tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 21, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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president to speak live from boise, idaho. let's get to work. >> one you have probably heard about is the keystone jobs bill. president obama has been delaying this bipartisan infrastructure project for years. >> building the keystone pipeline would be quote, game over for the planet. >> let's shut down the federal epa. >> we don't want this pipeline to be built. we believe that climate change is real. >> we build pipelines everywhere in america every day. >> we build pipelines. >> do they deny that human activity has helped create climate change? stay tuned. we'll see. >> good to have you with us
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tonight, folks. thanks for watching. when president obama comes out to speak in boise, idaho, we'll bring you his remarks here live on "the ed show," but first i want to talk about keystone. it's clear to me that some senators, and i don't mean to be derogatory here but they are clueless. they are clueless because they hear something and they think that must be the way it is. only one senator has gone to nebraska to get the facts. anyway, the keystone xl pipeline, i'll explain to you again tonight, it is not going to be built for a few years. i warned you last night about senator joni ernst. she delivered just barrels of lies on the keystone xl pipeline. >> we're working hard to pass the kind of serious job creation ideas you deserve. one you have probably heard
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about is the keystone jobs bill. president obama has been delaying this bipartisan infrastructure project for years, even though many members of his party, unions and a strong majority of americans support it. the president's own state department has said keystone's construction could support thousands of jobs and pump billions into our economy and do it with minimal environmental impact. we worked with democrats to pass this bill through the house. we're doing the same now in the senate. president obama will soon have a decision to make. will he sign the bill or block good american jobs? >> everything is obama's fault. ernst calls it the keystone jobs bill? give me a break. it's going to create thousands of jobs. it is going to take folks to
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build it, but they're part time. there's a ton of studies say that minimal environmental impact is untrue. to say that she is twisting the facts is just an understatement. the keystone xl pipeline and i went to nebraska and got the story, it would create 35 full-time jobs. once it is built. now the economy has produced 11 million jobs in recent years. now let's hold it right there. if the republicans, if it had been on their watch, do you think they would be worried about this? for the senator to call this a serious jobs bill makes a mockery of the state of the union. it's an absolute joke. ernst sounds like a programmed robot from the oil industry. in his address last night, the president took a shot at the keystone xl pipeline.
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it's a joke. >> 21st century businesses need 21st century infrastructure. modern ports and stronger brinls, faster trains, and the fastest internet. democrats and republicans used to agree on this so let's set our sights higher than a single oil pipeline. let's pass a bipartisan infrastructure plan that could create more than 30 times of jobs per year. >> what the president is saying there is show me some game. you have said no to every jobs bill i have wanted to put there. he's been obstructed more than any other president, record number of filibusters in the senate, and we seem to lose focus of that but republicans have done nothing on jobs. show me some game. where's your plan? we need roads and bridges.
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not your dangerous pipeline. >> the bottom line is we buy 7 million barrels of crude oil a day. we buy it from venezuela. we buy 1.3 from saudi arabia. we buy from russia. it just makes common sense to me and west virginiians that i would rather buy it from our friends. it'll be built sooner or later. i know that. >> i'm not so sure about that senator. bottom line is that there is no guarantee that this oil is going to be higher quality from venezuela or anywhere else in the world. it is the dirtiest oil in the world. on tuesday, republicans killed the amendment in a 57-42 vote.
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as it stands all keystone oil will be exported. there's no guarantee it is going to effect you at the pump here in america. we're going to be taking all the risk. we're not going to get any reward. overall, pipelines work fine? >> i also see when you have a pipeline such as in antarctica and alaska, they're been able to do that and have a tremendous safety record there, so we have to be vigilant about these things. i truly do. we have hundreds of thousands of pipelines throughout america now. we have it going everywhere. we're buying 2.5 million barrels a day from canada already. it's not something new. it's not something that's never been done. >> but senator, those pipelines you're talking about don't go over the aquifer. we already have pipelines
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argument is really pretty bogus. no matter how you cut it oil pipelines are risky. just like cars crash, planes crash, trains have derailments. pipelines leak. it's a dangerous game. case and point, let's check out yellow stone river in minnesota that's unfolding right now. on saturday 40,000 gallons of oil leaked into the yellow stone river from a 12 inch steel pipe. this keystone pipe would be four times that size. the pipeline was operated by the bridger pipeline company. oil was reported 60 miles downstream from the lake site -- leak site near buford north dakota. health officials are warning people, hey, folks, don't use your tap water in glen dive and the surrounding towns.
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traces of benzine were discovered from a water treatment plant. the governor declared a state of emergency for dawson and richland counties. don't drink the water. state officials said that they were bringing in truckloads of drinking water for these towns. on tuesday, a spokesman from the bridger pipeline company had this to say. >> we apologize for the concern that we have caused and for the inconvenience that we have caused from this incident and that we are committed to doing everything possible to minimize the environmental impact and clean this up as quickly as we can. >> don't we think that the yellow stone river and that mishap is just the latest reminder of how serious pipelines are? the president is correct on
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this. now i'm going to be in nebraska on saturday and i'm going to bring another twist to this story. it is property rights and imminent domain. the ownership society, remember that? that's what bush used to talk about. property rights. i own that property. you're not putting that pipeline on my land. they have filed lawsuit, 100 and land owners in nebraska. this could go on for another two or three years. it is not a jobs bill. it is bad for the environment, and the oil is not going to be effecting you at the gas pump but that's not what i hear in washington. i hear it from a few people, but it is like they hear something and they decide to go with it without knowing the facts. the yellow stone river saw another major pipeline spill in
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2011. 63 gallons of oil near billings montana. the ap reported between 2012 and 2013 roughly 300 pipeline spills went unreported in north dakota alone. americans need to keep this in mind. keystone, the president is right to veto this. even if he does veto it and they do a veto override it is still not going to get built. it is not a bargaining chip because they can't build it because of the legalities with the land owners in nebraska. let's go to the president in boise, idaho. >> you know, we -- i mean we have an entire industry that is designed to sort us out. our media is all segmented now so instead of just watching three stations we got 600.
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everything is market segmented and you got the conservative station and the liberal stations. everybody's only listening to what they already agree with. and then you have got political jerrygerrymandering that sorts things out so that every district is either one thing or the other, so there are a lot of institutional forces that make it seem like we have nothing in common. one of the great things about being president is you travel across the country and i have seen too much of the big hearted optimism of people young and old, folks like bella -- i have seen how deep down there is just a core decency and a desire to make progress together among the american people.
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that's what i believe. so i've got two years left in office. i'm not going to stop trying to make our politics work better. that's what you deserve. that's how we move the country forward. in idaho, we have got big things to do together. i might be in the fourth quarter of my presidency but here at the home of the team with the most famous statue of liberty play in history, i don't need to remind you that big things happen late in the fourth quarter. so here's where we're starting in 2015. our economy is growing. our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999.
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our deficits have been cut by 2/3. our energy production is booming. our troops are coming home. we have risen from recession better positioned freer to write our own future, than any other country on earth. but as i said last night, now we've got to choose what future we want. are we going to accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well? >> no. >> or can we commit ourselves to an economy that generates rising incomes and opportunities for everybody who is willing to try hard? for six years, we have been working to rebuild our economy on a new foundation and what i
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want people to know is thanks to your hard work and your resilience, america is coming back. and you'll recall when we were in the midst of the recession right after i came into office there was some arguments about the steps we were taking. there were questions about whether we were doing the right thing, but we believed we could reverse the tide of outsourcing and draw new jobs back to america. and over the past five years, our businesses have created more than 11 million new jobs. we believe with smart energy policies we could protect our planet. today america is number one in oil production and gas production and wind production and every three weeks we bring online as much solar power as we did in all of 2008.
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meanwhile thanks to lower gas prices and higher fuel standards, the average family this year should save about 750 bucks at the pump. we believe we could do better when it came to educating our kids for a competitive world and today our younger students have earned the highest math and reading scores on record. our high school graduation has hit an all-time high. more young people like people at boise state are finishing college than ever before. we figured sensible regulations could encourage fair competition and shield families from ruin and prevent the kind of crises that we saw in 2007, 2008, and today we have new tools to stop
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unfair bailouts. about 10 million uninsured americans gained the security of health coverage, including right here in idaho. now sometimes, you know you think folks have short memories because ator every step of the way we were told these goals were too misguided or they would explode deficits or destroy the economy. instead we have seen the fastest economic growth in over a decade and we have seen the deficits go down by 2/3 and people's 401ks are stronger now because the
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stock market has doubled and inflation is at the lowest rate on wall street than 50in 50 years. so the verdict is clear. the ruling on the field stands. middle-class economics works. expanding opportunity works. these policies will keep on working as long as politics in washington doesn't get in the way of our progress. we can't suddenly put the security of families back at risk by taking away their health insurance. we can't risk another meltdown on wall street by unraveling the new rules on wall street. we can't no stand between
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working families in any attempt to roll back that progress because today, thanks to a growing economy, the recovery is touching more and more lives. wages are finally starting to grow up. more small business owners plan to raise their employee's pay than at any time since 2007 so we need to keep on going. let's do more to restore the link between hard work and opportunity for every single american. that's our job. that's our job. let's make sure all our people have the tools and the support that they need to go as far as their dreams and effort will take them. that's what middle-class economics is. the idea that this country does best when everybody gets a fair shot and everybody's doing their fair share and everybody's playing by the same set of
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rules. we don't want to just make sure that everybody shares in america's success. we actually think everybody can contribute to america's success and when everybody is participating and giving a shot there is nothing that we cannot do. so here's what middle-class economics requires in this new economy. number one, it means helping working families feel more secure in a constantly changing economy. it means helping folks afford child care and college and paid leave at work and health care and retirement. and i'm sending congress a plan that's going to help families with all of these issues. >> president obama taking his state of the union theme and his plan for the next two years on the road.
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he's in boise, idaho, speaking to the crowd there. let's bring in senator ed marky of massachusetts and congressman jim mcdermott of washington. both of these gentlemen are fans of the teams that happen to be going to the super bowl so i'll start with the ruling on the field stands. that should be good audio to you guys. congratulations. excuse me. i'm laughing at my own joke there. senator marky, let's start with you tonight. there's no doubt that there's a lot of misinformation about keystone. you introduced an amendment to keep keystone oil in america. what happened? >> well the republicans decided that they were going to table it, which means that we were not going to have a vote on the actual substance of the bill and then they successfully took it
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away as a substantive issue that would be voted on. although every one of the republicans that voted to table are also voting to not put a restriction on the exportation of this oil, so the canadians plan on taking the dirtiest oil in the world, constructing a straw through the united states of america down to the gulf coast, and then putting it on ships and sending it out of our country. we import 5 million barrels of oil a day. how can we take oil and allow canadians to send it out while we're taking all of the environmental risk? the united states will have a pipeline that can break. the greenhouse gases are going to dangerously warm the planet. we're exporting people to the middle east to provide the
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protection for the saudi arabians to send their oil to the united states. we're not going to export our american oil. we're going to keep it here as long as we continue to import oil from yoreoverseas. >> is the oil that's coming in from venezuela cleaner than the tar sands? >> the argument is why are we bringing in any venezuelaenn oil. we're bringing in russian oil right now. we're bringing in iraqi oil right now. we should not be bringing the oil in here. if the canadians advertise on every network this is all about north american energy dependence, the message they're sending is this is about keeping oil here in the united states. to the extent that's a violation of an unfair and deceptive
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marketing practice they've been successful, but the american people have to know that our greatest vulnerability, what makes us weak, what is our achilles heel it is the continued importation of 5 billion barrels of oil a day. the american people should have the oil here to keep prices low for home heating oil and diesel fuel. there's nothing in it for the united states except for 39 permanent jobs. >> finally, senator, marky, what did you think of joni ernst and what she was saying about keystone if you caught that? >> i didn't follow it in the detail that perhaps i could have. i'm just assuming it is all part
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of the oil plate. >> she called it the keystone jobs bill. >> it is really the keystone export bill. it is taking the oil and sending it out of the united states and after they have constructed the pipeline, there's only 35 permanent jobs left. meanwhile all of the lower priced oil that could have benefitted american drivers, american manufacturers, would have gone out of the united states of america. that is not a job creation. that is a job destruction strategy for the united states. >> let's turn to congressman jim mcdermott of washington. congressman, we see pipelines that leak and this one that has unfolded in the yellow stone. you would think people in congress would pay more attention about what's going on here. the danger here is that this pipeline would be over the aquifer. how do the republicans just ignore that? >> i don't know how they do
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that, ed. they really have to bury their head in the sand so to speak. we had a pipeline that ruptured in the state of washington that filled a river and caught on fire and burned two kids to death. they were fishing by the side of the river. this happens all the time. this is flowing over the aquifer which produces the water that makes nebraska what it is. the corn huskers state. if this ruptures into that aquifer, they lose their source of clean water and the economy of nebraska is really ruptured and destroyed irreplaceably. once it is down in the earth, there will be no way to mop it up or go down and clean it up. that is why it is such a dangerous place to put it
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through your water supply. >> the latest action about landowners in nebraska filing a lawsuit, this really has the teeth to stop this project cold doesn't it? it could end up going through a three-step legal process, the regulatory, the judicial and the appellate. this could string out for possibly three years. what do you think about that? >> well, i believe that it's going to be longer than three years, ed. you've got 100 farmers, or most of them are farmers, i bet, that are worried about the source of water for their agriculture because they're looking at this and saying they force their way through my land and then if they destroy it who pays the bill? nobody. they are going to fight a real fight. this could go all the way to the
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supreme court because you're going to have a fight all the way up about the right of eminent domain and can you take it when there are other values in society that are bigger than making money for oil companies. that's the only thing the pipeline has on their side is we're going to make money for oil companies, but there's something bigger in this society than values for oil companies. >> congressman, your reaction to hillary clinton? in a stop in winnipeg manitoba today, she said no comment on keystone. if that doesn't underscore what a hot potato this is going to be for 2016, i don't know what does. what's your reaction? >> it is my reaction as well that she should have said -- i wish she would have said i think we ought to let the judicial process go through because that in the end, is going to kill it. i don't think this is going to be any good. you look at the price of
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gasoline falling in this country by $1, $1.50. this is going to be economically viable. banks have been selling oil bonds all over the place. i think we ought to let the judicial process go and we'll fight it out in the courts and unfortunately, it's going to take a lot of money and a lot of time, but ultimately nebraskan water will be safe. >> congressman, great to have you on. i separated you and ed marky because i didn't want to see you guys get into over the super bowl so early. we'll hold that off for next week, okay? >> okay. the president looked like russell wilson when he gave that speech last night. he had his game face on and the republicans are in for a big fight. coming up, the trade deal not everybody wants.
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smoothies! only from tums. welcome back to "the ed show." thanks for watching tonight. our first question comes from mike. he wants to know how can joni ernst call obamacare a failure while keeping a straight face? well, i would call that talent. she's pretty good at doing that. some people might call it lying. i would probably call it talent. for people to say something that simply isn't true and keep a straight face yeah. our next question is from steve. why didn't president obama mention the postal service during his state of the union address? the president said hire a vet. when he said that i tweeted out
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amen. don't kill the postal service. the postal service looking at cuts right now is the number one employer of veterans in this country. i was disappointed the president didn't mention the postal service. this white house has not paid much attention at all to what is going on. the destruction of that is absolutely wrong. it is going to hurt small businesses if it keeps going the way it is going. stick around. rapid response panel is next. i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. another volatile day for stocks. the dow ends up 39 points after falling 119 and rising 84. the s&p adds 9 points. the nasdaq climbs by 12. housing rose more last month. ebay shares are higher after hours.
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welcome back to "the ed show." now we all want the same thing. we want a good economy and we want jobs but there are philosophical differences and then there are some absolutes. the president has bought into the tpp and he wants fast track, which means it is would be fast tracked and not everybody in congress would be able to read it. i don't like it at all. the transpacific partnership will destroy the american middle class, bottom line.
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the agreement opens channels to trade with the pacific rim at the expense of american workers. now negotiations for the tpp have been wrapped in secrecy, a lot of lawmakers don't know anything about this and i don't want to embarrass them but i did have two lawmakers ask me last night what's the big deal about the tpp. really? even last night, the president, i think he was out of the loop on this. >> today our businesses export more than ever. but as we speak, china wants to right the rules for the worldest fastest growing region. that would put our workers and businesses at a disadvantage. why would we let that happen? we should write those rules. we should level the playing field. that's why i'm asking both parties to give me trade
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promotion authority to protect american workers. it's the right thing to do. >> the president is ready to bypass democrats and trade unions. >> i agree with every word he said in this speech with respect to trade and asia instead of china writing the rules. this means more jobs for america. this means more exports for us. this is something we have to get on top of, and i agree with him on that. >> bullet point, bullet point, bullet point. paul ryan believes the country is divided into takers and makers. he's on the side of big business. if president obama wants to lead with equality, nafta is the wrong way to start. when was the last time the chairman of the ways and means committee, a republican, paul ryan, agreed with president
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obama on anything? joining me tonight congressman mark polk and president of the communication workers of america. the president is pitching higher wages and to level the playing field. what's wrong with that? >> the biggest factor in explaining stagnant wages no wage increases in the last 30 years are the trade deals we have made. it is not just the jobs that leave the country. it's the pressure on those who continue to work in tradeable sectors, and we can rah-rah about the competitiveness of american workers, i'm in detroit. how does detroit compete with the wages of vietnam workers? >> they don't. i found out last night there's a lot of folks that aren't paying
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attention to this. congressman, do you see that as well well? >> we're not involved in the drafting. members of congress and the public are completely out of the loop on this. we keep being told it is going to be good. if something is that good you put it on the table and brag about it. if you keep it hidden common sense tells you there's something wrong with it. nafta, we know what that means. jobs lost and wages going down. >> you're from wisconsin. how come paul ryan sees it differently from you? >> if the spokesperson for austerity in this country is for this, that alone should tell you this is a bad idea. i've watched the jobs leave the country because of these bad trade deals. we were promised so many jobs with the korean trade deal.
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instead we lost an equal amount they promised us. so far the language is not going to be much better than what we had with nafta. everyone agrees i think, in retrospect that was bad for american workers. paul ryan is wrong on this and the president is wrong on this. >> the president acknowledged nafta was a disaster. here it is. >> i'm the first one to admit that past trade deals haven't always lived up to the hype and that's why we have gone after countries that break the rules at our expense. >> why is this deal any better than nafta or any worse? why does the president believe this deal will be any better? >> some of the words in the deal are actually better. the problem is the enforcement
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is the same. a multinational corporation gets to sue in secret courts for billions of dollars. there's 500 of those lawsuits now from the past trade deals. the words are a little better. the enforcement is exactly the same. we would wait years and years on any of our complaints compared to what multinational corporations would have for themselves. >> were you taken by the aggressiveness of the president for wanting this deal? no debate. what about that? >> i think it's all bad. i think the aggressiveness comes from the fact that paul ryan deals with him. we're going to end up with boehner trade here. it has no chance of any action just like the agenda from 2009. that has a good chance of action. what he said on this matters to working americans.
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the good news on community colleges, they won't bring any of that forward. this they'll bring forward. we think it is all wrong. >> congressman, do you think the president just wants to make a deal so bad with congress that he's just willing to do this? you know how can you admit nafta is bad and yet tpp is the right way to go? >> you know i think he truly wants to get a foothold into the asian market. i understand that but if you take nafta or anything even close to nafta as the trade rules, it's going to export u.s. jobs. it is going to depress wages. if you acknowledge that nafta was a problem, as the president did, they have to show us something serious that makes nafta. everything i have seen it is just nafta on steroids. >> gentlemen, great to have you with us.
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he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive. welcome back to "the ed show". tonight the two-drill it is about a picture. the pga starting to look like the nhl? tiger woods caused quite a stir. he made a surprise trip to watch his girlfriend lindsey vonn make history. photos of tigers missing tooth, that made headlines big time. his tooth was knocked out at the world cup awards podium when someone with a shoulder mounted camera singled toward the stage and hit tiger in the mouth. makes for a pretty big story, but some folks are saying that's
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not how it is. the race secretary general for monday's event told "the associated press," quote, i was among those who escorted him from the tent to the snow mobile and there was no such incident. the race secretary general told "usa today" that woods wasn't even at the awards ceremony. there are no photos of the alleged incident or aftermath. so what's the truth about the tooth? lindsey vonn is backing up her boyfriend. the ski champion took to facebook to celebrate her win and wrote this. "so happy that tiger surprised me by coming to my race in italy yesterday. watching me break the world cup win record. i feel terrible that his tooth got knocked out though. when he was in the finish area
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and cameraman accidently knocked into him and took out his front tooth." tiger is expected to make his 2015 tour debut next week in phoenix. lots more coming up. stay with us. with the incredible fuel efficiency of 38 miles-per-gallon highway you can feel like royalty in the nissan altima. now, get great offers on the 38 mpg highway nissan altima. nissan innovation that excites. --i don't know my credit score. that's really important. i mean - i don't know my credit score. don't you want to buy a, ever? you should probably check out credit karma, it's free. credit? karma? free? credit karma. really free credit scores.
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11 of 12 game balls used by the new england patriots in sunday's game were deflated below the nfl requirements. coach billsays that he will cooperate. being an old quarterback, let me tell you quarterbacks have their own ind ohio seen kra sees of throwing a football. i used to hate having a brand-new football right out of the box. normally it's overinflated and you want to break the ball in a little bit, okay? and a deflated football of course feels a little different. and the allegation here is that when it's wet weather and colder out, it's better to deflate the ball a little bit because throwing the football is all about fingertip control.
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so it's real easy to deflate a football. and i'm not saying that they did this but the nfl did say that 11 of the 12 balls were below their standards, which is rather unusual. maybe one or two balls. no there were 11 of them. imagine the ball boy on the sideline. like this. oh that will be good. did i do this in college? yeah, i did. i used to throw a spaulding j5v. every quarterbacks' grip is different. nobody throws exactly the same way. it's not about the grip on the ball. it's how you have fingertip control. the last finger to touch the football is your index finger and the two most important fingers are the index finger and your small pinkie finger. and you have to release the ball with the same act amount of
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pressure to get a perfect spiral. if the ball is wobbling this end, it's too much pressure on this index finger. so when you see a guy throw a perfect spiral, you can say, well, he's got perfect fingertip control. a deflated ball -- and this could be debated by a lot of quarter backs -- a deflated ball can work to your advantage or disadvantage. some guys like it that way. some don't. i never threw the ball with the j5v on this side. i used to like to throw it on the spaulding. i'd say turn the ball around. but what's going on here? terrance moore, national sports columnist is joining us tonight. good to have you with us. this is the not the first time that belacheck has been accused
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of this. what do you make of this? what is happening here? >> i'm going to show you what should happen and what is going to happen. he should be suspended for the super bowl and the reason i say that. this makes him a loser when it comes to cheating and don who never says anything bad about anybody, don schuler is now calling bill belichick a cheat. the reason this is not going to do anything from the nfl standpoint is robert craft, one of the biggest supporters for roger goodell. who is robert craft? the owner of the new england patriots. nothing worth mentioning is going to happen here. he's going to skate again. >> well how would the
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quarterback not know that the ball was deflated? you can feel it in your finger fingertips. and when it's wet and cold out, it gives you arguably more control over the football. >> sure. >> back when i played you could use stick em. and i loved that stuff. i felt better it with it. so what's the nfl going to do here? what are their options? take a few draft picks away from them? they are not going to let it mess with the super bowl are they? >> well, here's the problem. back in 2007 you mentioned spy-gate. that's when roger goodell made his first big decision and blew it. it was worse than this. that's when they were spying on different teams and using video equipment. during that time he mentioned a fine and took away a draft pick. because of that it basically made bill belichick a guy who was out of control. during that time it was also discovered that he was spying on
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other teams. so this guy is just -- you know he let's them do what they want to do just because, again, playing for the new england patriots. >> well, we are letting the air out of "the ed show" tonight. good evening and thanks for tuning in. we start with breaking news. president obama moments ago wrapping up a speech in idaho. the first of two red states he's visiting this week. where he's selling his vision of a stronger more progressive america. after historic state of the union address aimed at shifting the political debate to focus on issues of fairness and equality. >> number one, it means helping working f
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