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tv   Press Here  NBC  October 10, 2010 8:00am-8:30am PST

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this is barbara boxer's california. trillions in reckless, wasteful spending. destroying small business. killing jobs. crushing hopes. we can change this, but only if we change the people we send to washington. california cannot afford boxer for six more long years. i'm carly fiorina and i approved this message. i say baloney. this state belongs to all of us. we just have to decide we want to change. i know government isn't a business and it shouldn't be, but the same values of accountability and focus that make california businesses among the best in the world could do a lot to fix sacramento. i'm on a mission to create more jobs, stop wasteful spending, and improve our schools. let's get to work. ♪
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the san francisco 49ers struggle to win just one. as its young ceo fights to move the team to silicon valley. jed york, head of the team tied for the worst record in the nfl, maps out his path to victory. with reporters jon swartz of "usa today" and kym mcnicholas of "forbes," this week on "press: here." good morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. if you are a san francisco 49ers fan, your highest priority, with a 0-4 record, is winning a game. any game. but a decade from now the 2010 season will be at worst a bad memory. from a businessperson's point of view the big question in the long run is not how the team plays but where.
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>> inside hand-off. gore at the 5. gore to the end zone! touchdown! >> reporter: and the team hopes that's not at candlestick park, a stadium built in the late '50s on the cheapest bit of land developers could find at the time. it's really nobody's fault that candlestick is what it is. you can't blame the team for the weather, freezing cold winds, even in the summer. and it's not san francisco mayor gavin newsom's fault that the highway is too far away. >> i'm telling you that was not to be. >> reporter: it's not coach singletary's fault that there's no mass transit, no trains, no light rail. the giants baseball team left candlestick for a new, privately funded park in the year 2000 and never looked back. the 49ers don't even practice here. they practice 30 miles to the south in sunny santa clara. that's where the team's young
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president, 29-year-old jed york, wants to build a new state-of-the-art stadium. he got voters in the city of santa clara to approve the idea with a yes vote in a june referendum. ironically, moving out of san francisco will probably make the san francisco 49ers more popular. a move to silicon valley would put the team closer to most season ticket owners. jed york is the president of the san francisco 49ers, the youngest chief executive in the nfl. a notre dame grad and a former financial analyst. his position with the team achieved through hard work, persistence, and his mom and dad own the team as well. he's joined by jon swartz of "usa today," kym mcnicholas of "forbes." and my first address will be to the two of you. and i know you want to talk about football and the team record, and i know everybody wants to hear about football and the team record, but let's start
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with business. we'll move to football a little later in the show. so let me start with the first one, and that is we actually had a conversation in the newsroom recently. somebody said, well, they're not really moving to santa clara, and there was a bit of an argument back and forth. no, yes, they are. so are you moving to santa clara or are you not moving to santa clara? where are we in this? >> we're building a stadium in santa clara but we're not moving. >> okay. i'll change the verb. are you building a stadium in santa clara or not? is this real? >> yes. >> and at what point are we going to see -- i would think that would guarantee the team is moving to santa clara. if you're building a stadium. >> i grew up outside cleveland. i watched the cleveland browns become the baltimore ravens. >> that's moving. >> that's moving. the 49ers are building a new football stadium where all of our existing fans can still get to, and the majority of our fans, even if it's a longer commute, will have an easier commute getting in and out of santa clara than they do candlestick. >> there was a reporter that came and interviewed you, and i'm sorry, i don't know which
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one it was, but he had told you that his drive from san francisco to santa clara, where your headquarters is, was shorter for him than it was the drive from his office to candlestick park, which is in the city of san francisco. >> and that's true. and that's, again, in the lead-in you talk about mayor newsom. a lot of people want to make this the 49ers against mayor newsom. it's not mayor newsom's fault that the city hasn't invested in infrastructure in the last 30 years in the bayview hunter's point community. that's really why the 49ers had to look outside of the city to figure out where can we build a stadium that all of our fans can get to? >> we were joking, actually, recently about gavin newsom and whether or not he would actually buy a suite. are you still on good -- are you on good terms with him? could you pick up the phone and call gavin and say hey, what's going on? >> we haven't talked in a fairly long time. but we'll certainly -- >> now that he's running for lieutenant governor that might not be his highest priority, the 49ers and sfribs, do you i?
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or do you think his priorities have shifted? >> i know there are a lot of people in san francisco that have a priority of trying to get the 49ers to built a stadium there. and again, it's a little bit out of their control because you need to do so many things to make that work. you need to build hundreds of millions of dollars of infrastructure. you need to sell residential units at candlestick to help fund the stadium at hunter's point. so there's a lot of things there that you don't have to overcome in santa clara. >> and just back to the commute point, 85% of season ticket holders would reduce their commute by 40%. and that is interesting because i'm actually from the north bay and i talk to a lot of people who are ticket holders up there. and they say yeah, i'm going to drop it, it's going to be too long of a commute. but that really doesn't matter to you, does it? >> i don't think -- if you have fans, and about 15% of our fans are between napa, sonoma, and marin. if those fans are not taking the richmond bridge and taking 880 down or, you know, connecting to the ace train and coming down via public transportation, it's
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going to be an easier commute for them. again, it's a little bit longer distance, but if you can reduce your time getting home by 40%, you know, that's a pretty big selling feature to sitting in lines at candlestick. >> we were also joking, this whole parking situation at candlestick. i mean, we'd lose our cars for hours, it would take hours to get out of there. i think with the highway access in santa clara that's going to alleviate a lot of headaches. >> and especially, again, to hit on public transportation, you know, 20 years, i'm not sure how many people are going to be driving their cars to football stadiums or to baseball stadiums. you need to make sure that there's a public transportation opportunity. >> so we've established that santa clara's a great place for a football stadium. but what stands in your way of why aren't we going to go out and watch you shovel dirt tomorrow? what do you need to do to make this actually happen where people say yeah, they're going to be in santa clara, look, you can see the crane? >> so the first piece was obviously winning a vote in june. and we won close to a 60-40 margin. now the next piece is financing the stadium. but i think the bigger issue is
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going to be working a deal out with the players to extend their collective bargaining agreement to make sure that, you know, we're going to continue to play football. and i think that's the goal -- >> the potential problem with the players could affect the stadium? >> well, obviously if there's not a long-term labor agreement -- >> there will be football players playing football someday. do you think -- >> we need to work that piece out. and that's going to be a piece of the financing going forward because obviously the majority of this project is going to be financed either by the stadium authority or by private revenues coming from the 49ers and the nfl. so there's a lot of pieces that are moving to make sure that we can keep going forward. >> how are you going to break down the financing among maybe sponsorships, season -- premiere tickets -- or premium ticket suites, concession agreements? can you maybe break that down in terms of importance? >> sure. i mean, you've got the stadium authority that is going to be controlled by the city of santa
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clara, and they're going to own the stadium. they will be selling the naming rights. they will be selling the concession agreements and those types of things. the stadium builder's licenses, that will be part of the stadium authority. the 49ers through other sponsorships, our tickets, et cetera, that's part of the -- >> quick question. the cowboys stadium in the new meadowlands, do they have naming rights sponsorships yet? i don't believe -- >> not yet. but they're working on it. i'm sure you saw madison square garden, they just did a deal for $30 million a year for ten years with jpmorgan. >> if i am outside of the city, and to the viewers who are watching maybe nationally or internationally, there's a city called santa clara, which is in the county of santa clara. if i'm outside of the city of santa clara, i didn't have a vote on this. if i'm a resident of santa clara, if i'm a resident of california, regardless of what you do with your stadium, am i on the hook for anything? >> no. sought money that's coming in from santa clara, you've got two
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pieces. you've got a redevelopment district that a portion of the money's coming in. and then you've got eight local hotels that obviously see an increase in business coming from a football stadium being located here. santa clara is generally not a, you know, highly hotel destination on weekends. so you're looking at drastically increasing your hotel stays on friday and saturday nights from either 49er games or other events that are going to happen there. so those are the two pieces -- >> and you need money from the nfl as well. >> so the way the nfl money comes in, and that's -- >> i'm wondering if they in a sense would encourage you and maybe the raiders eventually to share the same stadium as the giants and the jets do. >> and that's a question we want to get to. let's take a quick break, but i want to get back to the nfl and whether or not that is a funding that can come from them. chat with jed york. back in just a moment.
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so, we book a flight to hawaii using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing. believe it. with points from chase sapphire, you can book airline tickets with no blackout dates or restrictions. meet the real meg whitman: serving on the board of goldman sachs, whitman was caught reaping millions from insider stock deals. after ebay shareholders sued and a judge cited the obvious conflict of interest she was forced to pay the money back. what kind of person would be involved in deals a fellow republican congressman called corrupt? and in her last year at ebay, whitman paid herself $120 million right before the company laid off 10% of it's workers.
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we're choosing a governor, shouldn't character matter? welcome back to "press: here." before we continue with our interview with jed york, i wanted to remind you, you can chat along with fellow viewers through our website,, as you're watching tv. you can use your computer or iphone, ipad, whatever. more information on the site. so when we were last talking, we were talking whether or not you can get the money from the nfl that you need to make this stadium. is the money available, and do the raiders have to come with it? >> right. so the money you're talking about is a traditional g-3 program, which has been a club seat waiver that the league borrows money at the league level as opposed to the team level. so that does not exist today with the way -- with where our labor situation is, with our agreement with the players
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union. what does exist is just the traditional club seat waiver. so instead of the league borrowing money today, the team would have to borrow that money but we would still have a cash flow stream to be able to service that debt. >> and someone who doesn't normally follow this issue, i'm a technology reporter mostly, i am surprised by what -- how big the labor issue is. the potential 2011 labor problems. i did not expect you to say that. that is forefront in your mind. >> well, obviously. you're trying to finance a stadium over the next 30 years. and if you have a labor situation, that's going to be first and foremost on the banker's mind if they're going to lend you hundreds of millions of dollars to build a football stadium. >> what is it like being -- let's get to your age. 29, right? >> yes. >> 29-year-old chief executive of anything. other than perhaps a dotcom startup. >> well, especially an organization that's as huge as this. and i can imagine 29-year-old ceos here in silicon valley. we have quite a few of those and younger. but in the nfl, and if you had done better this season, and i
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don't know, we still could pull off a super bowl, you would be the youngest, you know, head of an nfl organization to actually win a super bowl, correct? >> i think i still have about ten years for that. >> you have a little bit of time. >> you've got a window. >> okay. we'll get to the sports side in a minute. but congratulations on how optimistic you are. what lesson can we learn from -- what have you learn about being a 29-year-old guy in charge of something as big as the san francisco 49ers? >> i mean, you mentioned earlier with my family's relationship with the 49ers for a long time, my family bought the 49ers before i was born. >> right. >> so it's not like i was dropped into this role and i didn't know anything about the 49ers. so that was very, very helpful. you know, i still have a lot of communication with my uncle, who is one of the most successful owners in the history of the nfl. >> of all sparts, realorts, rea. >> of all sports. and you look at those types of things and you look at my age. am i an expert in every area of the team? absolutely not. so it's very important, especially for younger ceos,
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whether it's a startup, whether you're working your way up a company, you need to make sure that you build a good management team around you. >> speaking of your uncle, do you talk to him on a fairly consistent basis? and does he in a sense mentor you and give you advice? >> i'm sorry. i'm going to break in. ed debartolo is your uncle, for those who don't follow, who used to own the san francisco 49ers. >> yes. >> continue. >> so i talk to my uncle a fair amount, especially during the season. there's a lot of times where you call up and say okay, we're 0-4, what do you think, ed? and he has -- >> what does he say? >> he doesn't take losing very well, either. >> what does he say? >> well, it's important, you're in charge of the 49ers, not the media, not anybody else. do what you think is right. and if you need to bounce ideas off of me, bounce ideas off of me. but you know, he was always very good about trying to turn off the tv, trying to not read the newspaper, and i'd try to be even better and just stay away from it and focus on the task at hand, which is let's get some wins. you know, we wanted a ballot
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measure this summer. now let's get some ws at candlestick, you know, on the road, and figure out how to get us back into the playoffs. >> with the team's performance on the field, does that create an obstacle for you in terms of financing the stadium or building momentum for that? or is that so far away it doesn't really have an impact? >> i think there are two separate issues. because if you look at a 30-year period, if you look at the last 30 years of the 49ers, you have some 2-4 team seasons and you have some 14-2 seasons and you have five super bowl championships in there. so when you're looking at financing a new building, when you're looking at bringing in partners, when you look at selling seats and suites and things like that, it's really what is this stadium going to be for the next 30 years? >> i am convinced we had this -- larry baird sat in that seat. and by the way, we accused him of he wasn't going to have a very good season with the san francisco giants at the time. jon, you were there. you remember. >> oh, yeah. >> and i am fairly convinced that an experience for the average fan is as important as winning. and i know that people say no,
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you've got to win. but if you go to pac bell park and you have a hot dog and it seems so much warmer than it does at candlestick and you're enjoying yourself and your kids are enjoying the slide, and all these things are really not baseball, that is going to draw crowds. >> well, right now over at candlestick it's really not much fun to visit the stadium. i mean, aside from just going to watch the game. and i love football. so i love watching the game. but aside from that there's nothing else to do there. >> and i think that's, again, what the new stadium will end up building. if you look at candlestick, it's about 750,000 square feet. the new building will be 1.8 million square feet. and even if you're not a real estate person, you understand that it's significantly bigger. with the same capacity. so you're building new amenities. you're doing things that the giants have done very well and very successfully. and you're making it not just about the team because you're going to have diehard fans that want to go and they don't care about nicer restrooms and, you know, better food options.
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they just want to go watch their team play. but there's a lot of other people that this is really an event for them as a family. and that's what you want to make sure, that you go all across the lines and make sure you have a great experience for whoever your customer's going to be. >> so how do you do it? any ideas? >> i mean, i think when you look at santa clara, you look at the stadium that we're building, we're not going to be the biggest stadium, we're not going to be the most expensive stadium, we're going to be the most innovative stadium and the smartest stadium. and that's something that it doesn't just happen once. you need to have a plan to keep innovating your stadium to make sure if we're in the heart of silicon valley that we embrace that technological innovation that's here and continue to make sure that fans have access to things that nobody else in the country will have. >> what tech companies in this area may contribute to that experience that you're talking about? >> well, it depends on when you say contribute. because we've sat down -- we started a group called touchdown silicon valley, and we've had executives and innovators from any company that you can
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probably -- >> i mention that because of cisco's work on the cowboys stadium and some other stadiums. i know john chambers, they have a division within cisco that works on that. >> cisco even talked about naming the a's stadium. >> and that's still not a dead issue, actually. >> no, it isn't. >> cisco is actually one of the groups that was part of it, as well as, you know, 20 to 30 others that really sat down and said what is possible? what can we do? let's not worry about what has been done in stadiums in the past, what's possible with stadiums in the future? so that's really where we started. you know, the next piece is, you know, whose technology will be in that stadium? that's the process that we're going through now in figuring out who's going to be our founding partner on the technology side to build out the greatest fan experience you can have. >> jed york is the head of the san francisco 49ers. we'll take a quick break and be back to talk a little sports. our points from chase sapphire preferred are worth 25% more on travel. we're like forget florida, we're going on a safari. so we're on the serengeti, and seth finds a really big bone.
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that is coach singletary talking to a television station here in san francisco, channel 5, in which it got kind of combative. coach singletary's under a lot of pressure. are you going to hold on to coach singletary trut throughout the season? >> absolutely. >> what's your threshold? >> the threshold is let's win against philadelphia. >> that's the team you're playing this sunday. >> that's how you have to look at this. you need to look at it one game at a time. when i look at the 49ers, super bowl xxiii that season. we were 5-6 at one point. we ended up being 10-6 and going on and winning the super bowl. >> kim said what's your threshold? you said we need to beat the eagles. that was not the answer to that question, though, was it? does coach singletary's job rely on whether you beat the eagles? >> his job is not on the line. >> i wanted to make sure --
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>> the goal -- when you're losing football games, when you're winning football games, it doesn't matter what happened a week before. it matters what's coming up. and that's when we had to really stay focused on we're two games out of first place with 12 games to go. so we juft need st need to keep well and not shoot ourselves in the foot and we'll give ourselves a chance to be in the playoffs. >> at this point you think you're in contention. a few weeks ago i talked to you and you said we're definitely in contention so, you're not going back to using this as a season of building? >> we're two games out with 12 to go. we're absolutely in contention. you look at games we've lost. we've beaten ourselves. i don't want to take anything away from the teams that beat us because it's not easy to win a game in the nfl. everybody's talent level is very, very equal. so you want to make sure you minimize your mistakes, but you have to go and take it one game, one practice, one -- >> you look at it mathematically, 0-4, right? that looks terrible. but you came close against the
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world champion new orleans saints. it was close. >> and i think that's where i know our team can play. we can play at that level. and i believe that. and i think coach singletary can get those guys to that level. we just need to limit our mistakes and we'll be all right. >> are you factoring in the last eight games of the year, which are pretty favorable in terms of playoff opportunity? is that something that kind of gives him some rope? >> it's very hard to look for it and say well, this is a win and this one isn't a win. the only thing that is on our minds is philadelphia and how do we put together a game plan to go out and stop the eagles. >> you do not have a lot of alumni coming. the giants, the san francisco giants, you can't wave your arms, oh, my goodness, look who it is. you do not have a lot of alumni from the great, great years of the 49ers coming and firing up your troops. so why not? >> we have several alumni that are on staff right now. >> who are they? >> tom rathman, ray brown, mike solari, who didn't play for us but coached for us under bob
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mckittrick. >> i was thinking montana, young -- >> joe was at practice two weeks ago. there's a lot of guys -- >> i think the reason why scott brings that up is the whole ronnie lott flap over speaking to the saints before the game when they played you. kind of pronounced this idea that we're not seeing the legends around the niners as much as we're seeing mays or mccubby, who are being constantly ballyhooed by the giants. >> i talked to ronnie. he's an icon as much as he is a 49ers icon. if you know why he spoke to the saints, the 49ers had a lot of trouble after our super bowl '81 win. there's a lot of young guys who couldn't handle success and their lives spun out of control. ronnie spoke to the saints last year. he comes very regularly to the 49ers. i have a great relationship with ronnie. those guys are around. we don't necessarily publicize it. if you saw the guys that were there monday night, should we
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publicize it? it's really a personal relationship with those guys. and if those guys want to be part of the team, it's got to be about how they want the relationship to be. i'm not going to try to publicize joe coming down to the 49ers so we can sell a couple extra tickets. that to me isn't as important as having joe come down whenever he wants, having ronnie come down whenever he wants, making sure those guys know he really feels part of the family but we're not trying to sell the fact that they're here. >> but i think it's important. it's important especially right now when you're 0-4 to keep -- it's not necessarily about selling tickets but it's about showing that they're even in support of their team and some of these guys that were a part of the super bowl days, part of the championship team. it's important to see them out there supporting you guys. >> and they are. i mean, if you watched the monday night game, how many super bowl champions did you see on the field there celebrating with jerry? and honoring the 49ers and honoring jerry rice. all those guys that you're talking about were on the field monday night. >> is alex smith -- and again,
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if you don't follow football, he's the quarterback. is he -- surprise. is he doing what you need him to do? >> we're 0-4. nobody is doing what we need them to do right now. we need them to get better. >> i want to go singletary, smith, and then york. >> but it starts with me. we need to make sure that whatever we can do, you know, to limit distractions, to make sure that our guys understand that we're 100% behind them, you know, it's not where we want to be at 0-4, but there's a lot of positive things going on with our team and our guys need to understand that we're behind them 100%. >> i'm really xurs. who has the ultimate decision? what is the hierarchy internally? are you the ultimate decisionmaker? if you say you know, what singletary, you're not doing your job, can you say you're fired or does it have to go through the ranks? >> ultimately, i would be that decisionmaker. but when you're talking about who's going to play this
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position, what guys are getting this amount of playing time, that's again where i talked about a few segments earlier, you need to have people around you that are better in those areas than i am. i'm not equipped to sit down and say okay, this is what we're going to run on third and seven. that's what we have a good coaching staff for. >> have you ever done that? >> no. >> have you ever wanted to do that? because i would. i totally would. >> i was the captain of my high school baseball team. so i would actually think that i could do something with baseball. but no. i mean, you have to resist that urge to say why aren't we playing this guy? if you need to make a change, you need to make sure you discuss that with your management team before i come in and say, you know, this guy isn't playing well so, he's not going to play today. >> jed york is the head of the san francisco 49ers. very good luck, by the way, with the eagles. >> thank you. >> we will be back in just a moment.
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so, we book a flight to hawaii using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing. believe it. with points from chase sapphire, you can book airline tickets with no blackout dates or restrictions. as ceo, she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go. [ male announcer ] because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose. bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products "made in china." 30,000 workers gone while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer, and i approved this message.
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that's our show for this week. my thanks to jed york, head of the san francisco 49ers organization. this entire interview is available online at, where you can also find an interview with larry baer, the president of the san francisco giants. by the way, you can watch the 49ers beat the philadelphia eagles right here on nbc bay area this evening at 5:00 and then right after join raj mathai for all the highlights on the xfiniti sunday sports prime time. i'm scott mcgrew.yo urthdaanyou fo sunrny moing.r f your sunday morning.


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