tv CBS This Morning CBS September 17, 2016 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it's september 17th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." donald trump tries to put the birther issue to bed, but sparks yet another controversy over guns. plus, the zika danger zone in miami triples. we will have details on the new infection. >> uber launches self-driving cars in one u.s. city. what it means for a driverless future. kicking off a new era. for the first time in decades los angeles launches hometown nfl football in spectacular fashion. we begin this morning with a
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look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. >> she is very much against the second amendment. hillary clinton lives behind gates and walls and guard. they should disarm and let's see what happens to her. >> donald trump ignites a new firestorm, after stoking more controversy. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. >> his campaign was founded on this outrageous lie. >> i was pretty confident about where i was born. >> west philadelphia, seven people were shot, including a female police sergeant and a university of pennsylvania police officer. a race to protect the groundwater near tampa, florida. a large sinkhole draining 200 million gallons of waste water into the area's ground water. >> don't worry about it! >> good girl. >> edward albee tied, he was a
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playwright and best known for "who is afraid of virginia wolf." >> eddie braun had a rocket called evil spirit and a stunt akin to icon evel knievel. >> another driver jumped out of his car and saved it. >> and all that matters. >> deep! back at the wall. ! cubs win! cubs win! >> after hitting a home run, on "w." >> donald trump attempt to put to rest the controversy. >> after five years of raising questions. >> president barack obama was born in the united states, period. >> period. mike drop. and then he followed that with a heartfelt apology and a thoughtful meditation on american racism. i'm kidding! he blamed it on hillary!
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♪ welcome to the weekend, everyone. we got a great lineup for you this morning, including a chat with comedian beau burnham. the youngest comedian to get his own comedy special but now he is railing against the social media that catapulted his career. our surprising and inciteful chat is ahead. they were nicknamed the silicon cowboys. three friends from texas who decided to to a ibm. find out how their little idea in a diner became a multibillion dollar business. >> live concerts, they may have the most impressive performance on stage. see how these sign language interpreters are fascinating fans and performers alike. one day after dropping his longstanding claim that president obama was not born in the united states, a claim that fueled several conspiracy
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theories, trump has ignited two more. now he says his opponent hillary was behind the so-called birther movement. >> the second time in the presidential campaign, trump is, again, raising the spector of violence against clinton and joking about his arming her secret service agents. errol barnett is in our washington bureau with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. after enjoying a rise in the polls in a week in which he stuck mostly to the script, it seems that donald trump is back to the flash bang style of politics his supporters come to enjoy but blowback today after the republican nominee made another ad-lib reference to violence and reunited controversy with a sitting president. >> i think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons and disarm. >> reporter: donald trump seemed to turn gun control into a threat against hillary clinton last night in miami. >> take their guns away. she didn't want guns? let's see what happens to her.
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>> reporter: this after a day walking back his refusal to admit the nation's first black president is an american-born citizen. >> president barack obama was born in the united states, period. >> reporter: trump made that same administration in a "the washington post" interview gave new life to a conspiracy theory he has peddled since 2011. >> why don't they show his certificate? you're not allowed to be president in this country if you are not born here in the united states. >> reporter: he traded for a new legend. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started in the birther controversy. >> reporter: neither clinton nor anyone in her 2008 campaign claimed then senator barack obama was not born in the united states. though, some clinton supporters spread the idea through anonymous e-mails. it's an issue even the president took a moment to address
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yesterday. >> i was pretty confident about where i was born. i think most people were as well. >> we will not elect a chief figure of the united states of america. >> reporter: members of the congressional black caucus said trump has moved beyond dog whistle politics to the house of wolves. >> donald trump is nothing more than a two-bit racial arsonist who, for decade, has done nothing but fan the flames of bigotry and hatred. >> reporter: his opponent waved no time in holding trump accountable for his years as a myth maker. >> barack obama was born in america, plain and simple, and donald trump owes him and the american people an apology. >> reporter: what is interesting is the media attention has taken focus away from an investigation into donald trump's foundation by the new york attorney general. but all of this is likely to serve as material for hillary clinton at the first presidential debate, september 26th. >> errol barnett in washington,
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thank you. take a closer look what is going on in campaign 2014. here is phillip bump. there was a speech by donald trump this week but nobody is talking about it because of what has happened here. what do you see as the potential strategy behind what trump said regarding the president's birth at this point? i mean, he finally said he was born in the united states but then drops the hillary bomb on it. >> right. it seems the most likely explanation, and it's somewhat baffling, so this is the most likely explanation is that they knew this was going to come up in the debate. the debate is monday of the week following next. they knew that he was going to be pressed on this issue because it's an outstanding question. i think they were trying to have him say he was born in the united states and be done with it. the problem is the way he did it. part of the challenges that the american voters think this is a cause for concern. he didn't apologize for having done it that way.
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so i'm not sure it's going to have any real political benefit for him. >> are we being distracted from the realish? we heard errol bring up that topic, in addition to the speech. a specific investigation is under way. are we being distracted by it all? >> i think to an extent, yes. the problem there is so much about donald trump which makes him an unusual and fairliy odd candidate for the presidency, right? these past things we have to parse through old business records and his foundation and hard to make it focus what we should be paying to as a presidential candidate but he hasn't spent a lot of time putting up policy issues or articulating what he will do. in august 2015 he said i don't people care about the policy positions i put out there. i think the press does. i think some element of the press does but he makes it hard to evaluate what would do as president. >> the polls are tighten around this point, don't they? >> that's correct.
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you look back, they all tightened at about the same point, yes. >> reporter: where do the candidates stand the last week? >> it's been a remarkable turnaround since a month ago. hillary clinton was enjoying the post-convention bounce and her support is starting to wane a little bit. registered voters to a bigger pool of people which is likely voters which tend to favor republicans and why we are seeing some of this narrowing. we are in a place it truly is anyone's game. a month ago it looked like hillary clinton had this locked up and that is no longer the case. but these things change rapidly. >> let's talk specifically about florida and ohio, battleground states. >> florida and ohio, donald trump has moved into a small lead in both of those states. we tend to see state polls mirror what is happening nationally. we do a lot more polling nationally because it gives us a broader picture. races that were close in ohio
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and florida have moved towards donald trump. not enough by himself to win. i looked at this earlier this week. the ten states closer right now hillary clinton only needs to win 14 electorate votes in that state and donald trump need to win over a hundred of them. but if the race moves toward donald trump that becomes a much easier task. >> fascinating the way it turns up and down, up and down. >> yes it gets close but this race seems to be moving along. >> phillip bump, thank you. tomorrow morning on "face the nation," guests kellyanne conway and john lewis. zika infections have been found in miami beach. the area now covers four and a half square miles up from 1 and a half square miles. five new travel-related zika cases are confirmed in that area. they are controlling the mosquitoes with a larvicide.
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they are going to continue it in wynwood on monday. intense firefight on the streets of philadelphia last night left two police officers and four civilians injured and the gunman dead. the chase happened in west philadelphia late last night. police say an officer was ambushed while sitting in his patrol car. she was shot several times in the arm and her protective vest. a university of pennsylvania police officer was also hit. the gunman was cornered in an alley and fatally shot. two of the four civilians shot by the gunman are now in critical condition. another gun scare in los angeles. deputies say a man barricaded himself inside an amtrak train and threatened passengers. about 20 people were on board the train and had to be evacuated. the eight-hour standoff ended when deputies fired tear gas into the car and forcing the suspect out. no one was hurt. overnight, more gridlock in syria.
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the latest convoy bringing food and supplies to the civil war ravaged city of aleppo is being held at the syria/turkey border. the convoy had been given clearance to leave turkey but not the go ahead to make delivers. secretary of state john kerry is asking his russian counterpart to pressure the syrian government to end the delay. in "lep poe, syrian's besieged largest city people are trying to get on with their lives. elizabeth palmer is there with the latest. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you know, for people trapped in a war zone, the ordinary simple pleasures of normal life are especially sweet. and nothing says normal on a hot day like a swimming pool. believe it or not, right now, on the government-controlled side of the city, several of aleppo swimming pools are open for business. in the streets, people socialize. they do odd jobs. even sass the camera and it
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helps to blot out the violence and the fear, but nothing can disguise the ugly star that divide this city between the government and its armed opposition. 13-year-old al hasan is giving us a tour of her neighborhood on the front line. this curtain, what is that for? the snipers, just a few hundred yard away, are opposition fighters who have aimed their weapons at syrian army positions deep in this neighborhood. did you lose some friends in this war? oh, yes, i've lost many, she says. some were killed by mortars or snipers. some just left the country. like everyone who lives here, can remember when fellow citizens of aleppo lived down that road beyond the barrier, not men with guns. what was the worst time you can remember? one night, she says, a mortar actually landed in our house.
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it was a concrete apartment like these, so a miracle no one was killed. with courage beyond her years, aya has got her eyes on the future. i want my city whole again and at peace. as for people on the opposition side of that sniper shield, we weren't able to meet them because we are not allowed to cross the line. but they are besieged at the moment by the syrian army and are really desperate straits. they are the ones who are waiting for the aid that is stuck at the turkish border. >> elizabeth palmer, thank you. there were renewed calls this week for better computer security after former secretary of state colin powell's e-mails were hacked. cyberthieves warned that no computer system is safe. one low tech solution is being practiced by the head of the fbi and the founder of facebook. jeff pegues has the story. >> reporter: security officials
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say hackers believe every system can be broken into, even the web camera on your computer. >> i could break into your phone. i could break into your tablet. >> reporter: tyler wood is a cybersecurity expert with inspired e-learning. >> if you're not using it, turn it off. you also want to make sure that you are not using unsecured wireless access because anyone else that is on that same wireless network has the ability to sniff the traffic and potentially get into your computer that way. >> reporter: just this week, fbi director james comey raised a few eyebrows when he suggested that you put a piece of tape over the web camera to prevent someone from turning it into a surveillance tool. >> you go into any government office, we all have our little camera things that sit on top of the screen. they will have a little lid that closes down on them. >> reporter: facebook founder
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mark zuckerberg not only puts tape over the camera, but the microphone, too. tape is not enough. the experts say that you want to run virus scans as well. if someone has access to the point where they are controlling your camera, then they have full access to everything on your computer. for "cbs this morning: saturday," i'm jeff pegues, washington. showers and thunderstorms are expected across a large part of the nation today. last night's major league baseball in denver, the rockies and padres ran for cover when hail stones started falling! the hail pelted the field for nearly 40 minutes. >> edward albee, one of merks's most acclaimed playwrights has died. >> what do you want? >> a battle. >> you'll get it. >> how much? >> i'm mad. >> get madder! >> don't worry about it! good girl! you'll be surprised. >> yeah? >> albee won a tony award for 1962 play "who is afraid of virginia wolf."
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and it was developed into a film starring elizabeth taylor. it was so controversial the pulitzer committee opted not to give it a drama award even though it was recommended. he won three pulitzer prize and he was known for humor and a willingness to tackle social taboos. he was 88 years old and died in his home in long island, new york. >> and author w.p. kinsella has died. >> it reminds us of all that was good, it could be again. >> hess debut novel joe." almost all of his novels after "shoeless joe" converted them into their plots. they say he commit suicide with the assistance of a doctor in
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british columbia, on friday. it is legal in that state. he was 81 years old. apple is banking on some big demand for its new iphone 7. to push it past two separate quarters of declining sales. so far, apple stock is up and the company is making gains at the expense of a major competitor. jim axelrod reports. >> 4-3-2-1! woo! >> reporter: tim cook should be smiling. turns out the new design features like eliminating the headphone jacks was no big deal all for consumers like brad and julia. >> in seventh grade, julia and i both wrote an e-mail to steve jobs saying that apple needed to release wire ear buds. i promise you. >> reporter: apple sold out all of its iphone 7 plus inventory during preorder so the lines were just to pick them up or
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like this guy, place a new order. >> usually i leave with a phone in hand but it's all right. i'm getting one in two or three weeks. >> reporter: analysts expect apple to sell 226 million phones in the next year. dennis berman is the financial editor for "wall street journal." >> the thing to pay attention to is the stock price and it's up over the last week. >> reporter: even better for apple, the launch comes while its chief competitor samsung is reeling. they rolled out just a few weeks of galaxy note 7 and now the subject of a consumer product safety commission recall, after overheating batteries burned consumers and sparked fires. the hazard led to the biggest one-day decline ever in samsung symptom price but berman says don't make too much of this one moment in time. >> if the next samsung works, people will probably be willing to give samsung the benefit of the doubt.
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>> reporter: several chinese companies are now producing phones as well and they are grabbing big market share in china and also making inroads in europe. soon, they will be here in the united states and the phone wars will have some powerful new forces. for "cbs this morning: saturday," i'm jim axelrod in new york. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. the website reports pairs are being made on a crucial gasoline pipeline in alabama that is leaking. the leak could result in millions of drivers in the southeast and east paying 20 cents to 30 cents more at the bump for a short time. the pipeline brings gasoline from oil refineries in texas and louisiana and no shortages are expected and expected to be up and running in about a week. >> dallas morning news says the rice marching band took baylor to task. the recent assault sex scandal. many formed xi to represent title xi that the federal law
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that the texas school is accused of violating. many sexual assaults were involving football players. "the new york times" puts a time in crawl space in new york city. musician jack leahy is paying 40,000 for a windowless cubbyhole inside the ceiling of a warehouse. it's only reachable by ladder. he shares a bathroom and kitchen with seven other people who live in the building. >> poor jack! >> a report on what is inside the gift bags handed to the celebrities at tomorrow night's emmy awards ceremony. it includes the following. the total cost of the gift bag is more than $55,000. i've never seen a plastic surgery gift card! i didn't know that existed! >> let me guess what people use in the bag first!
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hi. i'm ben when pat toomey went to wasworking for wall street... toomey's plan would risk social security on the stock market, lining bankers' pockets with fees from our benefits that... could total billions, even if the market crashes, and seniors lose everything. katie mcginty is working for us. a mother of three, and ninth of ten kids, mcginty knows what matters. she'll fight for equal pay, affordable college, and...
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she'll always protect social security. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. pat toomey started his career as an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer, overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo. next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. pat toomey. he's for wall street. not us senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. dare devil eddie braun
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succeeded in a student even famous evel knievel couldn't pull off. braun jumped over snake river canyon in a custom-built rocket named after his boyhood idol. the stuntman was brought down safely on the other side of the 1,400-wide canyon. the father of the rocket designer built the original rocket for knievel. braun is expected to be the first person to try the stunt since knievel. 400 miles per hour. wow. taking on a tech giant is coming up. a documentary shows us how three men and their upstart company remade the computer industry. we will talk to one of those men, as well as the film's director. it's white and it's a house. at least that much can be said for what may be described as the consolation prize in the presidential election, if the loser wants it. we will be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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big oil polluters. they have a friend in pennsylvania. millionaire pat toomey. toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks. saving oil companies twenty-four billion dollars. and big oil polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. tax breaks for them. campaign contributions for him. pat toomey. he's helping big oil polluters and millionaires. not the rest of us. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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good morning, i'm rahel solomon. philadelphia police continue their investigation into an overnight shooting rampage. it ended with a suspect and innocent would hand dead and five people, including two police officers were wounded. shooting that stretched several blocks of west philadelphia started with the ambush of the philadelphia police officer near fifth second and sansom. she and university of police officers are now in stable condition. now lets check weather, with meteorologist justin drabick with the nice stretch. >> not bad if you like warm temperatures. we will get muggy, but still summertime conditions holding on, we will bring back rain. kind of the split weekend. shore right now waking up to cloud cover, live look, ocean city but not a bad beach day to day. we will see more sunshine throughout the afternoon.
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temperatures still comfortable, lot of 50's showing up, and lower 50's for interior south jersey. fifty-four in a allentown. sixty in the city. on our way up to 82. back above average, more humidity in the afternoon and 70's at the shore. here's that extended forecast, rain chances returns, tomorrow afternoon through monday morning, and we are dry for middle part of the next week staying warm highs in the low to mid 80's. >> summer to the done just yet. our next update 7:57. see you then. narrator: terrorism here at home. fourteen americans killed in a san bernardino mass shooting... but after this tragedy - when pat toomey had the chance to ban suspected terrorists from buying guns - he voted against closing this loophole for terrorists - and with the gun lobby. katie: we have to do everything in our power to keep guns away from terrorists who threaten our way of life. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message because we can't risk our families'
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safety on a loophole. i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. age. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i've had tremendous success, i think... those are sacrifices?
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♪ our top story this half hour, revelations about the sugar industry that are anything but sweet. this weekend ama journal published a study finding for decades the industry tried to manipulate americans understandings of sugar's effect on nutrition and health and those effects are mostly negative and don dahler is here with more on this. >> reporter: researchers linked coronary heart disease to sugar consumption as far back as the 1950s, but the sugar industry didn't that take lying down. newly revealed messages that was a sweet deal for some harvard researchers allegedly willing to trade credibility for cash. >> hey, kids! let's sing that song you like.
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come on. about the sugar contain. >> reporter: -- cane. ♪ >> reporter: but newly discovered documents show the industry also paid harvard scientists in the 1960s to downplay sugar's effect on heart disease. the industry eventually spent 5.3 million in today's dollars on research reviews which highlighted the negative impacts of saturated fats and promoted that sugar is what keeps every human being alive. kristen kerns from the university of california-san francisco discovered the 31 pages of internal accordance. >> it was pretty shocking to me that the sugar industry, that far back, was concerned about the evidence linking sugar to heart disease. concerned enough to enlist harvard researchers and to hire them to essentially write a review exonerating sugar from being linked to heart disease.
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>> reporter: the report published this week in the journal of jam internal medicine said they launched the campaign to repudiate the negative attitude toward sugar. one article shows an intentional effort to deceive the public by stating there was no doubt that the only dietary flsks required to prevent heart disease was dietary cholesterol. >> this study has very important lessons for today because companies are still funding a lot of research and people need to be skeptical about that research because we know that research that is funded by food companies tends to come out with results that are very beneficial to that -- to the sponsor's products. >> reporter: in a statement, the sugar association admitted it should have exercised greater transparency in all of its research activities but when the studies in question was published, funding disclosures
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were not the normal. funding disclosures are the norm today, of course. >> still upsetting to see this even all of these years later. >> it is. it is. in fact, one of the researchers from harvard went on to work for the tobacco companies. >> we would never know any of these relationships had it not been for this report all of these years later. >> thank you, don dahler. coming up, self-driving cars aren't the future. they are here and uber has them on the road. we will look at the road ahead for the industry that seems to accelerate every day up next, medical news in our "morning rounds," including millions of older americans who
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that millions of americans are putting themselves at risk by not taking their blood pressure medication properly. tara, what is the most troubling aspect of this study? >> this was such an important study. it basically looked at 18 and a half million americans in 2014 enrolled in medicaid advantage or medicaid part d and what they found is that 5 million of those americans are not taking their blood pressure medications as pretty bad. either not taking them at all or skipping doses. in addition, they found some variability in terms of racial and ethnic background. american indians and african-americans and hispanics also more likely not to be compliant. where you lived in the country seemed to make a difference. those in the southern states were less likely to be taking their blood pressure meds appropriately. >> is it often forgetting about it or conscious? >> some included cost. some blood pressure medications are costly and some are forgoting to take it and other
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has to do with side effects. if you don't like the way you feel you stop taking it. the most important, some people feel well. i don't feel any problems so i'm not going to take my medication and that is probably the most dangerous and why we call hypertension the silent killer. most of the time you don't feel symptoms but it's damaging your arteries the entire time to your kidneys and your heart. >> seniors on multiple medications, what advice do you give them? >> they can speak to their doctor getting a 90-day supply to take their medications and don't have to remember to go to the pharmacy every month to get their medication. write down what they are taking and they have into idea which is the cholesterol medicine or blood pressure medicine. enlist the help of your loved ones to remind you to take your meds and pharmacy can be a great help as well. moving on. as the plort opularity of socce.
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more than 3 million children age 7 to 17 were treated for soccer-related injuries in emergency rooms. the rate of injuries more than doubled in that 15-year span. if you're going to the e.r, you got a serious injury, what are the most common? >> we see a variety of injuries that come into the emergency room. this study looks at the rates of concussion, the rates of soft tissue injury and the rates of fractures coming into the emergency room, and they are much higher than they have been in 1998. so we see an increase in the rate of injury and an increase in the prevalence and an increase in the number of people actually playing soccer. this is for youth sports at age 7 to 17. >> chris, concussion in kids are, obviously, particularly of concern. >> they are. >> is the rate going up, do you think, because people are more
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aware of it, we are way more conscious of them now? >> the rate of concussion has increased dramatically since 2008 and 2009. the rate increases quite a bit looking at the trend line. this started around 2009 when the first legislation occurred in the state of washington and this really happened because of some injuries to some kids that ended up going back immediately after they had a concussion and play. >> do you think that rate of concussions is actually going up or just it's being more report because people are more aware? >> people are more aware now because of the rules to come out. so the number one thing to do, if you have a concussion, is get out of play. to be assessed on the sideline. and people are aware of that now. so they are actually taking action. the coaches, the athletic trainers and parents. >> parents are the ones that often have to start that dialogue. >> that's right. with the nfl season in full swin swing, fans are looking to show
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their team pride and among the options are revised color rush uniforms. the first color rush jerseys introduced last season were hard for colorblind people to see. for example, last november, the new york jets and buffalo bills had monochromatic all green and all red jerseys and making it hard for some tv viewers to tell the difference between the years. this year, after consulting with medical experts, the nfl introduced new color friendly jersey combos. we saw on thursday night, jets and bills game, new york wore all white just to be safe. >> isn't that funny? i bet a lot of people at home diagnosed themselves as colorblind. >> i am. >> are you? >> yes. i see some colors but then it's like the color is gone. >> it used to alarm my mother when i would look at the television and say look at that man in the green shirt? and there was no man in a green shirt! >> up next, if you think the self-driving car is still decade
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you get relentless protection. every day my challenge is to be in sync with my body, with myself, with my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. that's why i'm taking the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics every day. because when my routine is in sync, i can face any challenge. so take the activia probiotic challenge! visit to learn more. take the activia probiotic challenge now. it works or it's free!
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♪ ♪ driving with your eyes closed ♪ self-driving car technology that sounded like science fiction just a couple of years ago is now a reality. just this week, uber started self-driving car pickups in pittsburgh, while ford announced plans for autonomous car services. of course, google and tesla are among the biggest names in the field. but a host of auto brands at other tech heavyweights are also investing heavily in driverless vehicles.
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>> what does the future hold for this soon to be booming business? let's ask air thompson. it feels like we got here slowly and yet very, very quickly. >> like bankruptcy. slowly, slowly, then all of a sudden, which might happen to some of the car companies ironically. it's amazing. you have three different categories of players here. the car manufacturers, ford, tesla, toyota, who are moving from driver cars to driverless cars. tech company google is moving into the car manufacturing business for the first time. then fascinatingly you have uber which is not a hardware company, it's a software company and a services company. their advantage might be, all right, if you have this fleet of autonomous vehicles it's not the ownership just the ability to access the driving itself with the push of a button. >> the technological advances is remarkable for these things. what is the latest at this point? >> the first idea for autonomous vehicles it wasn't the vehicles that would be autonomous, it was the roads themselves.
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the roads would have magnets that would carry the cars around. >> that's what i thought would happen. >> right. but, instead, all of the technology just poured into the car itself. on the screen you can see, they have lacers and camera sensors and they have these mapping technologies because you don't just send the car out into the street and hope it finds its way. you also often have a mapping technology that canvasses the entire area and world to direct the car itself. >> uber did a test run in pittsburgh. did they learn any lessons? it seems pittsburgh is an interesting city to test this out in. >> one of the people had an interesting phrase where he said testing automated driving and your uber is like to learn how to ski with the black on the mountain. you have to figure out how to drive around the hardest part of the city than the easy. because pittsburgh is so topographically weird with the rivers and hills and the fact you have terrible ice in the winter, if the cars can master that city, they can master about
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any stich . >> the dark cloud hanging over this it could eliminate millions of jobs, obviously taxi drivers, et cetera. is that real? >> by one account, driving is the most salaried activity among american pen men when you add together the taxi drivers and limo drivers and 1.5 million people are signed up to drive on uber, all of these people are in line to be hit by the automation wave. i do think potentially an enormous problem. it's very difficult to know what to do with it right now, because there really hasn't been anything quite like this maybe since you had robots sent to manufacturing factories or before that, the tractor replacing horses on the farm. this would be an unbelievably revolutionary and disrupt the process. >> at this point we are in unchartered waters and we have seen uber do this before. what will they do in term of
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regulation? >> i feel like it's a chaotic system where the tiniest flutters of the butter fly wing can have a monsoon over a country. there is a crash, i feel that changes everything because it changes consumer's sentiment and people stop seeing driverless cars as the future and start seeing them as a potential menace. i think a lot is undecided and unknowable, but it really is a confluence of factors that is going to lead to the huge popularity of these vehicles. it's the insurance, it's whether or not 20 and 30 something's buying their second car are interested in a driverless technology or whether they want their hands another wheel and feel that control. so this psychological and government factors here. >> the other thing that is interesting with the hack we have seen lately and so much computer electronics now in cars, you wonder if a car can get hacked. >> right, yes. they are calling it ransom ware.
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a hacker using software to control a car and then demand ransom in exchange for the person getting control of the car back. because of the technology, itself, doesn't really exist, we don't know how easy it's going to be for people to bypass that technology and hack the car themselves but we have seen problems like this, you know, in lots of other software cases as well, e-mails, et cetera. >> still incredible to think we are already here. eric thompson, thank you so much. >> thank you. up next, moving into the white house. we will show you how you could live here and you don't have to be elected president to do it. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. w...i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i had it covered. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,... including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,... ...and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,... ...hepatitis b, are prone to infections,
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...or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. she is trigger happy and very unstable. >> it's like he is living in his own celebrity reality tv program. >> hillary clinton and donald trump are in no holds bar battle to win the white house. but there might just be a consolation prize for whoever comes up short in nevada. this 13,000 square foot home built to look just like the executive mansion. the home, which features six bedrooms and seven full bathrooms, goes up for auction on october 6th. while it's not an exact replica, this home does have some things that the real white house doesn't, including a dance studio and a swim-up bar. the home, built in 1989, was
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remodeled in 2004 by the current owners who added wings on both sides to make it look more like the white house. and to top it off, the home is located in virginia, new 15 miles away from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. what is interesting about the house a list price $4. 99 million but said bid what you want. we will see what comes in. i'm curious to see what it goes no. >> i like the fact you don't have to run to the office to get to the house. >>. after more than 20 years, the nfl returns to l.a. the rams are set to play their first home game since moving back to los angeles and the fans who waited more than two decades for the team to come home are ready for some football. for some of you, your local news is next. for the rest of you, stick around. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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good morning i'm rahel solomon a gunman went on a overnight rampage stretching several blocks of west philadelphia, killing one person, and wounding two officers, and three other people. police say it started when gunman fired in the philadelphia police patrol car and vest saved her life. man also shot two people in the bar and shot two people in the car one fatally. investigators say suspect wounded a university of pennsylvania officer, before the suspect was killed by police. now lets get a check of weather with meteorologist justin drabick in the weather center. it looks like you are tracking rain. when was last time you said that. >> september 1st was last time we had rain, we are down a good four and a half inches on the year. it will not be a whole lot but any little bit helps. no rain today we are seeing
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sunshine breaking out right now turns out to be a nice beach day temperatures in the upper 70's. stronger rip currents there with the east wind. rain still well to the west, that should start to move in tomorrow, afternoon, in at nighttime lingering into monday, so today we are up to 82. we will warm it up. seventy's at the shore and poconos. pattern stays for above average temperatures in the low to mid 80's heading in the fall season. rahel, back to you. our next update 8:27, we will see you then. when it comes to risking social security on the stock market... pat toomey wrote the book. "i'm...i've got a whole chapter in my book where i... specifically lay out how i think we should... reform social security." toomey's plan requires wall street and bankers to manage... the accounts. collecting fees out of your social security that could... total billions. fees they collect, even if the market crashes and... seniors lose everything. pat toomey's looking out for wall street, not pennsylvania.
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dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. pat toomey started his career as an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer, overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo. next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. pat toomey. he's for wall street. not us
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senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm anthony mason. >> i'm vinita nair. this half hour, donald trump changes his mind on cuba. details on the candidate's plan to reverse the country's new relations with the u.s. >> they were called the silicon cowboys. yeah, a single sketch in a diner led three men to a multibillion dollar business. hundreds of millions of hits on youtube made him a star but comedian bill burnham is now railing against the online culture that made him. anthony's revealing conversation with beau burnham, youngest comedian to ever get his own comedy special. first, our top story this half hour. hillary clinton's campaign is coming down hard on opponent donald trump for what they
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describe as, quote, his pattern of inciting people to violence. at a rally last night in florida, trump claimed clinton wants to overturn the second amendment and call for her secret service detail to leave their guns at home. >> i think they should disarm. immediately. what do you think? yes? yes. yeah. take their guns away. she doesn't want guns. take their -- let's see what happens to her. >> clinton campaign reacted swiftly to the remarks saying a candidate for the presidency should not suggest violence. also on friday, trump dropped his longstanding allegation that the president was not born in the united states. that claim gave rise to so-called birther movement. but instead of putting the issue to rest, the republican presidential nominee shifted the blame. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. i finished it.
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>> but neither clinton nor anyone on her 2008 campaign claimed that the then senator barack obama was not born in the u.s. >> for five years, he has led the birther movement to delegitimatize our first black president. his campaign was founded on this outrageous lie. >> trump did not explain why he no longer believes the president is foreign-born. donald trump also raised eyebrows in miami last night by threatening to reverse president obama's efforts to normalize relations with cuba, unless it meets his demands. trump says he wants cuba to free all of its political prisoners and give religious and political freedom to the cuban people. he said the u.s. should have negotiated a better deal with the castro government. trump had previously said the agreement was, quote, fine. a huge sinkhole is
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swallowing a massive amount of waste water at a fertilizer plant in florida. 200 gallons of contaminated water that flowed into a sinkhole east of taempa. it is posing a potential risk to the area's ground water. tomorrow begins a new era for football fans in los angeles. for the first time in 22 years, the l.a. rams will play a regular season game at memorial coliseum. ben tracy takes a look at what it means to the hometown fans. >> welcome home! >> this is our ram. >> reporter: from the city to the sea, ram fans have been celebrating ever since it was announced the team was coming home to los angeles on. >> yeah, baby, we are back! >> reporter: adding another layer to the frenzy, the team will be wearing throwback uniforms in the home opener and a long awaited homecoming. the rams played in the coliseum when the franchise first arrived in l.a. back in 1946. >> fans here are so excited.
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i'm so excited. hey, we just can't contain ourselves. >> reporter: this week's forbes released its annual list of the nfl's most valuable team and the rams ranked 28 last year but went to number six and doubling their value estimated at $2.9 billion, a record setting rise. >> never seen it before in the national football league. >> reporter: the increase is tied to l.a.'s lucrative media market. in a stunning new sports venue where the people will begin to play in 2019. it includes retail, hotel, office and residential space, along with 25 acres of park. >> it's going to have what probably will be the most modern stadium in the israhistory of t national football league as well as generate revenue from nonfootball-related events. >> reporter: the rams were shut out last monday night in the season opener getting beat by
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their division rival san francisco 49ers. now they need their fans to help them turn things around. >> come sunday, we hope the stadium is rocking. >> hopefully, our fans will cause some disruptions with their offense. ♪ >> reporter: a pregame performance by the red hot chile peppers will kick things off before they take on the seattle seahawks. seattle coach pete carroll will be making his own return to the coliseum. for nine years he led a college football dynasty there as usc's head coach. >> i may bring him into my office, which was his old office, and see it. >> reporter: on the field, the only thing the rams are hoping to show off is their first win in l.a. for "cbs this morning: saturday," ben tracy, los angeles. >> it seems like everything is going according to plan for the chicago cubs this season. one day after clenching their first division title in nearly a decade, the cubs won in dramatic fashion with a walkoff home run. but during the game, there was one surprising fan sitting in the front row of the bleachers.
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you're about to see him. that is cubs general manager theo epstein wearing a fake mustache! he said he wanted to enjoy the real wrigley field and claimed it was even better than he thought it was going to be. people on social media immediate recognized him and started tweeting pictures. not that great up next, silicon cowboys. way back in the '80s, they actually showed tech giant ibm how to make a portable personal computer. we preview a new documentary about them. we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor
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the year was 1982. when it came to personal computers, ibm was the only game in town, until a small houston start-up founded by three friend came along and proceeded to beat big blue at its own game. the company was compact computers. this david and goliath story is chronicled in a new documentary silicon cowboys. >> it wowed audiences at this year's south by southwest film festival in austin. here is the moment they came up with their design of a ground breaking portable computer. >> we walked in, looked around. picked a booth that was kind of themselves. we had not thought of taking anything with us so we turned over the place mat, borrowed a pencil from the the waitress and proceeded to describe the
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computer of what we wanted it to look like. >> what he drew was something very professional looking. we knew what the size was and how the keyboard could go in. >> as i saw that sketch coming together on the paper, there was an excitement. we are going to make this work. we don't know how yet, but it was a hit at that point. >> rod canyon was compact's cofounder and ceo and jason cohen directed the film. >> thank you for having us. >> jason, what about impact story made you want to put this on film? >> the story, itself, it's a great david versus goliath narrative and i think a story that people don't really know about. we hear a lot about steve jobs and bill gates and mark zuckerberg and i think people know those stories in the tech sector but compact's story was remarkable how a start-up out of houston came in and made their mark as it was just a virgin. >> is it true you were thinking mexican restaurant or take on ibm when you guys came up with
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this idea? >> we actually did discuss the mexican restaurant but it didn't last very long, because we want to get into the personal computer field somehow, swome sway. we didn't think it would be a pc. we thought it would be something peripheral or something related because it seemed like too big of a thing for three guys out of houston to start. >> your idea was make it portable and take it to work. >> the idea came to my head after we were studying to figure out what we were going to do. when the idea for a portable computer that could actually run all of the software already out there, specifically the software written for the ibm pc. that is when the chill went down my spine. literally, if we can do this, that would be so great. >> yeah. >> you talked about the david versus goliath aspect of this. just how big was ibm at that point and what happened to companies that tried to take them on? >> ibm was the computer industry. they were mainframe computers and had all of the government
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contracts in the '60s and '70s and then put out the ibm pc in 1991 and took over that market for a short time there. and they would flex their muscle and any company that would sort of try to go in and compete with them, they would essentially go to their lawyers and put them out of bounds. most of them were, unfortunately, they were coping ibm's code. and compact was smart enough to do it the right way and they reverse engineered that ibm without coping the code exactly and did it without putting themselves in a situation where ibm could come in and crush them. >> in that vein, ibm eventually came out and it their own portable pc. what happened to that? and did you feel like, at the time -- did you guys have any sense at the time of being the first, the guys that would set the stage for facebook? >> not at that point. and that was one of the scariest times of my life. everybody in the industry, press, stock press, because we had just gone public, compact is
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done. ibm is coming out with a portable. like they had done with apple in the pc world, they just passed them by but it wasn't ork out that way. several reasons but in the end we pushed their portable out of the market and not the other way around. >> in the first year you took over a hundred million in sales and at its peak, 3 billion? >> the year before i left it was 6.3 billion. >> at any point in the beginning did you think you're nuts? >> how about quitting your jobs without a job? >> you left texas instruments? >> we left t.i. we had saved up money. actually, we had borrowed money to be able to last six months so we could give ourselves a little runway to find an idea and get venture capital funding. we knew we eventually had to get funding. >> what happened to that name, the compact name that we had all heard of? >> eventually, hp, they did merge and well-documented about that merger and people have
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different opinions of it but they eventually phased out the compact name i think in 2013 so it stuck around a while and long after rod had left, obviously. it stuck around for a little while. when we started making this film, we told people we are making a film about compact, so many people said, oh, i remember compact! my first computer was a compact. they look at that sewing machine handle that they used to slug around in airports. we knew people would connect to this story. >> if you were in that coffee shop again today mapping something out, what would you be trying to create now? >> you know, i can't tell you what exactly it would be, but i know it would be in the area of mobile computing. something you can carry around with you but use the internet and it would probably have a lot to do with social media. that is where the three magic ingredients are now. >> rod canyon and cajason cohen thank you. "silicon cowboys" is in theaters
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and available on video on command now. youtube videos have been viewed nearly 170 million times. we talk to beau burnham about his netflix comedy special and why he is speaking out against social media. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." . >> announcer: this portion sponsored by toyota. let's go places! we would dream about racing each other, in monaco. ♪ we were born brothers. competition made us friends. wish bold in the 2017 camry. toyota. let's go places.
8:17 am
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show is called what? i hope there's some surprises for you -- sorry. a good start. i hope i don't knock the water off but new body was an accident body. >> beau burnham started putting comedy videos on youtube in 2006 when he was just 16 and they went viral. today he is regarded as the first youtube star as well as one of the most talented comedians of our time and
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outspoken critic of the medium that took him to the hope. ♪ i can't wrap my mind around why i'm here i know you paid money ♪ i should be funny. >> reporter: do you think of yourself as a comedian? >> yeah, a brighter performer. ♪ you want to be happy get in line ♪ >> reporter: beau burnham has combined a theaters background with satirical song writing and created his craft with the world wide web watching. >> i was at the dentist the other day. yeah. >> reporter: what made you put something on youtube? >> i wanted to tow shoe show i brother who was at college. >> it was family? >> yeah. . wasn't anything happening career wise and it sort of happened and i fell into this weird thing. >> reporter: how quickly did you
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see it happen? >> well, like virally, it just happens. like, it got a million hits in a day and 20,000 comments and your life doesn't change at all in any way. >> reporter: but it's pretty weird. >> it's severely, severely weird. >> reporter: burnham's first video, my whole family thinks i'm gay, released when he was just 16, has been viewed 9 million times. ♪ >> my whole family thinks i'm gay. i gets it's a matter ofway maybe because of the way i look to make them think that ♪ >> reporter: he released 12 more over the next 18 months alone. ♪ i'm the greatest rapper ever whether you think it or not ♪ >> reporter: this one has been watched 25 million times. burnham started touring on the weekend while still in high school opening for other acts. ♪ >> reporter: he was admitted to new york university but skipped
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college to pursue comedy full-time. >> there was a distance between what i was interested in, which was theaters and what i was doing, which is standing up and singing silly songs. i think the last six years has been me trying to bridge that gap to bring the elements together that i loved into my stand-up act. oh, hey. internet. what is this? oh, this is my cd currently available online and in stores. >> reporter: working from his parents' attic, he launched a deal becoming the youngest comic to have his own special. but at age 19, he was appearing longside comedian like gary shandley and others. >> i'm of the younger generation. i just wonder for all of you -- who are you? >> reporter: how many shows a year were you doing? >> i guess 80 to 90. we did them in two stretches of,
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like, 40 days. >> reporter: now 26, burnham is already a veteran stage performer. >> i like the idea of conceiving a show and putting on a show and especially where i got to the place i could plea theaters, i wanted a show that could fill a theater. i actually went to see commends in theaters and then there was a person like a speck on the stage. i might as well be here with people. i want to show i can fill that. can i give you the great things that musicals and concerts give you in terms of a great show. >> reporter: his latest show "make happy" was released on netflix in june and it explores the conventions of being a modern day performer. >> our favorite ships. i think it was a very strange relationship between people my age and even the idea of an audience. i mean, just up until six years ago, this sort of floor fell out and felt like everyone was given an audience. it used to be famous people like
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boujaw class and now the floor fells out starts with one like and end with kim kardashian. i feel people in the crowd relate to the idea of having an audience of people watching them and cultivating their own life and performing their own life on social media. >> ten years after becoming a viral sensation, burnham now rages against the very social media machine that propelled him to stardom. >> facebook became ubiquitous when i was 16. i kind of learned to think a little bit before the stuff was everywhere but people that are 21 that had happened when they were 12 and 13, i think they have absolutely no chance. people rou nou are like a condensco -- are now of a condensed team and you have branding experts and 20% making things and giving people a steady stream of like annism v. drip of mediocre stuff
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every week that is, you know, not going to last in ages like milk. >> reporter: you don't want that to happen? >> i don't want that and i had to endure that between specials that took three years and by year two, i had people tweeting at me, are you dead? what happened to you? remember him? >> reporter: when you're in your 20s? >> yeah. it's like you can't take two years to make something? that's what i worry most. i felt the pressure most because i'm above it and for young people creating things i really worry to make something good, no matter what, it takes retreating away making something working on it and refining it and then giving it to people and that process just been obliterated. >> joo because you can broadcast anywhere, any time, anything? there is this unquenchable appetite for somebody just to keep putting stuff out? >> yeah. totally. absolutely. but i'm of the belief that one hour of something that i worked on for three years is better than 80 hours on of things i worked on for three years that i
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put out in little chunks that you just have to be patient. i know i sound like -- i sound like my grandfather. >> i was going to say it's an old-fashioned idea. >> but i feel a lot of people feel that way. the whole point of simpsocial m everybody hates it. everybody thinking they are being lame because we have to be. thing is we are all being lame because we have to be. it's horrible. >> incredibly eloquent guy as you can see and thoughtful and makes his comedy so dynamic. >> he seems like early age that mastery of music and talent on the stage. >> so many talents coming together. how do you enjoy a music festival if you can't actually hear the music? well, michelle miller will show us. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday."
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good morning i'm rahel solomon. several blocks of west philadelphia a are now a crime scene, after the shooting of two officers and three other people. innocent woman and suspect were killed, it started with the shooting on philadelphia police officer late last night near 52nd and sansom, a bullet-proof vest is what saved her life. rampage ended in a alley where gunman was killed and university of pennsylvania officer was wounded. now lets check the forecast with justin drabick joining us now and summer is no the done just yet. >> holding on strong temperatures in the 80's after next several days as we head through fall season. split weekend going on we will bring back rain, that is a good thing especially later tomorrow afternoon but today is try, we have cloud around mixed with sun, still comfortable at this hour at 64 m
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palmyra cove nature park in new jersey but humidity will be on the rise, notice increases specially later this afternoon, feel steamy on both sunday and monday with that bring some needed shower and maybe a then are storm chance 82 today. we are dry partly sunny upper 70's at the shore with sunshine, low 70's in the poconos but extended forecast low to mid 80's all the way, through next friday, rahel, back to you. >> thanks, justin. we will have another update 8:57. see you you then.
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big oil polluters. they have a friend in pennsylvania. millionaire pat toomey. toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks. saving oil companies twenty-four billion dollars. and big oil polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. tax breaks for them. campaign contributions for him. pat toomey. he's helping big oil polluters and millionaires. not the rest of us. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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summer ends this coming week, but the music festival theme continues this fall and tracting music fans from around the country and including those who can't actually hear the music. michelle miller is here to he will us more. >> reporter: not only do the hearing-compared and the deaf attend these music festivals but interpreters are paid to give every beat of the action. ♪ >> reporter: jazz fest isn't just jazz. there is hip-hop. ♪ >> reporter: gospel. ♪ >> reporter: and hard rock. ♪ >> reporter: its patrons are
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just as diverse like new orleans neighbor amber howell who has been extremely hearing-impaired since birth. she can read lips, but often wasn't much help. >> i've gone to a few bashes and i'm always in the back. and, like, i can't see anything, which means i can't hear anything, especially what the, you know, the singer is singing. ♪ >> reporter: enter the jazz fest sign language interpreters, like denice crochet. >> i like to think of jazz fest as this big, giant table that we are serving food and music and culture and we went turn anyone away from that table. just wouldn't be right. >> reporter: interpreter holly miniotto says it should not be surprising that the deaf would be drawn for a music festival. >> you can feel a lot of the music. the bass is pumping out and the sub wolfers and with a crowd of people who love this music and a guy turns around saying, "i know this song too.
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>> reporter: it looks tough but interpreters are studying music lists and even sign there is a hip-hop show. every interpreter has their own style and many have their own followings. bruce springsteen was so intrigued he learned how to sign, not sing "dancing in the dark." performance is part of their art. >> using a tighter ability to communicate the way you're looking at the consumer and the way you're moving with the beat and the signs you're choose. it looks like we are dancing up there but a conscious to bring two world together and music is all about that feeling. >> it has got to be exhausting. >> yes and no. exhaust than and exhilarating, i would say. >> reporter: what do you get from her expression in the interpretation? >> it just changes the jazz fest experience for me, because she's happy and she is into it so that automatically comes to me. i'm happy and i start getting
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into it and it's just magical. >> reporter: how do you know you've given a good performance? >> i would say when the deaf person is clappinging and laughing with everybody else. they have the same experience as everybody else. just through american sign language. >> reporter: keep in mind, this service was not available to the deaf and hearing-compared until congress enacted the americans with disabilities act back in 1990. if there is a request and there usually always is, these venues are required to provide interpreters, but who knew there was this kind of a following? >> i had no idea. fascinating. absolutely fascinating. >> dancing is great. it gives the listeners a sense they are feeling. >> you can feel the vibration at music festivals and the concerts too. it is just part of what they go to. >> i can't imagine sign language with hip-hop.
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michelle miller, up next, "the dish." a special treat for us and for you. one of the world's greatest chefs and most honored chefs, gabrielle will join us with taste and tales of his storyied career. don't go away. you're watching krmted. dark stt of purina cat chow complete with the four cornerstones of nutrition including high quality protein. now our family is complete. purina cat chow complete. dannon whole milk yogurt, an unprecedented natural outburst
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if you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a non-insulin option, click to activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. chef gabriel is one of the world's most highly regarded maestros in the kitchen. even though he was born in france his work has been here in the america. arriving in new york in 1997 he immediately began racking up the award. >> in june of last year, he put his own name on what has become one of this country's most honored restaurants. in downtown manhattan hold three stars from "the new york times." we are honored to welcome chef
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gabriel to the dish. good morning. >> tell us what you brought with us today. >> a dish here. and then this. green salad with fine herbs in it and here is a chive dip. pretzels. >> i think the first pretzels on the show. >> horseradish dip there. >> you break it down and eat it. beautiful. then here is bam bam. that is the stuff i grew up on the farm. >> i have a sense you did not grow up with this cocktail. what can is this? >> here you have three simple ingredients. >> very nice. >> as a mother of a 4-year-old, when i read at 4 year old you knew you wanted to be a chef around that time, i was really impressed. what guided you in that time?
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>> i grew up on a farm and my whole family was involved. since my earliest time, i always wanted to be a chef. i remember my grandfather asking me was do you want to be? i always said i want to be a chef, i want to be a chef, i want to be a chef. one of my relatives is a chef. i walked in his kitchen starting at 11, 12, and he always made me do this and that to make sure i want to do that. i told him later he made me to make sure that is what i wanted to do. >> you were 19 when you were awarded best kitchen apprentice in france? >> yes. >> how did that change things for you? >> it opened a lot of doors. it was a tough contest. it was exciting. it was a challenge for me. and i took it seriously. and when i won, it opened the
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door for me. that was the first time that i came to the united states and i spent 18 months in washington, d.c. at the time. and -- >> how did that first conversation go? i know the idea came up. someone said would you want to go to the united states and what were your first thoughts? >> somebody in front of me said washington, d.c., you want to go? i didn't even thought about it and said yes. my mother said what did you just tell them? i said i'm going to washington, d.c. she had, you're kidding? i said, no i'm going there for 18 months. >> you ended up meeting your wife here so you never went back? >> no, i went back for about ten years and came back, yes. i went back and had to do my military stuff and gain more experience over there. in france, come down and now it's only starting for you. >> you mentioned that experience. when up look at your resume you spent a lot of time at the most top-tier restaurants in new york before deciding to go out on your own. why did you wait so long? was that a conscious choice?
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>> yes, it was a conscious choice. i spent five years with jaja and i was there two years and when i was at another place, i spent ten years there. something to remember during those ten years we had literally five years of a huge depression. i didn't think it was a smart idea to open up a restaurant during that time. >> we can see your fine dining. an amazing meal. thank you. if you could have this meal with any person, past or present, would who wouwho would that be? >> ait would be august. he is the father of all the chefs and i think great for me to listen to his take on every evolution of fine dining and evolution of food and i think we would have a great chat. >> good thing. chef gabriel, thank you so much.
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for more, head to our website. up next our "saturday sessions." a band you do not want to miss. the head and the heart performing two songs off their new hit album. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: the dish is sponsored by egg-land's best! bets eggs! more flavorful. better eggs! with more great nutrition. better eggs! better eggs! better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece
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the bassist chris said it felt like we were a new band. >> here they are performing from their new album "signs of light." number one hit, "all we ever knew." ♪ when i wake up in the morning i see nothing for miles and miles and miles ♪ ♪ when i sleep in the evening there she goes only in dreams she is only in dreams ♪ ♪ within you i don't know if i can get through this ♪ ♪ we tried everything under the sun now i'm trying to wake up trying to make up for it ♪ ♪ all we ever do
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is all we ever knew ♪ ♪ lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah ♪ ♪ you don't see why you were no love together well we are going around come to an end ♪ ♪ i know sometimes gets up in your dreams now it's time to wake up from this time to make up for this ♪ ♪ time to wake up from this time to wake up from this
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all we ever knew all we ever do time to wake up from this lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah lah-lah ♪ >> don't go away! we will have more from the head and the heart. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: saturday sessions are sponsored by blue buffalo. you love your pets like family,
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♪ when the tequila runs out we will be drinking champagne. >> hate to say it, but this is the last weekend of summer. we hope you enjoy it. >> we leave you with more music from the head and the heart. this is "rhythm and blues." ♪ ain't it nice to be so lucky ain't it nice to be so loved come on down and watch you won't you let me won't you let me drive you
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good morning, i'm rahel solomon. eye shooting covers several blocks of west philadelphia and with the suspect and innocent women dead. five people are also wounded. two of the wounded are police officers, one from philadelphia a, other from the university of pennsylvania, and both officers this morning are in stable condition. investigators say they have found note at the scene which included railings of hatred for police and probation officers. lets turn to weather, justin providing us with a pretty decent forecast this morning. >> not bad, still comfortable that changes later on today and certainly tomorrow we will feel big difference in the the humidity levels. some needed rain comes back in the forecast this weekend. outside we have some cloud mixed with sun but rain still well to the west and we will stay dry to take not until
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tomorrow afternoon we will start to see shower chances increasing and that threat will continue into monday morning. temperatures very nice, low humidity, low to mid 60's but wrapped warm up on our way up to the lower 80's this afternoon, mid 80's tomorrow watch out for scatter showers and maybe then are storm that extended forecast stays warm, through the rest of the summer season all the way to the start of the fall we will talk about highs well a above average low to mid 80's, rahel, back over to you. that is it for "eyewitness news" this morning, you can always follow us and updates on that shooting on our web site at the cbs phill when it comes to risking social security on the stock market... pat toomey wrote the book. "i'm...i've got a whole chapter in my book where i... specifically lay out how i think we should... reform social security." toomey's plan requires wall street and bankers to manage... the accounts. collecting fees out of your social security that could... total billions. fees they collect, even if the market crashes and... seniors lose everything. pat toomey's looking out for wall street, not pennsylvania.
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narrator: today on "lucky dog," five dogs in need of a home... [dog barking] narrator: ...and five unforgettable stories. casey: i dropped out last semester and was having panic attacks. arlene: we were homeless and living on skid row. narrator: sometimes the love and support of a dog means more than just companionship. dustin: i felt something i've never felt before. narrator: today, we look back at some of this season's special connections. casey: hi! brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. my mission is to make sure these amazing animals find
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