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tv   News 4 at Noon  NBC  February 26, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm CST

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crews arrived on the scene on main street around noon thursday. fortunately, nobody was hurt. firefighters managed to containe the blaze to the apartment building, but an adjacent laundrymat sustained some minor damage. > weather ad-lib it'll be a great way to end the work week today as temperatures soar into the 40s after starting the day in the 20s! we'll see a few lingering clouds and perhaps some patchy fog early this morning, but the rest of the day looks sunny and calm. winds will pick up just a little bit saturday which will help boost our temperatures into the 50s and 60s with lots of sun ahead of our next frontal system set to move through saturday night. this will result in a cloudier and cooler day sunday with highs close to 50, strong wind and possibly a quick shower or two. we'll end the month of february on a mild note monday with some sun and highs in the 50s before another disturbance moves through that will give the area a decent chance at seeing a rain/snow mix monday night and tuesday. temperatures will briefly fall into the 30s, but should rebound by the end of next week. have a great weekend! see graphics.
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today we are learning more about the nation's latest mass shooting... four people were killed-- including the gunman-- and 14 others wounded when a disgruntled worker went on a shooting rampage at his kansas workplace. officials say the death toll would be much higher if it weren't for the heroic actions of one police officer. sarah plake has the latest.
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encountered on the way to the plant before he went inside and opened fire. sheriff t. walton - harvey county kansas "he was randomly shooting people." the first officer to arrive immediately engaged the gunman and single handidly took him down. sheriff t. walton "this man was not going to stop shooting.. the only reason he stopped shooting was because that officer shot the shooter." police say ford was served with a protection from abuse order filed by his girlfriend just hours before the shooting... sheriff t. walton "3:30 he gets served.. 5 o'clock we get the first shooting." sarah plake / newton, kansas "officials say this investigation will continue for quite some time but as of now this community is starting to mourn for the tragic loss of life here in rural kansas. in newton, sarah plake for nbc news." >> a sentencing hearing is underway in massachusett s for a teenager convicted of raping and killing his high school math teacher. 17-year-old philip chism will learn his punishment after hearing victim-impact statements from colleen ritzer's family and friends. chism was 14 when he killed the 24-year-old danvers
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could be sentenced to life in prison for the murder conviction, but he would be eligible for parole after 15 to 25 years because he was a juvenile when he killed ritzer. marco rubio is waging a fresh verbal assault against donald trump the day after he and ted cruz tag-teamed the republican front-runner on the debate stage in houston. rubio repeatedly called the billionaire businessman "a con artist" during a round of morning television interviews. the takedown effort comes four days before super tuesday. nbc's edward lawrence has more on last night's slug- fest.
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wouldn't be hiring illegal immigrants." rubio went on an all out offensive against trump attacking not only his immigration ideas but his health care plan, among other issues rubio: "so, that's the only part of the plan? just the lines?" trump: "the nice part of the plan -- you'll have many different plans. you'll have competition, you'll have so many different plans." rubio: "now he's repeating himself." rubio upped his attacks telling the today show he will expose the real trump. marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate "we are not gonna turn over the conservative movement to a con artist, who is telling people one thing but has spent 40 years sticking it to working americans and now claims to be their champion." the fighting led to this moment by ben carson.. who felt he could not get airtime. (voice of: dr. ben carson/ (r) presidential candidate 1:03-1:05) not seen on cam < "can somebody attack me please?" last night's debate sets the stage for voters to decide on super tuesday.. donald trump is winning all the polls in the super tuesday states except one.. texas. leading in the polls there is senator ted cruz in the state he already represents in congress. edward lawrence, nbc
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president barack obama is heading to jacksonville, florida, to tout the benefits of the massive spending bill he signed shortly after taking office seven years ago. "the recovery act" pumped more than 760-billion dollars into a then-slumping national economy. it was an attempt to stop the worst economic downturn in generations. critics argue that taxpayers got too little in return for such a big investment. south dakota governor dennis daugaard says he'll make a decision by next tuesday's deadline on whether to sign the bathroom bill into law. the bill approved by both houses of the legislature would require school students to use restrooms and locker rooms associated with their biological sex -- not the gender they identify with. daugaard met with a group of transgender south dakotans this week, but he's also been hearing from parents across the state. gov. dennis daugaard / (r) south dakota "i would say i try to take information where i can get it. i'm
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what south dakotans think. if someone outside of south dakota can give me solid information, i'm not disuaded by the fact that it's coming from somebody else, if it's good information; facts. i'm less concerned about opinion outside of south dakota." "i have until tuesday, and i'll get it done before tuesday -- or by tuesday, i should say -- but i'm not sure how quickly i'll get there. i want to do it well. certainly want to do it as quickly as possible, but it's more important to do it well." if the governor does nothing, the bill will become law without we have a winner! the annual "swimming with the sharks" competition wrapped up last night. it's part of briar cliff week. last night seven finalists had 5 minutes to present their business plan to a panel of judges. the winner gets a grant to get their business up and running.
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entrepreneurial spirit here in sioux city," said jim braunschweig. "this was just a fantastic opportunity to just talk to more people about it, get more feedback from other business professionals and the turnout was fantastic." this year's winner: a business called "leinwaivers." the 59th annual siouxland home show is underway at the sioux city convention center. from new doors, to kitchen sinks and even upgrading to a spa, there are endless possibilites. the four-day run of the home show started yesterday. doors open again this afternoon at one. the home show runs through sunday. there's sure to be a big crowd this weekend. and make sure to stop by the ktiv booth and say hello, then register for a chance to win a 55-inch 4-k hd tv. it's a pretty darn nice day in siouxland.... and things only get better tomorrow. stay tuned for the forecast from meterologist ben dorenbach coming up next on news four at noon. here's the live view from spencer, where it's and degrees this noon
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it'll be a great way to end the
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week today as temperatures soar into the 40s after starting the day in the 20s! we'll see a few lingering clouds and perhaps some patchy fog early this morning, but the rest of the day looks sunny and calm. winds will pick up just a little bit saturday which will help boost our temperatures into the 50s and 60s with lots of sun ahead of our next frontal system set to move through saturday night. this will result in a cloudier and cooler day sunday with highs close to 50, strong wind and possibly a quick shower or two. we'll end the month of february on a mild note monday with some sun and highs in the 50s before another disturbance moves through that will give the area a decent chance at seeing a rain/snow mix monday night and tuesday. temperatures will briefly fall into the 30s, but should rebound by the end of next week. have a great weekend! see graphics. >> > check out the latest picture of
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nasa released this new image of the former planet's north pole. the "new horizons" spacecraft took the photo. pluto's north pole is covered in frozen canyons. the long canyons run vertically across the polar area. the widest canyon is about 45 miles across. washington is sending money to a siouxland university to boost rural health care connections... and j-c penney is slashing prices on some items... down to a.... penny. happy anniversary from all of us
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ktiv would like to send out anniversary and birthday wishes to our viewers. twyla martin of ida grove, ia is celebrating her 86th birthday today. if you or someone you know is having a birthday of 80 years or more or an anniversary of 50 years or more, please send in their name (and correct pron), address and telephone number along with their pictures to ktiv. please make sure to have all the information printed and send it in at least two weeks in advance. if you would like your picture returned please include a self addressed stamped envelope. happy birthday and happy
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the university of south dakota is getting a half-million dollar grant from the u.s. department of agriculture to connect facilities in vermillion, pierre, rapid city, and sioux falls with 24 rural hospitals and clinics. the money comes through the "distance learning and telemedicine" program, which aims to bring medical and educational opportunities to rural areas. a usd spokeswoman says the money will enable the university to build a tele-health video network linking school resources and educators with health care professionals and students across south dakota.
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>> stocks were clinging to modest gains in midday trading as the price of oil, which had pushed stocks
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kohl's will close 18 of its stores across the u-s this summer. on a conference call with investors yesterday, the retailer's c- e-o acknowledge d the planned store closures represent what's likely the first time in the company's 52- year history as a department store that it's closing multiple stores at a time. meanwhile, kohl's plans to pilot smaller format stores in seven u-s markets. j-c penney is slashing prices on some items . . . down to a penny. the department store chain recently launched its "get your penney's worth" marketing campaign. the struggling retailer is not just hoping the promotion will bring some much needed foot traffic into the struggling retailer. it's also hoping the huge savings will tempt shoppers into trying out new products. what's described as the "holy grail" of beatles records is going on the auction block... and there's tension in the air ahead of the oscars. we'll preview this weekend's academy awards, which are coming amid calls for more
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here's a live look at west lake okoboji from our okoboji skycam... one of the rarest of all the beatles records is going on the auction block. this vinyl disc is described as the "holy grail".. the band's first record to be pressed. it actually helped them get a record contract. on one side, the lennon- mccartney original, 'hello little girl." on the other side, 'till there
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meredith willson. the disc was found in the home of les maguire-- an english pianist. it's expected to sell for over 14-thousand dollars when it's auctioned off next month. suspense at the academy awards is usually confined to what's won and maybe what's worn... but this year, what is said could get as much, or even more attention, in light of the controversy over hollywood diversity. mark barger reports.
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outta compton". don cheadle / actor "diversity is not just about black and white, it's about the multiplicity of ethnicities and stories from all over the world." the academy's responded by changing the membership criteria for oscar voters--- an effort to diversify its ranks. kunal nayyar / actor "it comes with everyone understanding the situation, which is, we're fighting against something that's been going on a very long time." current circumstance s are prompting will smith and wife jada pinkett well as director spike lee to skip this year's show. but a broader boycott hasn't materialized. aldis hodge / actor "the fact that there's a conversation means that we will see some results and hopefully, they're the best results." to ensure future dreams of gold are color blind. mark barger, nbc news. >> director ryan coogler of "creed".. and "selma" director ava duvernay are also among the talents skipping this year's oscars. they will be attending an event in support of residents of flint, michigan. vice president joe biden will have a serious message for the audience at the oscars. according to the white house-- biden will introduce singer lady gaga and make a call
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lady gaga will perform her song "til it happens to you", nominated for best original song. it was a lesson in over-engineering for some siouxland 8th graders. students at mater dei nativity shcool in sioux city built "rube goldberg machines" for their science class. a rube goldberg machine is a contraption that is deliberately over-engineered to perform a simple task in a complicated way. on thursday, they put their machines to the test. "they had to use three different simple machines out of the six we learned about and have a minimum of five steps to complete whatever task they went with," said seth sackmann, a sixth grade science teacher at mater dei nativity. "my sixth period was mixing baking soda and vinegar." students used toy cars, dominos, homemade pulleys and other items to accomplish their objectives. "we used two different pulleys," said collin jackson, an eighth-grader at mater dei nativity. "the car would land inside this side of the pulling, lifting up the card that was blocking the marble which would come down and hit
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the students started reading about simple machines and ng about three weeks ago. the sioux city community theater tackles a heavy topic in conjunction with tolerance week. that's still ahead on "around
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to talk about it is john and sloan. john, what's the name of the production and what is it about? production is 'i never saw another butterfly' and it deals with children who are interned at the terezin concentration camp in czechoslovakia during the time of the holocaust. is this a true story? it was based on a true story. our character was at the camp from the time she was 12 through 15. based on letters these children wrote? a lot of this is based on diary entries, poems, letters and those lines are spoken in the play. sloan you play one of the children in this play. how was that? it's good. i play older ria, she's a 15 year old jewish girl who is now based at the terezin camp. this must have been a much tougher role than others you've played. i know you've been involved for a few years with the community theatre. how did this compare to some of those other roles? others roles that i've had would be in comedies or
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emotional story and you have to have that in your role. i know, john, one of the underlying factors is that most of these kids didn't survive did they? no. 15,000 children went through that concentration camp over the course of 3 years and only 100 survived. the play debuts at the orpheum theatre, part of tolerance week in sioux city. yes, we're doing two performances : wednesday march 2nd, a school performance, local schools have been invited, a 9:30 performance. then an open performance in the evening at 7:30. no admission, everybody's invited. john and sloan, thank you for joining us today. thank you for joining us around siouxland. >>
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>> victor: oh, there you are. >> maggie: oh, i thought you'd gone to bed. >> victor: oh, i couldn't sleep. listen, i was passing by caroline's room. the door was open, but nobody was there. have you seen her? >> maggie: uh, actually she left
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>> victor: at this hour? where'd she go? >> maggie: home. >> victor: what the hell are you talking about? >> maggie: she moved back home, victor. >> victor: what? why would she do that? and why would she leave without even saying good-bye to me? >> maggie: well, she didn't say good-bye because she thought you'd try to stop her, like you did the last time. >> victor: oh, for god's sakes, well, why didn't you? >> maggie: victor, it's her life. and it's her decision. >> victor: well, it's a damn poor one. i told you, she has to stay here in this house so i can keep an eye on her. [tense music] [knock at door] >> chad: what's up?


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