tv Action News 6pm ABC September 13, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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complex tie into the bigger picture.. and the proposed stadium that would be the home field for the proposed stadium that would be the home field for the rebels.. and the 'las vegas raiders'? 13 action news political analyst jon ralston is here to see what plays are being called as this game moves into the 4th quarter. ----very few individuals or groups have come out against the planned stadium project. but one notable exception is the culinary union. but why? the union says it's because of public money. that tha man behind the project, sheldon adelson, has blocked the culinary from his sands properties? i asked yvanna cancela, the union's political director if this was just an anti-adelson move. in cue: 13:40: "oh, please..." out cue: 14:09: "...that could be privately built." ----the union is in favor of the convention center expansion, and she said the group will lobby in carson city
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he didn't even get.... inside. instead.... he stole the breakers...... controling the electricity to part.... of a strip mall. contact 13.... investigative reporter.... stephanie zepelin has more on the crime. """"""12.56.46 you can see where the suspect tried to get in here and get in """"""12.56.46 you can see where the suspect tried to get but unfortunately for him he was caught on this surveillance camera 56"""""' a thief under the cover of darkness, but caught on video.
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second laters he's back on camera stealing electrical breakers. 12.38.50 if any thief is determined to break in, i cannot guard here 54 i cannot send a guard to guard my breaker 57 all night 58 hd haeran dempsey is the landlord at this strip mall, and says this crime happened twice in a row back in try our best to survive in this tough economy 48 and when this kind of things hits, it's a really tough, difficult time 54 it's also tough for the 13.08.59 it hurts our business because we have to cancel appointments 09.03 tt trisha taylor works at south shores beauty salon. and she has a message for the thief. 13.09.43 with me if i saw him, id probably try to do something 46 run after him, do something to hurt this guy 48 it affects our business 50 metro has no leads and no suspects, but say it is under investigation. if you have any information, they ask you to call their northwest area command. sz 13 an
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blown around.... thanks to the gusts..... moving through our area. a wind advisory in effect right now..... across the valley. as.... we take a look at current peak system...... moving through southern nevada.... and karla... when is it going to.... die down? a large storm system is pushing through the area and will a wind advisory remains in effect through 8 pm tonight. afternoon/evening with gusts to about 35-40 mph. a wind advisory remains in effect through 8 pm tonight. afternoon/evening with gusts to
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effect through 8 pm tonight. classes resumed today at johnson junior high after the largest hazmat response in ccsd history. students missed 3 days of school because of a mercury scare. they still weren't allowed in the gym because the floors had to be ripped-up to make sure it's 100-percent safe. today.. they were both nervous and excited. derek volonte, 19:49:18-19:49:26 are you still worried to go back to school? um a little bit. a little bit. why, what do you think is going to happen? maybe it might going to be like, i don't want my son in this school district. it's going to get to the point where i might not want to do it but i might have to do home newscast.. 13 action news anchor lesley marin has more on why they've been forced from their home because of mercury. your voice.. your vote in the race for the
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will return to the campaign trail thursday after taking time off to recover from pneumonia. president obama was campaigning on her behalf today in the battleground state of pennsylvania.. and threw a number of political jabs at donald trump. sot obama he's spent 70 years on this earth trying to stay as far away from working people as he could, now he wants to the champion trump is taking aim at clinton.. criticizing her for calling half of his supporters a quote: breaking right now. big news from capitol hill.. the obama administration is sending the largest military aid package in u-s history to israel according to cnn.. israel is set to get about 38-billion dollars over ten years... up from the approximately 30-billion dollar deal that expires in 2018. the arrangement will be signed tomorrow. that's the latest from the breaking news center. a new proposal could see....
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expanding. it would extend..... monorail service.... about a mile from the current stop.... at the m-g-m grand.... all the way out to mandalay bay. right now... the idea is just in the initial stages... but could begin moving forward.... as soon as... october or november. today marks..... -20- years.... since the death of legendary rapper... tupac shakur. tupac was shot on september -7-th, 19-96...... just off the las vegas strip..... at flamingo and koval following the mike tyson-bruce seldon fight..... he died.... -6- days later. no one has ever been arrested..... for tupac's murder. a gaping hole in the roof of a building at a valley car dealership. chopper 13.. fast and first over the scene. so.. how did this happen without anyone being injured? more on that next. and... the grades are out... and... it's not looking good for the children.... in our state. tonight... we're breaking down what areas are keeping nevada..... from making the honor roll. and count on chopper 13 to bring you breaking news fast
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trump during a las vegas campaign rally has pleaded guilty today to federal charges. michael sandford could face two years in federal prison and deportation back to the u-k. admitted to reaching for the officer's gun during the june 18th rally.. and later told federal agents he drove here from california with a plan to kill trump. chopper 13 fast and first over a big roof collapse on the east side of the valley. this happened at reliable auto sales on sahara near eastern. we spoke with some employees who tell us they weren't using the building when it happened a few weeks ago during high winds. fortunately..
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card.... from the children's advocacy alliance has been released and the findings... well... theyren't very good. nevada received a -d-.... in children's health... a -d- plus... in safety... a -d-.... in economic well being... and... most alarming of all... an -f- in education. state officials hope.... money brought in.... by the proposed n-f-l stadium.... will help improve.... nevada's education system. gard jameson, chair of children's advocacy alliance around 11:32:13 "how do we make that stadium help our kids and help our communities with the issues that we're facing? nevada can no longe be an f-rated state." we've posted the full report card.... broken down.... into subsections for you. you can find it.... on our website... just head to.... k-t-n-v dot com. the mercury scare is over..... at johnson junior high.... but... that's not the case for one valley neighborhood... i'm wondering what's going on whether i'm safe or not where investigators found mercury inside one family's house.... that has them unsure..... when they'll be able to go back home! and.. police chases happen all the time in southern california.. but they usually aren't like this one.
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semi that had police extremely concerned about a crash. over 20,000 nevadans rely on planned parenthood for access to basic health services and critical cancer screenings. but congressman heck voted to defund planned parenthood and was willing to shut down the government over it. heck opposed roe v. wade and voted to criminalize abortion.
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officers started chasing a big rig around 10:30 this morning. that chase finally ended about 3-hours later when the driver surrendered. the california highway patrol says the truck was stolen from bakersfield and was transporting hazardous and electronic waste. chant nats u-n-l-v students made their voices heard today..... on the issue of the dakota
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construction..... because they say..... it comes too close..... to a native american reservation..... in north and south dakota. the standing rock sioux tribe says.... the pipeline would disturb sacred land.... and.... could contaminate their water. students here protested..... as a show of solidarity..... with the tribe. 03:59:31 maurice forbes, nextgen climate nevada "millenials vastly support the environment and care a lot more about issues than they do about particular candidates so we're to inform and educate and give them ano their voice as well." the government put construction on hold..... last week. it's unclear..... when it might begin.... again. as we reported at the top of this newscast.. students returned to class at johnson junior high for the first time today since that hazmat scare last thursday. but the mercury that caused all the problems at the school is still having a huge impact on one family. 13-action news anchor leslie marin is at their home right now to explain. lesley.
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the only one with dangerous levels of the substance. the highest levels found in a child's bedroom. some of them were wearing like a jumpsuit with a mask face facial mask and a head thing epa agents..cover themselves in protective layers as they head into a home wondering what's going on whether i'm safe or not where i'm at i'm only two doors down the epa says neighbor's are safe. but the family inside evacuated after up to 15 times the safe level of mercury is found inside. this child got mercury on their the epa says it will take nearly 3 days to make sure this home is safe. remove any items that may have additional contamination
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meanwhile blocks away at walter johnson junior high...the first day back is over..but parents still worry for their children. we don't know if she's going to go back to the school maybe she'll go to another school we don't know school district officials say they had a 98 percent attendance today. as for this home-- any hazardous material will be dumped in this secure bin and destroyed. lesley marin 13 an mandatory evacaution's are being ordered..... communities..... because of a massive wildfire.... in northern california. the so-called.... "willard fire" started yesterday afternoon...... just north of reno..... and has quickly grown.... to -25- hundred acres. firefighters say.... their battle is being hampered..... by high-winds and rugged terrain. more than.... 6-hundred homes are currently
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through the area and will continue to bring gusty conditions this afternoon/evening with gusts to about 35-40 mph. a wind advisory remains in effect through 8 pm tonight. the area and will continue to bring gusty conditions this afternoon/evening with gusts to about 35-40 mph. a wind advisory remains in effect through 8 pm tonight. tomorrow we will se day with highs in the upper 80s, but the will be much lighter. thursday the system will have moved on and we will start a slow warm up. expect a highs in the low 90s thursday, low to mid 90s friday, and mid 90s over the weekend with lots of sunshine. afternoon highs will top out in the mid and upper 90s to start
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on tuesday as another system passes mostly to our north. (karla back to desk) afternoon/evening with gusts to about 35-40 mph. a wind advisory remains in tomorrow we will see another day with highs in the upper 80s, but the will be much lighter. thursday the system will have moved on and we will start a slow warm up. expect a highs in the low 90s thursday, low to mid 90s friday, and mid 90s over the weekend with lots of sunshine. afternoon highs will top out in the mid and upper 90s to start off our next workweek.
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passes mostly to our north. (karla back to desk) "robocalls" have been annoying people.... for years. you know the ones..... we're talking about. now... lawmakers are stepping up.... to make a difference about them. how that legislation is putting the pressure on your phone company..... to play "robocop." and.. with efforts underway in several states.. including nevada to legalize recreational marijuana use.. find out how some technology find out how some technology could be used to catch drugged drivers. i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way.
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driving you crazy? many americans say... they're adding their phone number... to the "do not call" registry. but.... they're still getting..... unwanted telemarketing calls. now.... new legislation called the "robo-cop act"... looks to require phone companies... to offer free tools..... for blocking robo-calls. if you'd like to see this bill pass... you can voice your
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they'll pass it along.... to congress. we have more information..... at k-t-n-v dot com... just search under "links." a buyer beware tonight! beware of flood-damaged cars... that may be sitting..... in a local used car lot. new research from car-fax says... some -2- hundred and -70- thousand vehicles... damaged in the louisiana floods... and hurricane her- mean... are back on the road. and.... some of those... will be up for sale... around the country. that's why it's so important... to research a used car's background... and... get it checked out..... by a mecha half the states in the u-s now have legalized marijuana in some form.. including medical marijuana in nevada. but it means there's a greater potential for people to be driving while high. that's why law enforcement is looking for ways to prove it in court. kumasi aaron has more on some new technology that might help. --kumasi aaron/the now-- --marijuana stays in your system for a while so if you get pulled over and take a blood or saliva test it could still show up positive even if
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solution, makers of the marijuana breathalyzer says it can potentially eliminate that problem.-- --take nat:-- --00:00:00-03-- --every device is different-- this is one of five devices colorado state patrol is testing to help them detect marijuana in drivers. --take nat:-- --00:00:05-07-- --some tell you to swab above the tongue below the tongue-- they all use saliva to determine how much thc is in a drivers blood from marijuana. --take nat:-- --00:00:12-16-- --it's evaluating it now and you'll see the provided.-- but one company says it's developed a different and potentially better way to do that, by testing a drivers breath. --take nat:-- --00:03:15-18-- --"i actually have i can show it to you here."-- this is a --you just"r"!"yo u just blow through it like that.-- the company's cofounder mike lynn says the machine is marijuana. but he says this small machine has an even bigger advantage. --mike lynn/hound labs-- --00:01:50-02:04-- --in breath thc only stays for a really brief period of time. and so unlike saliva or blood
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in that in breath it just doesn't. it only shows up for a few hours.-- that means law enforcement can better determine if a driver is really impaired from recent use. --mike lynn/hound labs-- --00:06:00-13-- --if you're the cop you have no idea if your saliva test is positive okay correlate that with driver impairment.-- with more states legalizing marijuana, lynn hopes this device will make roads safer by getting impaired and make sure those who are using marijuana legally can keep driving. for the now, i'm kumasi aaron. "don't let the bed bugs bite"..... is not a saying..... that should ever apply.... to a grocery store. but next.... on 13 action news... live at 6:30.. we're meeting a man who says.... he was bit by the bugs..... inside a well known chain. plus.. for the first time in nearly a decade.. household income is up.. but it's not all good news.
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danny tarkanian's carrying a lot of baggage. as a real-estate developer, tarkanian was penalized for failing to pay thousands in property taxes. tarkanian was ordered by a judge to repay $17 million in a failed development scheme. tarkanian refused to pay the money back, forcing taxpayers to bail him out, leaving us holding the bag. himself, not us. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. find out what the driver did with 20 young lives in the balance. plus.. it's students' first day back..... at "walter johnson junior high".... after a mercury spill.... shuts down the school! but first.. some big winds are blasting across the las vegas valley..
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las vegas. let's get over to 13 first alert meteorologist.... karla huelga. karla.... how much longer will this wind.... keep going? a large storm system is pushing through the area and will continue to bring gusty conditions this afternoon/evening with gusts to about 35-40 mph. a wind advisory remains in effect through 8 pm tonight. tomorrow we will see another day with highs in the upper 80s, but the will be much lighter. a wind advisory remains in effect through 8 pm tonight. tomorrow we will see another day with highs in the upper 80s, but the will be much lighter. and henderson got hit with those peak wind gusts. at the henderson recreation center....
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