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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  November 25, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PST

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outcome, did not come to pass. >> tensions are still high this morning after a night that saw fires, rioting, looting, and ultimately chaos erupting in ferguson in the hours after the announcement. while the violence was confined to a small area, police, again, fired tear gas into the crowd of angry protesters. >> i didn't do anything. >> move. clear the street. get out of the street or you're subject to arrest. >> we didn't expect to get justice here. we don't expect to get justice from the system. the system doesn't provide justice for anyone. >> and the unarrest lead the faa to restrict flights into st. louis. cools and many businesses remain closed this hour. the outrage reverberated in cities across the including new
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york, los angeles, philadelphia, washington, and seattle as demonstrators marged in protest. this was the scene in new york where demonstrators briefly blocked one of the major bridges in the city. the city's police commissioner was splattered in fake blood thrown bay y a protester in tim square. one of the attorneys for michael brown's family benjamin crunk described how brown's mother took the news. >> she was shocked. she believed he would be charged with something. she had really faith that the system would work for her child. she was just profoundly disappointed as only a mother could be. >> in just a minute pete williams will join us with more on the evidence the grand jury weighed for over three months including 70 hours of testimony. but first, i want to get to nbc's ron allen on the ground in ferguson. we see the burned out building
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behind you, ron. are protesters planning to reassemble any time soon there? as i mentioned 12:00 eastern time we'll hear from michael brown's parents. >> there is a protest going on when i walked out here at the courthouse in clayton, about a half hour from here where the grand jury convened. very peaceful protest. people walking around in the circle of the main center of town there. here is the heart of what happened here last night. there's a smoldering building behind me. as we walked down this way, as we walk down this way you'll see along the main drag of ferguson where all the buildings were boarded up. they're burned out. you can see sanitation trucks that are here and if you look way down there you see these are mom and pop stores. there's a insurance company, a doctor's office. a hair salon, a nail salon. before the mcdomds there's a building that used to be among other things the officers of an
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organization called heal st. louis. where there were people who were trying to organize peaceful protests and do positive things in the community. so this morning even that is destroyed. it's a very sad day here in ferguson, tamron. people made such an effort to try to organize peaceful protests and the police as well they said how disappointed they were. they thought they had a plan. they thought they had been in touch with people in the community and organizing things peacefully. but some element just took over. there were at last count dozens, i think, as many as 80 arrest farce variety of charges. not just trespassing or unlawful assembly. there was violent crimes committed. arson, vandalism, burglary. so a very intense night. the street is still closed off. police are not letting residents or business owners back here
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yet. some people probably don't have an idea of the scale of what happened to them. for the most part, these were small businesses. as one person described it, the hopes and dreams of families that are now gone. that's what is really the tragedy here. the heart of this community is gone. >> yeah. >> and it will take a long time for it to come back. >> and sadly we're seeing the image before in this nation's history where those trying to build the american dream ultimately understoend up feeli anger for something they had nothing do with. let's be honest here. we have live pictures of the aerials of the burned out buildings, you can go rodney king, you can go -- the list is end less, it seems. i'm curious because you were on the ground. at any point, did you have an opportunity get close enough and to ask the question do you see who you're hurting? do you see what you're doing? any of that kind of contact,
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ron? >> yes, a lot of it. there's rage and anger and people who don't know what to do and so they lash out at the nearest thing near them. and some were targeting the police. there were the police said they were shot at. one chief of police counted 150 shots at one point. there are reports of people carrying automatic rifles in the crowd. batteries, rocks, you name it. a violent outburst. and it happens here because there is where people live. the announcement came out at night. in is where people were. we thought the protest would happen more at the courthouse. and at the police station. because of the hour it came out, this is where people were -- >> they struck where they stood. >> okay. >> ron, thank you. after the announcement of the grand jury's decision, st. louis county prosecutors released almost 5,000 pages of testimony and other evidence presented to
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the grand jury for 23 separate meetings. the meetings took place between august 020th and november 21st. it includes officer wilson's testimony. they show him in a hospital, bruises to the cheek and the back of his head. the documents reveal wilson fired twelve shots after he said brown attacked him, tried to flee, and turned around to charge him the 6'4" brown looked, quote, like a demon. >> the physical and scientific evidence examined by the grand jury combined with the statement supported and substantiatuated by that physical evidence tells the accurate and tragic story of what happened. brown had his hands up -- witnesses gave conflict accounts. >> some describe his hands as
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being out to the side. some said in front of him with his palms up. others said his hands were raised near his head lowered by his shoulders. others say they were in front of his chest or down by his stomach. others described his hands as in a running position or fists. >> in a statement officer wilson's attorney said from the on set, we've maintained and the grand jury agreed that officer wilson's actions on august 9th were in accordance with of the laws and regulations that govern the procedures of an officer. law enforcement personnel must frequently make split-second and difficult decisions. officer wilson followed his training and followed the law. pete williams joins us now and pete a lot to get to here. let's first talk about the law. you have the initial question, i think a lot of people asked. why not involuntary manslaughter, for example, and the way the prosecutor laid this out. if you have covered any crime story ever. there are conflicting accounts from witnesses. >> that's right. and that, i think, is going one
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of the controversyial aspects about this. the job of the grand jury is to separate fact from fiction. some are saying that's not the job of the grand jury. the job is to decide probably cause. oftentimes grand juries hear just one side. the prosecutor's side. this prosecutor made the decision to present both side. now some people have said that was the right decision given the high stakes here that the grand jury really got back to sort of its roots as the fact finder for the community to decide whether charges should be filed. in any event, it's not the way grand juries usually work where jurors hear just one side. so because of this departure from the normal procedure, which some people are saying it was the right thing. some people are saying it's the wrong thing it's being viewed as a controversial dis. >> let me play a little bit of what benjamin crunk said ben
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mention krump said. >> he said he did it this way because he thought it was fair. he didn't recommend any charges or anything. put all the evidence out there and let's be fair to everybody. and this is different than what i've ever seen in my 20 years of practice in law. the question becomes, savannah, if 28 years he's been prosecutor. was he being unfair to them? why change the rules now? >> that picks up on what you were saying there. for people who are trying to understand this, how can the rules be essentially moved around like this when traditionally -- and you look at grand juries for even more high profile cases than this did not operate this way >>well, of course it's unusual in this sense. number one, some communities use only grand juries. that's certainly true in the federal system. in st. louis county, that was the first decision point. put it before a grand jury or
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not. the prosecutor decided to use a grand jury. that move was subject to criticism. people saying, well, he was trying to pass the buck and put the decision on someone else. everything that has been done here has been subject to controversy. the fact is it's not the way grand juries normally work. whether it's a good or a bad thing depends on the eye of the beholder. it's an unusual beholder. now in studio with me rashad robinson. color of change. also executive producer he investigated the 195 murder of emmett till that mobilized the civil rights movement. let me start, rashad. you have the sound from this young man and he said at the begin of our show. this is what we expected. the rage and the behavior that we saw last night was a -- i
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compared it to someone who cuts themselves. you're cutting your own body but you're so angry or damaged you turn in on yourself. when you hear young men and women say this is what we expected. what is your reaction? >> you know, that the pain that people are suffering in ferguson and around the country, you know, continues. you know, every single day we sort of hear these stories from our members or from the community around these issues. where a black person or brown person was put in harm's way by the police or someone adjacent to the police. and no justice was served. over and over again these situations happen. and people are in deep pain. we can concentrate on the burning of buildings. we have to. >> businesses are being lost. >> businesses are being lost. but at the same time if we want to talk about a path forward,
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where do we head from here? we need to have a deep conversation in this country about criminal justice reforms and police accountability. we need to have these conversations and push for real change. because we're in a new participation age. 23 years ago that rodney king video surfaced. it took a long time. everybody has cell phones now. these moments are going to happen over and over again. and unless we start really looking at the underlying factors not the overlying. >> do you think we discuss the under lying unemployment. i'm 44 you can believe it's young or old zpending on the perspective. i feel the conversation is one that continues to bubble up, as you pointed out, and ends in this. i don't think that the problem is -- it's on the table. no one is picking it up. >> yes. i think that there are some clear things that can be done now. there are things at the frail level that the administration can do to incentivize good policing.
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to deal with how federal money moves to local law enforcement that specifically deals with how the war on drugs are fought. specifically deal,s like stop and frisk. those things can be done now. and those are the type of demands we actually need to put energy behind if we can look back at this moment five years from now and say we made change. >> i want to read what ron christie said. this is what he said. evidence that favor the police officer's account that he tragically shot the teen in self-defense was conveniently ignored as doing so neatly fits into the narrative that whites are racist. white people -- white police officers assassinate blacks at their leisure and america is prejudice toward people of color as was in alabama in 1965. i was moved by the fact you have the movie selma coming out in 30 days or so and here we are with this reference to selma byron
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chri -- by ron christie. >> we have to look at what we have in the country this day. next year we'll celebrate but memorialize the 60th anniversary to the murder of emmett till. you have to look back at how far we've come but have we come so far. i say that because even with what happened to mr. brown, my heart goes out to his family. this is a recuring thing we're continually seeing. it didn't happen overnight. as we were just talking and saying, it's like a transgeneration issue that seemed to never stop. >> just to your point, the president yesterday -- you have this image of this president a person who represents hope for people of all races who voted for him, honestly, contrasting that with an image of young black men and women who see -- there were white and brown there, too.
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who see this hopelessness. let me play what happened with the president and the contrast generationally that i think was poignant. >> there are americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. it's an understandable reaction. i join michael's parents in anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully. >> i saw it as a generational thing. >> it's painful. i have to quote one of our greatest leaders at one time. mr. james baldwin when he said to be a negro and relatively conscience in america means to be in rage all the time. that's what i felt when i heard, of course, the grand jury's decision. all though i respect the grand jury. it doesn't mean we have to agree with it. i think we have a long way go this this country.
quote quote
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>> and rashad, just to your point. you were looking for what to do next. and you brought up social media. i've been intrigued by the banter going back and forth and people feeling the need to pull a side and attack a side. one of the things that struck me a lot. folks send me images say look at your people. and someone would tweet someone saying your people attacked the campus. if social media will exist in this form, it left me with a sense of -- i felt a little hopeless. i thought people ran to their corners and said you burned up ferguson, you burned up the college campus because you lost by two points. >> and this is the moment for leadership. this is where actually the local leadership in missouri, governor nixon, bob mccullough have failed in this moment. what they did in terms of how the trial was playing itself
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out. the demand on the governor to put a special prosecutor left us with a ton of doubts. had the leadership stepped up and said we want to do it right. we want to put things on the table. we want to pursue justice like we pursue justice for everyone else. the community would have had a better sense that the fact that maybe justice might be on our side in this situation. yes, there's going to be people on all sides. in is why we have leaders. this is why we go to the poll and elect folks. >> until the end appeared we're going to release the information, you know, in darkness as if to cloud our or conceal what would happen. thank you so much for your time. you're a tremendous guest. more reaction to the grand jury decision and protests that continued even today. after a night of demonstrations that one official called the worst yet. up next i'll talk live with congressman gregory meeks, a member of the congressional black caucus who said he's deeply deserved by the decision
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and urging attorney general holder to take action. the investigation into michael brown's death. here is msnbc chris hayes reporting last night as the gunfire erupted. >> we're hearing some more it sounds like gunfire nearby. [ gunshots ] we're told to fall back. i'm going throw to you in the studio. we'll try to get on the phone. . it's more than the car. for lotus f1 team, the competitive edge is the cloud. powered by microsoft dynamics, azure, and office 365, the team can gain real time insights and instantly share information around the globe. when every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. this is the microsoft cloud.
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apart. frankly, that happened here tonight >>well, that was st. louis county police chief in the early hours this morning following a long night of unrest in ferguson. here is the front page of the st. louis dispatch this morning. a along with a picture of the chaos that fold the announcement. joining me now gregory meeks. he's calling on attorney general eric holder to get involved in the case. the attorney general has been involved. he went to ferguson. what would you like to see him do? >> that investigation is continuing to happen. i think there's two things he's looking at. one, he's already indicated that he has been on an independent track and not preuj judging the evidence. the case of whether or not mr. brown's civil rights have been violated is one thing he's looking at. then, i think, he's also looking at overall the police department
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and the customs and practices and what can be done to make a difference so we'll not have this type of scenario ever again. i think he's looking at it in a broader way. what has taken place in ferguson has taken place in many other cities across united states of america, unfortunately. i'm hoping it's the same snare row over and over again where it seems as though the only resource we have is the federal government and in this case the u.s. attorney. >> we were talking about selma, 1965. it was the only recourse and resource then. i think when you look at 2014, there are many believe why do we have to pivot to the federal government when the criminal courts are supposed to work in favor of all people. >> that is absolutely correct.
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it involves citizens participation and getting folks involved is electing deduct troern that represent the people who is supposed to be the people's person. in this case, this district attorney clearly did not want an indictment. did not believe there was an indictment. >> what makes you say that with certainty? >> i'm a former prosecutor. i talked to others. when you go before a grand jury all you try to do is show there's probable cause to believe that a crime had been committed and the person committed the crime. in this case, and generally after you present your case and you generally present one side of the case as a da and you ask the grand jury for an indictment. that didn't happen in this case. when i listen to what he said last night. it was clear he said he doesn't believe there should have been an indictment. >> what i'm curious about the congressional black caucus released a statement the decision not to indict is a
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miscarriage of justice by slap to the face to americans nationwide. most people, i hope, believe justice will prevail. why didn't the congressional black caucus and others push the governor more to remove this prosecutor? the writing, i think, some would say was on the wall. >> i think that the process that took place, the congressional black caucus and i know that congressman clyburn and congressman clay woo have been on the case and who have been talking to the governor as well as the attorney general has been on the case pushing and nudging and wanting justice to be had here. it appears the only way it's going to be had is by the federal government. but we urge that the individuals who really want to make a difference in the brown case so mr. brown has not died for
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nothing is to get involved in elect a da that is a true representative of the people. >> quickly, i want to ask you about the brown family's request and their now focussed on having police armed not just with weapons but body cameras in a way to even out the situation so there's not a he said she said situation. if there's a camera on the body perhaps we won't have another michael brown situation. where do you stand on that? >> in this day of technology we need to move fwar forward. i'm a public advocate here in new york city. we've been moving forward. so -- this is the largest police department in the country. >> absolutely. we think that's a good thing. i think we should follow through with that. it should be good for the police. they don't have to be second guessed. should be good for those who might be victims. >> we have will tissuesha on the
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show tomorrow to talk about the push to have officers wear body cameras in an effort so when these cases come up we'll see clearly what happened. >> and voting for da's are important. as happened here many brooklyn, ken thompson, the people decide that the person who was a da they wanted a change and he won in the bronx. you have da elected by the people. there is confidence in the person that is now prosecuting the case that has to happen. >> all right. thank you so much. a pleasure to have you on. thank you. >> my pleasure. up next the local lawmaker unable to get to her home because there were fires on every corner of her street. patricia vines tweeted these photographs last night. i'll talk with her live. officials are reacting on twitter. john lewis treated i know this is hard. i know, this is difficult. do not scum to the temptations of violence. there's a more powerful way. st. louis olderman antonio
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french said this didn't have to happen. pray for peace, work for justice, push for change. and magic johnson said we must work together to stop the unnecessary loss of young men of color. justice was not served in ferguson. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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with xerox, you're ready for real business. [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda™ the we have more reaction from ferguson a city assessing. looting rocked the small area spanning several city blocks close to where michael brown was shot and killed. this despite appeals from home from president obama and michael brown's parents as well as organizers on the ground. at least 82 people were arrested. jay nixon respond bid ordering additional national guard troops to ferguson.
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there's also many peaceful protests throughout the night that should not be ignored in this story. joining me is patricia democratic committee woman. she's been a regular presence at protest in ferguson she was on the ground there last night and unable to reach her home. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> now you're standing in your neighborhood you're able, i'm sure, to process a little bit of what happened last night. how do you see it at this point? >> tamron, i'm angry and i am sad beyond words that i can even really describe. things are still burning. and this is heartbreaking. there are people who are put in a lot of work over the 100 days that have been peaceful and you had other people, you know, we all have the right to be angry but this is not how we need to express this anger. these places that are burning i
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shop there. people work there. they didn't do anything as we understand it the grand jury decision was known around 2:00 local time and the decision was made to release that information well into the evening when eugene robinson the writer from the washington post put it this way. he's not a person who indulges in conspiracy theories. however, when you look at the timing and what many see as an irresponsible decision by the prosecutor and leaders there to wait until night when many peaceful protesters might be at home that it was set the stage for what played out last night. we can start even before then. we have the governor had a state of emergency. clearly there's an expectations of this violence. last night what i saw were police standing back watching
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things happen. watching things be set on fire. watching people loot. where was the preparation. i got the sense it was an expectations and i didn't see anybody doing too much about it. >> but you and i both know i think some of the police officials would say to that they didn't want to be criticized for being heavy handed. the national guard's role was simply to be on the outlier and not to engage that if there was too much engagement and there were serious injuries or even fatalities that this would be a different story today. >> tamron, i live here. i have made phone calls making sure that the unified command gives me a call. i don't want to see the rest of ferguson burn burned. they need to make sure this doesn't happen. >> our thought and prayers are with you and the community.
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captain ron johnson was on earlier today. he said the commune think have to take some responsibility for what happened. this is not how to create change. it's created through our voice. i know, your voice has been one of the many calling for change ena better ferguson. we appreciate you joining us today. >> thank you. >> several questions remain unanswered including could the prosecutor still move forward with charges against officer wilson. that's one of the questions and there's a possibility a slight possibility. we'll explain. and what happens to the federal investigation into the shooting. i'll talk live with missouri prosecutor and civil rights attorney john burris who worked on many cases including the rodney king civil case and the oscar shooting. by gathering the evidence and meeting with the grand jury. we do this on a daily basis.
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aleve. all day pain relief with just 2 pills. get back to being you. here is a look at the legal headlines following the ferguson grand jury's decision not to indict officer wilson. from the washington post what is next. justice department continues the probe of ferguson police department and from the huffington post darren wilson could face consequences. how the ferguson prosecutor scapegoated the media, twitter, and the witnesses to michael brown's killing. let me bring in john burris. he's been involved in several high profile cases including the rodney king civil shoot and the shooting of oscar grant. also, the prosecutor in northwestern missouri. directly across the state from st. louis county where ferguson
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is. it's past, present missouri association of prosecuting attorneys. thank you for joining me. eric, let me start with you. there's so many questions people have about the prosecutor, the decisions made, and whether or not the prosecutor despite the grand jury deciding not to indict officer wilson if he can proceed on his own here. what is the answer to that. >> it's theoretically possible that bob mccullough could proceed on his own. it would be highly irregular. remember this, the prosecutor as an ethical duty only to present a case where he knows he has probable cause. in this case, he's been told by the grand jury they don't believe he has probable cause. so while it is theoretically possible, i've never seen it happen. >> when you heard the explanation and the tick to be of events from mr. mccullough, what questions, if any, do you have about the procedure here. i'm sure you've heard many wonder why the prosecutor choice to operate in this fashion with the grand jury and the quote
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from congressman gregory meeks u.s. congressman he felt the prosecutor did not want an indictment here. >> i don't think that's true. while this the proceed your that mr. mccullough followed here is less rare with grand juries it's not unheard of. i've used it twice in my county. when you have a complex and difficult case it's appropriate to present every shred of evidence to the grand jury to give them every possible charge and let them come to the appropriate decision. this is the conscience of our community. it was appropriate for him, in my opinion, to do it this way. >> john, let me bring you in. do you see this as an appropriate way to proceed? i want to point out nate silver on his blog, for example, it's rare for a grand jury to do what ferguson did. according to the bureau of justice statistics, u.s. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010. the most recent year which we have data. grand juries declined to return
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an indictment in 11 of them. >> yeah. i think the more troubling aspect of this approach was it didn't appear to be any form of advocacy for an indictment. i mean, you don't put the -- department the target of the grand jury put him on -- don't cross examine and put counter evidence on. that doesn't go to the issue of the case whether or not he had justification for using force. so i think there were issues around, quote, putting everything on with not the proper thing to do. if you are interested in get finding out if you have probably cause or not. in this way, it looked to me like they were trying to have a trial. i don't think given the way the process went down you would typically put on the defendant himself and/or character evidence in your case. so that part to me is highly irregular. and it didn't appear to be any advocacy on the question because
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he could have shot doesn't mean he should have shot. in terms of what the preside prosecutor's responsibility that this particular method of casing this kid down and shooting at him was unjustifiable. it should not have had a basis to do this. when he turns around there's a factual dispute about what was happening. he shot him a bunch of times when he didn't have to do that. i don't think there was an advocacy. you have to be an advocate for the prosecutor not for the defendant but the victim. >> eric let me get your response. you hear from john and others who believe the grand jury was treated as a trial jury, which is not the role of the grand jury. >> it's not the role of the grand jury. i don't think they were treated that way. a trial jury, a prosecutor is going to advocate for his case. in this situation, we don't know precisely what happened behind those grand jury walls. here is what we know because
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john mccamr. mckuala told us. he presented the entire pan charges. there's an irony here that is amazing. first bob is criticized because people say he should handle the case because years ago his father, a police officer, was shot in the line of duty. and now when he take it is to a grand jury he shouldn't have taken it to the grand jury. the double standard is ironic. >> even if you assume it's true. when you take it to the grand jury what do cow do? throw it up? what are you supposed to. you have a situation where a young man is dead. you want to take it apart to see whether or not there are points along the way where he should not have used deadly force. just because he could have. that doesn't mean you goat chase the person down and shoot and kill them. you don't have to do that.
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he was already in a position of safety. so i don't think that the prosecution really fulfilled his job as an advocate. throwing hands up. whatever may happen. that's not the proper role of a prosecutor and lawyer. >> thank you for joining me. i wish we had more time. we'll continue, obviously, our coverage here on msnbc with all sides of what has happened here. up next we'll return live to missouri where the parents of michael brown will hold a news conference shortly in about 15 minutes from now. msnbc will have live coverage of their first live remarks since the decision came down from this grand jury. we'll be right back. (vo) nourished. rescued. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need.
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>> well, i think that first thing they want to convey is the total outrage at the grand jury proceedings and how it was conducted. they're determined to keep fighting. i think one of the leading things that the prosecutor did in his statement last night is imply that the federal government investigation so parallel. we see from the statement by attorney general holder that their investigation of the shooting and the department is ongoing. so they are continuing to move toward justice through the justice department. they continue to want to see change. they don't want violence and they do not noise. they'll be asking for people to conduct themselves in a way that
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regards and respects the image that they want their son to be remembered by. but at the same time remain proactive untilremain proactive until we can bring about real change. this will be their first appearance since the grand jury verdict and by no means be their last. they are determined to keep fighting for real change in this country around police and community relations. >> one of the changes they are focused on is having police officers wear body cameras so that we get a realtime view of what happens in these exchanges that happened far too often. >> that's correct. they released that statement last night and we will be talking about it at the press conference today.
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they protect both the situation and the police. the situation we have here in ferguson. the prosecutors have spent more time on the witnesses. he discredits the witnesses and the victims. with a camera on the police and all of that becomes unnecessary. the other thing we have to deal with is that ferguson is all over the country. we are a week or two away from a grand jury in staten island, new york where there was a video. this is far from over as an issue. we need to really, really deal with this issue nationwide. >> reverend al sharpton, host of politics nation. thank you very much for joining us.
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we will continue to follow the breaking news out of ferguson and bring you the comments from michael brown's parents as soon as the press conference starts. a look at the most compelling images from last night in images from last night in ferguson. will that be all, sir?
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>> what we saw last night is an indictment of american democracy. we saw democracy on fire. >> people are smashing windows. that's not protesting. that's criminal conduct. >> building after building, you will see smashed in, boarded up or burned down. >> they might be from ferguson and might not be. i can say these are not the people who have been there day in and day out fight are for justice for mike brown. >> i kind of hear my father's words. we have got difficult days ahead. >> right now on "andrea mitchell reports." reaction and rage. ferguson torn apart after a grand jury decides not to indict a white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teen. his parents are expected to mick their first comments moments
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from now. >> don't shoot! don't shoot! >> from the white house to time square to the west coast. angry. calling for justice and change around the nation. >> the system needs to be indicted. this system is completely unfair. >> people around the nation must begin to march. >> there still problems. >> good day. we will hear from the parents of michael brown. they will be joined and you can see the room is all ready. they will be joined by al sharpton in his role of the national action network. he is host of politics nation. this is the first time you are hear from michael brown's parents. they will speak publicly since the announcement last night and a


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