tv Morning Joe MSNBC February 29, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PST
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so you can invest with more certainty. mfs. that's the power of active management. that's the power of active management. >> there have been multiple media reports about donald's business deals with the mob, with the mafia. maybe his taxes show those business dealings are more extensive than has been reported. >> you all have friends that are thinking ant voting for donald trump. friends do not let friends vote for con artists.
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what does donald trump do when things go wrong, he takes to twitter. i have them right here. let's read some. you'll have fun. "lightweight marco rubio was working hard last night." this is true. [ laughter ] "the problem is, he is a chocker. and once a chocker, always -- i guess he means choker." >> i will address little rubio. this guy has a fresh mouth, he's a very nasty guy. >> he's call megalittle marco. he's call mega, like 6'2", which i don't understand his hands are the size of someone who's 5'2". have you seen his hands. they're like this. and you know what they say about men with small hands. [ cheers and applause ] you can't trust them. you can't trust them. >> it's marco rubio! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> he says that i'm sweating all the time. it's hot in here. am i sweating now? no. all right. he doesn't sweat because his pores are clogged from the spray tan that he uses. [ cheers and applause ] >> okay. so to take a quote from your "washington post" piece that's out this morning, "is this how the party of abe lincoln dies?" is it? >> sure looks that way. >> it looks bad. >> i mean, it looks -- we didn't even show the most disturbing clip which is donald trump not being able to say he condemned the ku klux klan and david duke saying he didn't have enough information two days after, of course, condemning david duke and disavowing his vote and david duke the same man who he used as an excuse not to run for president in 2000 as a reform candidate because he said the reform party has chanklansman d
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duke in it. it was a distressing weekend even before what happened yesterday. >> then it got down and dirty. >> it got down and dirty. i'm just saying that when you have donald trump throwing water all over the stage and you have marco rubio doing what, you know, marco rubio knows he now has to do for some reason in 2016, talking about donald trump wetting his pants, making references to donald trump's anatomy. ted cruz just saying there may be mob ties in tax returns. it was an extraordinarily depressing weekend if you are actually somebody that believes the republican party has an important role to play. >> i can't believe i'm saying this. i think it's been brought down to a new level. good morning, everyone. it's monday. what a week we're starting off here. february 29. with us on set we have former
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communications director for president george w. bush, nicolle wallace, veteran columnist in and msnbc contributor mike barnicle also with us as well. so here it is. donald trump plunged back into controversy yesterday for his refusal to disavow former ku klux grand grand wizard david duke after duke encouraged his supporters to volunteer in trump's campaign. >> will you unequivocally condemn david duke and say you don't want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election? >> well, just so you understand, i don't know anything about david duke, okay? i don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. i don't know. did he endorse me or what's going on? i know nothing about david duke. i know nothing about white supremacists. and so you're asking me a question that i'm supposed to be
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talking about people that i know nothing about. >> but i guess the question from the anti-defamation league is even if you don't know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and don't want their support? >> well, i have to look at the group. i mean, i don't know what group you're talking about. you wouldn't want me to condemn a group that i know nothing about. i have to look. if you would send me a list of the groupsly do research on them and certainly i would disavow if i thought there was something wrong. >> the ku klux klan. >> but you have groups in there that are totally fine and it would be totally hundred fair. so give me a list of the groups and i'll let you know. >> i'm talking about david duke and the ku klux klan. >> i don't know david duke. i never met him, i'm pretty sure i didn't mean him. i didn't know anything about him. >> that's disqualifying right there. it's breathtaking. that's disqualifying right there. to say you don't know about the ku klux klan?
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you don't know about david duke? and the most stunning thing, willie geist, is this isn't buying him a single vote. i mean, is he really so stupid that he thinks southerners aren't offended by the ku klux klan and david duke? is he really so ignorant of southern voters that he thinks this is the way to their heart? to go neutral? to play switzerland when you're talking about the klan? and to say he doesn't know enough information about the klan to condemn them? exactly what does donald trump expect to learn in the next 24 hours about the klan? i just don't get it. >> it's hard to imagine an easier political question than "will you disavow david duke and the ku klux klan" unless you
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don't really want to disavow david duke and the ku klux klan unless you think it signals a fraction of the voters you want to hold on to on super tuesday. will this hurt him on super tuesday? >> no. >> maybe not. but the you believe donald trump is the nominee to a general election and a television ad in which donald trump will not disavow the ku klux klan and you know as a republican you have to win a share of black voters, a share of latino voters or a share of any voter, any voter, whatever color they are. >> how about white suburban housewives? how about starting there? >> how about listening to another candidate for president who was once asked a similar question as the one jake tapper asked donald trump. that candidate replied "those of us in public life can only resent the use of our names by those who seek political recognition for the repugnant doctrines of hate they espouse. the politics of racial hatred and religious bigotry practiced by the klan and others have no place in this country and are destructive of the values for
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which america has always stood." that was ronald reagan in 1984. >> who won 49 states, by the way. >> the backlash was swift. >> i'm sorry, i don't understand. >> i don't get it. >> what's the purpose. you don't know the klan? who does this help? >> the klan. >> whether we found it to be repugnant or not, the ban on muslims concept, which is impossible, you could see in exit polls a large swath of primary voters in the early states who supported the muslim ban. >> well, you know, we did find it repugnant. that's another thing i point out in the "washington post" this morning. >> are we going to find that 74% of people -- >> that we attacked trump that morning. that's the morning we hung up on him. you said it was frightening, a frightening policy. i asked "is this how nazi germany looked in 1933?"
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and his numbers went up in the poll. south carolina exit poll just from last week said 75% of republicans that voted in the south carolina primary last week supported his muslim ban. now i know there are a lot of people out there that, you know, we said early on that trump was going to do very well and a lot of people slammed trump and trashed him, said he was awful and then they moved to the point of, well, i'm just going to criticize trump but i'm not going to criticize his supporters. for whatever reason. i think 75% of people in south carolina say it's okay ban muslims coming into america, it's all right to criticize them, too. >> oh, yeah. >> that's safe. if 40% of voters that support
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donald trump support the abolition of mosques in america, it's all right to denounce them, too. it's all right to attack his supporters, too, if they support the banning of an entire religion or the banning of keeping muslims from this country. >> but my point was that you could see his strategy. you could see him playing into what people are feeling. >> right. >> and i was not surprised to see the ban on muslims, albeit repugnant, actually got him vote votes. >> and we said he'll go up in the polls. in this case, i don't see it. >> doesn't a candidate, mika, at some level have a responsibility -- >> yes. >> -- to the candidacy as well as the mesh pamerican public, t common sense, to lower the bunsen burner flame, to speak
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common sense to the american public. there's no way on god's good earth that you'll be able to ban muslims from entering this country. just as there's no way you'll be able to transport 11 million people are here without papers back to wherever they came from. impossible. >> i have a question, though. why isn't he getting better? he's been number one in the republican field for seven months. like, why isn't he improving? why doesn't he put a foreign policy thinker that he regards highly on the plane -- >> he was going to announce his foreign policy team last week. >> he has one sentence on health care. he has been the front-runner in the republican field now for seven months. why does he -- why can't you scratch the this deep and get anything more than "i don't know who david duke is"? i have long accepted that people like what he's selling. peggy noonan has a great piece about the unprotected and the protected. that helps me get my brain around this. but i don't understand why he's not getting better. >> and explain, if you will, there are reasons aside from the ugly race baiting going on here,
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there are reasons that millions and millions of americans support donald trump that have nothing to do with race. >> legitimate reasons. >> legitimate reasons. they are fed up with washington, they want somebody to blow up washington. >> they want strength. >> they want strength because barack obama in their mind has been so weak. they want somebody who's tougher on isis. they want somebody who that is not bought and paid for by wall street. they want somebody that can turn the economy around and i will say, you know, i have more confidence that donald trump knows how to turn around the economy than a bunch of kids that just walked into washington, d.c. a couple yeeshyears ago and never made payroll. i understand all of that. s which makes the ugliness of this shocking. >> there are too many many where as i stints on policy "i don't know anything, i don't need to
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know anything." he has become the worst thing about a politician. he's become arrogant in his standing atop the polls. he's become intellectually lazy. he's talked about john bolton. why not put john bolton on the planes and learn four things about the middle east. the things he says show he doesn't know anything about the world or the problem we face than he did when he facwent dow the escalator in june. >> the muslim voters made some sense to some voters that that should happen, not to me, not a lot of people. but what's the klan connected to? there's nothing there except hate and ugliness and the worst of this country. >> and it doesn't buy him a single vote. it doesn't buy him a single vote on super tuesday. doesn't buy him -- i don't know if this guy from queens thinks that we southerners want him to talk that way. no, we're offended by it because most of us are like me. we went to integrated schools when we were five years old in
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rural mississippi. or alabama or georgia. that is the new normal. i mean, i don't -- and it's not even the new normal, it's been that way for half a century. >> let me read for your piece in the "washington post." "trump's feigned ignorance about the kkk raises disturbing questions. the first question is why would trump pretend to be so ignorant of american history that he refused to pass judgment on the ku klux klan before receiving additional information? what kind of facts could possibly mitigate a century sins committed by hate crimes who placed a shameful blot on this nation's history? why would the same man who claims to have the world's greatest memory say i don't know anything about david duke just two days after he condemned the former klansman in a nationally televised press conference? and with that amazing memory, how could donald trump have
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forgotten that he himself refused to run for president as a reform party nominee in 2000 because klansman david duke was a member of the same party. these are questions that have no good answers for republican party on the verge of nominating a man who sounds more like a dixiecrat from the 1950s than the kind of nominee the gop needs four years after losing hispanics by 44%, asian americans by 47% and black americans by 87%. >> and yet, willie tomorrow night will have a clean sweep on super tuesday i think and probably move forward and i predict lock down the nomination. >> just like we said from the get-go. watch out, guys, he could win, he will win. >> just like we said from the beginning and the question is, i've got to say, this late in the game when he's up 15 runs,
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you know, why is he throwing bean balls at the opponents' heads? why is he playing it dirty when he could just go out and pitch the ball dune in the middle and walk away the political equivalent of the world series and have a shot to beat hillary clinton in the fall. why? >> if he cleans up tomorrow, which he probably will, he may lose texas to ted cruz but maybe not. he might win every state tomorrow. we'll see, he's the nominee. we'll say it. after super tuesday he's probably the nominee. now that you have a guy who over the weekend had this klan statement, he suggested that the federal judge or the circuit judge overseeing the trump university cases was biased against him because he's hispanic. he said "and that's okay, but he's hispanic" suggesting that is why he was being prosecuted, that's the guy the republican party will put out there. the fodder that hillary clinton or bernie sanders will have against this guy is unreal.
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mike, donald trump is not one to apologize. he's not one to take a step back. this may be the one time he needs to reach into his pocket and grab that card. because if he doesn't, if he doesn't, he'll win in the short run, he'll get destroyed in the fall. >> that's the question of the day, joe "if he doesn't." because tomorrow, according to every estimate, instinct, common sense, he's going to run the table pretty much. he's going to secure the nomination of one of our two major american political parties. if he continues this behavior, he's also going do two other things. he's going to fracture one of our major political parties, the republican party will split, it will split. >> it will. somebody will run against him and they will blow everything up before they allow him to win the nomination if this is how he insists on winning the nomination. >> and the second thing he's going to do most assuredly is going to prove to all of those who criticize him, all of those who have criticized him that he, donald j. trump, cares more
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about himself than he does about the party or the country. >> so trump was also tricked into a bit of controversy yesterday when he retweeted a quote i guess that was the motto of the italian dictator mussolini. so it goes on. >> again, he couldn't say "i didn't know who that was. that's a shame. i'll take it down. i had no idea. it was a great quote but i didn't know mussolini did it, let me delete it for you." okay, hold on, hold on, ask me, i'll play donald trump. ask me if i condemn the klan and david duke. >> do you condemn -- >> yes. >> the clue klux clan -- >> oh, hell yeah. david duke is a repugnant human being, i refused to run as a reform party candidate because he's so repugnant. he's a disgusting humaning. >> worse than marco. >> something like that would
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have been more a roe pro i guess. >> this stuff is not hard. >> no. >> and the question i will be asking myself, willie, non-stop is why. >> i don't get it. >> i understand so much about this guy's candidacy, so much about the economic resentment a that he's keying in on, the resentment of away warks i understand all of these things. i understand why my brother supports him and why nicolle's father supports him. >> and you understand part of his genius. >> and i understand he's getting texts all day from my brother. i don't understand why you don't condemn. what's the upside? >> take a guess, take a guess. why do you think he's doing it? >> i think he's ignorant of how southern voters think. i think he's a guy from queens and he's just thinking okay, listen, i better not knock these people because i think he is not only ignorant i think he -- about the south, i think he is
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just as condescending as a lot of people from the north i have that met about the south. >> so we're too condescending? >> i remember my mother going to pennsylvania when she was a younger girl and going into a store and somebody ask where she was from and she said "i'm from georgia" and looked at her feet and the person said "you have shoes?" and this is 50 years later a mini version of that where donald trump, this guy from queens, thinks southerners are such racists and bigots that this is going to actually win him a view votes. >> a disclaimer at the bottom of this block, though, is that is we've been wrong every time. i can't believe we are now. >> what do you mean? >> we've been wrong every time. how could he do this? this muslim ban, he will lose -- >> no one is saying he's going to lose, mika. >> no, he's going to lose his credibility to the point where in the general he is impossible. >> listen, we've been actually
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right all along. i said when me did the abhorrent muslim ban and even compared him to germany in 1933 i said his numbers would go up. we predicted that he would do well when everybody else said he wasn't. i'm also telling you right now this will virtually ensure he gets destroyed in the fall against hillary clinton. if he doesn't clean it up, and here's the important point, if he doesn't clean it up before southern vote groers rs go to t on super tuesday. this is sp this is not something you do on wednesday. clean it up and let southerners know, donald, that you understand that they live the new south, it's been the new south for 50 years and that's not the way southerners think anymore. >> at the friday press conference when chris christie endorsed donald trump, trump was asked about this before jake tapper asked him and he said "i
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disavow." so the question is why between then when your instinct very quickly he said "i disavow" until yesterday when he was asked three times the same question, what changed strategically? he knew the question. he'd heard it two days before and answered it. >> and how do you say on sunday that you don't know enough about david duke to disavow him when just two days earlier you had disavowed david dubke? >> well, what a terrible position this puts chris christie in who should get up and walk away if this isn't disavowed. >> he needs to clean it up. >> if he doesn't, that's political tuopportunism at its worst and the dirtiest ditch i've ever seen. i know chris christie but he can't stay with this campaign. >> he can not stay with donald trump's campaign. chris christie -- >> ever. >> chris christie cannot stay with donald trump's campaign if donald trump doesn't clean this up today. still ahead on "morning
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joe," a few other things. we'll see if mike huckabee is ready to back one of his former republican rivals, congresswoman tullsy gabbard resigned from the dnc and endorsed bernie sanders for president. and kasie hunt is trailing the democratic contender on an epic road trip. 11 states in seven days. is it taking a toll on the candidate. plus, the big news over the weekend, did you see that historic win in south carolina? incredible. hillary clinton takes her message national after her rerour resounding win in south carolina. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪
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carolina on saturday. she also won nearly 90% of the black vote, even more than barack obama netted back in 2008. and she is now looking ahead to super tuesday and beyond. in a speech yesterday in tennessee, one of 11 states that will hold a democratic primary tomorrow, a shift in strategy was on full display. clinton didn't mention or even refer to her primary opponent once during her remarks. instead, she directed her jabs at the front-runner on the republican side. >> ultimately, we are all in this together. no matter what some people running if president might say as they insult one group of us or another group of us. we are fall this together and this is our great promise. i believe america is great right now [ cheers and applause ] what we need is to be whole.
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we need to be whole with all of just a place, where everybody feels like we're all in this together. >> bernie sanders, meanwhile, didn't try to spin his loss in south carolina. here he is yesterday on "meet the press." >> well, we got decimated, that's what happened. among older african-americans it was pathetic from our perspective. no question secretary clinton won that state and she won it big. but i'm in minnesota now. i think we've got a real shot at minnesota, i think we've got a shot at colorado, oklahoma, massachusetts, and vermont so we're looking for the future, not looking back. >> after spending saturday in texas, senator sanders traveled to colorado where he held a rally in front of about 6,000 people at colorado state university. there he vowed to fight on and even debuted a new analogy for his campaign. >> i have been criticized for thinking too big.
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i believe if you start your campaign and you run on a platform calling for a full loaf, at worst you're going to get a half loaf. [ cheers and applause ] if you start your campaign talking about the need for a half a loaf, you're going get crumbs. [ cheers and applause ] and the american people today do not want, do not need crumbs, they need the whole loaf. >> well, that's just making me hungry. >> bernie sanders is crisscrossing the country in a final sprint towards super tuesday. msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt has been there every step of the way. >> on super tuesday the state is going to be voting if for most
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delegates is the great state of tex texas. bernie sanders doesn't want super tuesday to be the end of his road. ♪ from the redwood fortroes the gulf stree stream waters, this s made for you and me ♪ >> what is it that you want from the dnc? >> to nominate bernie sanders for president. >> reporter: so he hit the road with reporters trailing behind. >> this is the first press bus of the day. we're on our way to the airport to board air bernie. >> we're looking at super tuesday. we have 11 states up and after that there are more states and we're going to contest all of these states. i think we'll win a number of them. we're feeling very good. >> 500 miles later -- >> thank you, kansas, and missouri. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: less than two hours
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after that -- we're leaving kansas city for oklahoma. >> i think we can win here in oklahoma. >> reporter: trying to enjoy the sites along the way. if you're bernie sanders and you're in tulsa, oklahoma, where else do you go? the woody guthrie museum. the crowds that greet him are full of young people. >> i almost cried. >> me, too! >> reporter: and those crowds are often mostly white. sanders' ie ttinerary are takin him to vermont, massachusetts and minnesota where there are mainly white voters. but he's upping his attacks against hillary clinton and some say violating his pledge against negative campaigning. >> to get $225,000 against goldman sachs, you have to be really good. >> reporter: last flight of the night, wheels down in ohio after midnight. no rest for the rearry or at
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least not for a man who wants to prove to his doubters that they're wrong. now, the sanders' campaign says they're shooti ining for $40 min raised in february. they say they've already raised $36 million. that will incorporate that money he raised after he won the new hampshire primary so the question there is going to be whether or not it can sustain if in fact he does lose big to hillary clinton on super tuesday. that could be the x factor. most candidates who, of course, lose a bunch of states run out of money. that doesn't seem to be the case but i have to say if, in fact, she does as well as expect through the south and he only manages to post a few wins that momentum is going to matter and as it looks more likely that donald trump is becoming the republican nominee, there could be more pressure on him to get out of this race and to let hillary clinton run against a republican instead. >> kasie hunt, getting tired
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just watching you. thank you very much. coming up, the "new york times" nick confessore joins us for the must-read opinion pages. "morning joe" is back in a moment. on our disciplined approach to find long term value. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call a t. rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. we broabout this new car. to get your honest opinion to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siri, open maps. she gets me. wow. it also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious what it is. this is the 2016 chevy malibu. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five.
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and right now, get up to $650 in credits per line to help you switch to at&t. [ boos ] >> marco rubio empty suit. my suit wasn't made in china. it's not a trump suit. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, the valedictorian of trump university. [ cheers and applause ] >> that was marco rubio handling a heckler last night during a rally to thousands in virginia. see that crowd? >> where's that guy been, though? do we like him or hate him? >> do we like him? >> he's getting on the news. no one other than trump has been able to get on the news for seven months. >> also, willie, this undercuts
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the charge against him that he's robotic. when he was reading a script and saying the same speech over and over and over again he was doing what he thought he -- >> except he's robotically copying trump's tactics. >> that didn't look robotic. trump took this race to the low road. they're just following him. >> i'm saying this is good for him. it plays against type. then when you do that you can go back and do your standard stump speech without people saying "oh, he says the same thing over and over again." >> i think it's heart to out-trump trump. but he's doing what everyone asked him to do so you can't have it both ways and say "i can't believe he's racing to the bottom." he's fighting donald trump. it's the thing people complain he didn't do that ted cruz didn't do for months and now he's doing it, maybe too little too late. he's performing. >> you know what i always say. you fight on the battlefield in front of you and nick this year this is the battlefield in front of him. i wasn't thrilled that he was
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talking about donald trump wetting his pants but there have been so many things -- >> or hand size. >> hand size. but will there cease many things that donald trump has said that this is just -- this is just a small, small sliver of what trump has been dishing out daily. so, yeah, hard to criticism him for that. >> i think it's tactical. it's to get inside trump's information action loop, stop him in his tracks, stop the coverage of him for all his antics, have some airtime for somebody else. the problem is, look, i think when a younger candidate like marco rubio does it non-stop there is a certain cost to him and his image. >> that's what i was going say. marco rubio is young, he is most likely going to be one of the big stars of the republican party for the next 20 years. i'm not so sure he wants to fight this guy on this level if it stays with him. >> i mean.
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there's some long-term danger but i agree there's only one way to get inside trump to stop him from dominating and that's to play on his level but it's ugly. >> i think going forward he will be the guy who finally stood up to trump and he can at least say that when everybody else rolled over even if he loses going forward in four years or eight years. >> jeb could say that, too. >> he and ted cruz are not only fighting for 2016, they're fighting for pole position in 2020. who does best on super tuesday? who does best before they get out of the race if they get out of the race will matter. >> so let's look at the latest polling on the republican side ahead of tomorrow's super tuesday. according to the latest nbc news/"wall street journal"/marist polls, trump has a seven-point lead in georgia and an eight-point lead in tennessee. however, he trails ted cruz by 1313-in the senator's home state of texas. that comes as a new suffolk
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university poll shows trump poised to win in massachusetts. he leads the way with 43%, more than doubling the support of marco rubio who is in second place and in virginia trump also has the lead of more than 20 points. beating ted cruz in that state 38% to 15% according to a poll from roanoke college. also with us from capitol hill, senior writer at the "weekly standard" john mccormack joining us now. >> you look at the numbers, nicolle, it looks like trump poised to win big on tuesday. >> and i think the worst-case scenario might be me loses one or two. people talk about virginia being close. i asked someone close to the trump campaign what their intern tracks say and they say interns? they don't have internal tracks. they watch tv. it's revealing his opponents don't a sense that trump will have a particular bad night. cruz is praying to hang on to texas. he may, he may not.
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there's some talk that kasich or rubio may encroach on his numbers, maybe not beat him but do well in two states. so he'll win eight states, possibly 11, sounds like a good night. >> john mccormack, let's ask the question people have asked before. do you think the controversy regarding david duke and the kkk will hurt donald trump in any of these super tuesday states? >> it should. i think it may. i think a lot of southerners don't like the idea that they're being treated as if they're racist and if you play coy or footsy with the kkk that you'll be helped in the south. there may be a backlash. maybe it's too late. but i think these comments, they're so politically toxic, this is a todd aiken moment. he didn't get to walk back the "legitimate rape" comments. so for a general election just toxic and ensure this is fight goes on after super tuesday. it's mathematically impossible
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to get such a big delegate lead tomorrow night so this race will continue. this race won't be over for another month! if you any this hurts him, i think the clock is ticking on him doings a really definitive heart felt disavowing walkback and discussion with americans about exactly how he feels about racism, the ku klux klan and david duke and and this argument that many people in his campaign and people are e-mailing us saying he said later in the day he disavows. almost like, well, forget it. you don't do that with this. >> he said i disavow two days ago. going back and saying well, it's okay because he disavowed david duke two days earlier makes the sunday answer even more krngs when he said i don't know anything about david duke. well, wait, you disavowed two days ago but now you're saying
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you don't know anything about david duke. just clean this up by saying i screwed up, i was tired, that was delay, i hadn't been sleeping for hours, i'm not sure why i did what i did but let me say right now david duke is abhorrent, i refuse to run in 2000 in the reform party because he was in it. the ku klux klan has a vile history in this nation -- >> obviously i want no part of it. >> something like that. >> his record is better than his last statement. is he disavowed him before, it seems easy to say "i messed up" but he's not and there's a certain pride at work. he doesn't want to back down because the people he's backing down from are the media, the establishment. he doesn't want to do that. but i think even people who are racist hate being associated with the kkk.
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it's this ancient old thing that they don't want to be associated with and he has been at such pains and argued so hard to distance his own movement, his own philosophies from things like the kkk and here he comes in and messes up a chance to plant a flag on it. >> so on friday people are saying he's tweeted out what he said on friday, that he disavows. i know you gave a full-throated disavowment showing -- let's see how it sounded. l. >> i didn't even know he endorsed me? david duke endorsed me. okay, all right. i disavow, okay? >> willie. >> that's right to your point. like he did it to please the media who he wants to change liable laws so he can jail. his anger -- i think he's at his best when he's totally in sync with his supporters and what they think he can do for them. he's at his worst when he's
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facing what he feels slyke a krit freak a politically correct media establishment and instead of answering the question in the spirit of what his supporters want them to go to washington and, do he's answering in spirit of a combatant with the establishment media. >> john, if trump doesn't back down on the klan or david duke. if he moves forward and doesn't -- claim he is doesn't have enough information to disavow the klan, does this -- do you think this means the republican party breaks into n two? i know ben sasse, the new senator from nebraska has said it would and he can't imagine there there there wouldn't be a conservative candidate coming out specifically stop donald trump from being elected president as an independent. do you think that will happen? >> i think we were heading in that direction already. there was the hashtag "never trump" trending on twitter
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before he made those comments and people in the party of lincoln don't want to be associated with a guy who plays footsie with the kkk. but if he backs down, that undercuts his image. but there have been many times where he goes out and says something -- on syrian refugees he said we should take them in, then he said we should ban all muslims then foreign muslims, he said he wasn't sure if we could cut off funding to planned parenthood then said he's in favor of it. he said bush should be impeached because he knowingly lied about wmds in iraq. so he has this image of being the strong tough talker. backing down on such a high-profile story that's being covered around the clock undercuts his message on being bold and stuff and strong, on the other hand, he can't stand by something that vile. >> nick, stay with us. coming up, harvard university is out with a new survey on the race for the president. there's really interesting numbers for hillary clinton.
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how millennial women view the former secretary of state. steve schmidt will be here. one of the first who said along with us that donald trump could win the republican nomination. we'll get his take on what happened this weekend when we return. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? when you think what does it look like?
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chris, you should quit. you should quit." how come there's only unemployed people that tell you to quit something, huh? [ laughter and applause ] i thought about it real hard and the last thing i need is to lose another job to kevin hart, okay? [ laughter ] >> that was chris flock his highly anticipated opening monologue during last night's academy awards. people wondering how he would go after the lack of diversity. last night "spotlight" won last picture even though alejandro inarritu won best director, brie larson took home best okay tress and leonardo dicaprio took home best actor. and sylvester stallone did not win. >> did you see "the revenant"? >> i've seen it. >> how is it?
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>> it's beautifully shot. >> nick, have you seen it? >> i've seen "star wars." >> i've seen "spotlight." its made me glad to be a reporter. >> i saw "star wars" which made me glad. i was an astronaut after winning the masters. >> you get no credit. >> for nothing. >> step on the moon and nobody knows about it. >> for nothing. >> i guess i should see "the revenant.." >> "spotlight" is a great movie. it's such apples and oranges. "the revenant," this huge movie and "spotlight" a small movie about globe. adam mckaye won, a guy who is ans snell writer, teamed up with will farrell, now winning an octoberor. >> a certain doctor camed to my house dressed as the bear in "the revenant." >> what? >> could you explain that? >> no. in our next hour, donald trump says he's changed. >> i hate to say it, i'm
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becoming mainstream. all these people are endorsing me. >> we're not sure everyone agrees with him. former governor mike huckabee joins the conversation and we'll hear from congresswoman tulsi gabbard who gave up her job at the dnc to get behind bernie sanders. >> you say bear, willie's disturbed about this. >> a doctor came to your house dressed as a bear and you're going to leave that floating. >> i have the picture right here. it's -- it's something. but first, a man who knows a thing or two about tough campaigns, steve schmidt joins the table. we'll be right back with much more "morning joe."
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i am proud to be here to endorse donald trump for president of the united states. he will make sure that people around the world know that america will keep its word. when donald trump makes a promise, he keeps it. i can guarantee you, the one person hillary clinton and bill clinton do not want to see on that stage come next september is donald trump. they know how to run the standard political play book against junior senators and run them around the block. they do not know the play book with donald trump because he is rewriting the play book of american politics because he's providing long streetership n s leadership not dependent on the status quo. >> that was chris christie endorsing donald trump on friday. before the weekend was through, so had maine governor paul lepage and senator jeff sessions of alabama. it's monday, february 29. we have msnbc contributor mike
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barnicle and the "new york times" nick confessore and joining the conversation, former john mccain strategist steve schmidt. >> steve schmidt a lot to sort through here. the big endorsement from chris christie which is huge news and that was really, really significant news and then things got really crazy over the weekend, people throwing water, people talking about wetting their pants, people talking about little hands and what that may mean about a man. and then donald trump on friday saying, yeah, sure, i disavow then on sunday -- david duke -- then on sunday pretending he didn't know enough about david duke to disavow duke or the ku klux klan. what's your take? >> got to be against the klan, joe, in the presidential campaign. simple as that.
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i think all mistakes at this stage of the campaign are borne out of fatigue. you have do-or-daikon tests every week: so when you look at the race you say, hey, obviously he had a moment where he was tired. i think he clearly is not a supporter of david duke's, is someone who probably finds david duke's views abhosrrent but he has to clean this up. and it's important to clean it up, too. >> if you're exhausted -- first of all you should answer that one in your sleep. but let's just say he was exhausted. let's say he people were -- let's say he was distracted and didn't hear it. okay. you get a pass. five minutes later, ten minutes later, ten hours later go out and say "of course." >> this is really important to
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americans. >> and by the way, not just david duke, the blanking ku klux klan. >> that's where he should -- >> they all keep saying like robots "look at his statement on friday, he disavows." they're all saying that in the trump camp, like robots. okay. that's not enough because two days later you pretended you didn't know enough about david duke to disavow but we still have the klan hanging out there. >> i think you have to know when to hold them, know one to fold them and over the last couple of campaigns you've had this routine of demands for apologies by the mainstream media, faux outrage by the competing campaigns, then the candidate has to go out and do their apologia. donald trump has done this. to his credit it's worked great for him but this is a moment he needs to clean up and most importantly he's about to be the
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republican nominee for president, the republican party, the party of lincoln can have no affinity with the ku klux klan or southern racists -- >> or even not just affinity, they can't have any ambiguity. >> no ambiguity. they couldn't have had any ambiguity 50 years ago. this needs to be cleaned up now. >> he needs to be able to make the pivot now after eight years of a divisive presidency to say, hey, to those republicans who have not been with me, to people in the general election who are considering voting for me, we're all in this together as americans. he needs to begin to cross that bridge now to a unifying message that can get a majority vote, not just be hanging out there as a 35% to 40% candidate on the republican side. >> and the thing is, willie, nobody here of all the things
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we've said this morning, nobody here is saying donald trump's not going to win big tomorrow. nobody here is saying that donald trump is not going to win the republican nomination. i think steve schmidt along with myself i think it's hard to paint a scenario where donald trump doesn't win the republican nomination. this is not about winning tomorrow. this is not about day trading. this is about whether you want to win in the fall against hillary clinton. >> that's what i've been saying all morning. he may win every state tomorrow. he may lose texas to ted cruz but he could win every single state. now if he goes through and does become the nominee, steve, goes to a general election you have a guy on tape for everyone to see, for ad makers to use refusing to disavow the klan. i know he disavowed it two days later but couldn't do it when he was asked three times by jake tapper. for a party that struggled so hard to get minority votes, independent voters no matter their race, to get latino voters, that's devastating,
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isn't it? >> it is. one of the great legacies of william f. buckley was separating the nuts from the conservatives so in the conservative movement we can't have a nominee of the republican party who is tolerate organize seeming to tolerate at any level the racists, the nuts, the conspiracy theorists that have long played a part in american life so he does need to go out and clean this up. you step back and look and survey the whole campaign. all of the faux outrages he's resisted when the condemnation has come when he stood tall and strong and said i'm not going to apologize, i'm not going to step back. it's benefitted him every single time and will continue to do so until the moment it doesn't. and we've reached that moment where it won't and he needs to clean this up because david duke in the american consciousness is
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a particularly odious figure. >> and i think he needs to show he's not ignorant to american history and the american consciousness and how we have evolved. he has to show that he understands where we are today as a country and how he could unify us more instead of literally tear us back 50 years. >> we're talking about politics and tactics but it's also about right and wrong. >> that's what i mean. he's showing he doesn't know -- >> supporting david duke is wrong and he should back away from it. >> mike barnicle, i was born in georgia. i lived for five years there and five years in mississippi, lived -- went to college in alabama, lived in a very rural part of florida when i went to law school at university of florida, lived in northwest florida better known as the redneck riviera, got elected
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there four times, first republican elect there had since 1873. and i can tell you as much as anybody, i know politics in the deep south. i know those voters who are voting for donald trump and most of those voters that are voting for donald trump, at least in my area, voted for me four times. and i can tell you he doesn't gain a single vote in those four states by being ambiguous about the legacy -- >> i think you lose some. >> i'm saying he doesn't lose a single vote in those four states by being critical of the ku klux klan. >> joe, your feeling as a southerner, deeply felt, clearly, resonated beyond the region that you came from and it gets to mr. trump's ultimate problem with what he said yesterday with jake tapper. and, steve, i'd like to ask you
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about this. because it appears when you watch that clip it's not donald trump, a weary donald trump campaigning out in the -- for days on end. it doesn't appear that donald trump made a mistake. it appears that donald trump made a conscious decision to avoid answering a question about david duke for fear of aliena alienating some segment of the voting population. that's what it appears to me. >> steve, before you answer, let's look at that. take a look. >> will you unequivocally condemn david duke and say you don't want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election? >> well, just so you understand, i don't know anything about david duke, okay? i don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists so i don't know. i mean, i don't know. did he endorse me or what's going on? because, you know, i know nothing about david duke. i know nothing about white
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supremacists and so you're asking me a question that i'm supposed to be talking about people that i know nothing about. >> but the question from the anti-defamation league is even if you don't know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individualins endorsg you. would you say unequivocally you condemn them and don't want their support? >> well, i have to look at the group. i don't know what group you're talking about. you wouldn't want me to condemn a group that i know nothing about. i have to look. if you would send me a list of the groups i will do research on them and i will disavow if i think there's something wrong. >> the ku klux klan. >> but you may have groups in there that are totally fine. give me a list of the groups. >> i'm just talking about david duke and the ku klux klan. >> i don't know david duke. i'm pretty sure i didn't meet him. i don't know anything about him. >> actually, he does. actually two days ago he disavowed and in 2000 he called him a klansman and i are fused
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to run in the reform party. steve schmidt? >> there's legitimate criticism of donald trump. i don't believe that donald trump is a racist or has tolerance for racists in his heart. when i look at that, i see someone who misunderstands a fundamental aspect about preparing for these shows which is this -- it's not a talking exercise and his fuel in this campaign has been talking. he's a great communicator. when you go on these interview shows, these are listening exercises and i think donald trump was processing an entirely different question than the one that jake tapper was asking. >> so, steve, the question is, again, if for some reason he was exhausted, his mind blanked out, he didn't hear what tapper said, fine. he gets a pass.
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i gave the president of the united states during his impeachment a pass when he lied during his deposition and said he could clean it up later. sometimes people make terrible mistakes in the moment. but he has now had 24 hours to clean this up and all we keep hearing from the campaign is -- >> disavowed it on friday. >> which i will say again to the campaign direct to camera two, when you use that excuse, you only make things more difficult for yourself because it makes you look like a liar on sunday! so that doesn't work. try again. so they've got to figure out a way to disavow. we're coming up on 24 hours. >> you have to go out there and you have to say clearly unambiguously david duke is one of the most toxic repellent figures in american public life. i disavow him, i disavow his endorsement, i disavow the organizations he's been affiliated with. that all of these racist groups
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that have been part of our culture and our history have no part of our future. needs to stay it clearly and unambiguously. >> donald trump was just on the "today" show. what did he say? >> matt and savannah asked about this, obviously, and his response was he had already disavowed david duke when asked at the press conference on friday. he thought jake was asking about other groups. he said he didn't know what groups he was talking about so he wasn't willing to disavow them on the spot, he said he would look into other groups. he said he had a bad ear piece and couldn't hear the question. that's his explanation. >> and yet he said "i don't know who david duke is." >> jake asked him david duke so he said he -- he said that this morning, alex? our producer saying he never met david duke. doesn't mean you don't know who david duke is and what he's connected to and that you could disavow him on the spot." >> steve schmidt, your reaction? >> well, look at the end of the
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day you can twist and turn around this issue for long you want for as hard as you want but at the end of the day there's no route faster to put it behind you than dealing with it directly and head on. you go out and say "let me be clear." and this isn't a big hurt todle jump over. david duke is a racist. he was a former grand wizard of the ku klux klan, i disavow him, i don't want his support, i don't want the support of any group that would ever gain to be affiliated with david duke. it's simple as that. donald trump right now stands at precipice of being the nominee of one of the two great parties. one of the great institutions of the united states of america. it's important understand the institution that you are about to lead. and the republican party historically, the party of lincoln, the party that was
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formed to fight slavery, the party that tried to bring civil rights to the south, the party that was so instrumental in the 19 1950's and the 1960s in expanding civil rights across the country can have no tolerance, zero tolerance, for racists, for extremist racist groups. >> 2008, your candidate john mccain is asked the same question, what would he respond? no matter how tired he was, how would he respond. >> great question. this is an important piece to understand with regard to the trump candidacy. here is the expectation, grow testily unfairly applied to the mccain campaign to the national media. barack obama would go out everyday, he would campaign, he would attack george w. bush, he would attack john mccain. someone would yell something, one person in the audience would
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yell something out and everyday the expectation imposed on the john mccain campaign, so john mccain should show his virtue is to apologize for the person in audience. so everyday barack obama who outspends john mccain by $300 million, opts out of the public finance system after saying he didn't, running a relentlessly negative campaign, tough, on the attack everyday. what is john mccain's campaign about? on a daily basis it's judged by the national media on this. did he apologize effectively enough for one of the people in his crowds? so there was no message. there was no argument. there was no counternarrative to barack obama. it was a giant national apology tour, apologizings constantly for someone in the audience and donald trump has opted out of that game and good for him.
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though it caught up with him this sunday and he needs to clean it up. >> i was just going to say the same thing happened to sarah palin. we've been very critical of sarah palin over the years but when sarah palin started drawing 10,000 people to joe biden's 124 people, every newscast was a -- look, we found a person in the crowd that had this sign calling barack obama a socialist. >> and you basically had an a or b choice on the coverage everyday. today john mccain apologized for his racist audience or john mccain did not apologize fast enough, showing affinity with his racist audience. we saw that play out everyday. >> and mika that's an explainer on why a lot of people that may support donald trump right now are saying don't apologize, this is the game the media plays all the time. >> i think this is far different. >> congresswoman tulsi gabbard
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sent shock waves when she stepped down as vice chair of the democratic national committee to endorse bernie sanders for president. just last month gabbard said she couldn't take sides due to her position at the dnc. the democratic congresswoman of hawaii joins us now from capitol hill. what an interesting story. was it a hard decision to leave the dnc? where there things that happened within the dnc that led to your decision? >> good morning, mika and joe and everyone there. this had nothing to do with the dnc or dnc politics. this had everything to do with my decision that i could no longer stand on the sidelines as elections are taking place to determine who our potential next commander in chief could be. as a soldier and as a veteran this is incredibly personal and it's incredibly important because i think this is the most important job of a president is to be our commander in chief. there's a very clear contrast and clear difference when it comes to our two democratic
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candidates and who will exercise good judgment, who will stop us from continuing these interventionist regime change wars that we've seen in iraq and libya and now in syria that have cost our country so much in terms of american lives, trillions and trillions of dollars, what to speak of the hundreds of thousands of lives in the middle east that have been lost to this and the impact on our economy here at home. bernie sanders is the candidate who won't take us, service members and our country, into these interventionist wars and hillary clinton through our record has proven that she will continue that and that's what's important to me and important for our voters to know who before they those the polls tomorrow and into the coming weeks. >> what do you think about the structure of the debates and the way the campaigns were lined up from the get-go. did bernie sanders get a fair break? >> well, as vice chair of the dnc, as you know, i came out and felt there should be more
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debates, there should be more conversations. and that our candidates should not be punished for engaging in these conversations with the american people in cities and towns across the country. there have been more debates and more forums that i think are healthy but i think there's still not been a focus. there has not been a clear conversation about the contrast between our two candidates when it comes to this question of war and peace. i was home last week end in hawaii doing my monthly army national guard training and ran into friends who i had deployed with to iraq in 2005 and heard some very difficult stories about the challenges they have gone through for over a decade now that we've been home from that deployment and they're only just now starting to crawl out of this dark hole because of these invisible wounds that are yet another symptom. so this is why i resigned from the dnc.
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this is why i'm supporting senator bernie sanders because there is far too much at stake here and i want to make sure that people know who they're voting for in the coming days and what the impacts of those votes will be. >> congresswoman tulsi gabbard, thank you very much. thanks for being on. >> thank you. >> nick confessore, thank you as well. still ahead on "morning joe," he was fired for sharing an roe erroneous story, but the campaign rick tyler worked for is still being accused of dirty tricks: the former campaign worker for ted cruz joins us. and will mike huckabee's daughter got a job on the campaign. we'll be right back. the future belongs to the fast. and to help you accelerate, we've created a new company... one totally focused on what's next for your business.
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days prior. why are you pretending that -- acting as though you don't know who this person is? why not disavow david duke, disavow the kkk? what's going on. >> well, first of all, he talked about david duke and other groups. he talked about other groups. >> but you said three times "i don't know who david duke is." >> well, i know who he is but i never met david duke so when you talk about it, i never met david duke. >> but in 2000 you refused to run on the reform party because david duke was a member of it. >> i disavowed david duke at a major press conference and i'm saying to myself how many times do i have to disavow people? and the question was asked about david duke and various groups and i don't know who the groups are. i said would you do me a favor and tell me the groups? he was unable to tell me that. >> he says "i'm just talking about david duke and the ku klux klan here" and you said "honestly, i don't know david duke." >> so let me tell you, i'm sitting in a house in florida with a very bad ear piece that
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they gave me and you could hardly hear what he was saying but what i heard was "various groups" and i don't mind disavowing anybody and i disavowed david duke and i disavowed him the day before at a major news conference which is surprising because he was at the major news conference, cnn was at the major news conference and they heard me very easily disavow david duke. now i go and i sit down again, i have a lousy ear piece that is provided by by them and, frankly, he talked about groups, he also talked about groups and i have no problem with disavowing groups but i'd at least like to know who they are. it would be very fair to disavow a group, matt, if the group shouldn't be disavowed. i have to know who the groups are. i disavowed david duke. if you look on facebook right after that, i also disavowed david duke. when we looked at the question i disavowed david duke. so i've disavowed david duke all weekend long, on facebook, on twitter. >> what's your reaction. >> i don't have one.
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joining us on set, msnbc's steve kornacki and from san antonio, texas, hallie jackson. >> hold on, what's your reaction. >> you can't blame an ear piece for that, number one. number two he said "i know who david duke is but i never met him, that's why i couldn't pass judgment." if you know who david duke is, it's easy to pass judgment. >> hallie, let's start with you. you've been following the cruz campaigns. what are they saying about trump's comments regarding david duke? >> i asked senator cruz about this yesterday, about what he thought of donald trump essentially in his remarks on the kkk and cruz basically said "hey, it's reprehensible." he says "i believe trump should have said what he's been saying --" cruz's point is that if trump disavowed duke on friday then he should have done it again in the interview with cnn. he also brought up, which i thought was interesting, the ro robocalls made from that white nationalist group before iowa. he talked about that. so cruz not pouncing on this as an attack line against donald
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trump the way that, for example, marco rubio has, but certainly responding to it pretty strongly, guys. >> not to be a lawyer about this but if i were a lawyer about this i would say okay so we're muddied on david duke, he's disavowed david duke. still doesn't answer the question about sunday when he said i don't know david duke but we still have the ku klux klan out there, steve kornacki. >> the ear piece thing, i've had bad ear pieces before, i've had muffled conversations remotely but we know that we heard the term -- the name david duke. we nope that he heard the name ku klux klan. we know that he heard the word disavow because he's talking about in the the der view. so it's hard to accept the idea this was a bad ear piece. i was flng the firlistening to e first segment. this is a guy coming from the north with a stereotyped view of the south and what he needs to
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do. i'm trying to come up with a theory about it. there's that. and there's a guy that when the media tries to ask me gotcha questions i don't play along. those are the only two things i can come up with. it's baffling to me. >> i think so, the thing is, steve schmidt, i find it hard to believe donald trump thinks he would lose a vote by condemning the ku klux klan. again, that's why this makes no sense. and by the way, he won't lose a vote regardless. he's going to -- at least in the primaries he's going to win big. >> even in the "today show" interview he disavowed david duke five, six, seven times. and this is overly muddy from where it should be in the sense that he just needs go out, clean it up, give a clear unequivocal statement about david duke, about the ku klux klan. >> you said he disavowed him five, six, seven times. the rest of the stuff you think politically won't matter? >> it doesn't matter because one of the things you've seen in
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this race is the benefit -- >> he gets the benefit. >> the benefit he that he has gotten in the polls from being -- from refusing to play the game. >> right. >> that where the press demands that he condemn someone, that he disavow someone, he just has stayed out of that through the entire course of the campaign demonstrating strength. so he just did this on the "today" show. he needs to disavow david duke, but go out, clearly, unequivocally make clear your condemnation but also your disgust as someone who stands on precipice of being the nominee for the republican party. >> and throw in the ku klux klan, too. mike barnicle, i will get texts and calls and e-mails from friends who are fans of donald
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trump accusing me of being a pawn of the mainstream media q etc., etc., etc. i don't see this hurting him in the primary. i think it will be devastating to anymore the fall if he runs against hillary clinton but i didn't see it hurting him tomorrow, given the today show interview and as steve schmidt says, the muddiness. now he can say "i've disavowed him 12 times, i'm disavowed him 15 times." and paper over the fact that on sunday he said he didn't know who david duke was enough to disavow him. >> joe, he has no problems tomorrow. he's going to practically run the table. maybe cruz wins texas, but he's going to run the table. he's going to approach 50% of the vote in massachusetts so what he has said or not said about david duke is not going to be an issue tomorrow. but here's another issue. donald trump was just on the "today" show.
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and the issue is what is the store write the trump campaign? he knew he wasn't going to be on the "today" show to talk about his memoirs. he knew he was going to be asked about david duke. donald trump is a guy who quickly easily multiple times a day can tweet that people are losers, that they're stupid, idiots. why didn't he get on there and say "david zduke is a racist creep" in trump language and put this thing to bed. the worrisome part about today's appearance on the "today" show is what is that campaign prepared for or unprepared for. >> let's bring in former ted cruz campaign communication director and now political contributor at msnbc -- i didn't know that, rick. >> welcome aboard. >> we never met but i sent out a couple tweets after your dismissal and people assume wed knew each other. i don't know you. >> well, i feel like i know you because i watch you all the time. >> i know you got thrown under the bus in a very ugly way.
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you paid for the sins, the multitude of sins of others. talk about your dismissal, first of all, before we get into this other stuff from ted cruz's campaign. >> well, look, i'm not angry about it. i had a lapse in judgment and retweeted something i shouldn't have retweeted and when i found out it wasn't true i withdrew it and apologized for it. and because ted cruz has run his campaign on integrity and trust and i do believe ted cruz to be a man of integrity and trust so he had to do what he had to do so i'm not angry. i'm glad to be with you. >> do you think that given everything that had happened in the cruz campaign before 125 that starting in iowa do you think you posted a tweet and taking it down and apologizing. don't you think you were sticking the religious analogy of a bit of a sacrificial lamb? >> no, i don't. look, we ran a campaign of high
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standards and that tweet didn't meet that standard. given everything else that was going on with the campaign -- we were accused of a lot of things we didn't actually do so when something like that comes up as it piles on, i get it. i'm not angry about it. i wouldn't trade a second of being on the campaign. that was a blessing to know the cruzs and everybody on the team. it's all good. >> so how is -- i guess your former boss, how's your candidate doing at this point? his path seems to have narrowed a bit and it looks like donald trump is set to take it. >> well, it has narrowed but today -- tomorrow we'll have texas. texas is 155 delegates. if senator cruz can win texas he'll be a good position. that would give him two wins. he may be poised to win arkansas. minnesota looks like a three-way tie. marco rubio doesn't look like he'll win anywhere. he hasn't won anything so far. that would put marco in a
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position where he has to win florida. but this has to get down a two-person race. ben carson a spoiler. john kasich is a spoiler and it's between marco rubio and senator cruz as who's going oppose donald trump and who can best win that. i still believe ted cruz can beat donald trump in a one-on-one. he's proven he can bet beat him. marco has not. this party is looking to -- wanting to elect someone who's stood up to washington, has been on the outside and would rally the base and get excited for people to come out. >> willie geist, we have mocking people for now six, nine months saying trump's ceiling is 5, trump's ceiling is 10, trump's ceiling is 20, trump's ceiling is 30. a new cnn poll we've been showing trump's ceiling, now 49%. this is national. he's up eight percentage points and about to cross that 50% threshold everybody said he would never cross.
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>> and that's still with five people in the race. that's an incredible number. rick, it's willie, congratulations, great to have you here. maybe now that you're out of the campaign you can pull back the curtain and talk about what it was like to run against donald trump. how did you deal internally this phenomenon and how do you answer critics not just of you all but of rubio and others who say you should have gone after this guy a lot sooner. >> i've heard that and i do believe that people should have gone after donald trump a little sooner, particularly the news media. this is the most unscrutinized front-runner. now he's being scrutinized a lot but it may be too late. you have to do these things in order. the first thing a candidate needs is a name i.d., then they need to have likability, then people need to know what they stand for then you provide contrast. if you do it out of order, you get in trouble. and donald trump was a celebrity. remember he calls his supporters fans not even voters or supporters and so when you're running against someone who has
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98%, 100% name i.d. and people like him, going out and attacking him immediately is a difficult proposition. other candidates found that out. it didn't work for them. so we can argue about the timing and whether it was too late. i believe that a lot of people didn't take donald trump very seriously. everybody seems to take him seriously now. so it is what it is. >> rick tyler, thank you. it is what it is. >> steve schmidt, let's talk about tomorrow. >> it will be a big night for donald trump and to the point rick was making, ted cruz wins the state of texas, let's say john kasich goes and wins the state of ohio, their home states. that just makes them favorite son candidates of their home states. what we're looking for at this point in the race, who is the candidate that can transcend the regions of the country? you can win in the north, the south. >> but we know the answer, it's donald trump. >> it's donald trump. which means he's well on his way to being the republican nominee.
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>> steve this submichmidt, than you. we have much more to come, including our interview with mike huckabee. we'll be back with much more "morning joe." i'll save the day! for plumbers and bakers and scapers of lawn, she's got insurance savvy you can count on. you chipped my birdbath! now you're gonna pay! not so fast! i cover more than just cars and trucks. ♪ action flo did somebody say "insurance"? children: flo! ♪ action flo cut! can i get a smoothie, please? ooh! they got smoothies? for me. marie callender starts her fettucini with chicken and broccoli with tender white meat chicken and freshly-made pasta mixed in an alfredo sauce made-from-scratch. because she knows that the most comforting thing about comfort food, is who you're sharing it with. marie callender's. it's time to savor. when you think what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student?
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squirrel and you're off of 30a, you can answer tough questions. >> you're from the south. you know the people in the south and where their hearts are. former republican presidential candidate and former governor of arkansas mike huckabee. >> look at this man. he is live from 30a, baby. how are you doing? good to see you. >> i'm doing great, joe, and i bet you wish you were here my friend, it's beautiful. >> i certainly do. let me ask you a couple quick questions. what do you think of david duke and the ku klux klan? >> david duke and the ku klux klan are absolutely abominable. i don't think anybody i know or have ever known supports them. look, i know it's an incredible overwhelmi overwhelming fascination that i've been watching this morning. but let me ask you this, do you think hillary clinton is going to have to answer with her relationship with senator robert byrd who was an actual member of the kkk? i'm not trying to defend --
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>> you're trying to do something, mike, i don't know what you're trying to do but there are a lot of -- >> and you were doing so well. >> no, mike this is pretty simple. donald was asked two simple questions and he didn't answer them. there's no fascination here: i'd just like to hear him say the -- i'd like to hear him say about ku klux klan what you just said about the ku klux klan, i don't think that's hard. do you? >> no and i think he's said that. i listened to the clip on the "today" show. i've read the things he said and i looks to me that he totally disavowed the endorsement. i don't think -- does anybody think donald trump is a racist? i don't. i don't. i didn't know of anything in his life that indicate this is man has racist tendencies. >> that's not what we said. >> if that's the implication -- >> mike, you and i have campaigned across the deep south and we have seen people that have done the nod and the wink and used the race card. i've never done it or seen evidence that you do it but -- >> i would not. >> but we've both ben around people who have played to
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people's worst instincts on issues of race and would shrug their shoulders or let a question or comment pass by. so i don't think donald trump is a racist. i've known the guy for ten years. i do think, though, he may be playing to people's most base instincts. i also think he's misjudging people from our region of the country. fair? >> you know, here's the thing. i doubt he is as sensitive about just how deplorable david duke is to many of us in the south. i think because i'm from the south i'm more sensitive and, frankly, more repulsed by racism than people maybe who didn't grow up here. i saw the transition from the jim crow era in there i grew up to a time in which really race relationships, i believe, are not only dramatically better but i think in many cases better than they are in other parts of the country. and i think this continuing perceptions but that the south is still a hotbed of racism, joe, that's nonsense and you know it. >> i agree.
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i understand in many places across the deep south race relations are better there than places i've seen in the northeast or the midwest. i just don't if donald trump knows that. steve kornacki. >> governor huckabee, i wanted to ask you about a comment from ben sasse, the senator from nebraska. he says if donald trump and hillary clinton are the candidates for president he doesn't expect to vote for either one, he would find a third party constitutionist conservative he would support. i'm curious, is that something as a republican you're afraid of? if donald trump is the nominee, do you anticipate you'll hear more republicans like ben sasse say "i'm not going to support donald trump"? >> well, here's what i would be more afraid of. i'd be afraid of it's the end of the republican party not because of donald trump but because of people being fed up with the republican party that's so elitist, so snobbish that they demand not just of donald trump but of me and every other republican candidate a loyalty to the party and if we have an election, that's how we select
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presidents, we elect them, we don't select them by the party bosses. and if the party bosses don't get the guy they want, what will they do? disavow the person the people wanted? if we have to be loyal to the party, joe, should at no time party be loyal to us? doesn't it work both ways? governor, i see your daughter is on the trump train. >> congratulations. >> are you going to support and endorse donald trump? >> i'm not endorsing anyone in the primary. i know people think i have. there were rumors out i endorsed rubio. he was my florida chairman in '08, he's a good friend. there have been rumors i've endorsed trump. i haven't endorsed anybody. but i do endorse a legitimate process to let this thing work out. there's been so much talk about david duke i think we're missing the big story of the weekend and that's jeff sessions. that's a huge endorsement. major. so i'm not getting in the middle
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of it for a whole lot of reasons but let me justs say suffice i say i don't understand why people, particularly in the elitist accomplishment class and donor class can't accept voters might be sick of the way they have run the republican party and they're so sk they'd rather go with donald trump than any of the hand-selected candidates the donor class has come up with. the second thing i think that is the second thing i think that is critically., i don't hire peopl.
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he is in the fruit salad of his life. he has never even kissed a girl. >> roger bennett, thank you so much. >> thank you, america. >> say hi to huck for us. coming up next donald trump miss judged southerners more someone answering a simple question about david duke and the kkk. is that nonanswer disqualifying? we have the answers ahead. at mfs investment management, we believe in the power of active management. by debating our research to find the best investments. by looking at global and local insights to benefit from different points of view. and by consistently breaking apart risk to focus on long-term value. we actively manage with expertise and conviction. so you can invest with more certainty.
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a lot more extensive than has been reported. >> you all have friends that are thinking about voting for donald trump. friends do not let friends vote for con artists. what does donald trump do when things go wrong? he takes to twitter. i have him right here. let's read some. you'll have fun. lightweight marco rubio was working hard last night. this is true. the problem is he is a chalker and once a chalker always a -- choker, i guess that's what he meant to say. >> i will address, you know, little rubio. this guy has a fresh mouth, he is a very nasty guy. >> he is always calling me little marco, he is taller than me, he is like 6'2" which is why i don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who is 5'2". have you seen his hands? they are like this. and you know what they say about men with small hands. you can't trust them.
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you can't trust them. >> it's rubio. >> he says that i'm sweating all the time. it's hot in here. am i sweating now? no. all right. he doesn't sweat, he doesn't sweat because his pores are clogged from the spray tan that he uses. >> okay. so to take a quote from your "washington post" piece that's out this morning. >> yeah. >> is this how the party of abe lincoln dies? is it? >> sure looks that way. >> it looks bad. >> i mean, it looks -- it looks -- we don't even show the most disturbing clip which was donald trump not being able to say that he condemned the ku klux klan and david duke saying he didn't have enough information two days after of course condemning david duke and disavowing his vote. david duke the same man who he
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uses an excuse not to run for president in 20 2 thousand as a reform candidate because he said the reform party has clans man david duke in it. it has been an astounding weekend. it was a distressing weekend even before what happened yesterday. >> but then it got down and dirty. >> but it got down and dirty. i'm just saying that when you have donald trump throwing water all over the stage. >> yeah. >> and you have marco rubio doing what, you know marco rubio knows he now has to do for some reason in 2016 talking about donald trump wetting his pants, making references to donald trump's anatomy. ted cruz just saying there may be mob ties in tax returns. it was an extraordinarily depressing weekend if you are actually somebody that believes the republican party has an important role to play in this country. >> i can't believe i'm saying
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this but i think it has been brought down to a new level. good morning, everyone, it's monday. what a week we're starting off here, february 29th. with us on set we have former communications director for president george w. bush, nicolle wallace, veteran columnist and msnbc contributor mike barnicle also with us as well. do you want me to lay out what happened? >> sure. >> so here it is. donald trump plunged back into controversy yesterday for his refusal to disavow former ku klux klan grand wizard david duke after duke encouraged his supporters to volunteer in trump's campaign. >> will you unequivocally condemn david duke and say that you don't want his vote or is that that of other white supremacists in this election. >> just so you understand i don't know anything about david duke, i don't know what you're talking about with white supremacy or white spremists. i don't know. i don't know. did he endorse me or what's
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going on? because, you know, i know nothing about david duke, i know nothing about white supremacists so you're asking me a question that i'm supposed to be talking about people that i know nothing about. >> i guess the question from the anti-defamation league is even if you don't know about their endorsement there are these groups and individuals endorsing you, would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don't want their support? >> well, i have to look at the group. i mean, i don't know what group you're talking b you wouldn't want me to condemn a group that i know nothing about. i'd have to look. if you would send me a list of the groups i will do research on them and certainly i would disavow if i thought there was something wrong. >> the ku klux klan. >> you have groups in there that are totally fine and it would be totally unfair. give me a list of the groups and i will let you know. >> i'm just talking about david duke and the ku klux klan here. >> i don't know -- honestly i don't know david duke. i don't believe i've ever met him, i'm pretty sure i didn't meet him. i just don't know anything about him. >> that's disqualifying right there. it's breathtaking.
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that is disqualifying right there. to say you don't know about the ku klux klan. you don't know about david duke? and the most stunning thing, willie geist, is this isn't buying him a single vote. i mean, is he really so stupid that he thinks southerners aren't offended by the ku klux klan and david duke? is he really so ignorant of southern voters that he thinks this is the way to their heart? to go neutral, to play switzerland when you're talking about the klan? and to say he doesn't know enough information about the klan to condemn them, exactly what does donald trump expect to learn in the next 24 hours about the klan? >> he put out a statement.
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>> i don't get it. >> it's hard to imagine an easier political question than will you disavow david duke and the ku klux klan unless you don't want to really disavow david duke and the ku klux klan because you think that sends a signal to some fraction of the voters who you need to hold on to for super tuesday. will this hurt him on super tuesday, maybe not. >> no. >> but if you start looking ahead, if you believe donald trump is the nominee to a general election and a television ad in which donald trump will not disavow the ku klux klan and you know as a republican you have to win a share of black voters, a share of latino voters or a share of any voter, any voter, whatever color they are. >> how about white suburban housewives. how about starting there. >> how about listening to another candidate for president who was once asked a very similar question as the one that jake tapper asked donald trump and that candidate replied, those of us in public life can only resent the use of our names by those who seek political recognition for the repugnant doctrines of hate they espouse,
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the politics of racial hatred and religious big tree practiced by the klan and others have no place in this country and are destructive of the values for which american has always stood. that was ronald reagan in 1984. >> who won 49 states by the way. >> the backlash was swift. >> i'm sorry, i don't understand. >> i don't get it. >> what's the purpose. you don't know the klan? who does this help? >> the klan. >> whether we found it to be repugnant or not, the ban on muslims concept which is impossible, you could see in exit polls a large swath of primary voters in the early states who supported the muslim ban. >> we did find it repugnant, that's another thing i point out in the washington post this morning. >> 74% of people -- >> that we attacked trump that morning, that's the morning that we hung up on him. you said it was frightening, a
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frightening policy. i asked is this how nazi germany looked in 1933? and his numbers went up in the polls. south carolina exit poll, just from last week said 75% of republicans had voted in the south carolina primary last week supported his muslim ban. now, i know there are a lot of people out there that, you know, we said early on that trump was going to do very well, and a lot of people slammed trump and trashed him, said he was awful and then they moved to the point of, well, i'm just going to criticize trump but i'm not going to criticize his supporters. for whatever reason. i think if 75% of people in south carolina say it's okay to ban over a billion muslims from coming into america it's all right to criticize them, too. >> oh, yeah. >> if 40% of donald trump voters
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in south carolina support the abolition of mosques in america, it's all right to criticize them, too. >> right. >> i know there are a lot of reporters trying to get their arms around donald trump and exactly what this is about, but it's all right to attack his supporters, too, if they support the banning of an entire religion or the banning of keeping muslims from this country. >> my point was that you could see the strategy. you could see him playing into what people are feeling. >> right. >> and i was not surprised to see that the ban on muslim, albeit repugnant, actually got him votes. >> yeah. and we actually said that -- mike, we actually said it that morning. he will probably go up in the polls. >> yes. i was here. >> in this case, mike, i don't see it. >> i don't know what to say. >> doesn't a candidate, mika, at some level have a responsibility -- >> yes. >> -- to the candidacy as well
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as to the american public to talk common sense, to lower the bun son burner flame on all of these issues. there is no way on god's good earth that you will be able to ban muslims from entering this country just as there is no way you will be able to transport 11 million people who are here without papers back to wherever they came from. impossible. >> i have a question, though. why isn't he getting better? he has been number one in the republican field for seven months. why isn't he improving? why doesn't he put a foreign policy thinker that he regards highly on -- >> he was going to announce his foreign policy team last week. >> he has one sentence for healthcare. he has been the front runner in the republican field for seven months. why can't you scratch the steep and get anything more than i don't know who david duke is. i have long accepted that people like what he's selling, peggy noonen has a grade piece about the unprotected and protected, i think that helps me get my brain around this, but i don't
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understand why he's not getting better. >> explain, if you will, there are reasons aside from the ugly race baiting that's going on here, there are reasons that millions and millions of americans support donald trump that have nothing to do with race. >> legitimate reasons. >> legitimate reasons. they are fed up with washington, they want somebody to blow up washington. >> they want strength. >> they want strength because barack obama in their mind has been so weak, they want somebody tougher on isis, they want somebody not bought and paid for by wall street, they want somebody that can turn the economy around. i will say, you know, i have more confidence that donald trump knows how to turn around the economy than a bunch of kids that just walk into washington, d.c. a couple years ago and never made payroll. i understand all of that. which makes the ugliness of all of this so unnecessary. >> but the examples of this where his instincts are so shockingly horrific are too
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many. there are too many instances where his i think stikts on policy. well, i don't know anything and i don't need to know anything. he has become the worst think about a politician. he has become arrogant in his standing atop the polls, he has become intellectually lazy. why not put -- he has talked about john bolton, why not put john bolton on the plane and learn four more things about the middle east. the things he says show that he doesn't know any more about the world and promises we face than he did when he descended the escalator in june. >> the muslim ban was connected to a national security question. >> san bernardino. >> made some sense to some voters maybe that should happen. but what is the klan connected to? >> and, willie -- >> there's nothing there except hate and ugliness. >> here is the worst part of it, it doesn't buy him a single vote. it doesn't buy him a single vote on super tuesday, doesn't buy him -- i don't know if this guy from queens thinks that we southerners want him to talk that way.
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no, we are offended by it. >> right. >> because most of us are like me. we went to integrated schools when we were five years old in rural mississippi or alabama or georgia. that is the new normal. i don't -- and it's not even the new normal it's been that way for half a century. >> you write, trump's faind ignorance about the kkk raises disturbing questions. the first question is why would trump pretend to be to ignorant of american history that he refused to pass judgment on the ku klux klan before receiving additional information? what kind of facts could possibly mitigate a century of since committed by violent hate group whose racist crimes terrorized americans and placed a shameful blot on this nation's history? why would the same maen to claims to have the world's greatest memory say i don't know anything about david duke just two days after he condemned the
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former klansman in a nationally televised press conference. and with that amazing memory how could donald trump have forgotten he himself refused to run for president as a reform party nominee in 2000 because klansman david duke was a member of the same party? these are questions that have no good answers for republican party on the verge of nominating a man who sounds more like a dixie crat from the 1950s than the kind of nominee the gop needs four years after losing hispanics by 44%, asian americans by 47% and black americans by 87%. >> and yet, willie, tomorrow night donald trump will have a clean sweep on super tuesday, i think, and probably move forward. i predict lock down the nomination. >> just like we said from the get-go. watch out, guys, he could win. he will win.
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>> just like we said from the beginning. and the question is i've got to say this late in the game when he's up 15 runs, you know, why is he throwing bean balls at the opponents' heads? why is he playing it dirty when he could just go out and pitch the ball down the middle and walk away with a political equivalent of the world series and have a shot to beat hillary clinton in the fall? why? >> request he cleans up tomorrow, which he probably will, he may lose texas to ted cruz but maybe not, he might win every state tomorrow, we'll see, he is the nominee, we will just come out and say it. after super tuesday he is probably the nominee. now you have a guy who over the weekend had this klan statement, he suggested that the federal judge or the circuit judge overseeing the trump university cases was biased against him because he is hispanic, he said and that's okay but he's hispanic suggesting that had something to do with why he was being prosecuted. that's the guy that the republican party is going to put out there. the fodder that hillary clinton
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or bernie sanders will have against this guy is unreal. still ahead on "morning joe," bernie sanders sprints into super tuesday but after a blow out loss in south carolina and super delegates mounting against him what's his next move? and to super tuesday and beyond. hillary clinton turns her focus to november. no longer even directly mentioning the senator from vermont. but first we'll mention him. bill karins with a check on what could be a rocky election day. bill. >> yeah, it's going to be a little interesting. we were thinking possible tornado outbreak before the weekend, now we're thinking just a line of severe storms. it starts tonight in oklahoma, should be out of oklahoma by the time you vote tomorrow and much of texas should be cleared out, too. super tuesday here is our severe storm risk, it does include 23 million people in in area of yellow, wind damage most common, maybe an isolated tornado. let's go through the super tuesday forecast here region by region show you what you will be breaking down and dealing with. here are all the states that will be caucuses or primaries. vermont and massachusetts area, that's where the forecast has
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been very warm, showers today, but tomorrow mostly clear, clouds will be on the increase, seasonal, though, no problem whatsoever. virginia, tennessee, georgia and alabama, a few storms, some of those could be strong late in the afternoon, we will have to watch that line going through. one or two tornadoes, not going to be a big impact, it's a fast moving line of storms, it may delay you from going outside for half an hour or so but nothing that would stop you from voting. arkansas, oklahoma and texas you're fine. north dakota mostly clear. it will be cool and still winter in the norm portion of the country. super tuesday minimal impacts from these storms but a lot of people will experience them. leave you with a shot of new york city and times square. a line of showers will head through this morning, after that a nice mild afternoon for this leap day. ♪ hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon... then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial.
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new polling on the democratic sideshows bernie sanders with a steep climb ahead of voting tomorrow, especially down south. our latest nbc news "wall street journal" mares poll shows clinton ahead by 34 points in georgia, 26 points in tennessee and 21 points in texas. it comes after her blow out win in south carolina on saturday where she won nearly 50 points in south carolina on saturday, she also won 90% of the black vote, even more than barack obama netted in 2008. she is now looking ahead to super tuesday and beyond. in a speech yesterday in tennessee one of 11 states that will hold a democratic primary tomorrow a shift on strategy was on full display. clinton didn't mention or refer to her primary opponent once during her remarks, instead she directed her jabs at the front runner on the republican side.
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>> ultimately we are all in this together no matter what some people running for president might say as they insult one group of us or another group of us. we are all in this together and that is our great promise. i believe that america is great right now. what we need a to be whole. we need to be whole where all of us have a place, where everybody feels like we're all in this together. >> bernie sanders meanwhile didn't try and spin his loss in south carolina. here he is yesterday on "meet the press." >> well, we got decimated. that's what happened. among older african-americans it was pathetic from our perspective. no question secretary clinton won that state and she won it big, but i'm in minnesota now, i think we've got a real shot at minnesota, i think we have a shot at colorado, oklahoma,
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massachusetts and vermont. so we are looking to the future, not looking back. >> after spending saturday in texas senator sanders traveled to colorado yesterday where he held a rally in front of about 6,000 people at colorado state university. there he vowed to fight on and even debuted a new analogy for his campaign. >> i have been criticized for thinking too big. i believe that if you start your campaign and you run on a platform calling for a full loaf at worst you're going to get a half a loaf. if you start your campaign talking about the need for a half a loaf you're going to get crumbs. and the american people today do
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not want, do not need crumbs, they need the whole loaf. >> well, that's just making me hungry. >> bernie sanders is crisscrossing the country in a final sprint towards super tuesday. kasie hunt has been there every step of the way. >> on super tuesday the state that is going to be voting for the most delegates is the great state of texas. >> reporter: bernie sanders doesn't want super tuesday to be the end of his road against hillary clinton. ♪ this land was made for us and me joeb. what do you want from the democratic party at the convention? >> to nominate bernie sanders as president. >> reporter: so the 74-year-old senator hit the trail and the tarmac in states in seven days all with reporters trailing
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behind. this is the first press bus of the day, there will be many. the columbia airport to board air bernie. >> right now we are looking at super tuesday. we will have 11 states after that. a lot more states. we are going to contest all of these states. any number of them we're feeling very good. >> 500 miles later. >> thank you, kansas, and missouri. >> less than two hours after that. leaving kansas city for oklahoma. >> i think we can win here in oklahoma. >> trying to enjoy the sights along the way. >> if you're bernie sanders and you are in tulsa, oklahoma, where else would you go? the woody guthrie museum. >> the crowds who greet him are full of young people. >> i almost kroo id. >> i know. me, too. >> those crowds are mostly white. sanders' itinerary is taking him to places like massachusetts, vermont and minnesota where there are fewer minority voters and where sanders has a better chance of voting.
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>> minnesota it's a beautiful place to be. >> he's clearly under pressure, upping his attacks on hillary clinton and some say violating his pledge against negative campaigning. >> you have $225,000 for a speech to goldman sachs you've got to be really good. >> sometimes flashing his trademark impatience. >> okay. thank you very much. >> the schedule taking its toll. >> last flight of the night, 9:00 eastern time. we will be in ohio after midnight. >> not rest for the weary or at least not a man who wants to prove that they're wrong. >> the sanders campaign says they're shooting for $40 million raised in february. they say they've already raised $36 million. that will incorporate all of that money he raised after he won the new hampshire primary. so the question there is going to be whether or not he can sustain if he does lose big to hillary clinton on super tuesday. that could be the x factor in most candidates who lose a bunch
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of states ultimately run out of mone money. >> hillary clinton won big with women in south carolina over the weekend but fell flat in new hampshire. when we come back a new survey shows how she fairs with the group that could help propel her into the history books. braindrone? can't blame you. it's a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. no, i'm actually over at the ge booth. we're creating the operating system for industry. it's called predix. it's gonna change the way the world works. ok, i'm telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume.
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you know, the people in the media, they love the yelling and the screaming and the shouting and the insults because it's like being in talladega on -- what do you call it, on curve three. you see, we go to those races and we want to see something happen that ain't great on turn three at talladega, but when we go to the races we don't want to see a crack up every time they go around the crack. and that's what we're getting today in american politics. frankly it's disgraceful.
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they'll never put that applause on tv. no, they just won't. because it's nobody attacking anybody. >> we love john kasich. >> we just did. >> of course we just did, john. >> joining us now director of polling at harvard university's institute of politics john dellavolpe, also editor of could say poll tan debbie o'dell. they focused on how millennials particularly women view the presidential race. this is between the ages of 18 to 34. you asked who they thought would be the next president. any surprises? >> i think there was a little bit of a surprise. they think that hillary clinton will be the next president of the united states. that said, they prefer bernie sanders. did he better by 6 points in this poll. so when they have a choice between bernie and hillary in
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the primary, however, they think hillary is more electable. >> who they think will be next, john, versus who they want to be next are two different people. >> we've been told primaries are about the heart, but what they think will happen is a completely different situation. >> what do you think is behind that? >> i think it's the heart. the passion right now is without question with bernie sanders. we're talking about women, young women. >> women. >> 18 to 24 especially. >> why wouldn't the heart be with the first woman who could be president of the united states. >> who has all the credentials? >> she has all the credentials. i've heard that question 100 times. i think they believe the glass ceiling won't be broken this time, it was broken back in 2008 for women, for african-american men, for just about everybody else other than a white man. i think that's one of the drivers. >> it's interesting if you ask young bernie sanders supporters at his rallies why don't you like hillary clinton they say it's not that i dislike hillary
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clinton i just like bernie more. they think he is a more genuine candidate, they question how trustworthy hillary clinton s that said they identify she is more likely to bring in mod rats in a general election and probably more electable. >> were you in the field when madeline albright and gloria steinem addressed the situation between bernie and hillary? >> we were not. we were in the field last week for a couple days last week. i don't think that helped the cause necessarily. >> let's look at republicans. i'm surprised here. very surprised. you asked republicans who would you want to be the next president? donald trump. 33%. is that correct? am i getting that correct? >> well, 21% actually think they will win. so it's really interesting. >> but who do you want to be the next president? 33%. >> one out of three, right? >> without question. among republicans. >> among republicans. >> he leads in every demographic just about, right?
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>> and this is women 18 to 34. okay. can either of you explain what's behind that? >> you know, i think the things that they like about him are the same things that we've heard older people and men say that they like about him. they like that he is a business leader, some women told us that they think it's time for the united states to be run by someone who knows how to run a business, they like that he has a, quote/unquote, no nonsense approach to his campaign. >> but, john, we've been hearing also over and over again every day that donald trump is a message nous, donald trump is offensive to women. here you have millennial women who are republicans putting him in first place. >> today. and one of the other overarching things that we found in this which i thought was interesting was the degree to which a second tier of issues is rising to the top. national security, education, but take a look at the importance of reproductive rights, racism --
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>> we were going to ask what are the top issues in this poll and what are they? >> well, healthcare, national security, jobs, which i think is typical, but also reproductive freedom is very important, our readers are worried about student loans, they are worried about getting paid as the same amount as a man gets paid for doing the same work, they're worried about combating institutionalized racism. >> okay. healthcare, though, at the top, 68%. which tells you -- i mean, exactly what you need to know about when people getting out of -- we've talked about this for a very long time, especially during the healthcare debate. it used to be when somebody got out of college what's my salary. now healthcare may be the first question. >> well, the affordable care act, you know -- i mean, will it survive in the next administration? i think that that's a really important question on our readers' minds. they're worried about getting birth control. the most important predictor of success in their lives is the
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ability for them to time when they have a child and it's not just the ability to terminate a pregnancy if god forbid they need to, but also choosing the birth control that's right for them with their doctors, not with their employers and not with their universities. >> one of the more amazing and interesting aspects about the trump candidacy with regard to these issues is that we've gone through the past several months people talk about different lanes, go in a conservative lane, is there a middle of the road lane. trump is in all like two or three lanes that are out there to some degree. >> he is. as we spoke earlier he's winning in massachusetts which is the right -- the liberal lane within the republican party in the northeast. so it's not surprising at all at this point that he's doing so well among republican women. he's doing well among every single group. frankly that's not been a priority for any other republican as i can see. it's a lost community, in fact. >> all right. thank you both. fascinating. still ahead, the oracle from
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omaha says he likes bernie sanders but the candidate would be a mess for the financial system. we're going to hear from warn buffet ahead in business before the bell. (patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done? (patrick 2) that's the kind of control i like... ...and that's what they give me at national car rental. i can choose any car in the aisle i want- without having to ask anyone. who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro. make you feel like an svp doeinstead of a vp? a new desk then you might be gearcentric. right now, save up to 40% on desks and filing cabinets! office depot officemax. gear up for great®. you're an at&t small business expert? sure am. my staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. at&t can help you stay connected.
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semi-personal contact. >> that was warren buffet moments ago on cnbc talking about berkshire hath a ways first ever webcast of their annual meeting. let's bring in sara eisen. the billionaire investor has said a lot this morning about ibm and politicians running for president. >> we should note that warren buffett is a supporter of hillary clinton. he made some interesting remarks, though, about her rival, bernie sanders. he said that bernie, quote, has a tendency to demonize institutions and would turn the system upside down. he did, though, warren buffett, say that there are some areas in which he agrees with him and he specifically called out campaign finance which buffet says should be turned upside down. agrees with him "on the money" and politics, he said he likes that he speaks his mind but does not like that he demonizes institutions. on the republicans warren buffett said i've been amazed at this the republican party. what chris christie did endorsing trump he says was very
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predictable but when he talked about donald trump he quoted charlie munger his partner who is 92 years old saying never underestimate the man who overestimates himself. there is the nugget from buffet on trump. he says he's always been a political junky so this election is taking the cake. those are the comments from cnbc this morning. he said it's never a good idea to bet against america or bet against the american economy which is doing quite well, those who say it isn't are, quote, dead wrong. >> sara eisen, thank you so much. up next, guess what? >> what. >> louis goes to hollywood in search of oscar gold. we will see if he made it out life after a moment -- oh, no. this moment is larry david. >> if i ever see you again on a line with a microphone, i am walking by you so fast. how dare you put my on the spot
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like that. >> i'm wasting your time. >> are you trying to make a fool out of me in front of my pals, joe and mika. >> i'm a terrible golfer. >> everything i stink at. >> pretty good on broadway. >> i'm pretty good at sex. >> okay. >> i'm good at sex and i'm a good driver. >> really? >> yeah, sex and driving. that's my thing. adventurous stu? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. thank you for calling. we'll be with you shortly. yeah right... xerox predictive analytics help companies provide a better and faster customer experience. hello mr. kent. can i rebook your flight?
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otherwise known as the white people's choice awards. you realize if they nominated hosts i wouldn't even get this job. so y'all be patching neil patrick harris right now. is hollywood racist? you're dam right hollywood is racist, but it's not the racist you have grown accustomed to. hollywood is sorority racist. it's like we like you, ron da, but you're not a kappa. you are not allow -- somebody told me, you are not allowed to ask women what they're wearing anymore. ask her more. you have to ask her more. hey, everything is not sexism. everything is not racism. they ask the men more because the men are all wearing the same outfit. okay? every guy is wearing the exact same thing. you know, if george clooney showed up with a lime screen tux
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on and a swan coming out his ass somebody would go, what you wearing, george? >> that was chris rock in his much anticipated opening monologue during last night's academy awards where many were wondering how he would acknowledge the controversy surrounding the lack of diversity. do you know what he did, he just went there. >> he went there. >> he went right in from the top. as for the awards themselves, "spotlight" won best picture even though alejandro inarritu won best actor, brie larson won best actress and leonardo dicaprio finally took home a golden statue for his performance in the revenant. so we sent louis to hollywood to cover the awards. he begged. he got some of the industry's biggest names to weigh in on politics just a bit. take a look. >> i'm at the 2016 vanity fair
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oscar party. i'm sure you're dying to know who everyone is wearing, what their favorite movie of the year is, but forget all that. tonight we're talking politics. >> have you been following the 2016 presidential election? >> oh, yeah. >> i'm voting for hillary. >> i'd love to see what's going on. this is to me grand entertainment. >> i don't feel like the war that comes out of erupting if you tell somebody who you support in politics. >> i've been trying to follow it less. >> oh, no, i haven't. >> it's the only thing they put on the tv anymore. it's not that i want to follow it. >> right after hillary's eight years i think scarborough next. >> if you were running for office what would be your campaign slogan. >> it's better to have loved a short than never to have loved at all. >> you've got my vote. >> just do it. >> i can't say that here.
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>> come on. >> no. >> donald trump can't fix america, he can't fix his hair. >> peace and love, man. >> peace and love. i like that. >> why do i want to be put on the spot? i have to come up with something really fast, really witty right awa away. >> let's make america as bad as it was 140 years ago. >> i'm fine. >> you're fine. i'm fine. we are all good. >> oh, boy. >> take what trump is saying and then the inverse. >> say hi to joe and mika. >> i want to say hello to joe and mika. if i ever see you again on a line with a microphone i am walking by you so fast. how dare you put me on the spot like that.
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>> joe, mika, i wish i could say that i got all the a-listers, all of the people that won oscars. truthfully al roker took all those people. i still got something. >> you did good. >> you know, you did the most -- the most important thing, you got our friends there, it was great seeing so many of our friends out there. >> yeah. >> everybody loves "morning joe." i don't know how they all watch t it's unbelievable. >> your hair looks -- how many hours have you been up? your hair -- >> i've been up for about 48 hours. >> go get some sleep, louis. that was fantastic. we appreciate it. >> louis, thank you. up next, what if anything did we learn today? synthetic ov? "super food?" is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers, what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? ...or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a t good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund.
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it's rubio. >> donald is not going to make america great. he's going to make america orange. >> boy, that escalated quickly, mike barnicle. using a little bit of anchor man -- mike, what did you learn today? >> what i learned today is while we cover all aspects of policing in this country in this media business some of the aspects of policing that we don't cover
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occurred over the weekend in prince william county, virginia, ashley guindon, 28 years of age, sworn in friday as a police officer in prince william county, 5:30 saturday afternoon answering a domestic dispute she was shot to death. ashley guindon, 28 years of age, we ought to think about her and her family. >> served our country over seas. >> a marine. >> wanted to continue that cover. >> as a cop. >> when she came home as a cop. a heart breaking story. mika, what did you learn today? >> well, i learned that -- we always talk about nasty politics turning nasty. what i saw over the weekend it was just depressing. and i'm not even talking about the top stories of today. the bickering between the candidates was low brow. it was pathetic. really pathetic. >> we are in a new season. this primary is most likely going to be over, the republican contest is most likely going to be over sooner rather than
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later. it's time for everybody to step up their game. >> it's way too early -- >> it's "morning joe." but stick around because steve kornacki and kate snow pick up the coverage right now. we will see you tomorrow morning with a super tuesday special of "morning joe." good morning. i'm steve kornacki. live here in new york and we are on the eve of an extraordinary day in american politics. less than 24 hours away now from the start of super tuesday. 2016. the first polls are going to open at 5:00 a.m. eastern time tomorrow. this might be the most important day of this entire presidential primary season. when the race truly goes national. nearly 600 delegates
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