve a math problem, or do a reading assignment. if your feet aren't on the floor, you can't be there mentally. >> reporter: konstalid has created more than 80 original pieces, like this staircase to help angie cruz get off the bus, a lunch tray holder for students confined to wheelchairs, and a modified classroom chair for hasan mahmud who has a hard time sitting in a typical one. >> he loves the fact that he's sitting in a special chair, but
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differently. >> reporter: to give the students a sense of ownership, he enlists them to help them build a piece of furniture. what do you think about the chair? >> i think that it's perfect. >> reporter: in using these pieces of discarded wood, michael konstalid sees what others can sometimes miss -- limitless possibilities. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this thanksgiving thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center, i'm
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captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, november 26th, 2015. this is the "cbs morning news." as thanksgiving celebrations kick off, americans stay on alert, despite the absence of a specific terror threat. the president warns the nation to remain vigilant. protests over a killing of a black teenager by a white chicago police officer spread to other cities and demonstrators say they are ready to disrupt black friday shopping. an airline passenger records a disturbing scene while waiting for a flight. baggage handlers throwing luggage as part of a game. good morning from the studio
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57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. americans are waking up to the thanksgiving holiday amid heightened security concerns. we are hours away from celebrations across the country. police are relying on the public to be vigilant about any terror here in new york to show us how. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. as part of the stepped-up security here, officers in plain clothes will be among those in the crowd. radiation detectors will also be used. officials here and aacross the country maintain that everything possible is being done to make sure this holiday is a safe one. an army of police officers will
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on the eve of the festivities authorities locked down mailboxes as crowds gather to see parade balloons come to life. >> security is very tight, but considering what is going on, they need to take all of the precautions they can. >> reporter: the heightened security comes less than two weeks after terror attacks in paris killed 130 people. isis has since threatened new york city in a video. >> we cannot let the terrorists succeed as psychological war fare. that is is what it is. they are trying to do what they can to create fear and try to change us. >> reporter: security is beefed up at airport and other hubs. >> we are taking every possible step to keep our homeland safe. >> reporter: terror suspects could face targets. >> i guess it could be an easy target but i don't like to think about that right now. >> reporter: even federal officials stress there are no
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the homeland. now the police commissioner here says more than 2,500 officers will be stationed along the parade route, the largest number of officers ever assigned to cover an event. also for the first time, 200 heavily armed critical response officers will be out and about. >> don champion in new york, thank you, don. new york city police commissioner william bratton joins us later on "cbs this morning" with what the city is doing to protect crowds at the thanksgiving day parade. germany vows to do more this morning in the international fight against isis. geman chancellor anklely merkel met with french president francois hollande yesterday in paris. merkel said she was challenged to do everything to prevent such events from happening again. russia is deploying long-range air defense missiles to its base in syria about 30 miles from the turkish border. it follows a downing of a russian war plane by turkey earlier this week.
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years that a nato member shot down a russian plane. analysts believe the act will fuel the conflict in syria and complicate peace efforts. russia denies the plane ever crossed into turkish air space. it is going to be a rainy and wet thanksgiving for millions of americans. parts of the southern plains are under flood watches and the threat of snow in the midwest has sparked a winter weather advisory. snow blanketed parts of california and plows spent the day keeping roads clear and passable. some locals near the nevada border say it's been years since the area got that much snow. wow! >> 11 people were hurt outside of sacramento when a gust of wind knocked over a tent at a flea market. three were taken to the hospital. and parts of the california coast are getting pounded by king tides. waves crashed along the beach in san diego and coast flood
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many areas until tomorrow. protesters in chicago are calling for disruptions during the black friday shopping in response to the deadly police shooting of laquan mcdonald. demonstrators in other cities spoke out last night. at least six people were arrested in new york. it follows the release of new information on the shooting of mcdonald last year. adriana diaz reports. >> reporter: demonstrators took to the streets of chicago again wednesday, protesting the police shooting of 17-year-old laquan mcdonald. some taunted officers trying to hold the line. more dash cam footage was released and it appears to show mcdonald running from police after allegedly vandalizing cars. footage released tuesday shows officer jason van dyke firing 16 times at mcdonald and killing him. van dyke's attorney says the officer yelled for mcdonald to drop the knife he was carrying. >> he shot mcdonald because he was in fear of his life. >> reporter: van dyke was charged with first-degree murder.
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an autopsy report showed mcdonald was shot at least twice in the back and the drug pcp was found in his system. the city of chicago already settled for mcdonald's family for $5 million but a public outcry what took so long to release the video and bring charges against the officers. >> it appears that when the victims appear to be underprivileged or minorities, that it takes a long time for justice to come their way. >> reporter: the judge will revisit the issue of bond at a hearing monday. after viewing the video. officer van dyke faces 20 years to life behind bars, if convicted. adriana diaz, cbs news, chicago. president obama said on facebook that he was deeply disturbed by the shooting video. he also asked people to be thankful for the overwhelming majority of police who protect our communities with honor. in minneapolis, protests continue their push for justice after the deadly police shooting
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of an unarmed black man. more than a hundred people gathered last night outside a police precinct to protest the death of jamar clark, the 24-year-old died more than a week ago after being shot by a police officer. the rally happened on the same day that funeral services for clark took place. investigators this morning, are looking into two new laser strikes in the dallas area. the southwest airlines pilot reported seeing a green laser near dallas love field last night. another pilot reported a laser near dallas/ft. worth international airport. there have been at least 15 laser strikes against planes in the dallas area since november. a bird strike forced a united airlines jet to make an emergency landing in sacramento last night. flight 2005 struck a bird just after takeoff and it caused an
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the planehite album. this is the "cbs morning news." pharmacists recommend most for cold and flu relief at the shelf. advil cold & sinus is only behind the pharmacy counter. ask your pharmacist for fast, powerful advil cold & sinus. relief doesn't get any better than this. the holidays bring many challenges to the feet. by day they must stay warm. but by night, beautiful, smoother and ready to impress the other party animals. dr. scholl's dreamwalk express pedi. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet.
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and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. you want i fix this mess? a mess? i don't think -- what's that? snapshot from progressive. plug it in, and you can save on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try? i try this if you try... not this. okay.
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pope francis met with christian and muslim leaders today in kenya on the second of his six-day visit to africa. he said the two faiths must work together against islamic extremists attack and that
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religion can never be used to that cost co used in the chicken salad. the outbreak sickened 19 people in seven states. "the washington post" reports that donald trump is under fire, this time for mocking a reporter with a disability. >> have you to see this guy. i don't know what i said, uh, i don't remember! he is going like, i don't remember. oh, maybe that is what i said. this is 14 -- >> reporter: it happened at a rally on tuesday. "the new york times" reporter has a joint condition which limits flexibility in his arms. "the times" called trump's action outrageous. trump's campaign said the front-runner wasn't aware of his condition and was not mocking him. "usa today" reports football hall of famer frank gifford's brain showed signs of repeated brain trauma in an autopsy following his death. the player's family says doctors discovered signs after degenerative brain disease that has been also found in the brains of dozens of former nfl players.
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his 13-year career. >> sometimes, it can be one horrific single injury, but mostly, it's repetitive head injury. >> gifford died in august at the age of 84. the new york daily news reports the mother that left her newborn baby in a christmas manger inside a new york city church won't be charged. surveillance video showed the mom leaving the baby inside the church on monday. the mom says she felt the baby was in a warm, safe place and came back later to check on it. "the new york times" reports west point is banning pillow fights, after a bloody brawl left 30 injured this summer. first-year cadets traditionally organize the pillow flight at the end of the summer of training to build camaraderie. but in august some pack their pillowcases with hard objects. the san jose mercury news reports shoppers are embracing their smartphones for online shopping this long holiday weekend.
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for the first time, shoppers using their phones to visit retailer's websites are expected to exceed those using computers. mobile sales are expected to jump to 36% of all online sales, up from 27% last year. coming up on "cbs this morning," mellody hobson looks at what to expect for black friday shopping this year. still to come, baggage handlers caught on video. airline workers are seen being reckless of what appears to be someone's lugg mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. new jersey's notorious highway traffic comes to the aid of police. officers from new york and new jersey chase a murder suspect for more than 20 minutes monday. the suspect is seen weaving through traffic and, at times, going the wrong way! but it wasn't until he hit a big backup at a toll plaza that police were able to capture him. this is definitely not what you want to see when you look out of your window when you're sitting on a plane. a passenger flying from san jose international airport recorded this video tuesday. betty yu of our san francisco station kpix found out what was
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southwest passenger saw from his window before takeoff, a worker tossing luggage like a bean bag. while another clapped. each time, workers try to hurl the bag farther. >> the perception of it, it looks like tossing a customer's bag. >> reporter: that is why chase plattin shot it with his cell phone and posted the video on southwest's facebook page. turns out, it wasn't southwest. it was alaska airlines worker. alaska claims they were tossing a company bag filled with magazines as part of an employee game. in a statement tonight, alaska says this game should not have been played at the airport. the optics of this video are unfortunate and we apologize for any confusion this has caused san jose travelers or southwest airlines. >> if you're going to do something like that, i would do it elsewhere. you shouldn't do something like that right next to a place where they are actually loading customer bags on the plane. >> wow. it looks super shady.
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the game to passengers flying out tonight. >> i would say it's bad taste, to be honest. >> reporter: customer bag or not? >> basically just reassures everyone what they are hearing, because everyone already thinks that people mishandle their baggage. >> that was kpix's betty yu reporting. milwaukee bucks coach jason kidd isn't too thankful this morning for the referees officiating his team's game last night. less than 2:00 to play, kidd gets ejected when he slaps the ball out of the hands of a ref. players and assistant coaches had to hold kidd back. milwaukee loses to sacramento 129-118. if you thought that was bad behavior, just look at this. university of colorado basketball player tory miller is elected when he seen biting an opposing player. hayden graham of air force told the officials what happened and after reviewing the replay, miller was tossed. graham says that the bite almost broke the skin.
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up next, turkey talk on the campaign trail. we will show you how some presidential candidates practice the white house thanksgiving tradition. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. this is my seventh year of pardoning a turkey. time flies, even if turkeys don't. >> president obama pardoned the national thanksgiving turkey named abe, sparing him from the dinner table and setting him up for a life of relaxation on a farm. abe's alternate was a turkey named honest, makes sense.
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honest was also pardoned. the white house tradition dates back to the 1940s. well, three republican presidential candidates are already thinking how they would pardon a turkey. >> no, no, no! shh! >> carly fiorina and ben carson and marco rubio got in some practice pardoning for the conservative website "independent journal." >> so with the power invested in me as a, i guess, presidential candidate, i pardon you and you are free to go. not literally. not until i leave. but then you're free to go. >> now i pardon you, mr. turkey. >> jenny, you are now officially pardoned and set free to live a wonderful life. >> i pronounce you -- >> i love the wave of the hand. in order to do the real thing, of course, one of them will have to win the next election. the sci-fi violence in the latest chapter of the "star wars" franchise might be a
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children. "star wars the force awakens," will carry a pg-13 rating what it comes out on december 18th. "star wars: episode three revenge of the sith" got that rating also, but all of the others were rated pg. ringo starr is auctioning off a very first copy of the beatles white album from back in 1968. it was in a bank vault for 35 years and not in mint condition because a corner has a slight fold. it is still expected to go for as much as $60,000 at auction next week! you might say the bidding could be helter-skelter. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," thanksgiving etiquette.
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see each other, because ppp just did up questioning the presidential poultry pardoning paur power. according to their results, which is true. 59% of the democrats were approved the two turkey pardonings and only 11% of the republicans were on board. what comes to the notorious divisive issue of sweet potatoes, 34% of democrats like theirs with marshmallows and only 27% of republicans do. and nearly 40% of republicans think a sweet potato would make a pretty good president. >> lots of turkey talk on the late show with stephen colbert. a world class chef daniel balou stopped by the theater to show how to make a deluxe turducken. >> this way, this way, this way. >> there you go.
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put it in, put it in, put it in. >> there you go. >> okay. >> push, push. push down. >> freeze! >> push, push! a lot of. ah! a lot of. the turkey is tough! >> and that is how you do lamaze! >> so now -- >> in case you were wondering what makes a deluxe, five birds, five. cooking the thanksgiving turkey is no easy task as you just saw. kelli stopczynski of wfbt asked kids for advice on how to fix the perfect bird. >> reporter: before you put a turkey in the oven, what do you have to do to it? >> shoot it. >> reporter: before you put it in the oven, what do you have to do with it? >> put it in a bowl. >> reporter: after you put it in a bowl, what do you do? >> put things in it. >> reporter: what kind of things?
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>> food things, like ingredients. >> reporter: and then what? >> you have to do things. >> reporter: do things? what kind of things? >> i don't know! >> um. stuff it? >> reporter: what kind of stuffing do you put inside of it? what do you think stuffing is made of? >> um. stuff? >> well, you bake it, i guess. >> cook it. >> how hot does the oven need to be? >> i'm not sure. i usually use -- let my parents do that. >> we like to wrap ours in, like, layers of bacon. that makes it really good. >> i don't really know. i just help put out the rest of the stuff. >> layers of bacon, i like that. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," sisters with a passion for wine. we will tell you about the women
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company and the amazing journey of how they met. plus, dr. david agus shows us the benefits of being thankful. that is the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. thanks for watching. happy thanksgiving!
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