tv CBS 2 News 10 CBS January 14, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CST
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now get into a new focus, fusion, ororscape with 0% financing for 60 months plus $2,000 dollars trade-assist cash. only at your local ford dealer. right now on cbs 2 news ten at ten.triggering a response.we can have betteteresults... the plans being made to take on gun violence in the corridor and beyond. holding back. "the good news is the next commander in chief is stding on this stage."the promises republicans are makingngless
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iowa caucuses. and...the massive makeover coming to a local hyvee and the impact it will have on shoppers., the corridor's top stories ananmorrow's weather forecast in the first ten minutes. this is cbs 2 news 10 at 10. right now, severalolice departments are joining forces and moving forward with plans to comomt gun violence. good evening, karen is off tonight, i'm scott sanborn.100 cases of shots fired in cedar rapids last year's a figu no onis happy about. so, ririt now, seven police chiefs, and the u-s attorney for the northern district of iowa are working together to end the violence. tonight at 10 - cbs 2 news reporter dora miller milleris live in cedar rapids with their latest efforts, dora? for more than three hours, law enforcement met here at the cedar rapids police department to focus on that issue -- what can stop the violence. in cedar rapids, they're focusing on
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two heads are better than one...when it comes to gun violence, that's the route the cedar rapids police depapament is taking. taking."i don't t ink anybody holds the golden nugget that's gonna solve all this but that was one of the reasonk that we got all these chiefs in the same room so we can discuss what they're seeing, what they're doing." in cedar rapids last year, we saw four more spots fired incidents than in 2014...officials say that trend shows gun violence is n n they y e taking steps to help. help. "the police community action team, the pcat unit, just went operational last weekend, last saturday night... "less than an hour into their shift they were e engaged in a foot pursuit and they recovered a weapon."it's been said that we work better when we work as law enforcement uses more federal resourees -- that can make it harder for the few who do cause problems. problems."if we can target or we can identify those that are the worst offenders and then
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have better results... "the federal gun n ws are a strong tool in the criminal justice toolbox."community participation is key -- and it's something that hasn't been given freely. freely. "what is somewhat discouraging is a lack of cooperation from somomof the victims that have received bullet wounds, gun shot wounds." the chief has said this before and it still stands by it -- police can't arrest their way out of this two months, they'll meet again to go over what's been working and what hasn't.covering the corridor in cedar rapids, dora miller cbs 2 news, ten at 10. dora thanks.police chiefs from cedar rapids, iowa city, waterloo, dubuque, davenport, ames and fayette tookpart in
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reaction crash in cedar rapids. started on edgewood road near the eastern n wa airport at about six this morning.cedar rapids police tell cbs 2 news, one officer responding to the crash collided with another vehicle. the officer was injured, but is expected to be one else was hurt. a young mother and her son are dead following a firey crash iowa county. county.sheriff rob rotter tells cbs 2 news, it happened west of marengo just after seven-n-is morning.tonight, investigators say 18-year-old bethany clark and her two year old son roran, were traveling on highway 2-12 when they hit a patch of frost.the car went off ththroad, crashed into a creek and burst into flames. now a follow up to a story cbs 2 news has been following for months.a waterloo woman is now charged in the death of a toddler at her in-home dadacare. care.18-month-old brody harrelson was accidentally suffocated by a car seat strap in june. police say nine other children were in the daycare
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yesterday, police arrested 41- year-old amy hangartner who is charged with child endangerment. explosio and gunfire rocked the indonean capital today, and tonight isis is claimingng responsiblity for the attack. attack.two people were killed, along with five attackers. local security officials say they're confident that they've identified all those responsiblbl despite cacaying-out recent attacks, experts say *isis* is losing most of the territory it's 2 news national correspondent jeff barnd examines what is needed now to defeathe terrorist group.'s a s sry you will only see on cbs 2 news. news. recent strikes worldwide by isis keeps them highly-visible... but terror experts say the islamic state *lost* nearly 15% of its land holdings in 2015 to coalitions forcesa& forcesa& "definitely it is good news. anytime they lose territory 1:25 1:25 "the morehat can be closed down, the better that is" 1:36 areas lost by isisa& a large chunk of syria's northern
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smuggled jihadists and supplies over the turkish bordera& the iraqi city of tikrita& and a stretch of highway between raqqa and mosula& *the* main pipeline for ansferring isis soldiers and suppliesa&. suppliesa&. "but when you're talking about such a dangerous and heinous group like isis, containing it while it's continuing to survive, is in and of itself t good news. that's d news 1:53 bad news in the sense that *despite* losing territory, experts say isis will still take some time to defeat and *one* reason for thisa& according to the heritage foundation, the lack of s. visers on the ground in iraq and syria. "the u.s. needs to embed advisors with those groups to get closer to thebattlefront .. to get better intelligence." 2:25 2:25that intelligence according to phillips is *also* needed.. to cut offa& foreign fighters a& from joining isis ranks. ranks. "more than 25,000 have flowed there to join isis. so the quicker isis is defeated militarily, the sooner that
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dry up." 3:49 3:49this loss of isis terrority may co as good newsa& but there's still *much* to doa& doa& they'reretill around, they're still powerful, and they are not about to be defeated unfortunately anytime soon." 1:02 1:02in washingtona& im jeff barnd reporting. in tonight's vote 2016 coverage, the top seven republican candidates for president faced off in a prime time debate. among them, the three men leading in the polls here in iowa. iowa.and it didn't take long for the sparring to beginwith time growing short to gain support, both the leaders and those trailing took their shots. there was nothing to this birther issue. since sept.t.he constitution hasn't changed, but the poll numbers have and i recognize that donald is dismayed that his poll numbers
10:09 pm iowa, as you know ted, the last three polls i'm beating you, so you shouldn't mis represent how well you're doing. "hillary clinton is disqualified from being commander in chief of the united states. someone who nnot handle intelligence information appropriately cannot be commander in chief." chief."tonight's debate cast is the smallest one yet - with jeb bush, chris cistie, john kasich and ben carson trying to c cch up to the front runnerer and with less than three weeks before the iowa caucuses, bernie sanders' campaign is gaining momentum in the hawkeye state.a new des moines register poll shows him trailing hillary clinton by just two percentage points, well with in the poll's margin of error.just a month ago, clinton held a nine-point lead over sanders. democratic candidate martin o'malley remains at four-percent, despite campaigning heavily in iowawa he'll bring his message to cedar rapids and mount vernon tomorrow.he's scheduled to speak at the indian creek nature center at 10 tomorrow
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college at noon. now ten at ten continues with a look at tonight's other stories across the corridor. iowa city will soon be looking for a new city 2 news has learned tom markus has been selected to be the next city mananar of lawrence, kansas.he will take over that post in two months. cbs 2 news is learning new information about the changes coming to thf marion hy-vee.the company is planning a massive makeover for the store.that includes a 23-thousand square foot addition where the garden center is usually set addition, the hy-vee convenience store will be relocateteand expandede while the market grille, the chain's restaurant concept will be added inside.if approved by the city council, construction will begin in may. in jones county, camp courageous is getting ready to welcome campers for respite care weekend.the two-day retreat will take place on january 29th. counselors say it'u designed to help parents of kids with special needs.the cost is
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covered by medicaid and camper scholarships. if you'd like to sign up, visit our website, cbs 2 iowa dot com. by now you surely know that no one in iowa won powerball last night. but three winners in california, tennessee and florida will split the massive one-point-six-billion dollar in the hawkeye state, one western iowa man came extremely close to winning it all. all.the iowa lottery says 23-year-old bryon stewart of onawa, bought a ticket worth two-million dollars.his ticket matched all five white balls---and the powerplay multiplied his winnings.iowa lottery officials say three tickets sold for 100-thousand dollars and three more for 50- thousandnd that is cbs 2 news ten at ten -- the corridor's top stories and tomorrow's weather first forecast in the first ten minutes. minutes.still to come... corby laube's approachcho life is helping his marion indians win on the hardwood.
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an average of ninety people are killed by guns in this country every single day. it has to stop. president obama wants to make universal background check the law of the l ld. and he wants to make sure gun manufacturers can finally be held accountable when their guns are used to kill our children. it's time to pick a side. either we stand with the gun lobby... ...or we join the president... ...and stand up to them. i'm with him. please join us. q'm hillary clinton
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you got people working incredibly long hours. median family income today -- $4,000 less than it was in 1999. the bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. what this campaign is about is to demand that we create an economy that works for all of us rather than a handful of billionaires. if you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty.
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1993 -- - at was the last time iowa won at michigan state -- that's 18 straight losses to the spartans in east lansing -- so history was already against the hawks -- and so was one of the beststplayers in college basketball basketballdenzel valentine back in the starting line for m-s-u -- remember he was out in the first meetingwouldn't matter -- iowa shot the leather off the ball -- and peter jok - simply unconsious -- everything he shot up -- was like that young jok song -- it's going down -- jok dropped in a game high 23 -- including 3 triples -- that one put the hawks up 11 the op -- was as bigigs the ocean in the first half for
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shoots that one from iowa city -- the hawkseyes sunk 9 threes in the first 20 minutesand anthony clemmons finally gets a win back home -- he finishe th 13 -- the hawks sweep the spartans in the regular season seasonfor the first time since 1993 -- 76 -- 59 the final -- iowa's 4 and oh in the big 10. "it's not one thing. evevyone tries to do all of those things together -- and it's rare that you can put them all together in one game -- we were able to do that tonight." "i look at it like this: we're 4-0. that's terrific...but you know what we got coming. we got 14 more --it's great to be able to go on the road and win. i know what that means in terms of rpi and things like that...but it just makes the next one tougher." and still to come o ocbs 2 -- we head to the mats -- why it was a pin -fest at jefferson -- that's after the break.
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who's the rebel now? no w w. yes way! savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like. a fresh cracked egg, melty cheese, canadian bacon and an english muffin with real butter. mcdonald's all day breakfast nu. yeah! it's time to start breaking some rules. corby laube -- eats, sleeps, and breaths basketball -- he coaches his 3 kids on 3 different a-a-u teams along with the marion girls basketball team -- so basketball is a huge part of his life -- but what's even bigger -- the positive effect he has on his players... players...coror laube -- our ed thomas s ach of the week week you never have to look for corby laube laube "always in the gym... kind of live the gym life." life."and you always know what you're gng to get
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"he has a competitive spirit... he wants to win and make everyone around him better."he dces that by preaching positivity to his indians indidis ""lking in the gym he's always got a positive attitude... making sure practices are upbeat and i know we all really enjoy being around him." him.""one of the biggest things you can do is create relationships with them and if you have a apositive relationsihp with them it's a lot easier to coach them... they trust you.. they know you care for them as a person not just as a basketball player." beacuse playg good fense --- or putting the e ball in the basket -- isn't the ultimate goal at marion "what we do on the court is important, but then when we walk off the court how we treat people, how we present ourselves.s. just being positive people and representing our school well." all things laube draws up --for his team to run -- in the game life life"it makes me feel really good to know t tt e's not just a coaoa... he's not just trying to critique us... he's there for us." us.""if they look up to me
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can trust.. it means a ton... i know that i get as much from them as they get from me... it's the reason i come every day." day." big stage on the mats in independence -- mustangs hosting western dubque -- at 160 pounds... jake jewell is sixth in the state... and there's why -- stangs start the dual up 6 nothing ... but western dubuque came for a fight... at 285... aaron costello... living up to his number-four ranking... that's a pin... bobcats come back to win 33 to 30. in the m-v-c -- jefferson hosting xaxaer -- and you could say this one was a pin - festat 106 -- xavier's peter kennedy gets the fall on jeff's jaden collins to extend the saints lead in the dualbut after that it was all j-hawks -- brendan baker ins with the pin -- part of 4 straight jefferson pins -- j-hawks win it 53-27 huge double dual at wapsie valley -- let's start wjth new hampton and dike-new hartford and the chicaksaws were ready for this one -- ryan gorman --
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new hampton pin in the first 5 matches the wolverines would claw back -- d.j. ackerson gets the takedown there in-route for a 12 to 6 decision -- but the chickasasws get t t win 48 -- 25. on the other mat -- wapsie valley taking on denver-trip- oh-lah.. down early, the warriors battled back -- ben weepie swings over for the reversal -- he'd win with a decisionbut dever - tripoli was too tough -- dominick klusman gets the pin -- and the titans get the win -- 40 to 25. stay with c-b-s two -terry has one last look at your forecast after the break. an average of ninety people are killed by guns in this country every single day. it has to stop. president obama wants to make universal background checks the law of the land. and he wants to make sure gun manufacturers can finally be held accountable when their guns are used to kill our children. it's time to pick a side. either we stand with the gun lobby... ...or we join the president...
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(elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to sosoal security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. give us a plan. the butterburger is made of just three cuts of fresh midwest beef. nothing more, nothing less. so we got the sirloin, the chucand the plate. no fillers; that's it. all prized cuts, all well-marbled for richness and flavor. this is where those three wonderful cuts of beef come together. you can just tell that blend is working in there. and we sear th, and that seals in the juices of the burger. it doesn't getetny better than that. and that's the culver's butterburger.
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