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tv   World News Now  ABC  March 1, 2016 12:37am-4:00am MST

12:37 am
e haha bn othcccc theself-driving carars t this sr the first o where thear was at fault. gogole saya it has tweaked the software. no worl n whost points on theirlicense. >atriris fa roice. tom bradyepeportedly signed extension with the team. braidi is8 years old but said he would like to play into his 4. great. wewe, e r rortete exton seems to mak that a a rea popoibilityauhe is sese t t patatots significantltl more roo under thth n sary soefore theh extensioio apparentlylyly brara w w due to make ou$15 million for the coming seseon. >> wo there. >> you likikth? a little abridged veversn. like to keep you upupted.d. we@ike ttoo harnd th areigays for $- /pe ocuba's best known products. talklkg ababt theigars. the country's annl cigar festival kicd off on monday.
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andd attracts hundreds of buyers frfrfrroundhehe world. bagagaeathsely afafctededhiyearar tobacco op shrinkingngtsiftt. >> thereeeti 150e78be tyty aroundh thth u.s. and cuban latis warming man say it won't be l beforee more and ohohos carar makak it he legally. >> wt i wanto know is it stiloing to beb thi if they're legegal now? oh,, i meme,, they sll -- they're sti pretttty gogo ou sll enjoy a good. >> legal or illegal i ink. ' >> i'm not rlly into smokes tou a mean, t t itnce in le. come u,reehd sces of the quirkipster comedy portlandia. 0 >> whoould tryo ripff the gi ss by paying for cooks with counterfe ney? who saveddhe day aft an outrqreous poff. >> the trfulul ars om erin andrdrs.s. her hehe difficult d i court
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tention. at's aft tod fororast p. degeges inreatatallss on
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lovers day. because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under prsure or conquhe field? defy expectatitis an day with alwlws infinity. made w wh f,exam. absorbrb10x its ig. rewrirthe e le a.ways
12:41 am
clox toilet wleanewiwiwilelele is nmamafor that. bulyl por ilet b/wl eaner eliminates meralbuild-up effortlesy and ki99.9 ofoferms. getour totoet trtry y ean, why choo anything other th thr`ofol? ana,totoee that way foupo 4 weekek try lyl l totitoilet bo cleaner. narrat: breakfast. dishes. dierdishes. marriagegedishes. divorce.e.ishes. eeping (snoringng (sputtering) diss. t eepipi. dishes li. dishes.p dedeh. dishes. exisnce. dishehe dishes,pes, dishes... everdish, evry me. only finish has the power ball take e athg.
12:42 am
e dissol f ft. theyeye new liid gels.s. and d u're coming withthe... you realaze i ha gold status? cinex sinus-max lili g gs. ssfast to u u ush m s sgt meci. let's enth. > this wasertain a adventure in ming near detroit. a high speededhase of an algedldl stolen u-hahaan began on an interstate highway, th moved lococ roads. ase continuedven after t trucs tires blew out andn obacles policic hadadlaced i thth ad finallyl a d dy bd i the vavawith his quadcar. the t t t cam to a ht and the drer was under reststst i didn't kno t t t p pe put obobles in the w w b ,'s one. one rea t hatat movg. >> letove on to aerio stopancing whtthe stars" h
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>> s sue as s e ashshlle ho felor $75 llionnfterhe was secretly filmed in h om. pc'c'evpilgrim has more. >> you know yo body. and i saw it f two seconds and i was s , ohmyod and i sh it t wn. >> reportete erin andrews kingngown in cou today, , , e relivevethe momontnthehehe didiovep a n ned video o o heelf online. >>ad, i'm naked all ovov t rnetetdot know what it is. >>epr: theularsportscaster a a at t cingngitthstars" is sing the owowr and manager of this nasille marriott, wre she was seetly filmed byby alker in 200 the deo s s viewed arly 1717illion times. ews'other, pau, described d olg hehe daug. >>re waso o inher down. ipip -- it's a nightmare that don't stop. >> reporter: arews is also ing the n who filmem her miehael l vid barret a former insurance executive. she claimsmshe hot madit eaor h h to track her down and f lm her ohis ll pne through holee e dieded >> iicked uphe house pne i callhe operarar r d asked, could i have er anews' room.
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so that i knew what room she wasin. >> r%rter: the hotel calls rreteta crimimal w lrickck - thtm intntgaining g@ce. babaett plpl guilty to stalking g 1nd was s ntend 0 nths in ison >>could ve spped@dhis and d m so angry. >> erin andrews wasthe onl woman michael barrett secretly recordrd i ia hotel room. he posted at least t more deosine. eva lgrim, abc news, naville,tennnne. and som cdidi the fact shed says tha "dancinwith the stars" held her getereace back becesse she was bk on ste. ititeems like such a lon road her. i i n't think people r rlize how difficitwt been. .& it's bee seral years but@ shshshs stititiealingithit. saiaiaftetear hernn eagues were grea ke tirico who said comen back,e need tyou smile again air be bk at wo so aeast ty werehere f f he >> right. cocong up,p theketchomedytv
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> how comedians fred ahison and carrie bwnstein have become hiperhosnd what't' next f "popoland"". my name is monici`joyce, i am t t fnder a a director of slam m nk for diabete slam dunk for diabetes ishehenly day basketll c cp in the cntry and rovide the opportuny for children with p p-diates and type d type 2 diabetes get togethe pl zall d torn to mana their diabab.. [olivivi en i firir got to the camp, it wn't like oh it's so d, all l e kids have dies itasn't that aall, hpine, it was kids laughing andng and ing d i wantededo o a part of tt so muc [monica joyce]coming b bk year after year, whatlia learned is that really isn't alone. [oli shcreated a a rldd for diabetic kids to play and be nmal and haveveun and meet people and me other that have diabetes.
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[monicicjoyce] i met olia in 2020 and said tpeople k k ound, olivia is gog g she world on firirire day.
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of wcampan dr chentt2w`t`tbt@qzj tt2w`tkfd* "a@q@qd tt`tkfdj amh tt4wkfkfd*" dztqtq=$h h tt4w`tkfd*" " tq m tt4wkfd*" gzt& t'p tt4w`tkfd*" hnt&t&d)< tt`t`t" " tq .@d tt`td*d*jntq
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tpat runs around. >> welcome t women first. >>oo storeikee is >> different dghrs. >> w w could ordrdrd that f you. itilil taka a yearo get here.>> it hahahto be writn. >>eporter: i iyou as hipster precus as is. >> s s readiclclc about arsts knots in the sunday me. >> wo >hat' that? >>h >>. eporter: i i yourere , oun't the shsh's portrtnd "p"ptldia" really, reaeay offend you? >> i do like walking around wntown. >>eporter: weet thetatata rrie brorostein andred armin athe acac hotel he i e l.a. they call ititit deuce. >eiv outreeewriters. you want one?e? >> y d. >> hows itgoing. >>ndinster fans confirmed they'r n n n ofofndndnd >> can you actcts l like y ye
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>> reporter: the shoxsraead pan on the liper morf rtland, , notom of e unkind go vegan. >> i skied wire andoo beberly over t t santa momoca. >> rorter: after morthan dedede o "snl," arm s snows what wowos. >>here a live audience tper the mear a a stch was, t t less the audieiee r rcted. if i i stays a place of affectio it does little better. repter: the shoho hased yoyo srt starp sketc to longer talesesith our heroes plaling versiononon themselves. >> gd nigh carry. >> sometim it't's subtly o ond sometitis it'ss nigigs d z om w we are.e. 'sun t play a vsi_of ououves. >> i c't thisyear. >> reporter: the season onon entire e esode deals wh the early ddleged aitting they wo rather watch from home th go to the music@ festival.
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shase in v vtual partication. using dros. >> he neww technology. you wan t t t le s seplace where you don'tavavto stand all.l. >> reporter: i is morehe throom >yes.. you wereust in a lee the ole timehehe bathroom. i' t tnkg about it the entire me. i'not enjnying it. . at would be usus i'm rr who a you? ps repepter: the flalang)ls gueststar. >> do i look like pimp too you? whe a a manulse outoneyey from theheregister, i have to wonder. >> over the yeaeaea save steve buscemem innwig. >> weppreciate it. >v>v a anfforts while real li mayay of portld. >>till wti teaear back ny gu >> reporter: despitets n ne, ,the show reflexes a a time not just a place. it's pt of a bigge cultural conversation we're havi about this stf.
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wee all litititbi "p"ptla" ouves.p.>> a lit san frais rightx w. u know what i mean. rry. ch better. welcome to portland. >> repori'm nick watt for nid`line line" in loanans. >>o you're i uo the sh. >> i did seehat epise,ht last sceneneou s e,t was interest i though it wa good. iii jumped off the bandwag cause e u know, but -- >> i've heard good thingng about theshow. iiaven't see . i've beenno rtland. it is ird. >> it's very much le pororan whwh you visitit itit >> tt's what iar. >> t t fe >> itas woneabody award a loofplreisinin itithares a title slptu righ the onthin do rtnd. hey atallelele stump town. >> really?
12:52 am
>> like ere new w tle. more a a this.toy can ethg inust lne click, ev keep ur toilet cleaand frh. troding sol click l. clclk it in njoyoyanshss with every flflh. lyso stt healthing. yeah, click enouresse ere ya? m goa tata muc sinus-max. tetetee about to tata o. these diss f ft. thth're new quid gels. and u're coming with me... you realize e have gold status? mvcinex sinus-max liid g gs. dissves fast ea m mtrengt me.. let's e&e&. i pinkprised my lile girl a bulous gn rty y r birtay. iowhe lawn, put up a tecations.(t tughghi got ytng.
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you know, in 10 housesecouldldl$get t t by a stitidisasaer, , and a a ll oup to $13,000. bufor only $7 a a nth,id is scientificallproven t break down wtehelping yoyo avoid septisaster. d-x. thth#1 b bse s s sc esalin t tir owntanks. it's always asypfor me asis f him... easy for cause look at he ... so w%wuse k-k-ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moistu so i can getnto e ing it a t quicker. and wh i knoe'e'fefeg like that, it makesese e el like we're bobo.. en she eoyit, enj,ieven`nore.
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el t t difference with k-yultragel. did you knote's a cough liquid that lasts for lveeours? y d%lsymymwelve hour cough liquid. stadvavaedormu releaswerful medine that acasast wle iti extended d leas medice lalas for 12 hours. tryelsy . dayayou can do everyink in jusone ick, enenp ur toilet eaand fresh. ininoducg sol click gel. clit in enjoyleanness withvery flush.
12:55 am
f f a a dfde,he motto of the girl scouts has beee prared >> but wheheer h h onene young scsct was caughghy s sprisep by a ammer, a gooddd samaritan steppein toave the day. kabc's gg wh the story. >> would you like t o b some okoks. repepte that's that time o o ar ago. girl scout c ckiesk on salele for thisicne and others like her imimrtant aititit >> andn i get to go t san
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>> reporter:`: lawaw na's momom laura sauce it a good chance for her rn aboutr. mo@ney. but lala g an unexpected leleon. there's good people in this world a there'sad people, to learn. >eporter: while helpipi a big owd, laura says a man handed her a $100 bill for five boxes. left. >> someoneave usa fe100 bill. >> ^e're the gir scocouts p p who d do that? so yeah, it was kind of shocking. >> pice c cfirmrmnwas a corfeit ll.. whilaiting f officers to ve, another surprisese thth t timee fro aoodd samaritan. >> t td her what enen. she went b homee and ge uss $100. >> s said i dididtant your daughter to have a bad girl scout expnce and please take this moneney. d w jus lik w. eporter: a lesson t ts ar-o says she'll never forgrg. thank youor supporting our trp.
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>> reporr: gir skousts orange coun says it providess tools to mbers to help t tm fro receiving countit bils well as recommenenng ty don'ttteptt bills larger thaha $2 eyewitness news. >> vy cool. you can ordernlinin no they'lsendou a link and play it to you. es quickly. >> i'd much prefer y visit me >> with that dress, yes. say y y to the girllut drs. >> whare thosisiers you're selling ou. >hose are th choholate coveug cookies coming out next year. >> we'll sl those at the oscars nexyear. t youo. one of mmost rewarding experiences as a dtitian has beenctually quite recentnt just a year ago0 when i met donna. becae she was so motivated and ready to lose weight and to get healthier. well sin sue and liened to her guance
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d i have been tatan of most all mdications. to me, i m mthat mething g ho about. i think for donna the biggest t angegeas been at's hneup here her perspectivevon food, nutritioio fitness / has s cng dratically. she lolos at f fd d fferertly, she e in about foo diffenen and the ct that nutritn and exerci, ere just a routine rt of helife. i eehe future getting tter and better and better.
12:59 am
'sust en a e ceani dot t o ergr bto the oay this morningn "world news now,"political drama onuper
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take-down o o a journalt at a dold trumpventnto e caaiononilla clinto iss headi. asers i i 12 s stete go to th poll > cafetea gunfire. ththeenanana accccedf shootgtwo studedes at school. the frightening scene and how the drama ended. tearful stimy. ortscaster and " bncininwithth the e ars"s"ost erin andrews on the stand aweweng diffilt esess livi a humiliaiang ordeal. >nd health a art about lala of sleepnd your e eing habits. couldnsoma be linked to the mumunc. what neweseaeaeveaea on this t tsday, march 1stn &annou: from abc new,, this "woworld news now." that's sorort ofike couldld pot lead to munchies. >ho sponsored that resech. >> we needed to get pt ofhat resech.. we'll defef io that later. hay super tudada >>o yoyo too. >>es, it is tuesduy. mbrc 1st. a super sized one.
1:01 am
course, with e b)bgest day at thlleforeneral elec s 1tewe ct ballotsn t s s tuesday. seffhem areouther stes i incdingxas, the biggt ize.e. more thaha1600 delateses up rgrabs. nonodate c c wtrara uhe nomination da bubuthe front-runner coz emee viutlly unstoppable. n pop shshs dald trump and hilllly clinton far ahead of their rivals. >> nearly 50% republicans ckinin trump. leave agmarco re woulu he and te cruz byyorthan0oints ananhilly clcltoto hits595% g democrctsompared to 38% for bernie sasasas. abc's rci gonzalezezas t latest fromauinin texas. morning to you, marci. >> good morning, kendis and reen fla. was a busy and entful d on t t camamignn t tra a af % what iso the to be e denini y in the race fort w hoe. just houefor superuesday %
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rallies andion. protesters sburpting a donalaltrump ehantinglala lives maer. >> get them out of re, plplse. >> reporte andnd ass they left, a phototraraer thr to thth grou b b a secrerervi agen trp making noonfhat or of the controversy sparked by these e mments o on abo h h enenesement from fmeme@ ku klux an grand widssavidduke >> wou you say unequivococly you condemn him and youon't their suort. >> well, i hae toto look athe group. i mean, i don't know what group u're tng about. >> rorter:r:ruru ler exaid h hidn' hea the questiononon knowing h had disavowed d dukuk b b b a isn't ststpipihe attttacks from his opponentnt >> i ion't care how badad the earpiece is,, ku klux klala comeses roh clelear and heuses to criticize it. >> we shohould a a be united saying thathe kn is reprehensible.anan hasasolacen poli. epr:ococc hry cnto
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readyy looking beyonddernie nders now argeting trp. i t thi ameas evev sppedgr e need now i mam whe. ter:utrump is poehdd here eror cruz counstunto b him a mucdwikendis a a r%rnfla. rc thankouor tt rerert fmin )w a n a d super cora. ouriticaleamill be h ght a 0ash e v latesnd be suree to tune in toworld news n" resultlt >> andthe eve of super tuesday, the state department rereased its final batch of hilllly clininn'ss e%eai she was sectary o at thatri t tot an00mas. including 2100 t tt were censored o o withhel completely for conn daynini informationon deemed clsified. no e-mls she wroro or seenedd were marked as cssie at
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>> tre's a newevopmeead of engssl inveigio intbenghazi.. e house commiee today interviews a ewitnso the ptr 2010atck. pso i identntieddd as bng fm tatl secuty commun.s.mbr a tee herseillen ta. commiskint ho h cliononta rtnt a hdl t n. t i n capapapgainin isis the tsryg diupthe trgroup' ability tocounicate, control finaes.. dedense secretary h carter says the effort islready payingff a ah he wou`ldn't prove much details it. no other country hlicl acacowledgednorek ther >>chal a licto
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audgegege red tannot b(coleo hhe f loloip. jge how. fafathe gertouo requee comnies to-he jueptmen sd it w pealul rulinhas necthe@ tt invving a and omo unck thephonef o of e san bernardi bombe. s illl t ouha vyasend pectedonaine' si cgale endang p `one usersywhe this s rnrn pininw tailsbout tosn mber e olr broassesea u. titihihit just m mthth be the attack. the inrmation is inealy itededmmigratititiecordsus leas thetoglob icdid ssav sotot recmend f zens the bombing kled tople>> a ohio teenageis e ted r jie cou is
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po say peneneirinis scho fteria. alex pertoto.>> repr: vestigors ntr answs.>> hju puld t hin started d titi. reporunrn to rroroday at madidihigh scho ouide ncti thors say a -year-ol boy, atuntt thschool algey ord inhe carirmrm wa .38 car ol, anenede. >> thest shont, and en iti. paused for r ve cocococondhebang, bang, ng. rte two sdedes struru bults.otr o ind shrapnel. ceay, , ments te t teedunmatoto o on footbut t cecsuiuily ycaing e suspec apprprend otop ofl, iars stllscol grods heas aested t tt t h rorte the attack sending this commumuty into a panic. frantic rents gaering at arbyas stati as thiesecud thho. storw woto
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susuect has been chargededs a juvenilewith two counts s attempted rderer authorities say the victims ar very l. ne of ththinjuriesre le threateng.g.g.alexe z, a news, icagog > andndpengngoverseas a inal become t t hhgst nkinff to tti aboutex aset eatlic church auraarnalgega pell )the pe'sopin adsothmorng, cet w ifyi v slite atrn comio loo into cldle. he wsk aut abuse the country'sost nototoo pedophile pest oneriest who s transferred from@ararho papash.. alleledly to cover upababe. btedopoibyfohese durg ts. d, h h blamed a a moree senio clergy man. >>dancing with the s srs" host erin andrews b down on the witness stand during her lawsuit against a nashshlle hotel. she wawavitio taped while channg heh clothes at t tel.. that video went vira
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ment she first saw it. >>ou kw your body f two sececec andsse,y sht idown. >> andrews wtt on t she beme all bdysfunctional for several months after the video nt onlin and wants $75 millionm the hotel w sh sa made it easie f f the stalker. he was convicted anderved mohs inn prison. . t t controversial contracaptive e surur wlbe vennne s mostioio wat won't pd f fthe .it h drawb chouf xrantss from womenenen saydain and bleedingnghey suffere wasoo vere they ruired sge@ to remove the dedece. the fdaas ordin t manufactuter bayer to cdu iesf th heve turer assese ric i dre@ group of won. andewsbout a aer ntrorsia pduct f@ wmenf
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t dditnal@atarsexu eieio rerereer@ononudud theh be o ting addiweren't wo l, you'rwawakeatatho,,hissennhy you're ining wig >> s s s s s s s s sleleleleleleleprivivioioreases te,, cococoes seseing.g.g. the e st sjects had more mumuerermoneneananananan ksksks anddesesrchersrsayayhahahae e e udy is too small t cococosisi bututoror evidenceee needed on the imimce o tting enougsleep. eally n nded? , w w know. >> what, t t study. >> we nd to sleep. >> there's a reason we're craving doritos at t t t hour. >> wee cra doritos, took a a tttt fininrrrommid ir's ficece >> is that wre thehe stash is? 15 months and i just find thi out. >> it's not a big stash at this hour. a couple guys in kansas city
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by takingte a leap of their own. they l lpeddig out o or apt, what is i leapt? out of aelicopte about5,0 feet up. >>hat' notall that's ahat highghlly for sk divin but the had things under ntrol because of e mem of th red bull air rce are sky diving and lande the national world rld war ii muse andmerial qte a way to use the year's only extra day. i'd say. >> i would never s dive. remember george h.w. bush was very big on his big birthdays would sky di? not my thing. >> look how long he's lived. it's a key to lonvity mae. > cinup "in the mix" parents spend a fortune on braces f the kids. now find out w dog is heading to th or though done activity. >> the military legend genhe medal of honor. the hercs that led up to a hero's unforgettable visit to the white house.
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police officer police officer kied on her first day on the job. >> be sure to follo us on facebo and twitter at wnn fans. you're watching "wor news now." the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by aeptidisaster and a bill of to $13,000. t for only $7 a month, r r-x is scientifilly proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 bra used byeptic professionals in their own tanks. d you know ere's a cough liquidthat lasts for twelve hours? try delsym twelve ho cough liquid. itadvanced formula releases powerful dicine tactsast while its extended rease dicine lasts for 12rs. try delsy . naator: breakfast. dishes. dinner. dishes. marriage. dishes.
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sleeping. (snoring) (sputtering) dishes. not sleepi. dies. life. dies. death. diss. exnce. dishes. dishesdishes, dies... every dish, ery time. only finish has thpower ba to take on anything. th is mineral bud d it collectleing gros germidden`stns clox toitebowl eanewi bleach is nmatch for that.t but l)l)l popor l cleane elimatinerat ild-upfftlesslyl` a.kill9 .9.9er
1:13 am
and totoeeeeee t fofofo t t twe trl autototic iletet bowl canan s s s"y fofone i f h.... it easy r`ne causeseooooatr.... sosoe e e ag. ititnhanceceody's natul momore soananet`t`t`tth g ofoft a bit ququker.r. and en i inow w e's fefeg thaha it makes me feel like we're both... snjoyoyitltlt enjoyoyt t moro./ i eoit feelelhe dififrence withth-y ultragag. enough p p pure in hererr yayi'm gonna take mucinexnus-max. tolate, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast.t. theyeye new liquid gs. and yoyore e eininwie... you realize i haveold vtatus? mucinesinunumamaliquid`dels. ssolves fafa to ueash mtrtrgth medicicici t'this.. mymymy i used to wch t t red caet showswsn tv now,#i'malngngm. life is unpredicicble beinononakakfreeeesn.
1:14 am
usus regegarlyit removes to 0% of flfles keg a protecd live flake free for life a pedestriaia iss dead after the latest streeeeeeacing crash in the los angeles ea. the two drivers were going close toto100 mes ann hour... when a thirdehicic tri tooo ke aeft turnnnnt
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tting a manan standndgn thth corner. the two racers hav bn arresteded charged witit vevecular manslaughter. a virginia mans expected to plead gltyy tomomrow in t highghrofile aucon a a murder cases. sse matth junior i is crged with killing 18-year-r-dd university of virginia student hannnn graham and lind by dna to the murder of virginini tech student morgan harrington. the plea agreement will apparently sparereatatewew the ath penalty. >> ao i i virni a funeralal service will beeld tod foror that28-y-yoldolice ficerrr whwhwas shot too d d oner firstayn n e streets. >> scoressf peoeoe lined the route onhich t body of officer ashley gwe d d was transported last nht accompanied by dozs of policic torcycleand patrolcars. ititamees her accused kilr facedd jud f f the first timeme elizabetethur has t tat jest. >> reporter:r:on hamilton arraned twice on two murde arge remai in squlala held without bond supply just want to be clear,o we ve officers
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have been shot. >> reporte accord doing thorities, thr offerss shot wer rpondin to a 911 call reporti domestic abuse i inceilliam county, virginia officer ashley guindon killed in the line of duty out on her first ststet patrol saturday. >> couldn't be any wor case than this in my opinion for a police officer, i always call there an officer's worst nightmare to go to a routine caca and wind up de. >> reporter: as a commuty mourns, new details emerge about the 28-year-old rookie officer. we're tolhepent some six years as a marine corps consist arist and her passion for public service dates bac to 2011 when she ierned with the polic department. >> she did share with us whehen we rehireder that she felt like she still wanted to dohis job. ood. >> repter: h accusedilr an army staff sergeantssssned to theheentagon has also been chged withderingis wife.
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his 11-year-old son was also me but n hurt. the two other officers are expected to recover. as for the spect, he's due back in court april 19th andacing fir degree and capital murder charges makes him igible for the death penalty if convicted. elizabeth hur, abc ws, new york. so senseless. just a rinder of what law enforcemen is constany up against. domestic aercation was what they wereesponding to. >> none of wha they do routine on anyda the gen public is invited to atte the services. of course, you'll have officers from all over thcountry, as ll. >> i imagine yeah. coming up in ourext half hour, royal caribbbbs anem t seas" damaged after sailing io hurricaneorce winds last month. it is turnin back again. is i because of bad weaer ordazs of sick passengers on board? f fst ann american ro.
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team 6 has received the nation's highghghhirlt honor.
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now."" >> veryood theme for this one
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heros has s enewarded the tion's highest militarar honor. >> a memberr offf.l.l tm 6 and h h actsf bravery to sav an ameritagege willo dowow histy. re abcgs david muir. an america ho ping out ofhado. a member o o see s team 6, edwardbyers junior, now the sixtavy seal see in htory to receive the medal of hohor. >> that night wead a mission an tha was to rescue an american who istaj. >> reporter: sent to the mounins of afghanistan to save an american docto abducted by the taliban. >hey@toldldh him the arica are not coming for you. they w we wrong. ( >> reporter: arriving to gunfire, his tmm fifit. asasast.. ed fouout o two guards kawing to that a a a annndodoor.- i heard h h voice and jumped on to the americanhostage.e.e.e. shielding theoctor wh his own body, ed pinned another taliban guard to the wall waitininfor his teammmmes to
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>> by going aer those guards, ed sav t t livesf s several tetes and that stste. >> repopter:hreeearsrs laterer ed and his fellow s.e.a.l.s nored at t tf white hohoe.e.e( >> we sleep mone pcefullyn our beds tight bausese patriots le these stand ready to awer ourtion'sallnd protect our way of life now and rever. >> repep did muiu, abcbc news, neyork all of this happened he said in less than a nute. >> wow. >> the attttks of all five of e taliban militittsnd ao savivihisguy's f. it wass rerkr.@jose p the workaliseses b stilluble b b eventsf that night. his story differs a little tt fr thefficial military rerert. ming up, e'rengo switchs.s. gegeing bracesor yrppy. a an icereamille doughn. l aidi. shh magesh. - ll dohn wellelplaln.fill doughn. we'll l (vnong,
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not sleeping. dishes. li. dishes death. diss. exisecieieieieie dies, di............(( every didi every y meme. ininh hahathe e wer ll toto t ton covergirl has bignews for lashe shshasa#is our most award winning mascara llions of girls, millnsnsf lookss llions of beautiful lashes blasted!! thlashast collectiti from easy,bbfz beaetifl c/vergirl did you know there's a ugh liqui that lastfor tlve hours? y delsym twelve hour cough liquid
1:23 am
ttelsysy s mimiup it colcts leaving gros rm-ridden stns orox toilet wlclwi bleac is no tch r th. but tpsol wer toet bowl clne eliminates mineral ild-upffortlsly kills s s s ms. to oet you y c,ean, @ w(w(w(se anythihhhototot ththr`r`r`ycol and to keep it thawa for up to 4 weeks, try lytoma wl c cer sometitiw! use-y ultragel to ennce my body'naturara isture so i cat into it aatbit t i i r. and en i knknkshuhs s to it,to ianananan feel the differencwiululagel. . i i y pred m m,iirfabuuspsps dedeparty y y y biay. . sosoowhen,n, t up all theecorionsnsnsns
1:24 am
you kn, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and ll of up$13,00. but t r 7 a a nth,id-x s s stificiciy proveneno` ( brbrbrtetelpg yoyod seseseseisisr.r.r. d!x. e #1 brara use septit preseions s tanknk
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pare s snd a l looool bracac. >> y. tfadueueue isetettmeeseswewesley, a cututus oc% is heee not adorable? he's from spring lake, mimi apapapaplylyhe6-6-nth-h-dgogoen@nrererever. hihi alt w'toming inorrectly and h ownwr mol e was w w w w a him bee w wn'tating plpling wi his toys. it tur out her dad is a vetetena deist. he putraces on. >> i didn'tnow thasing. p p bratoix the eth a a a abppenenenen itrllll realwowoed.non@n@n@l isss happy,y,lthy a a bk trm. eck out thatsmsmililil >> i&i onlye aplpl of r r ete t ttttd s s work. >> we could recououo wesley's gra. >> hs p pttyy good remememrlr rh eisese nono hs at t o networkrk %% a a le r and he a but t t t t a l lt this. the nflbine is t ting p
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wher they try out allf thehe ege aththte hed to4see wha timing was on t 40 yarar dh hisis suit andlk a that. that i ijust b bzingng spee >> that'sgrea...>> it s 5.9494sends.s. >>hat't' wonderful. ght? l'sreret teem pros. the wowod prthisoe boza w w froro ohio ste. deivilinee man. not even close. that's h h h these would >> loo a a th.. ththk t tte ffff le 3 send hwae send offou mean>>rlwo son th ril. trai lethis s h himix m ms tcoititit d aiai i b b hul bep . h hwowod still g gbeatatat > by prororoy fv seconds. wouou say change`r sneake. >o, - he wout be ableo do. . >>ike swet t tat hereeee o the erergh parentlyhehelut $$ lelelelelelt icrm.
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elusus anotr rea l loveepr. g ghisp azing o o snk. it's an ice creamrapped in doughnut. you can buy them as prague's od foo cafend kery okok amazing. > tha looksks amama we notot evenn goioio think abououthe cies. that's'sawesome. >> it'calorieiereeerooo book@ our flgh tooogg rig nonow. >> > >e7e77 s sn aut of thee dynamics folks. now they hav aotdo fofo ls ta alalogog heretheki lo theyey encououerernn actuaua dog ossinangi oute srt hehehoulul be x bth atatatit?00 wq'rot pp >> he's weied out by
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>> is m m m m on "wrldews nono" " m aign te-wn.. ththjojonalist tklkl by y e
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event. ththcorovevey d candndndnds comments on th super tuday. >clintotochchlunge e w w ththst bate cpntrororse-mailile as can lllly ininn n kekeer % campaiaio next pha anw this hf hohoe big chge ispace today. >> astronanq kel iturnrng from t t internanaonalspe station n tetehis re-s-s-s mison. is ver cocoander as kelly returns to rt at i"the skinn ntnty y e excitent on "t baororinvolvlnben his dpththe yoyowomeand some difficult deons. ououseor a alyst ireith h clivivivghnd ananasis ons sfsfarchchst aouncncombc news, ths "world news now."" your dcripti of the e babael iesting.
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whehet get t/tth fan susut,esethi compmplyfefe a l elke needea a a tc tond ur ofher. >> y d fl li tofn. no, eas you kno sorr > let't'get isy y ll aut. it irct.its petuy.y. the en c cdidites s ttng w wthbububut day of sean.>>er a dozentates s headg to thels wa trea tro of s at ak arlyly0 o rlican sisi a me th a tthehdecrat > latt naon polls donald truita a&mmdidi ,0 o49 o edz traiaingfafafefend. thahahanpdown a trump tughs minea ain this mororngng te for a prost andnd sideline scat a campaigigevent. aba"s s viviviight bs s r nch.h. >eporter: a raucousally at radford iversity and a reporter roughed uby membebe of donald trump's secret service@ detata the "timem m mine photographer
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of the press pen. secret service agent blocked him. rsh s exchgedn[ blpe reporte wsses say w the agerabb by n nand rew him dowo. reblican p pmary seemsike a scscol yarararl these days. rioon notng. ve never seea human beinin eat like hswswtsns >>eorter: > h hdoesn't sweabecause hi pores are c ogogd d om the epray tan thate uses. >> reporr:arco rubio hasn't yet called trump shortrtngnggarian. >> i don't underand why his hahas are the size o oeo o is 2". ve you seen han? this. yoknhat t eyay aut m wimall han. >> reporr: but he'e' abevevothelt youanru him >>orr: cis morrihas nce apologized for escalating this conorontaon. >> he c ckcd m so iputyand
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arrested >>eporter: but t t trump cacaaign and the secret t rvic have yeteto o ogize to him. vid wrig, , , , ws, new york. >>ver a dull momomt. in t meantit,t, melania trump is sinut saying she doest always agreeeeith her sband,specllhis s laua. inclulinwh he repeated crude word that a woman one of his events shouted out to describe ted cruz.z. > was in new hampmpire e en the wonawashouting out the ininprprriate word. >> right. >> and i was there and i'm thking le don'repeat it in my h hd.d. ju for him, nt r%peatt. justst'taybee the next tay, media all ll talalabout that. but he repeaead. >> c carly \ \t interviuw wawa shot@b@ba motel l @ s. p tt@s cnntteqwdhpidhare her@ w)wh heh%h%anan o l @ats slunpnpn sandnrsrsqssisipiorl2l2l2lllliliesteay
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teteoll hillar clinion n 55%, , nearpoinididd of s sders. withtrte cec vegaga llre y fifeupupepillion to the e ansupey.y. >> if u go out and vote fome moi i i stata u u ud fifififififiu u rougugutututs s s cacampaiaiainonoatatatwhwhwhe republicans mina.. >epeptete in viviinia, , th ststours l lunununununngng bebens, clclton n elelel confnfnft.secrcrarararintnn, y y y y y tutuday predicicicicicic >>t happy to be in virnia,
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ofofofofof bobo c cntonon eyes on the sagegege donana trumpmp and the s s e department h h nowow released t t final b bch of f f lly clinton's e-mail her r ivate servrv, more thahaha 505050 p pes i ialalal andd while shehe is c cerly glgldldlto h h h t tsbebend s s h h into s superesesyyit a a f ininioiostililngngngover ad.. cecilia vega, abc ne, viviinia. d look f f fore coverararaomomomilililndndnd ecrewew today on super t tsday.
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in as well andunonht at 1 eternorlectioio ruturns d potical insight. we'll ve a special editi& & "wors wr" rrow rninalso. w%wl, t werepyestyythudienc a the susre courafststst clclenen t tmas spspsp 's t t firimimininininrs ththasaianatatnguring an oral l guget the v& jujujoueioasg g dedede exehgegeget laev s. omas`sas said foret reli on writttn and esn't ne to k questiwi_. rfs to filt vavavc on the court take a small step forward today. ident obama excted tmeet with top republican lawmakers thththshe. they vedo blk hinomini no matter who it is. e`white housussa presidential advisor rrian deesill headpp the efforts to theh selelthe nominee. ritnow, he ovsees t president's climate change policy. totos di orgeennede is st
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role in "cool handnde"e"or ic w/w/an osbububue a actnd other majojojoilililn his more than 505050reer, ten as a aough but he switched to comedy in the "naked gun" series of cop spspfs. kennedy a a ald w w i i i veteran died of natucausus.he wasas > he officials in chicicic nocececee first case of zika rus in the cititwomamawhwhwhd d cently traveled to columbia has since recovered and scientists say they may havavthththrst prprf thatatatatirus c c#e#etemporory rasis. the aras based o ououre ihiti in t tt t pati diebubu38& b mied to t icu. > t e2e2a delay inaltl waingsgsn`new rk cs chain reauras.$today ybthy th appeatetsts ins r r&r&r&ngngng higig ummsms or be finededomomom $2$2.. bubuav indtroup won a
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it says s s city is overstepping its authorit ese are the last hours in spspe for american a aronaut scott kelly. he's b bn onhe intnttional space statiofor nearly a full year. >0>0>0ly handed ov command o thehstation to anonoer a aronaut monday.. and late and two r rsisi crew membere wililride a spacecraft back to earth. kelly says beingthere so long required a lot ofofelp.>> space fligh the b bgest team sport thererere d d 's,p,pu ib imimimananthtttte e l getherermakehahais ifify imposslesisisi lll thr ssiansnsil ndonighthtkazazazaanan en h h htutus totoouston, wiwiwindergogogogogoitititititin brother mark i iorororor gauau the effefefefet all of thahatime in space had on his body.
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>> wow, it's goingbe@ugh. cong u uin "the skinnyny extement olast nightht chelororincludink thththyoung women,n,he fantasy suite so o mumu m m -. our senior ananana is here to explain. also a aad, thyog woman who dresses up as a disney princess on n search f fmimis.'sob takesy ously. >> and the luxury cruise on a ship that's$no s sanger to problemsmsroroillnlnses s rough weather. the ssenrs are d danding tter treatment. th's after today's forecast maps andndnow storms and seve athehehe t t tsusur tueses you'atching g ld newewew w.w. oachchchmedicareelelelelitit u mak yoput off ececngour dicare options until you'reexty-five,t now a good deo o t thll rololng.. keken mi, mecarerenly y verc about eieighgh percent
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the rests t that's where aarp dicare suppleme insurce plans sured uniteltltare insunce coany co in. ke standardizezemecareresupplunt i iururce plans, they c cld helpapasome of wh micardoesn' sang y in out-ofofocmedicacostst you' learned that taking informed steps along thwaally makes a dierence l that's whait m mns to go l . nownd rst t ts [d[dgu it's fofoftiti o o odidind thehege of aaaaede lement p to cose from bed on your needs d dget. all planke theseet you chch any dtor orhohoital that acces medicaretients, d ththere are nork ririions.. unitedhealthcarerensance mpavy has ov trty year experience and the commitmt to ll along gith you,
1:41 am
so calnonod d scer how a rp mede supplement plan could d long fou. these are thonly medare suppnt insurance plans endoededy aarp, ananrganizion serving the of pple 50 and over nenene plus, nine out oflten an membersurveyed theyldececmend their an to a a iend remembermedidire d dsn'tover everything. the st iupo yo caca nowrequt urree [dion gue]stering the ation you neh to help you ke rolli with nfence gogg thiss m`neral ild dp colcts leingrs rm-ridains cl toioit bonenewi bleacac o match h that. but sol wer toilet bowl cleane elelinat mineral ild-up efftlessly a.d s % of gmsms to get y yr et y y ea y oonyinr t the r `fys?
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try lysol automatic toil bowl cleaner. , pump up your lookk plumpifyfyfyr lashes wi new plumpy y scara a ginormououlash liftirush boosts lashes to 50 tis the volume and d fts lashes up upanaway...w plumpiascara fr easy breeee beautiful coveirl and try new trurured shads d lilirs ll, a close caca for dex driver in s uthern louisiana dung a powerful
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she spotted thnnel cloud in her rearviui m irror a tried t take sheheer inside a hardware e.e but e door was locked and - it was bararcaded withthandbags. so therir hid behind a s sa chine outsidthe e or it f fl over, and the tornado all but destroyed thattore. but the fedex driver just fine.e.e >> dramamac. wow. > anthis certainly was an adventure in moving. near detroit, a high speed chase of an allegedly stolaul l van begagaga an intetate highwa then moved to local roads. the chase continueeven after the trucs tirereblew o o, bad on obstacles police had d placed in the e ad. finally a dedety bangegeininhe van with his cruiser and the truck came to a halt. but i'm the cops dn't help wh the movi at thatat point. well, t t hh h asasas trbled cbuise ship is racing back to o e home port. it was inew rsey. this is the e nd time it's mi back home.
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caribbean's "anthem of the seas you've heard o iit. damage after charging into huhuicane force nds lala momomo well,,t is n n now being forceto turn around yeyeagain. he's'sbc's'sio benitez.. reporter: f f fhesecond time this monon, th 0 "anthem of the seas" is headadg home ear, but yacabbean says it's because of t weatheheheause ten peo a day e rererting symptoms sf norovirus. e e uise line t eeti at a "severe forecast storm" is to amand that norovirir in a smallllercentage of 6p0 0 ssengers "didn't affect the decicion to rerern." an abc n nforecaca map`phows the ship now racing to beat the storm, and arrive e wednesday. ead of thahaononmininitorm wililhit on f fday. ththt weeks after the e ry samehitook a fererious buating fr 30-foot wavesnd 120-mile-pour hurricane-rce nds. passengege forced to hunker
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coming abo the window andnd it oked like were in aquararm. >> reptete a a those passssgers have already filed suit.. now rol bbean sayst't' just trying toe extracautious, as thbt w storm apprprches. that ship will arrive right he wednesday morn o o nite a news, b bonne new jejeey. >> when we comback, "the bachor" into thehehomestretch. which loly ladwill win t grand prize. >> is it a pri? > > d eaking of izes what leonardo dicaprio id last ght to t woman who was gring s oscar.. "the snn is next. night totohe woman who was
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"the skinny" is nene.ttatu#4 bt@qop< ttatatat "a@q_\_\tt2watu# s4s bm@qtwtt4watu# s4 " dztq 0 t tt4watut s4 4 entq @$4 tt4watu# s4 " gzt& y#l tt4watu# s4 " hnt& i- tt4watu# s4 4 iztq #dx tt4watu# #4 " jntq148 tt4watu#`s4 lzt& )yd skinny so skinnnn >ey, welcome baba. kinny" te. if thepeacheher was a sports compition,woulnow be wno the championshsh game. >> oh, yeah, you're righgh it's just chehoren and his two favorite w wen left right now. joining us with details of how we g g to o is point`ts our senior*bachelor. he's broken n . was it really thatt badad >> t trereere a t of tears. m m yi to ld myself totoer for t segmentnt i figured ead of roses i would d d d tissusscfor you folks.s. fair enough. three women started last night, onhe blo caila, our gl laur b. and jojo. off to jamaicacqe gogo roll that beautiful bachelor footage. at's caila. the f ver r te w wh ben. you could tell thahacaila had
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shwas melancholy as ben said. >> it is jamaica. >>hey had dinner. that's whee decid to lay it on him. she ididben, 'm ilo with you.u(>> s d d not. >> benedidn't go there. but they d d g gto theheantasy suite.come the next momorning, everyone seemed satised. next up, lauren she d d helplpg g ase someme ba turtles intthe ean. this very cute.>> that's cute. >> they really enjoyed eh other's company as they usually do.. >> how long befofo sha attacks thosos >>ive them a c cnce, y y know. they get to dinn. lauren b. adadts some e e uncertainty. welll,she says i love u to him. they wouououp back in n e fantasy itit a awell. you get thidea. and e surpri was ben told laur b. i love you, as well. he went there.. he went there on that one. then there was jojo. they took another helicopter pride.
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before in v%gas,s,f i recall we, they took thth one in jamaicicic they headed off to a very romantic watererll jo decides to get inininthe act. she says i dlo you, be to which ben sayay jojo, i le u, too. >p>phaha >> you kw whwhe that ended u >> in the fanty suite? >> righere in the fantasas suite whe they had their own hot tub. ben's gohielf in@n right oper mess by now. and`herereomes caiai. she dedededes thth she's going to rpriseen who is ing some ep thinking right there wi ththcamera perfectlylyosioiod. surprise. you knowowhat t e s rprise was said she wanted d do mething spononneouou well, bebesaid something spontaneous to her like you knowlq what, you've got to go e isut of heje. >> like he just sent her home & thout a rose or anything >> without a rose or athing. caila, thanks for r ayin you've ce long way.
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>> h he swiped left in j jaica? that is allll wrote. ^he is soute. iave to say, cailadon't you woy,ear. you y e a beautiful mamaand you'r goi to findovov just not o othe sh. >> it wawhat it wa ben doininsome more dede inking. en there was the ros rereny. frankly, )t was a fogone conclusionthis point. they went ththugh the motions anyway. jojo got the firststose. our r rl lauren b. g the second rose. andpnow w ere's just the chamonshame e ft. in e e. that's'srutty y ch what we'r@ do to. we're still cheerg for our girlrlauren >> we think 's#gngo be uren b. >> we'll s s. tell all nweek. ecout`r videos onle. analt out. >nde leav u uwi t t titiue. let'momo o o case you'v' nototal osred d t at thipoinin we had to share ts adororle moment sunday night of leonardo dicaprioiot the e vern's bal r party.y.
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presented and the winners get the namamlates affixed after ththceremony. that's when n e t ts year's best tor apparentlyried to make a little small talk with his graver and this is what came out. >> the engver handed leo an information pahl that tells him how to properly y intain his oscar,r, which hereplied, i have to maintain it?@ >> he may have to do more than maintain just that o oar of his. >> h might have frce coetition om a young up d coming look alike. he's 2yeararld swedish mucici and bartendnd konrad anneruru tha's konrad with a "k" by th way. he just landed his first delinggig with ralph lauren. >>or barney's hehe in new w rk ey l lk so much alig wusk-tragag it enhahce body's natura moture
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and when i knoshe'e'eling like tt, it make el likwe're when she enjs itit we enjoyoyt t t oror and i joy . feelhe difference th k k ultragel. today you u n verytying ust t e clic en keeyour toile eaeaand fresh. troducing lysoick clk i to e eoyoyanansenewith every fl lysol. healthink. yh,lick
1:53 am
its adnced forla releasesspoerful memecine that acts fas while its extended releasemedicine lasts s r 12 hours. ry delm...i i y promomed my little girl a fabulouk garden partrtfor her birthdayay so i mow t t law put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost#eryththth you kn, 1 in 10 0 uses could get hihi a septic disasaer, d a billupo $13,000. but fofoonlya month, ridis scientificallprpren to brk down waste, helpininyou avazd a septic bra ud by septi prpressionals in their own nks. shouldererdon't juju carry pads.s. they carar yououfafa' ' ssns, hope and dreamss and maybeb a c cnce at greaes because shoulders were made for grtntns. not dananufff rrator: : breakfast. dies... dinner. dishes.s rriaia. dishes. divorce. dishes. eeeeping. (s(sring) (sputtering) dishes.
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life. dishes. death.h. dhes. exisisnce. dishes. dies, , es, dishes.. ery dish, every time. ly finish has s e power baba tottakon anythg. enough psse ininere for i'i'goa ta mex simax. too latewe're about to take off. these dissolve fast.t. ey' nequid gels. ananyore c cing with me... you alize i ve gd ststus? mucinenenenus-maliquidels. dissolves fast unleash max strgth`dici. les end th. today you can do everything in just one clk, en keep your tle ean d freses ining sl clicgel. ick k k to eananress withveryflus lysyl.
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let igo, let it go don't play that enough. >elie it or t, there lives a landd far, far away a al-l-l-l princes and that vy mykyical distant l ld is called de. well,l,s for the princs part,sk anyny one of her young she'threaleal. our denver statitiasas oror >> reporter: s se princesses efer not tlive in towers. >> so magical.l. everertime it n%ver ge woul . >> reporter: s se kids fry talelecould d a lilili magic. ncesses peoplelways think ofheheand they're li , they wear spary dresses. it doesn'tatr where yocame from, what kingd y livivin. >> reporterf that is untililheirir favo stories come to the their kidom,he inse o&o deer's ronald mcdonald house
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withllness. now they know let it go >> reporter:4her voioe b b bs a glimto t tirirs.s. e told her elsa wahere toda shacaeally came froa p and s on the run for downstai. >> r rorter: their souls s sne ifvefor justid. anwhenent't!titi to le g elsa leaves behihose magical memo it's time for this p pt-time prcesso return to real life. ld ed cwhe e 25-year-d mama ger named rarainglgl ananhehedisnmpernations have m me her an overnight inational internetetsensatio she's gotten so ol at t her transformations, she and her boyfririd starard busines caed princeseverftft
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wigs? >> everye goes through struggles. >> reporteteter it the way she trts others s at makes her a kiki of yalty. >> bel in yoyose andndou have theighteoplplthere support you and ehfhyou onon th you can accomplish anytng. >> reptrtr f f denver 7, i'm kristen ovir >> must mean so m mh too many girlrld bobo. >> you can see it t eyes. ey kind of light up just seeing her. >> they haveveere you meet el at disneyeyorld. it is ononof the most popular r rides. it's's 90-minute wait. absolutely worth it.t. my daughteteloved it.
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bebeighthtack. > m mni. i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm k kdis gibson. hehere are some of the top
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morning on "world news now." > super esdashowdown. donaldrump and hlala clilion e rging in the pls lving r rils in the e stst a dozenentatas s ad out to vovo and tempers are flaring with a trereure ove of delegadas at sta. a full report comingngp. scientisisisayayhey may have found the fit proof that the zikairus causes temporary s,he study wasased on an tbreak of thth virus two yearsgo othe islala of tatati. >the contversial ntraceptive e sure will be givevee fdfds most serus warninbut the device won't be pull fromm thehe mark. thousands from women had mplainededut theevere pain and bleeding assosoatedith e sure. > new study saya)lack of >> a newtud say lack of sleep incrcrses aetititit and enenuragesovereatiti icarly snacks high in fat and prein and also discourages exercise. those are some of our toto stories on thihiesday, march 1st.
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is is "worldldewno" go morningng 'rgog to start this half ho with a crucial turng point in the race fofothwhite house. vors in 12 states making t tir pipipi >> it's super tuesda dodold trump is lding a clear lead in the last polol and lookingo cement his ont-runner statas.. but hitwo clesrivals aparo beigging i ifor a fight tohe e. it's yououvoice,r vo abs m llamas`ss the campmpgn t til. >> rter: tsiononruptg atat a trump rally in virginia. >> get them out of here, please. >> rorter:argegeroup of udent protters mared out of fhe e e. and ashepass, a photpher from "time" " gazi, thrown to e ground by y secret s svice agent. watch again. e agt's haarouou thehe phograph nec then, thhe m still on the ground, angry exchange of words. the secret service, now investigatin but that wasn't all. trump singng o o another protesterl asking g she's mexican.n. >> a you fm mexico? are you frfr mexico? rit smack in t middle e my pupuh linene
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cong as the republican front-t-nner finds hself in the mile of a new contve dodgdgg a ateses about wheth he will rejectcthe support of foer ku klux klan d`wizard vid duke.. >> would y y just say, uneqeqvocally,ou c cdemn them and you don't wa their susuort? >> wl, i have to look at the grou i mean, i don't know what group you're talking about. >> mn, i'm justag g out vid duke and t t ku klux klan here. but -- > don't know dadad dudu. honest, i i i t kn david duke. i i n't believe ve e er met him. m prpr sure i didndn meet him.m( i st don't know a ything about him. >> r r rter: tru undnd firirsaying he didndn undndstand the question. >> so,et me tell you, i'm sittini( house iflorida a th a very y d ear r ececth they gave me. and you could hardly hear what he w w saying. >> rerorter:r: trump clearly knows who dafid duke is. listen hid in 2 00.. >> david duke just jned, a bigot, a racisis a pblem. i mean, thih inot extlthe people you want in your party.
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respono duke and the kdrdrdrg angrom s va senator mao bi he e amed it on a aad earpiece.. heouldn't hear t queion. i don't ca howowad the earpiece is, ku klkl klan mes throroh p ptty@ car ande resus to criticize it. >> reporter: this weekend, rubio and trp engaging ipic schoolymrdame-calling war.r. j havavnever seen a han being sweat like he sweaea. >>8^e doesn't eabecause hihi pores e clclged from the spray tan that he uses. >> left out of the trumrubio brawl, senatored cruz, ( caca oututn his home state in texas hopi a victotyre keeps him in the race.e. thereris a growiwi chorus of republblan m mbecongress who sasathey will not suppordonald trump if he's'she gop ne tomas,bcews,av does ta georg. illa clinton is enjoying a commanding lead in the latest national poll. she ma a campaign stop i norfolk, virginia, where she alalned herself with p psisi ama d touched on everythg from health h re to the economy. fofoer preredent bill l inion held a late nighraray in
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change. bernie sands was also in ssachusetts cking in another large crowd of suprters anan 's questioning whether clintonon can n ally bringbout chahae. sands st reived big finanaial boost raising $5 milliln n sterday alane. simplaskehis s twork of smdo theonndth fwed ghin>>stayith c ne for e ra of r esess vo. r lilical teilbebeere tonight etern. we'l'lhave a cometetwrp on "world news n" morrow moing. >> on the evevof super tuesday, , , the`e`ate department has releas t last hillaryry clinton'e-mails.s. at briris the total released to about 5000 messages. clinn has maintaed tt nono of t t e-mails wasarked as classififi at the time sheen them or receiv them. and thiss a first for tht u.s. or any other country, f at matter, admting this.p. e pepeagon is now u ung
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the goao is s srupt the abilily of isis to communitetecontrol its forces andndanage e s financnc. defense secry asascarter ys i may force the extrememts to use older technologigs thth e even easaer r isjuptptpt we've heard for rhrhfirsrs titi from an american student who has beennetained in north korea. was ten into custody januararafter trying to steaea item froroa a tel where was ayininwhile visising the secretive cmunist nation. abc's bob woooouff with t details. reporter: head wed, the erican stutunt marched in to a goment arrd press nference. >> i havmade the woror 1>yeye-old univeity rginiatudent o oo waer is acced by nonoh korea of mmmutingnghat t ey c cl hoststacacafr warmrmer says he tried steang a aitical b bner from e tel where w sta i am bebeing to the kea oplend g g gnment fo >> he wawadein in januy ile on a tououwiththroup
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in a statement touva's newswsper, hisis faly, who has had n n contact with him since know for sururababt hi conditionntil we have a c cnce to speak with him. now past detetnene h he often nted statements s ey claim duressut until otto warmbier is home, we n't know if that wawae case hehe. bob woodruff, abc news, beijing. >> a aohio teenager is expececd to appppr in juvenile court this morning g ard withthwo counts of&attemptedurder.police sayayhe 14ear-d open fire in his schooll cafeteria,itting twostudents. two others were rt whilele running away. one student heard it all uold. >> >he f fst s swent aind of paud five seconds and b bg, sang, ba>> the sheriff s ss he's awarere of a motive t he pototeady to relelse it. > itit both a setback ana fit r self-driring cs.s. one heooglglhihi hit a public b.. no one was injed in the fender-bender. ar google headquarrs.
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involvingh google's self-driving cars b b thi is a actually y firsrs one where the car wasas t. google s says it has tweakededed software. no wd in morning on n o gets points on their license. >> new engndatriots fancan rejoice. tobrady portedly sned an two-o-o5 extension with the e team. brady iss 8-yeaol bub sdde would like to play into his 40s. great. well, , ported extensi seems to makth a real ssibiby because the al is set to g ge the patrts signicantly more rooundede the nfl sala cap. so before the exexnsion, apparent bra w w wue to mama about 5 llion for the comingng sesuon. a little s ss withtheena therer >ou like a little abridged to k kp you updated in the >> we e ke t tsee h m ararndnd onof cububs best known produc. tainout e cigars. ththcouny's annual cigig festival kicd o o in hava onn&
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om a aund e world. cuba's weather adverse fectet this year's tobobco crop shrinngt gnificantly. >> oh,h,o. therill l em to be enty arowith the u. and cun relations warming many say won't be long bororre and more of those famous cigars mama it here ley. what i want to know is it still going to be a thing if eye gal l >> oh, i m mn, they still l l they're still l ettytyood. yti e e a goooo legal oill thinye. > not reay into smomos but you e. i iean, i iojcen awhilelele cing upup wrerengngehind thecnene of e quirky hipster@ comeme "portlaiaia." >vo ahead, who woultry to p ofthe girl scouts by papang for cookies w wh counterfeieimoney? who saved thday after an outrageous ripoff. >>he tearful answers from erin andrews. her diffilt day i iurt in a caseseetting widesprd attention.
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loversrsay fls on is nionana p pt b bter ay.,, bebeuse i'm a woman... do y think i'm g gna crack k der prprsusu or conqu the field? de expectations any day with always infinity. male with flexfo absorbs s x its weight. reite e rus. always.
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ox toilelebowlclner w th b b is nmatch foat. power ilet bowowowear ines mer d-upuportltlslyy anankills s .9 of germs totoet yr toet trclean, whwhoose anying othean the r of lysol? and toeeit that wa foup to 4 wewes try lysol autotic toet wlleaner. narrator: breakfast. dishes. dinner. dies. marriage. dishes.. divorc dishes. slefping. nori) (spupuering) dishes. not sleeeengngdishes. life. didies. atat ds., extenee. disies. dishes, dishes, dishes... ererdish, evertime. only finish has ththpower r ll t take on a aing.
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thesdissssve fast. theye new liquid gels. and yore comininwith me... u realize i have gold status? mucicix sinus-max x quididels. olfast u s didi. t's s d thth.$ t is was certbinly an adururin moving near dftroioi a high sed chase oan legedldlstol u-hl n began on aintete highway, th@hen med to local roros. thth chahaha connued even aftft the truck's tireses blew out and obstacacce hlain the road. nally a dedetytytyged d to the van with his squad car. thehtrcame to a haha and the driviv u uer arrrrt. dn k kw that popice put stacles in tay b looooat that, there's one.e oorsoso toe ving. l right. levevenow to a seriou pic. "dancing with ththstar host inndrews broke down yeerday on e witne stand. >> sheuing the nashville marrrriott hotfor $75 m mlion
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heheroomom abc's eva pilglgm has more. >> you know your body. and i saw w or t7t seconds and i was li, myod.. d i sh idownwnororo:n drew eaking down in court a she relived the momentshe discered a naked video o herself line. >> dadi'nakekeall er the internet. i don'n'ow wha is. reporr:he popularar spcaststnd cohost of "dancing$with the star !s suing thowner and manager of isisasasasle marriott, whererere she s secretet filmed by a stalker in 2 28. thtvideo has been viewed nearly 17 million times. drews' mother, ,aula, described consoling hehe daughter.. there wasasascaing r r downnnnn it's -it's a nightmare that doesn't st..( >> rerorter: andrews i ial& g t e man who filmed h h h michchdavivirretet f@ inrance ecutive. she claims the hotel made it easy for him tack her wn fi her ohihihi phone tprough a peholee modied. >>icd up hsehone ani ed theperator and aske could i haverin andrews' room. theyonnected me. so that t knewewhat room she was inin
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barrert a a iminal who tried em into gaining access. barrett pled guiltto stalking in 2010 ananans sentenced to 30 months in prison. >> thehecould have stopped this and i'm so angry >>rin n drews wasn't the only wowon michael barrett secretly rererdedn a hol roomom pted at least t t more deos online. a pilgrim, a new spville, tennessee >> and some crit the fact she says that t ancici with the stars" helped her get her peaee e ck because she was back k stagag iteems like such a lonononad for. i don't think le rlili how diicult it's b bn., >> it's been seval yearsrsrs she's still dealing with it. >> she sd in n e i itial aspectctct afterwards, her espn colleagueses we reall great.mikeirico amonghohohohho is said come o back,eed to youumile aga on r and be ba at work. so at leastheyere ere for her. right. coming up, theketch comeme tv show that's attracted a cult follinin
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carrie@erownwnein have becomom
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nextor "portiaia.,tt2w wkf bt@qzj 2w`tkfd* "a@qjfd tt2w`tkfd* bm@qamh h tt`tkfd*" dzdrdr=$tt4w`tkfd*" entq m ( tt4w`tkfd*d*gzt&t&p tt`tkfd*d*hnt&t&d)< tt4w`tkfd*" iztq .@.@tt4w`td*" jntq > last sunday saw the p pmiere the show's sixth h ason. ip's now gained a a a a almost run away cult folollowingng. so what's in store f f this seon? >> heh we're "uall nighine" with ni watt who goesehind`ththth sceneses >> i guess i do a questn about the chickeke if you could tell us more e about it. >> rorter: if you actualal order fofoikthis -- >> y y have this informamama. this is fafaastic. > solutely. his me w w colin. here are his paper >> that's s grgrt.
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that runs s2oundnd >> welcome to women and women first. >> reporr: b bkstores lili this. d dferent`daughters >> we couldldlde youou it wililtake a yeaeaeaet here. >> it has to be written. repepter: if yoasipster precious as is. >v w w read an articic abo artisan kns the sunday times. >> wow. >> what's that? >> huh. >> reporr:r:f yoyoe th, shouldn't the show's ifc'ss "portlalandia" rely, really offend y u? >> i do like walkini around down. >> r rorter: we met the stars carrie brostein and freded arsen at thehece hotel here e the l.a.pth spsof theacen the show. call it e de >> y y know, w give e t free typewrwrers. you want one?? >> oh, mgogo lw w it in and h fans confirmed they're not offended. >> can you act like you'u' kissinme?
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repep iehow pysysyssdead pann e hiper moray of portland. this is not @omedy of the unkind. go vegan >> i spped wiwshire and ok beverly er to santmonica. >>epter: after more thanan decade on "s"s," armisenennows wh works. thehe's a live audience# there. the meaner a sketch was, the less theudiencreacted.d0 if it stays in a place o some kind of affection, it just es a little bebeer. >> reporte the s sw has moved beyondnd srtrtharp sketch to ng teas with our heroes playayg versions of themseselves >> good night, c crie. sometimes it't'subtly off and sometimes it'ssight and day from who w ware. it's fun to play a versionon oursels. >> i can't this year. repepter: the season n e entire episobe deals w wh the earlddle ageadmitting they would rathereratchm me than acdlly y to the music stival.
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introtucing the first phahasese in viual participation ususg drones beenf. >> a new technoly. you wt to be like s sepla where you dot haveo ststd d at all. >> rorter: i is s re the babaroom. >> yes. you were just in a line e e w(olololme for the bhroom.m.m. i'm thinking about it ththentire mem noenyong mel >> thelaming lips here. thatatould beded. >> i'm sorry, who are you? >> he's coininf e flaming lips. >> reporter: thehela lips guest stsr. >> do i look like a pimp to yo >> when n man pulls out money y awrorr a registe have to wonder. >>ver the ars so have eve buscin a wig. >> we really appreciate it.>> andnerstwhwh real liji mayor of p ptland. >> i'm'm still waiting to hehe back fm my g. >> rortere despitets name, the ow r rlects a time, t just a pla. >> it's part of a gger cucuural conversation we're having aboututhis stuff. >> reporter: trttt i i maybe we're all a little bit "portlandia" oursesees. >> a little san ancisco right
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sorry. much better. lcome to portland.d. >> repororr: i'm n)nk watt for "nightline" in l l angeles. > so you're i io o e ow. >> i did see tt t isode, the last scene you saw theheheit was interereingni thoughit was good. jumpmp off theandwagon because yoknowbut -->>'ve h ard goodhingoulu e show. i haven't se it. i'veeen n portlanan itits s ird. it's s@ryh likekeortland when y visit it. >> that's at i hear. the feel. >> it hawon a peabody award. a lot of feople e e e aising it. it sharetle e" a sculpture ght the on fifth a a ue in downtown portland. >> 4hey y most called it stumpmp town. >eally? stump town. >> doesn't have the same ring.
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after there. today u can do everyin ine ick, even koile ean anfr oduclysol click gel. clicit i e eoy clean f2fshne th e h. lysol. stard2healthing. h, clili enough prereure in h%he for ya i'm m`nna takeucinexexsinus-max. tolate, we're about t take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquididid and you're coming th me... you alize i i ve gold status?@ mumunex s-maquid gs. ssvestst tosh max strgth dine. let't'd th. i y y omis my little gir fabuus garden party for hebirthday. so i mowet tawn, put up a the decorations. i out t got everyt alalststverything!
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d a bill of upo $13,000. but t r only $ $a mont r r-x-xis scientiticacaproven t eak down waste, helping yoyo avd a seseicisaster. rix. the #1 brand used by septic professisials in their own nks. it's'sot a aays as easy fofome a3 it t for h h... it easy for me cause loohe . so we use k-k-k-tragelel. itnhances b bs nanaral moisture i can get into o e swswg oft a bit quicker. and when inow she's feing like that, ititakesese feel le wewee bo... when shehenjoys , we`enjnj it evenore./ d i eneny .
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did you know ere's a liquidthat sts for twelve hours? try dels twelvepho cough liquid. its adnced forlalaeleasespowl medine that t ts fast hile its extded release medicine lasts for 12 hoursrs tryelsym . you can do eveththg t onclick, eep p ur toilet n and es introding lysol click gel. click n enjnjanan fshss withvery flush. l9l.l.
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r@a dededethe tto of e girl suts has been "be prepared." es, but when one yoyng sv@ in orangee coun, california, sp caught byypurprise a ammer,ood samaritan stepped in to sasa the day. kabc'slee with thehetory >> w wldld l le to buy yome sut coo. pa orter: it's that timof yeargo.%% girlcout cooooes back on se. sellingg tn mints, s srtbreads d caramelelighthts help here fundaise for importantn activities.
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frfrcisco anancaing.g. >> >eporter: l la'mom laura says it' a goodhanceorer lrn aboboanaging money anddintmrarang withothehers. but whihi selling ckies in front o this grocecy stor na g g an n expectededesson. >> there's good people in this world d d there's bad people, and it ws a good lesson for her learn. >> reporter: while helping a big crowd, lauraays a man handed her a $100ill for five boxes. she ga himim75 in change a a lef someone gaves a fake $0 bill. we' the girl scscts. who wod dohat? so yeaeaeat was kini of shocking. >> police coirm it was coteeit bill while wafoofficeceotarriveanotr surpri thisimimfrom a good mamata t td her whwhapned. she wewe b bk homendave e $100. >> she said i didn't wanyour dadahter t thaha aad g ovt experice ajalease ta thoney ani s le e w.oresson thth 9--os ll neverrg >> thank y for supporting our troop. >ou, too. you have a good dada
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tools to membebe to helphem from receiving countfeititills as welas recnding they n't acceptills larger than $202 reportrtg in costa mesa,reg lee, abc 7, eyitness news. >> very ol >> younono you can order online now. they'll end u a a nk and mail it to you. it comes quickly. >> i'd m mh prefer you v vit me. >> witthat dress, yes. sayes to the g cl scscdrdrs. what are those critters you're selling though? >hose are the chocolate coved bug cookies coming out ne year. >>e'll sell those the oscars next ar. there you go.year. >e'llll sell those at the
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>> thereou go. > thth morng on "world ns now,w,polililil drama ononoh tuesday. >> from the e cret service
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nald trumpvent to the cacaai direcon#hillary clinton n n/n heaeangng as voters in 12 statat gto the lls. > cafeteria gunfire.e. the teenagererccused oshooting o students at scol. the frightening scene and how e drdrdrended. tearful testimy. sportscaster and "dancing with the stars" ht erir qndrere o o the d d swering difficult questions reliving a humiliatiti ordeal. and a a alth alert abobo laca of sleep@and d ur eatin hahats. could insomnia blilied to the munchiesfs what new research reveals on thisuesday, mamah 1st. a a ancer: om a news, this iorld news ">> that's sort of f keould pot to the munchc.>>ho s oedhasech >> we needed to get part othat research. 'll delve into thate happsuper tuesday. to you, too. >es, its tuesday.y.mah 1st. a super sized one. we begin this half hou o cose, witi theheiggest day at t
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ti. erininest eillots r es seven of them are utrn states i cluding texas, the bigge pre. re than 16 delelates are ep fofogrgrs. no cananda c w the nomition today. t the front-runners cod emerge vtually unstoppab. >> a new poll shows s naldltrump and d clinn r aheaof their rivals. nearly 50% of republicans are bag trtrp leleing marco ruruo o d ted cr b bre than 30 points and hillllclinton hjts 55% ano d drats coed t38% for rnie abc's marci gonzez has the latest from austin, xaxa mornintototo, marci. >> goooomornrng, kendis and re it was a busand eventful day on the campatrail ahead of wh is so the to be a definin day in theace for the white house.e. st hou before super tuesday voting begin last mitete
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protesrs interrupting a donald trump event chan b lives matter.. get t tm out of here, please. >eporter: andtheyeyevt, a ograraer thrown n t t ground by a cecretfrce agent. trump makingngo meion of that of the contversrssparard by ththe comments on cnn ababt t s enrsement from former ku klux klan grand wizardavid duke. ould y y say uneneivocly yoyocondemn them a you don't want tir suprt. >> well, i have tototok athe group. i mean, i i n'kn what gr rekingbo. >> repr:mper exexaini djdn't t t quononnowi hhad disawed b bisn'ststping t aksrom his opopnes.>> don't ce how bad t e earpiece is,u klux klan mes through clearly anhe refuses to cticize it. >> we should all be united i saying that the klan is rfprehensible. and has place in polics >> rorter: democratic front-runner hillary clinton
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sanders now rgetinintrump. > don'thimerica hasas evev spped bei great. at w wneed to dodoow ws mama america whon >> reporter:ututrumpmps poing b%hindndere in tas where senator ted cruz is counting on his constituents to bring him a much needed win. kendis and reena. arci, thanyou fofothat portrom stin with c ne`ullayor r tuescoverage. our policateam will here ght at0:00 eastern with the veryatest and be se tot tune in to "world nene n" tomorrow mornini for the latt results. ananan the eve of supur tuesday, thehetate department releasededts fal batchf hillary ton's e-mails ile e secretary ofoftate. that briris s e total to more an 52,000 e-mails. includininin00 that re censorededr withheld completelel for containing informationow deemed classififd. no eaiai she wrote or r nt wewe marked as classified at t time of transmission which cpintohas cited in h own defense. >> there's a new delopment
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investign into bebghazaz the e cocoittee today intews an eyitntss to the septber of012 attack." that person n identififd only as being from m e national security community. the u.s. ambassador and three others were killed in th atta. e coitteis l lkingngnt how w llary clintotod ata rtment and hed that atio > the u.s.ilitary i#i#iw usg cycyrweapons agasn isisie new unit is ying to srupt the terror group's ity to communicate, ntrol its forc and manage its nanc. defense secretaty ash cartrt says t effort is already paying off altugh he wouldn't pridmuch details about it. no o oer country has publiy acknowledged an efrt l l thth. > alk k a l laltoto foror appl 80s case against thth government.
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i ione ia naotics case. the judgedund no far on how w far the government would gto requiririrmpanies to -- e justice department said it would appeal theuling.g.that ruling has nonoect on the babale involving appndhe fbibwhenent cocos to unlockingng the iphone of one of the san bernardino bombers. apple'top laer wililtey about that very case today and expected to maintaininle's position creininspial l sowaouou endanger i pono users everywhere. this mning, puzzlingngew details about the e ston mber tholder brother passed a. . citizensnsp tete j j jmonths beforo the attttk. the e formion n in heavily % edited immmmon recordst released to ththboon globe h h d not y why tsarna was non/recoended citizenship. the 2020 bomng k kled threre people. >> an ohio teenager is e eected
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morning charged wi two countnt ofemptpt murder. poloce s s he openen fire inis scscol cafeteria. alex perez has the story. >> reporter: ohio investigators s huntinfor answers.$ >> he juju p pled ouhis gun and starard shooting. repter: a aer l ntime turned to horr today a madison high sl outside e cincinnati.authorities say a 14-year-ol boy, student at ththschool, ( gedly stormed into the cafeteria, armed with a .38 cacaber pistol, and openen fir >> the fst shot went, d then it kind ofaused r five conds, and then bang, bang, bang. >> reporter: two students struck by bullets. other two injured d shrapnel. poli s s smomentter,r,he teenaged g gman tookokff on foot, t officersrsckly capturing the suspect. >> he s apprehended up on top p of t t hilil it appears still l - hool groun he wasasrresd at that popopo>> rtehettacndinin communityntnta pac. frc parevts gaerinat a near gas station a authories secud e school. investigors now workrktoto determine a move.
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been crged as a venile, , th two counts of atteteted murder. auauoritieiesay thvictcts are vevu lucky.. nono of the ininjuriri a threatening. alex perez, abc news, chicagag d happenoverasas -inal has become the highest t ranking ficial to testif about sex abuse in the catholic church. australian cardinil gorge pepe is the pope's top financial adsor. this morning he was testifying via satellite before an australiacommission looking into child sexual ababe. he w asked about`the abu untry's most n norious pedephile one priwho s s sferred from parh h parish.. allegeto c cer u uabuse. he accteno responsibity for the abuse duringnghes.s.s. insteablamed ae nior cler man daing with the stars" host erin andrews broke down on the
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against a nashville hote ananews was vidideotaped while changing h clothes at the hotel. thth videoent vivil. e descscbein court t t ment she first sawaiai >> you knoyour body. i saw it f two seconds and i wawawake oh, my god.and i shut it down. andrews went on to o y shsh& bebeme all but dysfunctitial for several months after t t videoea wewe online and wants 5 million the hotel whichhe says!de it easier for the stalker. heheas convicted and served 20 months in prison. thcontroversial coraceptive e sure wl be given the a's'moerious warnininbut wonot ulled from the maet. it has drawn thousands of compinrom women who said ththinndhdleeding g eredas so sesere they reiredurgegery tremovevehehh device. the fda ordering the manufacturer bayero conduc studies theheice to further assessisk in different groupspsf w/me and nene aboututnother controveveial l oduct for womeme a new w udy finds that women taking the fememe libidoddi i
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sexual exeerience due tohe medicinene searchers concluded e e benefifi of f king a ai weren't wowoh it.>> w wl, i i iu're awake at thisisis ho, this may be e reason why yoyoyo gaining wt. >p>phat? >> a new study says sleep pration increases appetiti, encocoages overeg. e test subjejehad more hungerorornes ane more snac esly one highein fat. d rechers sathathe sty isisoo small to be conclusive bet mididce is eded on the impoan o getting ouou sleep. is it t ally needed?no, we kw. ;p whaha t study >> we neededo slslp. >> there's a reasowe're cravg doritoat this ur. >> we crave doritos, i took a butter finger from david mr's office. help youelf.f. is that w wre the ssh i i 15 m mths and d just finthis out. >> it's not a big stash at t js hour. a couple guys in kansas city
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own.theyeyeaped ririt out o o leapt, what is it leapt? ouou a helicter r ouou5,000 fe up.p. >> tt't'not all.l. thth's not a a tt high realay for sky divingngut they had thiner control bausesef the members ofhe redull a)r foe are sky diving and landed d atathe national d wawaii mumuum a memorial. >> quite a way to use thyearar on ext d. sa >> i ildldlder sky dive. rumembmb george h.w. bs ve bign his big bihdays uld sky ve? not my t tng. >> l lk how he's lived. it's's key tloevy maybe. >> coming upin t mix" parents spena forte onon braces for tir ks. w findut w y a@dog is headadg to4the orthodontntt. >> the military legend g gen the medal of honor. hehes at l up
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>> and remembering the rookie poce officer killed er first t tob >> be su t tfollll us on faceceok a t tert wns.yorech orld nw." n fans. you'reatching "world news now." the lawn,n, put up a a ahe decorioio.i oughi got evevytyt. st everything! u know, 1 in 1 1housesould get t t by a septic sastst, ana bill oup t$13,000.. but fofoon $7 a mo rid is scitifilly proven to breadohelping g u d a septic dasr. rid-x. e #1 brand used by septic prpressionals inirirwn tanks.didououw thera coughhliquid thatatlas fowelve hrsrs// try deym twee hour cough liquid. its nced formulaeleases popowerfulpmedicici that acts fast while its extended release dicine lasts for 12 hours. try delsym . narratat: breat. dish. dinnnn. disheses marriaia. dishes.
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sleeping. (s(sring) (sputterin dishes. not sleepingngngshes. life. dishes. deatat dishes. exisisnce. dishes. shes,sshes, dishsh. ery y sh, everme. only finish has thwer ball toak anythg. th is mineral build itollects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. or t t tt bowlclnenewithleac is no match for that b.t lylyl we ilet bl clner elimates minerer d-up effortlessly and d lls 99.9% oferms.
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why oose anything her thanan e por of lysol? and keep itt way r up to 4 tclyl autototitoilet bowl cleaner.'s n always asasasy for memet is fwr him... it's's'sy r me c looooat "r. ... so we use k-y ultragel. itnhances my body'naturature so i can get inteswing of it a t quker. anwhen kw w e's feeling like that, it makes me f%elike we're both... when she enjnjwe enjoy i ieven more. and i enjoy it. feelifference wi`k-y-yulel. enengh&pressssssinere for ya?m gonna take mucin sinus-max. too latewe're e out t ta off ese dissolve fast. th'rnew`ququ and you'u' cing with mu ize i have golstatus? mucinex sinus-max liquid gs. ssolvefato u m senhmedicine let'u d this. s/s andnd used d watch the red d rpet shows on tv w, i walking thehe life is unedictable` ing flakakakee isnsn.
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usededegularly, it removesup to 100% of flfles eping yootd live flake free for a destri is dead aft ththlate street racing crashshh in the los angeles area. the two drers were going clololo to 1 mil an hour. whwh a third vehicle tri to make a l lt turn in front ofof
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the cacashed andn ououof corongtandg onheheorne two ce havbeenen rendhargrg witit hir mala. >>viiaiaanpepeed to p p gy toow in two file abdtion rderases jee maw junior is charged th k kling8-yearld univsity of virginia student hannan graham and linked by dna to t t murder of vginia ch student morgananarriton.n. the plea ament will apapapntnt spare matthew the ath penalty. >> a ao in virginia neral rvicwill be ld today for that 2ar-old polici#officer who was shot to death oner first day on streets. >> scores ofeoplpllid the ute on whichchhe body of ficer as g gn done was transpororlastpnight acmpied by dozens of pole motorcycycs anpatrolars. it came e her acceced killer ced a judge for the first time. elizabeth h r has the latest. repter:ald halton arraigned twice on two murde charges remains in jail, held
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be clcar, do we have officics involved in a a ooting? >> we have thr offffers that`t reporter:r:ccordingngooo authities, the three offers shot were onding to a 911 ca reporting domestic abe in prce wliam county, virginia. fir ashley guindon kled in the line o odudydyut on r fit ststet patrol saturday. >> couldn't be any worst case thth thihiin my opiniofor a police offic, i always call this an officer's worst ghe,o too roine call anwip dead.. >>eporr: as a communy mour, new details ememgebobo the 28-year-o-o-rookikiofcer. e ld s s snt somomsix y-ars as a marine corps reservt and her passfo public service dates back to 2011 when she interned with the lici depeptment. >> sheid sre with us whewe rehid h r that she felt like she still wantnt to do this job. e coul't get it t of herer blood. >> reporte her accused killer an army staff sergeant assigned totohe penengon n also been charara with murdering hisisif found dead inside their home.
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home but not h ht. tht two other r rs are expected t trecover. as for the suspect, he'sue ck in court april 19th. and d ng first dfefeand d capil l rder charges makes h h leororeath penalty if convivied. - elizabeth h r, abc news, n york. >>o sees just a reminder of what t w forcement is constanany upup agait. domeic aercation what they yere e onding to. none of what do is routininon any day. the general publ is vid to tend the sers. from all ovevethththy, wete >> i imagine y a g coeong up in our nhalf hour, royal caribbean's "anthem of the seas" d daged after sailing to hurririne force windlast mth. it is turning backgainin is it because of bad w wtherr ze ockckassengers on board? >>but`first an american ro. a memeer of the lendar s.e.a.l. team 6 hareceed the
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now." i need hero >> very good dhememeor this one becausone of ameca'sravest
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nation's higst milary hor. ember ofof.e.l. . am 6 and his acts of bravery to save an american hostage will gdo in hisisry. here'sbc'savid muir. >> an american herstng out of the s sdows. a member of f e.a.l. team 6, edward b brs junior, nowhe xth nanaeal see history toeceive the med of nor. >> that t we had a mison and that w to rescue an americic hostage. >> 2epepter: st ht tas of afghanistan to sa an american ctorbducted by e taliban. >> they toldldim the ameririri e not ng for ythth wererwrwrg. epr: ain gunfire, his tmme charged rst. was h. edought off two gudsdsallili that amereran doctor. i heard his s ice and jumped on to the american hostage. shieflding the doctor with his own body, pinned anothehe talibabaguard to the wall waiaing for his ammates to ach him. >> by going afr t ose guards,
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teammateand that hostagege >> 2epororr: t tee years saterer a his fellow s.a.l.s nod he white house. >> we sleep more peacefully y our bebe tonight because patrioto likikthehe stand ready to answer our nationl and prott our way life e e and rever. >> reporter: did m mr, a ws, new york.>>l ofofhis happened he said in l ls than ainute. >> w w. >>he attacks of all fifi of these taliban litints d also savinghis gugus life. it was prerey remaable. work o oall of his rescuers bu still troublesesy the events of that night his story diers a little b from the offffl miliry po. cocong up, we'reoing to swywch gears. tting braces for yr pu >>nd an ice eam-fill doughnut. we'lg exexai >>nd a ice cream fd ughn. we'll l ain.dier. . shes. marriage. dishes. doughnut we'll explaiaiai.noring) pupuering) diss.
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. dishes. death. dis istete disiss.s. dishes, dishes, dishes. evererdi, evevy time. lyinhas e wer ll ake on anythg. covergirhas g news for lashes!lashshast t our m award wiing mamaara millioio of f f s, millions of looks bill of betiful lashes bsted! the lablast collection@ frfr breeey, bebeful covergirl pdid you know therers s cough liquid at lasts for twelvlv homrs? trtrdelsym twewee hour liququ.
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try del . is i i inel d up itlectleg s germ-rididstns. oroxoi clclner thleacac is nmah fo but sol r ilet bl eaner imes mineral buililortlessly anlls 99.9% of germs. to g g yr toilet ulylclean, why chnythg othethan thpower lysol and to keeit that way fo to 4 4 ek trlysol automac toilet bowlwler.. somememe use-y ultragel l enhancncnc body'y'tural iqturereo i n get inin it t bit t icke and whenen know e's in it, i get tot and.... feel the dference th k k ultragel. . , i pinky omised my ttle girl a fabulous garden party foher birthdhd. . i mowed t t lawn, t up all theecorations. i ought i got evything. almostryg!
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and a bill of up to $13,000.0. but fojoonly $a momoh,h,id scienenficay proven to break down waste, helping yo avoid a septicisasrn rid-x.#1 brandndsed by s stic professionals in their own tanks. it's time f r "the mix." parents spend lot of money
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>> yes what ifififr r w issues th hiseeee? meese ey, a cute gorgeouou poococ isise not adorable? he's from ringe, michigan. aprently the 6-month-old golden retriever.. his adt t eth wen't coming in correctly a a his owner molly moorwas worried about him becacae he wasn'n'eating or playing with his toys. iturns out her dad is veterinara dentist. he put braces . i didn't know thas a thth >> h hput aces to fix e h ananapparentt really, rely worked. nowesley is happy, healthy and eating and back k normal. check out t atmile. >> if only i ie a couple of my lower teeth that need some work. we could recommend d u to wesley'srapa. he's prettyd. rememberlreaea rich eisenene now he at t@e nfl ofetwork and gotten a little older and he's a dad. but take a look thi nfl combinis taking place righnow. whe they try out all of these
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wanted to see what his timing wawaon t t 40 yard dasasas his suit and look at that. s juju b b bngpe. >s s 5.94 sec handerful.l. let's compapat to the sem@mi os thwould beros. th ijoey bosa a is f fm io state defensive liman.n. t even close.. at's how these would be youngsterso it >> o o look atathat. i think at dude has a d& dierent. >> t ty'reike 4.3 seconds.s. >> hade wawaone second off you mean >> nearl two seconds. that's critical. >> these guyuyhave been training. t thisisude trlonger. ve him six months wo condition and train. i bet he would be up here. >> he would s ill l t beat. >> by p obabab five seconds. >> i would say change your sneakers. >> n he's --e woulul't be abo t. >> wke o o sweetetreats here on t oveveight.appantly there's a dought that's fillewith ice cream. look kthis.
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anotr reason@no love prague. u get thisiamazing tat o ask.k.k. itit an ice cream m apped d can n y th as prague's good foooocafe andakery. looks aming. that looks a azinw. we're not even g gng to t hink about thcaloriri. that's awesome. >> i icalorifree, book our fligigto p pgue right nono >> we've seeeea lot out of t bostst dynams folks. now they havava robobobog. fo legs taking on a real dog re ithe e rking lot. they encountered an actual d d who is kind of hangingngut in the papaing lot. >>mart dog. should be upset by this. whatats it? we're nosurere >> hs kind o oweirird out5by
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>> tt's a goodttack dog. >this mni on "woror newew now," campaign take-dowo.
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sesecrcr servivi a aa donald@d@dmp event. ththcontroversy a`d`the e f candide'e'commen on this per tuesday. clinton's challenge now that the latest batch of controiaiaeamamas s e rerereed. cacahillary clintotake her mpaign to o e next phaha? > and new this hf hourure big chge en spacactoday. astnauttt kelly is turuing from the intonal space station after his record-setting mission. so who is tang over as commander as kelly rererns to earth? >> and latat ini"thehekinny," fantasy suite excitement on b he bachchor" inlving ben higgins and three young won and some difficult@decicis. our seniornalyst is here witit exclusive insightsnd a asis on this tuesday, march 1st. >>nner: fro abc ne this i i"world news now." your descriptiwi of the chelor," it is.
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etetet the fantasy suiteit becocos sosothing completely diffffent. a l ltle. > ft li neeeed a ower afr wahinghe seconhour -"the bachelor." >> you don't feel likekehat often. sorry. > well, leles get to what is day is allbo. it is supeesday. thprididtial candites battling out o cthe busiest da of the pririryeason. voters ininozen states e ading to t t pol with treasure trove of f gates at ake. nearly 60 on theepblin de and more than 1,000 for e dedecrats. >> theatest t tional pol naldldmp w wh a a mmanding lead o4949 marco o bio,o,eded crururuailili far behind. momo than 3030s down a ump thouou i imaking med lines agn thisorning t ts time for prpresand a sidelineff atab camign even abc'c'daviviwright begins our veve. >> reporter: a aaucous rallyt radford university and a porter roughed up byember donald trump's secretervice deta
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chs morris says he steed out of t t pre p n. secret sercent b b bed m. harsworgs exchanged. [ bleeped ]. >> witnees say that's whenenagent grabbebehim by the nec and threw him down. republican primary see likika hoold awthe o's won ing. i'veever seen n human being sweat he cteatsts >> the t ^e set not just by trump mocking hihirivavaut by s riri mockikiim >> he doesn't sweat because his pores are clogged from the say tan that he usus >> marco rubioioasn'yet called trump p short finged bulgarian. >>on't understand.why his nds are the size of somebody who is 5'2". ve you seen his hahas? they are likikis. u owhat theyay about men with smama h hds. >> repepter: but he's used j jt@ about erother inlt. >> you can't trust him. >> reporter: chrhr morris has since apologized for escalating his confroation.
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>> reporter: but the trump campaigngnnn t t secret servic veet to apologize to him. david wrigc c ws, new york >never a moment.t. in the meante ititlania trumumum saying she doesn't ways aee with her r sbanan ciallylyis l lgue. including when he repeated a crude that a woman atne of h eventntshouted out describe tedejruz. >> i was in new hampshire when e woman was shoung out the inapopriate wowo. right. >> and i was there andnd'm thinkingikikdon't repeat i my head.juststor h)h, don'repeat it. just donay it because the next day, media y willll talklkbout that. but he repea>> clelely that inrview was shot at a motel 6. she tells cnn afterwards she did share her thoughts with her husband. >> to the democrats now and bernie sanders raisingore than
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for r ney%but t 's fighting anan uphill battle. thehehtest poll has hillajaj clinton at 55%, nearlyly0 0 ints eaeaof sanders. with more here a a a cecilia ga. >> all r rht, everybody, arereou fired ? >> reporteter: hillary clinton pipi to swp the south h d win super tutudada >> if you go oul and vote for r tomorrow, i will statd up p d ghghfor you throughgut this cacaaign, no m mter who the republicans nominate. eporter: in viviinia, with ju hououout until voting begins, , n feelin co secrary clinton, your super tuesdadapredictitk? >> just ppy to b bin virginia,a,a, working hard fof every s sgle vote. >> r rorte shuhu rg a wave of momenenenafter her south carolina blowout, winning 86% of thblack vote. at's e en more than president amwon in 2008. nono she's lookingngor a repeat statete like gegea anan alabama
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>> and tomorrow, this campaign es national. >eporter: bernqe sanders now facing toughghuestnsbout the future of his campaign >> we got decicited. but we got kilied. ththcrowds -- >> we can win no, queseson, here in minsotaif we ha e rnout. >> reporte the verntenatat gged jt twtwtwops s the gn trawhinton d hehesband made a s-sized super tuesd pushshvising t teefefent statesnd e e different ci th clilions w ve es on e meget nald. and the state department has now releedhe finalatch of llararclinton's e-e-ils frfr her ivive rver, more than h h 50,00000agag i iall. ile she islad he thth apter behind h, shshheads into super tuesdayayas an fbi investatiostill hanginover her head. cecia vega, abc news, fax, virginia >>anlo f more covera om ciliand our entirew totoy on super tuesday
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in as well a tune in tonight wewel ha apecial edition o "wor news now"" doow moing al. the were gasps yterday supreme crt aer justice clarence thomaoke. it's the firir time in ten years om has saianythinguring an oral gumeme at t e court. it wasn't just o queueion. it was sing of them in an excxange that lasted several minutes. thomas has said befo that he rees on ittetebriefsnd n't ededask ess. >to fl theay on cakc(al today. esent obama peed to meet ththop republican wmereron tpe i sue.e. ey vowedblk his nomimie mattetewho it is. the white house says presidential advisor b can d will heaea up efforts to selectt the nominee.e. ghw he oversees is the president's climate policy. >> a veteran character actor has died.
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remeered for his supportg g g role en "cool haha luke" for whwhh he won an oscar. he acted in dozef her majofilms in his more an 50-year career oen as a tough guy. "nakakun" series o ocop spoofs. gege kennedy, a world wa veteran n ed o onatural cacaes. he1. heth ofo in chicago anced e firsrscaca of ka s in the cit a a man n o had recently traveledo columbia has sincece recored and scientis say they mayave e first proof that the virus c cses tempororar paralysis. the research was basedn an akn tahiti twowors ag iv tstudy, none ofofhe patients diebut 38% had be adadaded to the icu. . >ere's a delay salt warngs in new york city's chaistaurants. toy wawathdaat b apppp eaearies will have t tpost icons in menus wning about high sodiumtemsmsr bein som $200. but an iustrtrgrououwon a last-minute temporary reprprve pendinappe.
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its authority. these are the la hours in ace for americananstronaut sckey.y. he's been@on the intntnational space station for nearly a full year. >> kly handed over cnd of the station to another astnaut nday. d later he and two ran crewembers will ridede spacacraft back to earth.. lly sayseing utherso ng r r rrea lot ofelp. >>pace flight is the biggest team sport there is. and itit, you know, incredibib importt th we all work together to o ke w wis seemingly imposoible possible.e.d kekey ananthe russns w wl land tonighthtn kazakhstan. when he rerns s houston, he willergo tests wh his in brr mark in ororr to gauge the effect tall of that ti ininpaceceadadadhibody. >> increreble. theyaid it cld take months
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>>t'o t.. wo >> comin i"thekiki excitemenelast's 0 chel" " uding g`ree e ung women, the ftata and s # ch mobe. rpsesese analyst is here to plain. a a a a a, the young woman whohdresess up as snun prince on a search for smimis. it a job she takes very seriously. >> andhe luxy y uise on ship that's no stranger to prprlems from illness s rough weather.r. the ssengers are demananng better treatment that's after todod's forecast t maps and snow storor andndevere weher on t tn supur tuesday. u're watching orldldewew now." apprchg g g re eligigigity? you may thinyou can puoff chki gut you mecare optptns u uil you'rsixtfi, but nois a gd timeo ge the ll rlili ke in n , caca only cors abo ghty percent
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th's w w aarp mecare sulement iurancens insured unininiltareinrance any comen. like standardimedi -ent insurancela, eyould help some ofat medicdoesn't, vingngou iout--pt dicacostu've learned that tatang informed steps ong the e y really mes a didiencn later. w wt it means to godoon call nownd request tfree [d[dision gue]. it fulofnforortion on dicarera t rge o aarp mice supple pns to choe from bedn n nemes et all plans like these let y u nyococr oro spalalhat medidire pati, and the e no netrk rections. unitalthcare insurancompmpy has ov thiy pend t commitment roll aloloyou,u,
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ese are the onicare suleme insurance plans enedaarprprp orgization serving s of pple and over generation plus, , ne of temembers susued ey wld recom t t pl to q frnd. remb, carereoesn't cov erytng. th iup tyou.callquesyourur [d]dise] anarargathering g formion u u help you ke rolling wh coidence. gog is is s nenenebuil it colleleing grosososrmden ststns. clorox toile clclner withachh is nmah foat but sypopor to bowl cleaner elinates min ild-up effyy kis .9 oferms.p get your toil try clean,
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try sotiilet bowlleaner.pumpp your look plumpify your shes wi new pmpify scara a ginormous lifng bsh boosts lasheto 50 time the volume d lifts lashes sp up and away...(neplpi masrarara from easy breezy beaiful covgirlany y w trunakak shadads and liners well, a clcle call for
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tornado. she e otted the funnel cloud in her mirror and t t t to tata elteteinsidede hare store. but dodoocked an rricic wbaba the drivevehid behe a soda maine outside e store. it felover, and e tornad all but destroyed thtlto. but the fedex driv j jt fine. >> dratic. wow.w. d this certainin was an adventure ininoving. ar detroit, a high-speed chase an n allegedly olol u-havl n began on an ininrstate highwa then moved totoocalal ros. thchase ntinued ev after ththtruck's tires blewewew, based ononbstacles polole e d aced in the road. nay a a puty band into thehe van with h hruruer and the trtrk ca to a halt but i'm susehe cops didn't help with thmovi at thatx poinin >ll, on the high troued cruise ships rarang ck tthe home port.t. it was in nejersey.
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we're t tkingngbout royal rieas nthem ofhe seas." damage efterharging to hurricane force winds last month. it is now inforced to turn arnd yetgain here's abc's gigez.. >orofr: fheeconontime this month, the "antm of the se" is headingome eaeay, but royacaribbean saysyst's because ofofhe weather, not because ten people a day are reportinsymptomsf norovirus. the cruise line tweeng that a "severe forecast storm" is to blame and that norovirus in n all percentata of @ 6,000 passenge "didn't affect the decision to retu." ananbc news fofocast shows e ship now racing g beat th stor andrrive on weday. ahead of that oncoming storm at will hit on frida this just weeks after the e ry same ship took k ferocious beaeing from 30-foot wavavavnd 120-mile-per-hour hurrrrane-force winds. paengers forced tounke down. >> the water kept coming above the windnd and it looked like we were aquarium.
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suit. noroyal l ririean sa it' just tryg to be extra utus that t t stm approachch. that ship will arrive ririt here on wedneayorning. gigibeniniz, a a news, bayonne, nersey. . >>hen we comomback, "the bachelor" now into t homestretch. whh lovelyadwill win the grananprize? >> is it prize? and speakinif es what onardo dico sasa lt
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"the skinny" inextttatu#4 bt@q< ttatu# #4 4 "a@q_\x tt2watu# s4 bm@qtwt tt4w1wu# s4 " " tq 0 t tt4watu# s4 4 entq @$4 tt4watu# s4 " gzt&t&y#tt4watu# s4 " hnhn i- tt4watu# s4 " iztq#dx tt4watu# s4 " jntq 148 tt4watu# s4 " lzt& )yd skikiy so skinny >> hey, welcome back. skinny time. if the bachelolowas sports mpion, w would now be down to thchampiship game. >> youe right. it's just bachel benennd dis o farite women lefefright now. g us w wh deils of how got to this point is our senior bachelo he's bro[on up. >> was it really that bad? >> there were e lot of tea. i'i'trtrng t tholdysysf thereror the segnt. i figured ininead ofes i uld bring tiues you u folklk ththe wowomen started last night, ila,a,ur girl lauren b. and jojo. ofofof jamamca we n. roll that b butif chelel fooooge. that's caila.
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you could tete that caila had somethg on h mind. she e s melancholy as ben n id it is j jaica. >>hey had dinner. that's when she decided to played lay it on him. she sasa, ben, i'm in love witit you. >> she did not. . >> b b dididt go there. but thth d go o the fantasy suite. come the next morning, everyrye seemem satisfied. nene up, lauren she d d d heininlease so baby turtles into the ocean. this was very cucu. >> t ts cute. >> they really enjoyed eac ototr's company as they ually . >> how long g fore a shark k attacks shose?%%ive thth ahae, you know. they geto o er uren. adts s se uncertainty. well, e says i love you to him. they wound up back in the fantasy a a all. u get the idea. and ththsurpryse w wen td d lauren b. love you, , well. so he nt there. he went there that one.e. enherereas jojoj th took another helicopter ride.
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fore in vegas, if i call. well, they took thisisne in jajaica. eyeaoff to very romantnt waterall. jojo decidedo get in on the e t.t. she sasa i d d you, ben. to whichen says, j j j i iovep you, t. >> what?>> you know where thth ended up.% in t fanansysyuite. >> right there iththtbntasy suite where ey had their own hot tub. ben's t himself in a rightht er meks ow. and re comes caila. shuhdecides thathe's goingngo surprise ben whohos doing some deep thinking right there with the camera perfefely positiod.surprise. you know what the surprise was?? shsaididhe wanted to do meing sptates. well, ben said something sp_ptanes to her like you knkn what, u'veot t tgo. shshis out of he. >> like he just sent her home without a rose or anything? >> without a r re anythg. caa, thanks for playinin
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take a ride.e. >> he iped lefin jamai? >> thais allltheheshe e. - >he is s ute. nsnsyou rry, dear. you are a bfautiful woman and you're going to find love. just n on the show. >> it was whatt wasnben doing some mordeep thinking. then there was t t rose cemony. frankly, it was a foregone conclusi at this poioi. they went through the motions anyway. jojo got t t first rosos our girlauren b. g the second rose. and now therers just the championonip game left. in e eence. th's pretty much what we're do to. 're still clearing for our girl lauren b. >> we think itgt going tbe laurenen. >> we'lllleeee wometetl owl next week. the finale inwo weeks. eck out oudeos oine. analyst out. >> a aleaveu u uth the ssss let's s ve on. casyoreotally oscared out athis poin we had tototare thiadorable momentntunday nighghof leoo dicaprprprt t e governor's bl
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>>he little gold men blblk eh they'rprprprted d thth winners get the na p ptes affifiaftethe ceremony. that's when he aarently tried a little small t tk th his engrer and this is wha ca an out. >>he engraver handed leo an formion mphlhl that tes him how to pperly maintain his oscaca to which he plie i haveo intain it? >> he may have to do more than intain just that oscar of his. >> he might have fierce compepition n om a y yng up d comingngook alike. he 21-year-old swedidi mucian andndtender k kra ru het landedis firir mode gigging with ralph . los juju likhim. >> for barney's here in new york. they look so much alike.
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and when know she's feeling li that, it makes m mfeel like we'ee` both.... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i joy y . feel the difference with k k ultragel. todau ubn dodothing in just e click, ev keep p ur tclean n d fresh. introducing lysol click gel. k it i eoy clereshnene withvery flush. lysol. stt healthg. eah, click did you know there's a cougluid that lasts s r twee h hrk? try y lsym welve cough liquid.
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while its eend reasmedicine las for hours. ry delsy i y promisis my lile girlbulous gararn n rty y r her bibihdhd. . so i mowed then, put up a the decorations.. i thouout i got everything. almost everything! yoyoknow, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster and a bill of up to $13,000. bufofoonlyly7 a month, rid-x cientifically provov to breadown w wtet%helplpg you avoid seic dister. ririx. the #1 brand useseby stic professionals in the s. shoulders don't juju carry pads.they carry your fans' passions, hopes, a dreamam anmaybe, ahance at grtness.s. cause shouerwewe made for greatn not dandruff rrator: breakfast. dishes. dinner. dishes. marriage. dishes. d-vorce. d dhes. sleeping.(snonong) puerin diss.
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life. didies.p@ dedeh. dishes. existence. dishes. es, , esshes. every sh, every ti. only finish s s e popor ball to tako nything. enouou pressure in`nere e r ya i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too lalalawe're ababt t ke off these didiolveveast. th'r'rnew liquid gelel d u're coming with m.. you realize i have gold status? mucinesinummx quidels. dissfafato unleash m m- strenh dicine. let's end this. todacan doverything in jone click, evev keep yo toioit eaand fres intrucucg lysoclick k ick )i cleanreshshss every flush.
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let it g get it go >> believeor not, , lis in a farfar away lan therere is a r rl-life pncncs. there's a mystical distant land and that land d ere the princess lives isalled denver. >> as for therincncs papart,sk yone of her young admirers a they'll tell you she's the al de. christsta of our denver stion has ththstory. reporter: somo%prinsses prefer not to live in wers. >> so magical. evy inever gets so would. eporter: a a some kiki fai tatas could e a littleleagic. ncncses,s, people alwa tpink kf them d they're like oh, they w wr sparklkldresses. it doe't matteere u came from, , at kingdom you live in. >> reporwer:t is until their favorite stories comto thehe their kingdom, e inside of denver's ronald
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with elsa makes them forgrgr about their babale with illn now they kn let i igo 7 > repter:2heroice brings a im their eyes. >> w%gtolderlsa was here toy. shactuallyame up from a nap and was on the r r for downstairs6 >epepte theou shine ifn r juju a bit. and when it's time to leit go, elsa leavesebehindhoagic memori. 's time fothth had part time inceceo retu to real l le. to a l ld caed colorado where she'a 25-y-yr-olmarketing manager named k rah ingle. anher disney impersonations have mher an overnight international inteet sension.n. she's gotten so good)at transformations e and her boyfrienstarted a bubuness ed p pncess ev aftft. >> i iike yourress. but a princesesjust a llececon of dresses wigsgs
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struggles. >> reporter: or is it the way she treats others that mak her a ki of yalty.y. >> >elieve in urselflf you have theht p pe thto supuorund cheer u on can accomplish anythth reporter: for denve7, i'm kristeteskovira. >> mea so much to girls and boys >> you can see it in their eyes. they just ki of lighup seseng her. >> they have it where you meet sa at disney world. it's a 90-minute waiai absolute wor it.
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be right back. good morning. i'm reena ninan. >> and'm kdis gi. hp aree ofhe top
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momoing g world news n n n > r tuday ow dodold trumpmpmp hililrylinton e e rging inhe pololeaving their van thststasas dozen statead out to vote and tempers are flaring with a treasure trove of legates attake a a ll r rort coming up.p( scientists say they may have found thfirsoof f at the zika virus caus teorary paralysis based on an n tbtbak of the virus two years ago on the island of tahiti. thcontroial contraceptivive su wl be givevethe fdmost s sious wprnininbut the device won't be butted from the market. tpousandndof wowen c cplained about thththreain and d ding a aociated th e eur >> a new ss o slpncouragagagagagveatatg fat and d otn and d scourages the are some o oour top spories on this tueses m mch 1st.
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go morning. we're going to start this half . hour with a a ucl tutuing poinin the racr the white house. vote in stas king the cks.>> it't'petuesda.dold truhoa clr lead ithtest poll. t his two closest rivals appearo be digging in for a ght to the end.& it's yr voice, youte. abc's tom llamas is on the campgn t t. >> reporter: t tsion erupting at a lly y virginia. get theout ofofere,e,leasas >> ^eporr: a large group of @ student protesrsarchch out of the event. and as they pass, a photographer from "time" magazine, thrown to the ground by a secret service agt. watch again. the agent's hands ound the photogph's neck.. en, the man stitin the grououan angry exchang words. the secret service, now investigating. butpthat wa[t t l. trump singling out another protter, askininifhe's mexican.n. >> are you vromehihi?? aryou u om mexico?
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punch line. >> reporter:onfrontations coming as the reblican onrunner finds himimim i the middle of f new cororsy. dging a question a aut whether will reject tupport of former ku klux klan grd wizard david duke. would you j jt t t y, unequiuically, you condnmn t tm and yoy don't want t tir suppt? >> well, i have to looat the group. i mean, i don't know what group talki a. >> mean, i i jusustalking about david duke and ku klux klan here. but -- >> i don't know david duke. holy, i don't know david d duke. i don't believe i've ever t him. i'i'etet sure i didn't'teet him. i just d know anytng a aut m. >> r rorteterumpmpnper firyiyi he didi't undstth question.. >> s s l l me tell y y, i'm tting in m house in n id with a very bad eaeapiece that they gavavme d you could hardly h hr what he was sayin r rorter: but trulearly knowo david duke is. lysten to whwh he e idn 2000. david dukjust j@ined,d, t, ract, arororo.. i meaniss not extly the peleleou want in your rty. reportete bututrump tepid response to duke t klala drawangegefrarar rubio. >> he blamed i ion aad
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he couldn't hear the question. i don're how badhe rpiece is, ku klux klacomes pthrough clearly y d he refuses to criticize i i >> r r rter: this s ekd, rubio and`trp engaging in an epic sshoololrd n nlling war. >> i have never seen a h h h being sweat t ke h hswts. >> he doesn't sweat becae s pores are clogged from the spraytan that he e es. >> left out ofofhe brawlwlwl tototed .ca on his h memeta in tetes hoping a victore eps him in the r re. there is s grororohorus of repupuican members of congss who s thth wili,i,i,support donald trump if he's the gop mie. totollam, c news, georgia. hillary clintnt is enjnying cocoanding lead inhe latest natitial poll. she made a campapan stop in k, vginia, where she aligned heelf with president oba and d uched on everything g g from health to e economy.
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mamaachusetts calllng ononis whitetsupporterspo bracac change. rnie sandeasaslso in is s& masshutts packing nother large crowd of supporters and he'suestioning wheth c cnton can realng about cnge. sanders juststeceived a g t raisininin million yesterday alone. he sisply asked his neork of f f money a e cash flowed right t . stay with abc news for comprehensivivcovege of super tuesday's vote.. our politicacacaaml be here tonight at 10:0:astern. we'll have aomomete wrap up tomorrow morning. >> on the eve of supur tsday, the state e partmeme has ased theheast hillara clinton's mails. thatatrings thtotatareleased to about 5000 sssses. clintototos s intained tt nono ofhe e-mails w warked as classified at the time she sent them or received them. > > d thiss a firsfor e u.s. or any other cououry f that mptter. adadtting thisthehpentagons
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the goal idisrupt the ability of i communicoroitrcnd me itit nances. defense secretary ash caer says imay rce the trememts to useselder technologies th e e en e eier isruptpt > we've ard r the fifit time f fan american st deinin in n rth koa. heheas taken into c stodin item from a hotewherhe aying while viviting the mmunist nanaon. bowoodruff has the details. >> h hd bowed t e ststent marcrcd in to a government an arrangedss c cfcrence. >> hav mhadadhe worst mistske. ofy life. >> 21-year-old univevevey of viviiatudede ottotwabier isccusy north korea of commtinghat they call a stile act. aftehe says tried stealing a political nnererrom e hotel whhe was stayingng >> i am bebeing to t korn peopop and govererent for my foiveness. >> he e s s tain in januy. while on a tr with a group that specializes in travel to north korea. in a s stement to uva's
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had no contact with him since tht innt, said we won't know for sure about hisontion % untiwe have a chce to o eak with h. w past des have ofofn recanted statants im th wfoed tsade duress untilililo rm bier is home, we n't knkn i ithat was the case here. >n ohio teenager is expected to appear in jenile cot this morning arged with two counts of attempted murder. policeay he opened fe in his school cafeteria hitting two students. o ototot were hurt while runnininawayn one student heaed it all unfold. thepest shot wentnt k kd paused five sondsdsnd bang, ng, , . >> t theff ss he'e' are of a motiveveut not ready release it.. >it's bh a seack and firsrsfor self-dving car e of the google vehihies h h a
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no one was iur ithe fender-bender. ththe haha been other s lvlvg the self-drivi carar but thisiss e first one wherer thwaat faultlt google sitas tweakededhehe softfbre. noord who gets points on n& their@license. patrts fans rejoice. totobry reported signed d extension with the team. happy about that? >>'m ha >> b bdys 38 yeyrs old b ididuld like tolahis 40s. grt.well, repoedenoi em me al ibilcausal@i@iset to give the tr significany y oom@ununun thnfn n ra so befthexteion, paredy was d do mamaabouou5 mimiioiofor thming seseononon >> wow. little spopos th reena ere. >> you like thth? a little abridged version. ,pke tkeep you updated. >> we like to see him around. so thesese bays for one of cs best knono oducts. lking abt the ciga. the country's annual cigar
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>> it's the 18th annual festival d attractstsdreds of buyers fron arorothe wowod. cu's weaeaer advererer affected t ts year tobco crop shrininng i isiificictly. >>here s sll sms to be plentyrod with t u.sand cuban relationonrming manyay it won't be loeforormore and ref those famoususigars ma it here legall >> wt i want to o owows it stl g toe ing if ey're lelel now? >> oh, iean, they still -- eyeye e ill pretty goo you still enjoy a gd. >>egeg or illegal, i think. ah.. >> i'm nototeay in smokeke yoare.>> iean,n,ryry yt oncen awhile. come up,p,rereoingin( the enen of thththirky hipstererer medydyportlandnb."." >>ho w wldry trip o&f th girlcouts by payg for coies withouerfeit money? o saved the aftean outrageous ripipf. >>gh questions and tearful
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"dngh thst" thatfterod fecas p.
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lovers day... arn hoto proroct youy y y erlology ly bones loan' throu the day ou always seem to fi t easy way ovin' like u'reld and gray evererrd word i say all overmerica, tire famils arararckckg. 're longer ju sedentaryra we're stationana. d that's bad news for yo b bes.. any age, boneneeded wehteafi activit tow ng anstay strong. so g goutside. take thehetepsps play wh the dog. just getet out, get t ving.
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errd a wori say a public sviviessage fm thamerican acamy ortrtpaedic surgeonon >p> thas c ctainlyn n ad thisas c ctainly an adventure ininoving near deoit. a high speed chase oan allegegey stolen u-haul van n n onononinterste highwayayay en moved to locaroadad asasasntinued even aer the truck's tires s ewewut and an obstacles police hadadlacein the road. finilly a deputy bangegeinto the vavawiththththuad car. the trtrtrcame to a ltnd t t drdrerer uer arrest. kw ataticicput obacles inht w b late'e. oneeasoto hate movingng let's move on to a serious st. "danng wh sts" host erininndrere bro down
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marriottotel $75 million after she was secretly fified in heheroom.. abc'eva pilgrim has s s . >> younow w ur by. and i saw ititor tecds and i wawalikeleohoh god. and i shut it wn. >> reporter: erin andrews eaki dn in c crt todayayas shrelived e moment she discovered a naked video of rself ononne >v dad, i'm naked all o er t t intern. i donot kn what t is. >> repter: the popular sportscaster andndndost of "dancingitthe stars" is@ suing e owand nagege nas mararott, whe shshseetet fd str the video has been vwed nearly 17 milon times. andrews' mototr, pauauau dederibed consolg her ughter >> the was nlming her downwn it's -- - a n nhtmamahat doesn't s4op. >> reporter: andws is also suthe man who filmededer, michael davibarrett, a forme insurancexecutive. shclaims the hotel made it easy f f him to track her down d film her on his cellhone through a pepepehole he modified.
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d caed theheperator and aske could iave erin andrewew room. they connected me. so t tt i ew what t om she was in. >> reporter: the hotel calls barrett a criminin whohohocked thememnto gagainacacss. barrrtt plpluito stalkin in 2010 anwas sentenced 30 months in ison. they could havetopped this and d m so angry. rin andrdrs wawa't thenly womamichael babaett t cretly cordrd in n hoteteteom. he posted at least ten more videos oine. a lgrim, abcews, nashville, tenssee. . >> and some credit t fact she says that "dancing with th stars" helped her get hepeace becauae sheheas b bk on stage. ititeemse such long road foher. don't think peopleealizezhow diicult it been. >> it's beeneneneralalea butut shshs still dealalwiththt. e said afterward h h espn cleagues were great.. mio who saididom ba, we n nd totoou smile again on air and be backckt work. so a aleast thth were there for her. >> right.
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show that't'attracted a cult > how codians fred armisisnd caie brownstha bece
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next for "portlandia"".2w`tkf bt@qzj tt2w`tkfd* "a@qjfd 2w`tkfd* bm@qtt4w4wkf" dztq =$" enm ( tt4w`tkfd*" gzt& t'p `tkfd*hn d)kftq .@d d ttkt" 4w`tkf" x those sounds by the y, the themmusic from "portlandia" ich it start aut five years agasas sleeper skeke comedy oifc lampning popoesand the norteste her c >> lassusu sremie e he sw'w'xtas cult following. what's in fothis season. we're "up all nightline"e"ith h nick wato esinine scenes.. >> i guess i do have auestion ifou cld tell us more about it. >> reporter: if yoactutuly - order food like this. th is fantastic. his name was colin. here are his papers. >> tt'eat.
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runs around. >> welcome to women rsrs >> book stores like this >> different dghters. >> w coululorder t t for you. w wtake a year tototo here. >> it hato be written.n. orte iyou her ecio ais w we rdn cle ouou stkns day mes" >>ow >> what's that? >> huh >> rorter: if u are then, shouldn't the show's "portlandia" really, really offend you? >> i do like walking around downtown. >>epororr: we met the ars carrie brownstein and ed misen at t aceototoherintha. theh call it the dce. >> we ve out free typewriters. yowant one? >> oh, my god. >> how is s gng. >> and hipster fans coirmeme
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ssing me . >> reporter: the show play depan on the hipsterorays of poland. thiss not cody of thth un.. goegan. >> i ipped wilshire and took bqverly over to santa a ca. eportete aore an a cade on "s," a aisen knows what wks. >> t's ae dience the. thehme a skewas, t le theheudience reted. if istays in a place of affectn, it does a little tter. >> repororr: the sw hahamoveve beyoyo short star etcho longng tates with our hehees ing ionsnsf sees. >>ood nit,ry. >>ometimes it's suly off a sometimes it's nigs and day fromho w ware. it's fun to play a version of rsels. >> can'this s ar >>eporr: the sean one enre e esode deals with th eaeaeamilegaading wod rather wat from home
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>> we'e' introducing t first asin virtual participationon n necol ou wt bkekeep e u t ve tan >> reporter: it's more the bathroro. >> yes. you were just in line t`e t whole time f the bathroom. m thinking about it the entire time nojo i i >> the flfme is lipspsere. thouldlde us. >> i'm sorry, who are e&u? >> he's coinf the aming lips. >> reporter: t flaming lips guest star. >> do o look like a pimp to you? >> when a man pulls out ney from the regter, i have to wonder. >> ovethe years so have steve buemi in a wig e e tet. andilre lifef rtnd. i'mllti to rom m g g >teeste itsame, the shsh reflects , not just a place. >> it's part of a bigger cultural conversatiowe'r havingbo thihist >> repter: truth is, maybe wewee all a little bit ortlandia" ourselveses >> a little n franansco right
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knt i i an sorry. mu br. weome toord. r rorlrr:'h nicwa for "nightline" in los a ael. >> so i u're intthe show. % i dee t tepep the lats saw there, interestini thouit was gd. i jumpedff theananagon because you know, but -- >> i've heard good tngabou the show. i haven't seen it. i've been to portland. it is weird. >> iryuch like panwhis it. >>t'wh hea theeel. it s won a peabaw t of people arpraising it. shares a a tle sculpture right there on fth avenue in town portland. >> they almost cled it stump town. really?y? doesn'n he the sa rin
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mo after this. yp tanning, indoers or out, the effects of harmful rays will show up on ur skin. inklesagagagots and an crd skf skin can clg lanoma, the deadlies of skanr d the se most coon cancer inom 15 2toing. time may n n be e our si. lehoto protect y yskin at spotskiceor a message from the america ademy of dermatololo te the rubbish scrub dthfloo mac j j don'mp [ booi-oing ]
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[ creak ] [ booi-oing ] stuublethe ststrway`y [ ringng 0 ffle down n hall these achijots are sore ow! [ knees knknking ] [ boi-i--oing ] [ crack ] y joints don't jump no me ( y joints don't jump no more 7 [ baba ] thbbing ] a agfrom e amebcamy of orthopaed surgeonon visit t thofort.
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// spspl t . fofoa deca,@the tto of scouts has beefefe prepar. >>es,st heh%h% o yoyn sct t ca b bsurpriseyb a amme@asama stepped in to save the day. kabc#g#gg tht ttory. w youiuto buy some cookoes?s v>vter:r:t't'atate ar a coooooososo#e. r r a alileererpp hhehend rai for importanactivities.
3:56 am
>>ep lawnaomomauausasa'sood d a ce for h&eaeabobo mana ney.t t t t tt an n exuectededsson. . >he+s gd d leisisd there's s s pepele, , and it was a good leon for her lememem eporor wlengng b bcrcrcr l lra s ss a n nded her a 00 bill for fiveveox-----im75 i i iannd he l l l >>omeoeoeoavavusususus e're the girscouts popho d that? so yeah, it was kindnd shng. ololclnfirit cocoterfeit bill.e e e inofficeceo o arriri, anototrdsurprisese this time e e a g gsasasatan. told her whatatapafned.d. w1ntntntk hohohondave us $1$1 >> she said i didn'tant ur ughterero adirl scououexexexence and pleaee take isoney. and s just likekwowo rter: l l ln thisis 9-yeye-o-o says she'llever
3:57 am
t tnknkououor supporting outroo >>)y have a gogogoay. >> rorr: the girl scts of f ange countsayst provides tototo memfmrs thelp them from r reiei c cntererit billlll welelas r r r rndthey n'acacptptptls larger than $20.greg lee, , % itnessssews. >> v vy coco. yoyoyon n n ononneneow.. they'lsendouininand playay it to you. comes qckck. >> ih`prprpr visis me.e. ititthatress, say yeyeto g gl l out drdrdr >hat arthososcrit you're sellingnghouoh?h?h? >> those a ahehoted d g cookies coming o o nene y yr. p phe adventurer insidi of y.
3:58 am
3:59 am
>> theou go. aking ws iamerica this morning, super tsday showwn
4:00 am
the presidentialelection. multista v v vg with a lot at ake.e. we'r'p live i washihington with thcandidates last-minyte effort b states seen as must wiwi toda >violent ray. chaos erupti at a donald trump event.& protesters disrupting t front-t-nnnn and a p photogrher gegeing slammededo the ground by a secret servi agent. > caught on camera. a driver leadingice on a a ld chase in a u-haul6 > and historic yrr space. astronaut scott kellyrepang forris return to earthftftft a a cord-breakg ssion. wewell,oo tsday morning. wewein w w` the busst d at the pol for the enirerimary ason. >> it is super tuesday.voters inn states a casng their ballots a a treure trov of delegatee are up for abs.s. hillary clinton isolding a


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