tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC November 2, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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in that story. i was reading through it. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> that is "all in" for this evening. the rachel maddow show starts right now. good evening, rachel. >> thanks, my friend. >> you bet. >> thanks for joining us this hour. happy wednesday. this is robert rozier. r-o-z-i-e-r. he was born in alaska, a really excellent football player. he went to uc berkeley, played defensive end for cal. then after his time at cal, he was drafted into the nfl. in the 1979 nfl draft he was a ninth round draft pick. he went to the st. louis cardinals. unfortunately for robert rozier and the cardinals he didn't last even half a season. ended up getting kicked off the cardinals squad, banged around the league for not all that many weeks. he did end up playing for a little while in canada, but ultimately robert rozier ended up back in the united states and in prison.
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after that prison term by 1982, he had landed himself in a cult in south florida. and like lots of cults, the one that robert rozier found himself in in the miami area in the early 1980s, it was headed up by a guy who proclaimed himself to be the messiah. he called himself lord son of the lord. he called him yahweh ben yahweh. and the miami area, specifically in miami gardens in carroll city, yahweh ben yahweh and his cult, they actually built themselves up into a little bit of an empire. there were a lot of them. they fixed up decrepit housing, build bil built themselves a headquarters, they ran home schools and kids out of the compound. they ran buses and vehicles and trucks. they even made products that was apparently yahweh beer and yahweh soda and yahweh hair
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products. behold yahweh ice cream at the time. it really was a cult run by a guy who said he was god, he did do some good in their community and they got positive attention for the good things they did in their community. yahweh ben yahweh was asked to address a group of miami business leaders. they might have forgotten he was a cult leader until he got up and told them, quote, egypt has her pyramids. india has her taj mahal. france has her eiffel tower. miami has me. miami, he said, has the son of yahweh, the world's greatest attraction is here in your midst. i'm here. by october of 1990, the mayor of miami actually proclaimed yahweh ben yahweh day for the city of miami in recognition for this cult leader's accomplishments,
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for what his cult had done that was good for the city of miami. sadly, within a month of yahweh ben yahweh day being proclaimed in miami, within a month of that, that was october 1990, by november 1990, the whole thing had actually turned into a horror movie. on november 7th, 1990, happened to be the day after election day that year, yahweh ben yahweh himself, a cult leader and 15 of his followers were all indicted on horrific charges, a whole litany of charges including racketeering and violent crime. this is a case that had been a long time coming, but the centerpiece of their indictment was conspiracy to murder 14 different people. the cult was blamed for 14 different deaths. at trial, there was testimony that in order to become part of the inner circle of this cult in miami in the '80s, the cult
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leader yahweh ben yahweh, he demanded a sort of entrance fee to get into the inner circle. the entrance fee was you had to kill a white person and bring yahweh ben yahweh either that white person's severed head or at least bring him an ear. that's how he would let you into the inner circle of his cult. robert rozier who had had that promising football career at cal in the nfl, at that trial he confessed to taking part in seven murders for the cult. at the end of that trial, yahweh ben yahweh and most of the other people who were put on trial with him were convicted of various crimes. and the yahweh cult in south florida is still famous to this day because of the number of people that they killed, right? they were a black supremacist, serial killing death cult that was really visible in miami. for a time it held sway over some portions of some
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neighborhoods in city of miami, but then it all quickly unraveled into this incredibly gruesome serial killer story. the miami herald in 1991, they won the pulitzer prize for a series of 80 articles they did on the yahweh ben yahweh cult. the miami herald tracked down defectors from the cult and tracked down the cult leader and the members to the 14 different deaths that the cult was associated with that ultimately got them all charged. it was incredible reporting for the miami herald. nowadays it's the miami new times, the alternative weekly in miami, that has taken up the batten on yahweh ben yahweh death cult reporting. their angle on it now, the reason they've had to take that up now in 2016 is this year, the miami new times has taken it upon themselves to remind everybody about this serial murdering black supremacist miami death cult from the early
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'90s whenever this guy shows up. see that guy there, blacks for trump. whenever that guy shows up at a donald trump rally. you have seen that guy with the blacks for trump sign, you see him going back tore a few months now. trump organizers seemed to go out of their way with his blacks for trump sign, they seem to go out of their way to put him in camera view when trump is speaking. he's been there and they've put him there in camera view for months at the campaign. i kid you not, we had trump himself grabbed the guy's sign and hold it up himself. he held up a women for trump sign and kissed it, then held up the blacks for trump sign that he got from the guy in the crowd. today he singled him out a couple different times to say how much he loved him. >> thank you. i love that sign, blacks for trump. i love that sign. thank you. thank you, fellas, that's so
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good. blacks for trump. that's so nice. >> the guy who himself is most often the person you can see holding that sign, the guy we saw get up there and hold that sign behind trump, he has gone by a few names over the years. he now likes to be known as michael the black man. but he is one of the yahweh ben yahweh cult members who was indicted on the conspiracy to murder charges in miami back in the day. the guy holding the blacks for trump sign who you see, that guy there you see at so many trump rallies who the trump organizers keep putting right behind trump at rallies, he was charged with two murders in the yahweh ben yahweh serial murder trial. ultimately he was not convicted but the miami new times points out this was his past. particularly when he gets personally shouted out by donald trump. and oftentimes held up by the conservative media as a sign of
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real black support for donald trump. they keep pointing him out, pointing out his signs because it's basically their contention that the miami new times is basically their contention that what this guy michael the black man is trying to do is he's trying to reconstitute the yahweh ben yahweh cult. he's always maintained that yahweh ben yahweh was robbed in that trial, that the cult did nothing wrong. and he is seemingly trying to build his own following as a religious leader. the website that's advertised underneath blacks for trump, that's a sort of semireligious website that he's advertising there, that he maintains himself on the bottom of his blacks for trump signs. michael the black man himself declared, i should tell you, his own run for president last fall. back in september he said he was running for president this year. the reason republican campaigns including donald trump's have been so willing to put him on camera, the reason that
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politicians like rick santorum have even had michael the black man open up for rick santorum at a south florida political event. the reason they're willing to give him so much attention is because part of his insane cult-like theology is how much he hates democrats and they're like the devil. and he says that barack obama is the ku klux klan. but his bizarre cultish theology has now morphed this year into loving donald trump and going to all the donald trump rallies. but the partisan appeal of him holding up the sign that says blacks for trump, the reason that's been so attractive to republicans and the trump campaign they've been willing to let this guy get on stage and advertise his website and get all this attention from the candidate without asking too many questions about who exactly he is and why exactly he's there. and that's probably wise because here is what happens when you do ask him those questions.
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>> from info i'm here with michael the black man on the radio. there's the shirt he is repping tonight. why are you wearing this shirt? >> i'm wearing this to show my support for donald trump and my disdain for hillary clinton who is actually the financier of slavery. what do you mean she's the financier? her name is hillary rodham clinton and the descendants of the rothchilds and her biggest donor is len rothchild. and they're the financiers of slavery. >> he's for trump and he's against hillary clinton because of the way you spell the word rodham shows her to be a descendant of rothchild and -- but if you really want to know, if you really want to know the philosophy behind blacks for trump, this guy you see at all
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the trump events, the real reason for the blacks for trump and why he wears the shirts that says trump and republicans are not racist, at the heart of why he believes it, here in his own words is his real explanation. >> we are the true hebrews and we're the chosen once of god. and don't let them trick you into thinking your some damn cave man that was living in the rocks in the side of the mountain. the people living in the rocks and the side of the mountains are hillary clinton and those canaanite. that you see in the nightclubs and they're really white with the blue veins, they call themselves blue bloods. these guys are cursed with the curse. y with call it albinoism because they've got that little cross out part and they never come out in the daytime. these people are the canaanites
that were cursed and they into irish mile in chapter 36 and created an organization called the hixos and became the egyptians, became called the philistines and the balanbyloni became called the illumen atty. >> oh. it's the illuminati, the guys in the nightclubs with the fingernails. even the reporter from the conspiracy theory website info wars is like getting a little too much of an earful from the blacks for trump guy who was once indicted as part of the yahweh ben yahweh death cult for multiple murders, but the trump campaign keeps putting him front and center at trump rallies. as recently as today. they've got donald trump shouting him out, thanking him for his support, pointing him
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to be a host for the debate. at the outset of the campaign, they had no idea that would ultimately involve an invitation to the nation's best self-promoting klansman and white supremacist. dillard did go ahead with hosting this debate tonight, though, including david duke. it just wrapped up within the last few minutes. dillard in its infinite wisdom, they did decide that it would be held in front of an empty room. they held it in an auditorium but did not convene an audience for david duke and the other senate candidates tonight. there were plenty of protesters at dillard tonight who would have been very happy to have themselves in there had they been let in. there were reports that protesters were teargassed by police. meanwhile, mississippi this morning, the town of greenville woke up to. this is hopewell baptist church in greenville. it has about 200 members. greenville is a mostly black city of 34,000 people in delta
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in mississippi and some time overnight a deliberately set fire broke out at this church. by morning, you can see the church was significantly damaged and you can see the graffiti, vote trump. and nobody has in idea who set this fire at this black church or why they did so. the graffiti does not speak for itself. we don't know if this was set by a trump supporter or somebody trying to make trump supporters look as eefvil as possible. but that church did boururn. there's an $11,000 reward that leads to the conviction of whoever set that fire. the only silver lining here is that a go fund me page was set up this morning to raise $10,000 to help that black church rebuild. that go fund me page hit its $10,000 goal within minutes and now actually as of tonight they're up closer to $100,000. so that is good.
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people can be good. people can be great. but a lot of what's going on right now is nuts. the mayor of greenville, mississippi, said today what happened to that church appear to be a race crime. he says it happened in the '50s, it happened in the '60s, it should not happen in 2016. 2016 is a signal year and a benchmark year for african-american communities in our country, right? as the first black president prepares to leave office and we have to decide as a country who is going to replace him. and this kind of nonsense, this kind of curdled, toxic nonsense is not what anybody would have expected we'd be dealing with in the last six days of this presidential campaign, but it is, in fact, what we've got today. president obama himself today sounded a clarion call to african-american communities that hillary clinton may be in trouble this year, his legacy
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may be in trouble if african-americans don't turn out to vote than they have been turning out so far this year. that's very serious math that the democratic party is reckoning with now. that math and more straight ahead tonight. , does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms.
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president obama today in north carolina gave a rollicking appearance, very upbeat appearance on behalf of hillary clinton's campaign. president obama is basically going to be flooring it between now and tuesday, between now and election day. he was in north carolina today. he's in miami and jacksonville tomorrow. he's back in north carolina again for two more events on friday. then on sunday he's in orlando, then on monday he's in new hampshire. but on top of that very busy schedule, in addition to the rally that he did today in north carolina, president obama also today went on the tom joyner radio show. and he made a passionate plea particularly to black voters, a passionate plea to plaque vobla
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to start turning out to vote in bigger numbers than they have some more. >> i have to go do some more campaigning, but i hope everybody is listening. i mean this from the bottom of my heart. that the people who listen to your show, tom, you personally, sybil, everybody, you guys lifted us up so mightily over these last eight years. i would not have been president, michelle would not have been first lady. we wouldn't have gotten everything done that we did had it not been for you and all your listeners and all the people who stood in line, all the people who prayed for us and all the people who worked for us and volunteered and called and knocked on doors. and i could not be more grateful. but i just want everybody to understand we got one more race here. even though my name's not on the ballot, our legacy's are at stake. and we can't take it for
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granted. >> there will likely never be african-american turnout again like there was for the first african-american president. the question is, though, how much can that vote slip if democrats still want to win the presidency? there is an answer for that. that's an empirical question that has an empirical answer. the closest we've got to a man who has that answer joins us next. esurance does auto insurance a smarter way. they offer a claim-free discount. because safe drivers cost less to insure, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. esurance does auto insurance a smarter way.
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like their photo claims tool. it helps settle your claim quickly, which saves time, which saves money. and when they save, you save. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance, an allstate company. click or call. many of the headlines you've probably seen about the presidential race shows that the polls are tightening or even heading in donald trump's favor at least when it comes to national polling.
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some tracking polls out today, the investors business daily national tracking poll shows hillary clinton and donald trump tied at 44% in the four-way race. the abc national poll, the abc news/"washington post" daily tracking poll shows a tie race, secretary clinton and donald trump both at 46%. another daily tracking poll out today, "the l.a. times"/usc tracking poll has donald trump up by 6 points over hillary clinton. nationwide. although i should point out that that particular poll has had donald trump up all along in this race from the very beginning. all of those daily tracking polls that are showing either tied or trump pulling ahead, those are all national polls. the thing is we don't do elections as a nationwide thing. in this country we do them state to state. that's how you put together a win or a loss in a presidential election. so that is actually where you should be looking in order to see who is more likely to win.
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the national polls are on interesting snapshot. but if you want to know who will take things on election day, you go state to state. how do things look right now state to state? joining us now from his magic wall is steve kornacki. steve, thank you so much for being with us. will you take our mind off the national polling number and give us a look state by state at how things are shaping up right now? >> yeah, sure. we got a whole bunch of brand-new state polls today. we can take you through the battle for 270. what we want to focus on right here is what for the clinton campaign they hope is their ultimate firewall. if everything else goes wrong for them in the final week of this campaign in the battleground states, in the key states, what is the firewall that they think and they hope will ultimately protect them if it comes to it? we got new polling on that fron, let me put you through what the dooms day final week would look
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like for the clinton campaign. we have hillary clinton in states equaling 272 electoral votes. if she doesn't drop from that at all, she's the next president of the united states. but here's what they fear and the worst possible case here could go wrong, the clinton campaign does, and that is that every one of these toss-up states, the gray states on the map, let's say donald trump were to sweep them, run the table, win all the toss-up states here in the final week. iowa red, this congressional district and let's say if trump took nevada and arizona, these are big ifs. he takes all the toss-up states. trump sitting at 266. trump would then be one state away from the presidency. and he would need one additional state. it would have to be a blue state. he'd have to take all the toss-up then find a blue state. that's the ultimate firewall the
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clinton campaign is looking at. can they protect the blue state that if it ever came to this, trump would need to go into and win. we've got new polling on that front today. pennsylvania, this is one of those blue states that trump people still think and hope they could flip if it comes to it. four new polls out of pennsylvania. all single digits, but clinton is leading all of them. 2, 4, 4 and 5. this is consistent with what we've seen throughout this campaign. the republicans can get close in pennsylvania but getting over the hump there, sill no sign they can do that. a lot of people were interested in wisconsin, the gold standard poll came out in wisconsin today. remember trump was in wisconsin just last night. look at this. there was a lot uneasiness among democrats in the run up to this poll. a six-point lead, hillary clinton still holding strong in wisconsin. again, this is the kind of
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state, if everything else went right for him, he'd still need to flip a state like the. no sign of that poll in wisconsin he's getting any closer there. also think about michigan. hillary clinton will be going into michigan on friday trying to shore up her campaign spending money on the airwaves there. again, what do we have here in terms of polling? a seven-point lead for clinton in that state. again the key here for the clinton campaign with the numbers we're seeing a couple others that the trump supporters are making noise about, the key here is the polling we're getting out of these states still shows hillary clinton leading. sometimes the margin's a little smaller than the others but right now all indications are that that ultimate final firewall for the clinton campaign is still holding. and remember, they are now spending money, the clinton campaign is, in a lot of these states and, as i said, hillary clinton herself will be going into michigan. so if they come in with a lead in the final week in these states, they spend money, send hillary clinton in, they think if everything else were to fail, that's the firewall that keeps trump from 270. >> so pennsylvania, wisconsin
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and michigan, those are the states that you're sort of riveted on in terms of this strategy and clinton showing up the hardest part of her defense. >> you can probably add colorado to that and maybe new hampshire. but we got numbers out of those other states today. even the polls we're seeing in colorado and new hampshire clinton still leading by varying degrees in those states as well. >> steve, one other thing i want to ask you about. it's actually something related to something that happened on this show last night. it's a specific thing in the polling that people are starting to think might take a dramatic move in the last few dpaps can you stick around so i can ask you this other thing? >> absolutely. >> the great steve kornacki is with us for my very specific question. ar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business...
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i have a lot to say about mrs. clinton that has not been said by others recently. and that i think needs to be said. i mean, i've known her for 40 years. i worked with her, i know her well professionally, i know her well personally. i know her to be a person of high moral character, a reliable person. and an honest person. i'm here vouching for mrs. clinton. and i think it's high time somebody did, and i'm doing it based on my personal experience with her. and i think she's deserves to have people vouch for her other than members of the democratic national committee so i'm here to do that. >> libertarian party's vice presidential nominee, former republican governor of massachusetts, bill weld, on this show last night making some
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big news. vouching personally vouching for the democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton. governor weld last night had nice things to say about hillary clinton. he came pretty much as close as he possibly could to endorsing hillary clinton last night without actually endorsing her. governor weld did say that when it comes to donald trump, he fears for the country if donald trump was elected. but his personal opinions about the candidates are one thing. he and gary johnson are actually competing in the presidential race. what's the effect of that? especially if he has such strong views about donald trump being a threat to the country and hillary clinton being a pretty darn good choice? i mean, bill weld didn't endorse clinton. he also didn't drop out of the race. he says that he will be voting for his own ticket for the libertarian ticket on election day. it raises this interesting question. if the libertarians dropped out, if bill weld, with or without gary johnson, got out of the race between now and tuesday, would that actually help hillary
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clinton win the presidency? would it help trump win the presidency? can we tell what the effect of that would be at this point? some national polls poll in a four-way race. they ask people would you support the democrat in the race, the republican in the race, the libertarian in the race or the green party candidate in the race? they poll on clinton, trump, johnson and stein. then they poll the same people on just the head-to-head race between clinton and trump. if you compare the two results you get from the four-way race versus just the head-to-head, hillary clinton on average does slightly better in four-way matchups than she does when it's head-to-head. head-to-head her polling average is 1.7% lead over donald trump, in a four-way race with the third party folks in there, it's bigger than that, 1.9% lead. that suggests the net effect of these third party candidates in the race is a tiny help for clinton. that maybe those third party
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candidates are mostly taking votes that would otherwise go to trump. that's national polling, some swing state polling shows the same thing. the latest nbc/"wall street journal" poll out of new hampshire shows hillary clinton beating trump in a head-to-head race by 8 points, but if you ask about a four-way race, add back in johnson and stein, clinton and trump both drop a little bit but clinton drops by two points and trump drops by three, which suggests that the presence of the third party candidates are hurting him more than they're hurting her. the presence of the third party candidates might actually be helping hillary clinton's chances. that's in new hampshire. you can also see evidence in the opposite direction recently out of ohio. donald trump leading hillary clinton in head-to-head matchups in ohio. when you add in the third party candidates, trump goes up a point or so and his average goes up over half a point. looks like the third party candidates in that case are taking votes from clinton and when they're out, it helps
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trump. also look at yesterday's abc/"washington post" tracking poll. donald trump is a point ahead in ra four-way race. well, if you had to, you couldn't vote for johnson and stein, you had to vote for clinton or trump, which would you pick? more of those voters said they'd pick clinton than pick trump. so if you're looking for evidence that third party voters are hurting clinton, you got that there. those voters are saying they would vote for clinton if they weren't voting for a third party candidate. so there's evidence in both directions. there's evidence in both directions in the swing state, evidence in both directions in the national polling. where does that leave a third party candidate like bill weld? particularly with what bill weld said last night about hillary clinton on this show. if the libertarian ticket dropped out or fell apart, if the green party candidates dropped out or fell apart, what would be the effect on the trump versus clinton race? can we tell who would be hurt
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and who would be helped if something like that happened? joining me again is steve kornacki. is there an answer to this question or is it a mixed bag as it looked to me? >> it's pretty muddled like you showed there. with the margin of error factored in it's tough to say one way or the other. it seems to be mostly a wash. but i think if you're a democrat, if you're a clinton supporter, there's two thing tlas have to worry you about the presence of the libertarians or any third party candidate. the first thing is this. traditionalliy libertarian will be disgruntled republicans. somebody who is fiscally conservative and they don't like trump but basically a disgruntled republican. >> their candidates are former republican governors. >> but when you start looking at the polls, some of the biggest resistance to clinton and some of the biggest openness to the third party candidates has been voters under 35, millennials.
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that's an extension of what we saw in the primary. hillary clinton struggled mightily with bernie sanders in the primaries. millennials they don't really like clinton but they really, really don't like trump. so there's this dynamic where if they're offered a third choice or a fourth choice, more than other groups they're likely to take the third or the fourth option. gun to their head, told you've got to go with clinton or trump, the evidence suggests that more will go with clinton than trump. their level of dissatisfaction with trump is much higher than it is with clinton. that's one area where i think if you're a democrat you're worried about the presence of these candidates. it's this idea that donald trump has a ceiling on his support. the polls fluctuate. but the one thing that's been constant, donald trump does not get up past the mid-40s. hillary clinton will get up to the high 40s, maybe even cross 50%. we can put this up on the screen. what you're looking right now. when match clinton versus trump,
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there's been three dozen polls where she's hit 38% or higher. i think it's 34. donald trump the number is zero. that speaks to the possibility that there's a ceiling for trump that's low are than for clinton. if you have just a two-way race, she's going to beat him in a two-way race. if you have a fou-way race, 44, 45% pore trump could win that race. so if you're a democrat, i think for those two reasons you would rather this just be a one on one race. >> and i think actually what you're describing there about the trump ceiling, that's been a great source of comfort to democrats and liberals looking at this race. there aren't too many persuadable people being swayed over to trump. he'll hit that high number, but even if that ceiling is exactly where we think it is, that's enough to win if there's a significant third party vote. >> think of the republican primaries, he got enough to win the nomination. >> if there's enough people in the race. steve kornacki, clarifying as always. thanks my friend. have you been eating protein?
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have you been sleeping? >> i've been eating horrible food. >> we'll get ourselves in shape in the next few days. no we won't. we have a lot more ahead tonight. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems.
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calling 844-844-2424. or visit the republican national committee today did an unusual thing in federal court in new jersey. they filed paperwork with a federal court insisting that their own vice presidential nominee had no idea what he was talking about, he was totally wrong, he was totally making it up when he said this. >> it's a tremendous question, and i will tell you that the trump campaign and the republican national committee are working very, very closely with state governments and secretary of states all over the country to ensure ballot integrity. >> mike pence in august telling voters that the trump campaign and the republican party are working all over the country to ensure ballot integrity. now, governor pence said that.
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he said a few different iterations of that in public, right? but we've been reporting on this show the republican party is actually banned by a consent decree from the '80s from doing the kind of ballot integrity stuff that the trump campaign has been threatening for election day, which is basically poll watching, targeting minority voters in swing states. the rnc is banned by law from doing anything like that even though mike pence is insisting that the trump campaign and the republican party are working hard in fist to do it. last week the democratic party asked a federal court to find the republican party in contempt of that consent decree. they included as evidence what mike pence has been telling voters about republican plans for the election, that the republican party is working with the trump campaign to do this poll watching effort. today the republican party had to respond to that challenge in court, and they are dealing with the mike pence part of the evidence by saying, eh, you know, mike pence, he makes things up. chief lawyer for the rnc filed
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this in federal court today. he called mike pence personally last night, yesterday evening, quote, governor pence stated to me that he has no knowledge whatsoever of any effort between the trump campaign and the rnc to ensure ballot integrity. he further states that he neither -- that he neither ever -- neither ever -- neither ever? he neither ever has been a part of nor is aware of any discussions between the trump campaign and the rnc concerning any efforts to ensure ballot integrity or to suggest any rnc involvement in such activities. he's never heard any of that. he has no knowledge whatsoever about it. he just keeps saying what they're doing. he makes it up every time he says it. that's the message from the republican party tonight. that's what their defense is to this lawsuit. mike pence makes stuff up. you know him. so there's no problem here. don't believe a word he says, definitely don't take it as evidence so says the republican party.
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>> it's a tremendous question, and i will tell you that the trump campaign and the republican national committee are working very, very closely with state governments and secretary of states all over the country to ensure ballot integrity. american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at
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hillary clinton has gone west this evening. she started in nevada which went for barack obama twice in 2008 and 2012. the clinton campaign has been working like crazy for months now in nevada. they're very heartened by the early voting numbers out of that state in particular. after tonight's clinton event in las vegas, she then headed for arizona. an arizona is a whole different thing. arizona has only gone blue in a presidential election once since world war ii, and that was back in the '90s. we're told that something around 10,000 people have turned out for this clinton rally tonight in arizona state with a lot of other people still in line to get in. 10,000 people turning out for hillary clinton tonight in
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arizona of all places. arizona? stay with us. i've never liked marijuana. but i'm voting yes on prop 64 to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and over. it has important safeguards for families, like strict product labeling and child-proof packaging of all marijuana products. and banning edibles that would appeal to a child. raising a teenager, that regulated system makes a lot more sense than what we have now. plus, 64 taxes marijuana to fund priorities like after-school programs. personally, marijuana's not for me. but my mind's made up. i'm voting yes on 64.
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the republic rests on your shoulders. >> president obama today making the hard sell in north carolina, six days out from the election. a polling average in north carolina right now shows a dead heat there between hillary clinton and donald trump. look at that. 46.4 to 46.4. in the polling average in that state. tonight on the other side of the country, though, hillary clinton is going to be giving a speech starting any moment in tempe, arizona of all places. tonight's arizona event it should be noted it was announced by the clinton campaign approximately 30 minutes before fbi director james comey decided to jump with both feet into the presidential race. 30 minutes before the fbi director james comey broke protocol and made his vague announcement about new clinton-related e-mails found on anthony weiner's computer. 30 minutes before then, they had announced this arizona event. since that comey letter was published on friday, there has
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been a shift in the national polling there has been a shift in arizona's pollings and projections. the latest polling shows donald trump leading by 5 points. the "new york times" giving donald trump a 66% chance of winning arizona. putting his chances of winning arizona at 68%. and even with the numbers slipping against her, today we learned the clinton campaign not only kept up this plan for this tempe, arizona rally tonight, they're also doubling their ad spending in arizona over the final week of the campaign, spending over a million dollars in arizona in these last few days. even just a week ago when the race felt like it was going to be a clinton blowout, the idea of clinton trying to win states like arizona or even texas or georgia seemed like it would be a really interesting feather in hillary clinton's cap. but now the race has tightened. i just threw my script on the floor. what does that mean? now the race has tightened. now you have to wonder if it does make sense for time and
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money and the candidate's attention to be focused on arizona rather than some of those other blue states that steve kornacki was describing earlier this hour as essentially clinton's great blue wall. joining us from the site of the clinton rally in tempe, arizona, is brahm resnik for the nbc affiliate there, kpnx. it's great to have you there. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> what is your assessment of the political wisdom of these resources, including the candidate's time being devoted to arizona right now? are they right to think that arizona is in reach for the democrats? >> it's really hard to say. i think you got it just right. as of friday when they had all these plans in place, when they had the ad spending plan in place, they've been hitting the state really hard over the last two weeks since the lewd comments that donald trump made. that's what brought this race into the dead heat. but in the last four days or so, it's slowly been sliding away, slipping away from her you.
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saw the two polls in the last two days that showed donald trump up four or five points. you could argue it's the law of electoral gravity here in arizona. republicans just outnumber democrats. and more of them come out to vote. that could be part of it. it could be independents moving away. it's really hard to say. at the same time, what i hear from the democrats is why not swing for the fences? they have a base that is energized right now like really never before in arizona. they feel it's within their grasp. but at the same time, rachel, i have to say they're being pretty realistic about their chances here. >> brahm, one of the things we noticed from the vice presidential campaign is their vice presidential nominee is scheduled to do two events in arizona tomorrow. one if not both are events he is going to do totally in spanish. he is fluent in spanish. how much are the campaigns both counting on and accurately assessing what the latino vote is going to be in arizona? >> the presidential race in
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arizona, the race for maricopa county sheriff, joe arpaio is on the line there. there has been a huge registration drive this year, one of the largest we've seen here ever in fact. the feeling is if they can turn those voters out, they have a shot at winning this thing. one thing to watch. if joe arpaio wins maricopa county and the polls right now show him down, if he wins maricopa county, hillary clinton is not winning arizona. so getting back to tim kaine. he is doing one speech entirely in spanish tomorrow morning in -- tomorrow afternoon i should say in a neighborhood of heavily hispanic neighborhood of west phoenix. also speaking to the two latino stations here in town. he'll be going to tucson later in the day. that speech will be given in english. but, again, it is a sign of how important the latino vote is in this campaign. it must maximize it. and i think you're going hear
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that tonight from secretary clinton. >> brahm resnik political reporter for kpnx in tempe, arizona. thank you for having you here tonight. it should be fun. >> thank you. >> be right back. stay with us. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning.
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i'm sorry i have to do this, but i mentioned at the top of the show tonight that tonight's u.s. senate debate in louisiana featured six candidates on stage, and one of them was the former ku klux klan grand wizard david duke who is running for the u.s. senate in louisiana this year as a republican candidate. now obviously even just david duke's presence on that stage has been controversial. even his presence in that debate, his invitation to that debate, as somebody polling well enough to be there. that led to protests at the site of the debate. buall that was before he used that debate stage tonight to share with us his david duke views of the jews. >> i'm not opposed to all jews. i think there are a lot of jews i honor.
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but let me tell you about something. i'm against jews or anybody else who puts the interests of some other place over our own country. >> not opposed to all jews. something said, actually said in a senate debate stage in the year 2016. today's louisiana senate debate took place in an empty auditorium at a historically black college called dillard university in new orleans. students at dillard protested. there aren't arrests. some people were reportedly pepper sprayed by university police as they tried to protest outside the debate hall. but inside david duke assured us all he is not against all jews. happy 2016. that does it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow. now it's time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." good evening, lawrence. >> rachel, the debate was even worse than you presented. we're going to present -- i was going to use the word "highlights." we're going to present excerpts of this debate, this david duke
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