tv View Change LINKTV August 15, 2017 4:30am-5:01am PDT
4:30 am
- are you ready, kids? all: aye, aye, captain! - i can't hear you. all: aye, aye, captain! - ♪ ohh... ♪ who lives in a pineapple under the sea? ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ♪ absorbent and yellow and porous is he ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ♪ if nautical nonsense be something you wish ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ♪ then drop on the deck and flop like a fish ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ready? all: spongebob squarepants! spongebob squarepants! spongebob squarepants! - spongebob squarepants! [laughing] ♪ [waves crashing] [dramatic orchestral music]
4:31 am
♪ - [yawns] i'm bored. - hmm, interesting. me too! let's go look for something to do in old man squidward's shed. - old man squidward's shed? - yyyuuup. - [whistles] - ooooh. [both gasp] what's that? - what is it? - i don't know, patrick. - [sighs] ♪ la-da-dee, la-da-dum, la-da-doo ♪ ♪ la-da-dee, la-da-dum, la-da ♪ - [trilling lips] - [laughing] - [gasps] it's old man squidward. - hide! - ♪ la-da-dee, la-da-dum, la-da-doo ♪ ♪ doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-da-da-doo ♪
4:32 am
hmm. where's my trowel? - [whispering] spongebob? - [whispering] yes, patrick? - [whispering] is this a trowel? - [whispering] yes, patrick. - oh, here it is. [screaming] - don't hurt us, squidward. - we're bored. - we just want to play with your... whatever this thing is. - no, no, no, no, no, no. you morons would probably-- you want to play with my lawn mower? both: yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! - thanks for letting us mow your lawn, squidward. ahhh! my patty-flipping hand! [both crying] - [giggles maniacally] [engine humming] knock yourselves out. crash! [giggling and shouting] [screams] - whoa! [giggling] - vroom-vroom-vroom-vroom.
4:33 am
[laughter] [tires squealing] - [humming] excuse me, davy. i've got my first blind date in 400 years, and i've got to look good. hmm, it's a little torn. course, it was the shirt i was buried in. ah, memories. [sniffs] [glass shattering] [hacking] [panting] okay, that one's a bit ripe. hmm. stained. naw. too itchy. hey, there she is. i've been savin' this beauty for a special occasion. [hissing] lookin' good. [rumbling and laughter] [tires squealing and laughter]
[rumbling and laughter] [dirt splatting] [flames whooshing] - who dares-- [buzzing] who-- [buzzing] disturb-- [buzzing] the flyin'-- [buzzing] dutchman? my beard! hey! thwack! [growls] [zapping] who dares disturb the flyin' dutchman? - you're not the flying dutchman. - yeah, the flying dutchman has a beard. - i don't look like the flying dutchman because you morons cut off my beard!
4:34 am
4:35 am
4:36 am
both: ohhhhhhh. squiiiidwarrrrrd. - it's spongeboooob. - and patriiiick. we're ghooooosts. both: oooooooh. - we're going to haunt you foreveeeeer. both: ohhhhhhh. [blubbering] - eh, well, that killed the mood. both: oooooooh. - i knew i shouldn't have lent them my lawn mower. - good night, patrick. [sighs] being a ghost can sure tire you out. - good night, ghost buddy.
4:37 am
- that's odd. however shall i get in? blahrb! oh. hmm, well, that's handy. [yawns] i am beat. well, i don't need to take the stairs. [whooshing] [sighs] [snoring] hey, patrick, i didn't sleep so good last night. - i didn't sleep at all. i could see through my eyelids. my eyelids! - [gasps] i'm late for work. - my eyelids. - [panting] don't worry, mr. krabs. i'm here. - aaaah! mermaid! - spongebob, you're late.
4:38 am
why are you bright green? what happened to your legs? - he's a ghost, mr. krabs. - a ghost, eh? can you still cook krabby patties? - can do, mr. krabs. - then get your captain's quarters in the kitchen. - aye, aye, oh, living employer. - ew. - ♪ la la la la la [humming] [splatting] [whistling] clink! ♪ la la la la la la splat! [sizzling] [grunts] [grunts] [groaning] [sobbing] i can't cook krabby patties. i don't want to be a ghost anymore, patrick.
4:39 am
- i don't either. i can't eat anything. food just goes right through me. - ugh. - maybe the weird hairless man will change us back. - yeah, let's go see the flying dutchman. - ah, at least i still have my personality. both: change us back. change us back. - we don't like being ghosts. i hate being a ghost. please, mr. dutchman, we can't take it. constantly moaning and groaning. - invisible to the world. - living without a soul. - it's miserable. - how could anyone live like this? - [slurping] - hmm, i guess you feel my pain. i'll lift the curse from you. [thunder booming] snap! - hey, we're still ghosts.
4:40 am
- yeah, yeah, yeah. the curse will wear off when my beard grows back. [both gasp] - but we want to be normal now. - well, i want to be on my date now. but you knuckleheads loused that up too. [tinkling] - we're still ghosts because you can't go on your date? - and you can't go on your date because you're ugly? both: makeover. boing! sproing! [squishing] [buzzing] [squashing] - [panting] [buzzing] - thanks, fellas. i love the new beard. [giggles]
4:41 am
4:42 am
♪ ♪ danimals! that's a golden bongo! ♪ ♪ (both) bongo! you found me! your adventure awaits! find the golden bongo and you could win a magical walt disney world adventure for a family of five! many will participate, only ten will win. no purchase necessary. just look for specially marked packages of danimals. visit for official rules and free means of entry. where will danimals take you?
4:43 am
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4:45 am
race car driver: "wipe out!" rc bumper cars comes with two race cars for double the fun! race car driver: "i'm dizzy! it's a race to cross, or crash the finish line. boy 1 "oh no!" race car driver: "i 'm the winner!" little tikes rc bumper cars comes with two cars and two remotes for double the action. batteries not included.
4:46 am
4:47 am
- specials? we don't have specials. [heavy grating] [thumping] [baby screaming] [grating] - good morning, sir. welcome to the krusty krab. - [breathy hissing] i think i'll have a krabby patty. thwap! - [groans] ooh. one krabby patty comin' up. - mr. squidward, you're in a chipper mood this mornin'. did you get an order of fancy decorative soaps in the mail or somethin'? - even better. i have a clarinet recital immediately after work today, so ain't nothing gonna ruin my day. [baby cooing] - ooh, ooh, terribly sorry, sir. - no need. see? not a drop. [splatting] [growls] i can't take this anymore! - i told you. there's no early bird special. now, stop callin' me here, mother.
4:48 am
- this is unacceptable. - what? - this. - nice to have you back, squidward. - this is an outrage. i will no longer tolerate my personal items being soiled by the rabble that crawls into this restaurant. i demand a place to put my stuff. - hmm. okay. i suppose you could put it with the nacho cheese. no one's gone near that in years. - you ever read this, krabs? - bikini bottom labor regulations? ew, gross! get that thing away from me. it's givin' me hives. - it specifically states that all employers must provide his or her employees with a secure, clean place to store personal property. - ah, blast you, squidward. you drive a hard bargain. i guess i could rustle something up for you. - yeah, sizzle those juices. [makes sizzling sound] - [muttering] oh, here we go. found it. - wow. what is it?
4:49 am
- it's me old navy locker. good as new. - who's that, mr. krabs? - that appears to be corporal sterling, lad. i forgot all about that prank. squidward, your locker's ready. - ooh, do we get to share this locker like we share hairnets? - not in a whale's age. - now, not so fast, mr. squidward. the law requires that all employees have a secure place for personal items. so you are required by law to share. - oh, i suppose i can share, but only since it's required by law. hey, this thing is filthy. you don't expect me to clean it. - no, he doesn't. and i don't either. [coughing] [sucking sound] [water rushing] [sparkling sound] - blimey. she hasn't sparkled like this since boot camp.
4:50 am
carry on, boys. - impressive indeed. just keep your grubby little hands to your side. - you got it, squidward. finally i have a clean place to store my toothbrush. - just don't touch my clarinet. - i promise nothing untoward will happen. - order up, spongebob. spongebob, what do you think you're doing? you're supposed to be fry cooking. i told you not to touch my stuff. - i didn't. i wore protective gloves. and besides, don't you like how classy it looks now? - velvet? - now, i'd like to stand by and idly chat with you, squidward, but i must attend to my krusty krab duties. in the future, please keep your interruptions to a minimum, sir, please. - and here is your change, ma'am. what is that idiot doing now? [clattering] - loose change. [shouting] - aaaaarrrr! [apelike hooting] [roaring] - i hope you're not trying to shove those boxes
4:51 am
into that locker. - too late. it's already done. - if you smashed my clarinet, so help me, neptune, i will-- - don't worry, squidward. there's plenty of room. i expanded a bit. - well, it's all fine and dandy, but where's my clarinet? - well, that's simple. we just simply consult the card catalog and find squidward's clarinet, drawer 36.8-b. see? - fine, but remember, it is vitally important that nothing happens to it. - no worries, buddy. you're in good hands. - eat up. [drill whirring, hammer pounding] what's he doing? [drilling and cranking] - may i order, please? - all right, what do you want? - i'll have-- [drill whirring] everything okay back there? - yeah, just a bit of, um, renovation. [sawing and banging] [saw buzzing] my clarinet. spongebob. sponge-- spongebob? there, 36.8-b. a note? - "item has been temporarily moved during reconstruction.
4:52 am
relocated to shelf 1,018.2-e." - spongebob. 1,018.2-e. another note? - "oops. did i say 1,018.2-e? "i meant 2,019.3-m. sorry." - spongebob? spongebob? - [laughing] - spongebob, wait. what have you done with my-- - [giggling] - spongebob, i do not play games. [gasps] where am i? what is this place? [clicking] my clarinet. what the-- - [laughing] - hey, come back. i need my clarinet. come back. where are you?
4:53 am
spongebob--oof. - i am the keeper of the horned forest. state your business here. - i--i'm trying to find my clarinet. - your clarinet? - yes, my clarinet, of which i am the proud owner. - [laughs] a clarinet is not owned. why don't you tell me why you're really here? - you callin' me a liar? - i don't appreciate your tone. - i'm sorry. i didn't mean to offend you. - this is a sacred place where clarinets can live without persecution. you need to learn respect. - [groaning] i've learned. i've learned respect. - i don't believe you. - aaahhh! [splashing] [gasps] [coughs] - [laughing]
4:54 am
- stand still, you idiot. - [laughing] - i got you now. [grunting] aha. what the-- spongebob? spongebob? - [laughing] - [snickering] [sniffs] ha-ha-ha. gah. - aaahh! [clarinets playing] [blasting sound] [grunting] ding! - i win! i win! hey, what are you doing here? - you tell me, what in the wide world of sports is this place? and how did you get so big? - hmm, must be all the pressure. - what are you talking about? - it must be... the pressure.
4:55 am
i got to get out of here! - where are you going, you imbecile? - [laughing] [sucking sound] [explosion] [laughing] [laughing] - almost got you. oof. oof. [splattering] - [laughing] i just sweet-talked an old lady out of 20 bucks for a krabby patty. [laughs] - [moaning] - squidward, are you okay? - [babbling incoherently] such a nightmare. - squidward, what are you trying to say, buddy? - [coughs] i tried to get my clarinet in there. it's impossible. - clarin--oh, you mean this. - [gasps] where did you get that?
4:56 am
- well, with all the ruckus you were making over it, i kept it with me just to make sure it was safe. - [growls] - call it a friendly gesture. - i'll show you a friendly gesture. do you know the horror i've endured? let's see how you like it! crash! [tires squealing] ah. - are you ready, mr. squidward? - yes, yes, i am. as a matter of fact, you wouldn't believe what i had to go through to get-- gaahhh! - hi, squidward. you wouldn't believe what i had to go through to get here. - ahhhhhhhhhhh! - huh, i was just going to bring him his clarinet.
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5:00 am
- are you ready, kids? all: aye, aye, captain! - i can't hear you. all: aye, aye, captain! - ♪ ohh... ♪ who lives in a pineapple under the sea? ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ♪ absorbent and yellow and porous is he ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ♪ if nautical nonsense be something you wish ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ♪ then drop on the deck and flop like a fish ♪ all: spongebob squarepants! - ready? all: spongebob squarepants! spongebob squarepants! spongebob squarepants! - spongebob squarepants! [laughing] ♪ [waves crashing] [jaunty ukulele music] ♪
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