tv First Look MSNBC February 10, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PST
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we are just a few days away -- a day away, excuse me, from the new hampshire primary and several of the democratic presidential contenders are ramping up their attacks in a final push to shore up votes. after his acquittal president trump punishes two of the witnesses who testified against him in the impeachment trial. and it was a history making night at the 92nd annual academy awards. we are taking a look at the big winners and losers from last night's oscars. i have to keep reminding myself how fast the year is moving along so that's why i was like we are still a few days away from new hampshire.
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>> it's here. >> new hampshire is actually tomorrow and, yes, it is, because today is monday, february 10th. good morning, i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside yasmin vossoughian. so with just one day left of campaigning before tomorrow's new hampshire primary the latest "boston globe" tracking poll shows bernie sanders pulling away from his democratic rivals, now at 27%. pete buttigieg at 19%, amy klobuchar after friday night's strong debate performance surges to third place at 14%, joe biden and elizabeth warren tied for fourth at 12%. meanwhile, sanders and buttigieg were in final -- or out in full force, i should say, in their final day of campaigning. yesterday as they vok yeed for the top spot. sanders appears on four sunday shows, three campaign stops. buttigieg did all five national sunday shows, a local new hampshire show and then made four campaign stops. here is some of what we heard yesterday from the top conte contenders.
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>> i'm here tonight to ask you to bring out your friends, your family, your co-workers, your fellow students. if we have the highest voter turnout in new hampshire primary history, i am confident that we are going to win here in new hampshire. and if we win here in new hampshire, we're going to set the pace to win in nevada and south carolina and california. >> they call for something completely different, i think they call for somebody who is no stranger to elected office and to public service, but to somebody who has not been marinating in washington for quite as long as might be expected of traditional presidential candidates. >> this is a time to stand up, to be bold, to fight for big structural change. >> i have been bolted down to my desk in the senate and i am finally unleashed and i can go everywhere. we went to four diners this morning, i can barn storm this state, but i'm asking you to call your friends, i'm asking
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you to go that extra mile to talk to the people you know at work, to tell them what you heard today, to ask them to turn out for me. >> i've been knocked down a bunch of times in my life like a lot of you have and my dad used to have an expression, it's not whether you're knocked down it's how quickly you get up. we'll see. we'll see what happens. >> let's talk to national polls here. a new poll shows senator bernie sanders and joe biden statistically tied among democratic voters nationally. as for michael michael bloomberg continues to sit in third place. sanders stands at 25% as you can see there, up 3 points since a week ago while biden is at 24% down 5 points, both sitting within the poll's two point margin of error. bloomberg following with 15% of support, down 1 point, former south bend mayor pete buttigieg 12% up five points and senator elizabeth warren rounds out the top five with 11%, down just two
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points. >> nearly a week after the iowa caucuses the state democratic party has released results yesterday indicating that pete buttigieg would say the winner with 100% of the precincts reported. the former mayor has 26.2% of state delegate equivalents, the data traditionally used to determine the winner, one-tenth of a percent more than bernie sanders, followed by elizabeth warren, joe biden and amy klobuchar. nbc news is not calling a winner in the first in the nation contest. as far as national delegates are awarded, buttigieg received 14, sanders 12, warren 8, biden in fourth place with 6, klobuchar 1. a candidate needs 1,991 delegates to actually win the party's nomination. the ap reports that the sanders campaign is asking the state party to recanvas about 20 to 30 precincts which means to check the final results against the official paper record. >> if you didn't think enough was happening last week friday
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ended up being quite a day, in the wake of acquittal in the senate president trump on friday appeared to take revenge against two witnesses who testified in the impeachment investigation. the white house ousted lieutenant colonel alexander vindman from his post on the national security council and recalled u.s. ambassador to the european union gordon sondland. vindman's twin brother was also removed from his job at the national security council where he worked as a lawyer. trump defended the move attracting vindman, writing this, he was very insubordinate and had problems with judgment, adhering to the chain of command and leaking information. however, the president's oldest son, don trump jr. framed the ouster as retribution in a tweet thanking congressman adam schiff, saying this, were it not for his crack investigation skills trump might have had a tougher time unearthing who all needed to be fired. >> meanwhile, the "washington post" reports the president and his advisers have discussed removing michael atkinson the
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inspector general of the intelligence community. trump has expressed frustration that atkinson allowed a whistle-blower report documenting the president's alleged misconduct toward ukraine has been transported to congress. some advisers have counseled the president to remove coats, she says she fears her job is in jeopardy. a handful of republican senators tried to stop trump from firing impeachment witnesses including susan collins of maine who said she thought he had learned a lesson. collins told the "times" that her lesson comment had been misinterpreted and that she had earlier noted that she did not support rest bugs saying, quote, the lesson that i hoped the president had learned was that he should not enlist the help of a foreign government in investigating a political rival, it had absolutely nothing to do with whether or not he should fire people who testified in a way that he perceived as being harmful to him.
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>> so also during friday night's democratic debate in new hampshire former vice president joe biden took a moment to celebrate the oust of lieutenant colonel alexander vindman. >> one of the things that i think is really important is we have to be authentic with the american people about what we're going to do and how we're going to do it. by the way, colonel vindman got thrown out of the white house today, walked out. he should be pinning a medal on vindman and not on rush limbaugh. i think we should be doing -- i think we should all stand and give colonel vindman a show of how much we supported him. stand up and clap for vindman. get up there. who we are. that's who we are. we are not what trump is. >> joining us now from washington, d.c. managing editor at the washington examiner magazine jay caruso. what are you hearing from republicans about the question or, sorry, i should say the
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ousting of lieutenant colonel alexander vindman, the recall of ambassador sondland, especially when you juxtapose that with the tweet coming out from donald trump jr. saying the quiet part that's supposed to be in their minds out loud? >> well, this is typical of donald trump, people i've spoken to say this is what donald trump likes to do. look at what he did at the state of the union address, any good will that he had coming out of that is pretty much gone going into -- you know, from his behavior at the prayer breakfast to his little victory speech later on to firing -- firing people that testified against him. now, you go back to the whole idea the president has every right to do that, these are people that serve at his pleasure to there's nothing illegal or untoward in that respect about it, but this is what he enjoys. rather than talking about the economy, rather than talking
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about anything good that's happening, he gets pleasure from airing grievances, from taking revenge on people. this is all part of the whole reality television thing and this is what he likes more than anything else is compacting revenge if he can do it or sitting there making fun of people or lashing out at them. that's -- that's where he's in his wheelhouse. >> and feeling like the chains are off to a certain extent and he can really do whatever he wants after he feels as if he's been acquitted. >> certainly that's what the reporting is suggesting. >> let's talk a little bit about this poll we're seeing out of "boston globe." pretty astounding to see the stretch that bernie sanders has, senator bernie sanders has, at 27% at the top of the polling, up 3 points since last saturday. former mayor pete buttigieg following in second place, looking like he picked up some momentum there from iowa with 19%. amy klobuchar coming in third place because of her performance due to the debates on friday night and joe biden fourth
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place, elizabeth warren rounding out fifth place at 12%. what do you make of this following we are seeing here and what this could say about what we could expect tomorrow coming out of new hampshire? >> well, i think i was on a week ago or something or two weeks ago and talked about the polling and talking about the results for joe biden and how it could be bad and what we're seeing now is something bad happened in iowa. if it wasn't for the debacle that took up most of the news the big news would be that he finished fourth in iowa and now he's polling fourth in new hampshire. they keep saying that south carolina is their fire wall, but this gets to a point where if you're finishing fourth in one caucus and finishing fourth in a primary, people are going to start to think, well, you know, do you really have a chance to win? they're going to want to look to somebody who can actually win. of course, people are saying, well, bernie sanders can't win. he can't beat trump. when did we hear this? back in 2016 when people said trump couldn't beat hillary clinton. the idea that somebody can't
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win, we have no idea what can happen. the amy klobuchar performance is something that i think is important. there's a lot of people hong that klobuchar would have the best chance at beating trump, but somebody said the other day and i can't remember who said it but it was interesting they said that klobuchar reminds them of carly fiorina, great debate performances, gets traction but doesn't maintain traction coming out of that in the actual races. at this point it's like with mike bloomberg spending $350 million in ads it's hard to tell what's going to happen. >> yea, we have a lot more to ask you about, stick around for us. thank you so much for that. still ahead, senator lindsey graham says the justice department is reviewing information gathered by rudy giuliani in ukraine, but president trump is calling for a full blown investigation. plus the attacks between joe biden and pete buttigieg are ramping up. we are going to take a look at
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their back and forth fight over experience. coming up on "morning joe," joe and mika are live in new hampshire ahead of tomorrow's primary. they have a busy show ahead, so stay tuned for that. we are back in a moment. for th. we are back in a moment. ramping up. ramping up tthe bad news? ouyour patience might not.ay. depend® fit-flex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. because, perfect or not, life's better when you're in it. be there with depend®.
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welcome back. senator lindsey graham announced yesterday that the justice department is vetting information, information that president trump's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, delivered regarding hunter biden's work on the board of the ukrainian energy company burisma. >> so rudy giuliani last night said he's got the goods on hunter biden. i called the attorney general this morning and richard burr the chairman of the intel committee and they told me take very cautiously anything coming out of the ukraine against anybody. >> you said you talked to attorney general barr. >> this morning. >> this morning. has the department of justice been ordered to investigate the
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bidens? >> no, the department of justice is receiving information coming out of ukraine from rudy. >> already? >> he told me that they had created a process that rudy could give information and they would see if it's verified. what i'm trying to say to the president and anybody else, that the russians are still up to it. deterrence is not working. let's look at hunter biden's conflict. let's look at joe biden. >> just as graham began his interview trump posted a tweet appearing to urge graham to launch undefined investigations. >> the president is up, he's watching apparently because he sent out a tweet this morning about you appearing on this program, he said, deface the nation will tell lindsey graham they must start up the judiciary and not stop. i'm not exactly sure quite what that means but is sounds like he's giving you marching orders. >> i think what he's talking about is oversight of the fisa
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warrant system that failed. i can promise the president and your viewers that i'm going to call witnesses about -- >> foreign surveillance warrants. >> the who are owe wits report, mccabe, comey, rosenstein, yates. but here is what i want to tell the president, i'm not going to be the republican christopher steel. >> joining us here on set is danny cevallos. quite an interview there with lindsey graham, so many moments we can pick out and dissect but let's start with the maybe bombshell aspect of him saying that rudy giuliani now basically has this conduit to the attorney general, has a way to communicate what he is finding which nobody knows exactly what he's doing and in what capacity he's actually doing it in, whether he's being paid by the government. lots of questions but basically saying he's giving information to the attorney general to be looked at and to possibly investigate the bidens. >> what a clever strategic answer by lindsey graham. he says rudy giuliani if you've got the goods bring them out, but just be warned we're going
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to be skeptical because everything coming out of the ukraine is of questionable value, but don't be -- don't get me wrong, bring that stuff forward if you have the goods on hunter biden, it's a very clever strategic answer by lindsey graham essentially saying that we will scrutinize anything that comes that ukraine or russia but at the same time we definitely want to hear it if you have the goods. the reason it's concerning is it seems to sanction rudy giuliani's private activities, he even referred to rudy giuliani as a crime fighter. yes, rudy was a crime fighter in a former era, but it's hard to say that a private attorney acting on behalf of the state department and associating with folks like lev parnas and igor fruman is exactly a crime fighter and working in the same interest of the justice department because, after all, the justice department is prosecuting these former associates of rudy giuliani. so it is -- that's a bit of a stretch to me. >> i was going to say it seems on the surface a bit of a conflict of interest that the
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department of justice is investigating these two individuals, lev parnas, igor fruman who are clearly identified as associates of rudy giuliani. >> that he has admitted to. >> that he's now somehow providing them with information on another separate matter. >> it would be a strange thing -- >> how do they even vet this information to understand and know if it's even accurate? >> who knows what the information even is. if it's just a stack of vaguely xeroxed pieces of paper then, i mean, i don't know what the justice department or the intelligence community is going to do with it. we don't know what rudy giuliani has, but if he's saying he has the goods, i think a lot of people want to see what these goods r but at the same time even lindsey graham realizes that they are of questionable veracity. >> danny cevallos -- >> seems extremely bizarre that you would have that kind of setup. danny cevallos, thank you so much. >> bizarre in this administration? no. still ahead we're taking look at all the biggest moments of last night's academy awards including a history making win
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for best picture. that plus a check on the weather when we come back. plus a checkr when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ applebee's new irresist-a-bowls now starting at $7.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. well, here's to first dates! you look amazing. and you look amazingly comfortable. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. try downy fabric conditioner. unlike detergent alone, downy helps prevent stretching by conditioning and smoothing fibers, so clothes look newer, longer.
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get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. . a couple of years ago there was a big disaster at the oscars when they accidentally read out the wrong name, it was nobody's fault but they have guaranteed that this will not happen this year because the academy has switched to the new iowa caucus app. >> welcome back, everyone, the 92nd annual academy awards are in the books and they were filled with some powerful performances, historic wins and definitely some nods to today's top political stories. the film "parasite" made history as the first not english film to win an oscar. best director, best international feature film the new name for the category of best foreign film, that is a nice change there, and certainly best original screenplay. brat pitt also winning big last
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night, winning his first ever oscar for "once upon a time in hollywood." >> thank you to the academy for this honor of honors. they told me i only have 45 seconds up here, which is 45 seconds more than the senate gave john bolton this week. i'm thinking maybe quinton does a movie about it in the end the adults do the right thing. >> ouch. >> the award for best actor went to joaquin phoenix for his impassioned portrayal of the joker and renee zellweger won best actress for his role as judy garland. i was going to watch "parasite" on saturday night and i didn't do it because i was kind of in the mood for something more will
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ferrell-is ferrell-ish. >> put it on c-span. >> joker and parasite are the two films i want to see, but i always want to see something uplifting in light of what's happening right now. >> both of those winners used their platform to make impassioned speeches and cause toss their heart -- close to the heart i should say. with that let's bring in somebody close to our heart, bill karins. >> i did see "once upon a time in hollywood" which was -- >> fantastic. >> fantastic and totally farn teen know all the way. >> all the way through, especially the violent scene. >> brad pitt was incredible in that film. that was my movie review of the day. >> into the unknown was great, i love when they did the song live with all the different versions internationally. dangerous day today for all of our friends in mississippi, alabama, tennessee, arkansas, too. a heavy rain event. we have river flooding ongoing and we will get soaked today with storms and thunderstorms, we could end up seeing significant flash flooding in this region. slow moving frontal system is
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the problem. flooding kills more people in this country than tornadoes and hurricanes combined, that will be the concern, this area especially in the pink, tus can a loose can a, berm ming ham and even atlanta. anyone flying today nashville could have significant delays, light rain new york, baltimore and atlanta. as far as the week ahead goes, today is the worst of it areas down in the south. another round of rain on wednesday with possibly even severe storms. we are going to continue to, you know, watch the south, that's where all the worst weather is? my parents is atlanta have been sending me pictures. there's actually snow in northern georgia. it was beautiful. >> not here. >> i was going to say. >> you and i both know when atlanta gets snow, when areas like that get snow they shut down, an inch or two and it's done, it's over, staying inside. >> thanks, bill. still ahead, we're breaking down the latest polling out of new hampshire ahead of tomorrow's primary, plus a look at how the candidates are taking on each other in order to shore
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up votes. also ahead, president trump will deliver his latest budget proposal to congress today, we will take a look at what he wants to cut and the program that he would like to boost. back in a moment. rogram that he would like to boost. back in a moment new discovery. but when allergies attack, the excitement fades. allegra helps you say yes with the fastest non-drowsy allergy relief and turning a half hearted yes, into an all in yes. allegra. live your life, not your allergies. i wanted my hepatitis c gone. i put off treating mine. epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. i just found out about mine. i knew for years epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. i had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment.
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welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin. we begin this half hour with a look at new polling ahead of tomorrow's new hampshire primary and the latest "boston globe" suffolk wbz tracking poll senator bernie sanders is at 27%, 8 points ahead of former mayor pete buttigieg who is at
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19%, amy klobuchar up 5 points to 14, while former vice president joe biden and elizabeth warren are tied at 12% respectively. an emerson college seven news tracking poll has sanders with a seven point advantage at 30% of support, buttigieg follows behind with 23% up 3 points since saturday and klobuchar in third place at 14%. a cnn university of new hampshire poll shows sanders seven points ahead at 28%, buttigieg stands at 21%, biden at 12, followed by warren at 9% and klobuchar at 6. in the latest cbs news yougov poll sanders with 29%, buttigieg at 25, they are in a statistical tie in the granite state, both sitting within the poll's over 4 point margin of error. >> ahead of tomorrow's primary presidential candidates are scrambling to gain an edge with voters. the fight between former mayor buttigieg and former vice president joe biden began
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heating up. at the democratic debate on friday night buttigieg hit biden on the issue of experience. >> i freely admit that if you're looking for the person with the most years of washington establishment experience under their belt, you've got your candidate and of course it's not me. the perspective i'm bringing is that of somebody whose life has been shaped by the decisions that are made in those big white buildings in washington, d.c. somebody who is guided a community written off as dying just a decade ago through a historic transformation. somebody who knows what it means to be sent to war on rds that come out of the situation room. we need a perspective right now that will finally allow us to leave the politics of the past in the past, turn the page and bring change to washington. >> the politics of the past i think were not all that bad. i wrote the violence against women act, i managed a $900 billion recovery act which, in fact, put millions and millions of dollars into his city before he came and helped save his
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city, i was able to do it -- i was able to pass the chemicals weapons ban, arms control and i was the first major leader holding public office to call for same-sex marriage. so i don't know what about the past of barack obama and joe biden was so bad. what happened? what is it that he wants to do away with? we were just beginning, it was just the beginning of what will be the future of moving this country beyond what it is in now in significant ways. there's ways to do that and a one of the ways to do that is to make sure you have someone who knows how to get things done and can lead the free world at that time. >> those achievements were phenomenally important because they met the moment, but now we have to meet this moment and this moment is different. >> following those remarks on friday night biden's campaign release add new video on saturday that contrasts biden's record on national issues with buttigieg's accomplishments as mayor of south bend, indiana. here is part of that video. >> barack obama called joe
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biden. >> the best vice president america has ever had. >> but pete buttigieg doesn't think much of the vice president's record. let's compare. when president obama called on him, joe biden helped lead the passage of the affordable care act which gave health care to 20 million people. and when parkgoers called on pete buttigieg he installed decorative lights under bridges giving citizens of south bend color flee illuminated rivers. both vice president biden and former mayor buttigieg have taken on tough flights. under threat of a nuclear iran joe biden helped to nerve yat the iran deal and buttigieg negotiated lighter licensing regulations on pet chip scanners. we are electing a president. what you've done matters. >> ouch. >> quite a comparison, some back and forth there, experience versus lack thereof of according to the biden campaign. biden also dismissed buttigieg's rising candidacy. buttigieg hit back during an
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interview yesterday morning. >> when you get attacked you've got to respond. i've kept my mouth shut for a long time. i haven't responded at all. at all. it's been constant, a constant assertion that the problems we are facing today are somehow because of our administration. that's simply not true. i get it. and he is a good guy. he is a great mayor. but guess what, he was a mayor. >> you served for a president who was criticized in this very way nearly at this very time in the campaign. hillary clinton said barack obama, you don't have the experience to be president. he went on to be president. is this an act of desperation on your campaign? >> oh, come on, man. this guy is not a barack obama. >> he says -- this is his quote, he's no barack obama. >> well, he is right. i'm not. and neither is he. neither is any of us. and this isn't 2008, this is 2020. this is about how we're going to
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turn the page and deliver a better future in the country. >> all right. senator bernie sanders and former mayor pete buttigieg's brewing competition spilled over in new hampshire this weekend. the "washington post" notes strategists on both campaigns say the two candidates are trying to energize their supporters by vowing to block the other from winning the democratic nomination. while the two candidates are not competing for the same voters sanders is portraying buttigieg as a captive to his billionaire donors, buttigieg is rallying against sanders a as high way or the highway leftist. >> my friend, pete buttigieg, has received -- we're not here to denigrate pete, he's running a good campaign, but our views are different. pete has raised campaign contributions from over 40 billionaires. now, i was on a show this morning, a tv show, and somebody says does it really matter where you get your money from? of course it matters. >> i respect senator sanders,
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but when i hear this message go out that you're either for a revolution or you've got to be for the status quo, that's a vision of the country that doesn't have room for most of us because we know what has to change, but we also know that we're going to bring about that change by coming together not by saying if you don't agree with me 100% of the time you don't belong at my side. >> joining us once again from washington, d.c. managing editor at the washington examiner magazine jay caruso. great to have you with us. if you had to read between the lines of all of these jabs that these democratic candidates are taking at one another, is this a further -- further sign that the democratic party is weakening in their united fight to oust president trump? do you think president trump is actually watching this and saying, this is great for me? >> well, it is kind of fun to watch, but this is where -- this
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is not early 2019 where all the democrats get on a stage and they are all just kind of like everybody is like kumbaya and we hate donald trump and we are all just going to talk about what we want to do. now we're getting into the nitty-gritty and this is where candidates have to differentiate themselves from each other. so it's going to -- it's going to get a little nastier as this race moves on. now we're coming into new hampshire so this is going to be big to see what happens going into nevada and into south carolina. so they've got to make some differentiation. pete buttigieg of course is playing the outsider role and joe biden is using barack obama's name as much as he can, which is interesting when you think about barack obama hasn't really said anything about joe biden publicly. and then you have bernie sanders who is out there saying, look, we need revolutionary change. so they are all trying to find this little area where they can grab adds many voters as possible and they are all trying to figure out what's going to be the best way to do that.
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they are going to have to differentiate themselves from each other and that's going to take leveling some kind of attacks. it hasn't gotten nasty yet and i say yet because i suspect at some point it probably will, but right now they're making differences about what their overall campaigns are about. >> i feel like it's a difficult position, jay, for them to be in. i mean, most primary seasons this is the way that they are, there is a lot of back and forth, there are a lot of attacks on back and forth. the difference this time is that donald trump is the president of the united states and they want to have a united front. >> this is still way more civilized than what trump did in 2016. >> so i think it's important that everybody else keeps that in perspective going into it. i want to run through some of the polls that we were just walking through a bit earlier. what sticks out how ahead of tomorrow's primary? >> the elizabeth warren phenomena, which seems to have died down. the new hampshire primary always favors people that live close
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by, so bernie sanders obviously is getting a bump, he is from vermont, elizabeth warren is from massachusetts and she's currently sitting in most of those polls i think it was fourth place, one of them had her in third, that's pretty bad for her. that's not a very good sign that pete buttigieg, a mayor from indiana, is doing better than her in these polls in new hampshire. i think that she was hoping coming out of iowa that she would have a much better -- she would have a much better showing in new hampshire. that's kind of surprising. >> at all surprised that bernie sanders tops most polls coming out of new hampshire or something that you expected? >> something expected. >> all right. >> absolutely. >> jay caruso, thank you. >> always a pleasure. >> thank you. still ahead, casualties in afghanistan over the weekend bring the death count for u.s. troops since the start of this year up to six, details from the pentagon are next. p to six, dete pentagon are next. my psoriatic arthritis pain? i had enough!
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all right. two u.s. troops were killed and six others were wounded during an attack on saturday in eastern afghanistan according to the pentagon. u.s. and afghan forces were conducting a joint operation when an individual wearing an afghan uniform opened fire on the service members using a machine gun the u.s. military said. the point margin gone later identified the u.s. soldiers in saturday's attack sergeant first class javier gutierrez from san antonio, texas, and sergeant first class antonio ray rodriguez from new mexico. all soldiers were 28 years old. with saturday's casualties six u.s. service members have been killed in afghanistan this year alone. whereas last year 22 u.s. service personnel died in combat there. u.s. officials have tried to reach a peace deal with the taliban to end the 18-year war in afghanistan, the longest war in american history, with a staggering death toll of 2,300 u.s. troops killed so far
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according to the pentagon. since 2009 the united nations have documented as a result of the armed conflict some 34,000 afghan civilians have been killed. >> i think it's important to say we are incredibly thankful for both of those -- for their service, both of those men that lost their lives over the weekend and certainly our thoughts and prayers are with their families today. let's get a check on weather with bill karins. >> good morning. after a pretty active weekend we continue watching nasty weather in areas of the south, dangerous even possibly deadly type weather because of flash flooding and flooding rain. icy conditions in northern new england all the schools in portland, maine, canceled forl the day because of freezing rain and a little snow out there, too. mostly northern portions of the northeast massachusetts north wards. everybody else this is just a huge area of rain today, let's take you through it. as we go throughout 6:00 a.m. this morning and let's fast forward as we go throughout this afternoon to this evening, a lot of heavy rain and thunderstorms sets up over alabama, mississippi and northern georgia. looks like the storms get to
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atlanta by 6:00 p.m. or so and that's the area of concern for flash flooding from northern portions of georgia right through mississippi, alabama, that's where we're going to have our high risk. it's not -- it's only a couple times a year that we get a high risk of flash flooding, it's the equivalent of when we get a high risk of tornadoes, that means we're going to get tornadoes, possibly deadly tornadoes. we know we're going to get flash flooding in this area of pink and possibilities of even deadly flash flooding. so that's where the grave concern is today for our trends in mississippi and alabama from the birmingham area over to jackson. our computers are saying the possibility here of 2 to 4 inches of rain isolated locations could even pick up 5 inches of rain. it has rained nonstop this year in areas of the south. rivers are already in flood stage, above blood stage to this additional rainfall will make it that much worse. minor airport delays in the northeast, bring the umbrellas with you out there today. nothing, you know, horrific like we're going to see in the south today but all eyes will be on what happens in mississippi and alabama with the possibility of, you know, flooding that could
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flood out homes, evacuations, emergency orders, stuff like that. >> thank you, bill. still ahead, we will get a look at president trump's latest budget proposal. plus a box office bust for d.c. comic's latest debut and other entertain news making business headlines this morning. business headlines this morning. hiv controlling, joint replacing, and depression relieving company. you know, flooding that could business headlines this morning. you know, flooding that could business headlines this morning. p taking care of you.
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welcome back. the president is expected to release a new budget and it comes in at just under $5 trillion. >> wow. >> cnbc's reporter joins us live from london on this. that is a huge number. take us through what this budget feasibly includes. >> yep. that's right. $4.8 million is the exact number. the details. the plan increases military spending by .3% to $740 billion for 2021 but slashes non-defense spending by 5% to $590 billion.
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no surprise, includes a request for an extra $2 billion for construction of the wall. remember, that this didn't get passed by the house last year and has been a signature campaign promise. also it sees an increase in funding for nasa, up to 12%, as the president looks to fulfill a goal of getting astronauts on the moon by 2024 but cuts environmental protection agency spending by 26%. i should mention that all of these measures are unlikely to get passed, because as we know, it needs bipartisan support and unlikely it will get through the house but gives you a flavor for what the president is thinking potentially could be looking to do if elected for a second term. >> and ask you quickly about entertainment news. oscars last night. new dc comics movie "birds of prey" rough opening week. a lot of people excited to see that movie. a sequel to another one. what can you tell us about how that played out?
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>> yeah. widely anticipated. by the way, includes margot robbie as well, but a bit of disappointment opening weekend. only clocked in about $33 million in sales in northern america versus estimates of $40 million to $60 million. fared better overseas clocking in about $48 million but the worst launch ever for a warner brothers dc comic movie are and got to see how it does in subsequent weeks. a disappointment there definitely. one for sitcom lovers. good news in the works. we could be seeing a reunion for "friends." >> yes! >> this is according to the "wall street journal." reporting that the six members, six cast members could be meeting for one special reportedly to be paid $2.25 million to $2.50 million each to reconvene for one special episode and that would be along with cast interviews as well. it could coincide with the launch of hbo max streaming
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service. something to look out for. >> i wonder if that's why jennifer aniston joined instagram and matthew perry followed up. preparing for this reunion. a lot of people will be happy about that. >> we need. it exactly what we need. and live for us from london, thank you so much. up next, a look at axios' "one big thing" and coming up "morning joe" is live from new hampshire. 2020 democrat senators amy klobuchar kaand michael bennet, first in the nation's prime marry. a special edition of "morning joe" just moments away. (mom) were you planning on mowing the lawn today?
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new, boost women. looking to repair dry, damaged hair without weighing it down? try pantene daily moisture renewal conditioner. its color-safe formula uses smart conditioners to micro-target damage helping to repair hair without weighing it down. try pantene. joining us from washington, d.c. to look at axios a.m. national political reporter for axios mr. jonathan swan. great to have you with us. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. what is the "one big thing" for
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us? >> so president trump will request a major boost to spending on america's nuclear arsenal, nuclear weapons arsenal according to people familiar with the budget. the 2021 budget calls for $28.9 billion for the pentagon to modernize nuclear delivery systems, and $20 billion to modernize the nuclear weapons stocktile. a 20% increase on the previous budget. it's important for two reasons. number one, that the nuclear weapons stockpile is aging, delivery system. substantive reasons why it needs to be done but a much bigger strategic situation overlaying this which is that we're entering the dawn potentially of a new nuclear arms race. president trump has already pulled out of the inf treaty with russia, is a skeptic of nuclear arms agreements and has to decide whether to renew the new s.t.a.r.t. agreement with
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russia next year and is very excepticcal. told aides privately he thinks america should have a bigger nuclear weapons arsenal. this budget proposal does not relate to that. this is about modernization. we're now in a world where china is modernizing so is russia, india and pakistan growing theirs. it's a very, very uncertain, dangerous environment, and when you talk to people in the white house they say it's important that america steps up its arsenal in terms to re-establish deterrence. >> also now iran outside the confines of the jcpoa as well. >> exactly. >> all of this pretty disconcerting to say the least. switch gears, jonathan. you've covered president trump's white house and campaign more than thundershower years and recently covering mike bloomberg's campaign. give me the major differences you've seen between the two. >> i have to tell you, it's a foreign experience, i called it,
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"letter from planet bloomberg" traveled around california with him last week. so it's quiet and he promises quietness. so he's on the stump telling them he's not going to tweet from the oval office. sort of very polite. everything is corporate. you can't walk more than two steps without running into a paid staffer sort of perfectly programmed with talking points. it's punctual, it's by the minute. even the protesters are polite. a guy in the crowd holding up a sign saying that billionaires should be out of buying elections a trump rally, get him the hell out. pay your legal fees if you beat him up and it becomes a spectacle and they drag him out. the bloomberg, standing there in silence, well-dressed man politely with a conversation, ushers him out the back, et cetera. a very different style, and one of bloomberg's -- his state director actually said to me they believe that the public
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feels like they need a cooling rod in the boiling, hot pot of american politics right now. so while part of it is simply because he doesn't yet have the grass roots enthusiasm that trump does, part of it is also part their strategy. >> the question, can we go back to that or expect the loud twitter feed? >> i'm not sure we can ever go back to that kind of normalcy thank you. reading axios a.m. in a bit. sign up for the newsletter. that does it for us on this monday morning i'm yasmin vossoughian alongside ayman mohyeldin, a special edition of "morning joe" live from new hampshire starts right now. i was on a show this morning, a tv show and somebody says, does it really matter where you get your money from? of course, it matters! [ applause ] >> i don't have a lot of experience winning presidential elections. but based on the limited experience i'meg
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