tv [untitled] RT July 18, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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it's in the sweltering grip of a heat wave we were poor for regions where severe drought is that almost without song it's. a very warm welcome to you this is also a line from moscow i'm on a separate a scientific clash over the cause and treatment of aids is unfolding as a major conference on the disease takes place in the a group of over two thousand doctors claim the official theory that the hiv virus leads to aids is wrong they also say their views of being ignored by mainstream backed by big pharmaceuticals arafat has moved from the austrian capital. they're questioning the validity of the common assumptions that are often associated with hiv and aids and they also question the traditional means of treatment with the aid with the drugs treatment
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not some of the more specific questions that they've raised in the last couple of days prior to the official conference and they've been holding their own talks things like the accuracy of the hate hiv test a person's defined as having a if they develop one of the twenty nine a finding diseases those are things such as pneumonia and. and as well as that test positive for hiv so a positive or negative hiv test community if it's between so on being diagnosed with ammonia or being diagnosed with aids if they're calling into question the reliability of this very important test another thing they've been talking about is about the safety and effectiveness of the aids drug treatment now for more on this we can hear from journalist jane shenton from the community resource foundation and these focus about conventional treatment has actually caused the death of a whole generation of young gay men in america when they were on the high doses of
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aids that t. that is well documented not one single young man or woman and there were a few women who took the high doses of aids their d has survived many many others have survived who haven't taken the antiviral and many have survived who have taken antivirals at times to damp down what essentially is an immune suppression for many many different reasons so it's extremely important to be challenging this hypothesis which of course is tied up with hundreds and billions of thousands of dollars of international money which have led to absolutely no result the people that are here at this conference today and over the next week they're extremely reluctant to even enter into a discussion about these alternative views. we've been trying to talk to some of the people that are here but they're really focused on the agenda of this conference and they're saying that this conference is about drawing together the
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best of the medical minds in the global community and really focusing on ways in which provide universal access to hiv prevention which is what they're all here for third as he said they're not even really willing to enter into a discussion. still to come. bin ladin gets the bully word treatment a new indian comedy featuring a look alike at the world's most notorious fugitive is that. but it's produced they say the film carries the message of peace wrong but the hatreds. loss at red square russia's capital is even if the speed of the world's top formula one drivers race through the halls of what's. eight people have been killed and sixteen injured after a boss a plunge off a cliff in a mountainous area in the republic of south wales that year the boss was on its way to russia's southern city of logic of culls the crash happened on the trans
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caucasian highway connecting russia's republic of malta setia with south of that yeah and georgia the russian emergencies ministry says it's not clear at this stage what caused the crash. this week russian security services that broke opposite specter terrorist cell in the southern republic of douglas stung in the homes of six arrested women one of them just fifteen years old they found suicide belts and wills two men were also detained one of whom is linked to the deadly moscow metro blast in march. so young but deemed old enough one of the alleged terrorist teams in the russian republic of biggest gun is just fifteen years old that according to officials did not stop her from taking part in planning terrorist attacks she and the other woman were allegedly trained by their husbands. my late husband left the guns here i've held a gun i know how to fire one but i've never done it i know how to use
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a grenade to. yes i'm fifteen years old and you go again in the house i even help them played around with them and then put them back they all say their handling of the weapons was just curiosity but the wills suicide belts and elements of disguise found in their homes seem to tell but different story the childish handwriting and hearts make it hard to believe these women were capable of the deadly deeds they are accused of many psychologists worldwide however believe it is easier to set women on such a destructive course because they are more vulnerable. to terrorists disgrace these women raped them deprive them of a better future in the muslim society of the caucasus their psychologically shattered in our lives with no other choice but to become cannon fodder one of the men detained in the same raid is accused of something even more tangible than planning future attacks bring to moscow the two female suicide bombers who in march
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two thousand and ten set off explosions in the metro the two blasts within twenty minutes of each other took place during morning rush hour forty people died and nearly two hundred more were injured russia's anti-terrorist committee is still searching for others involved in the deadly attacks but these latest arrests officials say they are one step closer to finding not only the executers but the mastermind behind the entire operation people to take the bus stop the discomfort of kenya to maintain their innocence at the terrorist believes it has more than enough evidence to make its case catherine as are the parts cost. and just days later three chechens were arrested france and salt with conspiring with terrorists most cases they belong to the group led by infamous medicine model or the resting place of the french police have been tipped off on russian security services the suspects reportedly have far almost explosives adam. with mock
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locations of possible targets believed to be linked to dock or law off one of the most wanted military leaders who suspected connections with. the model you claimed responsibility for in guys in the deadly mosque a better glass in malls is also played for many other attacks across russia in june the us also put him on a wanted list of international terrorists. on a rein in nuclear scientists who claims he was kidnapped by the cia a year ago returned home on thursday schama muti says he was told to give up information about around the program he also claims he was asked to confess to being an intelligence agency that the u.s. could swap him for three american nationals held at around challenges about spin ours washington tonight is this the american media meanwhile reported that the new the hump in a u.s. spy plane here is before his disappearance last year. christine for.
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the looming question in this case how do the iranian scientists sure rama miri get to the united states one person has already answered that question miri himself but his answer is completely contradict one another in this video a man who says he's surrounded miri says he's in tucson arizona and was kidnapped by agents from the cia and saudi arabian intelligence agency he claims he was tortured a few hours later though this video is released a man who looks the same and also says he is sure amiri claims he is here to further his education the u.s. state department seems to agree with that statement he is here of own volition that he has chosen to return to iran of his own volition that is how we do things here in the united states we didn't we didn't seize him and bring him here
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they were not preventing him from returning to iraq this building is the pakistani embassies office representing iranian interests the old iranian embassy in washington sits empty because there's no longer a diplomatic relationship between the united states and iran according to reports coming out of iran sure amiri all right here monday night he told those inside he was quote brought here by his captors and demanded an immediate return to iran. i was told that if i would confess they could swap me for three american spies who had been detained at the iran iraq border they said that this was a common process between countries intelligence agencies and that i wouldn't have any problems. as media outlets waited outside for a glimpse of something those at the state department press briefing bickered about what this all means other than knowledge that he has put videos up only on you tube from time to time i actually have no knowledge about what he's been doing since
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he's been here in the states proof here of chaos in a case of a man shrouded in mystery with potentially far reaching implications for relations between the united states and iran and an outcome that is still unknown in washington christine for south r t. coming up on the program a religious controversy a clash between church and tests over an exhibition is to accusations of a return to style said. the friendly nature of russia germany relations wrong show when chancellor angela merkel visited president this week the leader than a lighthearted mood seemed keen to push forward the latest trend in international relations burgo diplomacy. let me draw your attention to the fact that germany is number one on the list of russia's partners we have long time relations which have not been spoiled even by difficult chapters in our history. when it
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comes to russia and germany's relations with other countries it's not like in school where you have just one friend we can have many friends germany and russia have their own issues they're completely different in nature to transatlantic problems it's useful for us to be able to discuss them together the room for dialogue doesn't exist in the same degree with president obama as a does between us but the u.s. relationship is still very important and i think president medvedev also would like to reiterate that this conference is no way should signalize a bad relationship with president obama. well we have two options either the three of us go and eat some hamburgers or we'd rather treat our friend barack obama to some kind of european cuisine. as i am as i think the burger will taste best for me . well there are also it takes about paul the psychic world cup activists predicting that germany's defeat made their decisions in the mystic among us
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because the brother had been served up for dinner the night before but i made the smile party leaders did get some business deal with tech firm siemens among a number of agreements germany has agreed to provide russia with a range of technology including trains and wind turbines. a state of emergency has been declared in central russia where a severe drought his ravaging crops the devastating dry spell is turning normally rich farmland and to little more than a desert our correspondent thomas went to see the republic of two vast year just one of the many regions suffering. a natural disaster is taking place in central russia painstakingly slow in the making but impossible to stop unseasonably high temperatures and extended periods without rain or leaving farmers without the possibility of a harvest which. you see because of the on president of drought the crops are not laden they are empty the plants are underdeveloped they are good neither for grain
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nor for livestock feed we have harvested almost everything by now and it only covers about half of what we need. it is one of sixteen regions along the volga and urals that have declared a state of emergency an area more than twice the size of switzerland which faces losing a billion dollars this year this field of summer wheat should be about chest high on me in a rich lush green color but in fact right now it's dead withered and yellow and the ground itself is dusty and pretty much worthless at this point now it's true that the drought has affected crops but it's also affecting the people who live here negatively. we have a problem no water yes a problem dripping at the base. no no no water it's drawing the wells and many of the villages have run dry forcing those who live here to make long tracks to a nearly dry river bed for water such conditions have locals concerned about their survival this is the science of the potato we have nothing else. no food for people
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means even less food for animals causing farmers to take drastic measures just to make ends meet mr to move her blood we are already thinking about reducing our cattle stock we are selling this year's calves to individuals we are also thinking about sending under-performing cows those are you less than five to ten liters of milk to the slaughterhouse the situation however is further complicated by the fact that meat prices have dropped already leaving many to hope for government intervention and financial support so they can get by sean thomas. almost who is in the midst of the hosses july week for almost fifty years on saturday the mercury hit thirty five degrees centigrade which is ninety five degrees fahrenheit and the sizzling temperatures the full cost to saw even further one consequence of this wreck or breaking summer is an increase in the number of
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people drowning across the majority of victims seeking relief from the continued makes and rivers and firefighters have also been kept busy battling almost howell's and wildfires and they should want. and we want today how do you cope with the soaring temperatures do look on the dot com let us know via our online vote and so far i can tell you that the majority of us say they're walking around in their underwear to beat the heat the rest of the vase a split between their legs sticking their heads in the fridge and they are stocking up on i schemes for their drinks and the more sensible minority tearing up the air conditioner or what's your method vote dot com and the top stories section. of.
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the world renowned russian conducted. visit in thailand to appear in court over child sex abuse charges later this month the thai police accused of raping a fourteen year old boy they said they'd received a tip off from a time man suspected of involvement in a prostitution ring or plain old denies all charges he was initially released on bail the allowing him to go on a wall tour with his orchestra but the condition he had to return to thailand every twelve day. two years of a controversial art exhibition in moscow have been found guilty of inciting religious hatred the prosecutors said the show called forbid nass insulted human dignity but many others say the decision is simply a return to soviet era censorship. of its report. a gross humiliation or an artistic license when these images went on display in two thousand and seven they outweighed russia's religious community and they put the
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curator and the museum director and the middle of a nasty tug of war over freedom of expression and ultranationalist complaint and so began a fourteen month trial are in charges of inciting religious hatred through controversial works of cricket it was not the church that initiated this prosecution but the people who are offended the investigation proved that the yard at this exhibit was offensive towards believers and incited religious hatred throughout the trial artists rights activists journalists and opposition members fiercely fought to have the charges dropped warning that such attempts at censorship could lead to the return of soviet era constraints dictated by conservative and politically powerful church. most likely is an attempt to apply censorship to art it's a field where things are allowed it doesn't harm the public if anyone disagrees they're free not to watch it despite russia's cultural minister insisting the
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artist did not cross the red line of law the judge disagreed finding the pair guilty and fining them around twelve thousand dollars today the court discovered a new type of ideological crying one that criticizes the church although our state is a secular one any exhibit of artworks where religious symbols are used in a non-religious context expressing other ideas is banned the judge in the case called the artwork a growth and of sense of humiliation to the viewer a sense of human dignity that she came short of handing down a prison sentence for the pair still they impose five have some wondering if artistic freedom will be replaced by a church imposed danders stevens r.t. . services have also been at work and on this week in the bollywood comedy think turning on a song. love lookalike band authorities borat a comic to picture the world's most wanted man could trigger terrorist attacks.
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behind the comedy if the world is really ready for post nine eleven. this could well be the biggest scoop of my career interviewing the world's most wanted terrorist however this man does not have a twenty five million dollar reward on his head in fact he is not bin laden but an actor in a bollywood bin ladin or without you lot in but just in case you think this is a movie glorifying a terrorist it is a. sort of. biography it's a film which is on the post nine eleven world vision bin laden happens we have a very important character and this is a fair number of feet bin ladin deep in that over using it's not intended to vote offensive in any way and anybody from anybody of the world is going to enjoy this from i can guarantee you that it's a comedy set in pakistan where the young journalist is fixated with going to america and he decided to stick it to get an interview with osama bin laden so he
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goes about creating a fake or. using a look alike. they had to keep the twenty five year old actor under wraps to prevent making the film. i had gone to shopping mall in order to promote this film and there was a commotion there a crowd of more than a hundred people gathered so we were following in this to impede security might attack me because nothing like that happened they wanted to shake my hand and take my autograph so i signed with love a summer. who plays the journalist is a pakistani singer and this is did you film how does it feel acting in an indian film set in pakistan in pakistan bollywood films are greatly appreciated they are seen. people enjoy them so i mean to see a pakistani. something very refreshing and new for them but pakistan's firm censors
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have banned the movie saying it mocks security agencies. and screening it in public could trigger violence films distributers in pakistan the message of peace and not appealing the ban but i thought it was a nice film there's a lot of good humor from the name it sounds like a serious film but actually it turned out quite different it's full of great jokes . definitely quite a good film people will definitely like mind my students to come and watch it and they will like it there's nothing here that will incite people to smile and. the selling point of this film is osama bin ladin but it's very tongue in cheek. to act the part in the. i challenge you america there will be retribution holding just doing evil actions you have committed in the countries like iraq and afghanistan so these you will have to pay a heavy price when i first heard about this film i thought it was going to be
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a gratification of journalists but actually it's quite irrelevant in the way pakistanis and muslims are looked at with suspicion in the west today and how the media could be fooled into believing something that doesn't exist i think this film could do well in south asia but western audiences would probably be a good sense of humor to appreciate the message got and seeing r.t. . us has released confidential documents on the vietnam war showing better the visions of white house officials at the time of the attack when it comes as hearings were held in the house of representatives on the impact of deadly chemical weapons agent orange they want the us government to fully acknowledge the chemicals toxic legacy you may find some of the images jihad this report stepping. i was born with our too late and missing a hand it is because of america's chemical war against her people in the jungles of vietnam that has left tran in these conditions she is
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a victim of agent orange second generation tran is one of many her story represents millions living in the shadows of a lasting legacy. these kids will never live a normal life their deformities physical signs of human decay and although their parents were not even born until after the vietnam war eighteen million gallons of the toxic herbicide sprayed through the jungles of south vietnam is still penetrating the d.n.a. of those being born today that man a marion said the victim into still. are suffering. in a space of cancerous us the government has acknowledged agent orange is directly connected to the health ailments and defects that continue to plague the lives of vietnam war veterans for generations to come but the u.s. has worst used to make the same length for the millions of vietnamese war victims whose lives have been devastated as a result of agent orange they say that it has nothing to do with agent orange i
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think that the u.s. government has the reason to deny it. which is why delegations are here in washington following a report issued by lawmakers scientists and doctors calling on the u.s. government to own up to its agent orange legacy in vietnam today also people worse than me government records show nearly ninety five percent of all u.s. agent orange related aid is committed to efforts to contain and remove dioxin contamination we asked it just east on the victims those fighting for justice in the case of the enemy's agent orange victims want the physical and psychological damages to be acknowledged that. the dark legacy left behind by the u.s. in vietnam is one with millions of human face. says their struggle three decades in the making will not end with money from the u.s. government but it could ease the pain the u.s.
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has been ignoring scented dumb to monsanto manufactured agent orange in these jungles jan hospice r t washington d.c. . next hour an aussie special report looking at the stories of four u.s. soldiers haunted by that time on the battlefield unquote between the do you see and the humanity. that are killing our psyche it was a call it's a question that's never answered. here lama sharpless call me i think of it every day. i stay on the flashback try to memorise. the same i serve a long time are you serious right now. i was assure you. i was ashamed that i even knew. i was ashamed that i hadn't been a hero it was. just the way. it.
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was in the market. we're all going to be out in all the hours of cardboard. cut out believe what i would do or not want or i think. that i was a good soldier. but you are most older on the other side and i think i'm just not good. now despite the record breaking temperatures here in most cases speed lovers turned out in force that's because for the third year running in the russian capital days and formula one drivers the tolls to speed around the walls of the kremlin has calls on all the more invasive who will say that backfire marks for things it doesn't fucking and that it's illegal. all the russes the fast and the runway so were among the five as well though there were no points out staged events in the eyes to raise awareness of the sport in russia of mexico bits of the tunnels to
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they faced it this is not a provocation but more into. the fortunate and the circumstances everybody is sure to support the trieste pieces they have no idea about the hardships the the face to. face one it is this is it of them to loosen the grip in the army the life of abusing them is the most precious thing in the world. years of self-sacrifice and heroism but those who understand it fully but you have to live. real life stories from world need. to train nineteen forty five gold dot com.
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and. this is the same skeptics that challenge traditional theories behind a it's a subtle thing as a scientist of politicians in vienna to discuss how to prevent the spread of the disease. russian security services broke up as the suspected terrorist cell in the southern republicans dug a stall in this week that included among the deadly most feared net to its hunks of the sea is. on a rainy new kids scientists who claims he was kidnapped and held by the cia in the u.s. for more than a year her son's home but there's still an air of mystery with reports of america that he was spawned from washington. and as russia remains in this world.
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