tv Politics Nation With Al Sharpton MSNBC December 1, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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this month the impeachment inquiry moves into the next phase. here's what is happening this week. tomorrow, the intelligence committee will get its very first look at chairman adam schiff's draft of the impeachment report. he'll lay out the case based on its findings for the removal of president donald trump. the very next day, that committee will conduct a vote, mainly a formality, on whether to pass the report on to the judiciary committee which is responsible for drawing up articles of impeachment. the vote should pass, the most likely along party lines. then on wednesday the judiciary committee will hold its first public hearing featuring a host of constitutional scholars and experts. jerry nadler has invited donald
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trump and his legal team to participate in the hearings, but i wouldn't hold my breath. he'll probably mount his defense by talking smack on twitter and rambling to cameras with a helicopter in the background. by friday, the white house needs to decide if to participate in the impeachment proceedings. the hearings will be hyperpartisan just like those previous. and this morning we got an early look at the combat strategy republicans on the panel will likely use. here's judiciary ranking committee remember republican doug collins. >> first and foremost, the first american who needs to testify is adam schiff. he's been the author of the report and many things, many of them found to be false over the next couple of years. if he chooses not, i not only question his voracity of his report but the motives of why
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he's doing it. >> what will the next round of testimony lay bear, and is there anything house republicans can do to stop this impeachment train? joining me to discuss this and others is republican strategist and founder of the women's public leadership network, rena shaw, and former aid to barack obama and former chief counsel for the house oversight committee. rena, what can republicans do, if at all, to stop this from going forward and passing to the judiciary committee on wednesday? >> frankly i think they're all out of options unless there's some surprise not many of us know about that's a mechanism the speaker could use. frankly where they are, the house republicans is letting this train go and saying we're not going to derail it. we're going to continue questioning where the train is going. we're going to question where the train has been going from
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day one of this president taking office. they feel rock solid of the strategy of undermining the democrat's narrative. they continue to say these are not facts. this is hearsay. the democrats are bringing before you what they believe is politically expedient to remove the president from office, therefore do not believe it. this is a message we know works for the base but not for myself and independents who question whether they want to give the president their vote next year. >> chris, the polls have not really changed, those in the american public that have been polled have basically stayed the same. what are some of the polls indicating that slight majority does want to see the impeachment removal, but we've not seen it rise as a result of these public hearings. is that bad news for the democrats? >> i don't think so. i think it's a reflection of the kind of hyperpartisan times that we live in right now as well as the polarized media. it is important to put those
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polls in context with what they showed during the nixon and clinton impeachments. really for the nixon impeachment, support for removing him wasn't really strong until really the very end. and for the clinton impeachment, 60% americans opposed the impeachment after the trial in 1999. you have a 50/50 split. i wouldn't be surprised -- i'm not surprised that democrats and republicans are where they are. i think what's important to look at is where people in the middle are, the independents. this is a group that donald trump won by four percentage points in 2016. it flipped dramatically to democrats in 2018. so, the interesting part is whether independents move based on the evidence that's come out over the last two weeks as well as the proceedings over the next couple of weeks. >> rena, we see two different strategy that is the republicans are using. one, they're going aggressive after adam schiff and the
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democrats as we showed mr. collins. and the other is saying okay, he did it, but it's not -- it doesn't rise to a level of impeachment and removal. can they win the argument that, yes, he did it, he did hold up the military aid and wanted this investigation announced against former vice president biden's son, but that's not an impeachable act. can they convince independents and enough of the american public that it will not alarm republican members of the senate if, in fact, it goes to the senate for a trial? >> my personal opinion aside for a moment, i will say i do believe republicans are already winning with that argument. the fact that the behavior of the president does not rise to the level of what is impeachable. and that's a real serious conversation that we're just starting to hear outside the beltway now. as i've sort of travelled the states and spoken with various
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ages, demographics of republicans, men and women, that's what i hear is that okay, we don't like the president's behavior, his actions. he does things that are frankly really opposite of what we would expect a leader to do, but how is this impacting me? and if essentially his intention was good, if he was trying to get to the root of corruption in ukraine, is it that bad? is it worth rising to the level of removing a president? i think that's built into the american consciousness that removing a president can be so very big, why not just let that president ride out the term and let the voters decide at the ballot box? that's kind of what the republicans are winning at right now. yes, they question the validity of the inquiry. yes, they want to paint adam schiff and other prominent democrats as liars. where they truly win is in the hearts and mind of a lot of americans who just say is it worth it? is it worth removal? that's a question we're going to hear over and over in the coming
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weeks. >> but, chris, is it a messages problem or how you frame the message that the democrats are having because you have to deal with whether or not it is impeachable or whether it rises to the level of removal. but you also have that if he is not impeached or removed, have we established a precedent now that an american president can use aid to a foreign country to interfere with an american election? isn't that another question that i don't hear the democrats raising a lot, but isn't that something that's very much on the table if in fact this president is impeached and not convicted? have we set a precedent for the next decade that a president can do this? >> well, that's absolutely right. but i think it's worth also taking a look at where the republican defenses have been during this process. every single defense they've tried to put forward whether there's no first hand witnesses, no quid pro quo, the ukrainians
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didn't know, every one of these defenses have been shredded to pieces because of the testimony of 12 diplomats and national security officials. it's one of the reasons that republicans are back to arguing about progress which is where they are a couple weeks ago. they're arguing this is not fair not withstanding the fact these are the same procedures put forth during the clinton impeachment. the defense that you've laid out which is this is wrong but not impeachable is really where they should be. this is probably their strongest argument. but they won't do this because this is still a president who says the july 25th phone call was perfect. they won't go to that defense unless the president allows them to go to that defense, and that would require him showing -- admitting mistake, and that's something he has never ever done. but to the broader question about how serious this is, i would have you go back to the final closing argument in the 1999 impeachment trial of bill
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clinton. his white house counsel, charles rough, asked the question does keeping the president in office put at risk the liberties of the american people. and i would argue that a president who interferes with an upcoming election puts at risk the liberties of the american people, and that's where democrats ought to be. that's why this is fundamentally distinguishable from all the other investigations of donald trump. this is about subverting the political process. >> rena, do you feel the president or his attorneys will put up a defense? will they come in and participate in these proceedings? >> i think they're going to do everything possible to not proceed and to get involved at a level at which there's more exposure because let's not forget in the sort of public opinion, that's where things have gotten murky and that's where the president has distanced himself from his personal lawyer rudy giuliani. a lot of the great reporting that's come out over the past
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couple of weeks told us this could get dicey and show there could be more potential wrong doing by people very close to the president and particularly perhaps the president himself. so, we're in a moment where i think next week the deadline of friday is certainly something that will be so pivotal in this whole process, despite the fact that we heard from really 12 patriots over the past couple of weeks. it was not enough, i think. and i hate to say that because i think those people showing up on capitol hill put a lot on the line and put country before party and everything else to come and talk about what they know about. however, republicans continue to take the low road. they don't understand that what they're doing is allowing this president and the people close to him to continue to devalue and really to erode the trust of the american people in our institutions. this is why congress exists. this is why our constitution is written the way its written. the founders anticipated these kinds of moments, and this is so
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different than clinton times. however, the message campaign, this deliberation to make the public feel differently about the president's actions, that's what's putting everything at play here. >> all right. i'm going to have to leave it there. rena shaw and chris lou, thank you very much. coming up, i'll talk to senator corey booker about the state of his 2020 presidential campaign and how he plans to raise his profile in voting states. but first, my colleagues richard louie with today's other top stories. a few stories we're watching this hour, a man hunt under way after a gunman shot and injured ten people in new orleans. the accident took place early this morning in the french quarter. at least two of the victims are in critical condition. as of now, no motive has been revealed. in south dakota authorities are investigating a plane crash that killed nine family members including two children.
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two people did survive the crash and are being treated now. the plane went down after a winter weather advisory. the weather is being seen from coast to coast. the national weather advisory has cautions in effect across 30 states, the worst expected across new england and new york. millions of people are trying to return home after the long holiday weekend. more "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton after the break. h reverend al sharpton after the break. cking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly... tooth loss. help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax. of millions of americans during the recession. so, my wife kat and i took action. we started a non-profit community bank with a simple theory - give people a fair deal and real economic power. invest in the community, in businesses owned by women and people of color, in affordable housing.
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>> if you don't make the next debate, are you still going to be hitting the pavement? >> i'm going to be hitting the pavement as long as our campaign has what it has now which is a wide pathway to win. >> that was corey booker discussing his path to victory despite uncertainty that he'll qualify for the next democratic debate. booker has reached the donor threshold with more than 200,000 unique donors, but now he needs either two polls in early voting states where he hits 6% or more, or he needs to hit 4% in four polls from early voting states on national surveys. to deadline to qualify for the debate this month is on december 12th. joining me now the candidate himself, senator corey booker. senator booker, how are you going to qualify for the debate?
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you have 12 days to get those poll numbers up. you've raised the money. how do you intend to do it? >> well, right now we're raising more money to go up on ads. and that's what we see other candidates doing and folks that have millions of dollars to spend running those ads. we're now doing more persuasion ads which i'm really proud of because they're staying true to our message that we've got to bring people together just like the beginning of my career when we beat slum lords by organizing tenants. we're hoping, we're making the appeal if people get called for the polls, if you want me on those stages, take those calls from pollsters and choose me. even more than that, help us to put those ads up by going to corey and making a contribution. >> how much does not being in debates affect a candidate? how will it affect you if you end up not being in the next debate or the debate after that?
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>> we hope we don't have to figure it out. the debates to us have been huge booms to our campaign. the last one we had record fundraising online, blew through the 200,000 unique donors after those debates. there have been times we've shaken out a lot of endorsements. we lead all other campaigns in local leader endorsements. so, from net favorabilities going up, we're number three in net favorability in iowa, we're seeing the campaigns push forward. now we have the artificial hurdles to get on the debate stage especially when they belie what has had successful campaigns before. no one in our parties have has ever been someone who is gone on from leading at this point in the polls has ever gone on to be president of the united states. we tend to have dynamic leader
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that often come from behind polling where obama was, 21 points behind hillary at this point, where carter was polling at 1%. even bill clinton was only at 4% now. so, we have a great campaign with incredible traction in iowa. but right now the urgency over the next 12 days as you said is to get those polling numbers 1% higher and we're on that stage. and we need folks to help us out by contributing on or choosing us when the pollsters call. >> now, does it bother you that joe biden is so far ahead, according to the polls, with black voters. you nor kamala har rris, your colleague in the senate, nor deval patrick, ahead with black voters. >> doesn't concern me at all.
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barack obama was way behind hillary clinton in african-american voters leading into iowa. anyone on the stage is going to get 90% plus african me-america voters in a match up against donald trump. but it's turning out african-american voters in a significant fashion. i know in my races statewide in new jersey, when i'm on the ballot, we've seen the african-american turn out go significant up. i'm confident by the time we get to south carolina, the ability to win in iowa we know we're going to see a shift away from joe biden and we'll be able to win down here in south carolina. that's my confidence. that's my experience. and whoe be to the democratic party if we don't have someone who has an authentic connection to african-americans where people can trust because there's been a lot of things we've done in the democratic party. i say we, not me. but the 1994 crime bill.
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i can go through the things this party has done even just not prioritizing a lot of issues, even just what i've seen in the senate by not doing enough to have african-americans at the table in the past or even on staff. >> or even on the staff. you've got problems in the senate of blacks on their staff. let me ask you this, since i asked about being disturbed, does it certaoncern you that if fact, there is a senate trial, which looks likely, that you on the judiciary committee will have to be off the campaign trail personally for what could be weeks? does that concern you? >> yeah, of course it concerns me, rev. but it's my duty. i swore an oath to do my job, and i'll be in my seat. i'll do my duty. i think donald trump has betrayed his own duty. with had i got to the senate, no
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african-americans on the staff positions i could see. i went to chuck schumer who agreed wholeheartedly, he was enthusiastic about it, to make every senate staff publish diversity statistics. my mom told me it's not enough to be the first at the table, make sure you're not the last. open the door, pave the road, make sure diversity is a thing. that's the thing african-american voters will look at, what have you done to make sure our issues are on the table. if you watch anything, the kavanaugh trials, you'll see african-american staffers who are helping to shape the policy, be engaged, and be involved. we have to be slur in the black community people are not taking our votes for granted, that our issues will be at the forefront. i said this on the debate stage, you were sitting there in the office, i think we need to talk about just taxation on millionaires and billionaires but have to expand it to say
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there are a bunch of people in black communities like the one i live in that want opportunities to get wealth. we have talked about this many times at cbc conventions and more about access to capital, to help create wealth in the black community. we should make sure that whoever you are in this country, you have equal pathways to wealth because the disparities we see in wealth are the result of bigger disparities in this country that still exist in opportunity. we need candidates that are going to step up and fight to make sure we tear down the walls to opportunity whether it's access to capital or the kind of things that build wealth as well. >> do you feel as a sitting member of the u.s. senate that if in fact the president of the united states was holding up military aid that was voted on, approved by congress to a foreign government telling them that he wanted to first see that they would announce an investigation and in effect smear his potential opponent, do
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you feel that that is an impeachable act and an act that would warrant removal from office? because some of your republican colleagues are saying he may have done it, but it is not an impeachable act and it doesn't deserve remove? what sayeth thou, mr. booker? >> i'm on the committee as well. i sat with ambassador yovanovitch meeting with military leaders. this is a national security issue and our military gets it. they talk about the hybrid war going on in eastern europe and how our allies, nato allies and others, are being undermined by russian expansionist efforts trying to undermine their democracy and ours. for our president to dbetray tht urgency for his own gain is
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abhorrent. this president has betrayed his oath of office and he needs to be held accountable. if he is not, i tell you future presidents down the road are going to look back at this moment in history to see what they're allowed to get away with. nobody should be above the law. and in fact, i think presidents have even more of a responsibility to uphold the law as well as to set the standards for what is acceptable in american government. and what he's done is unacceptable and i think the house is doing the right thing by moving forward. i think the next step should be writing up those articles of impeachment. >> now, once they write them up and they pass thoem to the senate, do you have any hope this will not come down to party leagues leagues? are any of your republican colleagues in the senate giving you any indication that if something reaches a certain mark in term of evidence that they're looking at that they may vote against the president if, in fact, they see that mark that
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they've blushed in their minds in terms of evidence? or do you feel it doesn't matter what they present the republicans are going to vote not to convict the president? >> well, i'll always be a prisoner of hope that folks will put country before party, that folks will look at the long arc of history and recognize how they will be judged. everybody should have a line internally. and if this -- the kind of behavior that's being talked about, if that doesn't constitute a crossing of the line, i don't know what will. they were literally looking to impeach bill clinton over a sexual act in the white house. this is a betrayal of national security. so, i hope that we see courage and patriotism. i worry though -- there's a joke, you know, there's a reason why the book profile of courage is such a thin volume, but i hope as we saw during nixon era where republicans were willing to move against the president for what were impeachable
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offenses, i'm hoping that we will see that now as well, reverend. >> all right. corey booker, we appreciate your time. coming up as the house judiciary committee prepares for its first round of open impeachment hearings, we'll speak with a member of the house leadership, congressman dan kildee about the timetable of all of it and what the public should focus ongoing forward. ♪oh there's no place like home for the holidays.♪
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president trump has less than 30 minutes to decide whether he or his legal team will participate in wednesday's judiciary impeachment hearing. we'll soon see how that plays out. and tonight on msnbc, house democratic caucus vice chair congresswoman katherine clark of massachusetts will join kasie dc and how democrats plan to fight a republican campaign to undermine the impeachment process tonight on msnbc. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. maria ramirez?
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[ dramatic music ]ing ] ahhhh! -ahhhh! elliott. you came back! many of my republican colleagues have tremendous courage in the elevator on the way to the second floor where the floor of the house is and somehow leave that courage behind when they walk on to the floor of the house. >> that was democratic chief deputy w.h.i.p. dan killby.
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congressman dan kildee joins me now. mr. congressman, welcome back first of all to politics nation. what will it take, congressman kill i d killdee to get some of your republican colleagues to have the courage on the chamber or in the committee room that they have on the elevator talking to you in the house. >> that's a big question. i have been a bit surprised that they have continued to hold firm, not just holding firm defending the president but sticking to the president's narrative that not only is this not impeachable but the behavior that the president has exhibited is some sort of a blessed sacrament. they're treating it as if what he's been doing is what he should do. so, i don't know how they're going to find a way back to defending the constitution unless the public speaks up. and i suppose that will have to
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be the only thing that will change their minds. and even that might not because they seem to have sworn a loyalty to donald trump. and that seems to come first in the minds of many of these republicans. some of them truly do believe the president can do wrong. i've given up on them. but the ones that i'm troubled by are the ones who know better and privately share that they're disgusted by the president's behavior and then walk on to the floor and sing in unison with those true believers. that's really frightening. >> now, about less than an hour ago, your colleague congressman from tennessee, congressman cohen, said to my colleague richard lui said he's convinced he doesn't need to hear anymore. he's voting for impeachment when it comes to the house. have you made that decision? or should the democrats and republicans wait until they read the articles of impeachment and
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the back up evidence that has been gathered other the past few weeks if had terms of the hearings? >> i think we have to read the article. it's not clear what they will be. but as to the ukraine question and the issue of obstruction, unless the president offers a defense far better than what he's offered or somehow they can explain this, i don't know what that explanation would be, rev, but unless they offer a defense that's more compelling that what we've offered so far, i don't see that we have a choice. the idea we have an impeachment provision in the constitution and it would somehow not oapply to a case where the president was willing to trade our national security for his own political benefit which had the effect of strengthening putin's hand in ukraine, the idea this would not be a suitable use of the impeachment tool begs the question as to whether it should have ever been included in the constitution at all. i think this clearly justifies
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impeachment. >> the polls are saying 50% of the public are saying impeachment/removal, 50% is saying otherwise. one poll has it slightly more. but it's around a split of 50/50. is this indicative of the saying by many that the democrats have not moved the needle on this? and does that bother you that the political -- not legal, but the political fall out for this could in fact backfire for the democrats? >> well, it's something to be concerned about but i don't think it's determine. i didn't pick a poll before i decided to swear my oath to the constitution. part of this, rev, is a product of a conscious effort by republicans to do what one columnist wrote is to gin up a
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fog machine, to create confusion to say it's a big ball on confusion, who's telling the truth, where if one were to back away and listen to career officials, people who were called by democrats and republicans who testified to the facts and the facts were really clear, but the republicans are continuing through their sources and resources that they have to create a fog. and i think that's alluring to their benefit. but either way, popular opinion's important, but it's important that we help shape it but not let it dictate whether or not the constitution is a document that we believe in. >> congressman -- >> that's something we ought to poll test. >> congressman kildee, the president has a little while now
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to decide whether or not he or his attorneys are going to participate in the impeachment proceedings going to the judiciary committee and whether or not they're going to participate as it goes further. if they choose not to, what message do you think that sends to the public? >> well, i think it reinforces how disingenuous president trump and his supporters have been because every criticism that they've offered has been refuted. they were saying that they didn't have a chance to ask questions. they -- republicans -- had equal time even during the deposition phase and of course during the intelligence committee phase. they had equal time. the president has been offered to appear himself or to have his attorneys appear which he has said was a flaw in the process. now he can do that. we don't think he will because he tends to say things that are not true. and he will have to search now for some other argument that somehow this is a flawed process. the president has no defense.
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there is no factual defense for what he's done. there's no constitutional defense for what he's done. so, they're just going to wave their arms and say that the process is flawed and stand back and not participate. not only of course will the president not likely participate, but he is preventing the key witnesses that he says could offer exculpatory information -- pompeo, bolton, mulvaney. if they can somehow exonerate this president, why on earth are they so timid and shy and frightened to come forward and tell their truth? >> all right, congressman dan kildee of michigan. thank you for being with us tonight. coming up, recent polling is sending mixed signals about 2020 candidate bernie sanders. we'll talk to the cochair of his campaign next. cochair of his campaign next. and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums, and possibly... tooth loss.
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little as $25 per prescription. ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ spread a little love today ♪ spread a little love my-y way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ philadelphia cream cheese. made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. the holidays are made with philly. welcome back to "politics nation." as we've stated many times on this program, black voters are the key voting block in the 2020 election. and 2020 candidates need to have
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on their side to win the democratic nomination. a recent national poll shows that of the leading candidates, joe biden is way out in front at 47%. elizabeth warren and bernie sanders are tied for second place at 12%. and the rest of the candidates range from low single digits to zero. senator sanders is making a point to increase his support among african-americans. this morning he spoke at a black church in columbia, south carolina where he called for justice for all kinds, economic, social, environmental, and most importantly racial justice. joining me now national cochair for the bernie sanders campaign, nina turner. he's also a former state senator of ohio. senator, let me ask you, why is senator sanders 35 points behind joe biden according to that poll
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among black voters? >> oh, he's gaining, rev. we know that the vice president has been at this for quite some time. we also know that the vice president's proximity to our first african-american president probably has something to do with that. but the senator is climbing. he's making inroads in the african me african-american community and all over the country. >> it has been written and i've not seen it discounted that you mentioned former president obama, it is said he has said if sanders appeared to be the nominee, he would speak up against that. how do you react to that? >> first of all i don't believe that, rev, until president obama comes out himself, i don't believe that. i have no reason to doubt and neither does senator sanders have any reason to doubt he will
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do the same thing in 2016, not get involved in the race. >> has senator sanders met with president obama as other candidates have? >> the senator and the president have talked with one another. >> they have not met? >> not yet. they will. but they certainly have talked over the phone. >> all right. let me ask you, when you are out there in the campaign and even beyond black voters, would voters hearing senator sanders and the up and down in terms of the polling, elizabeth warren up, now pete buttigieg going up particularly in iowa, what are you hearing on the ground that makes you feel that senator sanders may be underestimated? >> rev, all communities, but particularly because you start off talking about the black community. that's vitally important. as you know, we were at reed ame church this morning where the congregation is overwhelmingly
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african-american, and the call and response we have in many of our traditional churches was right there when the senator was talking about justice. it's not just him talking about the justice journey. he's been on the justice journey, as you know, from a young man in college all the way through his career, he has been on the right side of the issues that matter the most to the people who are hurt the most, and those people oftentimes unfortunately, disproportionately, have always been the african-american community. but he aims to do something about that, and in terms of talking about his plan that he unveiled for our hbcus -- >> i want to get into that. the sanders campaign has unveiled a substantive plan to support hbcus. what is that plan? >> part of that plan, and the senator will be resolute as the next president of the united states in making sure the federal government makes the requisite investments. hbcus make up 3% of the colleges and universities in this country, but they graduate, and
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that's about 101 colleges and universities, but they graduate about 20% of the undergraduate degrees that come, that african-americans earn come from hbcus, so we know historically black colleges and universities have a unique position in the universe. so the senator making public and private hbcus tuition-free, investing $5 billion into helping these hbcus with infrastructure, canceling a lot of that infrastructure debt. rev, as you know, some of our institutions, they need more infrastructure dollars so they can attract more students, and equally as important, to $10 billion to increase doctors, medical doctors, dentists, and teachers. so that those institutions can continue to develop the leadership of the minds of african-americans all across this country, to lift not only our community but all communities. a lot of studies show when a
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black child has a black teacher in a classroom, they do so much better. we need black doctors and dentists and nurses, and those types of professionals in our communities to lift our communities, and what better institutions who concentrate on that from their beginning, their genesis, was about making sure that african-americans found liberty through education, the best place to do that is in our historically black colleges and universities, and senator bernie sanders has the strongest plan for our hbcus of any presidential candidate. >> where would he get the $5 billion from? how will he pay for it? >> i mean, part of that is, again, the speculation on trading. on the trading. we will have enough money to tax the speculation on wall street, to be able to fund these programs. >> so he would -- his tax plan on wall street would fund the programs, including the $5 billion for hbcus. >> part of it. well, the college tuition part of it, the canceling of the
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debt, part of that, yes. >> all right. national co-chair for the bernie sanders campaign, nina turner, thank you for being with us. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. (vo) the flock blindly falls into formation. flying south for the winter. they never stray from their predetermined path. but this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. defy the laws of human nature. at the season of audi sales event. -excuse me. uh...
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awarded the best professionally installed system by cnet. simple. easy. awesome. call, click or visit a store today. on thursday, families across america celebrated thanksgiving. but one person i know also celebrated another very special occasion. motown records founder berry gordy jr. turned 90 years young. gordy turned his record label
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into a hit making juggernaut, taking talent and turning them into stars, such as smokey robinson, stevie wonder, the supremes, temptations, michael jackson, just to name a few. i knew gordy and know him personally. he's also been a humanitarian. he gave spoken word albums for dr. martin luther king. he more than anyone i can think of helped impact the culture and made many in urban centers and the south that were black have a mainstream audience they never had. and made the world listen to the motown sound. happy birthday, mr. gordy. you've put more in 90 years than most people have done in centuries. may you have many more. thank you for the motown sound. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next saturday at 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, "meet the press" with chuck todd.
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this sunday, the impeachment fight with the house ready to drop charges against president trump. >> we see a violation of the constitution, we have no choice but to act. >> the president's supporters. >> we won't let the democrats in the house destroy this president in a sham process. >> and the president -- >> these are the facts of the case closed, game over, turn off the television. >> attack the process as illegitimate and hoping to encourage the swing district democrats to vote no on impeachment. i will talk to democratic senator and presidential hopeful amy klobuchar and republican
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senator john kennedy of louisiana. >> plus, the democratic race. elizabeth warren's numbers dip sharply. >> i don't do polls. i'm out here fighting every day on behalf of working families. >> pete buttigieg is on the rise but still facing skepticism among african-american voters. >> i'm very conscious of the advantages and privileges i have had, through the advantageoffs being white and male. >> we'll have the latest on the democratic field that seems no closer to sorting itself out. >> also, john kerry and arnold schwarzenegger are founding members of a group called world war zero which aimed to spark a nationwide conversation on the catastrophic effects of global warmer. i'll speak to both this morning. joining us are david brooks. maria teresa kumar, republican strategist alcardenas, and betsy woodruff swann of the daily beast. welcome to sunday. it's
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