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tv   FOX5 News at 400pm  FOX  October 18, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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information center. the city of henderson tells us that the only blasting scheduled for this part of town was at mcdonald ranch area, but that was more than an hour before they got the first calls. nellis afb said it wasn't any of their exercises. we also reached out to metro police, henderson police and clark county - they said they hadn't heard the booms and didn't know what it could have been. touchi
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we're nearing the last twenty four hours ahead of the debate-- and at least one of the candidates is already in town. hillary clinton's plane landed at mccarran shortly after two this afternoon. a motorcade met tarmac.. before heading to an undisclosed hotel. donald trump will be arriving in the valley this evening. he made a campaign stop in grand junction, and colorado springs, colorado earlier today. the countdown is on to the presidential debate. and as you can imagine... it is a chaotic but exciting scene at unlv. fox5's adam herbets joins us from there now... to show us what preps are going on today. well guys i would
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looks like i would show you what the actual debate all looks like right now but actually they're in the middle of sweeping out with the secret service there's nothing we can really do we cannot get even close to that area because there are so many precautions put in place for this debate take a look at some video this is what the debate hall looked like yesterday and already not even 24 hours later it's just now getting is finishing touches people have been coming in and out of here throughout the day setting up tables almost 5000 journalists are here it's a crazy amount of people we have all covered big stories in our career but i don't
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ever seen so many journalists under one roof and that's why there are so many precautions put in place another big part of the preparation and again this is been going on for months is everything going on with the school all of the professors now just one day before the debate are giving their tanks on what they can expect for tomorrow even though as everybody has known throughout this election cycle you really can't expect anything given these two candidates "closed captioning will resume " will resume "
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some experts say this debate this final debate might actually be the least important important number one and also why it might matter more for other states that it does for nevada but for now we're alive at unlv adam herbets fox five news local las
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remember, you can catch the debate wednesday night, here on fox5 at six p-m. we will have special coverage in all of our newscasts throughout the evening on this debate, and the impact it has on our valley. it is the last day to register to vote... and you still have time! registration ends at 11-59 tonight. you will need your driver's license or i-d card to register. you will also have to update your information if you have moved recently. it few minutes. we have that website on the links page of our website, fox5 vegas dot com. toss to weather a north breeze on wednesday will make that 81 degree
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plenty of sun through the week and a warm up that takes us to 83 thursday, then 87 on friday. saturday's high of 89 degrees will be just three degrees shy of a record high. a few clouds move in on sunday with a southwest wind around 25 mph. clouds increase with a slight shower chance on monday with a high
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millennials are making a big splash in the housing market. now... half of all home owners are under 36 years old. "zillow group report" conducted a survey of more than 13-thousand home-owners. something different about generation is their researched approach to the house hunt. they usually search longer for the perfect fit and tend to use social media networks and the internet to their advantage. also... 52 percent of millennials consider renting first... and many of them are renting for a longer period of time than previous generations. there's a new air traffic control tower at mccarran airport. nevada state senator-- harry ried-- and congresswoman-- dina titus-- were there to unveil it. reid had previously secured 55 million dollars to fund the project.
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352 feet in the air-- the second tallest tower in the country. the base is 59 thousand square feet and houses the "terminal radio approach control." it comes just ahead of a busy season for mccarran airport. "it's very exciting. it's alomst 75 years since the airport opened and now we're entering a new era, i think in aviation. we're already 7th or 8th busiest in the country and now i think this will just make it easier and safer to bring more people." federal officials were also present at the ribbon cutting today. the tower also comes with training simulators... adminstrative offices and brand new state of the art equipment. a babysitter makes his first court appearance ever... after a little girl dies in his care. and there were many sides of the story told today. we'll show you what is happening next in this case... and what the judge decided today. and a shakeup for u-f-c... hear the announcement made today.... that will affect
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be in the know with all of your local news and weather alerts. you can download our
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joe heck's and donald trump's views on women are disturbing. heck voted to defund planned parenthood 10 times. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. and they both outlaw abortion. "do you believe in punishment for abortion?" "the answer is that, there has to be some form of punishment."
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donald trump and joe heck are not for you. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. nra member: do i believe good, law abiding citizens have a right to bear arms? you bet. and with that right comes responsibilities. do i believe convicted felons have that same right? no. but right now, criminals can easily get guns at gun shows or online from strangers with no background check. i'm a member of the nra. owning guns is my right. d walk out with a gun, no questions asked? that's a threat to all of us.
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thousands of nevadans go to work every day producing clean solar energy. but when congressman joe heck goes to work, he puts their jobs at risk. voting against nevada solar. and for billions in oil company tax breaks. while oil billionaires spend millions to elect heck. he's representing the interests of big oil. for our families, and he's not working for me. the sierra club and lcv victory fund are responsible for
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the mixed martial arts company is based out of las vegas. u-f-c says those layoffs take effectod the company did not go into details on why the layoffs are happening. u-f-c was sold back in july for four billion dollars. the owners pledged to keep u-f-c here in las the owners pledged to keep u-f-c here in las vegas. a man accused of causing the death of a little girl in his care, appeared in court today. prosecutors told the courtroom how the 18- month-old died last thursday. "essentially, he put this two year old in bathwater that was so hot, she had third degree burns from her chin all
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metro says 21- year-old "demond billingsley" was watching "lyriq elaine clayton" and his own child when the incident happened. the child also had some bruises. several friends and family members were in the courtroom to support billingsly. his lawyer told a different story of what happened that day... saying this was an accident. " his own son was in that water, he took out his son, took a phone call, the water was still running, apparently this water was too hot and the accident happened. " billingsly's lawyer says he has no criminal record, and asked for house arrest. the judge set bail at 150-thousand dollars, and if billingsly gets out of bail, he will not be allowed to have unsupervised contact with kids. the next court appearance is set for november first. lyriq's family does have a go-fund-me to help pay for funeral expenses. we have that information on our website, fox5 vegas dot com. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty
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wednesday will make that 81 degree high feel a little cooler. we'll see plenty of sun through the week and a warm up that takes us to 83 thursday, then 87 on friday. saturday's high of 89 degrees will be just three degrees shy of a record high. a few clouds move in on sunday with a southwest wind around 25ph clouds increase with a slight shower chance on monday with a high of 81 degrees. a north breeze on wednesday will make that 81 degree high feel a little cooler. we'll see plenty of sun through the week
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takes us to 83 thursday, then 87 on friday. saturday's high of 89 degrees will be just three degrees shy of a record high. a few clouds move in on sunday with a southwest wind around 25 mph. clouds increase with a slight shower chance on monday with a high of 81 degrees.
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bob dylan is the
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2016 nobel prize in literature. and it turns out he is a difficult man to get ahold of! the swedish academy has been trying to contact the iconic singer for the last few days about the award. but his re returning any phone calls. the acadamy says the award ceremy and party will go on as planned on december 10th, with or without dylan. dylan seems to be okay though... he had a concert here in las vegas last night and on thursday!. he has stayed quiet about the accolade. there is another major event going on in december... the rock and roll hall of fame ceremony! this year's first- time nominees include journey, pearl jam, and tupac shakur. these nominees join others who
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list, like janet jackson, and the cars. rock fans can vote on the hall of fame's website. their votes are combined with an international voting body of artists, historians, and others in the music indiustry. a woman about to have her baby realizes she must walk through flooded roads... to get to a hospital. "this is not the time to go into labor. we're going to do this, we're going to get through this storm." hear more about this birth during hurricane matthew... and the unique bond this mom shares with her new son. "what the hall?! " you're watching fox5 news at 4. joe heck's and donald trump's views on women are disturbing. heck voted to defund planned parenthood 10 times. he was even willing to shut down the government over it.
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"the answer is that, there has to be some form of punishment." while heck co-sponsored legislation to criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape.
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i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone.
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let's start with a
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offer... you could hang out at one of the coolest castles in the world... but... there is one small catch. (creepy vampires... "my turn.") vampires... the small catch is vampires... and not good looking ones like kiefer sutherland... here's the deal... two very brave people will get to sleep in a coffin... inside dracula's castle... yes it's the same castle vlad the impaler lived in back in the 15th century... air-b-n-b is having a promotion on their website... no person has slept in dracula's castle since 1948. with the presidential debate set for tomorrow night... about 7000 journalists will be here... i want to let you guys in on a little industry secret... a lot of us... don't wear pants... including 2 of us right now. i could get in a lot of trouble for showing you this... but whatever... here's ken and yours truly... without pants... you guys at home only see the top
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joined the revolution... i bring this up because this no pants trend is taking off... here's cowboys running back ezekiel elliot doing a tv interview... without his britches... so now you know america... pants are overrated. after seeing that... the bosses will insist we start wearing pants... no one wants to see my chicken legs anyway... and i found the perfect suit. it's called the goon suit... "goon" is slang for cheap wine in australia... this thing is genius... you hide the wine on the inside pouch... then run a tube that connects to what looks like a pen... but it's not a pen... it's a straw that delivers luke warm... headache inducing cheap wine... sadly the goon suit is not yet available for purchase... our fellow journalism friends at the herald sun newspaper in australia created this masterpeice. a political statement that
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a political statement that smells like.... tacos. the message some local taco trucks tried to get out today about the election. and reverend jesse jackson visits fox5. the message he's brought to las vegas ahead of the debate. and is facebook trying to guide the subject of your messenger conversations? the new suggestions
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putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. and congressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions.
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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joe heck's and donald trump's views on women are disturbing. heck voted to defund planned parenthood 10 times. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. and they both outlaw abortion. "do you believe in punishment for abortion?" "the answer is that, there has to be some form of punishment." while heck co-sponsored legislation to criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape.
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we're getting ready for a historic and exciting debate day tomorrow! there is a lot of excitement around our city... with thousands of journalists and visitors in town to take in the last presidential debate. you're taking a look at c-n-n's live picture of the
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vegas" sign! news stations all over the world are using this picture now, to talk about the debate. there are some concerns about the election, and some people fear it may be rigged. today, a task force wants to make sure nevadans know their votes are safe. this election integrity task force is made up of election officials, the f-b-i, and the secretary of state. they investigate every claim of voter fraud. nevada secretary of state barbara cegavske says they have seen too many nevadans worry too many nevadans worry about what will happen with their vote... especially after people running for office have claimed the election is rigged. " i think you'll find nastiness all the way back. you'll find things said about the candidates, all through any election. some are in the media and now that we have twitter, facebook, it is emphasised
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officials say it is very hard to break into a machine. very hard to break into a machine. it cannot be done remotely, a hacker would have to have physical access to it. the task force says it relies on voters to report suspicious activity if they see it. civil rights actist reverand jesse jackson visited fox5 this morning, to urge everyone to vote this election season. he reminded vi struggles many faced, to fight for the right to vote. "the crown jewel of our civil rights movement was the right to vote. we are the best we have ever been politically. there are some economic gaps we must address, we got the right in 1965, blacks could vote for the first time for the first time in 85 years, only white men could serve on juries, 18 year olds serving in vietnam could not vote, you could not vote on
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we are the best we have ever been, we need to go forward by hope, not backwards by fear. " early voting starts this saturday, and goes through november fourth. there are various locations around the valley. to find the one closest to you, visit fox5 vegas dot com and check the links section. election excitement in las vegas won't end after the debate wednesday night. president obama is coming to town! the president plans to be in our city sunday. he will urge people to take advantage of early voting. president obama will also campaign for catherine cortez masto and hillary clinton. the white house has not said where the president will be... but does say this will be a public event. taco trucks have followed donald trump's campaign... ever since the founder for "latinos for trump" made this comment: "if you don't do something about this problem, we will have taco trucks on every corner. " today... a group of taco truck owners and latino groups used those comments... to encourage people to vote. more than 20 taco trucks gathered outside the cardenas supermarket near bonanza and lamb today. workers talked
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tacos. " registering the people who come up to buy food at the trucks, and sending the message to make sure the family members of the community here in nevada and across the country register in order to make our voices heard. " organizers say today's event is part of a larger taco truck movement around the country. and this won't be the last we see of them. tomorrow, progressive groups plan to form a wall of taco trucks outside of donald trump's hotel here in las vegas. tomorrow is day to wear red! it's officially "wear unlv red" week. "the last presidential debate is extraordinary. to be able to have the debate is extraordinary. to be able to have unlv and lvcva work together, which they do all the time, what an outstanding statement for our youth. rebels! rebels! rebels!" the community is encouraged to
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support unlv''s and the las vegas convention and visitor authority's efforts to bring the presidential debate here. today unlv students, cheerleaders, and hey reb took over a county commission meeting to get people pumped up for the debate. unlv officials say to get ready for a very exciting show. instead of leaving cash... one couple writes out their "tips" for a waitress on a napkin. and what they wrote has her and the internet fuming. we'll show you some of the unwanted advice the couple had for the woman... that she says left her mortified and heartbroken. the most famous red shoes in the world are more than six decades old... and starting to show it. hear what it will take to restore them to their former rosy glory. you're watching
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jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen and i approved this message. man: the tea party republicans in congress want to cut social security. woman: and danny tarkanian wants to join them. man: he is proud to call himself a "tea party radical." man: he wants to privatize social security... woman: ...just like them.
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man: danny tarkanian would raise the retirement age... woman: just like the tea party republicans in congress. man: they would take away what we've paid for out of every paycheck. man:that's "tea party radical" for ya'. joe heck's and donald trump's views on women are disturbing. heck voted to defund planned parenthood 10 times. he was even willing to shut down the government over it. and they both outlaw abortion. "do you believe in punishment for abortion?" "the answer is that, there has to be some form of punishment." criminalize abortion, even in cases of rape. donald trump and joe heck are not for you. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world.
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and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered.
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facebook is
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the ice with your high school acquaintance you haven't seen in decades. if you want to chat with someone on messenger but have no idea where to start... check out the "conversation topics." this new feature will suggest certain topics your friend might want to talk about. it goes through their interests and places they have been to recently. the feature then shows you these things about your friend, and you can go from there on what you want to talk about. a south carolina waitress received a tip from a a south carolina waitress received a tip from a couple she served... unwanted advice! when she went to clean up their table, she found a very long note written on a napkin, saying her place was in the home cooking a
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family. the note went on to say working women are a disgrace to their husbands and the american families. it also said her husband is probably seeing another woman because she works. the couple did say she gave excellent service, and they would be praying for her. the waitress is not married, but says she does have a supportive boyfriend. one of the world's most famous pair of shoes is falling apart... and it will cost a lot of money to fix them. we're talking about the ruby red slippers worn by judy garland in "the wizard of oz." "tap your heals together three times, and think to yourself, there's no place like home, " the smithsonian institute says the
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fading colors, loose sequins, and rugged soles. it will cost 300 thousand dollars to restore them and create a climate- controlled case. there is an online campaign to save the shoes, with ten percent of the funds already raised. a man attempts to grab a baby from a shopping cart. while her mother is just a few feet away! "the fact that this happens on the one time that i was turned away---it just speaks volumes." " hear the scary thing message the suspect told the baby, before taking off. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is
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it's hard to make the past dissappear, but danny tarkanian is trying. he'd rather you forget about all of his failed runs for congress, senate, and secretary of state. ...and the shady record that killed his chances every time. the property taxes tarkanian skipped out on for years... all those fake charities he helped set up. he can try all he wants, but danny tarkanian just can't bury his past.
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thousands of nevadans go to work every day producing clean solar energy. but when congressman joe heck goes to work, voting against nevada solar. and for billions in oil company tax breaks. while oil billionaires spend millions to elect heck. joe heck is not working for nevada, he's not working for our families, and he's not working for me. the sierra club and lcv victory fund are responsible for
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fox5 news coming up at 5 o'clock. christine maddela joins us from the newsroom with what to look out for. the whole city is gearing up preparing for the presidential debate. the impact it's having on business around the thomas and mack. and why they're sending employees home during peak hours. and it's never too early to start planning your winter vacation! the top destinations to stay out of the cold. and where las vegas ranks on the list. a texas mother had her back turned for just a few seconds... when a stranger tried to grab her baby from a shopping cart! the terrifying
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store's surveillance video. marla carter explains why may have saved the baby. seeing this surveillance video makes this mother sick.. she says she was shopping turned her head away for seconds.. and a stranger walked up and grabbed her 14 month old daughter from the cart.. he wasn't able to get her fully out of the cart because she was strapped in.. (florence monauer, mother) "she was attached to the shopping cart cover and i think if it weren't for that cover he probably would have taken off with her all together. (beth albe center for the missing) "that's pretty blatant. holy cow! we showed the video to texas center for the missing... who says while stranger child abductions are rare... abductors seem to be more brazen than before. (beth alberts/ texas center for the missing) "we're getting so good at preventing these types of things, that people who truly want to go to those measures have to be more and more desperate and more and more risk-taker. florence said the man never spoke to her directly but said something disturbing-- (florence monauer, mother) "oh i was trying to take you
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wasn't looking. and it was such a strange thing to say." the man has not been identified and is not charged with a crime. houston police say they are just now starting their investigation into the case and examining it as a possible attempted abduction. (florence monauer, mother) "and the fact that this happens on the one time that i was turned away---it just speaks volumes." history is repeating itself in one family. a woman born during hurricane hugo 27 years ago... gave birth to her son during hurr matthew! "(lestlis matthews/mother) "my dad, family members, everyone was like 'you need to leave." i was like, 'my momma had me during hurricane hugo. i'm a survivor, i'm going to be here all right.' i'm just thankful that i got here safe "lestlis matthews" actually had to walk through flood waters in charleston, to reach the hospital. her baby son was born a little early, but is doing well. she named him "messiah" and says he had kept her calm during the storm.
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24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty a north breeze on wednesday will make that 81 degree high feel a little cooler. we'll see plenty of sun through the week and a warm up that takes us to 83 thursday, then 87 on friday. saturday's high of 89 degrees will be just three degrees shy of a record high. a few clouds move in on sunday with a southwest wind around 25 mph. clouds increase with a slight shower chance on monday with a high
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a north breeze on wednesday will make that 81 degree high feel a little cooler. we'll see plenty of sun through the week and a warm up that takes us to 83 thursday, then 87 on friday. saturday's high of 89 degrees will be just three degrees shy of a record high. a few clouds move in on sunday with a southwest wind around 25 mph. clouds increase with a slight shower chance on monday with a high of 81 degrees. closed captioning will resume shortly
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a tiny book, that tells a halloween story in seconds. but what you see on paper... isn't what is actually
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an artist creates a tiny book, that tells a halloween story in seconds. but what you see on paper... isn't what is actually happening. we'll show you the twist in this very creative flip book... perfect for
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putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. and congressman hardy said he supported trump 100%. like trump, hardy opposed legislation to ensure equal pay. and hardy fought to defund planned parenthood, just like trump. ruben kihuen respects women. kihuen fought for equal pay for equal work. and ruben kihuen will protect our right to make our own health decisions. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. narrator: 2013: joe heck votes to shut down the government, risking vital services for thousands of nevada seniors and veterans. but as federal employees like air traffic controllers worked 16 days without pay, joe heck continues to cash his paycheck... even as 244 members of congress refused their pay. joe heck says he deserves it.
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i've seen what can happen as the result of hate. my son matt was murdered in laramie, wyoming, in 1998. he was befriended by two men in a bar who pretended to be gay. they offered him a ride home, and when he was in their car, they robbed him and beat him. they drove matt out to the prairie and tied him to a split-rail fence, then beat him some more and left him for dead. in the aftermath of matt's death, my family saw the best of america in the love and support we were shown. that donald trump has brought to his campaign for president, it terrifies me. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell ya. ahh, i don't know what i said, uhh, i don't remember. he's a mexican. i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and i wouldn't... words have an influence. violence causes pain. hate can rip us apart. i know what can happen as the result of hate, and donald trump should never be our president. priorities usa action
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quicky hand- drawn flip books has a short halloween story out. it is called "just a boring halloween selfie"... but there is a twist! check it out... "ben zurawski" draws a woman in a pumpkin costume, taking a picture with her coffee. but she looks a little concerned in the last picture. cue the blacklight! watch the same story become very spooky... with ghosts creeping hi now we know why she's making that face in the end. thanks for joining us.. fox5 news at 5 o'clock is straight
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robert kearney: i fought for my country in kosovo and iraq, and i've been a republican all my life. but i'm the father of three girls. i can't stand hearing donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos...and i sure don't want my daughters hearing it. i want my girls to grow up and respected. donald trump's america is not the country i fought for. so, i'm voting for hillary clinton. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. live from las vegas, its time for fox5 news at 5. the whole city is gearing up preparing for the presidential debate. the impact it's having on business around the thomas and mack. and why they're sending employees
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the final touches are being put up in the debate hall at the thomas and mack. and security is tightening down as the countdown to the showdown begins. a big boom is heard and felt in henderson neighborhoods what we know now about the rattling sound that's shaking up parts of the valley. this is fox5 news at 5. local. las vegas touching down in las vegas. we're nearing the last twenty four hours ahead of the debate-- and at least one of the candidates is alrea i i'm john huck. i'm christine maddela. hillary clinton's plane landed at mccarran shortly after two this afternoon. a motorcade met her on the tarmac.. before heading to an undisclosed hotel. donald trump will be arriving in the valley this evening. he made a campaign stop in grand junction, and colorado springs, colorado earlier today. the countdown is on to the presidential debate.
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imagine... it is a chaotic but exciting scene at unlv. fox5's adam herbets joins us from there now... to show us what preps are going on today. well guys i would show you what the spin room looks like i would show you what the actual debate all looks like right now but actually they're in the middle of sweeping out with the secret service there's nothing we can really do we cannot get even close to that area because there ar precautions put in place for this debate roll cue : spin room this is the spin room 5000 journalists coming in after before anchoring take a look at some video this is what the debate hall looked like yesterday and already not even 24 hours later it's just now getting is finishing touches people


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