tv Teen Kids News KRON August 23, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
>> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm livia. let's start with our top story. >> here's a story to keep in mind next time you feel like you have too many worries. it's about a girl who refuses to let cancer get in her way. in fact, thanks to breakthrough medical treatments, she's bare even slowing down. hailey makes walking on her hands look easy. yes, her teammates can do it, too, but consider this -- just in the past four years, hailey has had surgery for a brain tumor and multiple
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>> come on, hailey! come on, baby. >> oh! >> whoo-hoo! >> soon, she was back in action. here she is at a tournament in chicago -- the bars, the beam, and the floor exercises, all in top form. >> good job, hailey! >> but just a month later, at a different meet, she suffered a seizure. feeling herself losing control, she struggled to hang on. >> well, i kind of fell out of my turn, and so i was, like, out of it for a second. and so, i just finished up the turn, and then i had to dance into a corner. i danced, and then i was like -- had to get back in focus, and i focused, finished my routine. and that was it. >> the seizures continued. one happened during a sleepover party at the home of her best friend and teammate. >> it was at 4:00 in the morning, and i was awake. everybody had fallen asleep.
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and i look over, and hailey -- it looks like she's almost, like, twitching. and then, i went and got my mom, and we found out she was having a seizure. >> the tumor was back. her parents took her to md anderson cancer center. the doctor recommended a new kind of radiation called proton therapy. because it pinpoints the tumor so precisely, there's less damage to nearby healthy cells. >> she's a really smart kid, and i was able to really discuss therapy and radiation therapy and how we deliver it. i explained that proton therapy goes into the patient and then it stops, unlike x-ray therapy, which goes into the patient and goes out the other side. >> traditional radiation, or the newer proton therapy -- the choice was hailey's to make. like a school project, she spent time doing research. >> there was no question in her mind. she did not want to live with the seizures. she did not want to be over-medicated. she switched her research from
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regular, traditional radiation to the proton therapy, and with what she read, she felt more comfortable with it. >> hailey also decided to continue training, even through the treatment. >> i chose to continue training because when i'm here, i feel like i'm at home. and so, i mean, i just wanted to come in and train and stay positive. >> she stayed positive, even when a knee injury put her on the sidelines again. >> more, hold, hollow, shoulders. >> she's not quite ready to stick her landings, but she still makes an important contribution to the team -- she's their inspiration. >> well, having hailey back, like, watching her get her skills back and getting, like, on track, it kind of, like, made you get chills and smile. i mean, she always smiled and made us laugh through her hard times, and then every time you kind of had a hard time, she would always help you through it. and so, she's just a really amazing girl. >> hailey's teammates have been on this journey with her, not
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only at the gym, but at the hospital, as well. when hailey started losing her hair because of the treatment, her best friend was there for her. they have advice for anyone with a friend going through an ordeal like this. >> i would say, don't change your relationship. be... >> just stick together, i think. >> keep doing the same things you used to do, so that person who was sick could continue to feel like how it was before. >> everything was normal, yeah. >> yeah. >> now hailey has the "normal" ambitions of any high-school athlete. >> i want to compete in collegiate gymnastics, and so -- and after that, i want to be a doctor. >> recently, hailey got to ring the gong at md anderson -- a special ceremony showing her treatment is complete. great news for a truly great teen. >> this important message is brought to you by the aclu, because constitution day is every day.
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>> it's now time for this week's "flag facts." >> rhode island's flag is bold and simple, but the state it represents is much more complex. for instance, although there are islands within its harbors, most of rhode island isn't an island. italian explorer giovanni da verrazano may be responsible for the mix-up.
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arriving in 1524, one of the harbor islands supposedly reminded him of the greek island of rhodes. others say the name originated with dutch explorer adriaen block. the story goes that he was amazed by the red clay in the soil so he called the area "red island," or as the dutch would say, "roodt eylandt." he also named one of the islands "block island" in honor of himself. >> rhode island is known as little rhody. it's approximately 1,200 square miles, and rhode island was started when roger williams left massachusetts in search of religious freedom. he had hope that he would find the religious freedom that had led him to come to the new world. >> williams succeeded in establishing a settlement in 1631. thankful for his good fortune, he named it providence. today, providence is the capital of rhode island and "hope" is the state motto.
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>> so the flag includes "hope," this golden anchor, which is a reference to the coastline of rhode island, and also 13 stars to represent the 13 states -- the original states. >> here's one more interesting fact. although rhode island is our smallest state geographically, it has the longest name of any state. its official title is "state of rhode island and providence plantations." in this case, the term "plantations" refers to resettling people in a new place. with "flag facts," i'm scott. >> this report is brought to you by big mountain entertainment. >> ♪ i was never the one to be a trend ♪ ♪ no >> if you would like a chance at being in the music video for "i just wanna be me," go to and select "music video contest" from the "more" tab. >> the song "i just wanna be me" is about being yourself. sing it, show us what makes you
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>> most high-school students just need to worry about passing an important math test or finishing an essay on time, but tyler reports on a school where how much you pay attention in class could be a matter of life and death. >> what two medications can you give a patient having chest pains? >> these students at gorton high school in yonkers, new york, are learning how to become emergency medical technicians -- emts. >> approximately five, six years ago, westchester community college expanded their tech-prep grant program with gorton high school, and we are able to offer an emt class to the students. all right, you remember last week we spoke about the cardiac patient, and what i want you to
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do today is, do the assessment of a patient which would look exactly like myself. >> the students are being trained by experienced emts on how to properly assist paramedics on the scene. >> sir, i'm an emt. i'm here to help you. what seems to be the problem? >> i'm having chest pain. >> we offer a medical program, truly one of its kind throughout the nation, which gives students the opportunity to go out into the workforce and have hands-on experiences. >> today, as you can see, we're in the ambulance. were practicing scenarios, you know, taking blood pressures, vital signs, you know, doing the basic patient assessment, just asking questions to the patient to see what's wrong with them. >> take a deep breath. >> [ breathes deeply ] >> take a deep breath. >> [ breathes deeply ] >> okay. do you feel any pressure breathing? >> while the students spend a lot of time practicing and running drills, they also get to be a part of real-life emergency calls. >> well, they do ride-alongs with us on the ambulances. they get to get hands-on
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experience with empress. they do two 16-hour -- two 8-hour tours, which is 16, where they get to ride with us and get the experience. >> one experience was pretty much, like, a life-or-death situation. we had a geriatric patient where he had trouble breathing and his blood pressure was extremely high to the point that paramedics ended up taking care of him. >> this program is designed for those who are looking to join the medical field as soon as possible. >> after they graduate high school, they take the emt for the state and they go right onto an ambulance ready to work. >> to understand what to do in a real emergency, the students must first concentrate in class. they have to learn all the dynamics of the human body. >> we take two years of anatomy and physiology to learn about every part of the body and how every part of it works -- each piece, each part that makes the body up and makes it important. >> first of all, we're gonna do the external anatomy of the heart. the top chambers, what are they called, everybody?
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>> atria. >> the atria. okay. so, we have the five career pathways for health science. so, students who are interested in computers would go into the health informatics or radiology tract. those that are interested in law would go into support services, where they're learning about medical ethics. and then we have what we call more traditional medical programs. >> it's a tough program that offers priceless experience. someday, people could be thanking these students for saving their lives. >> coming up, we'll take a tour of a fascinating museum that celebrates more than 100 years of flight.
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>> from up high, this looks like a very crowded airport, but it's actually a century of aviation history frozen in time. this is the pima air and space museum. located in the tucson, arizona, desert, it's home to some of the most important and unusual machines to ever fly in the sky. this is quite an impressive display. >> well, thanks. you know, we've been working hard at it for about 35 years now, so we're very proud of our accomplishments. >> one of the most popular exhibits is the blackbird. it's the world's fastest jet. the blackbird was designed to outrun missiles trying to shoot it down. that's because the u.s. used blackbirds to spy on other countries. >> it was a secret program, so, they were flying high and fast long before anyone acknowl that the program existed.
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but in the late '70s, i believe 1978, one of the blackbirds flew from los angeles to new york city in one hour, four minutes, and six seconds. >> wow! i wish all flights from new york to los angeles were that fast! >> yeah, no, exactly. but the in-flight services aren't that great. >> so, what was its top speed? >> generally, it was a little bit over mach 3. >> mach 1 is the speed of sound, so mach 3 means flying at three times the speed of sound. >> so, we're getting into 2,100, 2,200 miles per hour. >> wow. next on the list was one of the world's smallest planes -- the bumble bee. with so many aircraft in the hangar, i was afraid i would miss finding it, but i needn't have worried. so, i'm guessing this is the bumble bee? >> what tipped you off? >> [ chuckles ] i don't know! its official name is the "starr bumble bee." that's because it was built by a pilot named bob starr.
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i would have trouble fitting in there. how dhe fit in there? >> bob was a really sort of slightly built guy, right, so he sort of squirmed himself in. >> the little plane only carried 2 1/2 gallons of gas, so the flight of the bumble bee was very, very short. i'm just surprised it made it off the ground. >> yeah. well, you know, one of the reasons he kind of named it bumble bee is, you know, there's the old myth that, you know, if bumble bees knew anything about physics, they wouldn't be able to fly, right? so, that's kind of where he took the theme from. >> up there is a concept that really needed to "bee" aware of the physics of flying. that looks like a one-man flying machine. >> it is. it's a one-man hoppi-copter. it was meant to drop soldiers into battle with their own personal helicopter. interesting idea but terrible application. all it did was break legs, and it was abandoned really quickly. >> oh, no! so, it didn't work? >> didn't work. [ chuckles ] >> if the hangar seemed crammed with craft, outside looked like a ginormous airplane parking
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lot. >> so, we're here in front of one of my personal favorites in the collection and probably, in my opinion, one of the most genuinely historic aircrafts we have here. it's a boeing mb-52a. this is the first series of the stratofortress strategic nuclear bomber. >> this plane was built in 1954. at that time, america was on constant alert in case of nuclear attack by the soviet union. if that had happened, the b-52 would have been sent to bomb the soviets. fortunately, there was never a world war iii. so, instead, this stratofortress played an important role in the early days of america's space program. it would carry a rocket plane up to the edge of earth's atmosphere and then release it. this was one of the ways pilots practiced to become astronauts. >> you know, neil armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, did mission drops off of this airplane, so it's a really -- >> this specific airplane? >> this specific airplane. it's really, really fantastic piece of history right here. >> when "teen kids news" returns, we'll tell you why the
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uh just gonna hang out. with gary and todd? yea. i've been meaning to ask you, is there any drinking going on in this crowd? no. so if any of your buddies ever pressure you to take a drink, just tell them you promised your dad you wouldn't. i'd do anything to keep you safe. ok. i will. i hope this is working. i promise. i love you too dad.
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they really do hear you. for tips on what to say visit >> we're at the pima air and space museum in arizona. historic aircraft of all kinds are on display. this plane is older than most of our grandparents, but that's not why it's here. it's actually a rather sweet story. this plane is called the candy bomber. that's also the name of the man who flew it. >> i became the candy bomber because of kids. kids and chocolate go together. >> it was 1948. world war ii had recently ended. germany was defeated, devastated, and divided. the victorious allies cut up the capital, berlin, like a pie, with each ally controlling its own sector. the area where the people lived
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in freedom was called west berlin. the area where people lived under the iron boot of soviet communism was called east berlin. this film by the u.s. government helps to explain what it was like to live in postwar berlin. >> 2 1/2 million people, more than half of berlin's population, lived in the american, british, and french zones, but the whole city was surrounded by the soviet zone of germany. supplying the 2 1/2 million people of the western sectors was a system of rails, canals, and roads. >> but the soviets wanted berlin all to themselves, so they set up a giant blockade, cutting off the roads and railroads to west berlin. >> the suspension of all traffic successfully blocked all surface access to the city. the soviets claimed that technical difficulties caused the stoppage. the truth was that they were trying to force the western allies to surrender their position in berlin, and the weapon was hunger. >> with no food or supplies able
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to get in, the soviets expected the allies to pack up and leave, but they didn't. the united states and its allies refused to abandon the people to be starved into accepting soviet rule. there was a big problem, though -- how to feed more than two million people trapped in west berlin. it seemed like an impossible undertaking, but the allies had a plan. they'd bring in supplies by air. it was known as the berlin airlift. >> army, navy, and air force, working together, gave an inspiring example of joint action, and we mustn't forget that the british and the french gave much help. >> it was a massive operation, bigger than any airlift ever before. planes were landing in west berlin every three minutes, every hour of the day, every day of the week, for months. >> not long before, we had been delivering bombs to compel peace. now we were delivering bread to maintain that peace.
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the airlift cargos kept the city alive. >> one of the heroic airlift pilots was colonel halvorsen, although he was a lieutenant back then. on his day off, he came across some german children gathered at the edge of the airport. >> it was tough a time for kids in berlin. most of them had single parents. parents were killed -- the father, the mother -- during the war. >> he knew they were hungry. all he had in his pocket to give them were two sticks of gum. he was touched by how the kids carefully broke the sticks into tiny pieces so that each would get a share. that gave him an idea. he told them to watch for his plane the next day. he would wiggle his wings as he came in for a landing. >> and i said, "you come back and stand in the space between the bombed-out buildings and the barbed-wire fence and then the runway. stand in that open place, and when i come over your head to land -- i'll just be in the air a ways -- i'll drop enough
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chocolate out of the airplane for all of you to have a piece." >> during the night, he turned handkerchiefs into candy parachutes. as he approached the airport the next day, he wiggled his wings, and the legend of the candy bomber began. every time he flew to berlin, he and his crew would drop candy to kids waiting below. >> and then the news got out. it was all over the world. >> he thought he'd get in trouble, but his commanding officer realized the candy brought happiness during a difficult time. soon, people back home joined in the effort. >> we got a tremendous response from the united states from people who said, "how can we help?" they wrote me and sent handkerchiefs for parachutes and candy bars, and then the american confectioners association, through schools in chicopee, mass., sent 23 tons of chocolate. >> almost 60 years later, the colonel is still flying and still telling the story.
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in fact, he recently went to germany, where a school was named for him. there are so many different kinds of planes at this museum, each with an interesting story to discover. >> why is it important to have a museum like this? well, you know, all museums are there to connect us with where we've been. >> it's one thing to read about the great aircraft that played such key roles in making our nation a world leader in aviation, but to be able to walk up and actually touch them, that truly brings history to life. for "teen kids news," i'm nicole. >> well, that wraps it up for this week's "teen kids news," but we'll be back next week. so, see you then.
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