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tv   News 5 at 5PM  NBC  February 26, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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ait t puebeb police departndndher fofoeroyfrframamam ke last la see uaua of f 1414 pueb,.after visi her boyfyfd dantheuc e ongfgfeath lawsalged thblbl tmtmt piwib e lus faly t tdero evidcend f fled to puruse ininstigative le the ststct court j upheld a a a r cot rulingngas ar....hat t ere is no evidedcetopo t tt alleletion. hello o yonend thas r ining us for news 5 at 5. i3m rob quirk. and i'm li lyden our top story tonigh- a warm weweher weeken but with the potential fororigh fifi dananr! thehehes alreada "red flag warning" posted for st of southern corara this weend. ananwe sawawnoer g gss fire toy.y.ininalcon. wewetold it burnbout 34 4 acs..... d foa a me.. was threatening over aen homes... the ealcon fire dedertmentntays itccidentially sparked along "oregon wagon trail"... one woman says the flames me righup nt to her home! my fir worry were my animals, we have e vel dogs, we have two germananhepes and three &
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and make sthe animals were okok all of leslies's areoing st f fe. by the way, firere cret homeowners for doioi fire mitition wk around t tir propertytywhich h owed t sprere of the re. and say thisis great reminder, be fire w we this ekend. news 5's'silfolsomomaseen keing an eye on n e rereflag warning all day. anbill what should people be aware of thiweekekd??? firi managers say we're the peak of grasfirereeason. in our arere january, february, and march are traditionally y y highest grassfions. the risk jumps ievenenore d flag contions. more thajustst warning, we ara seeing plenty of evidence. the fire thisternrnn out north c chan, y yterday afternoon ananccent with a blow torch start theheildfe out n%ar c chan.... there was also the fire yestery in penro..... .and last weekend the massise fire on fortson. ininhe lasascouple of f eks we've also seen sn. it is nter...which fe managers say can create a false peeptiwn about firerdanger
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'll get warmer tempetures, dry air. people think oh wewee in winter me, we h snow a coupf days ago, re d dger is low buththposite is a#a#ally true. d wh it wawas up more peop head outside.. whether it's a sparkrom machine, a d dcardedd garette...ires started. the fire experer@rayayititdead and dormant grasses two or thtee ys of ...iy red ththwo oreys wanrm. wehae ..annd l teend. c coradadngol nenene ad f/fasr daniels ga us s s first t ert ononons ekend'd'red d ag warning. . he`eoinss now in first alert --and mike, high winds certainly a b)g g ncerthis wkend... winds will be gustmorrow afternoon, gusts to 35 mph in some spo.@ a reflag warbing from 101010to 7pm. windlow humidity and dry yuels will create dangerous fire coitions. the storm is out w wt and ll
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tomorrow with gusty wind and snow for t mntians. clr and mi tononht mperatures will warm quickly tomorrow with th warm wnslope flow. trailslsn area were busytoday anwill liky be even buer throughghhe warm weeken many peopldon't reala\that groupspsike r#cky mounn fifid institutspend most of the year working to maintaiaiails they say, this time of year trails are more susceptible to damage becausesew melt creat
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"it's amazazg what can happen heretarting outujust as a litttt bit of damama. with the erodible e ils that we have in th regn itananusreally compod ananall l a sudden y've got a big mudd messn n ur hands." it may reqre wking thrgh some mud, but trl experts as people out on trai to oid walking on the side of trails causing damage to vegetiti.i new at 5. a mistakbyelivery driver yestery lele some cucuers atat p pblo gas statioioioth costly repepr bill. . theyeyumped didiel f fl into the unleedanan. this hapned at t t wester csnvenience atioioat prairie and thatcher. . that's where we find our andy ko tonight wh informion consumer need to kno ou bought gasaat this station b@bout 1 100 yesterday ... there's a chanououight be esel in the tank. and you'll need to get to the
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system cleaneneout. concted thetategency that regulates gas pumps the tell us the station quickly tookokction totoorrecthehe mistake. they are aware oabout five custsters who elelwiwi the wrorg gbs.s. when thihihappens -- procedurerere is to empty the undergrounun tank tn refill t fm with the correct fuel. th musmustlso o ush t the lines in the pps to clear evevything out. and because of our call ... e state division of f l and public safety sent an inspector out totoheck test the fuel. . "we haveveent an ipector out tohat loti to collect some gasoli samames just to very atatndeed evererhing has been @ flezhed out correctly and thth the product t ininsold meet sp it can cost anywre from 3000to 00dolllls totoix your c if f u get t esel in e tank. thgood ns -- m mhanics say it ususuly does less dage than if things happened t t other way
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0 bo the state and o of e oms us the ga stioio has s fe pseepair bills for r e e ststers who were affected. thththvisi o ooioiand public fety posts their stickers s every gas mp they ininect nd t t state - -d if zou ever have a concern, you can call them. dy kokn, news 5. ththsearch continues for answs... after last night's'seadl shooting in hessssn, kansas. a man.. accused of kling 3 cocorkers ananinjuring 14 ototrs... before hwas killed. ananthe poli chief... kihe gununn.. is being hailed a heroonigig. governor sam brownck says th policece chief in the smalal toto... went this lawn equipment faor.., alone... without waiting for backup. he's credited with pottily savingy y re lives... by stopping spect cedricord d from doingny more harmrm ====s/ g. sam brownback / r kansms "the hesston police chief in rtrtulal wenenin iedly
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than even n itg g ack up, ntntht in n did roic a ser."." == sheriff t twalton hvey cotyansas s
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servininan eviction notice in baililednesd. the suspect shot andndilled. t tseentrededs... ndreds are exed to gatheretin castle rock k is weekend... to shohosupp_p_ for our law w enforcemt cere. w enforcemt apeiciation n dais this su itasreat tt on hel regne e men and n t ththr ves ononhee everay... bu ao bdge gagatweelaenfoemane e coity. ===== roacacan:12 hostenfot priaia dayit seemsrerereitally creren so areas e anti-policinstd ofro-policd thth's n a messase at could ever be althfor r children or ou mmunitieieanan hto onha the even s at 3, at tt dglglountntirous inastlrock. itit free he p plic. there willlle live m mic, t eakers and plenty of food. xxx tonigh a man isn custr a standoff sittion i mununin early this morning. we firststolababt th
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the elelasascounty sherrif's ofce s ss "donrimeme barraded h nself insidhome nearolonial drive and colonial lane in fountain. thth say h hs wanted on a warrant t r kidnpingng felo mening ananassault withth a deadly wean. he w taken into custody y thout incident. w tonight,t,anizers ofofhe "cannabis cup" have been given until next monday, m mch get all@relevev& formation in to the pueblo county regarding the permitting prpress. in a letter totohighghimes", t counun plalaing commission said there deficicies in n application that need be addressese..and a final decision ll b bmadedey march 23rd. . anbeuse ththinititl permit application was not submitted 75 days in adnc "high times" has had to p ph thevent bato april 22 through e 24, pendg apapoval of a permit. sherf kirk taylor has s ready p expressed his ncerns about the event,t,.which h attracteded thousands of people,nd geted miioio o odollars in
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w ativiv-- a first-ever lookokinto how pblo's economic vlopment corporation plans to add reobob their alal tbring g g ndd d new jobs to puebloy e e d of thth year.r. nene five'e'nand joioi ususive inur pueblo udio -- ananlena you just spoke with the "pedco" president, what did he tell you? he tells me -- ts is the fir@ titi theheve publicly released their goals. d he says, revealili this plananis adding a new layer of anananen to press s at's been known as secretive for decas. et that goal of 500 jobsbsy the end of the year r they plpl to rget four main clusters of manufacting businesses.p this includes thth indususy, aurospace, outdoorrecreation,`and the e mp indust. inead of looking at st one ployer with the potential ofofiring 1000 employe -- they plan to go a ltle smallele by targeting companies with closer to00 emplo. pedcpresidenjeff shaw ys he's hopg this t tnsparency will help embrace the e unity.
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ways been iticiced over secretetersus confential, so hought it was ve important and we think i is very important for thcommmmity y y nderand and know and partner@rith us in how w go getting compmpius to eithehererecater expbnd into the e ebloloommunityp pedco will be continuiui this s transpency zhroughout the yearary puttg out qutetey dates with ascorecard" o how w ey're e ing withthhis goal. cocong up tonight t six- - we're a taking aloser lookokt t e targeted industries that couou soon -- call pueblhomememe live in pueblo, lenaowland, news five. stf us c c rele---'re not getting enough sleep what doctors say is to blame---mingp tht's your healthy family. and a selfie c cld g g some c- boulder r udenen out o otheir midterexs! we'll let yokn why---but
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p,,,,,,,,,,,, on theleleion watch tonighd.g-o-p presidentialandidite nald trump has new endorsent--- fr o of his prprious opponents. new jersovovovr chris chriiennouncedoday he' endorsing the g-o-o-frfrt- runner. says trump "will do what eds to be e ne tprotect the american ppl" chri r rently ended his own camp for theepublican esentiti nominatio isom just days before xt s g muste super tuday primaries.xxxx d-d-crdidates sbrn sands and hillary clinin ararpreparinfor is wee's soututcarolina primary. boththandidateu are cusi o pealing totofrican arican ters. sanders in p pticucur is working tra hard to gain momentutu aftelosi to clininn ininhe nevada ccuses. e south rolinariry takes place e morrow. ck in colorado. "super tuesdayayis ging someme chemisy students at u
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midterm m am! but they need to ta "selele"---to prove e 're "c"ccusing" instead!!! ound 121hundndstudents are scheduled to te the e am a a e sameime as colorado' ucuses tuesday night. e chchistry dertme chair says cceceininand rescheli the examamould be a lostical nightmare. so any student who wan tke rt ithe cacaus canalk to their professs s d get an cused absence----as long as th have a selfie! we will ing you fu covovage oner t tsday--ght re onona- xx& looo fm meras rorolorado ghs todadaininhe 5s anan . currrrt teeratur allllver soutrn colorad.. next wth mer, a downslope fl phing dow untains wiwi keetemps really rm torroro buwinds s@llust up to 35 m duri theheftnd night a d flag wararng tomr
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fuels. avavburn and rort okok ee it. y skies sl give wato a few gh thin n during e afteteoon. emperatures wi bin t 60's, 70nd 8 7 dareca`torhegs, , gh tororw . oler calmer suay. windy anwarmony then a owerpossible late momoay night intn tuesday. cholr air on tuesday. pu htorrow 7lmeruttill a ne e sund with sunsne. a few spriles ssible l nd nig windd oleruesd with a gh. back inte wsd rough frayitdrsksks. city higmorr 74. coer but stiicicsund a fefefet ers possib tetedanigh ndd colderueay. dry with warmer air starting wednesday. woodland pk high tomorrow 61. cooler wh less wind sunday. snow srs posble e mondayigig into esesy morning. y ies wednesy thugh
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it's being callelea major milestonin the mic field. annie snead has a look of amamics fifit "womb trspspnt"--- coming`gp in tonight'sea tch. d this r rno is now calling g the e nver zoo home. when you can see "rudy" in h h
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trending online right now---a runaway unicorn!!! licecen "madera" california
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as a unicornrnor a aththy rty escaped! she took police on a magic est acss t t city---darting th traffffnd weaeangngngween vechicles. seveal peoplcalled polole in disbelief because they thoht they wererse the mical animal police m maged to catch "julie. and take h bto her owner... "unharmed." " xxxxx a drdring nightmare r driverer in prague---all thanks to a a swsw!!! the swan crossedcrososa busy road---and decided it was s@red! so it sat down in a a r lane---and t tt caused a mor traffic c ck-up duri the sh-h-hr commut poce r rponded---and mananed totoemove the swrom m ad safely. e e nver zoo is welcoming a new member to its fami today. he's a black rhinocero namam "rudy." the 22-year-old male comes from m the oklahoma c cy zoo. he is cuently geing settled tois new surroundis. the blk rhrho species is
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median le pectancy for the species is about 18 years. the nvnv zoooos it's excited to provide home r rudy during his goldedeyears. get ready for unseasonablyarm temperaturur this weekend. mike has one last checof t
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,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i'm annie snead. tonht's'sealth watch ---- amamica's first w mb tranlantdoctors from the cleveland clinic perrm the transplant @ isk givg a a -yea olwoman hope of some day giving birth. it lasted ni h/prs a a the unidenenfied womans said t t be in stable conditionon the surgegy is part of a study that aspires to give ten women new uteruses,.. and guide them through pregnancy to bir.
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once theve givenirth,.. the uterus wililbe removed. these participantstsre wom who are unable tconceive a cld because ey don't he a ater orececse tir is damaged. and in tonight's your healthy fafaly.... herere something a l of us can late to -- one in the americans are not gettg th recommended 7 hours of sep eaea night. that's'sccording ta new ststy by the c-d-d. obesity..... diabetes... high blood presssse ----ll conditions that could be broughtht ony lack of slee... . and 100 million american are putting themselves at t sk. memecal prpressionalare sayingng that tethnology,y, more c ce,e,e, and busier l les -- are ju somemef the reasons we areot sleeping enonoh. experts say that you should make sleep a priority eveve night just like you would ke food d water priority. filly -- talk to your doctor if you he blgetting th remmendedeamount o osleep,.... evev bfter makakadjustments to youo routine. for more heah h orieie..
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clear and not as c cd tonight, lows in the 20's and 30's. satutuay will be windy and warm ththighs in n e 60. 7070 and 80's. dry s and w humidity combined with stro wind will create hh fire dangege a rereflfl warning fm 10 am m til 7pm. avoid burning and rerert smoke. ththks f f fatching g ws five e five. 'll see you u ck r rht h he after n-b-c nightly news, next. and ur l#j ns is alwon
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breaeang n n tonighgh trump bombshell.l& chris christie shocks the polititil wowod by enrsing the front-runner hours aftemarco rubio ununadedn t tmp in a - wildebatatawl. one of the most hramatic campaign daysys ever. nbnbnews instigatesmi algations fmioio the i iide story of :how undocunted workers worked the site of trump tower. shooting hohoor. 4 dead, 13 wnded as a gunman ope fire in a workace. a hero cop@paking h)m down. night, what we've learhappened in e hohos beforerehe massacre. zika iamica. the c wawas of sue in cases. the rus is n22


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