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tv   Eyewitness News at 530  CBS  April 5, 2016 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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>> i don't even know if you can hear me! >> villanova wins their first national championship, in more than 30 years. >> former eagles running back lesean mccoy will not be charged for his alleged role in a bar fight. >> 42gop delegates are at steak in wisconsin. >> bernie sanders and hillary clinton are in a virtual tie. >> i'm going to get the biggest votes. i'm talking check marks so huge you're going to need two ballots just to fit it on there. >> but you can't win an election just by increasing your font size. >> i guarantee i've never been accused of having a small font. >> lots going on out, there but a chilly morning to start the day.
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so we tossed it over to katie on the skydeck, with her scarf on. >> i know, how are you hanging out out there? >> you know, not too bad when the winds doesn't blow, as long as you're prepared for it, once the winds starts to blow, guys, ugh, you're hug that winter coat awfully close. that's what i would advise you, especially if you have any plans, you know, you typically take the train, wait on the platform, typically take the bulls, waiting at the side of the road for the bus for couple every minute, just to have the heavy winter coat, strut trust me on this one, it is cold enough to require. that will so let's go ahead, take a look, starting things offer with a quick check of storm scan, pretty devoid of any activity, few lingering pockets every moisture, not verifying at the grounds level. nice wide zoom shows you what happened to bring the chill to the delaware vale. see the retreat of frontal boundery, bypassing us off to the south and east, and that's helping to draw in that northerly wind component, because watching high pressure start to build in from the west. in short, it will end up being somewhat blustery day, and certainly a colder one.
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thirty-two the current temperature at the airport, you're checking in at only 20, oh, that's mount pocono, cold start for you, folks up in the mountain us terrain, right at the freezing mark, as well, resort towns down the shore. meanwhile, this is what it feels like, folks, you factor in the winds, these are the values i want you to take into account, when you walk out the door this morning. expect that it won't feel much better than the teens, or 20's, or single digits. depending on where you reside this morning, so pretty cold start. >> see if the villanova folks are heading to class, expect to see sunshine but not much more than b minus, 46 degrees at best for daytime high, factor in the cold winds, again does not feel much better than 309's, so despite full soul shine, still only a b minus, at best. >> some sort of light at the end of the tunnel, temperatures do rebound. i'll tell when you it will happen coming up. >> may will come, no matter
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what, even for all of the people that love the snow. may is going to come. >> lard to believe it we'll need the hats and scarfs even in the spring. boulevard southbound, a loft vehicles hitting the roadway, people may be getting little later start, earlier risers in the 4:00 hour because of the game last night, can't say i blame them. awesome game. speaking of the schuylkill, moving in the eastbound direction, past 202, toward the blue route. you can see, both directions, this is basically what you are looking at, again, 5:30, as we push toward the 6:00. not looking food bat at all. construction on 422, westbound, between the schuylkill and oaks, one of the last areas to clear out of the way this morning, clearing out now. looking good there. we do have accident here, garden state parkway northbound, past route 40, that left lane, blocked, for those of in you and around that area. make note of that, also, just reminder, construction north broad street, vine street expressway, between schuylkill
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and the broad street, closed overnight, this is closed overnight through wednesday, so make note that far for those of in you and around this area, this certainly, can cause some slow downs, and again, that is through wednesday, but good thing is it usually clears out of the way fairly quickly. brooke, back over to you. >> thanks, meisha a you know, great day for villanova fans, the wildcats are bringing the ncaa championship home to the main line. >> now, not just throwing this out there, seriously there is could go down as the greatest college basketball game ever. only the "eyewitness news" team can do this classic game justice. pat gallen here with the highlight, great 101 with who is the coach? >> who is tired this morning? who is tired? i know i am. >> yes, at the conclusion of each ncaa tournament, one shining moment is the song that takes us through the greatest plays throughout the field of 68. it might be time to retire that. because last night, villanova's chris jenkins had the shining moment of all time, and it may not be topped ever. end of the first half, wild sequence, nova down seven, than could change the momentum
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on the break. josh heart incredible effort, nova goes the other way, still boosts, finds little light. he hangs. and hit the jumper. only five points going into that half. but, late in the second half, marcus page, does this. amazing shot. an unbelievable three pointer ties the game at 74. but there is 4.7 left. ryan arcidiacono, drops it off, for chris jenkins, who hits one of the greatest shots, maybe in ncaa history. nova, they're the champs. they beat unc77-74, nova is happy, tar heels head coach roy williams, not so much. >> but we were down ten, i promised them to do what i said, we would come back, we would have a chance to win the game he end. and i said that because i trusted them, and believed in them. i just -- we let villanova
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have the ball last. >> not pumped. novanation r they have their first title since 198 a. what a season, what a game, what a finish. now, guys, it is time for the parade. now the delaware valley needs to dress the part. check out the staff at fanatic's getting the villanova gear ready for the fans t says philanova. we're all one big happy family, right? the gear is good to go. you can grab a souvenir, the championship run starting today, the perfect addition to the philly fans wardrobe, and, just in time for summer. how do you guys feel about philanova. >> i love it, it will fly off the shelves. they'll have to do multiple runs of this thing. >> at love argument saying well villanova the main line, it is not philly. so now you're combining the two. >> the philadelphia area. >> exactly, exactly. >> i'm in. >> one big happy family. >> and a lot of students who go there from the city. >> absolutely. >> i love it.
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thanks so much, pat, appreciate it. >> do you think there is a party in houston? well, check out the scene as nova fans spilled out after packed pavilion. also, fans, racing toward lancaster avenue, enjoying their first title in 31 years. most of them were well behaved. but there were two small fires, which police had to put out. radnor township police also report at least five arrests, they say, seven people got hurt. within three hours, police had cleared lancaster avenue, and the clean upstart dollars. they were not messing around. >> all right, time to take a look at this morning's newspaper headlines. you know, everyone is on villanova's big win, the daily news short and sweet, we win, jenkins pulled off, buzzer beating miracle for national title. >> the bucks county courier times headline tells it all. nova beat buster grab the title. wildcats win, add that neshaminy grad, ryan arcidiacono named tournament's
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most -- i can't say his name, trying for the past few weeks, i can't get that name. >> you got it before the show. >> he was named out standing player. soap good for ryan. >> and the new york daily news may have been the best headline, i've seen this morning, holy shot. referring to jenkins miracle three at the buzzer. a lot of people will be picking up a paper for today for a keepsake and those are your morning headlines. ryan and that name it is like every time i say it, it is like i come up with a different pronunciation, but's great ball player. >> we new who you were talking about, that's all that matter. >> everyone remembers the gratz sport cause, our team wins championship. >> yes, today we have not just the national broadcast, but the voice of the wildcat, as nova wins it all. >> thirty-second to go. across the time line, jenkins, three, they win it. he makes it. he makes it. for the win. at the buzzer. cats win it all. cats win it all. cats win it all.
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>> well, it is no surprise that the villanova play-by-play man went nuts when the wildcats won. >> yes, and are you really surprised at our vittoria woodill went pretty crazy too? >> you think? >> the feeling, the feeling is electric. you guys? he bang that three, and the whole crowd wins, crazy, there are smiles, and it is nothing but love. >> look at that. absolutely amazing, look at the crowd. vittoria in the middle of all of that. i wish i was there. >> yes, no, you know what, i tweeted her yesterday because as soon as i found out what her assignment was, you know, her personality. >> exactly. >> people are just going to clinic to her excitement. they're going to have a blast today. >> good stuff. coming up: philadelphia's great city for food east, now brooke is learning that, too, but you have to be careful.
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>> i ate it too fast. >> from water ice to keepsakes, i'm taking brooke for a taste of philadelphia, see which food she is already craving for seconds. >> ♪ everybody ♪ >> guess what? back street's back. again. got to tell you about the boy band's big return when we come back. maybe we can get jim donovan to do that dance. >> oh, yes. >> what do you think our chances are? scale of one to ten? ten being no? one also being no. >> ♪ >> ♪
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katie mcginty for u.s. senate, calling her "a champion for working families."
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the 9th of 10 kids, her dad's union pension and social security made all the difference. in pennsylvania, mcginty helped implement obamacare and expand coverage. trump and toomey have attacked obamacare and social security. to fight back, president obama wants mcginty in the senate to protect women, families and seniors. vote in the democratic primary, april 26th. mcginty: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind,
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you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit >> one. best things i've learned about living in philadelphia, the best food from philadelphia to down the shore. >> matter of fact i'll try all of them. every single one. but as every right now, they only gave us an hour for lunch that day. >> so we did a matted dash at some popular walk-up windows starting with cheese steaks. >> well, we'll to all of the cheese steak places in the city but i wanted i wanted to st here in south philly where we
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have geno's and pat's king of steaks, a rivalry. >> i know all about this rivalry i'm excited waiting for this day, got my terminology down, with, without, let's do this. >> hey, hey, hey, i would like a wiz without. >> got it, got it. >> okay, come on, let's go. >> i'm a pro now, i would like a wiz without. thank you. >> good. >> so yummy. >> only 7,000 more places to go. >> how does this not a thing everywhere else? i need a napkin. >> here. >> thank you. >> thank, dad. he gave me a ton. he loves me. >> brooke, you can never go wrong with french fries, south street, so high, how are you? >> hello. >> we would like to order one small order of cheese fries, too. >> i like that we're trying everything, little of everything. >> oh, my goodness.
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>> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> this is good stuff. >> okay? to the next place. time for dessert. >> okay, onto rita's water ice. >> yes? >> yes. >> i like your style, jim donovan. >> thank you. >> okay, she's orders erring the new ice four flavors, one package, that could take a while. >> there are so many options. i don't know what to do. okay, you ready? mango strawberry green apple and then the brownie cream something? does it normally take 45 minutes to place an order, or is that just me? >> no, ya, i usually just let them try like all of the flavors, so would you like to get a swirl of custard on top for just a dollar more? >> i'm paying. ya! >> jim's paying, ya! >> oh, that's good. >> they're going to need to
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get bigger seats for us behind the anchor desk for us at the end of this week. >> good stuff. good stuff. >> the custard, like whipped cream version up ice cream. i mean, it was like -- >> but i mean, we literally ran around every place real quickly just so i could get her around to exactly, now, so philadelphia now is your chance, we're on facebook live right now, so we've been commenting, people seeing the behind the scenes stuff this morning. so right now if you're on facebook, log in, let brooke know what your favorite restaurant place; your cheese steak place, she can compile long list, and she will eat her way across the delaware valley over the next few month, meanwhile coming up tomorrow. >> tomorrow, brooke can start exploring on her own. >> it will be fun. >> good times, good times. >> what's your favorite philly food? >> i do love a rita's, i really love rita's. >> my favorite. i love the jill at i so much. i just cannot get enough of those in the summertime, when
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it is actually warm outside. >> yes, what happened with that? >> yes. was that a good transition, guys? >> as we put our parka's on today. >> exactly, break out the winter gear again today. freezing cold outside. quite literally, silt nag freeze warning. >> i see. >> says freezing colds when it actually is freezing. >> indeed. >> indeed. you know, we like to transition, seemlessly here at cbs-3, right? let's go ahead, take you outside. looking at live shot of the little town of bethlehem up in northampton county overlooking main street, one of my favorite spots in bethlehem. so many quaint little shops, beautiful section of the lehigh valley. check it out, if you haven't actually been up that way. that is what, 50, 606 miles to the north of philadelphia, clearing out nicely, up that way. here, in philadelphia, we're also starting to clear out nicely. but we do also want to check in with the eyewitness weather watcher. we are going to be featuring brand new video feature, video submissions coming in from watchers all week long there is one came in actually from
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yesterday, this is lynn springer, out in cherry hill, and she's recording for us, because if you look real closely, look at the leaves. the rain from yesterday, just falling on that vegetation. now, at this point, it was still warm enough, that we didn't require having to cover up these plants. but, now, it is so cold, that they're little sensitive to this chill at this time of year. so definitely seen that chill settle in. despite the fact as we take a live look at palmyra cove nature park overlooking center city things definitely cleared out. you know, look can be deceiving. it is awfully cold outside. we go next to storm scan3, to see why this is all happening. if you look close, you can see retreat of the frontal boundary dropped through yesterday. if you see it, actually see how the clouds are sort of going in from north to south. that indicates the winds direction, so, with that, it is definitely ushering in a colder air mass, building up with in terms of some of the winds throughout the day, tan can feel a lot colder than even the thermometer reads. might as well be february on day like this, 46 degrees, sunshine, blustery conditions,
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tapering later tonight. thankfully not as harsh tomorrow, up to 55, but still freeze watch going into effect tonight because it is still cold overnight. warmest day at least for now, comes on thursday, 62 degrees by this point. but there is a trade off. always is. next storm comes along bringing rain, and thunderstorms, wouldn't you know it, meisha? >> oh, yeah, rain, thunderstorm, 30's, we love the spring. good morning, everyone, happy tuesday to you, just waking up with us, so glad usual ' here. taking a look outside 95 south at academy, what you are looking a still fairly quiet pushing toward the 6:00 hour. now, i know that might be early for some, but i can tell you looking at the roads, little bit quiet i would say breaking into the 6:00 on busy tuesday morning. a lot of people still sleeping because of the game yesterday. blue route northbound at the ramps, the schuylkill, that's where we have a disable vehicle, that's since cleared, giving you a shot of the blue route at the schuylkill, looking good, both directions actually looking pretty good. everyone obviously traveling about right now early as they should be. delaware county, nine the a north at 452, this is what you
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are looking at. take it all the way up to the airport, sort of the same story, everyone traveling right at the posted speeds, as they should. accident garden state parkway, make note of this, northbound, past route 40, that left lane is still blocked, for those every in you and around the area. and also, some construction here, the vine street expressway eastbound and westbound, between the schuylkill and the broad, closed overnight, this will be closed overnight, through wednesday, so make note of that. i know katie got hung you will little bit this morning and so did i, make note of this, this goes through tomorrow. brooke, back over to you. >> all right, meisha. i got to tell you back street's back. this time, in vegas. the back street boys are all grown up now. and they've signed up for a trial residency, in sin city. they'll be performing nine shows to kind of test the market. no word yet on when these concerts will happen. the boys are also though getting ready to go on tour and release new albumn. >> ♪
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>> speaking every new albumns, rolling stones aren't done rocking. get aris says the stones have plans to release another albumn possibly later this year. the last time the british rockers released new studio albumn 11 years ago, they just performed historic free concert in cuba last month. so, looks like they'll be pretty busy for awhile. check out this stone. this rare blue diamond could set a new record when it sold later today. the ten karat oval shaped rock is expected to fetch between 30 and $35 million at auction in hong kong. that would make it the most expensive gem stone sold at an auction in asia. and i got to tell you, jim donovan always cause me his tv wife. i'm thinking i need a tv wife ring. >> okay, i'll put that on your christmas and birthday list.
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>> do you have an extra 35 million laying around? >> i'll just cash in a 401k, work few extra shift. >> a few people's 401k's. >> exactly, exact lip. before you walk out the door, we have three things you need to know today including where you might run into some slow downs on the road. >> and, wal-mart may want to go back to school, yes. see the pretty embarrassing mistake.
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♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ >> we just found out villanova classes are canceled for today. >> here is a look at russell athletic, at the pins t-shirt on sale at wal-mart. looks suspicious, like the shape of massachusetts. ooms. someone really needs geography lesson, russell at let he can, wal-mart, removing it from stores, trying to figure out how the mistake could have happened. meanwhile, before you head out the door here, three things happening today that you need to know. three to go. >> the pennsylvania afl-cio convention kicks off today in philadelphia. several top officials will speak today, including mayor jim kenney and attorney
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general, kathleen kane. hillary clinton will be there tomorrow. followed by bernie sanders, on thursday. >> meanwhile, it is primary day in wisconsin, polls show sanders with slim lead over clinton, ted cruz ahead of donald trump heading into today's vote. >> and the pothole patrol. will be out today, in delaware county. expect some lane closures on 322, between baltimore pike, and i-95. while crews patch up the potholes, and that's three go. >> meanwhile, coming up in the next hour of cbs-3 "eyewitness news", team coverage of villanova historic win. >> still talking about it, and we know all the talk is about nova. but pat gat end is also trying to be an eagles cheer liter. >> sort of. >> okay? see if he has what it takes coming up. look at that face. can we get that printed on a t-shirt?
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to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, it repels them, too. so do more to defend your four legged friend... ...with k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog.
5:59 am
>> the national champions! >> novanation, rejoice, in one of the best college basketball games ever. the wildcats win the championship, and we're hearing from the players, and
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cool, calm coach jay wright on the incredible victory. >> oh! >> it was pure pandemonium, once nova won fans on campus, and off went wild. even charles barkley couldn't contain his excitement. today is tuesday, april 5th, good morning everyone, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm brooke thomas, not just championship but day off for nova student today. no classes. so, calling it a win-win? >> right. >> katie, good morning, and all every you joining us on facebook. >> facebook live. so classes canceled, work class he'd so people can stay off the snowed. >> no, i know looking at the roads, everyone starting to jump on them. things looking pretty good. i would say more quiet than usual, yes, that's good. >> katie? cold? >> why do i always somebody to


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