tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 11, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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some national leadership right now to organize a smart science-driven integrated all hands on deck national fight against this thing as it goes so bad, so fast. that would be -- that would be great. we don't have that. we've got what we've got. and god forgive for that. god bless us through. this that is going to do it for us tonight. we'll see you again on monday. hey there, i'm joshua johnson. good to be with you tonight from nbc news world headquarters in new york. for two years, robert mueller let his work speak for him. today he spoke for himself and against leniency for roger stone. president trump commuted mr. stone's sentence on multiple charges. he also defended his investigation into the president and into russia's election interference. quote, the russia investigation was of paramount importance. stone was prosecute and
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convicted because he committed federal crimes. he remains a convicted felon and rightly so. unquote. robert mueller has steadfastly insisted on the necessity of this investigation. the president has steadfastly attacked it. mueller addressed that too. quote, we made every decision in stone's case, as in all our cases, based solely on the facts and the law and in accordance with the rule of law. the women and men who conducted these investigations and prosecutions acted with the highest integrity. claims to the contrary are false, unquote. a senior member of robert mueller's team will share his thoughts a little later in the hour. we begin with coronavirus as caseloads, death toll, and hospitalizations continue to rise across the country. we also saw president trump do something apparently for the first time. he wore a mask in public. it happened at walter reed national military medical center as he visited wounded soldiers
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and staff. here he is explaining his decision. >> i think it's a great thing to wear a mask. i've never been against masks, but i do believe they have a time and a place. >> doctors say the time and place are always in public and anywhere you cannot socially distance. the point is to protect others from you if you are infected but do not know it. it may have been an option for the president, but it is becoming mandatory in more places. hours after the president's photo op, louisiana governor john bel edwards issued a statewide mask mandate. edwards also limited all bars in louisiana to carry-out or delivery service. >> masks are now mandated statewide for everyone age 8 and older unless they have a major health condition that makes it difficult to wear a mask. >> and you'll have to wear a mask to enjoy a little disney magic. today at walt disney world, the magic kingdom and animal kingdom
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reopened for the first time in almost four months. epcot and disney's hollywood studios open on friday. florida reported more than 11,000 new cases. again, the state is beginning to restaurant of hospital beds and testing supplies. covid-19 gives us plenty to discuss with tonight's panel. so let's dive right in. joining us this evening are mississippi state senator angela turner ford. mississippi's legislature has had an outbreak of coronavirus cases. also with us is dr. ebony hilton, an associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at the university of virginia, and hayes brown is the host of buzzfeed's podcast news o'clock. good to see all of you. dr. hilton, let me start with you. when you see disney world reopening today, as the cases and the hospitalizations are rising in florida, how do you view that? the theme parks, disney universal, seaworld, they all seem to be taking pretty aggressive measures to keep people safe, including turning away people at the gate if they
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don't have proper masks or if they have a fever. >> it's not enough. thank you for having me, for one. but what we know is that florida just announced that 7,000 children were testing positive from covid-19. and who tends to go to these theme parks but kids? what we're seeing across the nation is that our test, although we're plateaued on how many tests we're performing, our positive cases are increasing and our death rates have started to increase for the first time since mid-april. this is not the time to go and have a festival at a park to ride rides. people are dying, and we need to take this seriously. >> doctor, do you think there is any safe way that these parks, and we should note universal is a corporate cousin through our parent company nbcuniversal. do you think there is any way for these parks to reopen safely right now? >> no. what we know with the park is that it causes people to be --
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what we know is these rides when you're excited you skreerjs and that again forces out more of these particles. it's just not the time. yes, we need to open our economy. yes, we need to stimulate the regrowth and the economic well-being of our nation. but we have to do it when it's right. and we have to the three ts of testing, tracing and treatment in place in order to move forward safely. >> state senator ford, at last count, 26 mississippi legislators have come down with covid-19. your colleagues just made news for removing the confederate battle flag from the state flag. how is mississippi doing now in taking care of both residents and your colleagues? >> thank you, joshua, for having me on the panel this evening. the governor has actually signaled, governor reeves has signaled he is going to issue an executive order on monday requiring the 13 counties across the state be required that those
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citizens be required to wear masks when they're in public and in social gatherings. there is some pushback, but certainly they're positions that perhaps that approach is not strong enough. certainly it's a step in the right direction. so i think that the governor is taking an approach that will push us towards safety. i just hope that the residents of mississippi will take heed. >> hey, what impact do you think the video of president trump wearing a mask might have? masks have become a kind of political clapback, or not wearing them has become a clapback against liberals and the medical establishment. how might today's images that we're looking at right now might affect that, if at all? >> i'm really afraid that the horse has left the barn. the horse is five miles down the road and coming nowhere near the barn again. the thing is, for one, i'm very glad that the president has clearly listened to advisers and worn this mask at walter reed
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hospital. i'm glad that the president is finally taking precautions for people around him and showing that you should take precautions for those around you similar that he has required those at the white house to be around him. as far as whether this actually solves anything that the culture war that the president has helped push forward, i don't know. i'm hopeful that the president's supporters will see this, that they will accept it. already on twitter, some of the president's strongest advocates online are trying to show that the president is being strong, brave, courageous, with this one fell stroke. the president has won the november election against joe biden, but it remains to be seen whether that actually has any real effect besides maybe some less trolling online. >> dr. hilton, minority community, especially black and brown people have borne the brunt of the covid-19 pandemic in the u.s. how do you see the efforts to address this right now? are we making progress? >> i think our progress is slow
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to be made. what we know is we still don't have race and ethnicity reported for every case or for every death. that's inexcusable. at this point we know that racial health disparities did not start with covid-19. it won't end with covid-19. and what we're seeing, though, this pandemic is that it hasn't been of importance to the united states. why are black and brown people dying at higher rates for nearly every disease process that we have? and this has been happening literally since the beginning of the united states since africans first came here. with this pandemic, what we know is that black people, they're 2.5 times more likely to die. you're five times more likely to be infected. yeah. and it's not slowing, particularly now that the south is impacted. we know that african american came to live in the south, and it's more the southwest. so the disparities i fear are going to continue to increase. >> i'm glad you brought up that
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impact in the south, state senator ford. i wonder what your sense is of mississippi's overall effort to fight covid-19, especially as it relates to your constituents and what they need right now. >> they're up -- i would say initially it was -- there was dispute about if the governor's approach was fast or prompt enough. certainly now what i've seen in the numbers is that there is a shift whereas early on it was a 72% death rate among black people in mississippi. that number has decreased to about 51%. i believe that individuals are taking care of themselves regardless of this clap back about wearing masks. what i tend to see is members of the black community are masked. regardless of all of the clapback that is going on throughout the nation and in other parts of the state. >> senator ford, would you
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repeat that statistic that you just said about mortality rates among black residents. would you say that one more time? >> 51%. of the deaths that are currently being reported are among members telephone black community in the state of mississippi. >> and you say that's down from 72% was it? >> yes. when the numbers were reported early on, i would say maybe the end of march, first of april. so i think we've seen -- that's just based on the reports that were issued as of yesterday about 6:00 yesterday evening. >> what do you attribute the decrease in that proportion to, if anything. >> i'm wondering if the numbers are accurate. i think that some people are probably staying home. they may not be submitting themselves for testing. i believe that there is a downward trend in who's actually reporting them. then there is the question also with what's going on as of this week. i work at the capitol. i believe that those numbers are probably coming in more slowly
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than they're accurately being detected by the state health department. i think there is a slow trend in the reports. >> by the way, it's worth noting that according to the census bureau, 38% of mississippi's population is black. so even with this decrease it is still dramatically disproportionately higher than the actual proportion of black people in mississippi's population. hayes, president trump said recently that dr. anthony fauci has made a lot of mistakes in his handling of this pandemic. dr. fauci has been doing more introduce lately, contradicting with what the president has been saying, including about how our fight against this outbreak is going. where do you see this discrepancy between the two of them going? is this just talk? is this more heat than light, or might this have a tangible impact? >> i mean, with this president it's hard to say most times whether he's just talking, which he does a lot, or whether it will actually translate into
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action. i mean, the thing that -- let's be honest. we've all been on fauci watch 2020, basically since he first started appearing in front of cameras, wondering when/if the president would put him on the back burner or fire him altogether. as we're starting to see dr. fauci do more off camera interview, more radio, more print, it's going to be curious to see when the president takes notice and when he starts really leaning in to fauci, start issuing his tweets, starts riling up his base specifically against fauci. because everything that they're disagreeing on is, you know, it's -- fauci is following the science where trump is following his political gut instincts. and that's where that clash is lying. one of them is focused on reelection. the other is focusing on bringing the numbers down in this pandemic. >> mississippi state senator angela turner ford and dr. ebony hilton of the university of virginia medical center. glad to have had you both with us. thanks very much.
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hayes, stick around. there is much more to discuss with you, and there is much more to come this hour on msnbc. some college students face deportation over the coronavirus pandemic. california is among the states fighting that move. california congressman ted lieu joins us to discuss it, next. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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for foreign college students who want to stay in the u.s. the trump administration is pushing hard for all school campuses to open this fall for in-person instruction. health officials, including at the cdc say distance learning presents the lowest risk. but the administration is putting pressure behind its demand. on monday, the government announced that colleges which go online only this fall may not admit international students. those students will not be granted visas. and if they are in the u.s., they must leave. that is not sitting well with a number of university systems, including cal state and the university of california. both plan to teach mostly online this fall. last school year, they enrolled more than 770,000 students combined. 71,000 were nonresident international students. joining us now is democratic congressman ted lieu of california. he sits on the foreign affairs and judiciary committees. his district includes the coastal cities west of los angeles and long beach. congressman, good evening.
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>> thank you, joshua. >> regarding the trump administration's new visa guidance, what if anything can uc oracle state do about it? >> we see a pattern when donald trump is down and opposed, he'll take an anti-immigration action. in this case they're going after international students which is really quite ridiculous because international students benefit america. in fact, the state department's own website says that u.s. welcomes international students, and they provide a valuable contribution to our colleges and universities. we know that international students contribute to the economy. and to deport them because their college is trying to protect their health and safety with online courses is really a ridiculous proposal. i hope the trump administration withdraws it. >> it's also noting that international students have been a boon to california's public universities in recent years by paying full freight. it makes it easier for those
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university systems to devote more resources towards scholarships and grants so that in-state students can attend. but if this remains the policy from the federal government, it sounds like uc and cal state have to kind of take it. >> well, what would end up happening i suspect is what usc recently did. they opened all their physical classes to international students to take for free. so they simply go into one classroom, then they can stay. so it's basically going to force the ucs and ucla to do something similar, which then increases the risk of the spread of covid-19. so it's really just a dumb proposal by the trump administration. i don't really understand what the rationale is. ucla has over 7,000 international students in my district. it will be devastating for them if they all had to leave the country. >> looking at california more broadly, how did this covid-19 surge happen? governor newsom took this
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seriously from the beginning. many cities were cautious about reopening. what went wrong? >> so governor newsom has done a great job, and at the beginning we were very effective in suppressing the virus. and then california, like all the other states started to reopen. when you reopen, you're going get more covid-19 cases. california has nearly 40 million people. and because of the number of people, that also increases the number of cases that we have. so now we have to make sure that people wash their hands frequently, wear a mask in public, do social distancing. and we need to start getting this virus back under control. >> california has a significant asian and asian american population. students of asian descent are the largest racial group at most of the uc campus, sometimes by far. you are taiwan's american. your family emigrated here when you were three. how does this aspect of california's diversity shape the way that it fights covid-19.
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>> california has been one of the leaders in this fight. we have attracted the best and brightest in the world in terms of scientists and doctors to try to find a cure for covid-19. and at the same time, we've been very strong in pushing back against hate incidents. we know that across america there has been over 1900 asian american hate incidents. we have people stab people in texas because they thought they were spreading covid-19. this virus knows no race or geography or ethnicity. everyone is at risk. . there are so many nuances to the asian and asian american populations in california. a conversation for another day to dig deeper into that. there is one more thing we wanted to ask you about before we go. you are among the democrats in the house judiciary committee who introduced an item last week. it would penalize people who defy a subpoena for testimony or for documents.
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do we need this new law, or is this a problem that is maybe more specific to the trump administration? intercontinental >> we need to make this rule become law. it would be a rules change to the house of representatives so that we could simply do this in the house. well don't need senate concurrence. the house of representatives has always had the power of inherent contempt. the supreme court has upheld that power. it allows us to impose monetary fines on individuals who do not follow congressional subpoenas. my legislation introduced with others would go ahead and cause a rules change to allow us to execute this inherent power and fine witnesses up to $100,000 if they don't comply with congressional subpoenas. >> california congressman ted lieu. congressman, stay safe, and thanks for making time for us. >> thank you, joshua. just in, the white house responds to an op-ed from robert
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mueller after the former special counsel took issue with the president's commutation of roger stone's sentence. we will get into that just ahead. stay close. (vo) audi e-tron. the next frontier of electric. ...i felt i couldn't be at my... for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test... ...if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant,... ...other liver problems, hiv-1, or other medical conditions,... ...and all medicines you take. don't take mavyret with atazanavir... ...or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. if you've had or have serious liver problems other than hep c,
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president trump's commutation of roger stone's prison sentence has drawn a lot of criticism, including from the man whose investigation got stone convicted. today "the washington post" published an op-ed from former special counsel robert mueller. it reads in part, quote, the jury ultimately convicted stone of obstruction of a congressional investigation, five counts of making false statements to congress, and tampering with a witness. because his sentence has been commuted, he will not go to prison, but his conviction stands, unquote. the white house just issued a statement minutes ago in response to mueller's op-ed. it reads in part, quote, mr. mueller should keep his promise to the american people and let the report, which fully exonerated the president, stand instead of pontificating in the
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editorial pages with more spin, unquote. president trump says stone was the victim of an unfair prosecution based on a sham investigation fuelled by a hoax. critics say stone got the ultimate hookup, one he did not deserve and one that insults our system of justice. the commutation itself is within a president's power as the law allows it. but there is a difference between law and justice. it is something we have been debating for months, including in the streets across this country. the push for equal just under the law drove many thousands of protesters to denounce police brutality and systemic racism. memorial day touched off a national reckoning after the police involved killings of george floyd, breonna taylor, and so many others. law and justice have not worked the same way for them as it did for roger stone. so where does that leave us? hayes brown is back with us. also joining us is andrew
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weissmann, who was a member of robert mueller's team. also, two former federal prosecutor, joyce vance and barbara mcquade. all three are msnbc legal analysts. before we get to hayes, we should note that in the white house's response it says that the mueller report fully exonerated the president. that is not true. the mueller report was very clear that because of the purview of its investigation, it could not opine one way or the other as to whether or not the president could be charged with obstruction of justice. so that part of the white house's statement is not true. andrew, you were on robert mueller's team. what are your thoughts on the commutation and on mr. mueller's response to it? >> well, i think there at this point is a decision, because there is an open question here which is why did roger stone lie
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to congress repeatedly, and why did he obstruct justice? and why did he tamp were a witness? why was it necessary to have a commutation. and one of the things that a responsible department of justice would do at this point is put roger stone in the grand jury and ask him that question. there is nothing about a commutation that in any way immunizes roger stone from having to answer those questions. and if he were to lie in the grand jury the way he lied to cottage, he could be prosecuted. there is nothing about what the president did that works prospectively. and i think it's really important for the public to get an answer to that question. because if there was nothing there, why is it that roger stone lied to congress? and why is it that the president needed to commute his sentence. >> joyce, how do you assess whether a move like this commutation is both legal and/or
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just? what's the standard? >> so i think you ask just the right question, drawing that distinction between law and justice, because this commutation clearly falls within the president's constitutional powers, but it's no one's idea of justice. for the president to give a pardon to someone who clearly insulated the president himself personally, if not from criminal charges, then certainly from the specter of a very unsavory truth coming out. and you referenced initially how incorrect the white house's statement is because it's clear that the mueller report heavily redacted when it was released to us nonetheless did not exonerate the president. and mueller said had he not been hampered by people who didn't tell the truth and people who obstructed justice, that maybe he could have looked at the evidence differently, but he was hampered by that obstruction.
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well, donald trump last night delivered us the final piece of evidence that bob mueller was missing. donald trump confirmed that roger stone's testimony would have implicated him in thes worst sort of election rigging conduct and in essence convicted himself by delivering that commutation. it's not justice. >> barbara, this is not the first controversial commutation from this president. other presidents have also been highly criticized for questionable commutations and/or pardons. is this just kind of the thing that presidents do to varying degrees? are they kind of just bound by the nature of being president to commute a sentence or pardon someone in a way that someone takes issue with, or is this qualitatively different? >> joshua, there have been pardons and commutations that are unpopular or have smelled of political rancor in the past, but what's different about this one is that president trump has
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pardoned someone who could directly implicate him. this is his own associate. this is someone who worked with him to protect him from congressional inquiry that would have exposed president trump's own involvement in the campaign in connections to russia and wikileaks. so you talk about the difference between law and justice. there is a difference between what a president can do. does he have the power to do this? absolutely. and what a president should do to achieve justice. and by using commutation to not only reward someone who is close to him, an ally, an associate, but really to protect himself is where i believe this power has been abused, not just used. >> hayes, roger stone clearly got the hookup. it is the mother of all hookups, presidential intervention. and i got say i love that shot of roger stone wearing a roger stone face mask and a roger stone t-shirt. that is going in the dictionary under chutzpah one of these days. put that in context alongside
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black lives matter, the breonna taylor investigation, for which there have still been no arrests. the prosecution over george floyd's death, et cetera. do they connect? >> i absolutely do think that they do connect in that basically there is two forms of justice in this country, and that is a really stark example of that. that's really what the protests have been about the whole time. it's not that oh, the police are necessarily a bastion of evil. it's not that oh, if only they would just follow. will people follow the laws that have been written? and are the laws being treated equally in their enforcement? in the terms of black lives, that's clearly not the case where if you are a black person and you have a broken taillight, you could be in a confrontation with the police that leaves you dead. that's not the case for white individuals. and in the case of roger stone, anyone else who had been in this position charged with these crimes, found guilty by a jury works be in jail starting next
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week. but because it is roger stone, because he has this direct line to the president, who has this unchecked power to issue commutations and pardons, he has an out. he has a way to get out of it. the fact is that he has known that this whole time. he has bragged about it. he has pleaded with the president through the airwaves and through friends. he said -- all but said if you give me this, thenally make sure not to implicate you, or as he put it, make up stories about the president. >> before we go, andrew, you worked for robert mueller. i got to admire a man with an unshakeable stone face like mr. mueller has. he did his job. he did the work. the congressional hearings that he was involved with, he was very much like yeah, no, true, uh-huh. i mean, he said he wasn't going to say much beyond the four corners of the report, and he stuck to that. knowing robert mueller, andrew, this has got to make him crazy. what is your sense of how he
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personally has dealt with all of this? >> well, bob mueller is a marine first and foremost, and also is a patriot. and i think for barb and joyce and me, he is somebody who basically walks on water. he has such a sterling reputation. for him to issue an op-ed and for him to send the letter that he did to attorney general barr after attorney general barr issued a so-called four-page summary criticizing the attorney general, those are for somebody like robert mueller extreme steps. you know that he has to be fundamentally shaken to his core about what is going on at the department of justice and seeing the rule of law trampled on.
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>> when i saw that robert mueller had written an op-ed, i got to say my first reaction was somebody hacked "the washington post" website. he wouldn't -- i was stunned that he wrote it at all. so the fact that he wrote it and still kind of confined his emotions to the facts of what happened was pretty extraordinary. so now we've heard from him. we've heard from the white house. and we've heard from roger stone about his newfound freedom. andrew weissmann, joyce vance, hayes brown, we appreciate you spending part of your evening with us. thanks very much. still to come, millions of americans are relying on unemployment benefits to get by. should those benefits continue, and if they don't, what then? alright so...oh. i'll start... oh, do you want to go first?
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no, no i don' go. i was just going to say on slide 7, talking about bundling and saving...umm... jamie, you're cutting out. sorry i'm late! hey, whoever's doing that, can you go on mute? oh, my bad! i was just saying there's a typo on slide 7. bundle home & auto for big discosnouts. i think that's supposed to say discounts. you sure about that? hey, can you guys see me? (vo)you start with america's verizmost awarded network, to build unlimited right. the one with unbeatable reliability 13 times in a row. this network is one less thing i have to worry about. (vo) then you give people more plans to mix and match so you only pay for what you need verizon unlimited plan is so reasonable, they can stay on for the rest of their lives. awww... (vo) you include the best in entertainment and you offer it all starting at $35. because everyone deserves the best. this is unlimited built right. only on verizon.
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benefit of $600 runs out at the end of this month. so there is no time to waste if congress wants to extend this. the trump administration says it supports another stimulus package. it does not support paying more in unemployment than a worker would make on their job. on top of that, a four-month federal moratorium on evictions is also about to expire. that could prompt a wave of evictions across the country, and possibly the most foreclosures and evictions since the great depression. joining us now is chris lu, a senior fellow at the miller center. he is a former deputy labor secretary and assistant to president obama. and also with us is maria hinajosa, the anchor of npr's latino usa. good to have you both. chris, let me start with you. unemployment claims are down to about 1.3 million. that's a four-month low. layoff numbers are still high. some states who reopened businesses may have to close them again. we mentioned louisiana with bars
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reclosing. how much do you think this will affect the senate's decision making on the unemployment benefit? >> well, it should affect them a lot. even that 1.3 million figure, joshua, is still twice the highest that was ever registered during the great repression. right now 33 million americans are getting some type of unemployment benefit. these are people who have to figure out to make their rent payment, how to buy groceries. just this last month 32% of americans could not make their full rental or housing payments. it's easy to look at the top line numbers and say that the economy is recovering without sort of digging deeper within this. and the other problem with looking at these numbers that we've been seeing is that we know that about 70% of the country right now is starting to pause their reopening. so there is every reason to believe that a lot of these unemployment numbers, which frankly are bad are going to get much worse. because ultimately, the u.s.
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economy runs on confidence. it's confidence of businesses and workers and customers. and you can't have confidence when you've got a virus that's breaking out all around the country right now. >> maria, you've been reporting on undocumented workers who are also essential workers who get no assistance, and they have some of the highest covid-19 mortality rates in the country. what have you learned? >> well, actually, jason -- joshua, one of the pieces we have on the air right now on latino usa is precisely this. it was one of my students who is in new york, who is undocumented whose parents were those essential workers. they couldn't apply for unemployment. they couldn't apply for any stimulus checks. they can't get -- nothing. it's a level of frustration. she says look, we are the ones in the bronx who have been going into manhattan and essentially keeping the economy going, but we don't get anything for it. but, you know, i was thinking, joshua, what would happen if in
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fact we had a federal response? what would happen if the federal government suddenly said we're going to pay you to stay at home, and you can stay at home and buy things and still try to keep the economy going, but the federal government is going to support you and pay you and come up with a plan because that's what the united states of america does. that's not what's happening. and instead, you have people literally freaking out right now, freaking out. >> chris, what about the potential for mass foreclosures, mass evictions? this week "the washington post" reported on unemployed tenants who can't make rent and they're being evicted. what has to happen to prevent this, or, chris, do you think it's maybe too late for that? >> well, there are two things that we could do, joshua. one is put more money into the hands of unemployed people that's either through enhanced unemployment benefits or through another set of stimulus checks. or it's to come up with some
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kind of -- some kind of forbearance on foreclosures, because right now what happens, if people don't pay the rent, people don't pay their mortgages, that is a powerful ripple effect throughout the entire economy. and that starts to create incredibly more uncertainty within the u.s. economy. the other thing that we haven't talked about is that we know that there is a second wave of unemployment about to happen because state and local budgets are strapped right now. they're trying to figure out how to make their ends meet because states can't run deficits. so what's that going to lead is police and teachers and firefighters losing their jobs over the next couple of months. we need to provide relief across the board. and there is a great way to do that. the house democrats have passed the bill in may, and that's sitting on mitch mcconnell's desk. >> and chris, just to clarify what you said, when you said that states can't run deficits, state law and federal law are different. states have to balance their books at the end of every fiscal year. they're not allowed to roll over debts like the federal government is. >> that's exactly right, yes.
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>> maria, when your sense of what's being done to help latinx people in case these benefits and protections run out, with the caveat, of course, these populations are very different. in south florida where i'm from compared to in the bronx, compared to long beach, compared to chicago, compared to mcallen, texas, there is no one size fits all latinx populations. so what is your sense of whether these populations are being served based on what their needs are? >> right. and as you know, the complexity is also that not all latino and latinas are working class. there are upper class professionals of every sort. i don't think that population right now feels that they are being seen or heard in general. i'm thinking about the states where the virus has taken off. florida, texas, arizona, california still. what do all of these states have
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in common? they have latinos and latinas. what do we know about those particular workers right now is that they're continuing to go to work. so what we continue to have to say is that these are 135,000 lives plus, but the majority of them are black and latinos and latinas. and so we -- when you say what's going to help, this is the huge question, joshua. we are -- today just before i went on the air, i got a text from a colleague who said my aunt just died. her husband died earlier this week, leaving four women without parents. and this is outside of chicago, mexican indigenous people. so this is not going away. and no, there is no solution. so when you say who is going to take care of us, we're going to have to take care of ourselves. >> it's so -- it's almost inescapable for me that when you
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look at some of the states where these outbreaks are happening, i couldn't help hearing them in my head as florida, arizona, california, like when i saw the list, i was oh, there is a pattern here. and -- >> texas. don't forget tejas. >> absolutely. i think conversation for another day is that particular pattern and digging into that piece. already plenty of reporting on that on latino usa hosted by maria hinajosa and chrisly lu the miller center, thanks for being with us. add new york to the list of visual monument to the black lives matter movement. this one on fifth avenue. it is no coincidence that the mural faces trump tower. new york bill de blasio intentionally allowed it. he even helped paint it on thursday. he called on the nypd to not, quote, let this symbol of hate
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be affixed to new york's greatest street, unquote. new york's black lives matter mural and others across the nation have become something of a tourist attraction, drawing crowds to show their support. some have been vandalized as well. a couple in martinez, california faces hate crime charges after they were caught on camera vandalizing the city-approved mural over the fourth of july weekend. before we go tonight, covid-19 canceled a kind of family reunion, one that affects how you get your news. ♪ [truck horn blares] (vo) the subaru forester. dog tested. dog approved.
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the many guardian angels i've met on my journey. this december marks 45 years since nabj was founded those founders are among the giants on whose shoulder it turns out those giants are eager to help us grow too. we are heirs to their legacy, and we're stewards of it. but just think. some day a little black girl might watch joy reid hosting her show and say yeah, i can do that. a thank you for doing this with us tonight. i will see you back here tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. eastern and 9:00 p.m. eastern, but until we meet again, i'm joshua johnson. stay safe. stay sharp and stay tuned. there is more just ahead on msnbc. ta-da!
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