tv MSNBC Live MSNBC October 23, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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all finished.umm... you wouldn't want your painter to quit part way. i think you missed a spot. so when it comes to pain relievers, why puup with just part of a day? aleve, live whole not part. painter: you want this color over the whole house? new numbers today show the trump campaign major trouble here. 50% for hillary clinton, a key benchmark there. a new abc news national tracking poll putting clinton ahead with a double-digit lead here. 12 percentage points nationally. that same poll also showing voters are increasingly disapproving of trump, especially his claims of a
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rigged election and treatment of women. despite these numbers, rnc chair reince priebus defending trump's claims so far today. take a listen. >> i think he's trying to also tell his folks to watch out for this fraud that might occur. the milwaukee police department put out a 70-page report on election fraud in milwaukee. this wasn't the republican party putting it out there. i'm telling you that this is real so, let's not go down this road where we're acting like this is some figment of people's imagination. >> let's head down to naples florida, ahead of trump's rally next hour. gabe gutierrez has been there for us today. you've been speaking with supporte supporters. what are you hearing from them. >> reporter: hi, richard. i'm going to speak softly. there's a prayer under way so we want to be respectful of that. donald trump set to take the stage here within the next hour or so. we've been speaking with several supporters that say, listen, they are not paying attention to
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these allegations of these female accusers who have come forward in the last few days. we spoke with many women voters saying they still stand by trump and are eager to hear his message today. in person early voting begins in florida tomorrow morning. now the race is on to mobilize. now that the prayer has finished, let me turn to bill. you're a trump supporter, live in the naples area, correct? >> correct. >> reporter: over the last few dais, his poll numbers have sagged a bit. now down 12% nationally. yet you still are standing by this candidate. tell me why you don't think the polls matter at this point. >> it's all about the platform, the immigration, the security, the refugees, the economy, the whole platform he stands for right now. it's not about the person. it's about the platform. >> reporter: in the last hour, we spoke with a woman who was with donald trump since the beginning of the lex. for you it's different, you were supporting another candidate at
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the beginning of the republican primary. tell me who it was and why you switched to trump. >> i was in support of rubio because i switched to trump because when rubio dropped out, seemed like the logical thing to do. >> reporter: some people here and some of mr. trump's critics have said join the primary, mr. rubio, senator rubio called things that -- called mr. trump such things as a con artist and now he's trying to reconcile that. we finish the pledge of allegiance here. why was it an easy transition to you? you're saying it's more about the platform and not necessarily mr. trump's candidacy, correct? >> correct. >> reporter: yesterday his campaign says he put forth a speech that had a lot of policy proposals but in the first 10 or 15 minutes of it he discussed other things as well. do you think that got him a bit off message? >> i think it did and i think he needs to just stay on message with the policies. >> reporter: with the policies. what are you hoping to hear from him today? how can he make up this deficit
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with just a little over two weeks to go before the election? >> just stick on the policies, that's all. i think if he gets his message out to this community, it's been a strong republican community foryears, so i think that if he just sticks on message and keeps talking about his speech yesterday, i think it will help him. >> reporter: thank you very much. appreciate you talking to us. richard, again, donald trump set to take the stage here within the next hour. the question will be -- and even republican strategists have id said it will be difficult for him to make um this deficit, down 12 points nationally. early vote begins in florida tomorrow. >> big crowd there you're following for us. gabe gutierrez in naples, florida. great interview. for more on this, i'd like to bring in our panel. washington bureau chief and former director of hispanic
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outreach at the national committee and a senior correspondent for reuters. i want to start with you on this, batina. you saw that one voter talking to gabe, how he seems to be in play, his vote, at least, is in play as he was a supporter of rubio, rubio doing well, at least in polling right now, the latest cbs numbers show him up by two percentage points, but clinton in the same poll in florida up by three percentage points so that's a big move in such a tight race there. are we seeing a lot of voters here still jockeying back and forth in a key state like florida? >> well, i think there is a higher number of undecided voters in this election than there ever has been. in florida, my home state, always has been decided closely, one percentage point. i think in general, it will be tight in a lot of states. it's fascinating with some of
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these republican states like utah, arizona, georgia, up for grabs. i think donald trump has a lot of very passionate supporters who are going to believe in him and vote for him till the end. but the numbers aren't looking that great for him right now. >> i want to talk about the rigged election and t defense of that, that's been the topic today on this sunday as they begin a new week of campaigning in florida, for instance, as you were talking about there, bettina. i want to get your thoughts on this, david, but let's play some of the response that has been made to this rigged election in defending that and then we'll go to you. >> i don't like a lot of the information that we've been reading, the objective information about all the dead people in the rolls, all the -- >> let me ask you about that. all of that stuff has been debunked. people die -- nearly 2.5 million people die every year that are on the voter rolls so it takes time to get dead people off the voter rolls. >> it takes our government an awful lot of time to do most thing s come tently and that's
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part of the problem here. >> my father will accept it 100% if it's fair. >> what does that mean? >> 1 in 8 voters are misregistered to vote, meaning information is inaccurate. >> does the clinton campaign need to react to this? and if they do, what should they be saying? >> that it's a lot of bull hockey. this is what you argue when you know the polls and the numbers aren't good for you. it's whining again and again, and it's unfortunate because what he's doing is setting off narrative where 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 million trump voters will end up perhaps believing that the only reason donald trump lost was because the game was rigged, which is a way to undermine support for democracy. they have no real evidence to speak of. and, you know, he didn't complain about polls being rigged when he was winning the republican primary. and of course when the republicans were winning the
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senate the last time out. so is he saying that every republican senator is there because of a rigged election? i mean, it's really pretty -- it's not just silly, it's dangerous, but, again, the whole campaign for donald trump has been about one thing -- donald trump. he certainly doesn't care about the good of the country or the good of public discourse and all the people joining him the this week from this staff ondown, they're sharing they care more about that as well. >> let's talk about that danger, michelle, because it has been said from that camp trump supporters should go out and potentially be ad hoc observers of voting places and some might say, well, could that lead to voter intimidation? >> right. that's a question that's been raised. it's interesting, too, when you look at this candidacy in terms of i think what's going to happen is it's going to be a big referendum on ground game. and, you know, after the election is over we're going to take a look and really realize
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how important was ground game. a real problem here for the trump candidacy is the lack of a ground game. a lot of place where is he's encouraging supporters to sort of be vigilante poll monitors, those geographic places tend to cluster like-minded voters. it's unclear how much we're going to see that. >> you know, the abc poll that we were alluding to earlier as we shift to that, just the numbers themselves, we put thatting to, that key 50 percentage points benchmark, then you put on the other side of this equation 34 states. they've got early voting ongoing right now. does this now freeze it in here in terms of a hillary clinton win because of her 12 percentage point lead right now, david? >> every day that goes by without anything changing the dynamics and trend lines of the race is bad for donald trump. the early voting in north carolina and other places likely to favor hillary clinton and people talked about bombshells
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coming from wikileaks or anyplace else, but as you get closer and closer to the election, the bar for bombshellness goes um really high, because a lot of things are getting baked into the equation already. so trump has a big problem now, not just on election day. >> and bettina, the thematics here of a rigged election, the potential voter intimidation that was discussed by michelle a second ago here, when you have that, what does that mean for the election as we have this early voting ongoing at the moment? >> i agree with a lot of the people on the panel. i think that the comments about rigged election are just -- it's un-american. i do think there are some voter fraud, but the reality is i don't think it's enough to swing an entire election. while we have -- make sure that there is voter integrity at all these polling places, we have to remember that most of these swing states are republican states with republican secretary of states. it's controlled by state level
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with hundreds of thousands of precincts, and they're all poll watchers for republicans and democrats who both understand and look at the election. so there's not massive conspiracy to swing this race one way or another. i think after selection we're going to have to have a real conversation and make sure that people believe in the system, that they believe in our democracy because how can we as americans go and tell the rest of the world about free and fair elections if so many americans doubt our process. >> and michelle, as you build on what has been said so far, typically historically when there's been question about the integrity, it's actually motivated the democrats and potentially in this case will mute support for trump. it doesn't seem to be coming together here. >> that's the whole irony, this sort of ill logic, because i think there's a good argument to be made that this will suppress turnout for trump. the other interest thing is rigged election, i mean, that's an argument, right, but when you look at the evidence of rigged e
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election, it simply isn't there. it's unsubstantiated. it's conflating two things. yes, some of the voter registration data is messy, government data, but that doesn't automatically translate to voter fraud. there are delgado people on the voter rolls. that doesn't mean dead people are voting. >> it does not equal fraud. michelle, bettina, david, stand by. we'll talk to you again later in the hour. our next stop, georgia. polls showing hillary clinton within striking distance of donald trump in the state. yes, it's swing state. what are the chances sche s she turn that state red? more "stay" per roll. more "sit" per roll. more "who's training who" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands.
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>> hillary clinton in raleigh, north carolina, talking about the millions of people who have already voted. that was what she was saying earlier today. in georgia, hundreds have stood in lines to cast their ballots in early vote going on there. just look at this. those ballots will not be counted until election day. polls show it could be a tight race in a traditionally republican state, georgia. now, the latest poll by "the atlanta journal constitution" shows that trump and clinton are in a dead heat. trump has a two-point lead within the margin of error there among likely voters but democrats are hoping a high turnout of african-american voters could give clinton the advantage come the end of the election. political reporter greg bl bluestein. the republicans have-in your state have not abandoned trump the way we've seen other republicans in other states. why would you say that's happening? >> our poll showed about 85% of republicans are sticking by trump, but the problem for him is independent voters who overwhelmingly in georgia side with conservatives are basically
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split between trump and clinton. you see a rallying around the flag effect among hardcore republican conservative voters. but among independents, they're starting to abandon them and that's why the poll is so close. >> looking at areas like atlanta metro area and a large african-american community that is very motivated here, is that one of the key points that you're watching in terms of what might direct the outcome here in your state? >> yeah. democrats are relying on three things. an influx of newcomers from blue states who are coming and voting for democrats, they're relying on a surge of minority turnout in a minority voter registration, already seeing that, and rely ong skeptical republicans from the northern arc, suburban atlanta, moderate swing voter who is in the past have supported republicans but this year so torn over trump they might just stay home. >> you talked about minority voters. not only african-american, a large asian-american, latino-american, voting group there. are they motivated right now? what are you seeing in the outer
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area of atlanta? >> one of the hotspots will be gwinnett county, reliably republican for decades but it could flip for the fist time to democrats in years. if trump loses there, he's in for a long night in georgia. >> another key finding in your poll is trump has a solid lead among men. clinton leads among women there. and you were just talking about minorities overwhelmingly in favor of clinton. talk about that gender balance because as was seen in the abc national poll, a large majority are not liking the way he has handled these accusations of misogyny and sexual assault. >> yeah. there's a gaping gender gap in georgia and a majority of georgians also feel like his comments about women play a decidedly big factor in their vote for the race. and a small my national terror alert of voters think that bill clinton's comments about women play a factor in the race. so you're seeing that starting
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to play out in georgia, and you're seeing some of those independent voters especially women in those northern suburbs who are fleeing the party. >> are you talking about split households here? >> you are seeing that everywhere, seeing that in my neighborhood, among my relatives, all over the georgia and all over the nation, especially among white older men are voting for the republican and especially college-educated white women are more torn than ever before. >> all right. greg, thank you so much. really good stuff. the great "atlanta journal constitution." appreciate it. thanks. >> thanks for having me. when we come back, we'll take you thrive chicago. yes, chicago, one of the happiest cities in the country right now. you can probably guess why. the fans there celebrating the cubs' first world series appearance in 71 years. ♪
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including u.s., kurdish, and iraqi forces are taking part in the effort to root out isis militants who have held control of mosul since 2014. nbc's matt bradley has the latest for us from irbil. matt? >> reporter: he was in iraq today for the second time in as many days. he's here to reassure u.s. troops this is a battle worth fight eight long side iraqi security forces who are all trying to take mosul from islamic state after their two-year occupation. but he's also here to try to choreograph this delicate diplomatic dance among all the different constituent parts of the iraqi security forces as american politicians know very well, iraq is a very difficult place to govern because of all these different ethnic and religious minority groups and all of those groups are trying to participate in this one battle against a common enemy.
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ashton carter is here to try to resolve the differences and try to make sure that this battle goes according to plan. it's not just about winning the battle. it's about winning it with buy-in from all these different groups. islamic state is definitely feeling the pressure. you can see that in the past couple days because they've set fire to this sulfur plant, a sulfur factory, just near the base where u.s. troops were stationed. these u.s. troops, they had to put on gas masks in order to avoid the fumes. we haven't actually smelled the fumes here where i'm standing in irbil, but it just goes to show islamic state starts to feel the pressure, they start to behave erratically. they've done this before in anbar and some other places throughout iraq and they're doing it now. so in many ways this is a sign of the pressure coming to bear in islamic state in mosul. we'll see how far this battle can go. >> nbc's matt bradley in iraq with the latest. at&t reaching an agreement to buy time warner for more than $85 billion. that's a deal that has the potential to reshape the media landsce.
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through this acquisition, at&t would own time warner's movie and television empire, which includes hbo, warner brothers studios, and cnn. the deal is expected to face tough scrutiny from regulators, and it comes as more media companies try to consolidate as younger customers shift away from traditional media. the last time the chicago cubs played in a world series was the year world war ii ended. last night they clinched a win in the national series championship defeating the los angeles dodgers 5-0 after 71 years of waiting. the cubbies will finally advance to the world series. nbc's ron mott is there for us in chicago. i'm guessing here, ron, it was a pretty understated response to that win, right? >> reporter: you know, it was a great night here in the city, and you mentioned 71 years richard. that gave the local newspaper editor some time to come up with a good headline when the cubs,
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if the cubs ever got back to the world series. take a look at the trib this morning. one for the ages. i think it's a brilliant headline. it sums up exactly how people here feel about their team. it's been so long for some of them that they don't really quite know what to do with themselves. you can see the words on the marquee, national league champions. that hasn't been up on that board since 1945, but they don't want to stop there. they want to put something across that famed marquee that has never before been seen up there, and that is world series champion. but there's one little problem. they have to get past the cleveland indians. take a look at this full screen here we have for you. this shows you how long it's been for both cities, both franchises since they last won a world series. 107 seasons for the chicago cubs. and 67 seasons for the cleveland indians who last won in 1948.
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we've been talking a lot today about things that weren't around in 1945 when the cubs last won the national league pennant. things like the state of alaska and the state of hawaii not being a part of the union. they of course are part of the union now. going forward it's all about the cubs buckling down and bearing down if you will when they go to face the cleveland indians beginning game one on tuesday. we've talked to a lot of fans and season ticketholders today about whether they would sell any of their tickets here in chicago next weekend, games three, four and five scheduled for friday, saturday, and sunday, and one man said there's no price anybody could put out there he would accept. >> ron mott, a red sox fan, great reporter, obviously, out there in cubbyville if you will, in chicago. talk about the folks that are coming from all over, the prices. and although we are not chicago
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fans we may be now. >> reporter: yeah. i mean, the story is just such a great story. i mean, 107 seasons, 108 years since this team won it all. and people like you can see behind me, they have been coming around all parts of chicagoland coming to take a picture because they don't know if they will live long enough to see those words on that marquee ever again. some folks never got a chance to see it sadly and people have come up to tell us, and very emotional, that family members, grandparents who would have loved to have been a part of last night are no longer with us. and so it was important for their loved ones who remain to come down here and experience this. we've seen people in their 60s, 70s, 80s down here as well as kids as young as a few months old, animals with cubs jerseys, a real excite thamt's gripped this city. don't know how people feel on the south side of chicago with the white sox. >> that's true. but love wrigley. ron mott, tough gig, my friend there in chicago for us.
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appreciate it. all right. now back to presidential politics at the top of the hour, donald trump scheduled to hold a rally in naples, florida, his only rally of the day. you're seeing some pictures here. recent polls have shown hillary clinton leading by a slim margin in that state. hillary clinton is set to speak this hour in charlotte, north carolina, jumping to a 12-point lead over donald trump in a new abc news poll. she's up 50% to 38% over trump. and among women clinton now holding a 20-point lead. nbc's kristen welker has been traveling with the campaign today and joins us now from the road in north carolina. kristen, how are they reacting to these numbers? 50%. that is a key barometer. >> reporter: well, there's no doubt they like what they see, but at the same time they say, look, the race is not over, and that is clear if you look at a state like north carolina. secretary clinton does right now
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have a small lead here. however, our latest analysis of early voting in the state shows that actually more republican affiliated voters have turned out. so it's sort of underscores the fact that this is not a state that they can take for granted by any measure. this is a state that president obama won back in 2008 but he lost in 2012. so it truly is a swing state. secretary clinton's first stop was earlier today at a historically black college in raleigh. and we are in charlotte. one of the themes she's been hitting to win over undecided voters is what we've heard from trump that the system is rigged and that this election might be rigged. take listen to what she had to say earlier today in raleigh. >> he refused to say that he would respect the results of this election and that is a threat to democracy.
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>> hillary! hillary! hillary! >>, you know, my friends, i went to 112 countries as your secretary of state after president obama gave me the great honor of serving in his cabinet, and as i traveled across the world i saw many things that distinguished us from all these other countries that i visited. but i'll tell you one thing, the peaceful transfer of power is one of the things that makes america america, and frankly it's one of the things that makes america already great. >> we learned today, richard, that secretary clinton will be back in north carolina in winston-salem on thursday. she's going to campaign with first lady michelle obama for the very first time. one of her top campaign officials calling michelle obama her not so secret weapon. they say they have been
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incredibly encouraged by how enthusiastic the first lady is to get out on the campaign trail and to help make the case for secretary clinton. there is no doubt secretary clinton is feeling emboldened. she has increasingly been focusing on helping democrats in down ballot races. so has the dnc both in terms of putting resources there and in terms of just getting out on the stump and campaigning for them. rich snard. >> kristen welker on the road in charlotte, north carolina. thank you so much for that, kristen. next, new information on the delgadoly bus crash in california, 13 people killed, more than 30 injured. we have a live report. ♪ i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪
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clinton at 20%. thomas sbur the washington correspondent for the "salt lake tribune" and joins us. really interesting coming out of utah. several top utah rips been turning their back on donald trump recently because of the access hollywood video. your thought here? mcmullin, will republicans maybe move into his column as we head closer to november 8 snth. >> if you would have bet me a thousand dollars last year utah would be a battleground state i probably would have given you favorable odds on that one. mcmullin is surging, picking up a lot of support from some well-known politicians in the states, somete lawmakers are coming to his column. you know, it's really in some ways he's an option for utahans who cannot vote for hillary, will not vote for hillary and can't handle donald trump, especially the latest news about the harassment of women. >> let's talk about mitt romney because you were saying some prominent republicans are coming out for mcmullin here. you know, romney doing of course
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quite well in utah in 2012. it's a heavily mormon state as you know and you report on. when we look at both romney, at least in the past and mcmullin, they're both mormon and are consistent with that. if a public endorsement from romney would help him carry utah, that's really been the question. he was asked that today on abc's "this week" and i want to play a little bit of that. >> we've invited republican leaders to join us in this cause. the reality is that the vast majority of republican leaders are putting party ahead of principle and putting power over the interests of their own country. and that's the challenge that we have going forward. that's the challenge that this country has. that's the challenge that the republican party will have. and that's the challenge that the conservative movement has. >> again, mcmullin was asked how important a romney endorsement would be. would that put him over the top, do you think? >> i don't think there's any
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question. mitt romney obviously is no trump fa came out in march and said he was a phony and a fraud. mitt romney has been silent of who he would support. if he came out and said mcmullin, you could see utah definitely going mcmullin, maybe idaho, maybe that switches things in arizona. there's a big block of voters waiting for mitt romney to say something but he's been he tant to do so. >> you've heard this not only because of mcmullin but we have jill stein, gary johnson, that third party vote could be wasted. that's the common question being asked. how are utahans talking about that? >> i always go to my mom when i think about these things. >> mom's a good barometer, right? >> exactly. i'm trying to figure out where are you going to go, mom? die hard republican, voted republican her entire life and i think she's writing in mitt romney. i think a lot of voters out there in utah are trying to figure out what to do and having a third and fourth option is a good idea. >> what's your guess in terms of the number of folks that might be writing in mitt romney? >> there's a good percentage.
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i wouldn't say it's higher than 2% or 3% but it's a gad part of voters and he won't count of course because he's not registered with the state, but people don't want to necessarily vote for anyone they don't know. they don't know mcmullin very well, jill stein, wouldn't vote for her, or gary johnson. mitt romney, if he's out there, he's an option even if it doesn't count. >> thomas burr, the surveyor of moms, from the salt lake city tribune. thanks for chatting with us. >> thanks, richard. watching pictures of donald trump arriving in naples, florida, ahead of his rally there. it's been a huge crowd that we've been seeing so far today. gabe gutierrez is on the ground. again, his helicopter just landed. looks like rudy giuliani in front with donald trump will be having more of this right after a short break. support prop 51.
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all right. donald trump speaking in naples, florida. he just landed. his one event of the day. and the first of a three-day swing through that key swing state. the latest poll from cbs news has hillary clinton up by three percentage points. this state traditionally as you know florida, florida, florida. let's stop and see what donald trump is saying. >> -- and north carolina and i'll tell you what, we're going to win those states, i'll tell you. we're going to win those states. there is the same enthusiasm all over the country. they've never seen anything like it. early voting begins tomorrow, and you can already get your absentee ballot, get out, get it, let's start the voting. numbers are looking phenomenal in florida. don't believe media. but even the media's giving
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pretty good numbers. they can't help it. but the numbers are even better than what they're saying. so get out. we'll get rid of crooked hillary once and for all and that will be that. if you waptd four more years of obama and if you want four more years of isis growing and if you want four more years of high taxes and four more years of obamacare that we're going to repeal and replace, let hillary clinton have it, but, folks, you're going to be miserable. oh, boy. yesterday i outlined my contract with the american voter. a lot of you saw that. a detailed list of issues to bring prosperity to our economy, safety to our communities, and honesty to our government. and speaking of honesty, where is mayor rudy giuliani? where is he? he's around here somewhere. rudy!
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get rudy. get up here. get over here, rudy. rudy, come up here. this guy is so amazing. i'll tell you, he is one tough cookie. he took new york, it was a disaster, and within one year the crime went like that, and we can do this many-in so many ways for our country. come here, rudy. we love rudy. say hello, rudy. >> thank you very much. it's wonderful to be here. it's wonderful to see this crowd. it's wonderful to know very very soon we're going to change the direction of america and we're going to elect donald j. trump president of the united states. you tell 'em, tell all those television cameras -- >> analyst and strategist for
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the trump campaign, rudy giuliani taking the microphone, donald trump step eight side far little bit. lower right-hand corner, waiting for hillary clinton to be speaking in charlotte, north carolina. florida, north carolina, two very key swing states. want to bring back in our panel as we are watching these live events, david corn, bettina, and michelle. florida, as i was mentioning before we were moving into donald trump speaking here, you know, bettina, the interesting thing is the numbers here. they've been going back and forth but the latest numbers out of florida again, clinton up by three percentage points within the margin of error. the question is, and donald trump was saying this, the poll numbers aren't good. he has been consistently and so has his supporters said, look at brexit as an example. are these numbers soft as we saw in some early polls during the primaries? >> i think a lot of republican voters think that. talking to my famy in florida,
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a lot of who are supporting trump, that's how they feel. but the reality is like we said before, florida is a state that goes with one percentage point. it's really tight. but, you know, early voting is going to be key. barack obama won early voting and that's how he was able to pull out the election. and i think that's probably going to happen just the numbers we're seeing back from early vote right now with hillary clinton doing really well in some of these key states including florida. >> david, i was watching, as we're looking at florida specifically right now, the ground game, right, and the numbers in the last week have sthoun the clinton campaign has basically raised, what, $200 million to $100 million, or 2 to 1, that was sort of the headline out of this week. money means ground game. ground game means voting. and that's important. >> yeah, money is not eve an good measure of the ground game because if you look at the numbers, i think that overall nationally, the clinton campaign has like 5,000 people working in
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ground game offices, and about a thousand for trump. and in florida, a very big state that has a lot of different constituencies, you know, south florida is very different from the panhandle, right, you need good ground game, you need to have messages and organizers in those arias who know those arias well and can cater their appeal and their organizing strategies to those particular locales. and that's one place where the clinton campaign has a ground game and the trump campaign was incredibly late to setting up anything. as you say, it goes back and forth, but a good ground game can make a point or two difference. that's why i think trump people really should be worried about florida. >> dave, that get out the vote effort that's been ongoing for months and months and months, part of it as we move over to michelle here is puerto ricans, as they are moving to florida, they are registering to vote in the state, this is something that has to be closely watched. again, that hat tip to the importance of a ground game.
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>> completely. i mean, the trump ground game in florida has been just the emblem of a dysfunctional family. there have been late in the game personnel changes. at one point, you know, their idea of a ground game was they had a couple mobile homes roaming the state at a time when the clinton campaign had scores and scores of offices. so i think this is really where you're going to see the test of ground game operation and the political machine. >> and having friends. marco rubio at the moment, you know, he is doing better in the polls than trump, again, within a point or two, but that's indicative of what we heard from one of the voters earlier from florida as gabe gutierrez was speaking with him, saying, you know, i'm a marco rubio fan, but now i have to switch over the donald trump. again, that split that we're seeing there from the republican supporters in the state here. when you look at that bettina, how does he turn the corner on this? >> well, i think you bring up a
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really important thing about the differences between the federal presidential race and the senate house races. i think you're going to see more and more house and senate candidates making the point about checks and to see more an more races talking about checks and balances and kind of realizing trump might not win in a lot of these key states and much of what we saw in new hampshire, kelly ayotte and chamber of commerce saying is important to have republican senate to check the powers of hillary clinton who remains a very unpopular person. the only reason she's doing as well is she's running against donald trump who hasn't had the greatest campaign and we've talked a little about the organization. >> it cuts both ways. trump has been attacking republican establishment. his voters might not be eager to come out and vote for marco rubio who called trump a con man during the primary. if trump keeps talking about a
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rigged election and they will steal from us, that might suppress voting as well. it makes it very hard for republicans to come along and say forget about trup and vote for senate and house members. the race between rubio down in florida is a lot closer than it should be. rubio should be worrying a little bit about that. >> michelle, i wanted to move to what we're waiting for in the lower right-hand corner, hillary clinton about to speak in charlotte, north carolina. as she now is looking at these large leads in at least the national polling and now able to redirect resources, throwing a couple million to arizona, right, looking at georgia as well. in texas, perhaps, even, is she in the right gear right now based on where she's sitting in the polls? >> i think you could definitely
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make that argument. no matter what happens november 8th, the republican party is so super tribalized right now. this is a family hays been ripped apart. how it reconstitutes it's self after november is really interesting. i think hillary clinton's latest down ballot moves are indicative of that just complete kind of burning down the house right now crime on the right. >> let's get to donald trump who is discussing again as he has in recent days the rigged election. >> i think you understand that this is a rigged -- we're in a rigged system. we're in a broken and corrupt system. bernie sanders was in a rigged system. you notice how quiet he's been for the last several days? because he's been watching and reading wikileaks. wikileaks is talking about all of the things they said behind his back. they are thinking about where they said she had bad instincts, this guy podesta is a nasty guy.
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man, i wouldn't want people speaking about me behind my back. he said bad instinct. bernie sanders said about hillary clinton, bad judgment. so she's got bad in stinlgts, she's got bad judgment. you take a look at all of the harm and all of the things she's done, it's a mess. she gave us isis. it started off as nothing, the jv team, obama, gets up, i will stop isis. she has no chance. they are dreaming hillary clinton becomes president, isis. their number one dream, hillary clinton, let her become president. she's the one that allowed it to form. she's the one that watched it go. now they say it's in 32
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countries. worse than ever. the change includes a new foreign policy that puts america first. hillary clinton's foreign policy that squandered trillions of american wealth overseas. yet for all the money spent, all clinton delivered was death, destruction, and terrorism all over the world. she unleashed isis and the turmoil in iraq and syria and libya and, by the way, our country. she's allowing, she's allowing from syria 550% more people from syria, the migration, to come into our country. we don't know who they are. that's over and above the
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thousands and thousands of people obama is letting pour into the country. we have no idea who they are. believe me, it's like the story of the trojan horse. i don't want people looking back at us in 100 years, 200 years, and saying that's the modern day trojan horse. not going to p has. not going to happen. we're going to shut that door and we're going to shut it tight. next, trigger happy. she's trigger happy. she looks weak and she looks ineffective. you watch her, you watch her at the end of the debate where she's like exhausted. she could hardly make it to her car. let's get out. let's go. the end of the day -- >> donald trump live in naples, florida, key state showing hillary clinton a few points
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ahead at the moment. his first 100 days in office and what his white house would like like. hillary clinton about to speak in charlotte, north carolina, as well. i want to thank our panelists for being with us today, david and michelle, who were with us before we went to donald trump. appreciate all of you for joining us on msnbc today. want to remind you as we continue to follow the news out of southern california, keep you up to date on that with msnbc with that bus crash that happened earlier today. that's it for us this hour here on msnbc. we'll continue to follow all these headlines for you right here. i'm richard lui live msnbc headquarters here for you. live updates throughout the hour. "in other news" that starts next for you. have a great evening. it's "meet the press," not "in other news." i'm terrible at golf.
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new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. this sunda this sunday, the end game.y, does donald trump go scorched earth -- >> all of these lies will be sued after the election is over. >> or does he try to win or simply end his campaign with dignity. >> i'm asking the american people to rise above the noise and the clutter of our broken politics. >> our guest, tim kaine and trump campaign manager kellyanne conway. plus, going big. >> i have spent 4 1/2 hours on stage with donald, proving once again i have the stamina to be president and commander in chief. >> does hillary clinton try to
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