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tv   FOX5 News at 600pm  FOX  October 6, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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live from las vegas fox5 news at 6 starts now. first... it was donald trump. now tim kaine brings the campaign to las vegas tonight. we hear from voters at the rally. hurricane matthew heads closer to the southeast part of the country... as millions head for higher ground. the warning officials have about evacuations... and when the storm is expecte to make landfall. plus... we've heard of clown sightings nationwide... and now c-c-s-d is weighing in on reports here in the valley. how many kids were hurt after someone yelled "clown" at school. this is fox5 news at 6. local. las vegas the race to the white house makes it way through las vegas. first -- republican presidential nominee donald trump made a campaign stop in
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vice presidential nominee tim kaine is in town. fox five's miguel martinez-valle is live at the rally near gilespie and sunset with more. closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning
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closed captioning will resume shortly the deadly hurricane "matthew" threatens the southeast part of the country. it's the most powerful storm in more than a decade with winds of 140 miles per hour. president barack obama has declared an emergency in florida and south carolina. millions of people in florida have been told to flee inland. the white house says those in the hurricane's path need to take evacuations seriously. thousands of national guard troops have been deployed. disneyworld has closed -- for only the fourth time in history hurricane matthew has also impacted travel across the country. at mccarran international airport -- there are at least 5 arrivals and 3 departures to florida airports
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"i know people always say it will pass, it will pass. it is getting worse and we are seeing that it's getting worse. the storm surges are worse, the tropical wind speeds are worse, the rainfall numbers are worse. please don't find any excuses to do this. there's not excuse to risk your life. there's no excuse to risk the life of your family members." hurricane matthew's landfall is expected in melbourne, florida tomorrow morning. let's check in with fox five's chief meteorlogist ted pretty with the latest on the storm. we'll be closer to the average high of 85 on friday with 83 in the afternoon. we'll be warmer with more clouds on the weekend..86 saturday, 89 sunday. slight chances of showers move in on monday with a high of 89 degrees. clouds hang around on tuesday with 88. we'll then see fewer clouds and highs in
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thursday. the clark county school district is calling it an "epidemic." reports of "killer clowns" -- threaten schools across las vegas. fox5's adam herbets found out... now kids have gotten hurt because of all of this... but not because of the clowns themselves. (nats) it's getting to the point where every time our phone rings -- we're hoping it's not another call about creepy clowns. parents think it's scary. and the man in charge of keeping the clark county school district safe is calling it an epidemic.
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getting calls. just probably as many calls as you guys are getting, we're probably getting double that. this is widespread even as far as canada now the rumors in the schoolyard have caused more damaged than the posts. at leavitt middle school -- someone thought it would be funny to pretend their was a clown on campus. it caused a stampede... 6 children were hurt... and one of them had to go to the hospital. parents have to make a decision -- do i stay at work? do i go and pick up my kid? police say it's not easy on their end either. most of these posts -- aren't technically considered threats... because there's nothing illegal about a clown saying it's going to show up at a school... unless they promise violence when we get back to the bottom of the information, there was really never a threat even if a clown did show up on campus... that's not illegal either. freedom of speech. it has to be worse than that... to bring out the handcuffs.
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have chased kids... that have battered kids... have been seen with guns police say because they take every report seriously... their resources are thin... but -- what about the people hiding behind their keyboards? there has to at least be a digital footprint right? police say that's true -- but so far they haven't been able to track anyone down. the people that are doing this are very smart. they're very computer savvy. coming up. it's not friday yet... but we sent five's dave hall out today for a field trip! we'll show you how a small town is celebrating an incredible talent on the field... and the court. and... the southeast braces for the powerful hurricane matthew... we'll take you live to daytona beach where they're already feeling the impact of the
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there's the nevada way. work hard. play by the rules. pay your taxes.
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ordered by a judge to repay $17 million in a failed development scheme. worse, tarkanian refused to pay it back, sticking taxpayers with the bill. the danny tarkanian way? the wrong way for nevada. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. ray steiber: i was in charge of homicide. i know when something's not right. the attacks on question 1 are wrong. question 1 protects the right of law abiding nevadans carry. hunt. protection. it's all there. doesn't change. and no one goes to jail for swapping guns while hunting or at the shooting range. what changes is convicted felons can't run to a gun show or go online and buy guns without background checks. that will save lives. yes on 1. case closed. jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen and i approved this message. man: the tea party republicans in congress want to cut social security.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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man: he is proud to call himself a "tea party radical." man: he wants to privatize social security... woman: ...just like them. woman: risking social security benefits on wall street. man: danny tarkanian would raise the retirement age... woman: just like the tea party republicans in congress. man: they would take away what we've paid for out of every paycheck. man:that's "tea party radical" for ya'. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs,
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"i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck. wrong for nevada. a special field trip thursday - sponsored southern nevada chevy dealers. normally fox5's dave hall goes off on an adventure for field trip friday. but today... we have a special edition of field trip thursday! dave is in alamo nevada... and shows us a small town on a big winning streak! closed captioning
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closed captioning will resume shortly (( weather )) now fox5 weather 24/7 with chief meteorologist ted pretty we'll be closer to the average high of 85 on friday with 83 in the afternoon. we'll be warmer with more clouds on the weekend..86 saturday, 89 sunday.
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showers move in on monday with a high of 89 degrees. clouds hang around on tuesday with 88. we'll then see fewer clouds and highs in the mid-80s next wednesday and thursday. the average high of 85 on friday with 83 in the afternoon. we'll be warmer with more clouds on the weekend..86 saturday, 89 sunday. slight chances of showers move in on monday with a high
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on tuesday with 88. we'll then see fewer clouds and highs in the mid-80s next wednesday and thursday. hurricane matthew could closed captioning
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hurricane matthew could make landfall on florida's east coast by tomorrow morning. officials warn of a "devastating effect" if the state takes a direct hit. yon pomrenze is live in daytona beach, florida with more. closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning
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tomato or nevada or ( donald trump mispronounced the state's name at a reno rally yesterday... and told the crowd the "right" way to say it. what nevada
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as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. t back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada.
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narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content
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i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. smearing catherine cortez masto with ads called "bogus," "highly misleading," and "false." as attorney general, it's cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. and governor sandoval praised cortez masto's dedication to fighting sex trafficking. don't let joe heck's billionaires fool you. catherine cortez masto
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. is it nevada or neh-vah-da? donald trump mispronounced the state's name at a campaign stop in reno yesterday. fox5's eric hilt spoke with nevada historians -- who say people have been saying it wrong ever since nevada became a state. it was the nevahda heard 'round the world "nevahhhhhda" ...or at least 'round the state. "it's not nevahda its nevada!" "it trips me up a little bit, i want to correct them" "its nevada. you gotta flatten out that a, push it through the nose, nevada, not nevahda." but donald trump didn't get that lesson before taking the stage at a rally in reno "nobody says it the other way, it has to be nevahda, and if you dont say it correctly it didn't happen to me, but it happened to a friend of mine and he was killed" the presidential nominee did get one thing right -- nevadans take the pronunciation of
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very seriously. "it doesnt really bother me i just want them to know how to say it!" "the first time they say nevahda, somebodys going to jump and they're going to say no its nevada" even if that person is a us senator like elizabeth warren...who was cut off during her speech in las vegas on tuesday. "coming to nevahda is personal for me (crowd yells) you're right im so sorry!" historians say this is nothing new. but if you want to get really technical, trump nevada comes from the spanish word for snowy which is nevahda... even still... the local way... is the right way. "the number of people who mispronounce nevada are legion......that's the standard mispronunciation" and that mispronounciation isn't going anywhere anytime soon... "is it really worth this much excitement? no not really, but it's something that you want to make everybody feel like they're part of the group and you want to make sure they know how to say
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the state's official tourism organization stylized the name of the state as "nevda" with a breve ( ) mark over the a... indicating the locally preferred pronunciation so when it comes to our state -- it is and always has been nevada. sometimes traveling in the car with kids can be a nightmare... especially when they bicker throughout the ride! we'll show you what one creative dad made to put an end to the backseat fights. up next on more access! as hurricane matthew churns toward the florida coast tonight... we reveal how hollywood could take an unexpected hit from the storm. and it's cirque du soleil like you've never it. the immersive new experience that just
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and from absinthe -- melody sweets performs in our gibson showroom! its all next at 6:30 on "more access" i'm one of the lucky ones. i had breast cancer, but they caught it in time. there are many women who depend on planned parenthood i'll never understand politicians like congressman heck, who tried to defund planned parenthood. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. heck was opposed to roe v. wade and tried to criminalize abortion. that's just shameful, it's just wrong, it doesn't help anybody. congressman heck does not share my values.
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there's the nevada way. work hard. play by the rules. pay your taxes. and then there's the danny tarkanian way. ousands in property taxes. ordered by a judge to repay $17 million in a failed development scheme. worse, tarkanian refused to pay it back, sticking taxpayers with the bill. the danny tarkanian way? the wrong way for nevada.
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here's a look at some of the 'all new' stories we are working for fox5 news at ten. the battle for your vote continues.... vice presidential candidate tim kaine is now making his rounds in southern nevada. we have his message for voters.... and a private meeting between donald trump and las vegas business owners--- has some hispanics vowing to boycott a popular mexican restaurant chain in the valley. a dad of triplets had enough of the backseat fighting! so he created a simple way to solve it! jake white says he reached a
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when it came to the kids bickering... so he used two pieces of large foam core -- as a barrier between his three kids. the dad says now everyone can enjoy their car matthew is set to wreak havoc on the east coast and that's causing cancellations for some major entertainment events. which ones have been disrupted by the storm. plus - "stones" fans are getting satisfaction tonight as the legendar reveals huge career news! what it is and when you'll see them in vegas! and exes reunite! we reveal what's bringing j-lo and marc anthony together and why it's taken a decade! and frightful fun in sin city! new halloweenish events that you can't miss. now on "more access!" get more las vegas. more. more! i love to get more. when i'm in vegas i love to get more! (( bang! ))


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