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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  May 1, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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a big development in libya. missile strike hits close to home for moammar gadhafi. will this latest attack change the equation of war. a spectacular show in rome. at least 1 million people fill st. peter's square to view another step in the path towards sainthood for a pope. honeymoon mystery. new reports on why the newly minted royal couple decided not to take a vacation right after the wedding. what really happened in roswell and where are biggy and tupac? >> comic in chief, president obama delivers a string of one-liners but he saved his best zingers for one person in the audience who was none too
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pleased. good morning, live this morning from washington, d.c., so welcome to "msnbc sunday." we begin in libya, a nato missile strike apparently killed moammar gadhafi's youngest son and three of gadhafi's grandchildren happening in the capital of tripoli. gadhafi and his life were allegedly inside that same compound but they escaped unharmed. >> the attack resulted in the martyrdom of brother saif gadhafi, 29 years old and three of the leader's grandchildren. the leader himself is in good help health. >> let's go live to tripoli and mike who's there for us. nato not confirm that news thus far. what are you hear being this air
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strike? >> reporter: nato is confirming there was an air strike. part of the bombing campaign here in tripoli. what we do confirm there was this bombing attack last night. they were brought to this compound. we saw in this compound, two houses virtually destroyed. saif gadhafi was killed and
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three of gadhafi's grandchildren, all under the age of 12, were also killed. none of that confirmed by the way. just that there was an air stri strike. assassination disputed by nato. that's the third attack -- >> msnbc's mike, we thank you for that. a very important story. mike, your audio has a little bit of noise in the background. we hope that gets cleared up before the next time we're able to talk with you. thank you so much. now to vatican city today. a mass attended by more than a million people and the groundwork laid for the making of a new saint. >> now the long four day has come. it came quickly because this is what was pleasing to the lord. john paul ii is blessed. >> and with that announcement, pope john paul ii was beatified
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this morning in front of a million faithful, many of whom were moved to tears. my colleague chris jansing is live in rome. a very good sunday morning. i know the emotions are running very high. at one point the crowd was maintained to maintain the climate of silence and prayer, right? >> reporter: it's unbelievable what happens here. you have people screaming and yelling and waving flags and cheering and, of course, when they unveiled the tapestry, i think it's fair to say they went wild. but when they called for moments of silence, here you have at least probably 300,000 people immediately in the square, and then more than a million throughout the city and you could almost hear a pin drop. and then again when the mass was over, the banners started flying, the flags started flying. it's an extraordinary moment, really, in modern history no one has been beatified faster than
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john paul and he was someone in 27 years was seen, it's believed by more living people than any other person in human history. he was truly a rock star. now he is one miracle away from sainthood. joining me now is liz lev, an art historian, she knew pope john paul ii. she spends virtually every day inside the vatican. let me start with your impressions on this day. what has just happened to your friend, pope john paul ii. >> i think we found out today john paul ii has a lot of friends. and it's a beautiful day here in rome. and it's wonderful to see this incredible spirit. it reminds us of six years ago when he died and there was that sort of silent collecting of the people. now that silence erupted today in this joyous celebration of recognizing john paul ii in heaven. >> it really was a joyful celebration. but what is happening inside st. peter's right now is very solemn, the veneration.
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tell me about the coffin, people will file past it. there's so much history where it is. >> the building -- the placement of the coffin is directly on the top of the tomb of st. peter, which is behind michelangelo's famous dome which goes down to the ground where st. peter was thrown after being executed 200,000 years ago and now beatified, sitting right on top of that tomb. people will file in. the noise and chaos here, you enter into that door and it's silence. you see the basilica, and the fabulous tapestry, the humble, wooden coffin of pope john ii. >> he'll be moved to the chapel of st. sebastien, next to another of michelangelo's other great works. >> tomorrow evening, when all
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the faithful have had the possibility of seeing the tomb they'll move him into the new home, st. sebastien, second chapel in from the right. all the times that john paul ii celebrated mass in the square, that was always where he prepared. that was his sacricity, so many tiles he's been alone in that space. >> as someone who often takes tours through there and has seen since the death of pope john paul the number of people come here increase, what do you think this is going to do to the people who want to make this pilgrimage? >> well, i'll tell you, the thing about this period is that it really is pilgrims. this is a group of people who are not just secondary interested in the architecture and paintings. the amazing thing about this group is how focused they are to stay here and be as close to john paul ii as possible. i think what's lovely is that people are really focusing on what is important, this extraordinary man and this
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remarkable occasion. >> reporter: liz lev, thank you so much. i don't know if you can hear the announcements behind me but they're telling people to get in line if an orderly fashion. it seems at least right now, very few people are leaving this square. i think they're willing to wait in line a very long time to venerate before the coffin of pope john paul ii. alex? >> i don't find that surprising in the least. how first of all you would get all those people behind you, thousands upon thousands, if not close to a million, to get in line is one thing, but when you look at the passion, chris, with which people have followed this beatification, have i to say, i was up watching you at 4:30 in the morning local time. even george weigel, i heard you talk about him and his emotion. you could hear it in his voice. >> reporter: i have to tell you, for those of us who were here for the funeral of pope john paul, and for the election of pope benedict, to see pope benedict saying mass here, and i thought looking, frankly, very
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good. his voice seemed to be very strong, with this man with whom he was so very close, but there were also so many thousands and i'm sure tens if not hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who came here, who also came for the funeral, who have followed this process throughout. and it was a very emotional. there were more than a few tears in this crowd in addition to all the cheers we heard, alex. >> yeah. well, a day of high emotion. chris jansing, thank you so much. we'll see you throughout the morning. meantime, everyone back in the states, survivors in the south search through what is left of their homes as others say good-bye to loved ones lost in tornadoes across the region. dozens of funerals are taking place for more than the 340 people who were killed wednesday across seven states. in hard-hit alabama, the national guard, fema and other volunteer groups are helping to provide food and shelter for those who are now homeless. fema also has officials on you the ground in four other states. ron is in smithfield.
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let's get the latest from you there. what is happening? >> reporter: good morning. search and recovery missions ongoing across the border into alabama where most of the fatalities from this week's tornadoes. in smithville they found two more bodies but they believe that is it for smithville. 15 people killed in this small town of 900. officials believe the search and recovery efforts are over here. now we'll see the clean-up effort begin when fema-funded contractors begin to move this out of here so insurance contractors can come in and finish their work and finish in this. folks back here behind this church, the southeast side of the town, that was spared. not all of the folks here in smithville having to deal with this horrible process of trying to rebuild. a good number of the people here have to begin that process. today is really a day of thanks for all the people who did survive. we have talked to a number of
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survives here who had some pretty scary close calls with that tornado that came through here. an ef-5, 200 miles an hour winds estimated here. behind the church they're holding services outside. they have tents erected. they're going to hold services here at noon eastern time. they are, again as i said, very thankful to be able to do that today. that's the latest from here. back up to up. >> there i see the pews behind you. ron mott, thank you so much. meanwhile, residents in a small southern illinois city have been ordered to evacuate because of potential flooding. more powerful spring storms are making their way across the country. let's check in alex wallace. >> good morning to you. unfortunately, alex, looks like more storms brewing. we got a break from the active weather yesterday but more storms firing up, back into areas hit with heavy rain last week and down into north texas, storms that flared up this morning. prompting severe thunderstorm
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warnings and a watch box area in the yellow. we have that severe watch out until 9:00, including dallas. a tornado watch area here just east of that. that goes out until noon. a little longer into the afternoon. you can see the active storms rolling through right now, through this area. it's going to be a nasty time. waves of rain coming through some of the same areas. flooding will be a problem as well as we head through the next 24 to 48 hours. >> alex wallace, thank you for that. some new details about what happened at the late night parties following the royal wedding. there's some juicy tidbit there is. live in london. plus -- >> michele bachmann is here, i understand, and she is thinking about running for president. which is weird because i hear she was born in canada. yes, this is how it starts. >> from the jokes to the glamour, we have the highlights from the white house correspondents dinner. [ male announcer ] go beyond the brush
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new this morning, juicy details about the late night wedding bash at buckingham palace. the news of the world reports prince harry with a toast, with his shirt unbot toned he was stage diving. there are also con flicking reports on why they delayed their honeymoon and opted for a weekend get away. a good morning to you in london. let's talk about, first of all, the royal couple. why did they postpone the honeymoon? >> reporter: good morning, alex. we're hearing two different sides of the story here. the palace yesterday saying that both will and kate decided weeks ago that they wanted to postpone their honeymoon, have some down time and actually fade away from
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the public light. but this is coming from the same palace who up until yesterday told us they were actually going to go on their honeymoon right after the wedding. many people are questioning whether it is a fade away from the public light or if there were security concerns so bad, in fact, they had to postpone the honeymoon for at least a week or two. in fact, they say that prince william will be heading back to work with the royal air force as a search and rescue pilot come tuesday after their long holiday weekend here in britain. >> okay. well, that's the latest on that. you know what we all want to talk about now, right? prince harry and the reception and these reports of him being, well, very prince harry-ish. what do you know about that? >> reporter: very prince harry-ish. these are rumors coming out from the tabloids in england. right now we're hearing a little more about prince harry's speech, in fact, it was so touching that it brought tears to kate's eyes. also what we expect from prince harry, brought in a lot of laughs, including calling the couple the dude and duchess.
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he cracked some jokes. we're also hearing that they also talked about their mother. many of the speeches that night did bring up the late princess diana and how she would feel about her oldest son getting married. and on another note, the music, that's the thing many people are asking and what we hear is that prince william and kate picked their favorite artist, british artist named elly gold and she played numbers they requested including "your song" by elton john, which is considered princess diana's favorite son, one by bryan adams "summer of 69" and one of prince william's favorite, sex on fire from kings of leon. we expected that from prince harry. >> we did. you know what i like about this guy? he's so normal. he makes this normal spin on the family, the dude and the duchess. we'll talk about more with you,
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thank. president obama got the last life on the so-called by the wayer kon conspiracy at white house correspondents dinner. he turned the table on donald trump. >> just in case there are any lingering questions, tonight i'm prepared to go a step further. tonight for the first time i am releasing my official birth video. michele bachmann is here, though, i understand. and she's thinking about running for president. which is weird because i hear she was born in canada. yes, this is how it starts.
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tim pawlenty, he seems all-american. but if you heard his real middle name, tim jose pawlenty. what a shame. my buddy, our outstanding ambassador jon huntsman is with you. now, there's something you may not know about jon. he didn't learn to speak chinese to go there. oh, no. he learned english to come here. >> perfect timing there. even the president was not off limits to the jokes. host seth myers made sure of that. >> i tell you who could
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definitely beat you, mr. president, 2008 barack obama, you would have loved him. so charismatic, so charming. was he a little too idealistic? maybe. but you would have loved him. i still think we all remember that inauguration day, the first lady was there. and may i say for as beautiful as you looked that day, you look even more beautiful tonight. now, you, on the other hand, mr. president, have aged a little. what happened to you? when you were sworn in you looked like the guy from the old spice commercials. now you look like louis gossett sr. i never said this to anyone before, but maybe you should start smoking again. is this the change you were talking about?
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mr. president, look at your hair. if your hair gets any whiter the tea party is going to endorse it. oh, i'm going to get an angry voice mail from jenny thomas in 19 years. but i believe the president would agree with me that the mood has changed a bit since the beginning of his term. at beginning of his term, mr. president, housewives were trying to sneak into the house. now everyone is leaving. by this time next year it will just be you and joe biden trying to find toner for the copy machine. >> we'll have a lot more for you. still ahead, a wedding anniversary gift from mariah carey that will change her life forever. coming up at the top of the hour, attack on libya as moammar gadhafi now squarely in the cross hairs. you are watching "msnbc sunday." 100 ways to enjoy pringles.
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california governor jerry
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brown is out of the hospital is recovering at home. his office said he had surgery friday to remove a cancerous growth on his nose. brown also had reconstructive surgery after that procedure, all done with local anesthetic. he does not plan to attend any public events until his stitches are removed. mariah carey and husband are proud parents of twin boys and girls. she gave birth yesterday afternoon on the couple's third anniversary. the girl was born first, weighing 5 pound and 6 ounces and the boy second. they have not announced any names. "your business" is next. we have more report out of libya saying the son of moammar gadhafi was killed in an air strike. blaming big oil for all the soaring gas prices we're feeling the pain at the pump there but is it fair to be placing blame on the oil companies?
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