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tv   Nightline  ABC  October 11, 2016 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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tonight, a special edition of "nightline." inside the final 30. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> the clinton/trump vitriol reaching new heights. we go inside. >> something we have never, ever seen before. >> "nightline" pitts and terry moran behind the scenes documenting the road to the white house. on the heels of a shocking leak. >> this was locker room talk. >> but did trump turn the tables? the controversies that continue to dog hillary. from bill's past accusers to those deleted e-mails. this special edition of "nightline," "inside the final
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this is a special edition of "nightline," "inside the final 30." >> good evening. we are really in it now. 29 days to go until election day. you can call this race historic, exciting, infuriating, anxiety-provoking, or downright depressing but you cannot call it boring. tonight on a day of more fast-moving developments we're kicking on of a new series "inside the final 30."
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our coverage of this often astonishing race. here's abc's terry moran. >> she has tremendous hate in her heart. >> this is who donald trump is, and the question for us, the question our country must answer, is that this is not who we are. >> reporter: a hushed america, breathless and watching. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law i >> because you'd be in jail. >> reporter: snarling exchanges, the raw contempt spilling into the campaign for the most powerful job in the world. >> my god, what else can happen in this election? >> i love presidential campaigns. they're the most sort of thrilling ride. the last 30 days, these candidates are riding the tiger of the democracy. and the country's making up its mind. >> reporter: the whole campaign
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erupted. thursday a wikileaks dump of clinton's e-mails. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: friday, 8:00 p.m., that videotape. >> how about a little hug for donald, he just got off the bus. >> reporter: within hours republican leaders start abandoning trump. saturday an unreal scene. the protest outside trump tower. and then the donald himself appearing defiantly. all of it transforming a debate that was supposed to be about so much else. >> october the 9th. 30 days out. we're taking you inside the final 30 days of the election. every night from here on in, we are going to be someplace inside the guts of the campaign. the press room is abuzz. just moments before, a bombshell. the trump campaign held a press conference with four women, three of whom accusing bill clinton of sexual misconduct.
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>> didn't leave trump tower this whole weekend. i think what you saw is, you know, they're going for everything at the wall, scorched earth mentality. >> reporter: meanwhile, my colleague byron pitts is getting ready for the network's live debate coverage. >> one more light over here. >> just walk me through what the preparing is, what's going on in your mind as you prepare to anchor the show. >> as i prepare? >> yeah. >> it all just changed five minutes ago. >> reporter: minutes before air, that bombshell dro trump campaign is reverberating. >> i had worked on an open earlier today and thought through some questions going in. but this surreal scene before the debate, again, how many times have we said this in the campaign? something we have never, ever seen before. it happened again. >> one of the things that strikes me about nights like this, almost everyone in the building right now is focused on this debate.
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>> reporter: back in st. louis, here's the abc political team. >> watching with one ear and trying to monitor social with the other. >> reporter: some of these reporters live out on the campaign trail. eating, breathing, sleeping -- not so much sleeping -- politics for over a year. the debate started off chilly. not even a handshake. and the moderators dove right in. >> you bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. do you understand that? >> no, i i don't think you understood what was said. this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologize to my family, i apologize to the american people. certainly i'm not proud of it. but this is locker room talk. >> reporter: hillary clinton hammering away at trump's character. >> it's not only women and it's not only this video that raises questions about his fitness to be our president. >> reporter: also reverberating, trump breaking from his running mate mike pence.
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and the humanitarian crisis in aleppo? and i want to remind you what your running mate said. the united states of america should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets of the assad regime. >> okay, he and i haven't spoken and i disagree. >> you disagree with your running mate? >> i think knock out isis. right now syria is fighting isis -- >> he just made mike pence about this big. the to begin with, he just made ate lot worse. >> reporter: abc's fact-checking team is in full swing. >> right now there's a lot of fact-checking going on. it's really, really busy. >> here's one of our early fact checkth. >> last year we had an almost $800 billion trade deficit. >> our grade is, yes ask no. according to the census bureau data, the u.s. has a combined deficit in goods and services of $500 billion. donald trump seems to be referring only to the deficit in
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so yes, there is a sizable deficit. but it's not $800 billion. another fact check. statement by trump -- >> your health insurance and health care is going up by numbers that are astronomical, 68%, 59%, 71%. >> our grade is, mostly false. health care and health insurance costs have been rising, but it doesn't appear to be any basis to these specific numbers. >> reporter: while byron's o the air -- >> there's the spin room. >> reporter: it's a free-for-all where the debate about the debate happens. both sides battling to control the narrative and spin the news coverage. >> one thing you can tell, you don't even have to listen that much, you can tell who they think won the debate. this is kelly ann conway, trump's campaign manager. >> she's very defensive, never managed to defend herself --
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cecilia vega who's been on the clinton campaign since the start. >> i can't articulate a shot, i'm so shocked by what i saw. it started when they walked onstage and didn't shake hands. this is democracy in the united states of america. and it looks like an mma match or whatever it is. >> beautiful morning here. day 29. and america's newspaper has a review of the debate. defiant trump versus measured clinto that's about right, i suppose. trump threw everything at her, and she tried to keep her cool. >> reporter: and the polls said hillary won. but trump landed plenty of blows. >> we are on our way in st. louis to go see abc's political director rick kline. he's at the ritz. we're at the westin. you get the hierarchy there. >> i guess the analysis has been, trump stopped the bleeding. if the campaign was in a death spiral, it's no longer in a
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that's not the same as coming out of it. >> reporter: trump's campaign still badly wounded from the release of that tape. and for many his apology just didn't cut it. >> this was locker room talk. but this is locker room talk. but it's locker room talk. >> reporter: adding fuel today, nancy o'dell, one of the women trump allegedly talked about in that video, weighing in tonight. >> there is no room for objectification of women or anyone, for that matter, not even in the locker >> reporter: and today the exodus of republican support continued. as speaker of the house paul ryan pulled back from the presidential campaign trail. >> the last 72 hours, to see all of these high-profile republican names, it's impressive. >> reporter: but a lot can happen in the next month. so off they went. back on the road. claiming victory and keeping up the bashing. >> crooked hillary clinton, oh, she's crooked, folks. she's crooked as a three-dollar
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us went high. next, hillary clinton facing a new batch of leaked e-mails and old questions about her husband. later in what many feel is a race to the bottom, the guy in the red sweater who's emerging as a kind of folk hero. my goal was to finally get in shape. not to be focusing on my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened;
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two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. smearing catherine cortez masto with ads called "bogus," "highly misleading," and "false." as attorney general, it's cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. and governor sandoval praised cortez masto's dedication to fighting sex trafficking. don't let joe heck's billionaires fool you. ine cortez masto has always stood up for us. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. the fallout from donald trump's "access hollywood" tape may be blotting out the sun right now but hillary clinton has troubles of her own, including nagging questions
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new trove of leaked e-mails. >> take a closer look at that man's t-shirt. it's a picture of former president bill clinton and the word "rape." secret service escorting him out. >> i do hope somebody follows that gentleman out and stages an intervention. he clearly has not been following this election very closely. >> reporter: it was less than 24 hours ago that donald trump said this about the former president. >> what he's done to women, there's never been anybody in the history of politics i nation that's been so abusive to women. >> reporter: trump on the attack since his own comments came back to haunt him. >> when you're a star they let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: but last night the republican nominee painting former president bill clinton as a sexual predator. >> if you look at bill clinton, far worse. mine are words and his was action. >> reporter: at the pre-debate press conference kathy shelton, who was raped by a man who hillary clinton was later assigned to defend as a young
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paula jones and kathleen willie have accused the former president of sexual misconduct. clinton denied the charges from willie and settled a sexual harassment suit with jones for $850,000. then there was juanita broderick. >> bill clinton raped me and hillary clinton threatened me. i don't think there's any comparison. >> reporter: bill clinton's lawyer denied the allegations saying in 1999, any allegation that the president assaulted mrs. broderick more than 20 years ago in 1998, trump clinton's accusers. >> i don't necessarily agree with his victims. the victims are terrible. he is really a victim himself. but he put himself in that position. >> reporter: allegations of sexual assault are not unfamiliar territory for the republican candidate. during their divorce in 1991, trump's ex-wife ivana accused him of raping her before she withdrew them. after the debate we found broderick surrounded by the
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>> sexual crimes that bill clinton committed and that his wife enabled him to and covered up for him -- >> here we have the spectacle of a woman accusing the former president of raping her, saying it's relevant to the current election some almost 30 years later because that president's wife is now running and she says was part of a cover-up effort. >> what did you make of trump bringing the women who'd accused rape or sexual assault or inappropriate behavior? >> i felt sorry for those women. i thought -- >> sorry for them? >> yes. i felt like they were being put on display in almost a sideshow sort of fashion. >> like props? >> well, but worse than props. look, nobody was hard over bill clinton when he was president than i was. and these women have awful stories to tell. but we don't know if they're
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saying the rape didn't take place. characterizing the rumors and stories as untrue. but the clinton accusers weren't the only threat to the democratic nominee last night. >> if i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. because there has never been so many lies, so much deception, there has never been anything like it. and we're going to have a special prosecutor -- >> ror back in the spotlight. >> there has never been anything like this where e-mails, and you get a subpoena, you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 e-mails -- >> reporter: our fact check says trump's comments, mostly true. abc's resident political junkie and chief white house correspondent jonathan karl has seen it all in his 15 years covering washington. >> we rated that, mostly true. in fact, hillary clinton did --
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deleted just a week after she received a subpoena from the congressional committee investigating benghazi. >> reporter: a war of words putting clinton on the defense about the ongoing e-mail scandal which has dogged her entire campaign. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> reporter: trump even doubling down posting that comment on facebook. >> have you ever seen anything like this before? >> no. no, no. this is -- i mean, come on. it's every week there's another thing. >> the notion that you would throw your opponent in jail is downright frightening. >> reporter: the former secretary of state has called the handling of her e-mails a mistake, but not careless. >> that was a mistake, and i take responsibility for using a personal e-mail account. >> you should be ashamed of yourself. what you did. and this is after getting a subpoena. >> it's just not true, and so please --
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>> i'd like to get to the questions that the people have brought here tonight to talk to us about. >> and get off this question. >> the whole e-mail situation is ridiculous. she should have never done it. the trump forces felt strongly that she was not attacked on it enough in the first debate. >> reporter: in the past four days, clinton's camp has had to deal with even more e-mail dumps. friday the state department released another 273 pages of e-mails from when clinton was secretary of state. but perhaps more friday, wikileaks posted what appears to be more than 2,000 hacked e-mails from the account of clinton's campaign chairman john pedesta, revealing excerpts for the first time into clinton's paid wall street speeches. in one 2013 speech, she told members of the national multi housing council, you need both a public and a private position in politics. >> these speeches have come out courtesy of wikileaks. and if they had come out during the primary, i think they could
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her battle against bernie sanders. >> reporter: just today, wikileaks released another batch of damaging e-mails, showing the infighting within clinton's campaign. in one message a long-time clinton adviser says, chelsea is acting like a spoiled brat. another from a liberal columnist says that bill clinton's past sex life could be damaging to hillary. >> what to you anticipate these next 29-plus days? >> i think i anticipate that which we don't anticipate. >> reporter: day 28 starts in the morning. for "nightline," i'm byron pitts in new york. next, the man in the red sweater who has emerged as the star of last night's debate. he went into the evening undecided. how is ken bone leaning now? [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ? on the road again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ]
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finally, in a race where
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white hats, a new folk hero has emerged wearing a bright red sweater. here's abc's nick watt. >> reporter: after 90 minutes of an r-rated bar brawl -- >> you'd be in jail. >> grabbing their genitals. >> racist lie. >> reporter: sweet relief. >> what steps will your energy policy take? >> reporter: a knight in shining quarter-zip knitwear. suddenly he's everywhere. ? oh kenneth bone you make us al >> i am not sure why people have been calling me all day. >> reporter: you're a luke hug. i understand you were planning to wear an olive suit? >> when i went to get in my car to leave for the debate, i tore the seat out of the pants. >> reporter: many halloween costume plans torn up, redrawn. >> start growing your moustache now, fellows. ? kenneth bone take us away to a brand-new home ? >> i really tried to put a nice face on the debate.
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guy who overstays his welcome. ? kenneth bone ? ? oh ken bone ? >> i'm nick watt for "nightline" in los angeles. >> thank you, nick. we'll be back tomorrow night with much more of our series "inside the final 30." gma first thing in the morning and online 24/7 at and on our "nightline" facebook page. thanks for watching and good night. now on "celebrity page tv." e! halts production on keeping up with the kardashians after kim's robbery in paris. lady gaga kicks of her dive bar tour. where the future super bowl halftime performer popped up. then ryan gosling and harrison ford teaming up. the latest details on the "blade runner" sequel.
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the rapper visits drake university after a concert, so where is everyone? >> kappa kappa exam may. gam gamma. outside your frat house, you're all sleep. >> welcome to celebrity page. coming to you from the celebrity page studio bringing you entertainment news. a little later sitting down with bravo star reza farahan to talk about his new show. and sharing the new "pirates of the kicking off today with "the hollywood rap." the british are stunning. the british are stunning. oscar nominee rosamund pike attending the london film festival reprior mere of "a united kingdom." the 37-year-old dazzling in a dress featuring waist-high slits revealing black tuxedo pants underneath.


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