tv Action News 11pm ABC August 31, 2016 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT
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medical bottles tossed in the trash. hundreds of those vials.... containing personal information.... were found in a dumpster... outside a henderson allergy office! 13 action news reporter bryan callahan is live at horizon ridge and carnegie with more on what the doctor is saying.. after learning about the discovery. bryan. this is how the doctor says these vials are supposed to look when they are disposed of. the label is removed and all that is left is saline. but this evening hundreds of dumpster outside the office here. all of the vials were expired, but had the labels with the patient's names and birthdays on them. the allergy partners of nevada office was already closed at the time, but we did manage to get in touch with one of the doctors at allergy partners here. he said that is not the way his office disposes of these types of vials. within minutes of our conversation he and his office manager were here trying to get
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level. fortunately these vials contain nothing other than pollen and saline so they pose no danger to anyone. we are currently finding out internally investigating what happened. what changed with our typical protocol." after talking with doctor mcknight, i handed over the vials we saved so they could properly dispose of them. he even came over and found one in the dumpster i had missed and he he says he will be calling the board of medical examiners tomorrow to report the problem. reporting live, bryan callahan, 13 action news. nats of beeping 21:52/pudwill "i really may just lose my mind." this loud beeping.. banging and the sound of heavy equipment slamming into the ground is what some people in centennial hills say they're dealing with at all hours of the night.
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right now with more on why they can't get a peaceful night's sleep. christopher. this is the construction site. it's in a shopping center..zoned commercial. no problem there. but if you walk several yards over butts up right to the backyards of these a residential area. neighbors complain-they can't get any sleep. pkg :02:18 nat of overnight construction it's 12:57 in the morning. the steady..beep-beep- beep of this backhoe. :20:17/ jodi pudwill/neighbor "they were dropping he bucket-they were scraping it across the concrete." jodi pudiwll says..she and her boyfriend..suffered through the noise all night. :20:20/pudwill "every time they would drop the bucket on the working way into the wee this centennial hills commercial shopping late as 3 in this morning.
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problem's less than a-hundred yards..from pudwill's backyard. :20:53/pudwill "absolutely sleepless night." eventually..pudwill gave up on the idea of a goodnight's stevenson goes to sleep very early in the hea cn wake up very early in the morning..but was forced to listen to clanging construction equipment..all night. :51:28/stevenson "it's just loud- we're tying to sleep and a spokeswoman for the city tells us crews don't need..what she calls an "early-start-permit" work overnight. working late again..later theis week. :21:52/pudwill "i really may just lose my mind." the spokeswoman for the city tells us..code enforcement could go by to ask if the company would be nice enough to stop overnight. a source tells us..that'll be tough. they have to shut off the water to the entire shopping.
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we called r-and-o. we're waiting for an answer. live in centennial hills, cki, c13 action news. "your voice.... your vote".... in the race... for the white house. and tonight... donald trump laid out a tough stance.... on immigration this evening..... despite recently suggesting..... he might be softening.... his stance! tonight... he made it clear... there would be no amnesty.... for undocumented ii "another reform involves new screening tests for all applicants that include, and this is so important, especially if you get the right people and we will get the right people, an ideological certification to make sure that those we are admitting to our country share our values and love our people." (applause) trump told thousands of supporters.... in phoenix... those here illegally..... have "one route and one route
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trump also spoke about building a high-tech wall.... on the southern border.... and insisted.... that mexico would pay for it. however.... today.... he met with mexico's current president and discussed the wall. enrique pea nieto says... he made it clear..... that mexico.... will not pay for it. president obama visited lake tahoe today as part of the 20th annual lake tahoe summit. obama commended what he called the extraordinary efforts that have been put into healing lake tahoe over the past 20 years.. and says it proves it's possible to passo treasures to future generations. there are a lot of versions about who could be on the hook when it comes to financing a proposed nfl stadium in las vegas.. especially if things start coming unhinged. 13 action news political analyst jon ralston explains. "one argument that sheldon adelson's people... about that" "all the risk... risk to the taxpayers."
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callahan talked to andy abboud this week. he asked him about criticism that the room tax money could be used for other purposes. "the $750 million, the room tax is specifically dedicated to increase tourism. if somebody has an idea for time. $50 million dollars a year." they have taken room tax and abboud told bryan he's confident he has the votes to are coming together to help a coworker who's dealing with a heartbreaking tragedy. one member is from the philippines and vacations there but a few days ago.. his son and daughter-in-law were killed in a car crash.. leaving their two young children without parents. friends have set up a go fund me account to collect donations for funeral and travel costs. we have the link on our website.. one of the men.... charged with killing a teenage boy.... over an eye- pad... has been found guilty..... on all charges!!! a jury found... michael solid..... guilty of first degree murder
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-15- year-old.... marco arenas. arenas was run over.... when he tried to get the tablet.... back. the incident happened.... during a time..... when a series of thefts of the possibility of life in prison.... without parole. tonight... henderson police are investigating an incident.... after a mother says.... her autistic son was assaulted.... by police. 1111 57-11 1201 and i do not want them to assault which is what they did ... my son again judy mc-kim plastered her home with signs..... that she has.... an autistic son. she says.... it comes..... after police were called to her home last week..... when a friend witnessed her son in a rage. mc-kim says... she hopes these signs.... will protect her son. 1109 44-11 09 50 it scared me this bad signs> mc-kim says.... she is working with the police internal affairs... to get justice. the first three days of school have been a nightmare for one family. they say their child's school bus has shown up at least an hour late every morning.
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family with the solution they needed. david schuman: "clark county school district says 95 percent of their buses have been on time this week -- but one that's supposed to pick up at nellis air force base caused students to miss crucial school time in these opening days." 04:09:28 jennifer womack, parent "i called a total of 67 times to the bus barn and was not able to get through." ccsd transportation is still working out some kinks. jennifer womack says monday, the bus to pick up at nellis air force base was an hour her daughter missed first period of school. tuesday, she says her daughter missed the first two periods. wednesday she only waited 20 minutes before saying forget it and getting in the car. 04:12:30 womack "we're just frustrated. we want to give ccsd and the bus transportation the benefit of the doubt. it's the first week of school, it's frustrating but to what expense? our kids are missing school." in the middle of our interview...the district's communications director called. 04:13:28 "hi michelle, how are
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on that route and the bus driver will be going along with a supervisor to ensure there's no glitches." 04:18:44 womack "i'm definitely excited and i know they've been working really hard on it. i just didn't want this to be swept under the rug." the district says there hadn't been a permanent driver assigned to the route -- and then there 04:09:08 womack "if we're counting on public transporation, we expect them to be at least closer to on time 04:58:26 booth "it's a learning curve for the beginning of the school year. it certainly poses challenges." david schuman: "clark county schools bus about 120-thousand students a day so if parents have a question and the phone lines are slammed...they can go online to backslash transportation for more information. david schuman, 13 action news." a warning about reading the fine print before signing a lease. up next.. why a small mistake nearly cost this woman thousands of dollars. and.... we're finally learning more about what caused mass chaos at
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. as a doctor, i see how decisions in washington impact my patients here in nevada. , i won't be voting for joe heck. joe heck's voted ten times to defund planned parenthood, which thousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. and heck opposes a woman's right to choose even when her health is at risk. for me and my patients,
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footage.... out of southern california. you see -5- men..... armed with guns.... breaking into a home. they move with precision.... listening to determine.... if anyone was home. what they didn't know.... their every move was being tracked live... remotely..... by the homeowner.... who was watching them.... and already on the phone with police. unfortunately... they were gone.... by the time.... police arrived. some dramatic video out of
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it only takes a few seconds for a massive fire to get going at a gas station. this inferno began when somebody crashed into one of the pumps.. narrowly missing a woman pumping gas with two children in the car. fortunately.. they all made it out in time before the gas spill ignited into a fireball. two cars were destroyed by the flames. 3 others were damaged we're finally getting more answers.... about what triggered a massive scare.... at l-a-x.... on sunday night. and... the story is quite bizarre. it all star as "zorro". the street actor says... he was picking up a friend.... from the airport. but... law enforcement became suspicious of him... and... detained him.... for questioning. when a small crowd saw what was happening.... they started... to run away. and... it doesn't end there. a passenger notified.... a t-s-a official..... about what was happening.... and... that official put out radio calls.... about a security incident.... causing even more panic. gunshots were also reported that night. turns out.... when people ran out the emergency exits... those doors.....
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and... that was mistaken.... for gunshots. "i was in the bathroom and all of the sudden there was a flood of people running to the bathroom saying there was a shooter coming and everyone inside was in a huge panic with-in a few minutes... people started posting on social media.... and calling 9-1-1..... reporting gunshots. officials now say... they want to figure out.... if their own tactics.... contributed to the panic. a neighborhood in columbus, ohio is on edge tonight after a teenager says he was chased by someone in a clown mask.. armed with a knife. the high scho happened early yesterday morning while he was walking to his bus stop. he's telling police he threw a rock at the man and ran to chances. sgt. rich weiner columbus police 57-105 , people have to understand that if you do chase somebody and you have some type of weapon and they do believe their life is in jeopardy, that's criminal charge. there were reports of creepy clowns trying to lure children into the woods earlier this
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there was also a report this month of a clown walking around black balloons. that turned out to be a publicity stunt. it's so important to know..... what your lease says.... when your renting. one valley woman didn't know.... and.... it nearly cost her.... -2- thousand dollars. contact 13 has her story... so you don't make.... the same mistake. < liz lane: how can somebody be so lacking in compassion? liz lane is at a loss. she and her kids moved into this 37 rental home last september, and were looking to move out at the end of their lease. liz lane: i followed the protocal of sending them a certified letter, explaining that i was going. this was my notice to vacate on august 31st. but what liz didn't realize, is her lease runs through september. liz lane: i reached back out to her and i said i'm really sorry. i thought it was august 31st, instead of september 30th. but this email shows, her management company quote "decided to accept and enforce
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they expected her out by the end of august, and to pay a 2-thousand dollar fee for breaking her lease. liz lane: so i responded back, so you're telling me i have to move out august 31st? liz admitted to making a mistake, but wanted to stick to the original agreement. so when management wasn't willing to work with her, liz reached out to contact 13. we contacted management, and they agreed to let liz and her kids stay for the last month of the lease. so what should you know when renting? first, be sure you have a copy and check what it says, before contacting management. lauren pena: any time you sign anything with a landlord or anyone for that matter, you should be very certain of what the terms are and make sure you understand what's in it. attorney lauren pena, with the civil law self help center says, understanding your lease is key. liz didn't know the details of her contract, and management almost charged her 2-grand. lauren pena: in that case sure, they can say she
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that she wanted to break her lease, then it could stand. if you have a complaint, just like liz, put it in writing. that way you have record of everything. if there's a cost involved and your landlord doesn't respond in a timely manner, then you can warn that you plan to withhold rent, or the cost of a necessary repair. for tenants like liz, keeping records can make all the difference when dealing with a difficult situation. liz lane: i felt like i've been so reasonable with them, and to be treated like that, problem.> dozens of homeowners in southern highlands are filing a lawsuit.. claiming nearby construction is damaging their homes. and now.. we're learning the contractor hired to conduct those blasts specifically told homeowners their houses would be safe v-c-e incorporated sent out a letter assuring homeowners there would not be any damage from the vibrations caused by explosions. the residents.. however.. say that hasn't been the case and they're seeing cracks forming inside.. and outside their homes.
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terrible, this is our home, this is our biggest investment, and these guys are blowing it to pieces we reached out to the company.. wesco drilling and blasting.. but still haven't heard back. a state of emergency is in effect right now in florida.. as tropical storm hermine is closing-in on the gulf coast. but even before that storm makes landfall.. forecasters are warning of the possibility of tornadoes and high winds. the outer bands of hermine have already arrived with intense rain and flooding cr state. and despite the blinding rain in some areas.. many people spent the day piling up sandbags to keep the high water out of their homes. a state of emergency is also in effect.... in hawaii.. where hurricane madeline was just recently downgraded.... to a tropical storm warning. it's expected to weaken.... as it passes over the big island. and... not far behind... hurricane lester is about a thousand miles from hawaii... but is expected.... to also drop to a tropical storm.... by sunday.
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to the weather compared to the last few days. our highs will drop slightly in the afternoon, but we will remain above the normal. we see a few more clouds in the afternoon with a slight chance of rain or a storm in some areas of southern nevada. the best rain chances will be east of the valley with most of the rain staying in arizona. you will notice an afternoon breeze around with winds from the south-southwest around 15 mph. friday we will dry out again with even slighter rain chances around southern nevada. the south-southwest up to 20 mph. mostly sunny skies prevail by friday afternoon. into the weekend we have no rain chances and even cooler weather to go around. highs will drop into the mid 90s by sunday with sunny skies. winds pick up each afternoon to around 20 mph from the southwest. our highs stay in the 90s next week with a slight increase in the temperatures later in the week. no rain chances for nevada after this week.
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we see a few more clouds in the afternoon with a slight chance of rain or a storm in some areas of southern nevada. the best rain chances will be east of the valley with most of the rain staying in arizona. you will notice an afternoon breeze around with winds from the south-southwest around 15 mph. friday we will dry out again with even slighter rain chances around southern nevada. afternoon winds will be from the south-southwest up to 20 mph. mostly sunny skies prevail by friday afternoon. into the weekend we have no weather to go around. highs will drop into the mid 90s by sunday with sunny skies. winds pick up each afternoon to around 20 mph from the southwest. our highs stay in the 90s next week with a slight increase in the temperatures later in the week. no rain chances for nevada after this week. he was already given a light sentence....
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only -3- months... in jail. brock turner was sentenced.... to -6- months in jail... but... on friday... he'll be released early.... for "good behavior". currently... people convicted of raping an unconscious person..... can get a more lenient sentence.... in california. lawmakers recently passed a new bill. harsher punishments. for the first time in more than 50- years.. a commercial airline flight from the united states landed in cuba. the flight from ft. lauderdale was greeted at the airport in santa clara by cuban dignitaries. even though president obama opened diplomatic ties with cuba.. the u-s still maintains an economic embargo on the communist island. a young boy was chosen to sing the national anthem.... for the washington redskins but... when he forgot the
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tomorrow to go through what happened when trooper shawn peckham ended up in a shootout after a traffic stop on the 95. 41-year old matthew gibbon was killed in the gunfire. investigators say a shot fired by gibbon struck the badge of trooper peckham.. deflecting it away from his chest. kid a las vegas boy is fighting a rare disease tonight.... bu.. he's only able to keep fighting...thanks to blood donors. -8- year old..... callum atworth is one of about -7- hundred documented cases in the world... with "diamond blackfan anemia".. because of the bone marrow disorder... every -3- to -4- weeks.. he needs blood.... to stay alive. united blood services has featured callum on several of their ads.... because blood donations.... are his lifeline.
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when you have to sing it.... in public. here's what happened when a young man forgot the words. 00-09 silence at the beginning.... star spangled" malik walton was at the washington redskins luncheon representing the boys and girls club and was chosen to sing the anthem. fortunately.. he got some help from the team when he forgot the words. that does it..... for this edition of 13 action news.... live at 11. "jimmy kimmel live" is up next.. and remember.. we're always on.... at k-t-n-v dot com... and... on the k-t-n-v mobile app. our next reports begin at
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, aaron eckhart from "so you think you can dance," cat deeley and music from nathaniel rateliff & the night sweats. and now, believe me when i tell you -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> jimmy: thanks, everybody. hello. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thank you for coming. today is the last day of august i'm unhappy to report.
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