tv CBS This Morning CBS November 2, 2016 7:00am-9:00am MST
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good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, november 2nd. 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." breaking news. a manhunt is under way in central iowa, after two police killed. >> with six days to go, hillary clinton tries to divert attention from the fbi e-mail investigation. donald trump hopes a hidden vote will put him over the top. and for the first time in centuries researchers uncover the burial slab where jesus is said to be laid to rest. we'll show you what they found. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> it doesn't look like there
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coward is who shot them while they sat in their car. >> a deadly police shooting in iowa. a manhunt is currently under way for this man, 46-year-old scott greene. >> don't get distracted. focus on the kind of country and world that we want to help create. >> it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis and government would grind to an unbelievably unglorious halt. shut up. >> iraqi special forces have entered the outskirts of mosul. >> it's very difficult to continue the offensive and move forward into mosul. >> the oklahoma highway patrol in this dash cam video showing the fierce gun battle between accused killer michael vance and troopers. >> michael vance was our worst case scenario. >> in baltimore six people were killed when a school bus and a commuter bus collided.
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>> the suspect steals a patrol car. >> all that. >> the cubs have forced a game seven! >> yay! >> you ever look at donald trump and say, how come i had to apologize and he might be president? >> and all that matters. >> get to the big news. one week from today the presidential election will be over. >> one week away. i know i wish it could go but that's where the calendar just stops. >> on "cbs this morning." >> starbucks is rolling out a new cup. the green cup is meant to be a symbol of unity. >> some people are saying they were angry when they went to get their red cup and instead got a green wup. and if you're one of those people upset by this you need to switch to decaf. >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." we begin with breaking news from des moines, iowa. two police officers were killed in an ambush attack overnight. a manhunt for suspects is under way. >> the first killing happened in urban dale, northwest of the city. the other was in des moines. officials said just a short time ago. vlad, good morning. >> good morning. this picture of 46-year-old scott michael greene. they say he's believed to be armed and dangerous. police say greene apparently shot both officers in their cars. the first officer was from urbandale. he was shot and killed around 1:00 local time this morning while responding to a call. that brought in law enforcement from across the area. about 20 minutes later des moines police officer was found shot in his car just a mile from the first shooting. he was rushed to the hospital. but died there a short time later. des moines police said all
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pairs as an extra precaution. >> clearly danger if you're a police officer. these guys were gunned down sitting in their cars doing nothing wrong. there's definitely some danger out there. there's somebody out there shooting police officers. we hope we find him before anybody else gets hurt. >> the names of the officers killed have not yet been released. all urbandale schools are closed today as a precaution. gayle? >> thank you, vlad. we of course will continue to follow that story. let's turn now to the election. have you heard? there's one next week. hillary clinton's campaign is refocusing on donald trump and turning away from the latest investigation of her e-mails. she is now reminding voters of all the reasons why she believes trump is unqualified to be president. >> hillary clinton will campaign today in nevada and arizona, after rallying supporters in ohio, and florida. nancy cordes is in fort lauderdale where clinton is about to head west. nancy, good morning. >> good morning. her strategy in this final week
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on a different part of her closing argument. so, today, as she heads to florida, to nevada, to arizona, she's going to be focused on the things trump has said about latinos and people of color while yesterday here in florida, it was all about the topic for which she probably has the most ammunition. women. >> i want all the girls in america to know, you are valuable. don't let somebody like this >> reporter: at three florida rallies clinton picked through trump's most notorious comments about the opposite sex. >> he calls women ugly, disgusting, nasty, all the time. he doesn't see us as full human beings. >> reporter: for proof she turned to former miss universe alicia machado who trump publicly shamed in 1997 for gaining a little weight.
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>> reporter: it's a closing argument amd not just at female voters but at the men who love them, too. >> i wouldn't feel good as a father voting for somebody like that. >> reporter: the clinton camp released a series of ads tuesday all of them with the same message. >> i can't vote for a man who says such horrific things about women. >> hello columbus! >> reporter: in columbus, president obama warned trump is unlikely to change. >> if you disrespected women before, you were elected you will disrespecten >> reporter: but in fort lauderdale a protester interrupted clinton with a sign that said her husband is a racist. common occurrence at clinton rallies that set her off last night. >> i am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support donald trump. >> reporter: clinton aides insist the race is not as tight as new polls suggest.
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four states that supposedly tilt their way, michigan, virginia, colorado and new mexico. campaign aides insist that is not a sign of nervousness, it's a sign that they still have a surprising 150 million dollars in the bank in this closing week. and they say might as well put it to good use, especially if it helps democrats down the ballot. but that does not quite explain why she has added a last-minute trip to one of those states, michigan, when she's already got a packed days. >> all right, nancy, thank you so much. donald trump is focusing on battle ground states looking for last minute support. trump is holding three rallies in florida today and then he goes to north carolina tomorrow. polls show a very close race in both states. he campaigned yesterday in pennsylvania and wisconsin, with hillary clinton has a larger lead in the polls. major garrett covered trump's rally in eau claire, wisconsin, last night. this morning major is in minneapolis. good morning. >> good morning in the modern
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but there is a new math aspect to the way donald trump and those around him see this race. they believe there is a hidden trump vote, worth 4% to 5% points and that makes battle ground states that appear tide in public polls decisively in trump's column. in places like michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin where trump is trailing, competitive. that's why trump is looking for votes anywhere he can find them, even though it's already in hillary clinton's column. >> who's from minnesota? >> hundreds of voters travelled from minnesota to northwest wisconsin tuesday to hear donald trump's closing argument. >> this is a message for any democratic voter, who have already cast their ballots for hillary clinton, and who are having a bad case of buyer's remorse. >> reporter: for the first time trump delivered what he called a public service announcement for
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>> you can change your vote to donald trump, we'll make america great again. okay? >> reporter: nationally, more than 27 million early and absentee ballots have already been cast. that's more than half the 2012 total. and it includes more than 500,000 in wisconsin, and 250,000 in minnesota. >> senator ron johnson, i hope you're all going to get out and vote for ron. >> reporter: sensing the virtues of unity trump pushed for gop senator ron johnson, and and former rival governor scott walker. noticeably absent, house speaker paul ryan. >> in fact, i already voted here for our nominee last week in early voting. >> reporter: still, estranged from trump, ryan avoided saying his name and won't campaign for him. >> i've already got a long schedule that has been long in place, fighting for house republicans and also senate republicans because that's what the speaker of the house does. >> reporter: trump will need a republican congress to fulfill his promise for a near instant
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act. a vow he amplified earlier in the day in pennsylvania. >> we will be able to immediately repeal and replace obamacare. >> trump has received very few newspaper endorsements but received one yesterday from the crusader. the newspaper of the ku klux klan. the campaign called the endorsement repulsive. it showed a picture of trump and the head line make america great again. but trump has not said anything about this on his twitter or facebook account. >> thanks, major. cbs news elections director is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with the electoral map. what does hillary clinton have to do? >> well her path starts with winning pennsylvania, where she has a lead. but that could be her keystone. because, she wins that she doesn't need much else. in fact she only needs one other state really in order to get the 270 that she would need. now it won't be easy but she
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electoral college. because, and unless she -- >> even though we see the polls tightening, what if trump doesn't win pennsylvania? >> if he doesn't win he has to go and get a lot of other states in order to get there. and that's why we can say that she still has an edge. he'd have to go and get north carolina, where he's down a little bit based on our polling. he'd certainly have to win florida. he certainly has to win ohio. and i emphasize those because hillary can either ohio or florida. but he has to have them. and then on top of that, he's got to go flip another blue state. he's got to flip maybe wisconsin and something else. so if all of that sounds like it's a long string of states. it is. it is certainly possible but he's got his work cut out for him. >> a couple weeks ago, they said donald trump was out he had no chance. that's changing a little bit. still a long shot but it's changing a little bit. >> it is. and i think if you look at the early vote you get some clues. donald trump says that there's a
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but in the early vote we're not seeing it. what we're seeing is people who have voted before coming out, but the idea so far that there are republicans who don't typically vote who are coming out, we're not seeing that yet in the early voting. >> he'll need that if he's going to win. >> let's talk about the early vote in north carolina. president obama campaigning there today for hillary clinton, joe biden was there yesterday. what is the early vote tell us? >> the early vote tells you that democrats are outpacing republicans at this point, at least in registration. african-american vote is tracking where it needs up, but she probably needs to do a little bit better than what she's seeing so far. it's also a little bit older. so even though democrats are outpacing republicans, that older vote tends to favor trump. so i'd call this one about even so far. >> all right, anthony, thank you. >> we'll bring you all the results as they come in on election night. our coverage starts tuesday at 4:00 p.m. pacific time, and you can watch us all day on our streaming network, cbsn. >> report raises new questions
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decision to tell congress about e-mails that may have gone through hillary clinton's private servers. "the new york times" says during the summer, the fbi showed more caution with investigations leading to the clinton foundation and donald trump's former campaign chairman. the "times" says officials avoided steps that would make the cases public so close to the election. the fbi's sophisticated software says thousands of e-mails on a laptop from the estranged an abedin. the probe is unlikely to be finished before next week's election. >> the iraqi military says poor weather has temporarily halted the american offensive into mosul. an iraqi general says his troops are holding their positions alone the eastern edge of the isis controlled city. an international aid group warns the fighting puts more than a million civilians inside mosul in grave danger. many are trying to leave. iraqi forces captured their first important building, the state television stations.
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bloody final moments of the oklahoma manhunt for a double homicide suspect. a cruiser's dash cam captured an officer opening fire from behind the wheel sunday while chasing murder suspect michael vance. he had been on the run for a week. police arrested three people monday for helping vance. they say felony murder charges. man well bojorquez shows us how he was finally stopped. >> reporter: police dash cam video shows the violent e week long manhunt for fugitive murder suspect michael vance. a state trooper fired dozens of rounds through the windshield of his cruiser while speeding down an oklahoma road. vance returned fire with an ak-47. >> michael vance was our worst case scenario. period. he was a determined, violent, criminal. >> reporter: a police helicopter captured the chase from above,
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>> this individual actually got out of his vehicle, let the vehicle roll backwards towards the officers that had stopped shooting at him and advanced on it using the vehicle for cover. >> reporter: moments later he was killed by an officer's bullet. >> it took all of us working to the to bring this rampage to an end. >> reporter: that rampage began on october 23rd in oklahoma when vance shot and wounded two police officers who responded to a disturbance. police say he killed two cars. streaming videos on facebook live as he evaded capture. a week later police caught a break when someone spotted vance camping out in rural oklahoma. a sheriff tried to pull him over. vance shot him in the arm and shoulder. launching the chase. >> vance ended this rampage the exact same way he started it. violently. it didn't have to be that way.
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>> oklahoma was rocked by a series of earthquakes overnight. the strongest magnitude 4.5 quake hit northeast of oklahoma city. there were no reports of significant damage there. the increase in earthquakes in oklahoma has been linked to wastewater disposal from oil and gas production. baseball history is on the line tonight in the world series. >> cubs have forced a game seven! >> chicago dominating last night in game six the cubs have fought back from a 3-1 deficit. longtime fans were sent in to a frenzy last night. but they're holding their breath tonight. the series is even and chicago needs one more win. but not if cleveland has anything to say about it. don dahler is inside progressive field in cleveland where tonight one of these teams will win the world series. don, good morning. >> good morning. tonight a cumulative 176 years
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at least for some folks. cubs fans have waited 108 years to win the world series. the city of cleveland, 58. >> in the air to center, to his left -- neither one gets it! >> reporter: if you're a sports fan from cleveland you're used to things not breaking your way. >> the throw home. the ball gets away. >> reporter: the cubs steamrolled the indians tuesday night. >> into right >> reporter: leveling the series at three games apiece. >> baby! >> reporter: and officially inducing a panic in cleveland. >> it was a disaster for us. it didn't help that they dropped that fly ball, went downhill. but, you know, hey. they're a good team. >> i'll be here tomorrow. i'll be ??4?dragging, but i'll here. >> you got to be nervous. you got the excitement all in one. that's what the world series is about, right? when you get down to game seven it doesn't get any better than this.
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screaming a different tune. in only a matter of days cubs fans shifted from desperate to downright confident. >> cleveland's going to be on their he's and they're going to eat all their words. >> reporter: but for die hard clevelanders they say why not now? >> tonight's first pitch. and strike one. >> reporter: sports caster tom hamilton has been calling indians baseball games on the fo >> a world series win. what does that mean to the city? >> wow, their love of the indians has been passed down from mom and dad, from generation to generation. people here in cleveland they have a passion that's unlike any place i've ever been. so, when that -- it's pretty emotional. >> reporter: as for tick tickets there are some listed for sale but you'll play a premium. standing room only we've seen going for about $1500 per. and there are reports that two
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for $20,000 apiece. >> don, thank you so much. >> the three of us will be there, will we not? >> yes, yes. we all stayed up late last night. however it turned out it's been a great series. i say the lord will not let chicago lose. some say the lord has nothing to do with it. it all boils down to what charlie? >> talent on the field. and good pitching by the way. >> good pitching, indeed. >> chicago has a great reliever. >> it will be a great either city. >> agreed. all right a little known law firm may have bent the rules to funnel money to democrats. ahead the clinton campaign reacts to allegations that big
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care plans. good morning- it's 7:26, i'm yetta gibson. mike pence is making a campaign stop in mesa this morning.the republican vice presidential nominee will hold a rally at the mesa convention center.doors open in just about a half hour...he's expected to speak around ten o'clock. and later tonight, hillary clinton will be in the valley. she's she'll speak at the "sun devil fitness complex."the event starts at 6-30 p-m. a valley family was forced out of their home overnight.. when a fire broke out at their phoenix apartment complex.this happened near 24th street and union hills.firefighters say one home was word yet on what may have started this fire.the good news.. no one was hurt. 3
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? it feels like a kickoff to the holiday season. doesn't it? halloween is over. now it's on to stage two of your holiday weight gain -- thanksgiving. this is the day where everyone decides betweeoo to your family thanksgiving out just staying home and being happy. >> holidays don't have to be bad. >> exactly right. you can love your family and have fun! >> you can. >> i love thanksgiving. >> i do too. i do too. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? coming up in this half hour, the scandal rocking one of the country's biggest local donors. the investigation reveals a law firm could be funneling illegal
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other major candidates. plus tracking a medical mystery in seattle. a growing number of children have been hospitalized with symptoms similar to polio. ahead, one family's emotional search for answers after their son's death. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "wall street journal" said a pipeline fire in alabama caused a jump in gasoline futures prices. they shot up as much as 15% on the exchange yesterday. gas prices at the pump are expected to rise. >> britain's "guardian" says vladimir putin today order ten-hour cease-fire in the syrian city of aleppo. the pause would start on friday and russia says it gives fighters and rebels to leave the city. one group calling it a media
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on more cyberattacks linked to russian's government. hackers reached computers through a flaw in microsoft's system. a patch is set to be released next tuesday. the same hackers are blamed for stealing e-mails from the democratic national committee. >> the "new york post" says probably no one at the controls when malaysia airlines flight 370 crashed. a report issued by investigators today thinks the plane ran indian ocean. few traces have been found of the plane since it vanished in 2014. 239 people were aboard. a cluster of polio-like illness investigation is in washington state. two of nine case have been confirmed as a rare condition known as afm. one child has died. mireya villarreal is at the seattle children's hospital where three patients are being treated.
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the effect of children range in ages from 3 to 14 years old. all of them, all of a sudden, had a disabling pain in their arms and in their legs. and while afm is not contagious there is no cause or cure. the mother of one boy who died tells me it came without warning. >> i was really scared. what is going on? >> reporter: mary joe says her 6-year-old son daniel was always daniel died over the weekend, one of nine children in washington state recently exhibiting symptoms consistent with acute flaccid myelitis. it is weakness in one arm or legs and sometimes causes facial weakness and difficulty swallowing. >> he woke up and looked at me
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he couldn't cry because of his tear deducts. his brain wasn't letting him cry. >> to have nine potentially afm is concerning for me. >> reporter: the centers for disease control and prevention says as of september 89 people were confirmed to have afm this year and up 21 cases last year and the exact cause is unclear. >> but other common infections can do this or viruses that entero virus is the concern right now. >> reporter: gracy fisher was diagnosed with afm in 2014 when cases spiked even higher than this year. >> i began to feel a tingling in my hands and pain in my neck. and within five minutes, i couldn't walk. >> reporter: daniel's mother still doesn't know why her son
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>> we thought, you know, if we shared this with people, that somebody can give us an answer. >> reporter: once doctors get a clear picture of whether or not these case are afm, then they will start to investigate whether there is a link between these cases and start to ask parents what these children have eaten and where they have been and whether they have been exposed to any chemicals or pesticides that may have led to this condition. gayle? >> let's hope they can figure that out. thank you. hillary clinton's campaign is returning thousands of dollars in donations tied to what may be one of the largest straw donors scheme ever uncovered. it involves a smau law firm that has given money to many top democrats including senator elizabeth warren and senate minority leader harry reid and president obama.
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tony dokoupil is outside the law firm's office in boston. >> reporter: the thornton law firm is far from a household name but for years democratic politician walked through these doors behind mean' walked out with checks worth tens of thousands of dollars. the thornton law firm has just ten partners but dollar-for-dollar one of the nation's biggest political donors. according to the firm's own documents leaked by a these donations they matched the amount they gave. >> once they knew we had these record they didn't deny this was the case. >> reporter: hundreds and hundreds of times, a lawyer would donate money to a candidate or political party and then almost immediately be given back that very same sum? >> that is correct. if you give a donation and somebody else reimburses you for the donation that is a clear violation of the spirit and letter of the law at the federal
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>> reporter: federal law limits partnerships like thornton law firm to a maximum donation $2700 per candidate but a campaign fns watchdog said the firm used its individual donors. donating well above that legal limit. >> straw donor reimbursement systems are something the ftc and department of justice take seriously and people have gone to jail for this. >> reporter: the spotlight team center looked at donations from three of the 2010 to 2014. the trio and one of their wives gave $1.6 million mostly to democrats. over the stadium period received $1.4 million back in don united states. a thornton spokesperson said the donations are legal because they came out of each partner's ownership stake in the firm. in other words, they paid with their own money. it was a voluntary prime minister that only involved equity partners and their own
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donations. the firm said in a statement. >> a lot of money. >> it is a lot of money. >> reporter: massachusetts republicans are calling for an investigation. >> in the end, it's about restoring integrity to a process that folks are already extremely weary of. how confident are you this is an isolated program if only thornton does it? >> i am not confident at all. we have had a number of parties coming forward to us saying they do this at our place too. prove it? >> reporter: and "cbs this morning" has learned the nonpartisan campaign legal center will file a complaint with the federal election commission later today. in the meantime, senator elizabeth warren, who has received nearly $130,000 from this law firm since 2007 told "the boston globe" she won't return any of the money until the investigators find that the donations were illegal. >> fascinating. wow, tony. the plot thickens.
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man: a school that used to be run by pinal county sheriff paul babeu. disturbing. man: babeu's school was unlicensed, abusive, and dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices and even bragged about them. paul babeu is unfit to represent us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. archeologists in jerusalem believe they have uncovered the slab where jesus laid. the first time the holy rock has been seen in hundreds of few years. charlie d'agata shows us the surprising discovery. >> reporter: good morning. even getting access to such a
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national geographic was doing a documentary about the restoration of the shrine when archeologists were stunned at what they discovered. for believers, it is the holiest site in christianity. deep inside jerusalem's old city, the church of the holy -- the very tomb where jesus christ is believed to have been buried. you see in ecstasy as they go in and they are seeing something they believed in all their life. footage from the documentary through layers of marble and plaster and debris, centuries of destruction and reconstruction like peeling back layers of an onion. when they finally discovered this. a marble slab with a cross carved into its surface. thought to date back to the crusades of the 1500s in the original limestone burial bed revealed to be intact. >> it's amazing to see right
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looking. >> reporter: national geograp geographic's archeologist said his knees were shaking at the revelation. >> it is considered -- this particular shrine is considered the burial place of jesus, based on the fourth century a.d. records from the first roman emperor of the roman empire, constantine. i feel we are as close as possible to saying this is exactly the spot that consta burial of jesus christ. >> reporter: after 60 hours, the tomb was sealed back up, perhaps never to be reopened again. and you can get an exclusive look at the restoration project and more of what the archeologists found by watching explorer on the national geographic channel later this month. >> charlie, absolutely fascinating. love to see all that. >> does it get any better than that as an archeologist?
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>> look where we are, standing right there. >> very nice. an annual halloween prank turns parents into ghouls. >> i ate all of your halloween candy. >> what? [ screaming ] >> ahead, how kids took the news when told their halloween candy was all gone. such a good prank! >> very funny! >> i saw grace sneak into the closet and grab the giant bag and walk out of the room. i said where are you going with
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ection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. i love you so much. that's why i bought six of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. it not only softens and freshens...
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favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. them." vo: just one. this is my body of proof. them." vo: just one. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms.
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e number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. ask your rheumatologist about humira.
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i just wanted to let you know, i ate all of your candy. >> huh? >> i ate all of your halloween candy. >> it can't be gone! >> i ate it all! ha, ha, ha! [ screaming ] >> i hate you! he ought all te all of our cand that we worked so hard to get! >> you're just joking. >> i ate it all. >> no! >> yes! >> i'm really sorry. >> i hate you! >> i'm not -- i'm not happy, but i'm -- i'm -- are you -- i still love you. >> oh! >> i'm not happy but i still love you, what a nice way to end it. >> i'm mot happy. >> but i still love you.
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years ago where he gets parents to tell their kid the halloween candy is all gone, as you see kids still don't think that is cute or funny. >> they work hard as the one little one said. >> trick or treat is hard work! >> i'm sure that is heavily edited what some of the kids said to their parents. nearly everyone who wears contact lenses are somehow using them wrong. how the lenses can put your eyes in jeopardy. that is ahead on "cbs this morning." the great big toys"r"us book of awesome is finally here. in stores and online now! toys"r"us. awwwesome! i've been taking probiotics gx from nature's bounty to maintain healthy digestion and help with the occasional unwanted gas and bloating. so wherever i get stuck today, my "future self" will thank me. thank you. thank you. thank you. hang on, go go go back. thank you. do i get stuck in an air duct?
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nearly 50 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty ? we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ? now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges. once upon a time in the depths of your own cupboard
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looked alike until new tide purclean. "that label's not green, it's purely just chic." then why is she using it week after week? they realized then, it's not the label that flatters, but the power inside is what truly matters. new tide purclean, 65% bio-based, 100% cleaning power of tide. ? ? for millions of baby boomers a virus that's serious, like hiv, but it hasn't been talked about much. a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. that's because hep c can hide in your body silently for years, even decades, without symptoms and it's not tested for in routine blood work.
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good morning- it's 7:56, i'm yetta gibson. sheriff joe arpaio's upcoming contempt-of-court trial has been postponed.a district judge granted arpaio's request to delay the trial... because arpaio said he needed more time to prepare.the trial was supposed to begin december 6th. a new trial date has not been scheduled. charged with contempt... accused of defying another judge's order to stop his immigration patrols. he has pleaded not guilty. a pregnant woman is in the hospitla after being rescued from a burning car.this happened near 24th street and baseline.two cars crashed into each other.along with the pregnant woman three others were also taken to the hospital.they are expected to be ok.police are looking into what caused the crash. 3
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lisa lundskow: luke air force base is not only vital to our national security -- but also to our local communities and economy. georgia lord: senator john mccain has been a powerful advocate for the base, taking a bipartisan approach when securing the fighter pilot training program. lisa lundskow: thousands of jobs depend on luke. without john mccain's leadership and experience - we could have lost many of those jobs. georgia lord: without question, senator mccain's leadership has made arizona and america stronger.
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? good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, november 2nd, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead including both campaigns making their final pitches with six days to senator al franken campaigning for hillary clinton, he'll be here in studio 57 sitting at the table. we'll ask about why he opposes the merger with time warner. first, here is the eye opener at 8:00. suspected cop killer scott greene has been arrested, believed to have been behind the killings of two police officers. the strategy in this final week is coming into view. she is spending each day focused on a different part of her closing argument. they believe there is a
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for votes anywhere he can find them, even though it is in clinton's column. >> still a long shot, but changing a little bit. >> donald trump says there is a hidden vote out there. in the early vote, we're not seeing it. >> dramatic new video shows the bloody final moments of the oklahoma manhunt for a double homicide suspect. history is on the line tonight for the world series. >> 176 years of futility will finally be laid to rest. >> however it turns out, it has been a great series. i say it all boils down to what, charlie? >> talent on the field. >> okay. >> house speaker paul ryan told reporters today he voted for donald trump and i think we actually have a clip of paul ryan heading to the polls.
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>> well done, seth. >> i wonder if paul ryan is cracking up. that was pretty funny. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. police said suspect is in custody for the ambush style killing of two police officers. scott michael greene was captured on foot near des moines after hiding his vehicle in the woods. >> the first officer was shot overnight in urbandale, northwest of des moines. the second found in des moines about 20 minutes later. police say both victims were their patrol cars. in six days voters will choose a new president. a washington post abc news tracking poll out this morning finds hillary clinton and donald trump in a dead heat at 46% each. this poll was conducted between friday and monday. >> the candidates and the surrogates flooded the campaign trail yesterday, they tried to drive home their different visions for the country. >> who here wants to elect donald trump and mike pence and make america great again?
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about america's best days are behind us. >> he says this is a movement of the american people and the american people are going to make america great again. >> america's best days are still ahead of us. don't buy into that dark pessimistic vision. >> we will make america strong again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great decide who america is, what we stand for, have to stand up, reject cynicism, reject fear, reject meanness, choose hope. choose hope. choose hope. choose hope. >> hillary clinton will be in nevada and arizona today. donald trump campaigns in three cities in florida.
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clinton in battleground states like florida, ohio and pennsylvania. he's also an outspoken opponent of the proposed merger between at&t and time warner. he says it could lead to higher costs, fewer choices and worse service for customers. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> want to get to the merger in a little bit. first, the election is six days away. do you think this disclosure by the fbi director has led to a tightening in the polls? >> i don't i always thought this would be a close election. i'm kind of the poster child for close elections. >> 312 votes. >> yeah. that number rings a bell. and so that's why i've been going around the country and, you know, i've known hillary for 23 years, she's the smartest, toughest, hardest working person i know. and i trust her to do the job of president. >> yet she still has that problem, that perception of
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today as someone who has known her and what do you think she needs to do or can do to turn it around? >> well, i think it has been 25 years of attacks by the right. i think she made a mistake with the e-mails and she acknowledges it. but i know her. and i, again, i trust her to do the job. you know, when the decisions come to the president, they're decisions that only the president can make. i'm su days," cuban missile crisis, and it becomes clear very early that the president is the one. >> you doubt donald trump can make those decisions? >> i do not want -- i don't think he can. i think he's a man with a very short attention span. i think we have seen that. i don't think he is interested in policy.
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turnout is as someone who won by 312. so i'm urging all of my -- everyone who supports hillary to get out there and vote. >> one question about issues. health care, obamacare. is it a big issue? are people angry about it? >> there are some people who -- for example, minnesota. >> yes. >> have a right to be mad about the price on the exchange. people get their health care through the exchange about 4%, 5%. about 80% to 85% of them get subsidies for taxes, tax credit. so it doesn't -- and the benefits, 20 million people extra covered. you can't be turned down for pre-existing condition.
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can't hit a yearly cap, so you won't go bankrupt if you get sick. all of these -- and as far as health care costs, they have gone down at a -- we bent the cost curve as we talked about. and we extended the life of medicare by 11 yearsyears. >> the prices have gone up anywhere from 20% to 80% in many places. >> those are on the exchange. the people who have been hit that way have a right to be mad. but what i'm saying is, and when i said we bent the cost curve, you talk about getting it through your employer, those -- that -- the price of that and this is significant, because this is how most people get their insurance, has gone up at a much slower rate than it has anytime in 50 years. >> let's talk about the merger. >> go ahead. >> the merger.
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>> well, at&t has the pipes, so to speak. so it delivers content. it has directv, largest pay cable -- pay tv there is. 25 million, i believe. it has second largest mobile broadband, and increasingly people getting their tvs through that. buying for $85 warner which has the most -- some of the most desirable content that exists. >> why is it bad for the consumer? >> why is that bad? vertical integration and also hbo and cnn and cbs. >> but as nbc comcast merger which you led a fight against, did that hurt consumers? >> i think it did, yeah. it did. and the fact doj and department
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what at&t is saying will put conditions on us, the reason that comcast and time warner cable, separate company, didn't get approved, one of the big reasons they didn't get approval is that comcast did not obey -- did not go through with some of those conditions. and this raises prices for consumers. it always does. concentration, consolidation of the media is not good for consumers. decreases choices. >> exactly. and usually leads to worse service, even worse service. but in other words, now at&t buys this content, it can favor its own content on directv or through its mobile broadband, and also other deliverers of content will be -- >> jeffrey buicks, time warner
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spoke on friday. doesn't jive with the company's imperatives to offer the most channels for the best price and to have its own channels s to a wide a distributor as possible. >> we have a toothpaste and we don't want to get into duane reed. this is like having hbo and shaking down comcast. those are very different. and he said it, it would be like -- it would be like having cvs. and -- >> called vertical integration. >> and hbo isn't a toothpaste. hbo, you know, people can live without arm and hammer toothpaste. people -- >> yeah. >> we're out of time. >> if you really, really care
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the hbo -- hbo warner bros. -- >> we got to put the toothpaste back in the tube and get out on time or our producer will kill us. >> you're trained in that. analogy -- >> that's why i'm sitting at this table. thank you, senator. >> he'll speak up about it again. thank you very much for coming to the table. >> you bet. >> we appreciate it. could your contact lenses send you to the emergency room? you may be surprised at that answer. ahead, the biggest mistakes you can make in handling your contacts, senator franken, and
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doctor. what kind of mistakes do you make and what damage does it do to your eyes? i wear hard contact lenses which i've been wearing since i was 20. >> i wear soft. gayle wears soft. norah used to wear contacts but no longer, thanks to lasik surgery which is an option for most people as well. we make a lot of mistakes with contact lenses and some are obvious and some are not on obvious and good to mention what these are. >> the number one mistake obvi some are approved to extended wear. you can sleep in them but most of the ones we all wear and i would bet that certainly not rpg but my soft lenses are not designed for sleeping in. if you sleep in your contact lenses you may increase your risk of nasty infections that can cause vision loss. >> what about solutions? >> solution as well. people like to top off their solutions. you sort of take out your contact lens in the morning and
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it there and top it off with solution at the end of the day. >> i always do that. >> i never did that. always had to rinse it out! >> yes. you sort of throw it out after you let out your lenses and let it air dry. don't top off your solutions, gayle. also not wear your contact lenses too long. two week lenses should be worn for two weeks. don't try to get a month out of them. daily lenses, throw them out at the end of the day a to get several days out of them. the other thing i should mention is water. not swimming in contact lenses. water and contact lenses do not mix? >> shower? >> shower, hot tub. severe infections can occur. and so if you have to swim with your contact, you have to see while you're swimming, wear
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contact lenses and throw them out when you're done. >> what age appropriate is contact lenses? >> good bet. some kid, depending on maturity level can start earlier but 10 to 12 is a good time to start. >> probably wash your hands. >> wash your hands, absolutely! >> you do that, gayle? >> i have >> and dry out your container. >> i do have has hygiene despite what you may think of me. ahead, find out why bono is designated to a list reserved for women. i like this! you're watching "cbs this morning." we will be right back. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by visionworks. find more than a pair of
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it's holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed remember 2007? smartphones?
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also includes u2's bono. >> do you think naming a man changes the direction, the conversation at all? >> i think when a man is willing to say i care what happens to women and i'm willing to work for it, that is incredibly painful and bono has. he has put a lot of his own time and energy and real lives have been saved. >> the magazine recognized bono for the campaign he launched with one of his foundations. sure i don't deserve it. the battle for gender equality can't be won unless men lead it along with women. >> a new generation of drones is making waves for explorers. >> you've seen drones flying overhead. but now they are diving under water. >> the thing turns on a dime. >> reporter: we will show you
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remote-controlled technology coming up on "cbs this morning." good morning- good morning- 3 it's 8:25, i'm yetta good morning- it's 8:25, i'm yetta gibson. mike pence is making a campaign stop in mesa this morning.the republican vice presidential nominee will hold a rally at the mesa convention center.doors opened about a half hour ago...he's expected to speak about 90 minutes from now.we will stream it live on our website, clinton will be in the valley. she's holding a rally at a-s-u's main campus in tempe. she'll speak at the "sun devil fitness complex."the event starts at 6-30 p-m. a valley family was forced out of their home overnight.. when a fire broke out at their phoenix apartment complex.this happened near 24th street and union hills.firefighters say one home was word yet on what may have started this fire.the good news.. no one was hurt.
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vo: 13 year-old sabrina told a school counselor she was raped by her uncle. her counselor called sheriff joe arpaio's office. but arpaio failed to protect her. for three more years, sabrina's uncle continued to rape her - and arpaio did nothing. rapes, assaults, even child molestation, remain uninvestigated, while arpaio focuses on his personal agenda.
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hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of
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? welcome back to "cbs this morning.? coming up in this half hour, it's been just over two years since we lost robin williams. his wife susan schneider williams is with us today in our toyota green room and there in the purple. hello! ahead, why she believes a type of dementia is responsible for his death. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. britain's "guardian" says the pope thinks the catholic church will never have female priests. he commented yesterday on his plane. they explored lifting the ban
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duties of priest. "usa today" explores the best destinations of 2017 as chosen by lonely planet. nepal number five on the list. next is the mountainous caribbean eyelid of dominica. finland is third. second place close goes to colombia. first, drum roll. canada markets its 150th year. >> a great study. >> i love th canada. the celebration was on last night in chicago after the cubs, did you hear this? they beat the cleveland indians. the score was 9-3. so they are hoping their team will end a drought that has stretched back more than a century. >> wow. after being down 3-1 the cubs roared back to force a decisive
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wrigley field for what it means for the team and chicago. dean, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, to say the cubs have had difficulty in november and seasons past would be a serious understatement. but, hey, it's not october any more! and there's a decent chance, at least, that this team one day will be known as the victors of november. >> high flyball to left center. at the wall! grand slam! 7-0 chicago! >> reporter: in chicago, cub fans had a lot to cheer about last night. >> we are bringing home the trophy, baby! back to chicago, the trophy! ? >> reporter: the noise came from a very deep place. a centuries worth of disappointment is now a riot of
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>> into right field. this ball is out of here. >> reporter: for a team that last won it all during teddy roosevelt's administration, they will be looking to rewrite history in a winner take all final game. >> woo! let's go! >> addison russell. cubs have forced a game seven. >> reporter: and the cubs have the momentum for the first time in franchise history, they have won back-to-back elimination >> go go go! >> reporter: former chicago cubs linda and jim valer drove from arizona to watch the game from
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going to say? >> he was going to say one hell of a game. >> thank you, dean. just over two years ago, america lost one of its most beloved actors. robin williams died in august of 2014. he left us with many laughs and many memorable characters. >> good morning, vietnam! the water is boiling. >> hello! >> you do aol you do fossey fossey fossey, marriage graham, marriage graham or twila, twila! >> you saw what he did. >> who is the boss? >> i am. >> who is the boss? >> i am. >> don't mess with me, man, i'm a lawyer! 10,000 years will give you such
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ah-ha! nanu, nanu. ? hi. mind if i sit down? make your life spectacular. i know i did. you don't know about real love because it only occurs when you love something love yourself. and don't you ever love to anybody that much. thank you, boys. thank you. >> thank you. despite his larger than life spirit on screen, robin williams had several private struggles and his widow is sharing his story. susan schneider williams wrote an editorial for the journal
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brain and about her husband's final year. >> reporter: she describes his body with dah men that. she says it drove her husband to sued and she wrote it felt like he was drowning in his own symptoms and i was drowning along with him. lewy is hard to diagnose because symptoms similar to disease and alzheimer's disease. susan schneider williams joins us at the table for had he first tv interview since writing this. you write such he will defense about him. you were powerless in helping him see his own brilliance because so many people felt, at
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because he was sgrefdepressed. >> leyy body is so complex. depression came in only near the end. probably within a few months before he left. and it was not a predominant symptom. i think because he had had a prior history over seven or eight years prior where he did have depression but he hadn't had it that long but the tendency was to want to pick up that, you know, as the issue. but they didn't focus only on that. >> what did you see that made here? >> we were celebrating our second wedding anniversary and it was october of 2013. and robin started having gut discomfort. through that experience, you know, it turned out to be nothing. the test results on that were negative. we thought it might be div
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and his fear and anxiety spiked and sustained at a level that was very scary. so that was kind of the beginning really the way i see it. and the next ten months we just -- we were chasing symptom after symptom. and the thing about lewy body disease is the person is aware of that their abilities are declining. in alzheimer's, they are not aware. that is a marked difference and can really kind of add terror of this particular disease. >> how much of it is physical pain? i get the sense there is something going on inside of me that is just driving me? >> that is a great question, charlie. i don't know if i have the answer to that, really. because all of the different reasons the brain are affecting different things within us. i can't answer -- i don't know. i can tell you that in his autopsy, the coroner's report
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throughout all of his brain and brain stem. >> wow. >> nearly every region. >> what would you talk about? >> what would he talk about? >> yes. >> so what started to happen more and more was this issue around fear and anxiety. and his concerns over -- it got difficult for him to even interacting with people became very difficult. he would question things afterwards or during. and really in the realms of, you know, did i do okay? things that focused around insecurity >> schizophrenia? >> when we found out -- we thought we had the answer a few months before he left, he was diagnosed with parkinson's which is actually an accurate diagnosis but that was the clinical side. the pathologist was he had diffused lewy body disease which is what took him. we were in that doctor appointment with the general
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a name and what does this mean? robin asked in that appointment, do i have alzheimer's, dementia? am i schizophrenic? and it was painful later to realize why he was probably asking those questions, because he was likely keeping a lot of -- not necessarily the symptoms but the degree of symptoms to himself. >> you also wrote in this piece the caregiver is the ultimate key witness to the terrorism that theex loved one go through. 1 in 6 people affected by brain disease. what is your advice to other caregivers? you were there. >> just that they are not alone. remember they are not alone and also to remember -- and it's hard to hold on to this -- but to remember their loved one's symptoms are coming from the brain disease. it's not coming from their heart. >> right.
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to witness. yet, the caregiver is the witness because the person afflicted, they are losing their ability and they may not be able to verbalize. robin was losing verbal ability and finding words and weakness of voice. so it's difficult for them to say -- >> did you think he was in danger of taking his own life? >> not at all. nobody was. we had a whole medical team. no one saw that coming. >> i knew him as well, as you know. >> yes. >> in 25 laugh more than he did. i mean, it was rasemarkable. when es at a stage with you, he took you somewhere else and it was remarkable and we have all of that to remember. >> yes. >> thank you. here is a picture of you and him on your wedding day. >> so beautiful. beautiful. >> thank you. >> thank you, charlie. thank you. >> thank you, susan. you have helped a lot of people. >> i hope so. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this messsage. paul babeu oversaw a place of horrors students were denied basic human rights and were subject to sexual abuse. arizona deserves better. arizona's largest newspapers endorse tom o'halleran for congress. "the republic" says, "elect tom o'halleran. his words match his work." and "the daily star" said, "o'halleran puts the common good above party politics.
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wrecks and explore underwater life. benef >> reporter: it cuts through the water like fish and this remote reason controlled underwater drone can turn on a dime. t trident is the newest model to come out. >> we find it to be excellent at going a long straight line. >> reporter: while the technology is complex, the idea is simple. let anyone become an so-called citizen scientist. what are you hoping to accomplish? >> my hope we can get 10,000 more eyes in the water looking at parts of the world no one has ever seen before. in the past, exploration has always been something you see someone else do. it's always been a famous explorers who do their expedition and come back and show you what they found. >> reporter: it started in the
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james cameron developed a one-man sub to look at the highest deep part of the pacific defi seven miles down. >> technology has allowed us to give that to everyone. they have been used to find ancient mine the pottery mexico and antarctica under the ice and mt. everest. >> reporter: last year in lake tahoe they found the queen of the lake. >> we found this on a ship wreck not seen for 70 years. that was just awesome. >> reporter: we joined the team on a test run of the new model in monterey bay in central california's coast.
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>> we are over a case called metrini fields. >> reporter: hot weather caused an explosion. back at their lab in berkeley, they are hoping their start-up called open rov will also explode in popularity. rov means remotely operated vehicle. the software is open, so users can modify it to fit specific needs. they sold more than 3,000 of their first model and they cost about $900. >> we are building the largest global operation network in the world and it's powered by people. >> reporter: in september david lane spoke at john kerry's ocean conference in washington, d.c. he talked about open rov citizen scientists are making waves. while using her drone in 2014, laura james noticed sick and dying sea stars near her home in
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the devastation and sharing what she found with scientists. they believe it's climate change. >> science becomes more a headline. it's something people are engaged? >> reporter: they have create an online global community where a boy scout troop exploring a reef in the bahamas to t >> when i look at the water, i see not just the surface but the murky deep below and i want to know more about it. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, monterey, california. >> beautifully done. love to be there. >> yeah. you're watching "cbs this
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6th.a new trial date has not been scheduled.the sheriff is charged with contempt... accused of defying another judge's order to stop his immigration patrols. he has pleaded not guilty. mike pence is making a campaign stop in mesa this morning.the republican vice presidential nominee will hold a rally at the mesa convention center.doors opened about an hour ago... and he's expected
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and later tonight, hillary clinton will be in the valley. she's holding a rally at a-s-u's main campus in tempe. she'll speak at the "sun devil fitness complex."the event starts at 6-30 p-m. some people in buckeye are looking for answers about their sky high water bills. they went to city hall last night... demanding answers. they say so far all they've gotten are excuses..dozens of people say their bills suddenly spiked. most of them have been told by the city, a leak is likely to blame-- but they're not buyi. michelle mackillop, received high water bill says, "if the utility company is not willing to admit there could be another explanation other than leaks.. how can they begin to research this problem.. and how can they expect the people to believe they're trying to address the concern? " dave nigh, buckeye water resources says, "do we think people are wasting it intentionally.. absolutely not.. but we think that we need to identify where it is we know that it went through the meter.. so we have to try and help them find out where their issue is.. " the city has set up a hotline and an email dedicated to resolving these usage issues... and say while it may
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to everyone. a jury just awarded nearly 3 million dollars to the owner of a downtown phoenix parking lot... all because of light-rail construction john garretson owns the parking lot at jefferson and first streets -- across from talking stick resort arena.he sued the city of phoenix in 2006...after light rail construction cut off two of his driveways. garretson complained it decreased the value of his property.the jury agreed.
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paul babeu is abusive. physical and sexual abuse at a boarding school. woman: a school that used to be run by pinal county sheriff paul babeu. disturbing. man: babeu's school was unlicensed, abusive, and dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices and even bragged about them.
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( "the price is right" theme playing ) >> george: here it comes, from the bob barker studio at cbs in hollywood, it's "the price is right!" amy jones, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) markus rollins, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) michelle nicks, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) and sharon carter, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) you are the first four contestants on "the price is
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