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tv   Sunday Morning  CBS  March 6, 2016 7:00am-8:30am MST

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cacaioni made possiblele byohohon & johnson,, wherality products for the amamam famamy haha been tradadion for nerations >>ow goomomoing.g. choodff tay y'm lee con an thiss i#)"sundada morning." thisoming friy thth peoeoe of japan will mark the fifth anniversararof t tsunamihatkilled tands ang ts coastline. heren our country ismololosts are warni that it's just a matatr of time before something similar happens here on our west coast. but theygye notalngbout thar around california's san
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instead they're looking att the pacific rthwt as don dahle lln c cererori. a 9.0arthquake and tssnami degeatededasternap 11. and scientist say it's a question of when not if, it hahaens hen e pacicic rthw thislde like five or x katrinaka allll at once up and down fromifornia to canada.a. >> cowan: ahead on dainay b one how do you g g from aigh school ent whwh doubted her looks to gammy-winni poptar erni introducg, meghan trainor. tracy smith doe h hors. >>%mys knew
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happ. didiyoget ld a l y.. evev by myselel>> w? >> becuse i just -- iidn'tt ink looked like itit she w wrong..larn n undadaoo all about thaha supstmegh ainor. >> cowan: holly hunr i rinre with a long list of distincve perfnces to herame. e'll sit d dnith janee ul. hollte d p pyy role, e rev it. >> t t veryy powerfu for m nnn a to j j j it...>>ad on "sy mng".. et the ipition@r onollynt's mosos ic perrmrms.>> becauau t ananndut w iing
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hintmememeap. c: shas is ary from bleist abo a ecomlsiothat en has reporte hn spl. >hishe ind ofic arard coeinounir lt pperkers dec ago. trey ri. wod'd'ararst balf twtwe.>>hininngmeca womthic knick-kn.. y, wrong. wld gueueroun000. >>xtreme saltndep coecer on unday ing." >> cowan: rita bver l l a show of jackson pollack paiat t&t&ngs dallas. conor kniton isn therail ip h h sings natatnall pk. eve hartmaniss a cattltl ranch that's gone vegan and faith sailly warns that selfies
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rsts the headlines the m, donaldrump anded cruzre bothininin in t latest& republican p psintial nominating contests. trump wonesay's luisiana primy as wells the kentutuy caucuses. cr w caucusese in kansasnd mamae. as for the docrats,h w w louisiana's primary but bernie sands took democratic presiden caucus in kansa and inin nebraska. today, republicans have a a primary i ipuerto rico. democrats caucucuin washington, ted cruru w also the winne i iesteay's cpac straw poll capturing 40%f delegateot. cpac is a auall g ghering of conservatives the coast guard is searching f f a texas man who fell fromm caribanruis
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the coast of key largo, flida, early yesterda scientiststs h he discor d appee a new speciesf octopus, deep in the p p pic ocean near the hawaiian islands. e e allig-col creareha ghost like a aearance which hasaprompted some to call it casper. 84-yeaold rupert murdoch a foer smol j@z hall yesterday celebebted d eir maiage inn london. he iss owner of 21st century fox,,meribol i mick jagger'r'r'ormertner. not quite enough snow but thousands of people t out foresterdaytaing cereny f aaska's annuall iditerod dog rce. officily gets u uerwayater da toy'ser, parade of@f pafic ststst will wash oer the wt. soaking ra, strong winds and sn in the sierras and theades at thuerstreexcted from wisconsininin
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but the easas should b mild and sunny. in the week ahead, though, still wewein t tt. thrtast ll war up a t. and just in ce you're wondering, just two wee until spring. ahead -- >> >his the christmas r rm. >> cowow please pass the salt. bububurst ]>> wld s s we' ppared.
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eded t we're prettyy daros ow: the one>> can cld asunami milar to thehene that devastated japan five years a this week wreak the same kind of havoc along ourortrn pific coast? unfortunately the experts say, it's just a matte of tme. ourunday morning cover story is r rorted by don dahler. >> in march 2011, the world tched in awe and horror as a colossal tsunami rage the eastern japan.
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entireere washedway. millions stranded withou power or we. 15,000 died. it w an otherworldl ent tpousands of miles athodne many u u thought, it couldn't happen here. buit could happen re in facac s sentistssay i !s a question o o when, not if a vastg ethquake, followed by a huge tnami, strikes the continenfnl unitededatesghgh ithe paciforthst >> ts would be like five or six katrinas all atnce u a wnromalora to canada would behe closesthihi i cthink of.
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t it's'sot. is i theutur for th region's seven million people, says chris gldfifier of oseiololat.ate ununererty.. fact hisis research showsuc heh rewion@n i i verd foror a majo qkeke. eee wasas back i 1700, long before there were larar ties r in hm's way. >> f iappe any te soon it would jus d estate e e area. oldfinknk eststateshere's ane c cne quake will s sikme ti inhe ne0 year >> would you say that we're epedoromomie ? e're not c cpletely unprepared we pretty darn on a scala o o o tooenre orobity ofone at thththoint. his is grouou z z zhe000
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tctct pet otr platee asjuan a.>>ge heree iitallysliddedeeiiterrmage ey cononrging but sluck. happe is wrte whwhh h n yorca ckle this gng coini&atat b b jd uppperer00ea orgoing drop a aut a mter iee so.& >> andt' eartuake. xtas we s jan, comes tnamiit waves as high as 50 feet oho rerevk inland.d. 's a threatth govement ys it' takingg seriously but is fema ready fof the big >> i would nevay we are ready. >en m mphy is the nirator r remema region ten.
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that can beedhe rtrtuake ohe tsunami. >> the agency has spe years preparing the fedalpopoe.e. fema best cacececeo,o, ,0ead.d. d that's assumin no beach totswhich woullead to their worst case scenariri simply too verifying to contemple. dending on w itappens. we talng numbers that this nati i'm not sure is really prepared to deall with. >> plyat natural disisster t ts cnt has everxpereredededed >> iould s s it h h t t tential forhahath i avent y y sd everything to a scale back down iyou d t need it. >> the qould displace@llion ppl from n@hncarn t shern canada. large parts off seaeale,ortlandd d vananuver w cruble. in coaoa tns, , ads a& bridges will likely be
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mm th region economyould collapse rebuildingightht take y y y!r!r even decades. anbffew places are more at risk than this one, it'ssi oregon's schoolomplex. 1500tudents in fourgingng budls. supentennt d d dertyty>>trucralngierell at v va o buiinggolps sei event. >>hree oee's four schools are also inthe tmi zone. fact agenen high school is jujueet away from t pific ocean. >> the studes and staff if eyra able to evacuate -- >> earahquake! he betwee 15 and0 minutes to get toigroro 1.1. miles, tt'one of@ those het pieces that keepse awake at nigig...
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westpo, wshinin, acoa elementary is another sool with seemingly no way out.itituists own way out raight up. a ne school buiuiuigurrely under construction offers safe and high groun right onn its roof. 's the country'sst verticio evacuatatnn s sucture with walls feet high and 144 inches thick. >>un as fastt as you can, get upnto t tsunami safe area. >> supentendent paula la voterrod an addition2 milliorhe emergency suctutu. >> the comomnity, you know, the we looking at theetyyy not just their cldren now, but generaraons in future. is iss nn a communy. it was a huge commment.
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seisc upgrades are takingplace. but no nearlyast enougugug say thee eerts. ckt a, oregon,hryego thechltrtrtrdid y moving all itutunt toewmp.buen f i wou ke 1 188%toperty@ax eather rejectete the measu b b a marginn mostwo ton were you surprised? >> oh, i wasas not only sprised heartbroken. >> itt was just ver verexive to foot the bilil entirely. i hopeeople don'terd i ilions of tir desions because that would basilly be writtg off an entire school disisict's stu poon.
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or t fdel g g gnment, doughey says he's planning t t retire andfornother ballot campaign for a new campmpmp for oregon sta's chrhr goldfinger, h% continues to warn about a dr that science saysysis j jt a mat are of time.e. >>his isisoingng to scare a a lot of peopl >> well, i don't think that's a bad thing. you are rea w prere prepared anthe infrastructure hardened, thacan be e e of .noing yocacado abobo t tt. goto give children. >> cowan: c cin up the whol
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you joy likeinwithth full ectrumfnutrnts.necentvis. does your r up r%j i4ialalalev-pof cry-oof, ayroook? makeumover doesitrase99% of you most4ubbmaup withthne towowette.. need any more proof than that? neutrona larmringing] no, the car! tolda sosobody should've waited inhe r. it says thers a black car t(ree e nutes away i'ngthe. that one! they gepepththities the slip, in a prius. now the four most-wa men the world ara steang our hs. that us? i think that's us! public support is at fever pitch. whatattarted a aan a ateur hst is a global phomon ondoes he e wonr,r,w long c this ase go on? look, wewewetrending! let me see t tt.we're famous! toyota. let's golaces. the mamaet's been pret vovotile latelthere is lott stakhe, yoow? we've been planning for this for a long time. d d 'll keepevolving thihis.
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makes sense of vein en ycoakes youish... .youououlu stayn.. bed all y... ..ououeed the poweof... w theraf exprema the power to feel better. >> cowow now a aagagfrom "s"sday y#rn a aan, march 6,0 146 yea ao e e g gwn terrorism blbl a h hricineyork c meo bi. >> go to gedoors. >> cowan: thahahas the day a accentay exploded in a 19th century g genwich villmgege wne, aldin onc own
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one the founders of merrill lynch. eb b b beingbl members of the weather undergro a radil left-wing grouphat took its name from bob ln re ricou don't ne aeatherman totnow whwhh way t tind blows. ree membmbofof thero were kikied out right two. othe, y boun andathy wilkerson wse one e. >> t you woman w escaped the towowse durin the@ plosio >>an: in c/cfusi tpator d dn hoffman was spotted retrieving valulefrom apartment in eownhouse nextoor.rafears t t run, kathy wilkerson vuntarily surrendeded in980. she would seresshan a y%a inri
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her n 1981 b bsru bbery th t`f`fthrereeoe ad. she wassoled in 2003 an not wiwiwtrersy, appoind adjfeoror at coluniveveit i01 as t glala towne,ew ownerebuilt itn the le 1970snn e-catching andnisti non-19th ctury style. ithanged handsn late 201or reported $ $25 mlion.. ahead linini uppor jacacon pollack.a very dangerous cheese storm. so yav20 more ba. mhm. my yoga instructor calls it the death spiral. i call it living the dream.
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with no annualee. cash bacon p pchases. see you tomorrow.
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>> cowan we' aeadyonethoom,s omodern viewer. along with the good-natururuhe ribbg mode art has recved mulaim ovehe years, w have bn more acclaimed than jacknollock who d d0 years ago thisoming aust. one riot hisareer has teteed to be overlooked, an
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lorful, multi-lered canses to inte art wrldrmeginng in t ptes. t w pinbefore ckson pollocknre tititiftaso pok. >>he to aew pooct at dlasusf ny pieies ar i this? >> o or00 w wks by jackson pollock in the exhibibion. >> therere som ofhehe tiic polck i i best kwn.. >>here's'his sodium orange, this glisteningnge line. >> the exhibitit f fus mosoly oriesonen 1951, when jackson poock painted only in blac me lev m looks like aoodle. >> it'ss doodley becae he's still thinkg itough.. n makee paintingxclclively
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subse that can maintntntthtititiesdemen of my assic painting.. this i ihe momom that the penny dr b t events surrounding thth moment comprise a tale of mph d tragedy. papa jackskn pollock was bobn in 1912 )n cody,mimi e of f son th@ famy bced aunun the hwestryi to outut a li. stlher coed ear is into in art. >> hee took t clsessho were the oy classes heeeall seemed t tbe ver good at. >> helelenaon, o rhe pollocochome a a study cente near easthampto long island, says that a age 18 plo traveled to new yoro stutu with american mururist thomas hartrt bentot,hoseluce can n pll look's early work.
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me fascinated with ab tracti his wo drew the attenon o o gpllererwners. as dramatized inin the 2000pic edarris jackson pollock had a serous dinking problem. no! >> so in 1946, issife, e krasr herself anccoshed@dinr,r,r, coinimove. the wascentet m awheerinkininbuiebut totoivivivimimimhehe space e d eenpacece that he neededo really develop himself, a a he did. >> itaserere as tar sows, that pok developed the style that really made h famous, drippg and
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i enjoyoyorking on a large canvas. having theanvas onn thheor elore pof the painting. >> although the work was ling to some, as thisormanrockwell pntinlllll lurates,s,y 1949, "life" magane was askg if jackson pollockkk aa's greatest par. >> as a matter of fact most of the people who wrote their letters to the editor overr 500 them i ieonse sid snacknothwse whohoike i rererazy a it. >>someidall h hache ippe th wasolloc s sdi fro 464646 until his death. >> hisdi isss sll
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he salfollolo wowowere ting off he started to wk in black with recognizab igeeeng ththugh. it seems yououan see a a headad ann ea arms,hat'ssoing on? >> it part ofhehe tnsion ofhelackntgs that pollock starts to r ruscitate orbring ck to life so of thefiguratiti thasl donated. p did anybody ruu o and b th? >> no. sadly not. >>o? >> pplplpl were cononsed, why wod soe whot vepeneanage of paqnting goff on a tangent, but it was pol distilling anan p pifyi erything h . >> polck would return colo t tid 195s hea inkingngheatg
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his mistress who was riting with himurvid. jason pollo a a aecond passengegedid not. w just 44. the n who at most madeew thndla faint never lived to see his workso for millions or to fulfill his artist pick promisis >> should jaaneivthink we would havepeen some of e great b bs and periods of rk that w-- you get with matisse and pica s sgu riods at theyid innidcareer a it fillsls m with pain to know that we ner g g toee that from jackson polol. cowan: : tillll to com meananinor timelesag
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i didn't'tant g g tscho>> cowan: later -- >>14om cat ohe moststifficult macacacfor a t to mter. >> cowana&eet the news
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>>owan: ntcieghan ainohose hit s sok allll about that bass" become ann an thenn o o sf acceptaeor countless numbofou men. trtry smh caht up with her backcktage are yu& do youo anything before y -- >> n pe. juststretend i'm not nervous and i fake it uil i i make it. fyego, meghantrnost another f fe inin the crowd here at cape cod's nauset regionall high s sool. now she's a reason to cancel class. >> wdo you say weet up our r ive rsiheer to the greeghahaainoto theste. [ chchring andlala ]. at 2@2ghanrainor h had d e nd sucsshat artists twe her agean o ea $ inpss tharshehehe
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full-fleleed p/p statawith a series of cchy, retro--souing diodldl neat, r mososos par shwrot and prododed herself. whenen shehe firstt her in jaary, sas hd up i an l.a. studio wrappinin up her second album aa feeng the heat. you aerfectioni >> yh. last time because i dn't know that the wleorld wouou listenoo it. but nownowiwi that everyrye i i iting for thislbumum and excxted, i'm kin of le, ,et's go back,ke s st pfe before i hto lth i e of my >> tg h latt sine debutedast t ek.. not fofo a youngnn who
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enough to a poplptamean eth tinor's roa theheop started heheh o o nanaucket isld.d middle ild grorong upp in music-loving family.when did you first see thatmeghanad musicalal w, start wi the big estions. >> i would ayround seven years old. thth always wanted to pn a a show. th's what the@famil was all ababt. wenew thhe loved mic right fror the sta shelso loved to sing in public. rylayehe oan theheheted methodihurch.nd mni/4eghahad stand ngusus wre your
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sosos and nevere reay ststped. >>y the t te you were e& high scho yououou written howow man songs? >> over 200 >> over 2? as ananar? bayerream oop ststdom fizzled whenever she looked in n e mirror. owing up in y yr tween years, what we thoses l >> why i dtie it. every day i wore sweaf shirts and eat pants to cover upp my body because i ias so incure and it wou be summer. i'doo onacation anendo,eein swea shirishaaid "n." i would tnkhe 5 i'll figure o how to do theie inand getyy boghehe en'll t beeaypretty a b at a get daeons. but fow i'll jto ..
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>> iould saucu#sit hunch, i'd alys go forwardecause i thought made me look better.. it didn't.t. >> higig schoo hinincucutitiomomim sd.d.. tom fsas her musus teacher. she wand be a pop star but she didn't have the right body imagagand she justind of bemoaned the factthat it mig never happen. maybe i'll just end up being a ngwritor o ats. >>noh sheoo t a publishing deal and wrote ngs for gros like rascall flats. but t sheried somhing more personal c crotsong tha cti of full-f-gugu femas. "all a ttass." ..e started soppipi t sg ouanry014 s ayed it for@rpic recdsds soin t r rrdedhe moment on a celphone. within mines after he hard her play epic chairmamal.a. reidd
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suddddly t t shyongwriteras an artis stage and makikg her veve firir music video. >> i was scared. every time they said "cut" i would bendndnd ove and b d oh,od. t fst t at 7:00 a.m.& i s dan@ng, which i've never done.doest lo coo iember iehesed in kehehepetenee s l--hi is a lototar s.i don't tn i ie would d/d . ititit rocketedo number one, earned two grammyy nomations and basically domated the airwes.
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>> i was just writingor myself. >> for millions it wasordf enururen doouounk abt h ttt son resonates with se l ttle g gl who was like you sittingn a say satshirt? >> yeah. i get messages all the time. i hatete myself. i didnant to go too school. wa s uncmforanw ovyself. i wa ial d d p pce l l l sg c out. i waikoa man, goto mre offhese s s s >ouo ar s tis? >>he ds, abb everythi in ghgh tinor's world has anand. >> i washinngngul go prethe [ chriri a applause ] >> all about that bass i i i still her biggest single buthehehe no onhit wonder. last some shas gmmomie r bebe n at.
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>> andhe grammy goes o -- memd trainin! [ cheering andpplause ] >> he wspered smething yoyo >>.hey saidegnrair, hued him ntgop. wisped in my ear,hile cryingyou met an ltverythibrbrrt. wa liko i'verroi to mtpp ththe airs. doowf can do . a mess. sorr i havavhank.a.a rid fo oking at m mike anist andnd m and dad. >> trussss i i thehe's a lso in meghaninor's'sry. thbest w w to conquer se dot t followour dreamanan to bs offe how proud arar you of this young woman?n? >> mean, i'm re e everody
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ndl eally . >> cowan9 ahead ---- felt better@ after t drank it. >> cowan: some like it hot. when they actually did start saving. this gapabetween when we suld start saving and when we acdsally do is one of t rsons whyhtoo many of us a an't prepared for retirement. just start as early as you can. it's goin' to pay ofofin the f fure. if we alstt vivi a liertotoy, 'lall l brrprar tomrow.
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cowan: oftyou nsid your saot andndper shak cleathese areee ak but ones our bilil geiei observededt a recent shaker show, there are such things, most defefitely are. >> s st pepper! >>ardoou somunbralald enthusiasm fororalttt andr shakers. unle you'r at thel novelty sa and peper shaker collecrsrconvention. >> thisis the contintal di. >> i brought a sampling offy ownnumbling collectioio nuing abt 5 t the most centntathering.. >> let's get the partyrted witholl calof t stas. >>his onen virgininiel ere cle iasut oyue wany y yoy have?
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>> dorothy porter has 5,000 sets. >> it sounds abnma rememeer pplpl>> tey thi y ye nuts. >> he ke. ha n been cald n buth t boring. >> y ym ngan >>an'uelel >> t ts is t canadia delegation. >> we lehem becauseheyy don't tata up a l of room. they're pretty muc evevewhere so it's harard toell. they're not expensive. >>ow many doouave layed ininr hom >> 1 100 a coug. >> at the annuau gathering they ess cososmesepicting their favoritealt and peppe
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and open for b n wverndylviahave de vty to fit everyonees pocketbook. if i comomin here withhive bucks can nd something? >> that's whye ve the $5. >> what wod be the top of the@ lini hundred? >> the germann sets. two women have coauthored a book about, what els salt and pepperhakers. thisiseawi be t fourth arart n i honee tongnd a9, svia tithe collecting. but shs e a bit me partrtularheseay >> iavund. d giveomppp becau veto a retirttyn've t - ou called do to 10,0006 yeaea >> karen on the other h hdas
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home in ohi lks l le the metropolita mususm ofalt an pepper shars. this is our character room. tv characters. and i have the jettisons in thee center this iss my very favorite. sneeee >> i wouldss around5,000. > 50. shakerhock a a woror >> thihi thehe nughthttion.. theee monkeysys dogs, cs, mice. >> luckre marar a bqder,r@g, who has enlarged their hoe ananisuildldg canets as fastt as he can. >> ihoughttnce we r out of ron a certain area maybe she would ow down herself but that d dn'tt happen. it just kepep growing and growing and rowing. nuts. hey, thqt'ss f f too. it's un t te >> funeut
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>>ow n wrember. >>an: i ihaed t past w wk. e lossthmaerf revery difntrafts. tenn commmmtator and wririer bud collins died frida at hi home inrookline, massachutts. own for his colorful wardrobe and his colorful opinions,ud cocos#washeheheports bedtesirence nearly 50ears>>d after, budoins. >> his series includi time here at cbs. of allllis isightsnto t
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be. er the bl goes over ne honcetete, o i est. collsas6. actor or kedi l ay idddo. he ans car f bes susuorting for for his role as pron inmate in the 1967 film "cool hand luke" in which he first bested fellllprisosorew box mtch. an lood o o m ufhisayo vicory a card >> goo lk today. >> not alwaysough guyorgennshed ae com sid lat yit rolol in t "nak mov >>ny vict ou'r standing oneht no >> george kennedydyas 91.
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die. dedeite e atisclalaer to our bill gei back k 1)14949 conroy's sucss was no accident. born in gea and with high scol yrs snt isohcarolinanananr mned his unhappyhildhdhd forerssnols, veralaof w wch w de into lms. in "e great santin" he drew on his fe with anan abusive miliry father, portrayed in the 19797 movie by roort duvall.l. >> who hel askddou anything >> who ted bastbtbe with h s plad by m m m efefento a oword m favorite duger, i i i swear my sweetstleirl. is little girl just whipped your ass colonel. >> pat conroy's nels were his
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laid oul for cbs bk i 1 1988. iould figigou tout whhe gloloous aututtpi ouhe s, , atsdeou ouit.t ifld gettown,n, if iulget i, well th sryfhe eti humancece>> p p p cooy w >> cowan: still to come, catttt calal
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and friends. >> cowan: we sent our conor knighton on the trail think morning that trail leads him to ararnsas. >>n thty hot,kans, , u can'miss the
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it's er whwh bubbling out ofeoins, stming up theidewalksnd on p a 103 degre i t cenenr tow t u just m miss e naonal park.k. i have h peost me on the delklk front,he's th nnanark? how do i iet to the nional ? ll, you're he. hot springs is the sallest of o o 59 nationa parksndnd visitor ceercated thehe didi o btreet.. the. thehererexpectgheyellstononexperien whehe you ive e liteehahaand d rr l lns outut a a n't get rrr by aear. thatoe't happehere. range tom hl is tor atat sriri 1832 y y yefefee yellone will o o first tionalk, psident aw tknotas a
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ry bu watwandnehed. ty rhather was thineutibt t geotalg warrcocongf theundn ri eyey aftery dr i afthadadd iht >> hot sprgsecame a deinatathing kno alal@oshe wo@d. whe was ceaiy some pampgn m mtsito cing wit a a precripon.>> mt pple e cgereasasheastorecaeit aortr ey win bse ocad tie erhinge itidwoororhaver thet wawa w wthth w ar atever. regime of hings thwa revor o lis. trents wercoled seularal a a a tutuly e ectcterapy. t9s,otab f capone t tudolph v vinre
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take t tambe teras a is e 46heownt onehs .bu ts, s@trriiohad oledn. h frs baouse tlopeisis one it t m opulenbung. st esioper senan m th hath waso ler threrred w tre se by one tlosdo l e eept t bucff w w w w isly b hou wev shut itsts drs. patrtrss cantill e e eerience ase o baths ttm and ater ts thg ismu asisitidid0ar su, ththat d ve malg optiti buaccocog con michae ancht c sll work wonder
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for ressie most peo d't reize how muchess ey h i t tirliil tylow do >> old bhoueciazeiffentindevtress refefef>> moving toto hpps, why i body drewi with the p spriri water. it t emed sooo. >> appliedo t sce a bry.>> i h my p t ngark a onlre in teatio yreerhest thg do iea u wa havaterha 9 of e hte weeed tot ia ltleit . >>e leasld bh usstatonge of entrepurdrawtohis vall othe pors. >> natnaksks are aboutrerving sceneryyyynd old building prrervinghe
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the pces, toooooooos tll being itten,er i greinor bleeding g gu thit ltbrhing hd. 's n. it's sn earlm se whh yocan he rerby u lte deto yr brhi rou listills up to9%germs anhes revee early m diase jt
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powe yr h al tis flo advd nonono momomorelaqu froyoyo d c c cauntou nht, n't itadpm gives teali sleeeeu eded helpinyofafaslp stay aslee so youbo can hehe as s u u st..
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>>owan wa xas ttn trsfms rch in diery gen a evrtjustad t g takeke loo all came fhallgebe t cor.buot l ago os ranch soh on,my soen bliss. rieas . notays ey.>> ias a urepat a as anybod it all begannnontly enou. shortly afterhe got mri six ar ago ree j artehag w tlivek.tone- endo ne tseo. >>utid lsten sta >> he sed singto , o. >> beg, t
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ncs rs aegan.whulultomachouc aslivingn catth anymore>> just getut of besand ourriaog be over. >> wasn'oing. d iai i going sell the e her she goes, well, i you're gog to selel t wleer anyway sel t t me. h l a me like have lostt. you e crazy. >> clely@yhereom tthtohat. t tmy didn't kw at ree hadn sy poing bd "v url ofr'."."ctedus o lls. d throughhoontact ree s ab toaiai $ engh hosti te e er. a o oden he wing boutut b b his wififif >> issot escinin
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't aat..itasasowing g s. >>nd hre trygetsood.ofity s wife rahe moneomid s sngare fo rancr,r,rny man f mtter heis e a nsered aorbebe spp ein matke hoho ft, n n w for s wi at th ryiran animallaars st wean tll, thehe onlattl
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>> n n tt he's chgedor you, howould@d you le tochanr? > i c't't t ofhingngng>>ww. t tre isvein ndto kno s medev ow , assly nterat doe looli isng abetter pfeby bei a m m m nturs student? ring yfutu one day ngr e rtrv islltnesalthe st wonrs t n w? thservot haunueininn of youhe fancialsecuty tpursue it, ourur i-a- tovetltoer.
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t of d try toaint isi doasas bebebehey e. juple spulerdaanweweings pl, turaar,steeee d divescomptely lically tep fuonges ep hey de d ber thyhap, , n nd befiberealt shape in fib a ale... memee e ondiiol. whusadnaro threw wioowithifscen isul-ledgr, l lsc ial le. na ae-e-ifif agrae, fououli h . hou u he youe rug buss lelzm s yo bk. er las10rslpne mlion buwngear sit lelzoodar e l y yeed srtanruyous
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>> whaa feelg se my glgl y ywas an usual placto b >>ndescribable. yo jus w to feed me theeext line. the nd before i nde i s like a rhyte got in it was like gat sex! >> can: h hly h hter convincingly pyed a ha driving tv producern the 1978 movie "broadcast news."incilyngtbout on wayly hunterws hoto pla a. pleas oda profifif >> hly hunter isnly 5'2". >> give me that ba. but on camera she packs a werful punch. whether playing a seeeestl
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oroa deteivatating innene demons. >>hat i didn'n' tell them was my n ne or that i was cop. ort y left aee bottlee yyyoususen vrdinar pple un osererxamination can often look exetraordinary andn i'v play a l l ofvery day kind of people. normally might not have a le traid on them. >> huer digs dep io hehe caac, cdethe piano commnt won an car t rorof 19t ntyomhoas me.rere w t was loofofmmicatyo hdsds>> r
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i hired somomodod who was a sign lauage intntpreter. >> how did y s seak? >> thene k kd of created one that would loo goodod with my& hands, something that i f ft comfortawiththhat would bee creative. but when holly hunr does speak, there's no mtakingngha@ distinctive acccc comes straight from conye, georgia, whhe she g ew up youngest o even kids.>> wasounow,or andnd& raed o farm whe ysres gir d driv tracto bale hay. >> you w wre free to be in the drama club. >> and make things u >> andakes tngs up. yeah. >> schoollays led to dam hool, to theater in new york.
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the eak5t out tddr. > theoo brotr' "ng iza"n 1987. and later that sam year a actress became a star. >> stand by. >> i in "broadcast news" opposit roll bererbrooks and william rt. >> "broadcast news" was, i don't know if i c do ts. i'm not sure i can do this. >>unter brought thatelf doubt to the part of a young tv news producewging wildlyly betwn under and erconfidence >> beingice to always believe u kn betetr. tolwthink you the arte person in t room.m. rodeled o aeal life s newsrrucer, ssan rinsky. >> we t right off the newsroom >> holding your arm.
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>> there still fds.. toyirsks s seor iv prucf48hos.rsrsrsheas arivencein tss washon bau huhudr fr weeks. >> i was tailing h. >>he toooo notes. t tkopiousotesau, yoyo kw,t'ss dunhhintoavo, o, bearr tan bill hurt. >> if can pick yououbrain. >> i can't help you,rry, i'm not t re to teach media reporting. >> and two,, you know,, pretent to do somethin t`at you d't do. >> do it! or i'll fry yourr fat ass, goodbye!
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>> the comraderhatusanad wiwierhe p psi laonsht sus had wh something thatat rely wanteded to c cture in the moviv. i lo rsechch ititiv m a ssef nep. 's's. >>hahas very ful fo me asn atous itndd so iave too go thrghees of steps to ownnnt. you can relate. >> totally. >> this is who she is. you dodot learn that. that's j jt who, it'nourn.n. >> b it's kininf@n yurdn too. >> yes, obssiv cuuieve is an attractive quality to me. >> do you know bo schieffer? >> reunited in the cs newswoom, zirinsky and hunter attracted some attentionon >> so nice thatt you talk t
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acnt >> it was fit of foursss nominations. but as hard as holly hunter wsrks, she's also fine n ^ working. c vyy m enjoyoy taking a ararff.wherasas sme pople wou fee ipled by that. can@e enlget.p andlsoio wrkstmaybe for a a af then takeke yeafaobf. >> ten years ago at 47 she became the mother of twins. after plpling a superom in "the incrededles." >> be strong. >> holly hunter is the voicece of elastigirt. run as fa ayou can. >> are you aan of the actioj gee? >> ofton't whoes >> i >>o u? yh. >>o watch these super ho vies.
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theater bucket of popcorn in front of me. >> w act by the const ofhe goed,ir smon, aness not t into sup hoes he latesesll pararg "batman versus superman." >> could be the biggest audience you will ever have. >> yeah. 's wild toebn a m t u', yokn, possibly,rityfeople t pa r bn w yo city wl& have seen thatovie. that's somethihi that never happens to me.& >> andolly hunter h has three more films lined up to be released. it's enough to make anyctor jealous. >> i hopeot. i memn, tis is my fourth decade.
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ligooirl. cow cg uphen self sfldest wuou'r'rtoldyou haanr start with aciist.
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ththolioof ncncare isis learn moretntom/expxp... apintmts a bebere fibromyalgia, i was active. i was a doer. then the chronic,, widespad pn ed me down. my docr d i rehamomong lps seibibalpa.he also presibedic for r,me p lylyca s snificant relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergiciceactions or suicidal thoughts or r tis. tell your dodoorht awa y haves w seni dnual c in or havi orll trble br , ve blters, scle paiwithev, tirefeg luy sion commidefcts dies sleess, weighthtain and swelling of f nds, legs and feet. t drdrk alcohol while takingngyr
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dr or hol l obob y orlily tsuse caomlg may havch in. but with less in i'm still a doer. asasyour doctor abt lyrica. >> cowan: it could be matter of life or death oro o nstrt bu f s >>ore diedroselfs s aac.manny rereav beeee injur by king their own pictes. athsave been caudyraraedhohoho t flingof cffs, crashin carseing hiby trainss andnd shootg emselves with(posi witit guns apparently guns don't kill people, selfies do. mumbai has otlawed selfies after 19 deaths in india. pamplona officials have banned
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of the bulls.s. and new york jt bebeme the first to ixnay tigr selfies,for obviouou reasons. ile e ls take more sel lease guys,5% of smse thesep unntimeat arere i feely fr t tse lef be. bu redehy slflfs a a low-hangg fruit a metaphor.- becauseelfies a ae killing our periencece wewee obsessed with p pvingt h experiens rather than appreciating them as thehe ocur. weweannot admire a breathtaking mountain without innrtinin ourselves into the scenery. it's notot enough to see the mona lisa we ha to photo b her. you know what's made the mona lila so compelling through the centuries? wewe don'knkn qhy s's iling. noyou' smiling. yo a t pose otogic edee yoreh lowe'rmamangururan
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yone we know aon kow not we k kng our exriences this way we're als spating r memories. iieecently inrvied a doctotor whworks with memy w w told mehe t tnks we're outsourur to technology. we rely on a cloud to capture what's happened to us ratr thanbsorbing it intntur souls. we ar't allowing ourselves to have an experience wewean hold in o mind and turn into& sties we canhar t bin cr gay h.wee nghe oel soe ststi'm nonoeiear,oo th.m il ofo th. not too long ago iok m m one-year-old to the petting zoo and i was so focused on findingg the being a toll film her t t t i bare got t s%ee t wayhhgi tghgher f encounter withpeia re@ed i shldt mymtpho and eoyoy te e er. shs(not going to cre i i& didn't get to video her being edededan ungulate.
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more selfieless society. or may the sfy sharky dough serie wl g way to aioryor franchis chohce cd selfienado at let w can sayhis, those depa s sfie victims die doing whathey towelette. ed a y morproof that? neutrogena. mypipipiinedatio slowi my deto arawl at'spioiininced` ti c, aifrent t conspa m re s singg to find reef... int a different picte. talk to your dtotoabout oic and d esesestion treatment options.yourh h retirent.may alyse r. t. ce we hgue ur tire sings. r ov 7ar instors ha relifd on o disciplined approroh to find long term value. so wherever ur retiremene jououey kes you,
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ca a. ro price rementpecialt or yr q sehow wean hel ke t mostof youtitimeav.. t.owe pre. venfcece >>ow: h he's ok at e week ahen r undaymog"aar
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kiinf witi.yn to@repupuiccupportnd funding for the arts on tuesday the u.nd dozens of fatnsn officially observrv inteteaeional l men's day, aimim at achievingng gend p prity by 200.0. wedndnday mamas the f@f@hannirsary of the dismeans of former fbi a ant robert levinson, last seen on the iranian n land of kii the the fbi isffeeri $125 milln reward for i iormaon leading to his return. on thuday rently e elected canaan pme mstustiuda i sph, rivethhe white house foofcialisit idees the unveg ofhe seco class o hrees a the ternatatn tural mustache hall of fame in pittsburgh. last year's ingural class includud former cbs newschor walter cronknte. and onon saaprday the city of
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celebrates the 94th birthy of its favorore son, jack keroc, the auor of the nov n the roadis w to john dkersn waington forol w ahea " "ce non goorning,ohn. >> dkers: goororng, e. we'll haveehe front unrunner thenen systememhilly clinto and um then ted crcr erst nghsete count. anan thanks. remier with our websi you can find more abobot our orors here on sunday morningng by following uon social media on facebobo, twitternd inst and far those who likee to sleepep in, well,l, onsisir setting yo d dr toatch "s"sday morning"g" onn snday afdfrnoon or anyther time you ease. and next week hehe onnsund morning" -- we look atdunnd amamica. it pens ndtarts towork iededte to b bck the virususnd protect thy ces.. dodot totoh h outut
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abreva can't afford to let heartburn get in the way? try nexium 24hr, w the #1 selngngrararaor frequent heartrtrn. get complete protection th t f n leaear in frequent hehetburn. that's nexiummlevel protection. >> cowan: we ave u is
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tional park in wyoming. >> cowow: i'm lee cowan, ththks for joining up s this sunk day morning. we'll see you nt sunday. until then,e hopyou hava go rest your weeke.he thatay put at fi tites eater risk of stroke - they cool tother in theh heart, rming clol tcan break free, avav upseathai whanckodand usstro yououib tnononoususart valve proble prclots frfr fng. reducing the risk of stroke clinical trial - and, i ithe e e oanemergency, otan w wfarin with a specific reversal eat pradaxa is not for people who h h
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donot stopakg praxthout talkg y yr doct stoppingases youri offstker blood s. k yourtor if you nee stopdada re aedical odeaxe ses,mes,s,alg. n'n'keradaxa`iu rmleleininananseekteedical car for unexctig of bleinikus brngng axmay crease y blding if you75 or de havdn pbltomach us, a bldingonon, or tak rtaiaimemecis. si eff witpraxa can include indiio stomach pain, upset or burning. don't just go withw. go with pradaxa, ly blood that lowers ysk of stroke tthan n rfin a a specif rl treatmtm lk tyooctoabou praxaxtoday.
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ohohoh & &ohns erqualata,produc for e ameran familhave been a tradition for gegeratiwis
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acss.wgbhnorg >> dickerson: today wel l lk to the front tunners, donald ump, hillary clinton t t cruz. intervrv you'll only see on "pace the nation." yestday ted cruz was the delegate winne take can maine pd kansas. donald@trump took louisiana and kentucky. is it t wn toith-man race? >> i would love too take on ted one ne. thatatoulde so much fun. icrson: fudonald trumphbusohun thepepcarty. o s#mennhe pcessofhaering. we'll talkit tp c us we'll hfrom t airme party, rnce iebu ddh hihi clilion'ss th weeeee'ug her attention to dald trump. plus a look at w w i cing up in michiga on tuesday th new cbs news brarale ground traer numbers. ha-raising camign all ahead


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