tv Morning Joe MSNBC August 29, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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u.s. for drones. the nationwide guidelines which apply to commercial flights include a weight limit of 55 pounds. and a ban on nighttime flying. there's also new licensing requirements. and we should note that donald trump and hillary clinton have no scheduled public events today. does it for us on this monday. "morning joe" starts right now. >> that establishment media assault on me. they have said it that the establish. media assault on me has been the greatest that they've ever seen in the political history of our country. i feel that. i feel it. i know it. even today some major papers fail to mention how strong our poll numbers have become over the last two-week period. the media is totally dishonest. deny people the positive change that they're looking for and they deserve.
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they take phrases and statements and chop them up and take them out of context and then discuss them for days and days and days. always trying to demean and belittle just whatever they can do to demean and belittle. our incredible movement. they have a movement. this is one of the great movements. we're going to take our country back from the death spiral that it's currently in. >> i don't think anybody is really belittling the movement. i think they're just belittling the stupid things he says. >> let's just launch right in, i guess. monday, august 29th. with us on set we have managing editor of bloomberg politics and co-host of msnbc. john heilmann and author of the book "democracy in black" and columnist for "time" magazine
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eddy jr. former governor of vermont and former chair of the national democratic committee howard dean. former ted cruz communication director now an msnbc political director rick tyler. >> rick tyler, when someone is whining about the media that much, what does it tell you? >> that they're losing. >> they're losing. exactly. when they whine about the media and whine about the polls instead of talking about the issues that matter to americans, that means they're losing. >> here we go. where do we begin with this stuff. dwli i think we'll start in chicago where the police brought charges. the response by the republican nominee. >> really, really concerning. >> the death of the cousin of nba all-star dwyane wade. two brothers are responsible for the shooting death of nykea aldridge. a 32-year-old mother of four.
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she was shot while pushing a baby stroller friday afternoon after registering one of her children for the school year. aldridge is not believed to be the intended target of the men who police say have gang affiliations. both were on parole one released from prison just two weeks before the shooting. aldridge's death quickly found its way into the political arena on saturday when donald trump tweeted about it. here it is. "dwyane wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. just what i've been saying. african-americans will vote trump." trump misspelled his name in the tweet. >> while we keep this a mother, a young mother gunned down in chicago and the republican nominee immediately puts out a tweet that ends in all caps, vote trump with an exclamation
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point. how do you even begin to explain the type of mind that could do that? >> i don't know. i mean, you just kind of something has gone wrong that he lacks empathy. it actually reveals in a certain way how he views african-american communities. right. so, instead of in that moment offering his condolences, his prayers for the families, for the children who've lost their mother. he only saw folks who -- >> empathy for the murdered mother. >> none whatsoever. >> say vote trump and he's done this before. >> one of the things people pointed out in the kahn controversy a lack of empathy for mrs. kahn and why she might not have spoken at the
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democratic convention because she was in grief over the loss of her son. the irony of it. his argument against hillary clinton is she just sees you as votes. right. he accuses her of doing to the african-american community what he just did in that tweet. >> howard dean, though, what kind of sickness infects a mind that you see somebody gunned down in the streets while pushing a baby stroller and instantaneously your reaction is, see, i told you so. african-americans will vote trump. >> well, see, here's the problem for trump. this is all about trump. i mean, when he went to new orleans, which is a political thing to do, it's after the governor sort of set do you not have anybody coming running down here. >> baton rouge. >> right, sorry, baton rouge. it's always about trump. it is only about trump for trump. that is sort of the definition of narcissism. i resisted using that word
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because i'm not a psychiatrist. >> we have a political strategist using the word psychopath. no, i'm -- let's just take this seriously at this point. you know, i think at other stages of other campaigns a network might be snarky and like get a psychiatrist out. i actually, no, i don't want to -- >> it's true. it's true. >> i actually think it's time to hear from somebody in the mental health community. to look at this person who has been on television for months and to give us a sense of what we have going on here. and, i'm sorry, let's stop pretending we're dealing with someone who we can completely understand. and when you see someone who you think has problems, you know it. and there's not anybody at this table who doesn't think he has some sort of problem. let's ask the questions. let's do this at this point.
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let's set up someone and ask questions. >> i think perhaps that may be necessary. >> does anyone think that's completely outlandish and only because i have some sort of weird, snarky slant to it. >> now we have, first of all, okay, first of all, a psychiatrist cannot come on and diagnose somebody. >> talk about the character traits we see repetitively here. >> i think he meant sociopath. there is a difference. not a psychopath. >> be very careful as describing him as -- >> i don't want to describe him as anything. >> when we do that we suggest that he is this singular figure. right. that something's wrong with him. when we do that, it makes it easier for us to kind of account for him. in fact, when we see all of these folks who are supporting trump, we hear all of this stuff all around the country. and we can't say that he's just
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something mentally wrong with him as an easy way to dismiss him. >> i've been asked hundreds of times. >> i want to understand more fundamentally. what's going on in the country that would lead us to have him as an option in the first place. >> that's a story which we covered. >> over the past i would say month, rick tyler, i have known a lot of people supportive of donald trump. actually moving away. there was an intensity level from a lot of people i know in northwest florida and my home area. a lot of people i have known in all the speeches i've given that were strongly for trump. or just moving away. and istarted seeing it in the pools. >> rick and then howard. >> well, that's right. as soon as you gain the nomination, there seemed to be a quick consolidating of the
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republican base, which was quite surprised. the repetitive unforced errors time and time again and last week on immigration which was the equivalent of rodney dangerfield "back to school" it was just unbelievable how he went out. was a softening and then a hardening and then you have all the surrogates, including kellyanne saying, no, no, absolutely no change. you can see a dramatic change in his position on immigration. >> there is a change. >> howard? >> i actually think this is actually a fairly common phenomenon. trump is losing. people know he's losing. he's unattractive to some of the people that you were talking about in north florida. when you lose, people are watching you lose, they start to move away. not the hard core. >> there are hard core who would be, as eddy was talking, really interesting to analyze. but the people who want to vote republican and working class
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folks who are just angry, some of them are going -- >> peel off and say, do i really want to vote for amnesty don is what i'm saying. >> some people are saying. >> i wasn't thinking about those people. >> brilliant invocation. >> that's what some people are calling him now. >> he corrected the misspelling in his tweet and he doubled down on his tweet. an hour and a half after that, trump offered his condolences to wade and his family. trump's original sentiment on nykea aldridge's death is that african-americans will vote trump seems to be exactly the kind of thing that he's basing his criticism of hillary clinton on over the past week. >> hillary clinton is a bigot. who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future.
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>> trump's reaction to the shooting also falls into his similar pattern of him seeing personal, political gain at times of profound tragedy. after the brussels airport bombing that killed 32 people in march, trump tweeted i have proven to be far more correct about terrorism and hopefully arizona and utah will be voting for me today. >> this happened. this tweet happened and keep that up, he tweets this while the body parts of americans are strewn on airport walls and in train stations. and he sees that on his television. he sees the death and destruction that shocked americans. that shocked the world. and he's saying, vote me in arizona and utah today. it is as insensitive as anything i've seen.
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>> 44 minutes later he shared an instagram video watching this clip from earlier this year. time and time i have been right about terrorism. it's time to get tough. two hours later he added my heart and prayers go out to all the victims of the brussels tragedy. it's time to grump tweeted appr and congrats for being right on radical islamic terrorism. i don't want congrats. i want toughness and vigilance. we must be smart. dr. dean, where do you start? >> well, again, you can't make a psychiatric diagnosis over television. there's clearly something the matter with this guy. but we've said that before. >> trump's reaction to tragedy, his running mate mike pence said
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it was a creation of the media. >> no, it wasn't. >> do you think that was a presidential reaction to a tragedy? >> right after that, he issued a tweet expressing his prayers and his thoughts and his condolences. >> this is a pattern. when there's a tragedy he sends a tweet how this could help his campaign. >> can i just make the point. what donald trump said and tweeted in the last few days than what the clintons have been up ta. >> can i me a point, mike penc if any of your children did anything remotely insensitive and heinous, you would take them and sit them down and give them a long, stern lecture about how unchrist like that was. you would do it, mike, because i know you. so, please, don't blame this on the press. it's the guy that you have to stand next to. you made that choice. i'm not exactly sure why you
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did. but you did. but, please, don't blame other people for what donald trump is doing. it is heinous. it is offensive. and it is a horrible example for your children and mine. >> so, trump has spoken repeatedly in recent weeks about his desire to win the african-american vote. it seems he will finally take that vote. trump will speak at great faith ministries in detroit this saturday. trump will make the swing through michigan on labor day weekend when democrats traditionally stop in detroit for the annual labor day picnic. it comes on the heels of the state's two-term republican governor rebuking trump's statement and that mexico would steal the state's claim as the car capital of the world. and we've got a thriving, manufacturing sector and i'm
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proud of it. snider has not endorsed in the presidential race. dold trump said he will head to arizona for a speech on immigration. trump tweeted last night, i will make a major speech on illegal immigration on wednesday in the great state of arizona. big crowds looking for a larger venue. last week his campaign issued contradictory messages about trump's arizona stop would even happen. announcing an immigration speech at a downtown phoenix hotel while his state director said it was about party unity and by friday there were claims it was canceled. only to be contradicted by the candidate himself who tweeted, changing venue to much larger one. demand is unreal. polls looking great. trump's immigration message has left many confused. he described his position as both softening and hardening. within a few days of each other. trump did not elaborate while in iowa this weekend and claiming the media is missing the point.
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>> all the media wants to talk about is the 11 million people or more or less. they have no idea what the number is because we have no control over our country. but my priority and really is for the well being of everybody, but in particular, the 300 million americans and more and all of our hispanic citizens and all of our african-american citizens. legal residents who want a secure border. i mean secure. >> the one issue that you didn't really address is whether or not the 11 or 12 million undocumented immigrants will be removed by a deportation force as you heard mr. trump say in that clip from november of last year. is that policy still operative? >> what you heard him describe there in his usual plain spoken american way was a mechanism, not a policy. i mean, you're going to hear more detail in the next two
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weeks that lays out all the polici policies. >> how do they leave? do they self-deport or whether you want to call a deportation force or something that helps them leave the country immediately as he's previously said he'd like to see happen. >> look, that's really the question here, john. he has to deal with those agencies and those individuals already responsible for this who aren't doing their jobs. >> what is his position specifically on the undocumented immigrants? >> you're going to find out from donald trump very shortly. he's going to be giving prepared remarks on this issue i think very soon. i don't want to give a date. >> we don't know. that is sort of remarkable that we don't know. >> i just don't speak for donald trump. >> think about this for 14 months, amnesty don. people are saying it. they're calling him amnesty don. >> for 14 months amnesty don has
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been putting illegal immigration at the center of amnesty don's campaign. right, john? and, yet, nobody in amnesty don's own campaign can tell you what amnesty don's position is after amnesty don won the primaries promising to deport 11. i'm telling mika here. poor mika. poor put upon mika. put upon mika here that amnesty don was going to get a deportation force. but now amnesty don is softening. >> i thought he was kidding. >> now amnesty don this weekend, even amnesty don's own people and surrogates don't know what he's going to do on this. >> what or when. >> sort through amnesty don's statements on immigration and tell us what you think he's going to do. >> i haven't the faintest clue. >> really? isn't it surprising how some people are calling him amnesty don. >> some people are saying that. some people are calling mika,
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people are calling her that. >> i thought it was -- >> there is so much. look. the only thing to say about it is -- >> his own people don't know. 14 months later. 14 months later. >> we don't know what his position is. his people don't know what his position is. which is i still think the classic quote of the week. he hasn't changed his positions, he's just changing his words. express the whole thing. i think the question is not whether he is changing his position, but whether he has a position. because if there's this much confusion over what his position is given the history over time, does anybody, whatever he says, is there any reason to believe that that is now his position or that it won't change, again and again. >> rick tyler, it does seem what he's saying is he is going to take care of the bad, the bad illegal immigrants and send them
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home. it sounds like that's what he is trying to muddle his way towards. but he still may be on back taxes and doing other things that have earned him the nickname amnesty don. amongst probably millions and millions of people across the fruited plains and now people are saying -- where do you think amnesty don is right now on his position? >> look, joe, i argued all through the primary that you couldn't trust donald trump and he would change his position and that's what happened. he is now trying to recover from the catastrophe of the sean hannity town hall where he literally on the fly changed his position right there. you saw some of the reaction from the crowd. they were horrified. >> they were calling him amnesty don. >> what he realized what's happening his base will not allow him to move from his
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previous position. his previous position is the one that he staked out that distinguished himself from every other republican running. and now in the hannity interview, he seemed to be to the left of jeb bush and marco rubio on immigration. >> has he backed off that position now? >> i think he's trying to return to his previous position. but here's the problem, what he wants to do, of course, is expand his base and get beyond his base, but his base won't let him. a low ceiling and a high floor and it won't let him move. the problem is when you look at the quinnipiac poll it looks like hillary clinton who reached over 50% in that poll has a lot more head room. by the way, can i mention something about the, i think david plouffe meant and i appreciate dr. dean not making a diagnosis over the air. >> well, here's the thing, though. we look at mental health much differently than we did in year's past.
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we don't require people to use firearms and serve in the military with mental health issues and we do require that, i don't know if we require it, but we always have seen presidential medical records. why not, why not a mental health evaluation? >> also, it shouldn't be something that is in the shadows. mental health is just like dibad diabetes or some other physical health. this is not something i'm making a joke about. i'm serious. i've been asked hundreds of times and so have you. >> the problem is 1964 there were psychiatrists that all came together in a magazine article and goldwater was mentally unfit to be president of the united states. the american psychiatry association after that put in something called goldwater rule. informally called goldwater rule which does not make diagnoses
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not publicly who have not treated them and not given them consent. >> ask someone high up in the mentalealth community about traits that we have seen repeatedly over time. >> we can do that. >> here's david plouffe misdiagnosing. >> i think the assessment is that donald trump would try to do some things to appeal to suburban college educated women. we have a psychopath running. >> do you really think, diagnosing people on air and i assume you don't have a degree in psychology. is that fair? we're jumping to conclusions here. i think this is what gets voters a little frustrate would this campaign. >> listen, the grandiose notion of self-worth. lack of empathy and remorse. so, here's, i think he does. right, i don't have a degree in psychology. >> just a quick correction. i'm sure dr. dean will help me here. i know rick did before.
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kate and i were driving in the car last week and she asked, what do you think is wrong with mr. trump? she's met him before. i said, i don't know. she said, do you think he's a psychopath and check out sociopath. and we looked at the definitions a lot of similar traits except psychoopath chains people downstairs and eats them. a sociopath. a sociopath, though. i think david plouffe has that one wrong. does not inflict physical pain. >> that's not true. they could. >> they could, but less likely to. >> how about just narcissist -- >> no. >> look at the definition of sociopath. >> i have to say, there is a good reason doctors shouldn't
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make diagnoses. i remember a guy who is a friend of mine and a friend of yours on one side of the aisle once making a diagnosis in a florida case which he regretted to this day, my video. you cannot make diagnoses. >> the exception, obviously, telemedicine where you sit down and interview the patient and have lab results in front of you. okay. >> and i'm not saying, i'm not saying we should talk to someone in the mental health community for a diagnose on the air that is never what i meant when we had this conversation. but at this point i have been asked so many times that i think it's worth asking someone in the mental health community if this is someone you'd want to -- are these signs of something that perhaps could lead to a d diagnos diagnosis? we've seen enough. it's repetitive and consistent. >> bring on mental health professionals and describe certain traits in people and
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have them talk. >> i think we're there. >> but it doesn't have to be about donald trump. it could be, let's say somebody -- >> isn't this like some people say device. >> or let's just say there is a ficitati ficitational character named amnesty don. >> i think it's easier for us and safer for us to infer from his actions and words something about his character. >> right. >> it's easier for us to stay on that ground than to try to attribute something to his mental health. >> but anyone here at this table who has not been asked about it? >> we've all been asked. even by our children. >> anybody? >> and still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> sorry, just the way it goes. i'm neurotic. >> some people are saying that. >> that i'm neurotic. >> well, that's accurate. >> that's going back a long ways. >> that's like yesterday's news. >> you don't have to have a
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sociopath tweet that. not like i don't know who would. but if a sociopath did. some people would say if they did. but, anyway, coming up on "morning joe." yes. >> two of our top political correspondents hallie jackson coming up and kristen wellker following hillary clinton. both join us live this morning. later with trump at the top of the ticket, the republican party is fearing its future in the american west. >> yeah. >> jeremy peters is here. >> yeah, also, in the american east. >> with his series from "new york times." trump's challenges with various demographic groups. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. >> he hasn't changed his position on immigration. he's changed the words that he is saying. what he has always said from the beginning is that he does not. no, that he does not want to allow people to stay in this country illegally. he does want to build a wall. it's the how that is being discussed now. if they're here illegally, they
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have to go. >> review deportation force. now he is shifting. katrina, there is a definite, different message that we're hearing now. >> there's not a different message. he's using different words to give that message. ♪ it's peyton on sunday mornings. ♪ e-ma what up, peyt. you know i have directv nfl sunday ticket. i get every game, every sunday. all in hd. yeah. i know that. so you wanna come over? i'll make nachos! i can't right now man. i'm playing. oh yeah. alright. i'll pencil you in for tuesday. (vo) get nfl sunday ticket included at no extra charge. only on directv. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move.
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checking this. it appears amnesty don is now trending. >> really. >> on the twitter. >> you know, i'll use the twitter. they've all got the twitters. >> trending means what? kind of like a quantitative way. >> that's crazy. you're trending everywhere. trending. trending is a quantitative way of measuring what people are saying. >> i think that's what the kids tell me. >> if it's trending, that's what people are saying. >> you can say some people are saying. he's amnesty don, right? the twitter machine is now showing me that, in fact rick,
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we don't understand this twitter thing. if amnesty don is trending. >> you say it, it trends. if people are typing in amnesty don with a hthe hashtag. >> from donald trump distracters, it's just pure fun. >> this is fascinating. >> i think what it means is very simple. people are saying it. during his time as secretary of state, mika, before the november election. >> the department has released about half of the logs of her minute b minute activities but not all expected to come out until december 30th. an analysis by the associated press concluded that more than
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half the people outside the government who met with clinton while she was in secretary and had in some way given money to the clinton foundation. the clinton campaign called that assessment deeply flawed. meanwhile, abc news reports on new e-mails that show top foundation staffers interfacing with top state department aides. according to e-mails obtained by abc via the groups citizens united doug band e-mailed huma aberdin to attend a state department luncheon back in 2011. in case of one of them, the president of the rockefeller foundation. he requested she be seated at vice president biden's table. her response, i'll ask. noting that the vice president office was handling his seating arrangements. representatives of the two donors in question say they didn't go or have no record while the rockefeller foundation
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didn't respond. >> this happens in fund-raising a good bit. >> this happens all the time for all kinds of reasons. >> which is why you don't want to have a fouconnection with th foundation. >> here, i'll give you a perfect example. hillary meets with melinda gates. melinda gates. the gates foundation gave a whole bunch of money. melinda gates is an international figure who is doing incredibly important things for the health care of 11 million people around the world. so, she's going to turn down a meeting. the prince of bahrain or the crown prince who gave $32 million. he never actually gave $32 million to the clinton foundation. what he did was through the clinton foundation they arranged to help students in other countries. get a better education. so, a lot of this stuff is kind of short handed for the sake of the press. go ahead, sorry. >> aren't these donations like buying access as some have put
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it. for example, you give a big donation and then you can e-mail huma or doug and say i want to sit next to this person so i can stroke them for more attention or get them to show up. >> everyone in politics have this problem and i agree with joe. we've seen this all the time. >> but you're buying access. >> congress, senators. >> you don't always get the access. this happened to me. >> looks like you have a direct line here. >> you can always ask. the question is, do you always get? even if you just got access, the question is, is there a smoking gun. >> that's what's interesting about all of these e-mails. you know, john, we always have the asks but we don't have the response on, you know, can you do this? can you do that? i'll check. sitting somebody next to somebody else, there isn't a congressman or a senator who was going to say i didn't ask if one of my big donors can sit somewhere or go to this event.
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does it change u.s. policy? is there evidence that money given to the clinton foundation changes u.s. policy? short of that. i just don't see that amnesty don or anybody is going to have a lot to really go on to hurt hillary clinton. >> i agree with that. i think, look, we discussed this last week. is the quid pro quo you're looking for what you have bought in quotes just the access or are you, or is the quid pro quo have to be a change in policy? i think, you know, a lot of reporting from the course of today until election day trying to find that quid pro quo on policy. so far, we have not seen one. we may never see one. if we do see one a huge political problem for hillary clinton. if we don't see one on policy a real change. then i think limited amount of political damage inflicted. >> you agree? >> i think it all deep seeded
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suspicious whether it goes to whether or not folks trust hillary clinton. whether or not there is actually a quid pro quo here. just simply business as usual in terms of politics. i donate money and come to the events and get my seat next to who i want to sit to. the issue here, primarily obvious. >> i point out that the ask is what the payoff is. they, some of these people didn't even get to sit next to the vice president. i have certainly played this game. somebody has helped me. i'd like to get a word to mrs. clinton, right? i'll ask. right. now, they never get the word to mrs. clinton, but you got to ask. so, i agree. >> by the way, hey, could you tell georgw. bush this when he was president. hey, could you tell ronald reagan this. hey, i got an idea for bob dole. >> exactly. >> i'll go to his fund-raiser, but i want him to look closer that flat tax.
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i need to get a word, too. it does happen a good bit. >> coming up -- >> hey, i have a good idea. >> is it an amnesty don idea? >> yes, it is. i think i need to write a song called amnesty don and maybe circle it into "trump the musical." >> what kind of song? >> country western. sort of an amnesty don. >> in the music video will he burst through the doors of the bar. >> put them back in his pocket and say, oh, hell, you can all go home now. >> speaking about narcissists and nice things about him, i bet he would show up in it just because he really is a narcissist. >> get ready for a starring role. "trump the musical." msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt. she joins us for the must-read opinion pages. "morning joe" is back in a minute.
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hey lmaybe let'play upell our the digital part.r job, but it's a manufacturing job. yeah, well ge is doing a lot of cool things digitally to help machines communicate, might want to at least mention that. i'm building world-changing machines. with my two hands. does that threaten you? no! don't be silly. i'm just, uh, going to go to chop some wood. with that? yeah we don't have an ax. or a fireplace. good to be prepared. could you cut the bread?
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[ clock titime. ] you only have so much. that's why we want to make sure you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around. still ahead, last week jacob was in the back of a bike in florida and that was so awkward, but so not. >> did not really know where to put his hands. now he's trading the harley for a john deere. jacob catches up in his own special way with voters in iowa. his new reporting from another key battleground state straight
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ahead on "morning joe." hey, need fast hearurn relief? try cool mint zantac. it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. it's what the national debt could do to our economy. if we don't solve our debt problem 19 trillion and growing money for programs like education will shrink.
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>> she's pledging to abolish the lawmaking powers of congress and assume the powers of an imperial leader. she is not an imperial leader, is she? i don't think so. i don't think so. she doesn't, she doesn't even look presidential to me. joining us now for the must-read opinion pages. political correspondent, the great kasie hunt. good to have you back, kasie. >> maureen dowd, want me to do that, kasie. any spur of the moment, donald trump, go. >> donald trump, go. >> just say amnesty don. >> by the way, amnesty don, now number two trending. >> number two trending. >> what's that? number two in the bullet. >> what does that mean?
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>> trending number two. amnesty don. >> that happened to me on friday. i did an interview with someone about donald trump and i literally started the interview and i just have no idea what to ask you because i am completely at a loss as to how sort of, all right. let's go to maureen. you want me to be quiet? >> the conversation with most of my family members is going that way. >> at our dinner table in northeast harbor, wow. >> that was -- >> the band was crazy. >> we loved it. >> you guys killed it up there? >> killed it. >> had a wonderful time and the venue, wow. >> amazing. >> "new york times" the alt-right is all wrong. if hillary had a normal opponent her vulnerabilities would be more glaring. she would have spent the last week getting peppered with question how the fbi disive coed e-mails from a private server.
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but hillary does not have a normal opponent. she is one who manages to self-destruct in every news cycle. one believe that trump and tabled as suppress and her malfesance is so small compared to his that it's not worth mentioning. that's not good for her or us to leave so many things hanging out there without her ever having to explain herself. letting her rise above everything for the good of the country is not good for the country. i do tend to agree with that. which is why we had her on the show on friday asknd asked all e questions we had to ask. it's hard to be objective. >> we were very tough with her all week. at one point referencing a campaign statement is pathetic. and she still came on the show the next day. but that's a lot of questions that i guess the press is probably grappling with. how do we balance hillary's
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actions with donald trump's perceived instability or the fact that a lot of people are calling him amnesty don. >> some people say. no, look, i think this is also very explicit. this is why they are every day trying to paint donald trump as not a normal candidate. they are willing to say, oh, regular republicans. they aren't that bad because it sets up this situation for them where he is untenable. so far it seems to be working. i think a lot of it is because donald trump is playing into their hands in this regard. if he had sort of changed the ship a little bit earlier on, this could have been a more difficult argument. you've seen bannon and kellyanne keeping up on this idea. >> the question, rick, how does it really permeate for voters who are, again, seeing a different can stractidistractio
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donald trump and a different personal attack on one day, the next day, seeming to celebrate the murder of a mother. saying that it helps him politically. now that black voters will vote trump. >> well, there's two central arguments in this campaign and donald trump's argument is that hillary clinton cannot be trusted. hilla both candidates seem to be proving the other and it's the winner of that central argument who will win. right now it looks like hillary clinton has the upper hand. i mean, donald trump is losing in the polls and, yet, more people talk about donald trump than hillary clinton. hillary clinton is, you know, largely despite all these scandals and problems with the e-mail and untrustworthness and reinforcing that with the next shoe to drop comes day after day after day, he remains the story. and, so, as long as he remains the story, hillary clinton will
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not be the story and she will win that central argument. >> he wants to remain the story at all times case. >> that's the problem. like if he could be quiet for three days, maybe the press would cover her. but, you know, he just gives him constantly gives him things to discuss. it's not the media's fault, it's his fault. >> exactly. and every time it seems, kasie, that he's trying to make a pivot, he starts attacking people randomly doing stupid tweets and going after cable news hosts. >> and the question here, i think, you guys were talking at the top of the show a lot about african-american voters and that plays more on what's on the front page of "new york times." democrats focusing on weth wea suburbs. in places outside philadelphia, for example. outside cincinnati and atlanta and why democrats are looking at georgia. i think that's the challenge here for donald trump is, you know, the way that he's approached talking about african
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and talking to african-american voters is something where his instincts are not as well honed as the instinct that he was able to rely on during the primary. i think he's gotten himself into some traps that make it worse with the demographic that they need. >> it is, cartoon-like view of how black americans ought to be spoken to. i was asked and mika was asked in kennebunkportt this event why, what's going on with donald trump. why is he speaking the way he's speaking. he's been a democrat all of his life. and this is how democrats are not really focused on politics. this is their cartoon version of how republicans think and how republicans talk. and, so, he as a new york democrat is saying the things he thinks republicans would like. sort of the cartoon version.
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he's also doing it now with black americans and hispanic americans and sort of dumbing down cartoon version of what he thinks will win votes for him. and it actually, as kasie just said, it's having the opposite effect. >> that might be a generous read, right, of what he's up to. there's just something about i'm reminded of a phrase, he says america resembles a monotonous same dance, same jokes, same songs. there's something about the way in which trump is approaching black voters. something about the way in which black voters are being talked about. >> i think james baldwin would be shock by the turn this menstrual show -- >> just the fact that we're being treated as political actors. >> i think it's what he thinks and that's limited.
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so, kasie, stay with us. rick tyler, thank you very much. >> thank you, rick. >> back in just a moment. >> what's the word of the day? >> this musical. i got the opening scene. trump in trump tower and they're singing about the coming election and the hit song is called "it's gonna be huge." >> i like it. we're going to write that down. this is actually happening. we'll be right back. >> i may owe you some rights here. it's going to be huge. but i can't imagine doing anything else. now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. i'm always hopping on the train, running all over portland. i have to go wherever the work is. trains with innovative siemens technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. i can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. i'm booked solid for weeks. it takes ingenuity to make it in the big city.
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>> what he said is very consistent. >> this is a guy who has been very consistent. at least one thing was consistent on sunday, mika. >> the trump campaign is trying to get everyone singing out of the same book. ahead what is being billed as a big immigration speech. "washington post" robert costa is with us straight ahead. we'll be right back with much more "morning joe." your car insurance policy
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>> it's catching on. some people calling amnesty don. >> actually more and more people. i'd say more and more people are saying that than ever. >> why are they saying because of -- >> i think now they can say. >> number two trending. >> because of the softening. >> i don't want to discuss that. >> it's monday, august 29th. >> why don't you want to discuss that. that he's softening. >> i don't want to discuss softening or hardening in any context. >> i don't know what you're talking about. amnesty don, why would you go there? we had a very interesting conversation. so i'm going down this computer box thing here. real clear politics. as you go down it, i look at rubio. he's up five in florida. i look at burr, he's up five in north carolina. you look at portman, he's up eight. you look at blunt, missouri,
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he's up five. these incumbents that were supposed to be hammered. it makes a lot of sense. saying the democrats are focusing on wealthy suburbs. a brilliant move on the democrats' part if they really want to gut republicans and, yet, it doesn't seem to have the effect yet on a lot of republican senate candidates. and you had a fascinating explanation. why is that? >> i think that one of the things that is just interesting as a hypothesis about this is that the clinton campaign has decided to try to -- this is not republicanism. this is he's far off. he's way outside the norms of traditional republicanism. that's what the alt-rith speech was about. >> haez not dole, he's not mccain. >> something we've never seen before. they're trying to make it more comfortable for suburban republicans to vote for a democrat. in the process, they're creating a context where republicans can
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say, yeah, we agree with hillary clinton. you see a race like in pennsylvania, another race she mentioned. she is, right now, running well -- >> 15 points ahead. >> 15 points ahead and toumey is up in pennsylvania. >> that argument allows somebody in montgomery county or bucks county to say, okay. i don't want to vote for hillary. i'm a republican, but i'm going to vote for pat toomey for senate because as hillary even says, he's not like trump. >> right. >> i can vote for toomey and also vote for hillary. >> she explicitly said that in the alt-right speech. this is not conservatism and it is about people who are maybe embarrassed to say to their neighbors, i voted for a democrat. to say, hey, i'm still a republican and it's okay to vote for hillary clinton. it reminds me the strategy of president obama and how he kind of made himself independent from
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the democratic party brand. it's a departure from the clintons historically who have always been so worried and focused on party building. they built a lot of loyalty that way. >> along with kaise and ed at the table we have joining us from washington, robert costa. robert costa is with us, as well. >> is that a closet that we put howard dean in. >> it's a restroom. we ask our patrons not to flush. >> but you're trending here, too, joe. amnesty don is trending right here in the flash cam room. >> it's not joe who is trending. it's amnesty don. >> because when there is softening on a stance, often that means people think it's amnesty. there's been a lot of softening. >> softening to the name don. donald trump says -- >> eddie wanted to talk about softening. >> no, absolutely not. >> donald trump says he will head to arizona this week for a speech on immigration.
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trump tweeted last night -- >> hold on! soft don is not trending but some people are starting to tweet #softdon. but amnesto don is still the big trend. >> what's it trending on? >> the twitter. >> is this really true? >> it's true. soft don now is some people are saying soft don is going to be trending soon. >> i have no comments. >> you would think he would get upset, but he doesn't watch. >> trump tweeted last night. >> every single day. >> a major speech on illegal immigration on wednesday night. big crowds looking for a larger venue. last week his campaign issued contradictory message about whether trump's arizona stop would even happen. announcing an immigration speech at a downtown phoenix hotel while his state director said it was about party unity and by friday there were claims it was canceled only to be contradicted
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by the candidate changing venue to a much larger one. trump's immigration message has left many confused. he described his position as both softening and hardening. >> so, he is the one that he talked about he was softening and hardening. >> within a few days of each other. trump did not elaborate in iowa. >> that's where the #softdon came from, i guess. >> while in iowa this weekend pledging to target immigrant gangs and claiming the media is missing the point. >> all the media wants to talk about is the 11 million people or more or less. they have no idea what the number is because we have no control over our country. but my priority and really is for the well being of everybody, but in particular, the 300 million americans and more and all of our hispanic citizens and all of our african-american citizens legal residents who
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want a secure border. and i mean secure. what is hillary clinton going to do, governor? what is she going to do? not much. she's pledged amnesty in her first 100 days combined with her elimination of virtually all routine immigration enforcement. in other words, totally open borders. she has pledged to keep president obama's executive amnesty, which has been blocked by the supreme court directly disregarding a supreme court injunction. this will be a constitutional crisis like we haven't seen i our country. in effect, she's pledging to abolish the lawmaking powers of congress and assume the powers of an imperial leader. she's not an imperial leader, is she? i don't think so. i don't think so. she doesn't even look presidential to me. >> the one issue that you didn't really address is whether or not
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the 11 million or 12 million undocumented immigrants would be removed by a deportation force, as you heard mr. trump say in that clip from november of last year. is that policy still operative? >> well, what you heard him describe there in his usual plain spoken american way was a mechanism, not a policy. i mean, you're going to hear more detail in the next two weeks that lays out all the polici policies. >> how do they leave? do they self-deport or whether you want to call a deportation force or something that helps them leave the country immediately as he's previously said he'd like to see happen. >> that's really the question here, john. he has to deal with those agencies and those individuals already responsible for this who aren't doing their jobs. >> what is his position specifically on the undocumented immigrants? >> well, you're going to find out from donald trump very shortly he's going to be giving prepared remarks on this issue i think very soon. i don't want to give a date.
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i think i heard a date. >> we don't know. that is sort of remarkable. >> no, i just don't speak for donald trump. >> getting combat pay. >> poor guy. >> he probably should. so, bob costa, nobody in america actually knows what donald trump's position is on immigration reform at this point, even his surrogates this weekend say they were all waiting to see. what are you hearing about this arizona speech? are there any clues on which direction a man that some people call amnesty don will go. >> joe, trump spent sunday meeting with his advisors and based on some conversations this morning and last night with my sources, trump is insistent on keeping this thematic fixation on illegal immigration. so, this is still going to be a candidate who has rallies featuring parents of children who are killed by illegal immigrants. this is a candidate who wants to
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talk about the border wall. but it's about those 11 million. the undocumented who are here. that's what the debate is within the inner circle. rudy giuliani told me that trump is being barraged by different voices giving him conflicting advice on how to handle those 11 million. the speech is going to be written by steve bannon and steve miller most likely. >> does that suggest that they're going to stick with trying to deport 11 million illegal immigrants or do we see a possible softening of the position which trump said he's done and you even heard some suggestions of it over the weekend that his focus is on getting the criminals out of the united states. >> i think we're going to -- a real test for trump to see if he can balance this hard line rhetoric and speaking on illegal immigration and then trying to thread the needle a bit when it comes to the 11 million. he seems privately not as
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inclined towards a deportation force that still seems to be the inclination inside his inner circle. can he keep his base with him while he presents a more modern tone on part of the issue. in chicago, police have brought charges in the shooting death of the cousin of nba all-star dwyane wade. two brothers are responsible for the shooting death of nykea aldridge. a 32-year-old mother of four. she was shot while pushing a baby stroller friday afternoon while registering one of her children for the school year. aldridge is not the intended target of the men who have gang affiliations. both on parole. one released just two weeks before the shooting. aldridge's death quickly found its way into the political arena on saturday when donald trump tweeted about it. "dwyane wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. just what i've been saying
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african-americans will vote trump." trump misspelled wade's first name. the woman who died, actually, dwyane wade's first name. isn't he kind of popular. >> three hours later he corrected the misspelling and replaced it with the same tweet. so, committing this offense twice. >> right. >> i mean -- >> just getting the name wrong first. >> no capacity to emps the athi. >> and for me, it certainly suggests that he doesn't view african-americans as individuals, as people who can think. >> i think it goes beyond character. >> he just sees this as political pawns, right? and it's always odd for me to hear coming out of the mouth of donald trump certain things that are actually.
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there's truth to them. right? that what happened to dwyane wade's cousin has something to do with economics of the south side. it has something to do with an underresource community and something to do with the lack of jobs. it has something to do with policy. to hear it coming out of his mouth, though, you just can't accept the messenger but the messages are really key. >> these numbers started to change after the khan's but we just showed a poll a minute ago about who cares about people like me. hillary clinton 45% and donald trump way down at 29%. i believe that's changed. and if donald trump is supposed to be the man concerned about the working people. it's certainly not translating now in the polls. just like "washington post" has a story today about his catholic numbers are just completely collapsing. we've seen complete collapse in
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a lot of other areas, too, which leads you to ask why are some of these polls as close as they are. >> i don't think there is any dispute. go to the clinton campaign and they do not assume that hillary clinton will win a landslide. a lot of potential landslides and the country remains the most cliche thing you can say. the country remains pretty divided. the trump base is not going anywhere. but it is the case that, you know, you start looking at these battleground state polls and start looking nationally. we have national polls with hillary over 50. a number of battleground states where she's outside the margin of error now. he continues to be stronger. always been the case in these characteristic on the polls that she's always been stronger than he has been on the empathy questions. where he has done better is questions of strength and one thing that they're doing very well on the clinton side is by
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going to national security people and trying to beat them down on those questions. >> right. >> to your point, eddie, talking about the inability to empthiz and have sympathy, i think it goes beyond character and i think it's very real. we'll talk about it later, i think. but i think there were times when back when the goldwater rule was passed where it was seen as defamation or something wrong to talk about conditions. mental health conditions. it shouldn't be. it's not defamation. it is a very real issue. you see traits here that are continuing over the course of the months. >> it wasn't just this weekend, trump's original sentiment. >> seem to be exactly the kind of thing he's basing his criticism of hillary clinton on over the past week. take a look. >> hillary clinton is a bigot. who sees people of color only as
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votes. not as human beings worthy of a better future. >> and trump's reaction to the shooting also falls in a similar pattern of him seeing personal, political gain at times of profound tragedy. after the brussels airport bombing that killed 32 people in march, trump tweeted, i have proven to be far more correct about terrorism than anybody and it's not even close. hopefully arizona and utah will be voting for me today. 44 minutes later he shared an instagram video writing watching this clip from earlier. time and time again i have been right about terrorism. it's time to get tough. >> i want to ask you, bob costa. people keep talking about how we're going to see a new donald trump. i don't think people are saying that any more. haven't there been battles inside the campaign to try to get somebody to get control of donald trump's tweeting? because time and again, he embarrasses himself.
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sets back the cause of the campaign and really sets back the cause of all those others that are working so hard for him to get him elected by sending out tweets like this. >> when you think about donald trump's campaign, sometimes the most inflew wenshal people are not those on staff. roger ales, new jersey governor christie, these are the people who trump is talking to. generational peers who based on my reporting the kind of voices urging him in recent weeks to adopt more moderate tone when it comes to something like deportation. when you think about a potential trump pivot, those voices more than any kind of new staff and conway and bannon have their own influence that matter to trump. >> and we got to show you the orlando tweet, too, after 50 americans were slaughtered. this is what he -- this is what he said. appreciate the congrats for
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being right on radical islamic terrorism. again, this is what americans are lying on the ground in blood murdered in orlando and nobody's exactly sure what's happened yet and while people are dying and america is horrified -- >> law enforcement trying to do its job. >> law enforcement is trying to figure out what happened and reach out to families that are grieving over the death of their loved ones. appreciate the congrats for being right on radical islamic terrorism. howard dean. >> howard. >> what do you do with that? >> i'm reluctant to say this is the end of trump's campaign because i was wrong once a week for 52 weeks in a row. but i don't know how he covered from this. first of all, those of us in politics know the real campaign doesn't start until labor day. but he's dug himself such a
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hole, i don't know if he can get out of this. >> one thing real quick i hear. is trump is being urged by steve bannon this weekend to go to more urban areas. places like philadelphia perhaps in the coming days and detroit and i think this is going to be beyond the immigration speech a real test for trump. when he actually goes to a city and meets with a black community, black community leaders, latino leaders how does he handle it. >> let me ask you. what influence? i don't know bannon. never met bannon. what influence is he having on donald trump because we know, we've heard that kellyanne is trying to do what roger and the others that you were talking about are trying to do, which is moderate his tone. i know roger would not want him tweeting insults out. what about bannon? is he, obviously, he's from
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breitbart, but politically. what are you hearing? what is his strategy for him? is he with the others that are trying to moderate trump's tone, if not his policies? >> not really. i think a telling comment over the weekend when he was on "meet the press" and he said i don't really know steve bannon. but having covered bannon he is detached from the republican party. he's urging trump not to adopt more gop principles but to run on full throated populism. he is someone who believes wrongly or rightly that if trump can somehow connect with people on a populous level, he can expand his coalition in an unusual way. that's the gamble and the strategy coming out of trump tower with steve bannon. >> robert costa, thank you so much. thank you for joining us. this edition of "what's trending" here on "morning joe." >> let's check what is trending
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right now. hold on. >> is it trending still? >> holy cow. >> amnesty don is the top trending, trending -- >> amnesty don. on the twitter. still ahead -- >> right above motivation monday. >> couple spots above anthony weiner. >> #amnestydon. i told you some people were talking about amnesty don. still ahead on "morning joe" republicans have an uphill climb as demographics shift, but as donald trump sets out to grow his appeal is he potentially scaring away republican voters for years to come even out west. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for grea hillary clinton: i'm hilry clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one.
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you know, kind of off the rails trump. trump who doesn't prepare for anything and, based on reports, that's how they're doing it. you just don't know what he's going to say. the job of preparing for trump is difficult. the trump campaign and the clinton campaign weighing in on their debate or as "washington post" puts it. clinton hallie, we'll start with you. a new ad on the way from the trump campaign. >> that's out this morning, mika. the campaign announcing its
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biggest ad to date. $10 million. expanding to five new battleground states. places they haven't been with this new ad. the new battleground states include colorado and virginia, which is really interesting because those are some states where the clinton campaign and they're super pacts have stopped putting up ads feeling presumably confident that she will do well in those areas. trump acknowledges of the nine states they're currently advertising in, but the campaign is hoping to try to put those states back in play. for them, it looks like a bit of an uphill climb and some of their polling is showing some of the numbers are beginning to close as they look at polls both public and private. i would talk about the debate prep as you mentioned in the lead-in there. trump spent part chatting with people like new jersey governor chris christie and his kids were there, as well.
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doing, i don't know if you would call it prep. he doesn't have the binders and the mock podium but kind of talking it out. what he would do, what he would say against hillary clinton and how she might come at him. a very different strategy than what you're seeing from the clinton campaign. they try to play the expectations game. one of her adviser, hey, donald trump could be a formidable foe. the this is like classic campaign 101. raise expec tangezs ftations fo opponent. >> kasie? >> so, jeremy, you have been working on demographic trends, particularly in the western part of the state. we were talking earlier about suburban women. from what you've been seeing and reporting on, do you get the sense that it's already gone for donald trump? what's driving the numbers and some of these states, particularly colorado, nevada.
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are they, are they winnable for donald trump? >> nevada is closer than you would expect. and the senate race there, too, is very close. which tells you trump and clinton have to fight if out. colorado looks, at least for now, it's gone. and the fear there among republicans is that colorado and nevada become the next california. and that's just this place that used to be competitive for republicans in presidential elections, but is now just completely off the map because of the demographic trends. now, the demographic trends have been much discussed and everybody knows full well that the growth and hispanic population is putting these states farther and farther out of reach for republicans. what's lessed discussed is the white vote there. is a younger, better educated white vote that's moving into play. people moving into cities like phoenix and denver and those people are not voting for donald trump. >> not as true in nevada. the white population there is a little bit different. >> that may explain some of why nevada is still pretty close.
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i'm supposed to go there next week. hopefully i'll figure that out. >> democrats said the reason they feel like nevada is still more aggressively in play is partly because the white population there tends to be white people without college degrees and little less affluent. that's a state, obviously, that obama won pretty convincingly and that's a little different. even democrats i talked to who said georgia is a place that might be next. north carolina because of affluent white voters in the atlanta suburbs and, of course, minority population. >> go ahead, i'm sorry. >> the problem is trump has so little margin for error because he has alienated such a large chunk of the fastest growing voting bloc minorities. any kind of crumbling deterri deterioration in the white votes put more states out of reach for him. >> you look, again, college educated white republicans are stopping him from being able to
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shore up his republican base. you have to get, if you're a republican running for president, you've got to get all the republicans. and then you still lose. >> yes. >> and then you have to get democrats and you have to get independents. he's not even able to nail down all the republicans. how does he win? especially in places, again, you talk about the suburbs of atlanta and the suburbs of philadelphia. look at columbus, ohio. again, north carolina. >> arizona, too. >> the fact that arizona is close. i mean, arizona -- >> why is arizona and nevada as close as it is? that's a question for the whole table because it surprises me, especially with a larger hispanic population. >> why it's as close. i think in the case of arizona you have a very unique kind of situation related to the border and donald trump's messaging. this is a place where central focus is the sheriff's race with joe arpiao and a lot benefit donald trump and make that
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closer. nevada is one, again, i think it's the white working class voters. the fact that the white population in nevada tends to be the kind of voters that go for donald trump. >> hey, hallie jackson, something we just started picking up this morning. at least i did. which means everybody else started picking up on it about a month and a half ago. is the fact that, i went down real clear politics to take a look at some of the states and as i was going down there, i noticed mccain up by 14 points. you had rob portman up by eight points in ohio. richard burr up five points in north carolina. i could go down the list. in pennsylvania, pat toomey, a guy whose republican nominee for president is down double digits. pat toomey doing well in pennsylvania. suddenly, this collapse and meltdown in the u.s. senate that was supposed to happen for republicans doesn't seem to be right now.
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what are you hearing out on the campaign trail and can you add anything to these numbers? >> yeah. i think you bring up a really interesting point here because one of the things i heard now over the last couple of weeks as we've been around the country chatting with republican strategists perhaps, perhaps with donald trump at the top of the ticket, if he were to lose, not quite the drag on the down ballot races that people are talk about. when you look at what some of these vulnerable senators are doing. they're still running positive advertisements. one might thing you would be going full on nasty against your opponent. because the theory goes donald trump has sucked up so much of the political oxygen, really over the last year in some of these local races and statewide races. candidates have not been able to define themselves or their opponent in ways and in a timeline you might see classically in campaigns prior. there is a sense, hey, maybe this is not going to be if donald trump were to lose a landslide in the senate for a
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democrats that one might think. still, obviously, time left. we talk about the political season not starting until after labor day and certainly something to watch when you look at where those numbers are. >> one of the collateral effects of what john was talking about earlier. about what hillary clinton has done. in terms of providing space for republicans to be and detach themselves from trump. what is interesting to me is for those of us on the left, what does this mean around hillary clinton's candidacy. she looks so much like a republican. >> hallie jackson and jeremy peters, thank you so much. but today's gop and its presidential nominee look a whole lot different. we're going to talk to bush 41 biography jon meacham how the former president sees the white house race and the future of his republican party. we'll read from joe's new "washington post" piece on the matter. we'll be right back. u work at g? yeah, i do. you guys are working on some pretty big stuff over there, right? like a new language for crazy-big,
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world-changing machines. well, not me specifically. i work on thindustrial side. so i build the world-changingachines. i get it. you cat talk because it's super high-level. no, i actually do build the machines. blink if wt you're doing involves encrypted data transfer. wait, what? wowwww... wow? what wow? there is no wow. soon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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>> did tim kaine go too far over the weekend in talking about donald trump and so-called values of the clan? we'll talk about how we got to this infliction point in politics when historian jon meacham joins us. you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can.
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okay, so, we had the honor of going to meet the bushes this weekend. george h.w. bush and barbara bush. actually, you did a performance for the barbara bush literally foundation in kennebunk, maine. you write about your reflections in hindsight over the weekend in "the washington post." the devolution of the gop. good luck getting george or barbara bush talking about themselves. they just don't do it and they
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never will. first of all, their parents didn't allow it and, besides, that kind of thing wasn't done in the world from which they came. it's just one small way that walker's point is so radically different from the mindset that infects donald trump's corner office high above fifth avenue in trump towers. as jon meacham and i walked down the driveway after saying good-bye to the bushes, the same republican party that nominated a man like bush, who really spoke about himself after a quarter century later would select a reality tv showman who obsessively talked about little else. paraphrased henry adams that the historical evolvement was less compelling when applied to american politics. and jon meacham joins us now. you still in maine? >> he's with the nashville cats.
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so, yeah, jon, talki about that. and the comparison. you were, you were just, as we were leaving drawing comparisons and talking about just a change in mindset. that may reflect an unfortunately much more disturbing trend in our society. >> i think it does reflect a cultural shift, as well. you know, 25 years in the great sweep of history is not that much, right? 21 years is a generation in common parliament. so, in a generation we've gone from a man whose mother said i don't want tahearo hear about t great i am. he would come home and she'd say, how was the game and he would say, i hit a single. i didn't ask how you did, i asked how the team did. one reason president bush was occasionally challenged by the english language was he often heard as he was talking about himself on the political trail, he would hear his mother's voice saying, don't talk about
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yourself so much, george. so, he would get stumbled up. so, i think as i just did. so, what i think two things happened, really, from '88 to '92 that we're seeing play out right now. one is a rise in reflexive partisanship where you had newt gingrich leave the white house out the other door instead of joining his party's president on the budget deal in 1990. huge moment gingrich had seen that there was more political to be made by dealing directly with the base and by using c-span at night and using direct mail and going outside the party structure that someone like bush represented. the second thing which is exactly what we're seeing right now is in 1992 you had the fusion of popyism and new media. it's impossible to imagine ross perot's rise without cable tv.
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without larry king. it's impossible, it seems to me, to imagine donald trump's rise without reality tv and without twitter. >> and you're talking about the cr crassness of the questions asked of bill clinton at an mtv event that would have never been asked of any president before 1992. >> can you see someone asking dwight ieisenhower, boxers or briefs? with nixon, you wouldn't have wanted to know the answer. >> unless that was just sort of your thing, jon. one other comment, though, that speaks to his humility, mike barnicle was talking about one time when he went up to visit the bushes in kennebunkport he was looking around that remarkable home and the remarkable sweep of the maine coastline and said, so, have you been here every summer of your life? and the answer came back yes, every summer except for two. and then he'd change the
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conversation, not mentioning that those were the two years that he was in the pacific, south pacific fighting for this country and getting shot down. >> right. >> he would never dream of talking about that. >> no. it's exactly. the other, i mean, he was 20 years old. this is another generational question. 20 years old when he was shot down on september 2nd, 1944 or coming up on the anniversary of it. he lost two crewmates and two men he thinks of every day. the day we saw him, at some point that day he thought about dell white and delaney. he is 20 years old and he has other men's lives in his hands. and i ask him on several occasions through the years, you know, what did the war teach you, you know, the bigraphical question. he said, i just always wondered why was i spared?
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i would suggest that his life since then has been a long effort to justify the fact that he was spared when other men were not. >> here's president bush in 1991 speaking out against david duke when the form eer klans man was running for louisiana and when duke came up in this campaign. >> when someone asserts that the holocaust never took place, then i don't believe that person ever deserves one ioda of public trust. when someone has so recently endorsed it is conceivable that such a person can legitimately inspire to leadership in a leadership role in a free society.
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that record simply cannot be erased by the rhetoric of a political campaign. so, i believe that david duke is an insincere charlotteon. i believe he's willing to hoodwink the voters of louisiana and i believe he should be rejected for what he is and what he stands for. >> will you unequivocally condemn david duke and his vote in this election. >> i don't know anything about david duke. i don't know anything what you're even talking about with white supremacy or supremacist. did he endorse me or what's going on? i know nothing about david duke and i know nothing about white supremacists. when you're asking me a question that i'm supposed to be talking about people that i know nothing about. >> that's a lie.
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that is a complete and total other lie that was right before super tuesday in the south and he was stupid enough to believe that that was a way he could win votes in the south. he knows who david duke was and didn't want the reform party nomination and we have to be very precise. if we're not ready when the planets are perfectly aligned, that's it. we need really tight temperature controls. engineering, aerodynamics- a split second too long could mean scrping it all and starting over. propulsion, structural analysis- maple bourbon caramel. that's what we're working on right now. from design through production, siemens technology helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. i think this'll be our biggest flavor yet. when you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity.
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signing agreement. it doesn't get you much now days. in the dying seconds of the game this 18-year-old is marcus rashford. never kissed a girl. he has braces on his teeth. >> and starting out very well. >> yes. the special one a blasted portuguese. liverpool -- >> look at that. he has braces on his teeth. >> he has braces. he is like 14. >> we used to have an empire. we didn't anymore.
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>> 143. >> that's not -- >> new order. >> come on. the it's known for great music. >> i think it's fascinating. thank you very much roger bennett. up next, donald trump's for using tragedy. now it was following the murder of nba star dwayne wade's cousin over the weekend. four words. the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move.
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they have said that the assault on me has been the greatest they have ever seen in the political system of our country. i feel that. i feel it. i know it. even today some major papers failed to mention how strong our poll numbers have been. they are a rich system try toino deny people the positive change they deserve. the phrases and statements, chop them up, take them out of context and discuss them for days and days and days always trying to demean and belittle everything they can do to demean and belittle. our incredible movement. this is one of the great
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movements. we'll take our country back from the death spiral it is currently in. >> i don't think anybody is belittling the movement. >> good morning everyone. it is monday, august 29th. summer is almost over. >> no it's not. endless summer. we have the chair of the department of african american stud studies. also former chair of the democratic national econocommit. and now an msnbc political contributor. >> when somebody is whining about the media that much what
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does it tell you? >> they are losing. >> exactly. when they whine about the media and whine about the polls that means they are losing. >> here we go. where do we begin with this stuff? i think we'll start in chicago where police have brought charges in the shooting death -- this is very grave what happened here and also the response by the republican nominee. >> it is really concerning. >> the death of the cousin of nba cousin dwayne wade. two brothers are responsible for the shooting death of a 32-year-old mother of four. she was shot while pushing a baby stroller friday afternoon after registering one of her children for the school year. aldridge is not intended to be the target of the men who had gang affiliations. one released from prison two weeks before the shooting.
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donald trump tweeted about it. here it is. "dwayne wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. african americans will vote trump. trump misspelled wade's name in the first tweet. >> while we keep this up, a young mother gunned down in chicago and the republican nominee immediately puts out a tweet that ends in all caps vote trump with an exclamation trump. how do you even begin to explain the type of mind that could do that? >> i don't know. you know i will just kind of --
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you know, offering his condolences, for the children who last his mer. >> say vote trump and he used this before. >> yechlt and o. >> yes. and one of the controversies was because she was in grief over the loss of her son. tals irony of it. he accuses her of doing to the african american community what he just did in that tweet. >> what kind of sickness infects
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a mind that you see somebody gunned down in the streets pushing a braby stroller and yor reaction is see, i told you so, african americans will vote trump. >> here is the problem for trump. it is all about trump. when he went to new orleans it's after the governor said you have nobody running down here. it's always about trump. it is only about trump for trump. i resisted using that word. >> and we had actually a political strategist using the word psychopath. let's take it seriously at this point. i think at other stages of other campaigns a network might be
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snarky and get a psychiatrist out. >> it's true. >> i actually think it's time to hear from somebody in the mental health community, to look at this person who has been on television for months and to give us a sense of what we have going on here. i'm sorry. let's just stop pretending. we are dealing with someone who we can completely understand. when you see someone who you think has problems you knowit. there's not anybody who doesn't think he has some sort of problems. let's do this at this point. let's ask the questions. >> i think perhaps it might be necessary. >> does anyone else think it is completely outlandish.
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>> i think it will be very careful here, describing him as a psychopath, a narcissist, when we do that we suggest he is a singular figure, that something is wrong with him. when we do that it makes it easier for us to kind of account for it. when we see all of these folks supporting trump. we can't say that he is just something is mentally wrong with him. >> i have been asked hundred of times. >> but i want to understand more fundamentally what's going on in the country that would lead us to have him as an option? >> it is a story which we covered.
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>> over the path month i have known a lot of people in support of donald trump, actually two that are moving away. there was an intensity level from a lot of people i know in northwest florida, a lot of people i have known in all of the speeches i have given that were strongly for trump are just moving away. i heard that before you started seeing it in the polls. >> there's two reasons for that. >> as soon as he gained the nomination there seemed to be a quick consolidating but these repetitive unforced errors and last time the equivalent in the movie called the triple lindy. it was unbelievable how he was a softening, hardening and you
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have all of the surrogates saying no. there has been absolutely no change. you can see there has been a dramatic change in his position on immigration. >> there is a change. some people are even calling him an ne amnesty don. >> trump is losing. he is unattractive to some of the people in north florida. when you lose people are watching you lose they start to move away. >> yeah. >> not the hard core. they would be really interesting to psycho analyze but the people who are working class folks who are angry, some of them -- >> they are starting to feel off and say do i really want to vote for amnesty don? >> i wasn't thinking about those people. >> okay. we have to move on. >> it was a brilliant invocation -- >> okay. so three hours later he
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corrected the misspelling in his tweet and replaced it. an hour and a half after that trump offered his condolences. trump's original sentiment that the death means african americans will vote trump seems to be exactly the kind of thing he is bases his emphasis of hillary clinton on. >> hillary clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future. >> trump's reaction also falls into the pattern of seeing personal political game. after the bombing trump tweeted i have proven to be far more correct about terrorism than
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anybody and it's not even close. hopefully arizona and utah will be voting for me today. >> he tweets this while the body parts of american are stroen on airport walls and in train stations. he sees that on his television. he sees the death and destruction that shocked americans, that shocked the world and he is saying vote me in arizona and utah today. it is as insensitive -- >> that's part of the picture here. 44 minutes later he shard an instagram video. time and time i have been right about terrorism. two hours later he wrote my heart and prayers go out to all of the tragedy. >> that's when the staff --
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>> it's true. >> within hours of the pulse nightclub shooting trump tweeted appreciate the congrats for being right on radical islamic terrorism. i don't want toucongrats. i want toughness and vigilance. >> look at this tweet. appreciate the congrats on being light. where do you start? >> you can't make a psychiatric diagnosis. there is clearly something the matter with this guy but we said that before. >> yeah. >> mike pence said it was clearly a creation of media. >> no it wasn't. >> do you think that was a presidential reaction to a tragedy? >> he expressed his prayers and thoughts and condolences. gh when there's a tragedy he talks about how it is going to help the campaign. >> can i make a point?
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a lot of you people spend time on what he does and tweeted than what the clintons have done in the last 30 years. >> if any of your children did something remotely that insensitive you would take them and sit them down and give them a long, stern lecture about how unchrist like that was. you would do it. it's the guy you have to stand next to. you made that choice, i'm not sure what i you did but don't blame other people for what donald trump is doing. it is heinous. it is offensive and it is a horrible example for your children and mine. >> so trump has spoken repeat lid about the desire to win the african american vote.
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it seems he will take that message in front of an audience. trump will speak at great fate ministry this is saturday. he will be making the swing through on labor day weekend. it comes after -- on friday rick snyder said factually that's not accurate. michigan is number one in manufacturing job and we have a thriving manufactures sector and i'm proud of it. snyder is not endorsed in the race. donald trump says he will head to arizona for a speech on immigration. he says i will be making a legal speech in the great state of arizona. big crowds looking for a larger
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venue. it issued messages about whether the arizona stop would happen. now seeing an immigration speech while the state director said it was by party unity and by friday there were claims it was cancelled only to be contradicted by the candidate that claimed changing venue to much larger one. polls looking great. it left many confused. he described his position as softening and hardening within a few days of each other. trump did not elaborate ledging to target immigrant gams and claiming the media is missing the point. >> all the media wants to talk about is the 11 million people or more or less. they have no idea because we have no control over our country. but my priority and it's for the well being of everybody but in particular the 300 million
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americans and more and all of our hispanic citizens and all of our african american citizens, legal residents who want a secure border and i mean secure. >> the one issue you didn't address is whether or not the 12 million immigrants will be removed bay deportation support. is that policy still operative? >> you wha you heard him describe theren plain spoken american way was a mechanism, not a poll sichl you'll hear more detail that lays ou all of the policy. >> do they self-deport or deportation force that helps them leave the country if? >> that's really the question here, john. you have to deal with agencies
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and individuals responsible for this. zb what is his position specifically on the undocumented immigrants? >> you'll find out he will be giving prepared remarks on this issue i think very soon. i don't want to give a date -- >> but let me -- we don't know? it is sort of remarkable we don't know. >> no. i just don't speak for donald trump. >> so for 14 months amnesty don -- >> people are saying it. >> amnesty don. for 14 months amnesty don has been putting illegal immigration at the center of amnesty don's campaign. nobody in his own campaign can tell you what his position is. after he plomsed to support.
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telling her here. amnesty don was going to get a deportation force. >> i thought he was kidding. >> it's softening. >> so now amnesty don's own people, surrogates, don't know what amnesty don is going to do on this. so sort through amnesty don's statements and tell us what you think he is going to do. >> i haven't the faintest clue. >> really? >> isn't it surprising people have been calling him amnesty don? >> dwre. some are calling her poor put upon mik anchts. >> there is so much -- >> look. his own people dent know -- >> we don't know what his
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position is. his people don't know what his position is. it is kind of like express the whole thing. i think the question is not whether he is chaking his position but whether he has a position. if there's this much confusion give tennessee history over time is there any tron believe it is now his oh sigs? >> he is saying he will take care of the bad ill breel immigrants and take them home. he still may be on back taxes and other things that have earned ear poem.
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some people are saying that he is amnesty don. where do you think amnesty don is right now on this position? >> i argued all tli the primary you would change his position. he is now trying to recoverment he literally changed his position. >> they were calling him ap amnesty don. his base will not allow him to move from his previous position. now -- and in the ver view he seepd to be -- >> so he has backed off of that now? ?
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sheer the will problem. he has a low ceiling and a high floor if you look at the it looked like hillary clinton actually has a lot more head room. still ahead, we have new reporting on the latest strategy. plus hillary and donald are in a virtual tie. we'll take a look and how the state breaks come november. first, a check of the forecast. >> it's all about the trammics we have one approaching the outer banks. this is tropical depression number 8. very possible impacts it will be
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bru brushing om places but not all that this one is down towards western cuba. it will be over the warm water of the gulf. it makes the big hook towards north florida. it goes all the way towardsal hass si. >> maybe bushes through this upcoming storm. the days ahead could have flooding problems especially as we near land fall. we'll have more throughout the next couple of days. new york city, washington, d.c. it could be one of the lottest summer sis.
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you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at
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hey lmaybe let's play upl our the digital part.r job, but it's a manufactung job. yeah, well ge is doing a lot of cool things digitally to help machines communicate, might want to at least mention that. i'm building world-changing machines. with my two hands. does that threaten you? no! don't be silly. i'm just, uh, going to go to chop some wood. with that? yeah we don't have an ax. or a fireplace. good to be prepared. could you cut the bread?
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ssoon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald tru audio only: would bomb the sh_t out of
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them." vo: just one. you made with yourirline credit card.these purchases hold on got double mes on stuff you bought from that airline? let me show u something better. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase... not just...(dismissively) airline purchases. every purchase. everywhere. every day. no really! double miles on all of them! what's in your wallet? the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws.
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health. he fweeted i have no problems in doing so. >> neither candidates released as much information. clinton released more than trump. it tells the democrat will be challenges trump to on his health. this is really interesting. >> on friday. >> this is good. >> on friday trump's personal physician, dr. harold bornstein spoke exclusively in which he said his physical strength and stamina are extraordinary. his lab results as astonishingly and that he could state that mr. trump will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. in about five minutes while the limo waited to take it. >> tell me who that guy reminds
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you of. >> he said clinton organization was going to publish a letter on her health. i know her physician and her health history which is really not so good. i said why not? >> and so the car was waiting outside? >> at the end of the day they came to get their letter. >> and so just tell me about the time crunch. >> i thought about it all day. at the end i get rushed and get anxious when i get rushed. >> but it was based on your evaluation? >> it is all true. >> i have three word to say, the
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>> joining us now from washington white house correspondent who is covering the clinton campaign, let's talk about how hillary clinton is preparing for the upcoming debates and the x factors trump could bring up including that teddy bear. fr >> that's a tough act to follow. you set the expectations pretty high here but i'm going to try. i think everything you just laid out underscores one of the challenges for hillary clinton which is this is someone who will be unpredictable in a debate. that's what she is preparing for. she is pouring over policy positio positions. she is trying to really get good anoth
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at breaking down into easily digestible sound bites. we saw they have been down playing expectations, pointing out that she is the politician who has more experience but at the same time donald trump is someone who knows how to work the media. again, you go back to this unpredictable factorment. he is of course the former -- and this week she is spending the first part of the week fundraising but trying to turn the page on those that raised more issues between the clinton foundation. i'm told this week expect her surrogates echoing linking
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donald trump to the alt-right that that speech was not a one off. expect to hear lot more about that this week. meanwhile today she is going to be fundraising again. are it compelled lawmakers to warn that the governor was not mentally or emotionally fit to hold office. here we go again. >> and paul lepage left a voice mail. he was offended because he believed he had called him a racist. here is that voice mail. be advised there is strong language. >> this is governor paul richard
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lepang. i would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a raisist, you [ bleep ]. i want you to prove i'm a racist. you little [ bleep ], i need you to just freaking, i want you to record this and make it public because i'm after you, thank you. >> and it's like he is from new england. it's like thank you for your support. you're a racist. thank you for your support. >> after it became public he said he wished he could turn back the time. >> i wish it was 1825 and we would have a dual. i wouldn't put my gun in the
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air. i guarantee you. i would not be hamilton. >> oh, my god. in a statement on friday he apologized to the people of maine but not the legislator for whom he left the message. it included january of this year when talking about the epidemic saying guys with the name d. money, smoothie, shifty. they go back home. we have another issue we have to deal with down the road. incidentally he was the second governor to endorse the republican nominee. >> you know, donald trump and i are a little bit alike.
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i'm trying to get him out of his shyness. >> do you see any space in his cap n cabinet for him? zb >> i don't know he would want that, but he is a very talented guy and a great person. if he were available i would certainly find something for paul. he has done a great job up here. he is not only popular but done an unbelievable job. i would certainly say he would be a candidate. >> i saw some of the papers. didn't he say black people were quote the enmy? >> he said people of color.
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>> what is the exact quote? >> look a bad guy is a bad guy. i don't care what color it is. the enmy dresses in red and you dress in blue. you shoot at the enmy. you try to identify the enmy. the overwhelming majority are people of people of color, people of hispanic origin. i can't help it. those are the facts. >> trump calling him a fabulous guy -- i don't know what's going on. >> this is the issue. we want to read these people as frin fringe. >> he does. >> we have a presidential
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trump told voters he would create jobs, jobs, jobs. for the latest installment of his up for grabs series jacob travel today ted to the swing s see how job loss is effecting things. >> i was curious if people are coming up to you and talking about amnesty don. is this trend catching on in waterloo? >> reporter: as you can see, the
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streets of waterloo are jammed packed this morning. everybody is tweetin tweeting #amnestydon. con gajlatigratulations congratulations. >> how can you get through that crowd. >> reporter: i know. >> go ahead. >> reporter: so in all seriousness people are strugg struggling. we have all seen the iconic green and yellow tractor. if you have seen them they have been made here in waterloo. they have laid off thousands of workers. a hundred were laid off last week. i came to ask folks at jo john deere who will be best positioned to bring the jobs back and this is what they told
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me. how old is this tractor? >> early 80s. >> reporter: i heard they are laying people off. >> yeah. farmers can't afford new tractors then the plants slow down and the plants slow down and they have to lay people off. >> these buildings are part of the original buildings. >> reporter: you're one of the folks that got laid off? >> i got laid off in april of last year. >> reporter: does hillary clinton or d onald trump better position to help people? i lean more on history for that. >> do you ever see the tractors you make in action? >> not really?
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>> i would say trump has the better chance. he is a businessman. so he is going to look out for business people. >> reporter: you guys ever talk politics? >> not really. not really. >> you can see what their names are and what their birthday is. >> reporter: how many people here think the president could have a roll in bringing manufacturing jobs back to iowa. >> he has a huge role. >> reporter: maybe i'll just go around. he or she? >> i will say a he. >> got to be he. >> jordan? >> she. >> i don't want wieteither one them. >> i still think she.
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ross perot. >> reporter: these voters are really up for grabs. tomorrow i'm heading to a corn maze. i learned there is air-conditioning and a radio inside the tractors. if you ever want a ride let me know. i can hook you up. >> thank you. >> it could get very interesting. >> we'll be right back with what we have learned today. we have learned so much actually i don't know where to start. >> amnesty don. both on the track and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision.
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more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and ca judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one. are those made with all-beef, karen? yeah, they're hebrew national. but unlike yours, they're also kosher. only certain cuts of kosher beef meet their strict standards. they're all ruined. help yourself! oh no, we couldn...okay thanks, hebrew national. a hot dog you can trust. hmmmmm....... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti.
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named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. there is so many -- >> this is not about me. >> no, it's not. >> it's about the american people. >> yeah. >> and wanting to know exactly where amnesty don stands. >> amnesty don is trending. >> i don't know why. >> you really some times when the softening happens bad things follow and amnesty don -- why are you weincing? >> it is capitol -- >> the great softening.
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>> i don't like to think about the softening or hardening. >> who are they calling amnesty don? >> donald trump. >> do we have that teddy bear? >> let's go out on that. >> you decided to start a trending topic. >> that's because nobody watches us. wait a second. he said millions of people watched us yesterday. amnesty don is confused. >> all of this race talking in american politics is the latest act in the american tragedy. >> and that's happening right now. >> and nothing usually happens. >> i learned you can go to for a teddy bear. >> as we leave on this musical note, stephanie picks up the coverage right now. ♪ >> keep the music up.
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we have 15 seconds. this is the doctor's web site. can i see the teddy bear please? >> no. ♪ we are done with the teddy bear. good rning. new this morning donald trump teases a speech on immigration! there will be no path to legal sooi legalization. he said that consistently. and breaking overnight,
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