tv CBS 5 News at 10 CBS November 5, 2016 10:00pm-11:05pm MST
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- you are being watched. the government has a secret system-- a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. i designed the machine to detect acts of terror, a a phoenix fire captain tells but it sees everything-- violent crimes involving ordinary people. the government considers these people irrelevant. us it was a gas explosion in an apartment complex and they have confirmed fatalities at the we don't. scene but the hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. this point, they are treating people who have suffered but victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you. payson for a mass casualty assignment, and we are hearing reports that the explosion shook part of the town. we have one of those people waiting on the phone and they will pass along any new - back in the day, people understood things like respect, information. actually, he was coming onto loyalty, honor. those days are gone. the phone with us - so what do you want to do?
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what did you hear and see? - have you located our quarry, mr. reese? - i have. at a place called grand. - good choice. - you know it? i heard something and came - haven't been back since they renovated, but the old grand served one mean rib eye. i heard a loud banging sound. - so our guy has expensive taste, huh? it was just moments before i - the man he works for certainly does. george massey owns several local establishments, but he's better known for his less reputable enterprises, i came along the corner and on the highway and i saw a giant including loan sharking, money laundering, extortion. on z?rich street. >> mike, we heard from other people that the blast shook the - i suppose if the city's gonna have organized criminals, they should at least be diverse. massey runs his businesses with his son eddie. town, could you feel it? - and our guy? - riley cavanaugh. no living family and no education past high school. >> i mean i could hear - - feel the only job he seems to have held is driving a truck for a company owned by massey. appears to have been an associate of massey's for several years. - what kind of associate? - the kind that gets the attention of the machine.
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- something happening? - yeah. lunch. >> i'm not there now, i left several emergency crews could go jobs, they have their hands full and there were so many people blocking the highway, so, i left. >> incredible, michael, thank you and stay safe, of course we - did you talk to the owner of that new bar on 35th? - we were gonna drop by later today. tonight - good. let me know if i need to get involved. election related incidents, [phone beeping] - what's this? trying to take my job? - sorry. you looked busy. - your server will be with you shortly. unless you want his job too. - yours will do for now. also new tonight, long winds wines at the polls - how's your lunch, george? everything okay? - oh, al, it's great. high-profile circuits for trump i can't even remember what the old place looks like. and clinton in the valley.
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- yeah, some things do change. confusion over arizona ballots. lauren explains. but some don't. for instance, you and me. - i know i'm behind, george, but just give me-- election, the supreme court is - behind? you're a little more than behind. - we were down for three months with the remodel, voting procedure - - procedures making it illegal for people to and people aren't going out to eat like they used to. - yeah, i know. i know. and it was made legal 24 hours well, here's the thing. before. >> on friday, a court of you can spend all your money on your fancy fixtures appeals that makes it a family - - as long as you keep paper in my pocket. felony to transport a ballot, 420 hours it was legal to go understand? - yeah. ballots. >> we were aware that it could yeah, i understand. - good. because, uh, next time... be reversed on a dime. >> reporter: the supreme court i'm not gonna be the one who's stopping by. reversed that decision, making it again illegal. >> a little bit of whiplash. - it'll be me. >>
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disenfranchises certain democratic groups. >> young people, women, - looks like our associate is massey's enforcer. elderly, people who are working - and by "enforcer," you mean he's our perpetrator? - annie, hang on. come here. hey. what's going on? you don't say hello anymore? - sorry, george, i'm kind of busy. - you know, i've been thinking a lot about you lately. - yeah? should i be flattered or scared? - come on. >> th a in the public you don't have to you know? whether or not you've found somebody to fend off those cold nights yet. - why? you offering, george? accidentally you violate civil - - civil - - civil liberties. 'cause now i'm really scared. - [chuckles] hey, i'm a married man. >> it is likely they will all you gotta be more respectful. - and i'm the widow of one of your guys, in case you forgot. come to drop ballots off on so back at ya, george. - hey. that they indeed picked up what happened to sean was tragic,
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ballots while it was legal. >> and officials are hoping he worked for you, george. - yeah, but his debts were his own. he was a degenerate gambler, and it got him killed. the lines short on tuesday, tuesday, but, they are you had better learn to accept that, annie. expecting a big rush. there are 2 million registered - i do, but i also remember that sean was the sweetest guy in the world until the day he started working for you. cast early ballots, election officials select but for 60,000 so degenerate or not, i'll always miss him. voters two weeks - - show up on i wonder who's gonna miss you when you're gone, george. tuesday and some believe another voting fiasco could turn voters off. decide not to vote because they don't want to wait in line and - you take care, annie. i hope people have the opposite reaction. >> to avoid being stuck in line at the polls, it is recommended let's get the hell outta this dump. - and who on earth was that youngng lady? to avoid peak voting our - - - the hostess. got some brass. 11:00 until 1:00 and finally, just served george more than his lunch. finally, 4:00 until 7:00 a as people had to the polls
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people waited for hours. this resident living in california waited six hours to get through the line this afternoon and people who lined - give me five minutes. up around 8:00 in the morning voted around 2:30 this - they're cautious. they check their phones at the bar nevada to indiana, voters before talking business in the back. - actually, that may help us. hour or more for an early vote. if the phones are close together, i can use riley's as a host... a wefu political foes campaigning for clinton and trump, today, - still need ears in that back office. - what do you suggest? - improvising. in phoenix. >> i really believe that on tuesday, the pundits will be - hey, what the hell is wrong with you? - right now, that look on your face. nothing another drink won't fix. megaphone to speak to the - get him outta here. keeping our mouth shut - - shut. >> trump compared his
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- i'll know in a minute. molester and called him super low energy. for weeks, because it has been traveling the states like colorado and iowa on trump's behalf and the retired neurosurgeon talked about - this thing with annie. back and - - a formal care act - forget about it, pop. - forget about it? you heard the way she spoke to me today. bringing up that idiot husband of hers in public. mother - - with another plan. used to be people had some respect. to do it and i have been in contact with officials and we have some dynamite plans and you will see them on tuesday. - maybe i should pay her a visit. - why? >> trump says he hopes carson you got some special way of getting through to her? - i can tell her to drop the subject. administration and people here - does she look like the type who would drop anything? - i don't know, pop, riley can be pretty persuasive. [chuckles] - okay.
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it off. - but not to shut her up. bringing bernie sanders to the to make her disappear. rally to campaign on her behalf and sanders will be at central high school in phoenix at 11:45 - i don't know, boss. - don't know? new information on a don't know what? - she's the widow of one of the boys. disturbing kidnapping and serial murder case out in south carolina, carolina, the might hurt morale. - morale? an whose morale are you worried about? confessed to seven murders. theirs? our reporter is here with the latest. or mine? - okay, boss. 13-year-old unsolved case. involved for people who were i'll take care of it. - okay. see that you do. murdered at a motorcycle shop two years after his release take eddie. from prison here in arizona. the sheriff is also saying that use the pearl. don't leave a trace. gravesites on his property.
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is going after the girl from the restaurant. - the hostess? annie? that she watched him shoot her - she just became his next target, and he just became mine. boyfriend, charles carver. >> she was there, she knocked on the door, she witnessed this. >> reporter: kayla brown was - mr. reese, i assume i don't need to remind you these are dangerous men you're following. - i've taken all precautions, finch. like a dog. >> i wouldn't you find anything on annie? i would not leave my dog in a she was widowed nine months ago when her husband sean delaney container with no lights. was found shot to death in brighton beach. - that was russian territory then darkness. before elias took it all over. not the place to be if you're one of george's crew. you have an address for her? - 1424 east 39th. you're headed in that direction. he was 18 when he was accused of forcing a 14-year-old girl into his home at gunpoint and
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he is expected back in court in january. investigators say that the work - quietly. is far from over. - yeah, but how? the old man said no trace. - i'll handle it. you just keep an eye out and be ready to help with the body. - are you hearing this, mr. reese? - don't worry, finch. 100% - - we will not stop until i'll make sure they don't get anywhere near her. more evidence to go over. >> the sheriff says that the [phone rings] warrants have been drawn up, someone's calling riley. - no, it's george calling eddie. charging him with motorcycle - yeah? - don't talk, just listen. ight, 2000 people are reported as i want you to handle that other business that we talked about. riley. - you sure? are trying to solve more cases. - you heard him today, eddie. i gave him a chance to come clean, he didn't take it. county medical examiner's office hosted a missing in i can't trust him anymore. friends of people who so he goes. then the girl. disappeared, experts believe family members could provide now can you handle this, or do i need to? the missing pieces that they need. >> it could be
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photo, fingerprint, dna. and this is an opportunity to [phone beeps] get those ask - - those samples, share experiences, get - what's up? - nothing, the old man was just checking in. you know how he gets. took dna and information from dozens of people and they ended up solving nine different cases - yeah, i do. for missing persons. - we may have this one wrong, finch. riley might be the victim after all, but i think i'm too late. - too late? the window and fell into murky water. emergency crews gave that child [gunshots] [tires screeching] hospital for treatment but it was too late. a fence around the pool was closed and the window the boy fell out of was inside of that what was that? - hang on, finch. fenced area. a train derailment under investigation, real cars fell over in phoenix this morning, no one was hurt and tonight,
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making - - repairs. steps to encourage veterans to get help when they need it. [line ringing] - mr. reese, he's calling annie. [phone rings] - hello? - hey, it's me. - hey. you okay? you sound stressed. - i'm fine. annie, listen. something's gone wrong. george--he must have found out about you and me. - what? are you sure? - yeah. pretty sure. i just had to kill eddie. - oh, my god. - annie, it's gonna be all right. - all right? you just killed george massey's son. - just listen, annie. please, just go to our place and wait. i'm gonna make a quick stop, and then i'll be there. okay?
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- i love you. - i love you too. you love all-day breakfast. i love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites all day. - did i just hear that right? our enforcer is in love with the woman he was sent to kill? i love mcgriddles... - yeah. hey buddy! which means we now have two people to protect, finch. pggggggghew! or forgetting what you're about to do. wait...what was i about to do? or when people who say you look like... fact. people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. gentle, non-habit forming advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. the foot-care experts at amope introduce the latest fashion secret to turn your heels into sneakers. new gel activ insoles. made with ultra-thin concentrated gel, they even fit into slender shoes.
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? ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? >> a story that we've been following for years, tragic suicide rates among veterans. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ... kicked off a lot of high school games... ... built a life for my family... ... and liked to help others in need. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor story on the topic. and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes her best friend served as an causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain, ven severe diabetic nerve pain. - in afghanistan. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. to take his own life and she tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. i have seen firsthand how much don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you.
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now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and it's great to help others get back on their feet. ask your doctor about lyrica. are working on, with violence prevention and community safety organization saying an elderly - mr. reese, has riley met up with annie yet? - not yet. - there must be some other way to locate her. >> our elderly population is at - maybe, but george will be gunning for both of them. - yes, but annie is the innocent victim in this equation. risk for suicide. it is often a forgotten group. - are you saying we should protect annie but not riley? are working - - looking into at risk for a man like that. he's a killer, mr. reese. - so was i, finch. - i think there's a distinction to be made. - not as much as you think. - well, he's a desperate man running out of time, and it unveiling through and george won't be the only one after him. the eyes through the - - of a the police will be looking for eddie's killer as well. - guess it's time to put our two detectives to work. >> reporter: she volunteered [phone rings] to serve in world war ii. >> this was a good opportunity. - carter. - morning, detective.
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clark field the day after it - i'm sending you the location. was bombed. his mother received a telegram - why? what's there? - shows his face, we'll take him out. - absolutely. - a body. baroque and heartbreaking, but he woke up in the mark - - more [dial tone] - [sighs] - finch, george's men are already at riley's apartment building. crawled out. >> some people don't know the he must know about eddie. - which means they'll be looking for annie too. - we need to make sure she's not at her place. finch? - no, that's all right. on earth. yes, i'll call you when i get there. through. >> reporter: he dressed in his blue and pinned on 13 metals one by one. [dog whining] he asked his daughter to take it's okay. him to the park. >> they have done a fantastic i'll be fine. [siren wails] - see if you can put a rush on those plates. job. in my
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e system, i want to know as soon as you do. - all right. - you got it. - detective szymanski. will be completed and phase two it's good to see you back on active duty. and veterans can be - you know, i thought about dying, but i realized memorialized by loved ones who i couldn't afford it on a detective's salary. what are you doing here? - heard there was a body. - already? - homicide task force doesn't mess around. what you got? - it's a car wreck. the deceased is eddie massey. - not good. i hear his dad's got a temper. parade honoring desert shield - under the influence, yes, but not alcohol, hollow points. two in the side, close range. started in 2005 and it grows - well, his weapon's still holstered. shooter must have taken him by surprise. his passenger? - sounds right, airbag deployed. taking over the valley. the half man - - marathon only goes off if someone's riding shotgun, or in this case, .38 caliber. then the five k and 10 k start - well, if the shooter was in the car, eddie probably knew who he was. at 8:00 and 9:00. >> and this will have a major let's see what we got here.
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washington and jefferson downtown through the capital ral missed calls. building and central avenue and - somebody's looking for him. - probably his dad. and ashley martino is in the - yup. going to need a jacket? >> do you have your gear ready? [lock clicking] >> yes, lindsay is running in this tomorrow. >> it will be chilly. - annie's already gone. yes, you will need a jacket. - anything to tell us where she went? - i'm looking. i'm looking. 72 at 9:00 in the morning. clear skies, sunshine, a light breeze coming out of the west, 82 degrees is the afternoon high, 71 degrees is where we set right now, dewpoint at 53 as well, and temperatures up north, 34 degrees in's - - - any luck? flagstaff, 85 in sedona, 45 in - nothing yet. show low, 56 in kingman and 51 if they've got a secret meeting place, she's hidden it well. very light.
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now. we have pushed all of the oh, of course. - well, just don't get caught hanging around. over new mexico, sitting along - i don't intend to. - did you reach our detectives? colorado right now, it is sending some heavy rain into - i got them both on the job. - detective szymanski. to the east. high pressure will develop for - george, this is detective carter. us over the next several days to warm temperatures and keep - i heard about the incident you had a few months ago. us dry and keep the weather feared we might have lost you. makers moving into the pacific northwest, - george, i'm afraid i've got some bad news. in mesa, 81 in gilbert, 81 in dead. - i'm aware. phoenix, 85 in peoria and - [scoffs] you don't seem too upset about the news. surprise. in flagstaff, a high of 62 - we all deal with grief differently, detective. degrees tomorrow, 74 - mm. how are you dealing with yours? degrees in sedona, 86 degrees - find my son's killer, and you'll see. of the week, 6 degrees above - george, when was the last time you saw eddie? an expected high of 86 and - yesterday. we had lunch, came back here. tuesday, tuesday, election day, - any idea what he was doing out so late last night
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- couldn't say. - he received a call shortly before the crash. was it from you? - you know, instead of badgering me, shouldn't you be out there trying to find out lower 80s for the afternoon who killed my son? highs, in the morning, - where's your crew? - my what? - well, your son was just gunned down, the valley. >> 81 degrees by friday. maybe by a rival gang. i'd expect you to have some protection. kids love big wheels. - i can take care of myself. - i'm sure. or you already know who the shooter is, today they got to crawl all and your boys are out looking for him. - rest assured, detective, cause. > for eddie's murder, you'll never know. - [scoffs] [cell phone rings] - yep. [indistinct tv chatter] - merry christmas.
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l show up. when they do, i want to know. - mr. reese, i may have found something. - that's good, finch, because i may have lost something. - annie was very careful not to leave any clues as to her and riley's meeting place, but... maybe there is one. her laptop wallpaper is a view of the city from a photo she took. - okay. - by measuring the alignment i was able to determine the geographical coordinates of the spot where it was taken, approximately 50 feet above sea level. - great, now does any of that voodoo produce an address? - 460 eckford. and it's trigonometry. - how do we know that has anything to do with riley? - because... [tapping keyboard] 460 eckford is his first known address. it's where he grew up. - so he brought her home.
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- how did george find out? - it doesn't matter, we gotta go. i gotta get you on a train and as far away from here paul babeu is abusive. as possible, annie. - me? - yes. - you mean us. i'm not leaving without you. - annie. - you said you wanted out of the city. you said we'd find some wide open place out west and start over together. - they're looking for me. it's too dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. - i won't do this without you. i can't. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school - yes, you can, annie. now listen, okay? i'm gonna--annie. - no, no! you listen to me. rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices after sean died, you came by the restaurant. and even bragged about them. you remember? house majority pac is responsible - yeah. - and then my water heater broke. just exploded, water everywhere. - yeah, and you called. - i didn't think you'd even remember, but you said you'd be right there, and you were. of course you were next to useless, splashing around in water up to your ankles. loosening this, tightening that. - hey.
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i love that. knowing i can count on you, i need to know that. so i don't care who knows or how dangerous it is. i'm not going anywhere without you, not ever. okay? okay? - okay. let's get going. - okay. the annual touch a truck event gives kids a chance to meet the people who build, what's in there? - savings. it's enough money to get us wherever we need to go. >> cute little kids and really big trucks. >> i was here when we first no. no, no, no, no, no, no! [cell phone rings] fundraiser and we got to see the school from an idea to - not what you were expecting? something where we have 36, - george. >> - you didn't know i knew about your stash, huh,
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tractor-trailers, trucks, - how about my son back? - i'm sorry, george, express mobile food bus all on but eddie didn't give me a choice. display for kids to climb into - well, you can apologize to him yourself in a moment or two. or onto and honk the horn. [gunshots] - get down! - mr. reese? - come on! [gunshots] [grunting] developing the potential of women and volunteerism. >> a fundraiser for league programs that includes building a healthy arizona. >> kids in the kitchen helps - finch, george's men tried to ambush them. riley's with annie on the run. - do be careful, mr. reese. and staying healthy. >> reporter: others use science, education, grocery distribution, and lessons on how to create healthy meals on - [grunts] thanks for the tip, finch. million into the community and 400,000 hours of community
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and today they feed imaginations of children. - i'll survive. - what about annie and riley? - i'm not sure. out and be creative and turned dreams into reality. they can really get to be the firefighter, construction worker, police officer, and they get to talk to people who do that every day. >> thank you. @we have much more coming tonight including some scary moments for donald trump after he was rushed off the stage in
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- prints taken off eddie's car belong to riley cavanaugh, - oh, no wonder george wasn't sweating. he was looking for one of his own. - one of the building tenants said she saw a guy matching cavanaugh's description, leaving the building with a woman, could be a hostage. we are continuing to follow - what do we know about him? - he's a suspect in three mob-related hits over the past two years. he's a stone-cold killer. gas expert - - explosion at an [cell phone rings] we gotta find him, take him down. apartment complex, there are szymanski. yeah, we got it. okay. scene. and at least five more people
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>> several ambulances and helicopters were sent up for what they labeled a mass casualty assignment. and we are hearing reports that happy birthday. - how did you know? the explosion shook parts of payson. we will continue to pass along - reconsidering your decision to protect riley? - no, just thinking i should grab a new shirt. app. to the race for the white house, donald trump rushed off - he shot you, john. - it wasn't personal. the stage by secret service in broke up - - broke out, he did of finding them. [phone rings] yes, detective? - your partner, mr. tall, dark, and fearsome really got massey steamed. - meaning what? his speech. and marquez latest from the - meaning he put a bounty on cavanaugh and the broad. - how much? - a million. trump off the stage in nevada - keep me informed. [click] on saturday night. if detective fusco is correct, a young man quickly taken into annie and riley will have every hired gun in the city looking for them. - george is too small of a fish
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y-wide. stopped. >> reporter: he thanked the - and who would he reach out to for that kind of help? supporters. >> you are amazing guy thank you. - see what you can do. - where are you going? - george took the money riley was gonna use to start over. he'll need to get more before they leave town. you. - i think i know where they might go. to win the white house, because of his supporters. [phone rings] and another scare, a car - hello, carter. was going to the airport, one - he's protecting an innocent woman. - why didn't you tell me this earlier? - because i needed you to question george massey. - you mean distract him. what about the woman? - annie delaney. right now, riley's her best protection. - yeah, well, szymanski's also looking to take this guy down. and katy perry also was there. >> we will make sure america lives up to the promise for - which is exactly why i need you to stay with him, to make sure that doesn't happen. every person, especially our children. >> the race may be - you want me to derail a homicide investigation. anything else?
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more than they expected. and they are trying to get young voters to the polls - this is all i have on hand. i can go to the bank if you need more. - no, al. this is great. i'll pay you back every cent, i promise. philadelphia. >> an officer noticed a man - annie, some men came by earlier, george's men, asking for you. - what did you say? one officer confronted him, a - the truth. i hadn't seen you. - i don't know how to thank you, al, arrested for carrying a firearm everything you've done for me. - annie, are you sure you're okay? without license and for resisting arrest. silent witness needs yo who has hit several businesses k you. in the east valley, this is video of that suspect, he goes to the cashier and appears to - finch, someone's trying to collect the bounty have a weapon. on riley and annie. he demands money and then walks out. it all happened in less than 30 - we gotta go! seconds. >> he is hitting numerous locations and he has a weapon or is simulating a weapon and that is dangerous for anyone involved, we
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streets. >> he has rub stores, and hotels in phoenix, in chandler, and in tempe. investigators also need finch, i found riley and annie, and so have the bounty hunters. any luck with our old friend? - i'll have an answer for you shortly. head to toe cardinals gear. - the gate. [buzzer, gate opens] here he was seen entering the walgreens, everything appears to be normal, he gives the - you guys can go. clerk cash for his purchase and the clerk is the register and the something under his shirt and demands the money. so i'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, mr. crane, is it? you obviously know something about me, but i know nothing about you. with a slight lift. a san antonio police - the man i work with saved the life of someone close to you, charlie burton. a homeless man a sandwich with fecal matter in it. - [sighs] misunderstanding. so you're the boss. now he is out of a job. investigators say he picked up i suppose i, uh--
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man, he said it didn't happen and he just made a joke about as well as my current accommodations. - i trust you're keeping yourself busy, mr. elias. >> he believes in fighting to clear his name. certainly your control of the city's criminal enterprises appears undiminished. - well, being stripped of all possessions get his job back. the homeless man involved in eliminates a lot of distractions. the case has not been found. i've got time to read, to think, to play chess. though, you know, finding a worthy opponent corrections announced it will has been a little challenging. address concerns of neighbors. the facility will now on the me? - we need help with a minor boss whose organization may not be under your control yet. accept ex-convicts who are participating in drug rehab and they will only be able to leave george massey. - i heard about his son. meetings. new changes come after they our friend john's handiwork? - no, one of his own men. stopped admitting sex offenders fallen under our protection now. because neighbors complained. another wrong way driver massey's put a million-dollar bounty on him and the woman he's with. - ah, yes. so flashy. chase across the valley, we
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got that driver into custody. there's so much more to be gained by staying the early my - - morning to out of the limelight, in the background. those are the people you have to watch out for. - indeed. gilbert to downtown phoenix. we thought he might reach out to such a man initiate a traffic stop. for help. if so, we hoped we could convince you to withhold your assistance. and the us 60 and loops - - - so you want me to shut down massey's little hunting party? gilbert w and the man was ultimately stopped with a pit maneuver, even so, everything does come with a cost. suspect's car with his own car, - i assumed there would be. what is it you want? pit maneuver. one of our officers ended the - well, as i said, i have no need of possessions. chase. you could see it behind us. >> reporter: murphy took the suspect down, murphy is a k-9
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number of churches. - will be leaving from track 35 in approximately five minutes. - i'm gonna go get some tickets, okay? - i'll go with you. - no, no. just stay here. weather, we are seeing - mr. reese? - go ahead, finch. - i believe our bounty hunter problem has been neutralized. fairweather clouds out there, a nice breeze, temperatures are getting cooler, 71 in phoenix, - you actually got elias to help us out? - yes, he's made george's bounty forbidden fruit. anyone going after it will have to answer to him. 34 degrees in flagstaff, you will be at the freezing mark - as a reminder, please do not leave your bags-- and dry and we've pushed the weather makers out of the state ? ? and we are now allowing for - looks like someone didn't get the message, finch, and we will be seeing the storm and he's still gonna try to collect. [indistinct radio chatter] to the north, that will keep ? ? our temperatures above the seasonal average. walking you through the day, temperatures start in the sixties, 80s by by 11:00, - over there! - [screams] [crowd yelling]
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m? week coming up in your seven - no, the bounty hunter took annie. day forecast. >> ashley, thank you. and huge balloons that were gliding through manhattan, not easy can - - to control. she's gone. thousands of handlers work lips appear to age faster than other skin. no worries! now there's chapstick total hydration. that this is a success. it's 100% natural, age-defying formula is clinically proven windy has more information. >> state to the outside. to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. chapstick. put your lips first. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads... here... here... or here. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. supervising those behind the its wireless remote lets you control the intensity. this year he is giving orders and helps you get back to things like... this... this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. >> you don't want to be the one
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( ?? ) will be a challenge for me. >> reporter: they also had ? they tell me i'm wrong ? charlie brown and the trolls ? to want to stand alongside my, my love ? and a pair of smaller balloons. ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? felix the cat and trixie, monitored after the parade directors pooch. >> we have developed accordion lakes. >> there are 70 handlers which have multiple designs keep the balloons study and the crowd safe. >> it is not easy to learn the ropes. >> there you go. >> reporter: they are hooked. >> it is amazing. >> different from what i saw. >> they hope it will be even more awesome come thanksgiving day. >> families staying grounded before taking off. why more travelers are being
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so that's where riley's headed. [phone rings] - yes, detective? - yeah, massey's on the move. - do you know where he was headed? - no, he must have slipped out the back. - okay, call me if he returns. [grunting] - who the hell are you? - someone who knows what you're up against. - yeah? what do you know? - i know you shot eddie to save annie. and i know you've been protecting her since her husband was killed. traveling can be stressful for people and that's why russians, right? religious chapels are becoming common and airports. - that's right. - strange they'd kill him when he still owed them so much money >
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unless maybe the russians didn't kill sean. morocco for business. maybe it was someone else, a 12 hour journey began here of someone who wanted to make it look like they did. - [grunts] - a professional. someone like you. >> reporter: a small mosque filled with travelers and employees. and intended - - attendance is - sean was skimming to pay back the russians. growing. >> it is important to have a space like thi - george had him killed, but the hit-- it was you. way. >> reporter: the islamic - after sean, george had me keep tabs on annie. center and protestant church are side-by-side in the fourth he had a thing for her. terminal and this father heads he also wanted to make sure she didn't ask too many questions.
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skies. >> this is a city that employs - annie doesn't deserve any of this. she just wants to get away from here and start over. - but she doesn't know about sean. do you really think you can run away from that? >> reporter: the father spends most of his time reaching out - no. he calls it sweeping the i know what i am. terminal. but i also know that she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, directions and others want and i will do whatever i gotta do to save her. more. >> people get very stressed when they enter the airport. the chapel is a place of peace. >> reporter: for many it is time well spent. >> whatever calms you down. - well, if you go charging in at george half-cocked, the maker of new tele- you'll be dead before you can even do her any good. [siren wails] come on, we need to move. from desert topping to a spread. a bid to lower the serving size come on. the current serving is 2
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size with fewer calories might - what now? - we consider our options. shooting at cops isn't one of them. a jar from supermarket cells. - you got a better idea, let's hear it. sneaky semantics is what that is. >> yes it is. [cell phone rings] - excuse me. a machine - - a washing - yes. - carter. - how's it going, detective? machine is supposed to freshen your clothes but one woman says - szymanski's got a dragnet out for your hit man. i suggest you steer clear for a while. - well, that's gonna be a little difficult. - don't tell me you're with him. - okay, i won't, but i still need your help. >> reporter: a - john, this guy killed eddie massey. based out of carolina. they are aware of the moldy - well, i'm sure the d.a. will take that into consideration. situation but they also want to - this isn't about helping riley, it's about saving annie. look, if i'm wrong... >> i do laundry three times per i'll turn him in to you myself. week. >> reporter: gloria uses this - [sighs] frontloading washing machine. >> reporter: i wanted a top i got a tip! one of my c.i.s saw cavanaugh over near 43rd and 10th. it is hard for me to lift stu
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- you got a detective in your pocket? washer makes it easier to get - more like on my back. - suspect reported near 43rd and 10th. [sirens wailing] with an unwanted side effect. - let's go. >> a sour, rotten smell. >> reporter: and odor we could finch, i've got riley. we're going to get annie. barely stomach when we showed - well, you won't find her at george's pub. detective fusco said he left in a hurry. - where would george take annie? musty smell that has been in her machine since the first day and - the pearl. - the what? >> the minute they get wet, it went under, but he kept it for--uh, for other business. they smell really rotten. >> reporter: gloria and her - like making bodies disappear. husband thought it was you know this place? connected to the water, so, - yeah. - let's go. they installed a water softener and changed detergent but nothing seemed to work and finally she recently pinpointed the problem. >> i believe it is mold around the rubber in the front of the washer. >> reporter: she believes a
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moisture and creating a sour smell, cleaning the wash machine with bleach does not help. >> i try to wipe it down with bleach but it does not help and it smells. >> reporter: gloria is not alone. this government website lists a number of complaints and one consumer said that the frontloading washing machine is mold the inside of the rubber casing other manufacturers under class action lawsuits after the same problem. frigidaire was not part of that lawsuit or the settlement. >> i just heard about that. mine was doing this. >> reporter: she contacted (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens
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with them. >> reporter: we reached out to but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses the parent company electrolux, they told us that to help to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. the door open to allow it to dry, glorious as she will try anything at this point because she is not sure how much longer she can take that deplorable odor. >> i use it, but it it is mold and i'm thinking is this going to cause a problem if i keep using it and i don't do anything and i don't get rid of the mold in their? >> reporter: - - if i don't get i don't get rid of the mold inside. >> reporter: they recommend (chuckle) ( ?? ) even work? we will check in with gloria come on, dad.
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they tell me i'm wrong ? ? to want to stand alongside my, my love ? i'm gary harper, three on your side. we are talking about how ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? lindsay is getting ready for ? talkin' 'bout my, my love ? you ready, dad? ? whoa-ooh ? ? ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? ? whoa-ooh ? but i will be watching from the for person of interest provided by... house. >> she finished. who says i shouldn't have a soda everyday? >> yes, gorgeous weather, my doctor. my dentist. definitely my wife. wait, i know what i want. lower 60s in the valley around and drink 43% more water every day. 7:00 and outside is 71 degrees, sodastream. love your water. our eyes...they have a 200-degree range of sight... with calm wind, humidity at 53% which is good for me hey! ... and bad for the barkley twins. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. with our most vitamin d three ever. low, 31 in prescott, we are nice and dry and we've seen an area of low pressure that continued to bring showers
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into sunday with a chance to - what about her boyfriend? in and the ridge of pressure, - last i saw, he was running for the door. - why am i not surprised? that's okay. way and we will break it all i'm gonna catch up with that coward soon enough. - so i suppose i'll be taking my money now. system and we will cool temperatures back down by the end of the week, a little bit - the million was for the both of them. - i'll settle for half, we do see severe some - - unless you think that's unreasonable. thunderstorms associated with - what the hell, i'm in a good mood. the area of low presse bringing rain from seattle through portland, through the pacific northwest, and the - hey, what do you think you're doing? south is staying nice and dry, - bringing your boss a present. i believe i'm due a reward. go back and forth between - you know that none of this needed to happen, right? temperatures, we have a system that is wreaking - - bringing i wanted to help you, annie. and what did i get? off and on showers to the area gratitude? no.
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and temperatures tomorrow will range from 79 to 85 degrees, 62 you were right on that score. is what you will see, 70s for payson, 72 in sedona, 86 in you see, sean was not only a degenerate gambler, bullhead city, temperatures are warm, warm, 86 on monday, 88 he was also a thief. i gave him what he deserved. - and you call riley a coward. - riley. yeah. did riley ever tell you--? the lower 80s starting on no, of course not. thursday afternoon. the - what really happened to sean. trading unfamiliar territory. - let her go, george. entering the first weekend of november, arizona is still - well, look at that. - anybody moves, i'm shooting you first. searching for the first league victory. arizona does not have enough - hey, good to see you, kid. horses on defense. yeah, you know, you just saved me 500 grand. - are you okay, annie? chasing the game, far from - oh, she's fine. we were just having a little conversation about sean.
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arizona is down 24-0. this one - he won't have to. is simply awful, arizona gets hammered 69-7. and at the start, the bulldogs host number four, nick fitzgerald, 60-yard touchdown, bulldogs lead 21-7. and christian kurt is making things happen on the punt - [grunts] - take annie, go for the kitchen, i'll cover you. - no! you're closer. game, a chance to chat - - to - aah! - go! take care of annie! tie, bulldogs with a stoner - [grunts] start - - stellar start. - we have to move. - i'm not leaving without riley. - annie, go. go, it's okay. i will be right there. [gunshots continue] division title. and kurt will go with what he go! happen.
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pieces that he has, a good game plan, executing that plan, i hope we play well enough and - [chuckles] - [grunts] - i never should have sent eddie. play on sunday, preparation has not been a a problem, it is i should have killed you myself. - she was right, you know. no one's gonna miss either one of us. dominating victory over the amphitheater. - [grunts] he embraces the tradition and finds time to family man ever. >> a legacy that you guys are - we can't leave him. - i'm not. get her out of here. [tires squealing] succeed. a special gift that jason possesses. >> i i want to coach until i cannot coach any longer. there is nothing better. >> galvanizing spirits and collecting numerous victories, [gunshot] one of the best coaches in
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with the sabre cats, he has enjoyed seven state championships, a legacy that he terraces - - cherishes as they aim for the fourth straight championship. >> i would not want it any other way. >> he was destined to be a football coach. greg coached as an assistant, working with the kansas championships. >> i coached football for 40 years, i was able to win a - just the one? some good games and i had an so he wasn't coming after all. - he knew you'd always be looking >> his life was not all over your shoulder if he did. - i was fooling myself to think i could change him. - but you did. you gave him the strength to walk away from the only life he knew, to be better. >> she smiles at me, reaches he said you were the best thing that ever happened to him. for me, she will make noises,
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whatever issues you are dealing with, you can check it at the - ? once i wanted to be ? at home. ? the greatest ? - where's she headed? take care of her, her, i can - new mexico. - a wide open place. - earlier, what did you mean when you said, "bad code"? will get on it. >> i don't think you can be happily married as a coach unless you have a woman in your - it means a flawed design. life who really takes pride in the term applies to machines, not to people. we have the ability to change, evolve. part football is a family affair for us. >> a love of for all, and the so... you never did tell me what elias wanted game, a never-ending and rewarding adventure. >> every day it is something for calling off the bounty. - ? grace ? ? just in your honor ? ? ? ? once i wanted to be ? six touchdowns, he is adding to ? the greatest, the greatest the greatest, the greatest ? it, and 80-yard touchdown,
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cougars are just feeding it, ? ? saturday night special, phoenix ? with brains that could explain ? tempe prep hosting number 10 in ? any feeling ? the first round, miller, only - you can have the money. 14 years old, 10-yard - i'm not here for the money. - ? the greatest ? touchdown, he was up 31-7. he hooked up with jacob on the 25- yard score, eagles move on your location for high school prep sports. of course, good tv. >> i'm full of acronyms.
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heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. the foot-care experts at amope introduce the latest fashion secret to turn your heels into sneakers. tonight, a gas explosion at new gel activ insoles. made with ultra-thin concentrated gel, no confirmed fatalities. >> they are relieved to bring they even fit into slender shoes. get one for every shoe in your closet. from amope. love every step. an update, they're treating several people for burns and other injuries. we have a crew on the way to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day, we will have the latest on our i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks bi i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain.
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- you are being watched. the government has a secret system-- a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. i designed the machine to detect acts of terror, a a phoenix fire captain tells but it sees everything-- violent crimes involving ordinary people. the government considers these people irrelevant. us it was a gas explosion in an apartment complex and they have confirmed fatalities at the we don't. scene but the hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. this point, they are treating people who have suffered but victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you. payson for a mass casualty assignment, and we are hearing reports that the explosion shook part of the town. we have one of those people waiting on the phone and they will pass along any new - back in the day, people understood things like respect, information. actually, he was coming onto loyalty, honor. those days are gone. the phone with us - so what do you want to do?
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what did you hear and see? - have you located our quarry, mr. reese? - i have. at a place called grand. - good choice. - you know it? i heard something and came - haven't been back since they renovated, but the old grand served one mean rib eye. i heard a loud banging sound. - so our guy has expensive taste, huh? it was just moments before i - the man he works for certainly does. george massey owns several local establishments, but he's better known for his less reputable enterprises, i came along the corner and on the highway and i saw a giant including loan sharking, money laundering, extortion. on z?rich street. >> mike, we heard from other people that the blast shook the - i suppose if the city's gonna have organized criminals, they should at least be diverse. massey runs his businesses with his son eddie. town, could you feel it? - and our guy? - riley cavanaugh. no living family and no education past high school. >> i mean i could hear - - feel the only job he seems to have held is driving a truck for a company owned by massey. appears to have been an associate of massey's for several years. - what kind of associate? - the kind that gets the attention of the machine.
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- something happening? - yeah. lunch. >> i'm not there now, i left several emergency crews could go jobs, they have their hands full and there were so many people blocking the highway, so, i left. >> incredible, michael, thank you and stay safe, of course we - did you talk to the owner of that new bar on 35th? - we were gonna drop by later today. tonight - good. let me know if i need to get involved. election related incidents, [phone beeping] - what's this? trying to take my job? - sorry. you looked busy. - your server will be with you shortly. unless you want his job too. - yours will do for now. also new tonight, long winds wines at the polls - how's your lunch, george? everything okay? - oh, al, it's great. high-profile circuits for trump i can't even remember what the old place looks like. and clinton in the valley.
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- yeah, some things do change. confusion over arizona ballots. lauren explains. but some don't. for instance, you and me. - i know i'm behind, george, but just give me-- election, the supreme court is - behind? you're a little more than behind. - we were down for three months with the remodel, voting procedure - - procedures making it illegal for people to and people aren't going out to eat like they used to. - yeah, i know. i know. and it was made legal 24 hours well, here's the thing. before. >> on friday, a court of you can spend all your money on your fancy fixtures appeals that makes it a family - - as long as you keep paper in my pocket. felony to transport a ballot, 420 hours it was legal to go understand? - yeah. ballots. >> we were aware that it could yeah, i understand. - good. because, uh, next time... be reversed on a dime. >> reporter: the supreme court i'm not gonna be the one who's stopping by. reversed that decision, making it again illegal. >> a little bit of whiplash. - it'll be me. >>
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disenfranchises certain democratic groups. >> young people, women, - looks like our associate is massey's enforcer. elderly, people who are working - and by "enforcer," you mean he's our perpetrator? - annie, hang on. come here. hey. what's going on? you don't say hello anymore? - sorry, george, i'm kind of busy. - you know, i've been thinking a lot about you lately. - yeah? should i be flattered or scared? - come on. >> th a in the public you don't have to you know? whether or not you've found somebody to fend off those cold nights yet. - why? you offering, george? accidentally you violate civil - - civil - - civil liberties. 'cause now i'm really scared. - [chuckles] hey, i'm a married man. >> it is likely they will all you gotta be more respectful. - and i'm the widow of one of your guys, in case you forgot. come to drop ballots off on so back at ya, george. - hey. that they indeed picked up what happened to sean was tragic,
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ballots while it was legal. >> and officials are hoping he worked for you, george. - yeah, but his debts were his own. he was a degenerate gambler, and it got him killed. the lines short on tuesday, tuesday, but, they are you had better learn to accept that, annie. expecting a big rush. there are 2 million registered - i do, but i also remember that sean was the sweetest guy in the world until the day he started working for you. cast early ballots, election officials select but for 60,000 so degenerate or not, i'll always miss him. voters two weeks - - show up on i wonder who's gonna miss you when you're gone, george. tuesday and some believe another voting fiasco could turn voters off. decide not to vote because they don't want to wait in line and - you take care, annie. i hope people have the opposite reaction. >> to avoid being stuck in line at the polls, it is recommended let's get the hell outta this dump. - and who on earth was that youngng lady? to avoid peak voting our - - - the hostess. got some brass. 11:00 until 1:00 and finally, just served george more than his lunch. finally, 4:00 until 7:00 a as people had to the polls
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