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tv   11 News at 430PM  CBS  March 1, 2016 4:30pm-5:00pm MST

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an 11 breaki ns alert... just t wo late this afternn thatolorado rings fire chief c cisiley will titi this fririr. he'seen c-dce 2013 followi sev yearss ththre chief for pueblo fire depeptmenen developing, itits the biggest daofofhe& 16 p pmary ason andndime fomillns of f voters in about a dozestates to makeke theivoices heard. we arelso aring om the candites as they make their ca for those last minute te aig boswell is uching th acacacthisiscial day f fm washingtld tmp stetete off his ivate plane and ngngd out his clost publican rivals at ally in ohio tuesday. estiti c cdidatete "iwith r r r, i de with uz. these guys don't'tnow anythingey have no clulu at's going on." of t t dozen states on the super esday ma polls show trump is leang il but on "h everythg that t
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primary electorate is looking for." but trump's opops sa not so fast. esidential candidate) onald trumumwill be an & emassmenfor amica and an basmen for anyone wh supported d m." tot%t%cruz voted ihis me state of texas and made his pipih h vovors to susut m. presidtial candidate) "i"iyou'u' among thwse 65% of republicans that recognizehat donald trump would be a disaster as the nominee, then i ask you to joinin us, en iyou' thinking of anotr r ndidat" is is the single biggest day of voting in the pririri season.there are 59delegateup f grabs o the republican sidede that's about hf ththnumb needed to win the nomination. democratic presidentia candnde) " of todadaisis to end up with as many degates as we possibib can."." there are 859 atat detes stakeken eleven stat.but clintonas a coananngngead d soutuern n stateses"i need ur help theheaucus tonight." thth's w thehemer rsdyand secretary of state is in minnota...a a atsanders has visited frequently and is hoping win. crg bosw cbs news.
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i iohio ond f friri on mah 15th. fofoanne in cocoraeaded to use tonight,t,ve postetea dedeileded on our webse kktvtv dom. you u also fin or facebook page. twcaseseof zikvirus were confirmed inoloro last month. e stathealth d darent sa both cases were reported last @ week, and both invnvve people whoad traveleleto a -anfected couny. far, , e two are the onlyly confirird cases in colorado this year. the health depararent warns that the s a a will likele havevmoases pop up in 201616 o ns... we've gothrveieiance vid hief i itcon ke loooo tt's year-old alexernono aftehe d dtrtr the e e e ees at the front desk of crossland economy studios , he jumps ovethe coununr ananstls the casasout of e register. police say that t 's done this ap lea fr s otr hols a a subway stra. in o case heven clogged a bby toiletetnd made e
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thcash from the drawer. ltatatri buckley/colorado springs polile department: "it's's t unusual for r iminal to find one type of crcme t tt they become famillwith a a stick w wh thatatnd stay y th tt pattern." sermeno has nepen warrants. poce askhat if you have any informatio about where e might be, to call em rightway.s temperautreseshis afternrnn are into the 50s... much c cleletfan w wt we have bebein recently. winds s s breeee for most are with gusts into the e ens 20s. tperatures will feel
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more normal for what we are used to se this me of
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today,eoe ina hored oerille on fst d on e j/b. felloo law enfment lineded pess year hluiui . . she was a dederated marine corps reservist whwas just begning a new career wn she was s nned down. on saturday night t e anano otr offirsere reonnga st violen cal it pped wobridgeabo 20 m s sth exandria. as the officics apapoached t t t,t,oor, t ty were shot. ve said it---sad, d, and it's an exame e an officer's worst nightmare. a suspect is behind d rs facing capil rdhae d necots. ringpoli slen hicl t t the ararar o /one of theos wanted men in southern colorado. vincente fernandez waseatured as one of the pikes pe most wanted fitivmoh. a sk f rtea st v viclein pot othe south pointe apartment cex. th arresd feandez.
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parole violation and for a fefeny domestiolence chchge. new developmen ia dairy dustcaal. . . erernew en o contntination atat p pnsvanini cheeeeeeker that pleaded guilty to selling counterfe parmesan. 's involving a comomny c cled castle cheese. ththf-d-d-und castle 100% parmesanas actually a blend of cheaper chees le isd zpzpelelnd in e cacaan "u"unononongngen" "i think anybody who uses thatat product ke me or aone else would have the right to pect that it is what it s ss it iand the laisery clear onhis." "t"ts fraudulent." "y w cbcbhas discovfda records show cheese was ststedn an unrefrigerated wh ulcausctia tri. also, thmpanfod eria, a potentlly deadly pathogen, in iroduction area ten s,inued toell iteese with testing it. castleleheeshas declined
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today, the pblo lice department honored its volunteers. p thme hasun prmlmlade of people.e.e. leadererhandedut awawas toto to tnkhe r althat they dodo togetherthoke e lulueers worked more than 5 5housusd hours and saved the departme more thanan thousand dolrs. other emotional y of teimonoerin andre. mi up on 1news at t 30, , erin andrewsakes s t a the man whoilme hewhile she was nude. . y a dee attorney says the video may have de her more good than harm. also ahead, astront t@ott kelly isisea back to eah right now. why a colorado professss cal key's n spacanimrtanann thmin mars. i-25 busy through town. some slowinaround bij. crash nbca blvd south of pikes peak and
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minutes through town. an hour to . 41 minutes to pueblo. for live tic condition4 urs a dao o traffic w wch& onur webchannel. i'm j brown news traffitch. you're watching kk 11 news with d de dedey, dononard d meteorolist jessica lebel, and
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p thrlesidt ha grple th. sotiyocan'evenimage. that'she job. d shthe one who'oven e can get it de. ...securing a massive redududun in nuclear weapons.. .standing gagast thebusese of women... ...pteing ury.....anitfor ealalrd....andndininng hca f llchil. the pridency is the toughest job in the worldl4 and she's the one who'll make a real differee for you.
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cacaai 2016ds millions o ororin reptingf th ndes ahetssu tuesdadafrom inside out. co u uon the cbs e e news with scott pelley. toy, president oma s s down theyeyate reblan aders incling senana joty leadetch connnnl. republicans have ved to blk k any nominee.hesay e nene president should choose. this ithe present's first meeting th senate republblans since the deh of supreme court ice antonin scalia.
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four between conseseativ and ra, meing iaeplacent wl ti e nceither way majori leader) if t`e shoe were oe othe foot does ink e craticajory ulbe confirming a repubcaca presisent's nomimie in the l lt arf his rm?` presidt obama has voweto se aomion to ten wiin t next feeke- the latest on cicil trial involvlvg sptscaster erin drews.. it w ather trf day of testimonfrom a aws ir lln arilil agaiker and th tennessee hotel l er secte yecorhehe h aig hasadeilil e etitial eriandrs returnededo the witness stand tuesday ashe described how the stalker who secretly recorded a nude video of hererhanged her life. yodoalize e lolo 4nd a a inin iti your naked body. e sportscaster is suinan owner rb thih) ville rrioio andichael
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adadttededaping hethroh a hotel room ep hole in 2008, then postg the video o line. he worse is when g glsls high schl,ollege, , eyet mendy n a ars exceptor the marriott stalr r ing. and i can't c ctr that and 'sryay e vio bebe seen 17 millionimes. duryngssnati p defee t/t/e)oi out thah hasicd up mrt endoememtm a bobsbthe . a- y/y yav verllincecee 2-? yepud yo ceer ncnc20? s 's emti analalara.@ sas getl lhhoheh%no ha we'rerstayiyiyi , i teltldldntnto vefromhe rm i i e-bookeded tht holel sahat`t`tntn t
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etg,g,bsews. ead o o s ntd two- - ar p pn.n. thi and d plpld d d today for the first me since fedededeosututasked a juju fororororletotonlnlk a beloinintoto e e e he s srdino o o o teteorisisisis boboboboboboesesesesesefefef cocoressssssss om s s s isispecicicitotototosasabernardinonohohohohoyeyefafafafafafafafa ipipipip isisase e san berererininins noout ththfbi,i,t's not t abououapple.e.e.e. 's's's abobo c c c c c it't't't't'nononoououanytytyt o oererha dodog a cocoetett ininstigigigigig comey y y acknowledge fofoininin apape e u uk thth e d set t t t edent. dpdpe's p laererrgued d d d d d hackg will lea a oaencrcrchmen privy y ananancurity. a prpresesesatatatatatder r ys trououut ott t lllllltititin n n anananortata stepping ononon t t m m mono rs. kelly spent 340 daysysn space
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he's the first americacato live in space for such a long period of time. dave klaus, a professor in the aerospace enginein scscncessays kelly's time in space will help resechers undersnd the effect spachas on the e man body. . details coming up in the full forecast now, from th11 breakin
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ssa lebel. up in thfull forecast now, frothe 11 breaking weather center, teorologist jessica lebel. tuesday with start o with mostly sunny skies and winds will calm down. afternoon high temperatures will be about 10 degrees cooler than monday's intthe 50s f r e lower elevationsnd the 40s in the high country. we'll berey for the afternoon. we'll warback uto the 50s and 60s on wednesday th winds picking up
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and evening. fire danger will be a concern... a fire weather wat goes into effect late morning wednesday. sthern colorado wiwi r rain y througugthe e st of the wo ek with mi temperatures. the weekend also
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this is one story we're working g g ononoror1 wswst t
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at the topopthe e owowwewewed u ababt a man o took extxtxt measures to strart rkerand stl ca we'll have more on his background the the crimes he allegedly committed. the cheyenne mountain zoo shared memedoe video that our newsroom just can't get engh . take a looooatittle ember. she's an orangutan at the cheyenne mountain zoo. the zoo says sheheikes nest building and is learning how to do it from her mother. but sotis ember becomes distracted and decides to play with f fric instead. goode w from your breaking news
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news at 530
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>> pelle: campgn 2006 tete llssavet closed in three of 12te votinis super tuesdada that's right. and on the democtiti se cbs
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in vi and georgia, sanders in his home state of vermont. >> pelley: too soon to project any of the winners on the republican side, but based on the exex polls, sple precct, , , otes s so far, we estate georgias likeltot go to trum trtrmp i i battlin kasich in vermont,ubio in virginia john d#frsonjo dickerson do u see? >> well, e looking for bernie sanders to do betr than outside his home state in virginia. an cantecrz do anything outside of texas? >> pelley:e' have more uptes latend an hour-long super tuesday special at 10:00 9:00entral time. be sure to joinorah o'donnell john dickersrs, and me at 10:, 9:00 cetral. thth is s e "cbs evening news" with scott pelley.


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