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tv   Action News 6pm  ABC  November 2, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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woman and daughter in another vehicle coming home from school. >> only on "channel 13 action news" that family speaking out about those tense moments. let's get right out to "channel 13 action news" reporter mahsa saeidi live on the scene where one of the suspects was taken into custody. mahsa? >> reporter: tricia requesta, steve, met rowas tracking that stolen car from the air. the lieutenant says the suspects knew that one of the women tried to get away, jumping out here behind this apartment complex. it did not work but the other suspect kept driving, crashing into that family >> my advice hit the brakes but my daughter is very upset and crying. >> reporter: here is when the family embraced each other for the first time. that 10-year-old cried for several minutes. this is very traumatic for that little girl. the family was inside the burgundy van driving in front of the orleans when the suspect in the white mercedes hit the front of their car according to police.
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this was all happening around 3:00 when children are getting out of school so it could have been so much worse. police say the driver was going into oncoming traffic and speeding as well. patrol was not following them or chasing them they understood how dangerous this could have been tonight the suspect the driver facing reckless driving charges along with assault and battery because that car is considered a weapon. reporting live mahsa saeidi, "channel 13 action news". >> thank you, mais a. happening right w parents are at the prep academy for a vote that could lead to the school merging with a new york prep school and forcing longer school days and stricter rules. chopper 13 fast and first over agassi prep where the media is underway right now. christopher king is down with the latest there, chris? >> reporter: steve, it's a packed house inside. take a look, hundreds of parents and students are crowding agassi prep they want to hear about this possible merger and it's
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a number of parents saying no to the potential merger with democracy prep. that's a school that has a reputation for strict discipline. now they fear the rules like no talking during lunch and longer class hours and they also worry about a 6-day school week. now, the ceo for democracy prep already tells me that there won't be a 6-day school week but she says, there could be longer hours. another big question is, what could possibly happen to the teachers here at agassi prep and the ceo that that remains to be seen. this meeting is getting very emotional. we'll be here live at 11:00 to give you an update what happens for now we're live at agassi prep, christopher king, "channel 13 action news." >> and right now metro is on the hunt for a bank robbery suspect. this happened yesterday near desert inn and mccloud. investigators say he walked in and pulled out a large black firearm demanding money from the teller. no word on how much he made off
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today. a judge ruled kenneth robinson be held without bail. the victim's grandmother says she came here from louisiana. she says she didn't know anything about the abuse but was planning to save the child. [crying] >> it's too hard i was coming to get and him raise him in louisiana. the today i find out he gets killed, who i? >> robinson is next month. >> and breaking right now, police and protesters clashing at a new orleans university where white supermarket supremacist david duke. this is from nick ryman with a student newspaper reporter at nearby loyola university. he tweeted this out. this video was taken at dillard university, though, here you can see some of these students are trying to go to breach the door to the building where that former kkk leader is participating in a debate
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dillard is a historically black university. there were reports of pepper spray being used disqualified for that debate is being held tonight despite outrage from the student body. so far no arresting have been made. well, a fast food restaurant near unlv appears to get political as a way to help business, but not everything is as it seems. "channel 13 action news" david schuman went finding for >> reporter: i enjoy a good taco that's where i'm completely sober. it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to imagine how someone who smoked pot might feel about it or why dell taco might like question 2 to pass next week. it looks like any other banner pushing a political agenda, nothing out of the ordinary election ads have into that backwarded us but stop to look what this sign says and where. vote to legalize recreational marijuana right outside a dell taco near unlv.
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people smoking weed? the connection is obvious. >> you just get the munchies. but i don't smoke weed and fast food is the quickest way to go. >> reporter: hor at a ortiz used to work at a taco bell. >> people would come in their packed cars and they would look faded, you know, and they would order a ton of food not even joking like $50 worth of food. >> reporter: but when we asked the manager about the banner shen't -- she didn't know who her supervisor it wasn't long until employees came out with a ladder and cut the sign down. >> if i was in charge of dell taco i probably wouldn't be doing it. >> reporter: it's a bit of a mystery who put the sign up. we didn't hear back from dell taco corporate and couldn't get in touch with the owner of the shopping center. david schuman "channel 13 action news." >> gas prices are starting to rise in the southeastern states after a fatal explosion. alabama shut down a vital
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higher gases but drivers are fearing the worse. experts say the pipeline disruption could affect fuel supplies for weeks. that same pipeline was shut for 11 days in september to repair a leak causing hundreds of stations in the south to run out of gas and prices spiked by as much as 28 cents a gallon in georgia. well, here in los angeles gas prices are on the rise but we shouldn't see the same increases as the southeastern states. the cheapest gas can be found actually at costco average price per gallon in the valley is about 2.49 that's only up about 4 cents from a month ago. >> the man living up -- hillary clinton was back in town stopping at the plumbers and pipe fitters center today. there were enough people on hand there at the event that they had to go to an overflow location. clinton's stop comes only 2 days before the end of early voting. >> well, a carnado effect has been around the spaghetti bowl.
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some of the work being done thanks to some new video. why this bridge being torn down is actually being built back up again. >> and a historic world series game 7 is underway in cleveland. find out how some students at bonanza high school are paying tribute to a local star who's on the field right now. brian? >> meteorologist: well, the breeze might have made it feel cooler out there not expecting much but the northerly flow continues but i do see a warm-up continue and it could actually last for maybe quite a while. we'll look at com channel 13 first look forecast good stuff. >> a live look right now for chopper 13 bringing you breaking news fast and first and only on "channel 13 action news." news fast and first and only on "channel 13 action news." we'll be right bac ask yourself: if joe heck was on your side, why did he threaten to shut down the government on his crusade to defund planned parenthood? side with the wall street banks when he called nevada's foreclosure crisis a "blip"? and why did joe heck put payday lenders and their shameful interest rates first when he took their money?
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l interests. it's time to vote no on joe heck. senate majority pac is responsible
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>> the former martin luther king bridge from the i-15 to the u.s. 95 is no longer tonight.
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video of the demolition of the mlk bridge. this is all part of the carnado project near the spaghetti bowl. the bridge is going to be rebuilt north of the current location with extra space for an hov lane. well, that's not the only construction project tying up traffic here in our valley. viewers emailed us about huge traffic problems near warm springs and buffalo so we went to check it out. >> reporter: frank emailed us what on earth is near warm springs and buffalo right now. frank, let me tell you. hb holmes is working on a big construction project right now and they're doing some utility work and that's why you're seeing all that traffic convection. the work started september but it is scheduled to wrap up soon, actually december 15th. so just hang in there, relief is on the way. in the meantime, i know this area is kind of a headache. we do also have that project being done on rainbow road improvements out there, unfortunately, that project is not scheduled to wrap up until
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but this project warm springs and buffalo that one is wrapping up mid-december. that's a look at your problem solver traffic. >> and that is it for the chicago cubs. chris -- [applause] >> now he's the biggest. >> that is some drama students at bonanza high school acting out a school from their special edition of the 1977 play bleacher bums. the incorporated chicago cubs third baseman into the play because he graduated from bonanza in 2010 and right now he's playing in game 7 of the world series. good luck, go get them. go get them, play your best. we're rooting for you, buddy. [cheering] >> and right now the score is 2-1 cubs and they've -- they're in the top of the 4th right now. ?? >> and this is some information just into our newsroom.
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case -- encased a concrete at a home near seattle, washington. police right now believe it's the body of a little girl that died about 5 years ago while she was in the custody of her mother and her mother's boyfriend but police have not yet made any arrests. >> election day is less than a week away and both candidates are in a sprint for the finish and making some big claims about each other. we'll put a few of those statements into our split-fact truth odometer. >> c monorail where a possible extension to the proposed nfl
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the man who killed two officers is arrested tonight. right now he's being questioned but has not been charged. des moines police sergeant anthony de minimisio and urbandale police officer justin martin were shot and killed in separate incidents while sitting in their patrol cars. >> they were gunned down sitting in their car doing nothing wrong. >> we are determined to hold into account anyone who targets police officer they have the courage and the selflessness to wear that badge each and every day. >> investigators say the execution-tile attacks occurred about -- execution-style attacks
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rtez masto and i approve this message. four years ago i was diagnosed with breast cancer but early treatment saved my life. so i'm really outraged that joe heck voted ten times to defund planned parenthood which thousands of nevada women depend on for cancer screenings. congressman heck even threatened to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. i hope the women of nevada remember that when it's time to vote.
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ors. danny tarkanian set up thirteen fake charities that preyed on vulnerable seniors... fronts for telemarketing schemes. seniors lost millions from the scams danny tarkanian helped set up. jacky rosen has always led with integrity. in congress, jacky rosen will protect seniors and strengthen social security. and jacky rosen will always be responsible with your tax dollars. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen
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"she's a slob." "she ate like a pig." "i'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers..." donald trump calls women "bimbos", "dogs", and "fat pigs." but congressman crescent hardy said he'd support donald trump 100%. nevada, there's a better choice: ruben kihuen. kihuen pushed to crack down on employers who pay women less than men.
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is community are in mourning after two police officers are ambushed and murder. >> model kendall jenner is opening up about a secret health struggle. >> wakes up in the middle of the night and i can't move. >> it is called sleep paralysis and if you have it you're going to want to see this story. it, but first. >> we need more people to vote. >> show up early and vote. >> the presidential race is now a sprint to the finish with both candidates racing across the battleground states for last-minute support and, of course, one of those battleground states is nevada where a new cnn-orc poll is giving donald trump is 3-point edge over hillary clinton. >> "channel 13 action news" political analyst john ralston


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