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tv   Dateline Extra  MSNBC  June 17, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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does he say when he is there in a couple days about this issue? >> that does it for us tonight. we will be back with you next week from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern. up next, a special, "how to fix an election." for now, good night from washington. jerry magerrymandering is t ultimate political hack. we did it to ourselves. >> when people decide they don't like what's going on in government, they should have the power to change it. what gerrymandering does is it prevents that. >> gerrymandering is drawing maps that aggressively favor one party over the other and make sure that seat never changes hands. >> there are millions of voters whose vote don't matter. >> this is about power. this is about incumbents retaining power. >> after the 2012 elections, i just felt cheated.
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>> it's like fitness in the way you say to yourself, do i really have to be stuck with this body? do i want to do something about it? >> this is the time. these elections starting 2018, 2020, what happens in 2021 when lines are redrawn, this will define the united states, i think, for the next 30, 40, 50 years. >> join us as we take resistance to the ballot box. >> gerrymandering is drawing district lines in a way that benefits one political party or another. >> we all know the idea of gerrymandering, going back to the original gerrymandering, has do with districts that look abusive. >> the stranger the shape, the more we have an intuition that somebody is trying to do
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something. >> the word comes from 1812. it's weird that we call it gerrymandering he signed into law a map in massachusetts which created a funny shaped district which to many people looked like a salamand salamander. the term gerrymandering springs from that and a cartoon that criticized him. >> there's a standard rogue's gallery of congressional districts that people like to talk about. some of the famous ones, north carolina one and 12. 12 looks like a river but it's land locked cutting through c y cities. >> the first district has odd appendages running out of it. that was designed to cram as many african-americanoters as you could so that the surrounding districts became more reliably republican. go goofy kicking donald duck. >> in ohio the snake along the lake.
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pennsylvania 16th looks like a body builder's arm. in texas, some of the tortilla strip districts. >> maryland's third district, it literally starts kind of up in baltimore and wanders around this way and then that way. >> some people say it looks like a broke en dinosaur. >> gerrymandering distorts the nature of a democracy. it allows parties to win more seats even when they have fewer votes. it's the dark art of redistricting. >> redistricting is the sole province of the state legislatures. the state length tgislatures ar composed of partisans. >> it's a partisan free-for-all. there are few laws governing how legislatures are able to go ahead and draw these lines.
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>> one of the most extreme examples of gerrymandering is the congressional map drown by north carolina republicans after 2010. it's a map that delivered the gop an overwhelming 10-3 advantage in house seats by 2014, tur 50% state wide support into a 77% advantage. >> justice. now. >> the presence of jerry ma gerrymandering is the absence of democracy. when people hear about what's going on, i think there's a sense of confusion and anger. then i think as we have seen today, people wanting to come out and talk about it and to do something about it. >> north carolina in many ways is considered ground zero of partisan gerrymandering. >> it's an evenly divided state. then the congressional delegation is 10-3 republican
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which doesn't reflect the partisan presences of north carolina. >> i'm a student at north calina state university. when the state legislator gerrymandered this state not once but twice, it was a punch in the gut to our civil liberties. i know there's a resistance here in north carolina. i urge you today to take your resistance to the ballot box. forward together. thank you. >> one of the fundamental problems in our country right now and why people have that feeling in their gut that democracy is not working, it's partially because of the gerrymandering that we see in this country. the will of the voters is not often reflected in the outcome
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of our elections. even when you have the vast majority of americans that want rational governing and problem solving, it doesn't happen because the whole dynamic of the congress is skewed tafe seats. >> whee's no competition, there's a lack of performance. you can do flog abonothing abou. you cannot get rid of them. >> we're headed t do canvassing. we're going to canvas a neighborhood to make sure that i touch because with the people of this district. we want to make sure that they intend to vote and that they vote for me. h hey, aaron. good to see you. >> we have the list, the literature. the doors are in order by street. >> linda is in the second district. she's the former state rep.
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she's well connected in democratic politics. ordinarily, she would be a strong candidate for a congressional seat. because the map was drawn the way it was by the republicans, it's virtually impossible for a democrat to win the seat. >> this is a community the second district. but i'm fairly sure that just a couple of years ago, this would have been part of the 13th district. in the last two decades, this neighborhood has been in four different districts. that causes confusion among voters. i'm linda coleman. i'm doing canvassing today. you probably have voted for me before. tell me, what's importto you? are the issues? are you happy with washington? >> no. no. >> why not?
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th >> this is the first time i felt like washington does not care. >> do you know who represents you in congress at this point? >> i don't. >> because you probably have been shifted districts. maybe you were in the 13th at one time. >> possibly. >> and now you are in the 2nd. >> that's what gerrymandering is. >> essentially, there are two key ways of gerrymandering. there's cracking and there's packing. if you are packing, the idea is that you are cramming as many of the other side's votes into as few districts as possible and they win these by a landslide. if you are cracking, the idea is that you are spreading the other side's vote across as many districts as you possibly can without it being a majority in any essentially diluting that vote. >> where there is a biracial society throughout the south, that's especially easy to do
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because african-american communities vote strongly democratic. it's not hard to figure out where the democratic vote is. linda coleman is a friend of mine. we both represented lake county. it looks like a tough race for her. >> how are you doing? >> did you get a list? >> yeah. let me ask you, do you know who represents you in congress now? >> actually -- >> these districts have been drown surgically and precisely in order to ensure republicans capture them every year. democrats have not flipped a single seat in north carolina on these maps this entire decade. >> i'm counting on your vote in november. >> will do. >> you going to do that? >> of course. the congressional district keeps changing. that's what gerrymandering does. it finds the voters most
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applicable to the party that wants to have those voters. so they move the lines to accommodate what candidates they want. e are reay the only modern democracy in the world that allows our politicians to draw thein lines ande own voters. >> the reason people should be concerned about gerrymandering is because as a result of the way district lines are drawn, election results are preordained well before november. >> the savviest stry esiest stre talking about the republican party would be a minority party for generations to come. it didn't happen that way.
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in 2008, democrats win the white house, take a super majority in the u.s. senate and controlhe u.s. house for the
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second cycle in a row. >> the american people have spoken. they have spoken clearly. a little while ago, i had the honor of calling senator barack obama to congratulate him -- please. >> if you look back at television that night, the savviest strategists on both sides wereooking a these results and talking about how the republican party would be a minority party in this country for a generation to come. it didn't exactly happen that way. >> the democrats having won the congress in 2006 and won the presidency in 2008 were focused on barack obama's legislative agenda, which was fine. as they should have been. but at the expense of the down ballot building of the party which could have helped them out in the longer run. >> this is an op-ed that karl
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rove published in early 2010. it's entitled, the gop targets state legislatures. he who controls subdistricting controls congress. >> that's a civics thing that everyone is aware of. no up with w no one was looking at it in terms of the election. >> he is regarded as evil mastermind, depending how you view it, of republican redistricting that took place. >> going into 2010, there was publicity about the censure bureau work and what they would announce and how it would impact congressional districts and reapportionment. >> according to the constitution, every ten years we have to have a accept suss. after that accept suss, states are required to draw new congressional districts. some states gain population.
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some states lose population. if you gain a new congressional district, you have got to figure out how to draw the lines to accommodate that distrt. if you lose one or two as states often do, you have to draw the lines again. >> the state lenggislators draw the lines for congress. itakes a relatively obscure state office and makes it pretty important every ten years. to me, it represented an opportunity. so i approached the republican committee about the idea of let's launch a special project that was dedicated to raising y to put it into the state legislative races that would have the maximum impact on congressional redistricting. a red map. the idea that red is assigned to republicans. we want red states, we want red maps. >> if democrats could wave a magic wand and undo the
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political work of one person in the last five years it would be the red map guy. >> we looked at the census report. pennsylvania, michigan, you will lose a congressional seat. florida, you are getting two, texas, you are getting four. georgia is getting one. south carolina is getting one. most of the great lake states were losing seats. ohio lost two. new york lost two. where a state is losing a seat or picking up a seat is where the map is going to have to be drawn with the most changes. so that creates opportunity for whoever is drawing that map. >> the republicans realized that 2008 might have been an important election. but that 2010 could be even more consequential. essentially, they are able to plot a path back to power by using redistricting.
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if you wanted to lock in control of congress, the way to do it was by winning all of the state legislative races around the country and tipping contr of these chambers in your direction. republicans target 107 key state legislative races in 16 states. by targeting those handful of state legislative races, they calculate that they can control drawing more than 190 of the 435 u.s. house seats. >> we explain to national donors who otherwise really didn't care about any of this, invest in the down ballot races and you will have a national impact on congressional contro congressional races are very expensive. a single congressional seat over ten years, five election cycles, you could spend over $10 million. we felt like that a fraction of the cost we could impact up to
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25 of the most volatile congressional seats. >> they spent about $30 million o trying to win legislative races. republicans are on recor saying that was a really good investment. >> they use techniques that ordinarily would be used in huge national race >> you know the tax twins in washington. now meet the tax twins of western north carolina. >> hundreds of thousands of dollars in negative ads, in fancy mailers, dumped into the small state legislative campaigns. >> nice guy, too bad he is voting with the liberals. >> they swamped democratic incumbents who never saw this coming. your budget in some of the state legislative races might only be 100 or $150,000. suddenly, all of this outside money comes barrelling in. these incumbents were done. >> we picked up about 700 state
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legislative seats. to put that in perspective, the democrats picked up 322 seats in 2006. post watergate was 600 seats for the democrats. we won around 700 sfeats. >> it caught the white house and democratic party by surprise. the republicans were just simply better organized and more strategic. karl rove said, when you draw the lines, you make the rules. there it is. if you get to draw the lines, you get to shape the rules of politics for a long, long time. >> as they sit down to draw these lines, they have a very accurate picture of who lives in each of these houses and how they are likely to vote. lingham, edge of the box, willingham shoots... goooooooaaaaaaaallllllll!
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on the ground. we would give them money. if they were good partners, we would give them money. >> red map fundamentally redefines gerrymandering. it takes the oldest political trick in the book and reinvents it. no one had ever done it this way before. >> we had a huge night on state house and state senate front. in ohio, kasich won the governorship. in michigan, the governorship, state house and senate. in wisconsin, the governorship, state house and state senate. alabama, the state house and the state senate. 17 chambers so far that have switched hands from democratic to republican. that's going to have a big impact on redistricting, which will have an impact on the composition of congress for a decade. >> after the 2010 election, republicans were in a position to draw 193 congressional districts compared to 44 that democrats were in a position to draw. a israreally lopsided advantage.
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>> that allowed them to redraw the map in places like north carolina, ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, states where there really is a battleground and where gerrymandering makes most difference. >> partisan map makers in 2011 can purchase incredible private data sets. a cloud's worth of consumer preferences, magazine subscriptions, a social media like. as they sit down to draw these lines, they have a complete and very accurate picture of who lives in each of these houses and how they are likely to vote. especially in an era of heightened partisanship and polarization. >> americans have sorted themselves, democrats are clustered in a tiny number of precincts in cities and college towns. republicans are more efficiently distributed across suburbs and rural areas.
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that made it easier for the partisans in charge of drawing the lines to draw red and blue seats. >> as t redistricting began, democrats realized that they were just getting beat at this game in one state after another. frankly, there wasn't much they could do about it. >> all of a sudden the republicans would release a map. a day or two later they would pass it on a majority. pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, wisconsin, texas is a big one, florida. those are the states where the republicans had trifecta control in 2011. they controlled the goff flo governorship, state house and state senate. >> the lines perform precisely how the republicans imagined and hoped they would. >> in 2012, the republicans realized what a big accomplishment they had, because
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mit romn mitt romney loses the presidency. but the house of representatives was republican. >> the house, both sides concede it going to remain republican. just judging by the number of tea party supported republicans, this is going to be a more partisan house. >> the democrats win 1.4 million more votes for the u.s. hoe. republicans maintain a 234-204 edge. you can see this really specifically if you look at individual states. take a state like pennsylvania. almost 100,000 more overall votes for democratic candidates. republicans take 13 of the 18 seats. michigan, wisconsin, the maps are the firewall that help republicans hold on to the house of representatives. >> at this point, it's 8:00 right now on the east coast. nbc news can project that the republican party has maintained control of the house of representatives.
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>> in 2014, democrats won 47% of all votes cast for house but just seats. >> pennsylvania, hiohio, michig, wisconsin, democrats are in the able to flip a single seat blue in any of those states in '12, '14 or '16. >> i received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us. it's about us. >> let's make it official. it's a republican night. if everythin o the way nticipate it will, the senate stays in republican hands. the house we know. it looks like donald trump will be president-elect. >> we're a closely and deeply divided country. yet on the day after election day 2016, republicans controlled not only the white house and all of washington but 69 of 99 state
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legislative chambers, a modern record of 33 governors, they had the trifectas, governor and both bran state legislature in 25 of 50 states. all of this has its roots in red map. >> barring a tsunami wave election, many of the districts will remain in the hands of the party that they were designed to be in the hands of for the whole of the decade. that's utterly remarkable and very anti-democratic. >> this is a challenge that the democrats face as they head into 2018. the question is whether or not a blue wave can rise up against a red seawall. the maps are in many ways the republican seawall. >> it makes sense the democrats would feel that the process was unfair to them. so they are resorting to the courts to try to solve their political problem. and the safey for "most parallel parallel parking job" goes to...
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[ drum roll ] ...emily lapier from ames, iowa. this is emily's third nomination and first win.,! um, first of all, to my fellow nominees, it is an honor sharing the road with you. and of course, to the progressive snapshot app for giving good drivers the discounts -- no, i have to say it -- for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. safe driving!
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i'm richard lui. the trump administrationes
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backlash over its zero tolerance border policy. data shows that nearly 2,000 children have been separated from their families in recent weeks. the outcry comes as the president prepares to meet with house republicans on tuesday to discuss immigration. brooks keopka retained his title, giving him back to back u.s. open victories. now back to "how to fix an election." during the redistricting process that occurred in 2011, republicans used new technology to take gerrymandering to what i would say unprecedented levels. >> after 2011, we all thought that it had not gone well. but i don't think that we anticipated what we witnessed, which was the republican party
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really takie ining advantage of redistricting they had done, the inappropriate redistricting, the gerrymandering. there's a need for supreme court precedent to put into law the notion that you can go too far when you are doing gerrymandering on a partisan basis. >> whichever party feels they c go on offense. it makes sense the democrats would feel that the process was up fair to them. so they are resorting to the courts to try to solve their political problem. >> let me combrujust say, gerrymandering is a bipartisan activity. those who control the legislature control the drawing of the lines. >> the democrats do it where they can. maryland is a good example. >> the maryland case, the supreme court agreed earlier this year to hear that case. it involves a democratic gerrymanderer of maryland's 6th congressional district. >> i was asked by one of the
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original plaintiffs in the case if i would consider joining their lawsuit for the congressional gerrymandering. it didn't take me long to make a decision. it's one of the reasons i fell in love with washington county. it's family and church oriented. it's a small agricultural community. it's different than the rest of the district. the 6th congressional district, including this area, has always been very conservative. then the gerrymander happened. i remember feeling so angry about it. how could they do this? >> when it came time to redraw the maps in 2011, democrats took republican voters out of the district and put them in other districts. then drew in very dense concentrations of democrats in the washington, d.c. area. so they managed to change the 6th congressional district from a reliably republican district
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into a reliably democratic district. >> the democrats won the congressional district here and would keep democrats safe for a long time to come. a congressman, we can look at a number of his votes he has done in the house of representatives on our behalf here in washington county. i can tell you that it doesn't sit well with the majority of the folks here. >> the republican plaintiffs in the maryland caseretty rightly ee leng allege that the votes have been dilu diluted. >> maryland democrats set out to dilute the votes of republicans in effect because they disapproved of those republicans having elected bartlett as their congressman. >> people who are suing about that are claiming that that act was a violation of the first amendment because it was punishing th voters of the district for voting in a way that the government didn't like.
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it's retaliatory under the first amendment. >> it really isn't at the heart of it about democrats or republicans or any political affiliation. it's about one political party in power punishing another group or class of citizens. it's completely wrong and abhorrent in my opinion. >> democrats will tell you maryland's map is fine. republicans in maryland will tell you that's partisan gerrymander. whether it's a partisan gerrymander depends which chair you are sitting in and whether your party prevailed under the map or not. >> we will hear two major decisions from the supreme court coming from wisc maryland. the maryland case and the other case out of wisconsin could give the court a chance to finally say that there are at least some outer limits on how far you can go with partisanship. >> wisconsin in 2010 was one of the cases where the republicans found themselves in unilateral control of legislature and
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governorship for the first time in many years. they set about drawing a gerrymander. in 2012, democrats got 52% of the vote state wide. they got only 39% of the seats. >> i will hear argument in case 161161. >> in the supreme court seeing whether or not we can finally get a case decided by the court allowing gerrymander to be invalidated. you are up there for half an hour. the questions are coming thick and fast. >> mr. smith? >> may it please the court, what the state is asking for is a free pass to continue using an assembly map that's so extreme that it nullifies democracy. >> maybe we can talk about the constitution. where do we get authority to revise state legislative lines? >> in a wide variety of issues having to do with political
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parties and politics, the supreme court has stayed away from it. let's bump that to congress. that's the president's,he role they have had hands ty. >> the hard issue is are there standards manageable by a court, not by some group of social science computer experts. >> we have to be cautious about stepping in. >> i don't think there's anything unusual to regulate the abusive management of state elections by state government. that's what the -- >> where did one person one vote come from? >> the last couple cases that have gone to the united states supreme court have resulted in a very divided court. when you listen to the oral arguments, i think we're still going to have a divided court. >> the point is you take these issues away from democracy and you are throwing them into the courts. pursuant to -- it may be my educational background, but i
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can only describe it social -- >> it's a measure how unfair the map is, how much it burdens -- >> can you say this? don't agree with me just because it sounds favorable. he won't in two minutes. answer the chief justice's question and say the reason they lost is because party a wins a majority of votes, party a controls the legislature. that seems fair. if party a loses a majority of votes, it still controls the legislature. that doesn't seem fair. >> if the supreme court holds that something is unconstitutional and federal courts can deal with the problem, then that holding applies across the country. >> i'm skeptical the supreme court will find a one size fits all solution to gerrymandering. if they decide to ban
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gerrymandering without defining a clear standard for what constitutes it, it could leave a lot of maps in limbo for the next decade. say good-bye to jerry mandering. starting with features desd to make it easy for your driver to find you. taking the stress out of pickups. and we're putting e heart of everything we do. with a single tap, we're giving you new ways to let loved ones know you're on your way. uber has new leadership, a new vision anis moving in a new direction... forward. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪ go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro
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you know it's a system where the politicians are picking the voters, rather than the voters picking the politicians. so i say this time, say good-bye to gerrymandering. i was stuck with this system of gerrymandering in california when i was governor. i said to myself, einstein said doing the same thing over and over again and trying to expect different results is insanity.
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since insane i'm not, so therefore, i'm going to create change. sglt i' >> the solution to having courts be monitoring this problem is to have a non-partisan independent commission draw the lines. that makes the process neutral or at least if it's done right it can. there's examples of that around the country. perhaps the one most visible is california. that came along. >> we want to make sure you vote yes on proposition 11. you are already in? that's good. >> what california did is they created a commission staffed with ordinary citizens who go through this rigorous selection process. it's five democrats, five republicans and four independents. citizens can submit maps in california. all of the proceedings are broadca broadcast. >> five yeses, no nos.
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from the republicans, four yeses, one no. >> to pass a map in california, you have to have approval from democrats, approval from republicans and approval from independents. what that has done is it fo fostered negotiation. the only way you get your job done is you compromise. >> democrats and republicans are now working together for the good of the people. that's what it's about. >> what it has resulted in are mapsn california that are fairer. democrats win more votes, they win more seats. as republicans win more votes, they win more seats. >> we have four draft final maps. >> this is what it means being independent from the politicians and having a district drawn in favor of the people and not the parties. >> while independent commissions are one way you could fix it, it's not the only way. ohio is a different model. >> next competitor making his
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debut -- >> arnold is in town to enjoy the festivities. he is also taking time to talk politics. >> i love the people of ohio. love the state. governor kasich, who is like me, he wants to do things that is right for the people. he has always had and interest in doing the redistricting reform. they want do it their way. >> in ohio they have chosen to leave congressional redistricting in the hands of the legislature. >> ohio is a place where the republicans have agreed to put a ballot initiative to referendum. >> trying to get folks to vote yes on anti-gerrymandering. >> if approved by voters, you will have a policeable standard written into the ohio constitution that can be used to police bad maps.
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>> this is on the may ballot. >> volunteers have gone door to door collecting signatures. they will say i knocked on republican and democratic houses. >> are you ohio voters? >> we would love to have your support. >> let's start with issue one. it has been called and it has passed. this is ohio's redistricting proposal. >> i call the legislative leaders. i come in, i'm going to bring my schnapps. we will celebrate this great victory for the people. >> this is incredible what they did. we're going to have fairer elections. they're going to be more competitive. people are going to have to listen to people that at the present time they don't always have to listen to because they represent a small minority. we're now a model for the country.
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>> i wish when i was governor of california, that it would have been like that. the legislators work it out so they can represent the people rather than the parties. i told john, i'm going to come to your capitol. we're going to celebrate this. cheers. thank you. that's the way to do it. >> there's been a particularly robust reform effort in the state of ohio. but a lot of reformers say that it still doesn't take power out of the hands of legislators. they're not wrong. i don't think you can ever fully take politics out of the redistricting process. take, for example, arizona. arizona has an independent redistricting commission that's made up of two democrats, two republicans and a tie-breaking member. the tiebreaker approved a map that sought to maximize
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competitive districts. republicans were livid because they did go out of their way to create chances for democrats to win seats. republicans went so far as to impeach impeach the chair of the redistricting commission. >> last night a republican controlled state senate in arizona gave the governor the vote she needed to fire the head of the supposedly indment commission. >> it was the ugliest redistricting brawl of the 20 is 1 cycle. >> the goverr says is creating a cloud of suspicion over the commissioners work. republicans don't like the way maps were drawn. even though they give republicans an advantage. >> that advantage was not enough of an advantage. >> so independent commission doesn't necessarily a solution to whatever problem maybe perceived. >> in every state across the country we are going to have to go through a redistricting round again in 2020. no one has yet come up with a way of doing this that everyone
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says that's the way we should go. until that solution emerges, we're going to be where we are with state legislators, commissions. there's no one size fits all solution. >> it's a giant waste of money for them. they're losing politically. they can't win campaigns they have to redraw the maps so they can win. r thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it's about delivering a more comfortable shave, every time. invented in boston. made and sold around the world. order now at gillette, the best a man can get.
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word about gerrymandering. we have a mural on the back of the building. it's important to have a conversation. >> there's just this awareness in the country that this is a problem. this gerrymander thing that happens isn't good. what can we do about it? we have to redistrict. we don't have to gerrymander. we are getting in the game on all fronts. >> the redistricting committee was formed because we sort of consequences of not doing a good job in 2011. >> democrats gearing up to fight back against what happened in 2010. out going president barack obama and making redistricting reform their priority in the years ahead. >> politicians shouldn't choose their voters. >> as you know we rolled out the target states today. at the goal of our map is to shine a spotlight on the most
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important elections for redistricting. >> democrats were a little asleep at the wheel in 2010. the cycle they're not asleep. we're starting to see signs this is going to be a battle. almost between the parties to the redistricting of 2021. >> this strategy is make sure we have folks in the state tos get the grass roots ready for the redistricting process in 2021. >> republicans goal is preserve their advantage in as many states as possible. to rep will kate the success of red map from the last round. so the national republican redistricting trust is we set up to prepare for legal and data side of the 2020 redistricting round. >> yesterday holder gave remarks at a breakfast we laid out the strategy. >> he's trying to break up. >> that's right. state with republican control. and governor house and senate.
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it will be incredibly expensive to go into all states. a giant waste of money for them. they're losing politically. they can't win campaigns they have to redraw the maps so they can win. >> democrats could take back control of the house and 2018. it would take a unprecedented wave to do that. >> estimate is the democrats would have to win the national order to win back a narrow majority in the u.s. house. that is similar in many of the state legislators around the country. >> it's going to take a once in a generational wave in order for the democrats to over come the structural advantages the geymandering gives the republic part if democrats can't find a way to retake state legislative chambers, then red map will still have the last word. >> collectively we cannot be
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ignored. stand up and fight back. >> now is it time to rock the vote. we will rock the vote! >> there's an increasing awareness these gerrymandering techniques have made our elections effectively meaningless. and i think that helps fuel a cynicism and low voter turn out. it fuels a distrust in the democratic process and people are fed up with that. >> walk together. >> i think gerrymandering poses a long term threat to our democracy. if you look at the distance that continues to grow between our elected officials and the people they represent, the growing ties between elected officials and special interest. that leads us to a place where a small minority could really dictate the kind of policies that this great nation pursues.
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>> we don't know what the districts will look like. we know what democracy looks li ke. >> people are beginning to say there's something wrong with this. because i don't feel that my vote counts. >> there's an energy around the country. the voters are fired up. for 2018. to make their voices heard. >> we need to get back to the basics and allow theoters to choose their elected officials and not the other way around. >> this not a partisan issue. this is patriotism issue. if the supreme court says we're thot going to address the problem, it will get more severe. the result will be government that is less representative of what people think and want. we will have much less democracy. even than we have now. >> it's a fixed system. enough is enough. let's do something about it. >> join us.
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as we fight for non-partisan redistricting reform. join us as we take resistance to the ballot box.


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