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tv   Today  NBC  October 2, 2016 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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the rain feels like it never stops. >> i also have a much better temperament than she does. >> whoo, okay. anybody, pick any leader. ?? good morning. weome to "sunday today." i'm willie geist. a day into october, just over five weeks from election day, a break in the mystery surrounding donald trump's tax returns. "new york times" reporting overnight trump may not have paid federal taxes for 18 years. trump, of course, has not released his taxes to the public. we'll get into that story and its implications with chuck todd and katy tur in just a moment.
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on the first presidential debate and trump's taxes. >> he hasn't released his tax returns which means he's either not that rich. >> wrong. >> not that charitable. >> wrong. >> or never paid taxes in his life. >> warmer. that's alec baldwin as donald trump and kate mckinnon. doing her hillary clinton. later this morning we catch of up in the famed studio 8 a just before she lipped into character for the fall. impressions of people, because i think they're captivating, marvelous, and i want to figure out what is their inner experience. >> more with kate in just a bit, >> but let's begin this morning with that explosive "new york times" report about donald trump and his taxes. the paper says it obtained a portion of his tax return in 1995, in which he declared a one-year loss of nearly $1 billion. katy tur has the details. good morning.
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the campaign trail for donald trump just got worse. an anonymous tipster sent "the new york times" donald trump's tax returns, showing that he could have avoided taxes for nearly 20 years. the campaign is crying foul, but not denying it, and it donald trump is trying to change the subject by talking about hillary clinton's marriage. this morning, for donald trump, an october surprisne $916 million loss on his 1995 tax return. why is this important? according to the paper's tax experts, it was a loss so big, trump could have skipped paying any federal income tax for up to 18 years. that would have been legal. the question of what trump did or did not pay remains unanswered this morning. he says he won't release his tax returns, because he's being audited. >> do you pay federal income tax now? >> the returns will be released
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a response to the article over night, stating that the businessman has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in city, state, and federal taxes over the years and saying that, quote, he has a fiduciary responsibility to his business, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required. a point trmp -- trump made when hillary clinton raised the same charge in last monday's presidential debate. >> they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax, so -- >> that makes me smart. campaign quick to pounce, calling it a bomb shell report and saying he apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. he called it smart. now the gig is up. why doesn't he go ahead and release his returns to show us how smart he really is. trump didn't address the tax
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into her car at the 9/11 memorial. and accusing her without evidence of sheet -- cheating on her husband. >> hillary clinton's only loyalty is to her financial contributors and to herself. i don't think she's even loyal to bill, you want to know the truth. and really, folks, really why should she be, right? why should she be? >> donald trump is already tweeting this morning saying i know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them. if trump ultimately refuses to release his returns, it will be the first time a major party candidate has not done so since 1980. romney did it in 2012, showing he paid about a 14% tax rate. clinton did it this year showing she and her husband paid about 34%.
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response to donald trump there. you talked to the trump campaign every day and have for more than a year as you've covered it. have they denied the specific contents of this "new york times "piece on the taxes? >> they're not only answering the calls, at least my calls, and they're not denying whatsoever that he did not pay federal tax. it's the same thing we asked in the spin room, do you pay federal income tax? he does not deny he did not, but he didn't confirm that he did. if he paid a would say yes, of course. >> chuck todd is the moderator of "meet the press." good morning, chuck. let's talk about the rationale for donald trump's campaign, on the one hand he's a great businessman, and other he's fighting a rigged system. this story would seem to cut through both of those, if you lost almost a billion dollars in a single year, maybe you are not such a great businessman, and it looks like you took vak of a
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>> and he's talking to the working-class americans who feel as if they've been left behind by this economic recovery. when they have a setback like donald trump had in 1995, do they get tax-free income for the next billion dollars in income? is it tax free for them? you lose a billion dollars and essentially the next billion of income for donald trump he got tax free, because of that loss. he was able to offset it. the very people he's representing, they don't have that kind of break in their tax code. that's where this could hit, but what's more likely on this story is that his supporters, they are not going to get dislodged by this. his supporters, they already know he's a flawed vehicle, but that's the vessel they have latched themselves on to to send the message to washington. >> to the extent there are persuadable voters left after this long campaign and as well as the country knows both these candidates, what do you think this last week, if you put it all together, beginning with hillary clinton putting this
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watching him walk into it with the former miss universe, alicia machado, ending on sunday with this piece on the "new york times," what's the impact on the dynamic race? >> he's stuck between this 40 and 45% number. his whole goal was to make himself an appealing candidate, or at least a slightly more attractive candidates than hillary clinton to this small chunk of republican voters or right-leaning independents who he needs to get into that 45, 46, 47% territory. nothing has happened this week in my opinion that has improved his chances of winning over that chunk of voters. i think he has a hard ceiling of 42%. willie, that ceiling is not made of glass. that ceiling is not made of some sort of drywall. it is becoming concrete that i don't know if he can bust through anymore. he may be stuck at 42.
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you could see him almost drift off the teleprompter speech and mention the fact that he believes that hillary clinton has not been loyal to her husband. >> he called "new york times" before this rally, bringing up the same marriage question, even though the campaign said they weren't going to go there, were going to leave it to the surrogates. you could tell that he was trying to say hey, wait a minute, i have something else for you over here, don't look at my tax returns over there. ey this is what he's done the entire campaign. to say that hillary clinton might have been cheating on bill is an accusation that literally nobody has brought up so far, nobody credible at least has brat up so far. this is something far-flung even for donald trump. you wonder what he's going to say next to try, you know, to change the subject further. these taxes, there have been questions surrounding this since the beginning. how rich is he? how much money does he pay in charity? does he even pay federal income
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this was the -- i guess you could call it the worst of three scenarios don't pay any federal income tax, and it looks more likely, because he's refusing to deny it. i'm not sure what the campaign does in order to mitigate this. i think chuck it right , it doesn't mean he'll lose his supporters, but what about the people who are not sure? he needs to find a way to convince them in november and he's not doing anything to do that so far. >> we'll see if the campaign reacts more specifically to the charges and tax returns from 1995 and the paper. katy thanks so much. chuck, thank you. we'll see chuck and his guests dig through this story and a lot more next on "meet the press." by the way, you can watch tim kaine and mike pence in their first and only debate tuesday night on nbc. hurricane matthew has top sustained winds of 150 miles per hour. it's ripping its way through the caribbean as it heads north toward the atlantic coast of the united states. haiti, jamaica and cuba are all
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miguel almaguer has more. how is it looking here? >> reporter: it's sunny and warm here in jamaica now. we expect the conditions to deteriorate over the next 24 hours. later on tonight, we're expecting tropical storm force winds and hurricane-like conditions, and then early monday morning, we'll be that will be seen here. first to colombia where a category 4 hurricane matthew with the 150-mile-an-hour winds have ripped through the country, washed away roads, took at least two lives. they are still in cleanup mode in that country today as residents are being told they can leave shelters and head back to homes. meantime, here in jamaica over the last 24 hours they've been prepping for this monster hurricane heading towards or direction. supplies are starting to run short at local grocery stores. they're also beginning to board
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largest hurricane to hit this region in several decades. they haven't been hit with a very serious hurricane here since the late 1880s, so they are bracing for some dangerous and wild conditions. >> those beautiful skies behind you, literally the calm before the storm. miguel, thank you. dylan has a look at the hurricane matthew's track. >> good morning. this is a huge storm. winds up to 150 miles per hour. if it was just 7 miles per hour stronger, it would be a category 5, so i want to point out it's a very strong 4. it's hardly moving, but it is expected to take this northerly track between haiti and cuba. we could still see winds up to 125 miles per hour. parts of haiti and parts of cuba could see 15 to 25 inches of rain, maybe even up to 40 inches of rain, and we're also looking at a potential
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bahamas. this is the big question mark into next friday and next weekend, but there is some discrepancy between the american model, which keeps it right along the east coast, right through cape hatteras, and up through the eastern eastern seaboard, where the european model is lower and takes it far out to sea. and dangerous wart conditions. it's so early. today we're talking about next weekend. way too early to tell, but either way it will be a mess through the caribbean. either way, this is a beast. we do have a sad update out of townville, south carolina, where six-year-old, jacob hall, who was shot and wounded outside his school on wednesday, has died from his injuries. the 14-year-old accused in the shooting already faces a murder charge, accused of killing his father before
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the shooter's charges are likely to be upgraded. our thoughts this morning are with townville and with jacob's family. federal investigators in new jersey still trying to figure out what exactly went wrong in the deadly nj transit crash. on saturday, officials said the signals at hoboken terminal appeared to be working normally. the ntsb has still not been able to download any data from the black box from the train. the engineer has been quon the ryder cup led by phil mickelson, jordan spieth and patrick reed in team competition on saturday. the united states leads team europe by three points. they face off today in singles competition. catch all the action at noon eastern, 9:00 a.m. pacific. right here. on nbc. as promised, dylan is back with a look at the forecast for the rest of the country. >> have you watching the ryder cup? >> i have. >> america usually doesn't win
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don't have that all year. >> did you see the kuchar/mickelson shimmy. that was my favorite part. some trash talk. a good day for the ryder cup today, but in the northeast it's been so drizzly, just dreary the past several days, but we will start to see some improvements today, unsettled showers across most of the great lakes. scattered showers down in louisiana and in the higher elevations out in the cierra next week. thanks guys. whenever winter advisors beginning 10 o'clock this morning through 3:00 a.m. tomorrow morning high wind warning for the same. over the spring mountains and the winds will be blowing this afternoon southwest 20 to 30 here in the valley. gusting higher in fact gusting at about 60 miles an hour in the mountains.
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and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, stick around if you will for the highs and lows, of the week, including the ryder cup heckler who became a hero after the best players in the world said, okay, let's see you do it, so he did. >> gary johnson, presidential candidate and world's worth "jeopardy" player. the category this week -- make leaders. and how they got together to make the cigarette a relic. all coming up on this "sunday today." this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on!
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don't worry. knowing what's on your mind and acting accordingly. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. it's a big deal.
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dylan is with me to go through the highs and lows of the week. the first high is the week long celebration of the life of marlins pitcher jose fernandez. the pitcher and two friends were killed in a boating accident last sunday. he was remembered as one of the brightest young stars, but as a magnetic personality loved. defected from cuba when he was 15 years old. to add to the tragedy, his girlfriend is pregnant with their child. the team returned to play the game on tuesday in tears. in a truly chilled-inducing moment, dee gordon was the marlins first hitter of the game. he hadn't hit a single home run all season. >> gordon to right, it's deep,
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the marlins have a 1-0 lead. >> you can see as he crossed home plate looking up to the sky, tears in his eyes as he rounded bases. marlins did such a beautiful job that night. again our thought with jose fernandez's families. tragedy. >> let's change gears for our first low. we're going to go ahead and hold the slide for johnson. last week we had him sticking out his tongue during an interview with our own casey hunt. before that he had never heard of aleppo. this week in a town hall with nbc's chris matthews, johnson got an easy one. let's see how that went. >> name one foreign leader that you respect, look up to. >> mine was shimon peres. >> i'm talking about living. go ahead. you've got to do this. anywhere. any continent, canada, mexico, europe, asia, south america, name a foreign leader that you respect. >> i guess i'm having an aleppo
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>> anybody in the world you like. anybody. pick any leader. >> he eventually settled on the former mexican president with the help of bill weld, they found a name. >> then asked which one? >> he went with vincente fox. it took a while to get there. our next high, when you just want to go home, but that one friend has to stop and say good-bye to everyone at the door. >> guilty. >> in this case president obama is you, and former president bill clinton is that friend. this week of former israeli president, shimon peres. bill clinton caught a right on dynamicr -- ride on air force one, as president obama was waiting, he grew impatient with the former president's last of hustle.
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he did it about three times. obama steps back out on the stairs to corral clinton. for the ride home. nobody has been able get bill clinton out of a room. >> i'm not a person to say good-bye. my husband is the irish good-nighter, where did you go? >> disappeared, poof, vamoos. i love mary j. blige, on the headliner for every mix tape for my girlfriend, now my wife. 411." we got a taste this week during which mary breaks into song why hillary clinton listens intently and wonders exactly what exactly is going on. ? it ain't no secret ? ? it ain't no secret ? ? no secret my friend ? ? you can get killed just for living ? ? in your american skin ?
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message in the song, but it's just a weird set up. i'm not sure she knew what to do. >> it's a weird time. our next high goes to the putt of the week at the ryder cup in minnesota. it did not come from a professional. david johnson is a golf fan from north dakota, he was heckling some of the european team players as they missed a putt on one suggested he come down and try it, so he did. surrounded with a big gallery, with many staring him down. he lined up the putt. rose put a $100 bill on the green. johnson hits it perfectly, drains the 12-footer, and celebrates like he just won the masters and collects his $100 from justin rose. >> i didn't fully realize what just happened, but overall, that was a pretty cool experience. i would go ahead and do that again. >> how about the heat?
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the cup. >> get in on the tour. our final low goes to the debate, the other night, you know, the one in the nation of georgia. >> a couple of candidates had a television debate that made trump/clinton look like a it upper wear party. they get into a water fight on tv, chucking glasses at each other before of moderator bravely puts her bbe >> i wonder if lester would have jumped in like that. >> spice up that vice presidential one on tuesday with some water chucking. dylan, thanks. see you in a minute. coming up next, kate mckinnon, we spent some time backstage with her before the new season. a baseball poet says good-bye to the game. our look back at the life and career of the great vin scully,
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ning. 1. consideration. 2. questioning. 3. deciding. 4. queso. 5. nap. 6. sudoku. facebook live, what is going you take seven days to think about it. ?? i recommend nature made fish oil. because i trust their quality. they were the first to have a product verified by usp. strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ? ? ? ?
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jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen, and as a computer programmer, i created apps... before they were called "apps" and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs... creating one of the largest solar projects in the state. in congress, i'll work with democrats and republicans
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i approved this message because i know we can find smart solutions... even in washington. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.
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good sunday morning let's get you caught up with your headlines. drop taxes your time apparently getting a chance on a document from 1995. donald trump ai $900 million because of attacks law that law allows to avoid paying any federal income taxes. for the next 18 years. police now investigating a murder that may have led to stolen guns on our streets. murder that may have led to stolen guns on our streets. a woman found a roommate dinner horner: i was proud to stand for our country. i will not stand for congressman hardrdy and donald trump insulting seniors and veterans. hardy wants to raise the retirement age
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and the disabled are a drain on society. and then there's donald trump. they're just not for us. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen, and as a computer programmer, i created apps... before they were called "apps" and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs... creating one of the largest solar projects in the state. to make all of nevada a leader in solar, to improve our schools, and create good jobs. i approved this message because i know we can
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windy today when advisory from 10:00 a.m. this morning to
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mountains were wind gust be up to 60 miles an hour. folks it's going to be a lot cooler learned, america, i get it, you hate me. you hate my voice, and you hate my face. well, here's a tip. if you never want to see my face again, elect my president, and i in the oval office and not come out for four years. but if you don't elect me, i will continue to run for president until the day i die. "saturday night live" returning last night for season 42 with kate mckinnon back doing her hillary clinton and yes, that is alex bald wince as donald trump. a memorable impersonation can launch an snl cast member to another level of stardom.
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this will be a breakout year when she starred in the "ghostbusters" movie and two weeks ago won an emmy for her work on "saturday night live." kate and i spent time together up in snl studio 8h on the eve of the season prior premiere. will she be back this fall, hillary clinton? >> i don't know. i hope checked your i.d. [ laughter ] i have a 1-year-old granddata. she calls me madam president. i've got a lot to catch her up on. man. >> she wants to hear about your summer. >> well, i have a lot of cat pictures to show her. >> kate, here we are, the start of a new season. >> yes. >> how does it feel back in the studio? >> my goodness, well, it feels like coming back home --
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it feels like the first day of school. it's very exciting. i mean, look at this. how iconic is this? and i've just come to work and here it is. that's crazy to me. >> do you still good et that feeling. >> it still boggles my mind. >> you've had an incredible summer, "ghost busters." you won the emmy i realize the emmy goes to kate mckinnon. >> you've had excel me to call you emmy mckinnon. >> i did not. >> i will honor that request. so emmy award winner kate mckinnon. was that your moment as genuinely surprising as it appeared to be when you got up here? >> i'm really crying, i'm not making it up. >> i will tell you truly i have no memories of that moment. i believe that i blacked out from adrenaline. i don't remember it.
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through your career. it was a good speech. >> thank you to lauren michaels for giving me the job of my life. >> you started off by thanking lawrence michaels. i love snl audition stories. what was that day like for you? >> um, it was -- i think i was staying in a hotel across the street, and i paced back and forth saying the words of my audition for, i want to say eight hours. it was actually my colleague and friend bobby at ease, because he came up so graciously and said he had seen my show at the upright citizens for -- theater and thought it was funny, and i was like, okay, i can physically make it through in five minutes. >> i'm always searching for the most perfect moisturizer. >> i actually remember vividly, i think it was 2012 your first show. is that right? >> yes, yes.
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>> my hair is pretty. >> allow me to explain why pan teen rejuvenile nate hair in all three stages of -- [ mumbling. qugt the competent phase and the -- phase. it's like magic. >> what do you remember about that sketch? >> again i blacked out. it makes me think i black out often. >> you did not black out. >> but there how do i get through this? my one goal that night was not to vomit. >> thank you ellen degeneres and hillary clinton. >> next stop in your speech, i thanked hillary clinton. >> wall anyone wants to talk about is donald trump. >> donald trump? isn't he the one that's like, huh you're all loser. >> you thank ellen.
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i wish i hadn't danced in you mice first episode, wish the heck i had just sat down and had a smoothie. >> those are the two impressions -- >> i should have thanks justin -- i missed justin bieber. so thank you also to justin bieber. huge fan. >> justin, how old are you? >> um, i think i'm 40. maybe i'm 5. i don't know. my brain is broken. >> he loves "sunday today", he's up early every sunday. >> thank you, justin. >> i cannot imagine what it's like to share a scene with hillary clinton when you're dressed as hillary clinton. >> i can't either, i blacked out -- no, i'm kidding. >> i'm worried you. >> i was there. >> what's it like? >> i felt a sense of sisterhood. i don't know if she felt that. i hope she did.
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impersonations whether it's hillary clinton or ellen, you don't want to be mean, you don't want the person to be upset about it. how do you walk that line? >> i do approach everything from a place of love and empathy. i only choose to do impressions of people because i think they are like captivating and marvelous. i want to figure out what is their inner experience. >> so you view them more as >> absolutely homage. i think of them more as my babies. [ laughter ] >> just on a personal note, thank you to my beautiful and hilarious mother and sister, and to my father who is not with us anymore, but he made me start watching snl when i was 12, so thank you. i miss you pop. okay. >> what was it like in your long island house growing up in terms of comedy. i know user late father sat you done, had you watch snl.
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my mom is hysterical. my sister is a stand-up comedienne. my father was very funny as well. there was always a mel brooks film on. everyone was always dock accents at the dinner table. it was really just sort of destined that i might become a sketch comedienne. >> here you are on a weekend starting a new season of snl, also a new film "masterminds." >> there he dreams. he'll live here with us forever. it's like you're marrying both of us, david, me and mama. >> your character, i understand you wanted her to be named jaundice? >> yes, and we pulled it back. it was something like karen, i said not good enough. he said with you pull it back a hair and have it jandis.
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remember any of these interview, but it's been a pleasure. >> i will remember the color of your beautiful robin eggs shirt and your gorgeous green eyes. >> kate wanted me to assure everyone she never actually blacked out, was just nervous and has no memory, which i think is blacking out. her new movie is in theaters now and snl is back next weekend with host lin and why she generally stays off the internet, check out our extras. and the lead singer of wub republic is the crazy talented producer from hits of beyonce, u2 and many more. dylan has another quick check of the weather. >> that's awesome. i would love to sit down with her. a look at what's going on this week.
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elevations. later looking -- and of course by friday into saturday we are keeping an eye on matthew and how it would a a next week. thanks guys. whenever winter advisors beginning 10 o'clock this morning through 3:00 a.m. tomorrow morning high wind warning for the same. over the springnt the winds will be blowing this afternoon southwest 20 to 30 here in the valley. gusting higher in fact gusting at about 60 miles an hour in the mountains. seven day forecast m and that's -- i file leek i should do that. >> real '70s game show mode. next on "sunday today", the end of smoking. how an american institution was forced to the margins.
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i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. i was in shock when my to me the acidity dentiof foods andining what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence. pronamel is all about your enamel.
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marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. discover the wonder of johnson's new extra moisturizing bath routine. with 10x more moisturizer in our wash and an ultra-rich cream for 24-hour hydration especially on dry skin.
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?? when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. ?? thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. it's that easy to make a difference. ?? walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. in the 1940s camel cigarettes had a famous long-running ad campaign that declared more doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette. today we're a long way from the marlboro man. in just a generation smokers essentially have become cultural
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sidewalks and glad-enclosed airport rooms. we take a look. >> it's really cool. watch. >> reporter: fast cars, tight jeans, and a cigarette. for decades, our favorite movies, video games, and tv shows taught us that smoking was for the cool kids. >> what is wrong with cigarettes? >> nothing. they're fabulous. >> repor b gone out? do any of you smoke? do any of your friends smoke? >> it's not accepted by society as a popular thing anymore. >> reporter: over the last 20 years smoking among teens has drops a whopping 75%, only 7% every kids smoke today, compared to 28% in 1996. >> sort of lost its cool sense that maybe it had years ago. it might be cool when you're 17,
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realize that's pretty bad we were we've known about the health effects of smoking for over 50 years. >> the committee has reached the overall judgment that cigarette smoking is a health hazard. >> reporter: so what's finally driving the message home? >> higher prices, tobacco taxes, smoke-free places, and hard-hitting ads. they make a real difference. >> reporter: ads like this one from the nonprofit my squad is at the movies seeing something good. if i didn't have the smoke, i would have to go too. >> i'm squad-leads. >> reporter: truth wants to make this the generation that ends smoking. >> we try to use humor, music. ? i like the six-pack abs ? >> you're twice as likely to be left swiped if you put up a smoking picture.
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deadly for your live life. >> reporter: that's why today's teens said smoking simply isn't sexy. >> cigarettes? >> that's not my thing. >> that's not my thing. >> no way. >> knolls. >> reporter: would you date a girl who smoked? >> no. >> reporter: would you date a girl who vaped? >> well, maybe. >> reporter: e-cigarettes is on the rise used by 13% of using exactly the same tactics as the cigarette industry. >> eye jenny mccarthy. i found a smarter alternative to cigarettes. >> they're portraying it as freedom, independence, rebellion, sexy, when in facts it's a tobacco product, and it has a great risk of getting kids hooked on tobacco for life. >> reporter: it's precisely that advertising that bothers kids
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>> reporter: that's why he's made it his mission to tell kids in his neighborhood that smoking is just not -- >> reporter: how do you convince a kid not to smoke? >> do you think that lebron james or others made it to the nba by smoking? there's more in the hood, and you've got to go go ahead it. >> morgan radford reporting. next on "sunday today," the end of an era in baseball, as the name's grea [ "on the road again," by willie neon [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. the volkswagen passat
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nd we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen, and as a computer programmer, i created apps... before they were called "apps" and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs...
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to make all of nevada a leader in solar, to improve our schools, and create good jobs. i approved this message because i know we can find smart solutions... even in washington. i'm catherine cortez masto and i i approve this message. as a doctor, i see how decisions in washington impact my patients here in nevada. so even though i'm a republican, i won't be voting for joe heck.
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ousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. and heck opposes a woman's right to choose even when her health is at risk. for me and my patients, joe heck makes no sense. 3-2 to mookie wilson. a little roller up along first. behind the bag, it gets through buckner! here comes knight and the mets win it. >> unmistakable sound of vin scully, that on the infamous bill buckner play in game 6. sorry, boston fans. after 67 seasons in the booth, the broadcasting icon is calling it a career today, as the voice of the los angeles dodgers. he started in 1950, when the team was in brooklyn, scully worked the games alone, speaking in baseball poetry during a
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joe fryer takes a look back. >> reporter: los angeles is known for making movies. >> announcer: it's time for dodger baseball! >> reporter: yet for many the city's soundtrack comes from a ballpark. >> a very pleasant saturday night to you, or wherever you may be. >> reporter: vin scully the familiar fatherly voice of the dodgers for 67 dodgers the championship. >> reporter: today he'll broadcast his final game. >> will i miss the games? yeah, but i can turn on the radio or tv. i can catch a game. the people, that's what i will miss. >> reporter: he tenure started in 1950, when the dodgers called brooklyn home. the team rent to l.a. in '58, and the redheaded broadcasters
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>> it's easy to be chris cal, because they're not vin scully. >> reporter: he remembers listening on the old transistor radio. >> it was more how he could tell you more about what it was you were looking at than you actually saw. >> reporter: scully's words were poignant when hank aaron surpassed standing ovation in the deep south for breaking the record of an all-time baseball idol. >> reporter: he fund an exclamation point on the no-hitter. >> if you have a com brerro, throw it to the sky! >> and kirk gibson's game-winning world series home run into poetry. >> in a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened. >> reporter: now an improbable good-bye.
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>> it's like an honorary dad. >> like an uncle i didn't have. >> reporter: scully will no work the postseason. he's signing off on his even terms. >> i'd like to be remembered as a good honest man, a good husband, good father, good grandfather. i'm not even thinking about sports announcing. >> reporter: los angeles will seem quieter without vin scully. silence has never felt so un ? at the old ball game ?? joe fryer reporting on one of the game's all-time greats. this week we highlight another live well lived. jean shepard broke into the world of country music at a time when women were more likely to be backup singers than the stars front and center. shepard was a true trail blazer as one of the genre's first female solo artists legends like
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"a dear john letter" spent six weeks on the list she joined the cast of the grand old opri on her 22nd birthday. she performed there all the way up to last year. in 1963, she lost her husband, harold hawkshaw hawkins in the same plane crash that killed patsy cline. she said in her place in do my part. i hung in there like a hair on a grilled cheese. jean shepard one of the most important american ? ? it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe.
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align, press and unzip. when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol? pm relieves pain we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol?. the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. [sighs] that's why we make them for you. my girl cindy bought this fridge from lowe's because of their
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for the week ahead. tuesday night is the one and only vice presidential debate between tim cain and indiana governor mike pence. it would be held in longwood, virginia, giving hillary clinton's running mate a bit of a home field advantage. we predict for entertainment's sake, we'll make popcorn and watch as old dvd of joe biden and sarah palin. now, that was a good one. to make a big announcement from the balcony where he's been how old up. hi got together with media outlets to release diplomatic cables from the u.s. state department. it won't be his first appearance, and we predict the big announcement will be simply he's getting bored in there, and the best remedy is to do something on the balcony.
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the nobel peace prize will be announced it is. the leaders who put together the iranian nuclear deal, and edward snowden on the list, as is donald trump, nominated through his peace through strength message. he's a long shot for the least. our sourceses deep within the nobel community tells us this year the winner, gar aye busey, toas taylor swift and kim kardashian and bring a lasting peace. thank you for spending part of your morning. >> i still don't get it. as a proud husband. congratulations to my wife christina, as of this week, a children's author and darn good one. her news picture book is buddy's bedtime battery. my favorite book ever.
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there's the nevada way. work hard. play by the ruleles. pay your taxes. and then there's the danny tarkanian way. penalized for failing to pay thousands in property taxes. ordered by a judge to repay $17 million in a failed development scheme. worse, tarkanian refused to pay it back, sticking taxpayers with the bill. the danny tarkanian way? of this advertising. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me.
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this sunday, trump's terrible week. a rough debate. 3:00 a.m. tweets. and an obsession with the 1996 miss universe. >> she was the winner, and you know, she gained a massive amount of weight. and it was a >> now, a report that trump could have avoided paying taxes for 18 years. i'll talk to trump supporter rudy giuliani and clinton campaign manager robby mook. plus, a lead opinion lined up against donald trump, but to what effect? i'll take to anti-establishment voices from the left and right. michael moore and glenn beck. also, the vp debate. how much will tuesday's pence-kain face-off matter?


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