tv MSNBC Live MSNBC August 26, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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confused. plus, new poll numbers out this morning from key battleground states. we'll roll out the numbers to you within this hour. good morning, everyone, i'm tamron hall coming to you live from our msnbc headquarters in new york. this morning, hillary clinton in an exclusive interview on "morning joe" is continuing the assault on donald trump she launched yesterday, charging he's helped a radical fringe, the so-called alt-right, take over the gop. both candidates now accusing each other of racism. >> do you think donald trump is personally a bigot or a racist? because he said you are. >> well, joe, all i can do is point to the evidence of what he has said and what he has done. and from the start he has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia and it's deeply disturbing that he is taking hate groups that lived in the dark regions of the internet, making them mainstream, helping
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a radical fringe take over the republican party. he has questioned the citizenship of president obama. he has a disturbing pattern of courting white supremacists. he has been sued for housing discrimination against communities of color. he has attacked a judge for his mexican heritage. he has promised a mass deportation force. and what i want to make clear is this. a man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the -- these kind of white supremacist, white nationalist anti semitic groups should never run our government or command our military. if he doesn't respect all americans, how can he serve all americans? >> is that a message that you're giving -- that you're sending out to republicans, as well as independent voters? because many people believe that
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you are now trying to reach over and tell republicans, hey, you know what, you've got a choice. i'm going to be a uniter, i'm going to work with republicans as well as democrats, you don't have to vote for this guy. >> absolutely, joe. i am reaching out to everyone. republicans, democrats, independents, everyone who is as troubled as i am by the bigotry and divisiveness of donald trump's campaign. and i've said repeatedly, this is not a normal choice between a republican and a democrat. we're not just discussing our differing views on tax policy or anything else of importance. we are facing a divisive candidate whose loose cannon temperament and his complete lack of preparation make him unqualified to be president and temperamentally unfit to be commander in chief.
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and as you i'm sure noted in the speech yesterday, i did mention by name three republicans, bob dole, george w. bush, john mccain. i have had my differences with them, but i respect each one of them. i called out to bob dole for what he said in his acceptance speech that all racists should take the exits, and he pointed to the doors. i am still incredibly grateful that george w. bush went to that mosque after 9/11 and talked about how american muslims are citizens as well as everybody else. and john mccain, when confronted with the attacks on president obama's birth and his religion, you know, basically said, wait a minute, he's an american citizen, he's a decent person. we can have lots of disagreements. there is no reason not to. we're trying to solve some
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difficult problems. and make sure that the economy works for everybody, not just those at the top. and we defeat terrorism and we lead the world with strength and steadiness and unify other country. there's all kinds of ground for people to be saying, hey, i think i've got a better idea about how to do that. but that's not the campaign that donald trump has been running. and i am reaching out and asking fair-minded americans to repudiate this kind of divisive demagoguery. >> donald trump's latest attack on hillary clinton came in an interview last night where he, again, called his democratic rival a bigot. >> she is a bigot. you look at what's happening to the inner cities. you look at what's happening to african-americans and hispanics in this country. she is selling them down the tubes. because she is not doing anything for those communities. >> nbc's katy tur is covering the trump campaign for us this
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morning and nbc's kasie hunt is covering the clinton campaign. let's start with kasie and what we're hearing from the clinton campaign. it seems from this confident interview on "morning joe," and answering questions about the clinton foundation, the tone of that speech yesterday, even the delivery showed, kasie, i think to most people that hillary clinton feels that this is a sweet spot for her. not a bitter topic, but a sweet spot for her. >> i think she was very matter of fact in her delivery. it was very straight forward. it wasn't hyper boll yibbolihyp. we're so used to politicians having a gaffe here or there, and essentially fake to a certain degree. that's not what this is. she feels comfortable going after donald trump along these lines. she seems comfortable in the way she is doing it. this is coming from her, the fact that she is calling the things that he says racist. she is not calling him a racist. she has been repeatedly asked if she thinks that and has defle
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deflected every time as opposed to donald trump who went straight forward and called her a bigot outright. don't forget also they succeeded in changing the conversation away from the clinton foundation, concerns about the ethics surrounding that. to the alt-right and to this kind of shadowy online presence that a lot of americans hadn't been familiar with. everyone had plenty of time to look into it and what people found was disturbing. >> the minute you go online and i think to your point, how many of us have used the term "alt-right" in any conversation, let alone what i call the regular part of the world that doesn't study politics all day long, you google "alt-rite" and some of the things she said are, if you google "alt-right" they see proof in the pudding of her words. but going back to whether or not this was a pivot from the clinton foundation conversation,
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it seems as if this was a part of the plan all along. i talked with brian fallon yesterday and asked, when was the speech planned and he said some time back. looking back at the chicago situation when his speech -- donald trump's speech was shut down and some of this other activity, the man in florida, with the confederate flag that they asked to take down. this was not a hard case for her to put together. >> and it follows, i think, a pattern that they have set out of doing speeches on -- it started with the national security speech. they called it a national security speech. really it was a political speech about why he was unfit to be commander in chief. i think this speech fits into that kind of pattern with a little bit of a different angle. i will say, though, she is at the top of the speech, originally a jobs event. they saw an opportunity here with -- between the hiring of steve bannon and then donald trump's attempts to reach out to african-americans or hispanics, or at least -- that's what he is saying he is doing. and they realized, hey, there is an opportunity here for us, and, in fact, maybe a need to push
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back on this. and this was -- as much about republicans, moderate republicans, as it is about african-americans. >> which is a good point. she in her remarks yesterday, secretary clinton, as well as today, brought up george bush after 9/11 going to the mosque. she brought up senator mccain on the campaign trail standing up to one of his supporters who said that obama was a muslim. these other moments where republicans were called to find their higher voice, and refute some of the things being said. >> and this is a woman, a family, the clintons, who have railed against republicans, worked against republicans their entire careers. some of the rhetoric they have used over the past couple of decades would suggest they don't have very many friends in the republican party. but this -- in this case, she separated republicanism, conservatism, away from this alt-right, and from donald trump. and i think she was trying to give some space to those republicans to say, hey, you know, it's okay, you can come over here without rejecting the gop. it's really interesting
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argument. >> it is. let me bring in now our colleague, katy tur, outside trump tower here in new york. and katie, donald trump said yesterday that this was the oldest argument in the democratic playbook. i think we have the sound from him, where he refers to this as a playbook move by democrats. can can we play that first? >> it is terrific to be back in new hampshire. [ cheers and applause ] really a very special place to be, because this is where i won my first primary. my first victory. who knows? if i didn't win here, who knows where i would be. maybe i would be building buildings or something. but who knows? but i want to just thank everybody. it's the oldest play in the democratic playbook. when democratic policies fail,
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they are left with only this one tired argument. you're racist, you're racist, you're racist. they keep saying it. you're racist. it's a tired, disgusting argument. >> so katie, that's what he had to say. did the campaign -- were they caught off guard by this pretty hard-hitting assault from clinton? >> you know, it was. i can tell you, the campaign came directly out to me once they saw that initial ad that came out, where hillary clinton tried to link donald trump and his rhetoric with white supremacists and also show that white supremacists were supporting donald trump. they pushed back immediately, and they pushed back forcefully. clearly, this is a message that they are very sensitive to. and they realized that there is a weak spot here, because frankly, hillary clinton was using donald trump's own words against him, his own past statements, and they were using
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video of white supremacists, a man in a cue clubs can clan cast tumor saying he was a supporter of donald trump and why he believes that donald trump was a supporter of his. and his belief system. so that is something that the campaign does not want out there, they do not want that message to resonate. they don't want that idea to resonate. they have been trying to combat donald trump as a racist. that belief that many americans hold for a while now. trying to tailor their message to african-american voters, tailor their message to latino voters. it's not getting across to them so far. we have been at rallies in places where there's 80% african-american populations, like jackson, mississippi, and still, the majority of his rally crowd was white. the vast majority was white. so that message might not be getting across to the african-americans or the latino communities, making many wonder if his message is really trying to get moderate gop voters on his side, more comfortable with
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him. >> all right, katy tur, live at trump tower for us. thank you. and let me bring in nationally syndicated radio host from iowa, steve dais who endorsed ted cruz and washington post national reporter, nbc news political analyst, robert costa, robert, i'll start with you, picking up on what katy tur commented on, whether or not the trump campaign saw this coming, that this rollout from hillary clinton two days now in a row laying out the case, linking him to the alt-right. >> that's true. the campaign did expect to see it from the clinton campaign. i think it's indicative of what we can expect to see in the final 75 days of this election, a brutish, brutal fight that goes beyond the normal partisan lines we usually see in a general election campaign. this is about populism, nationalism, accusations of racism. and this is the kind of race we're seeing. >> and steve, this, as kasie hunt reported, was not
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necessarily planned. hillary clinton was supposed to give a speech on jobs, pivoting, seeing an opening after the campaign -- trump campaign brought in steve bannon from breitbart. here's what she said about steve bannon, ceo of >> he hired stephen bannon, the head of a right wing website called, as the campaign ceo. here are a few headlines they have published. and i'm not making this up. "birth control makes women unattractive and crazy." "hoisted high and proud, the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage." and that one came shortly after the charleston massacre, when democrats and republicans alike were doing everything they could to heal racial divides. according to the southern poverty law center, which tracks hate groups, breitbart embraces ideas on the extremist fringe of
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the conservative right. >> are you embracing the alt-right movement? >> nobody even knows what it is. this is a term that -- frankly, there is no alt-right or alt-left. all i'm embracing is common sense. >> stephen bannon said breitbart is the voice. >> i don't know what he said. i can only speak for myself. >> so steve, is that enough to get donald trump out of this yard? you're shaking your head. >> i don't think this entire thing just goes to show what happens when the country nominates people that a super majority of the population thinks are dishonest and in hillary's case, and crazy in donald trump's case. i mean, the idea, for example, that breitbart and the southern poverty law center are being quoted by both major party candidates when they represent the worst elements of each side's base is really just preposterous, tamron, as is the fact that donald trump now by his own admission invited a bigot to his wedding, and
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hillary clinton by her own admission went to the wedding of a bigot. that's where we are when you have candidates that are really out of ideas, that represent a generation that is sort of on its last legs, the baby boom generation, and their negatives are so high, we're just going to call names and run to the bottom. and that's why so many americans want the sweet meteor of death to arrive by election day, tamron. >> i understand you're not a fan of either of these candidates. but in reality, sometimes names stick because they are true. i'm not calling either one of them a racist or a bigot. but sometimes these things can be true about an individual, especially, steve, at a time when donald trump says that he's attempting to bring in african-americans, bring in hispanic voters, bring in minorities. why then is it unfair to call out someone's record or someone's link to a website with a type of headlines that were factual? those aren't made up. they may not be pleasant to hear, but those are actual headlines from that website. >> oh, i don't think it's out of
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bounds at all. i mean, if you listen to my show every night, you're going to have a hard time outcriticizing me when it comes to donald trump, all right? and i've done that on this network before and last time i was on here i drew very stark lines between what conservatism is and white nationalism is. donald trump made his own bed. he's -- everybody has justified it, he chose to use the most incendiary language on every issue because he was trying to essentially run a con campaign. but when you call robert bird a former clan leader, your mentor, i'm not sure you're the one that necessarily ought to be throwing stones here, that's all. >> so there's so many things here, i can't even know where to start with this, steve. let me bring in robert costa on this. from the incendiary language to all of the -- the exaggerations, quite honestly, from what steve just said. and i'll get back to you, steve, in a second. to the substance of all of this. will this get some traction for
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hillary clinton? how does donald trump, if heca recover from this -- if this is just about bringing in suburban white voters, can he recover from this, this weekend? who is advising him, robert? >> well, the clinton campaign believes it can have traction, especially with suburban voters in places like ohio, north carolina and pennsylvania, where racially inflammatory language or statements can often be a real turnoff to voters, even if they're inclined in the conservative republican direction. so if you're a clinton ally or an adviser and you're looking at a swing voter, this is one of the ways to really target them. on the trump campaign angle, my reporting tells me basic conversations today, that trump is going to continue to try outreach and those efforts will continue with people like ben carson going to places like detroit. but when it comes to policy, he's going to also have things on education and other things. but we'll just have to see, because this is really about a draw between clinton and trump as candidates fighting in the public rather than something that trump can make incremental
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gains. >> maggi hagerman reporting that the trump team is hiring bill stepien, fired by chris christie and two sources telling her another controversial person could be joining. robert, what with you hearing? >> bill stepien, somebody implicated in the bridge gate scandal for governor christie but remains a confidante. deputy chief of staff for the new jersey governor. as he tries to reemerge on to the political scene it would be a natural fit for him to go with the trump campaign. >> and quickly going back to steve and the rhetoric here. i get it, steve, you're not a fan of donald trump, you're not a fan of hillary clinton, but this does and has come down according to people like "morning joe," for example, joe scarborou scarborough, it comes down to your moral compass here, and your compass may put you in the middle or far away from both of these people. nevertheless, you sound like
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rudy guiliani when i ask you about donald trump, pistons instantly to hillary clinton. he's a part of your party, tried to identify as a conservative, right now winning in your state of iowa. is he hurting your party? not your feelings about hillary clinton. not the things that i think you bring up on your radio show, and we're friends so we're being honest with each other here. the bottom line, is he hurting the gop. please don't pivot to your talking points about hillary clinton. is he hurting your party? >> well, they weren't talking points. those things are true. and he is absolutely hurting the republican party. that's why a lot of people like me left. this is -- this is not what i signed up to do. i signed up to conserve values that i think are best throughout history for what's best for the human condition. and donald trump doesn't represent any of that. i just think, though, that that doesn't mean the other side gets a free shot without having to defend its own credibility at the same time. that's all. >> steve dais, thank you. coming up, what exactly is
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in donald trump's immigration plan. one of his most influential supporters, sarah palin, is warning trump against softening his policy after he's gone back and forth over where he stands in just this one week. >> i'm handing you the word softening, last night you talked about -- >> i don't think it's softening. >> but let me -- >> i heard people say it's a hardening, actually. up next, the latest on trump's flip-flop and the new criticism from his own party and his own supporters. like sarah palin. we'll have more after this.
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congressional leader ship fund and gop activist. thank you both for joining us. ruth, there have been reports that you left the rnc because of donald trump. those reports you've said are untrue at this point, right? they were never true? >> there have been reports, tamron. and you know, i would advise anyone that has a new opportunity and a promotion to take it. and that's exactly what i did over two months ago. >> all right. so let's get to trump's immigration stance this week alone. i think we have sound of him earlier this week with sean hannity, and what he said just last night to anderson cooper, if we could play that. >> that's jeb bush's policy. >> he wasn't building a wall, making strong borders and i'm not knocking jeb bush, but i was with him for a long time. >> ruth, donald trump in his own words with sean hannity said he would look at softening his position. yesterday he said, you know, i didn't say softening, in fact
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some people are saying i'm hardening. how would you describe his immigration policy right now? >> at this point it is hard to descbe. i think it's in the best interest of donald trump to lay out a plan, to be detailed and to be specific. i think his team is coming to find that immigration is a complicated, hard, emotional issue. and it is different from, you know, how easy he explained it to be at the very beginning. so it is hard and emotional. >> how did he explain it to you in the very beginning? >> no, i'm not saying from me personally. i'm saying the way he has talked about immigration, it is we're going to simply build a wall there. is so much more to it and i think his team is coming to find it is complicated and hard. that said, i will say something that is not hard and complicated. and it comes to the truth for hillary clinton. and it's something that she has failed to do time and time again with the american people. >> ruth, what does that have to do with the immigration policy of donald trump in all fairness here? >> in all fairness --
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>> the truth -- what is the truth about -- okay, so which donald trump do you believe? do you believe the donald trump at the beginning of the week, and please, if it we can get this sound. hanni hannity, where he polled the audience and said he would be willing to soften if people paid their taxes or do you believe the person who said he is hardening, do you believe the person who told "morning joe" he's interested in having a deportation task force. which donald trump do you believe? >> well, tamron, i think just like you, i am trying to figure out what his immigration stance is, and i'm waiting to hear from him. he has said he's going to give it in the next week or so. and i am too waiting for that. however, there is something to be said about the truth failed to see from hillary clinton. >> are you failing to see truth from donald trump on immigration? because it sounds to me as if what donald trump you're saying let's figure it out, let's wait, when he's given two different answers. both are not true. >> there is a difference between -- there is a difference between hillary clinton and
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truth and donald trump further explaining and the need for further explaining his policy. >> jacob -- to you on this. let me play jeb bush and his stance this -- on rita cosby's show, discussing trump's immigration stance. >> i don't know what to believe about a guy who doesn't believe in things. i mean, he doesn't -- this is all a game. he doesn't -- his views will change, based on the feedback he gets from a crowd or, you know, what he thinks he has to do. life is too complex -- for me, i couldn't do that. i have to believe what i believe. and if it's popular, great. if it's not, i try to get better at presenting my views. but shifting my views because it's political to do it, that's what politicians do in this country. that's what trump is trying to do right now. i find it abhorrent. >> jacob, what do you ascribe or how do you see trump's immigration stance at this point? >> i'm with ruth. we have to wait to see what it is. he just started this dialogue.
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he met with hispanic leaders on saturday. he showed up prepared. he didn't commit to anything. but he acknowledged in that meeting the tough part is what to do with the 11 million. and again, i think he deserves kudos for having the country talk about immigration. we're closer now to immigration reform, because donald trump has identified the security failures and he's also gotten the right to discuss the fact that most of these people are good, and they need to stay here, it's important to our economy, it's the humane thing to do. it's not bad that we're having this dialogue. but we're having it because donald trump started it. >> but jacob, are we having a real conversation here -- you say that donald trump just started this dialogue. when donald trump came down the escalators, he said that mexico was sending rapists and criminals, and that he was going to send all of these 11 million people back across the border. the plan, or tentative plan that he revealed this week was almost identical to the current plan in place by the obama administration. in fact, donald trump himself
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said, george bush and president obama had done a good job, and he wanted to follow the current laws. the current laws. in place by the obama administration. so then are you giving president obama credit or any kind of praise for what donald trump is essentially, and i think chris hayes said it, cribbing the current policy? >> i think president obama has to answer for the fact that he promised immigration during his first term, hispanics believed it, he chose health care reform. >> did congress have anything to do with that? >> well, he didn't push it as an agenda. he controlled both houses of congress. and he does -- democrats don't want to solve this. it's a great political football for them. and i have a lot more faith in a businessman like donald trump who knows the realities of the economy. he can bring the republican gop house on board. if you want immigration reform, it only comes with donald trump. >> so but he would bring them on board for president obama's plan
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that's in place now. >> you know, i think he would bring him on board -- >> which plan? which plan are we talking about? >> well, we're going to find out next week. and i think we need to be patient for it. but i don't see a hillary plan. all hillary says is, i'll do more than obama. come on! i mean, he deserves a lot of credit for bringing this issue to the public's attention. and let's see what the plan looks like next week. i have a lot of confidence it's something that will make us stronger and help the hispanic community and the immigrants that are law-abiding. one problem i have -- >> one is the original plan and the other plan that it sounds like you would be in favor of, is the one that's in place right now. okay. jacob, ruth, thank you both. >> well, no, i'm in the not in favor of what we have right now. because what we have is 2 million people being deported by obama. a lot of them were not hardened criminals. he's broken up families. nobody has called him on that. the status quo is not working. >> donald trump said he would break up families. we don't even -- at this point,
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we don't even -- i'm asking you -- >> let's wait and see what the plan is. that's my point. >> jacob, thank you. >> hillary has no plan. >> and this is not reality. coming up, senator john mccain's underdog primary opponent goes there. >> john mccain is falling down on the job. he's gotten weak, he's gotten old. >> do you feel comfortable diagnosing him on air like this? >> diagnosing him as an 80-year-old man? yes, i do. >> republican kelly ward even makes mention of the average life expectancy, and says the soon to be 80 year-old may not live out his six-year term. this is incredible. coming up, we'll have the very latest on the primary battles ahead.
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the outcome as early as tuesday. maybe not the outcome, but a hint of some things. when several key battleground states hold their senate primaries, among them arizona where john mccain is fighting for a sixth term in the senate while enduring some stinging attacks from his underdog primary challenger. >> john mccain is falling down on the job. he's gotten weak, he's gotten old. i do want to wish him a happy birthday. he's good going to be 80 on monday. and i want to give him the best birthday present ever, the gift of retirement. i'm a physician, i see the physiological changes that happen in normal changing in patients again and again and again over the last 20, 25 years so i do know what happens to the body and the mind. >> so you're diagnose -- you feel comfortable diagnosing him on-air like this? >> diagnosing him as an 80-year-old man? yes, i do. >> nbc news capitol hill correspondent, kelly o'donnell, joins me. before we get to that, breaking news on the trump campaign. >> this is part of the mibehind
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the scenes. sources telling me that bill stepien, well-known republican erative, has been brought on to assist them with field operations that relate to voter turnout, how you go about in district after district, even precinct level, trying to pull your voters out and get them to the polls. bill stepien, of course, was in the national conversation a couple years ago in the bridge gate events in new jersey. he had formally been serving as head of the republican party in new jersey, and a top political aide to governor chris christie. he was fired by christie, and, according to sources, they have not been in contact in a couple years now. trump's top new team, steve bannon, he brought stepien on board, and i am told that son-in-law, jared kushner, who has been a very intensely involved member of the family and all of the operations at team trump, he was part of the recruitment to get this political talent into the campaign to try to help them in that very difficult area of ground game.
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tamron? >> kelly, just going back to -- as we talked about the race alone, just -- in our time we have out of arizona, john mccain. some have said this is -- even with the heated rhetoric of the general election candidates, this is a shocker what we're hearing out of arizona. >> well, kelly ward, a state lawmaker and osteopathic physician, his challenger in the primary tuesday. and she is far behind in the polls, but she knows that saying some of those sort of provocative things are getting her attention. there have been other instances where candidates who were turning 80, and she's right, he turns 80 on monday, have had that become an issue for voters. but it has traditionally been an area where candidates don't call out their rivals for age. i spoke to john mccain about this it particular issue last year, knowing he would be turning 80, and he said to voters of arizona, just watch me. watch my 18-hour days. watch my work ethic, and then as he often does with a smile, he says, and may i refer you to my mother, roberta, who is 105
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years old. >> thank you very much. that's good evidence to have. i wish we all had a backup like that. all right, kelly, thank you. next, a strong aftershock in italy as rescuers try to search for more survivors, if there are any. the hope continues. we'll have the very latest, next. ♪"all you need is love" plays my friends know me so well. they can tell what i'm thinking, just by looking in my eyes. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. i used artificial tears from the moment i wokup... the moment i went to bed. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love,... ...some eyelove. the moment i went to bed. eyelove ans having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyeslove. the moment i went to bed. because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. it's all about eyelove, my friends.
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of life-saving epipens by hundreds of dollars. the company's latest hike price to over $600 from less than 100 bucks less than ten years ago. parker participated in an awareness campaign with mylan. her 13-year-old son suffers from nut allergies. coming up, for the first time in its 125 year history, the harvard republican club will not back their party's nominee. as donald trump talks about minorities, muslims, women. is it alienating young republicans? i'll talk live with two young republicans not backing trump. we'll be right back.
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by nearly a 3-1 margin. 56% to trump's 20. and many in the voting block say they feel alienated by donald trump. and joining me now is miguel and sapna of the harvard republican club which for the first time in its history is rejecting the republican nominee. thank you both for joining us. so miguel, let's get behind some of the sentiment here. why do you believe this voting block and people like yourself feel alienated or just feel they cannot put their support behind donald trump? >> well, i think millennials are thrown off by donald trump's style. his preposterous policies and in my opinion, if there is one thing about millennials is that we love optimism. and you know, we saw it back in 2008 with barack obama, and we saw it a couple months ago with bernie sanders. and it takes an inspiring leader who can effectively communicate
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that optimistic vision for america to really inspire millennials to show up to vote. and so it's obvious that donald trump is not that candidate, and to some extent, you know, hillary clinton also isn't. so there is dissatisfaction on both sides. and that brings into question the potential for millennial turnout this november. >> when people, again, say emergenci millennials, between born 1991 and 1987. you have young people showing up at donald trump's rallies, as well. young republicans who have gotten mind behind him and say he is their voice. but when you see in the last 48 hours the talk of race and hillary clinton's argument r trying to link donald trump to the supremacists, how does that
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go with yourself, who is of color and educated. >> i think donald trump definitely has made a lot of very immature comments in that way. and for someone as a young republican who may or may not still be trying to align with a certain party, i think that it's very difficult for people of my age to agree with the things that he is saying, and to publicly endorse him as a candidate. while in the beginning, before these comments were taken seriously and more were made, a lot of younger republicans and younger voters in general have been aligning with the things that he has said. but now as things have come along, i think that it's very, very difficult for people to endorse him. >> you use the word immature. this morning hillary clinton was asked if she thought donald trump was a racist. she would not answer that. i'm curious about your choice of the word that he was being immature and when -- i pointed this out earlier, everyone says some of this language is recent. the first speech he gave saying that he was running for president included the now infamous words about mexicans and mexico sending its rapists.
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so this was started out the block. >> yes, i agree. i think when i say immature, i mean that a lot of other politicians wouldn't necessarily be so politically incorrect, if i must say. and a lot of people key in necessarily say they agree with the things he says. because his comments aren't very professional. i think that he's -- remember that -- look at the audience he is speaking with. it's very hard for people to really agree with what he says. >> miguel, is it too late for donald trump to pivot if he changes his language? his tone, as you and sappa have pointed out. is it too late for him to get your vote? >> well, what i would tell people is, you know, i don't take any of donald trump's policies seriously. i don't. what i take more seriously, tamron, is the kind of person who says those things. you know, the character of the person who demeans women, bans an entire religion from america. and at the end of the day, i
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think millennials and minorities see that donald trump is donald trump. and he can shuffle staff armoun. he can tone down his rhetoric or soften his policies, but millennials and minorities with, they see through that. and i think we're going to see the impact of that come november. >> miguel, thank you both for your time, greatly appreciate it. >> thank you. up next, look at the biggest political moments from this week. yes, it's the end of the week and we're going to help you remember everything that happened. nbc senior political editor mark murray is next.
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couple days before the debate. are you concerned about that? >> my e-mails are so boring. >> yeah. mine aren't. >> i'm embarrassed about that. >> is there any part of the law you might be able to change that would accommodate those people that contributed to society, have been law-abiding. >> there can certainly be a softening. we're not looking to hurt people. we have some great people in this country. >> hillary clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human being, worthy of a better future. >> the names may have changed, races now call themselves racialists, white supremacists now call themselves white nationalist, and now trump is trying to rebrand himself as well. but don't be fooled. >> it's the oldest play in the democratic playbook. you're racist, you're racist, you're racist, they keep saying
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it, you're racist. >> okay. let's get to mark murray, daily briefing of the day. who won the week? >> tamron, i actually thought the week started off strong for donald trump now that he has new leadership. he had the clinton campaign on the defensive when talking about the clinton foundation in particular. you saw a much more disciplined donald trump campaign and one on message, but two big exceptions top donald trump having a good week, one, the muddle message on immigration and one of the clips, you heard donald trump talk about the softening, then he was talking about the hardening, and i think we're in a place where we don't know what he's going to do with the 11 million undocumented immigrants. and of course the other exception, hillary clinton's very blistering speech on race, hitting donald trump hard, and i do think that's a story we're still talking about today and maybe on into the weekend. >> so you're saying it's a draw. >> good way, absolutely. but one in which i do think that we noticed big change over the past month. trump campaign that was attacking hillary clinton and going hard after her as opposed
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to fellow republicans. >> all right buddy, thank you, next week. we'll be right back, we're done. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? our new cocktail bitters were doing well, but after one tradeshow, we took off. all i could think about was our deadlines racing towards us. a loan would take too long. we needed money, now. my amex card helped me buy the ingredients to fill the orders. opportunities don't wait around, so you have to be ready for them. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at
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thank you so very much for watching this entire week. that does it for this hour, i'm tamron hall, right now airpts. andrea. >> thank you, tamron. the end of the week, really? happy friday, and right now on "andrea mitchell reports" fringe benefits? hillary clinton's fierce attack against donald trump exclusively on "morning joe" today again accusing him of race baiting. >> this is not a normal choice between a republican and a democrat. we are facing a divisive candidate whose loose cannon temperament and complete lack of preparation make him unqualified to be president and temperamentally unfit to be commander and chief. >> and donald trump doubling down on his inflammatory attack against clinton. >> she was a bigot. when you look at what's happening to the inner cities,
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look at what's happening to african americans and hispanics of this country where she talks all the time -- >> cracks in the wall. donald trump backtracking again on his immigration policy. now saying that mass deportations are on the table. >> so if you have committed a crime and you've been here for 15 years and family here, job here, will you be deported? >> we're going to see what happens once we strengthen up our border, but the there is a very good chance the answer could be yes, we're going to see what happens. senator john mccain's primary challenger, doctor no less playing the age card. >> john mccain is falling down on the job. he's gotten weak. he's gotten old. i do want to wish him a happy birthday. he's going to be 80 on monday. and i want to give him the best birthday present ever, the gift of retirement. and good day, i'm andrea
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