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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 19, 2014 10:30am-11:01am PDT

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zoirchlgts great videos from the web are coming your way "right this minute." ♪ what happens when you mix an amusement park with wild animals? >> well, watch. >> see the lion who doesn't give kitty rides. >> whoa. a crazed suspect goes after cops with a crowbar, a meat tenderizer and an ax. >> what happens when police start shooting and he keeps coming. a fawn trapped in a gate
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leads to a tricky rescue. >> even though it's a little baby, it's got a powerful kick. >> how a hero helped a fawn go from this to this. and a dude is terrified by a creature with special powers. >> speaking in tongues? >> the elaborate fake-out behind the freak-out. when you go to amusement parks in russia, sometimes things have fun at your expense. watch this. >> e on. >> i have never seen an amusement park like this. this is from april. somebody just filming stuff here. a passer-by. there are rides here, but also things like this. a really sad bird is on that perch all loosy goosy. nobody handle being the bird. not just birds. also wild booesz. wrau. that is a lion just sitting on where maybe there used to be some sort of ride.
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just sitting there. no handler around. no nothing. well, this is dangerous because there are children at amusement parks, right? >> yeah. >> well, watch. >> uh-oh. [ screaming ] >> oh, my -- >> that is a small child who just kind of walks by the lion. the lion goes -- takes him down by his shirt with one swing of his paw there, and then he latches on with both paws looking like he is trying to eat this poor kid. the mother runs over, gets the kid out of the lion's grasp. the kid was uninjured, but still, this happened. that could be the most depressing slice of video i have seen in a really long time. that just makes me so soed. i'm glad the child is okay, but to see these animals in such poor, pathetic, disregard conditions, it's awful. >> it is sad. also this kid almost got killed really. it's a wild best that was able to just reach out and grab this child. >> how long has that lion been there?
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>> this is like a petting zoo jeopardy. >> harsh. >> yeah. [ sirens ] could you definitely say this is a really, really bad day for this dude. it seems like he brought it upon himself. >> this fellow right here arguing with police apparently had a crowbar, a meat tender riser, and an ax on his person at the time of this video. pay close attention because you'll notice that the officers were right there with this man. they have their guns drawn. >> he acted alone. police have no idea the motive behind this, but keep watching this video. >> oh, no. >> you see him throw what looks like either the meat tender riser or the ax at the officers.
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they open fire, and you would believe that they would because he is attacking them with weapons. eventually they do hit their target because it was caught on camera. >> they do get rescuers on hand. the guy was only wounded in his leg. he was taken to the hospital and treated. again, police are investigating this and trying to figure out why this guy was bhaefing the way that he was, but he destroyed 14 cars, including one police car, and crashed into quick quiz, you guys. when you see a fawn laying down, what do you do? >> you don't touch it. the mom is going to come back. >> this is one of those instances where you can and need
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to come to the rescue. this is another rescue video from the wildlife foundation, and here's our buddy simon cowell who loves animals. >> you can see the fawn stuck in a gate, and it's in need of rescue. mom is nearby. >> oh, the sound is awful. >> it wants its mom, and it wants to get out of there. he says he really has to cover this thing up and be careful because even though it's a little baby, it has a powerful kick. >> all right. i know. i know. here we go. right. take a bit of the pressure off it. it's not badly hurt. all right. sweetheart. >> he may have a hard time getting him out of there. >> it's not exactly easy, but he covers his head, and he is able to get it out in short enough order, but then he immediately releases it after checking if it's got any injuries. >> go on. off you go. come on. you're free. >> oh, boy. oh, boy. >> then look. skamperring through the field. the fawn and its mama. >> i can't describe the amazing
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feeling. it's just so special. that is a beautiful, beautiful sight. >> nature as it should be. mom and baby free to gallop through the grasses and not get caught in the fences. >> spectacular. ♪ just part of the sport, right? normally those risks are big waterfalls or heavy rapids, different things that could pull you under water. when you pull off to the side, the eddie, that's supposed to be your whole base, your safe spot. here you'll see that eddie isn't always the safest spot to be. this is john keller on a river near robinsville, north carolina. >> oh, no. >> talk about bad positioning. >> that is not a pinata above his head. >> he almost head butted the nest. almost. that kind of affects what else
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is in this eddie right there. john says it's a snake. >> snakes and a hornet. that's a bad day. >> it is. >> oh, snap. >> they're flying around him. they're swarming him. you can see them. >> oh, yeah. totally you can see them swarming around them. you hear john react to this. he is screaming. john says he got stung six times. he is in the water. he can jump in the water, but then he would lose his kayak and his boat. >> why not just turn it upside down and ride upside down in the water for a little bit? >> well, who knows? are you going to roll over and get smacked in the face paddling upside down instead of get stung by a hornet? worst possible place ever? >> ever. >> the buddy behind him got stung three times. [ bleep ]. two drivers have a tense exchange, and then -- >> the driver with the bmw applies the accelerator.
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how he took out his bottled up frustration on the bottle. ly. bubut t fifirsrst t ththee flinstones kids. totodaday'y's s flflininststona long way too. wiwithth t thehe l latatesestd level of vitamin d toto s supuppoportrt b bono. [s[siningigingng] ] wewe a arere f flilinstones. ththatat's's t thehe f flilins.
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when you are droving a car, don't lose your patience with other drivers because this might happen. you've got that white bmw on the right, and then that is a nissan
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on the left. here you see the owner of the nissan stop, and the driver gets out of the car. as soon as he walks back to his car, the driver of the bmw applies the accelerator, practically runs this man down. >> oh, oh, oh. >> there's an ambulance right there. >> looks like he broke his foot. >> the driver is it get out. he is looking at if he damaged his car. he is not checking to see if he hurt the man. that man is about 58 years old. the bmw guy iv away. this is a classic c hit-and-run. >> i would say attempted murder. he tried to run the guy over. >> now, according to reports from police, the bmw driver has been arrested and his father told police that he recently suffered from a nervous breakdown following a divorce from his wife. finally, this woman who was on a bike, she actually comes over to this man and eventually this man does get treatment. sadly, this man is hospitalized because of this accident. now, this is video from a bus.
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when a bus is driving and they see something go into the middle of the road, they -- luckily, this bus driver saw what was coming. that is a girl, a young girl, crossing the road. >> oh, my goodness. what are you doing? >> he almost hits this girl, but miraculously doesn't because he was the one paying attention on her. kind of looks around and smiles. that's what made you think, dumb girl. >> she doesn't even realize how close to death she was. >> i mean, there she goes. just running down the street. going down the side walk. >> like nothing happened. >> dopey. action cameras and aerial drones. everybody is using them, but no drones can compare to this. >> is that a hawk? >> that is a white tailed eagle. europe's largest eagle. it disappeared from the european skies in 1959, but it's trying to make a comeback.
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jacque olivier trains eagles to fly again. he is trying to reintroduce the eagles back to the skies of europe by this breeding program. it's amaze whatting these guys can do. by putting these cameras on -- talk about a bird's eye view. look at that. no matter how many times we have seen the speed flyers paragliders, drone flights, nothing can compare to what an eagle can do. this is real flying. it's fascinating. there's jacque right there up ahead on his skis in the red jacket trying to train this eagle to do what it's intended to. he also trains them how to hunt so they can be re-introduced into the wild. this video just a clip all to promote "freedom" the film that documents the eagle's reintroduction and jacque's process with it. >> that's awesome. the next video is from an african safari. this guy on the back of an elephant. look what he does on his gopro on the end of a pole. he intentionally just throws it
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down on the ground. how come? >> oh, the elephant picked it up? oh, my god. >> no way. the elephant is shooting this footage. >> yep. that's jack, the elephant, kindly picking up the gopro, handing it right back to the guy who dropped it on the ground. it's video from back in january, but just now gaining traction. >> they trained that elephant to pick stuff up and give it back to its rider? >> pretty cool. here is a classic story that started with a dude going to buy flowers. we don't know why he is buying flowers. maybe is he trying to be nice. maybe he is trying to say sorry. that's what happens. the flowers -- he says -- he bought flowers. the guy there is smashing bottles of liquor in the capital city of lithuania. he went to the store to buy the flowers. he was too late. the registers were locked up. he couldn't buy the flowers. apparently he got mad.
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look at this guy. knocking entire shelves of booze off the shelf. on the ground. broken glass everywhere. >> yeah. he is sweeping the top shelf. >> the expensive stuff on the top shelf. >> these workers in the store, you feel bad for them. they're looking around like what's going on? what's this dude's deal? >> there are a bunch of videos like this. you can see the aftermath and damage this guy caused. it looks like it's flooded with booze. like a booze faucet turned on and flooded the store. >> i'm pretty positive this guy was buying flowers to say i'm sorry. he has a temper like this, he is going to have to say i'm sorry in his life, and it seems like he might need to buy a whole bunch of flowers for this store. >> the flowers ain't going to get him out of this one. >> no. >> when you go to smash up a store, police show up. they walk into this place to say what went down here. the tazz mainian devil came in here and destroyed this place. they arrest the guy. we can see the guy leading the guy out in cuffs.
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they have the guy cuffed. you imagine he is going to be in a lot of trouble because he caused a considerable amount of damage. they say thousands and thousands of dollars. in damages. a model wing suit pilot tries a new adventure with sail fish. >> those things are gigantic. >> kind of dangerous. >> what it's like to dodge the world's fastest fish. and -- >> it's raining. >> it's oliver's first time. >> running in the rain. >> see his adorable reaction when he steps into the sprinkle. >> get out there. ah. for just 8 bucks. pipickck a anyny t to sosouthwest favorites, lilikeke e encnchihilalada, tostadas, and more. ththe e cocombmbininats are endless. chchilili'i's s nenew w sosous for just 8 bucks. ththisis i is s mamark. work. fofor r ththosose e whwho o wy their days... not just get t thrhrououghgh t . nenew w onone e a a daday y vih energy support.
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ththe e ononlyly c comomplpy multivitamin ththatat s supuppoportrts s enel alertness. nenew w frfromom o onene .
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closed captioning provided by -- freshen breath, and controled ds plaque and tartar. fofor r a a frfracactitionon o f greenies.
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nonow w ththatat's's v vetetiqi! life is full of a lot of fists. first time. >> first time for everything. >> this is oliver's first time running in the rain. the dog doesn't want to be out there with him. oliver can't get enough. >> it's like a permanent nonstop sprinkler. >> watch the very end. >> dad gets his face with the camera. he is just like, yeah.
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>> then he runs back out. he is a ham. >> not sure this is the first time it's happened, but it's a funny time. he is playing with his cousin. >> like a helmet bucket. >> put his head in the bucket. mom decided to get the camera because it was just too good not to record. >> plus, the toddler still able to get around. can the kid see through the bucket? >> maybe a little bit. oh, the barrier right in the yard. we have seen roberto mancino in action before. she's a model. we had her on the show before base jumping in high fashion. >> oh, yeah, yeah. >> well, in her latest video, it's part of the epic tv series, rober robertalicious she went to find and swim with sail fish. those things are gigantic. >> and kind of dangerous.
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>> they have a long, pointy snout. >> it's an easy way to become a human kabob. >> they start swimming with them. some really spectacular footage. >> wow. >> huge. >> so they get a few amazing shots. she's amazing. she's a model, and she knows how to pose under water. even find a whale shark. >> oh, that's awesome. >> isn't it amaze sng. >> wow. that gives you some perspective right there. look at that thing. ♪ >> here is one. >> oh. that's awesome. >> this is one of my favorite shots of the sail fish. >> she did have a close call because one of the fish goes right at her, and she has to kind of crouch away from it. >> whoa. >> wow. that is wild. >> this is cool video. ♪
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it's a prank that will freak you out. >> all of a sudden this footage, they have some sort of demonic priest that comes out of nowhere speaking in tongues. >> the wicked trickery next. >> what would you do? enen.. setting up the perfect wedding day begins with h ararththriritis d two pills. afafteternrnoooon n ararririveg good, bubut t heher r knkneeee p pa. that's two more pills. ththe e evevenenining'g's s eves laughter, joy, and more pain... whwhenen j jamamieie s saya. whwhatat's's t thahat t lilikeks today? yeah... i i cacan n tatakeke 2 2 a aley relief. realallyly, , anand.d.. anand d ththatat's's i. ththisis i is s kakaththl. fofor r mymy a artrthrhrititiw choose aleve. get all day ararththrirititis n relief with an easy-open cap.
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effect i think is really brilliant. the dog is camera shy.
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♪ >> grrr. hello. look at the camera. camera shy? camera shy? oh, oh, oh. well, if you are wearing pants, which i think all of you are, unless you have a dress on, be prepared to have them scared right off you. this is terrifying prank from bm pranks car wash. in the middle of the night some guy gets out, and he is not alone. watch. >> all of a sudden this hooded figure with chains from sort of demonic priest comes out of nowhere speaking in tongues. this thing has magical powers. >> oh, god. >> no.
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no. >> he is moving stuff around the parking lot. what would you do? i mean, i would -- >> you would hope the universe takes you. >> and it looks so legit. here's another scene. dark, wooded trail here. some figure standing here. looks like a guy on a stone, right? here comes the dude walking down the road. that same demonic hooded priest comes out of nowhere. lifts the guy off the ground. a garbage can or something comes flying across the trail. those guys get out of there, run out of town. >> these guys have taken pranks to a whole different universe. this is insane. >> another scenario in this spray painted passageway. three dudes walking along. here's some sort of person laying on the cardboard. well, here comes the scary guy again, and watch what happens to the guy on the ground. head explodes. unbelievable. >> this is great stuff, but ever since we sort of suspected a few weeks ago that the prankees are
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actors, i can't help now. it's stuck in my head. we talked to these guys from bm pranks, and we asked. we see people run away, but we never see you tell them -- they told us that, yes, they have one person designated to run everybody down. in all they said they tracked down every single person from their videos except one guy in that killer clown prank. >> he still is probably having night players thinking there's a killer clown on the loose. >> they're saying this is all real. >> they say real. very real. >> see the whole video and behind the scenes video on how they make the head explode. click on today's show or watch it on our mobile app. that's our show. we'll see you for the next that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm." -- captions by vitac -- ww
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that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can.
11:00 am
.. we're all about basketball this week on sports stars of tomorrow... we'll meet a five-star prospect in texas... a diamond in the rough in florida... and we'll also head to california for an unbelievable tale of tragedy and perseverance... all that and more is on your way next... .. (show open) .. hi everyone, and thanks for .. (show open) .. hi everyone, and thanks for joining us.


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