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tv   [untitled]  RT  July 30, 2010 11:32pm-12:02am EDT

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married women who'd voted for him is the part that i find really outrageous. the big very few who. go back you give. somebody. the air you go over. and. you're going to. be your problem. so let me get this straight if i'm single i'm only voting for obama because i want the federal government to take care of me in case my man leaves me could you be more stupid fellas come on anyway get all phyllis does have a history of being against anything for women she led the fight to stop the equal
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rights amendment during the one nine hundred seventy s. why because the e.r. ray would take away privileges enjoyed by american women things like the dependent wife benefits under social security and exemption from selective service registration again on the wrong side of history fellas so as you can imagine democrats have jumped on the remark calling for all g.o.p. members indorsed by her to denounce her and you know if the g.o.p. won't i will here's a news flash fellas i don't need a man to take care of me and your remarks are just insulting to women everywhere so phyllis schlafly is tonight's tool time winner. now last night the house shut down there's a drug a nine eleven health and compensation act the would have paid billions of dollars in compensation and health care to nine eleven first responders many of whom have suffered severe medical conditions since that date so why on earth would they do that to reject help to america's heroes well the answer is politics as usual
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republicans blocked the measure calling it a slush fund then attacking democrats for the procedure that they imposed on voting for this measure which resulted in this very very heated response from representative anthony weiner. if you think this is going. to provide health care. do you. think you. i mean. you know i agree these lawmakers should be ashamed but for some reason everyone is still focusing on all the he said she said what about the people that this is actually affecting the nine eleven first responders or joining me from our new york studio is ken george from the new york city highway department who was a nine eleven search and rescue volunteer can thanks so much for being with us now
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first of all can you tell me in your audience your personal experiences here in terms of nine eleven. was. almost down while. i was. holding. can could you try to fix or michael little i think that we're having a sound issue there for a moment. yes there we go we're back on track mind starting over again. yes i worked for the city for. nineteen years with the city of new york when the world trade center towers were hit when we were attacked i went down there as a rescue worker i was on search and rescue for for a couple months down there with the when the towers got hit. i know have you
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suffered medical conditions because of this now to tell us what happened in the days since then. well when i went down there i want to get the nine eleven cause that's where my first illness started i started with the nine eleven cough want to see a couple of doctors they couldn't figure out what was wrong from their lead to i had restricted airway disease which now i got one disease and because of the lung disease i got i want to get heart trouble which caused me to have a slight heart attack because all the medicine medication they gave me for my lungs on top of that i want to get p.t.s.d. which is a post trauma stress disorder from all the stuff that i've seen down there and when i was hoping the police department the fire department guys carry body parts to the morgue psychologically took a toll on me now karen if you are you know you are an american hero you came you were one of the first responders to the worst terrorist attack on american soil and yet how does it make you feel that lawmakers are making this about politics they're
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making this about voting procedures and they're you know think things are pointing and saying he said she said of each other how does it make you feel that it's about that and not about people like you. well i feel like the double crossing and the other line responses had we do a bad at a time when the towers were attacked and if we would have sat there and thought you know maybe we should go in and do our job just like the weight of the republicans and some of the democrats were talking about us it's a shame we did our job what we have to do and i think that the government should give us what we're entitle to it's not like we asked for this we were attacked our country was attacked it wasn't like we you know people they mention about parts about being in the military well you know the guys in military i love those guys but they volunteered to go into the military over here we were tacked my city was attacked and we went down there because our job told us to go down there and if. it
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really gets me arrant aggregate how the thing and you know it's just i'm just so mad the way he they think that they should care about us you know it's not like we're asking for anything that we're not entitle to do that a lot of spawn is dying and then a sick and the families it's a shame it's a shame and can you know now this bill has been rejected who knows if it can be resurrected or not you know if it doesn't go through then what happens to you what what kind of damage is the cause financially especially financially it's going to it's going to hurt me a lot because right now i get some of the medicines to the world trade center and if they stop stop the. the medicines from coming in and sort of course me seven hundred eighty dollars a month that's what i would have to be laying out every month for my medications. and to see these private doctors i will have to pay for the private doctors too so it's going to hurt financially it's going to hurt a lot and a lot of people want to losing their houses homes everything everything's going to
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be gone besides your health that you gave up well can i it's definitely you know a very tragic and embarrassing story to look at the way the lawmakers are treating this but of course thank you for your service and your help there and thank you very much for joining us and giving us your perspective. thank you very much i prefer it thank you. now the unemployed are fighting back sick of being told by lawmakers that they're lazy and that they're dumb they don't deserve an extension to their benefits groups are now popping up to start lobbying for their cause for free of course they're energized and they're looking forward to the mid-term elections this fall which they hope to influence by calling and emailing lawmakers to let them know that they won't be forgotten as well as educating the fourteen point six million americans who currently don't have jobs on where certain politicians stand finally i was just asking yesterday why america's poor always
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vote against their own interests and now looks like someone's working against that or earlier i caught up with robert curtis he is representative of the ninety nine er's so first i asked him to tell us a little bit about this court. well the ninety nine er's he actually looked in a true to reference a number of minutes that we have been exhausted ninety nine is the maximum possible in any state however many people do not receive anywhere near those numbers or variety of reasons that they might get sure to reach here and there but there are four million ninety nine er's in america. is the numbers emerging but fifty thousand new people each day this number literally will grow a million people every month so it's a huge number of people and these are people who've been without a new base and it's your wife's line for sixty going on seven months now. now rob i know that this story also has you know a personal aspect for it to you so tell me how does it make you feel when you hear
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a lot makers give speeches where they call the more than fourteen million americans who are unemployed right now when they call these people lazy when they say that they're stupid and that they don't want to work and don't deserve unemployment benefits. ignorance fills me with anger when i hear such ignorance from out of our elected officials we trusted these people to lead and you know i've met these ninety nine er's these are really great people by and large you're dealing with very well spoken articulate educated hardworking determined people one in particular comes in mind locally she's a grandmother who's raising three kids that her daughter skipped out on she's raising one thousand year old a fourteen year old a ten year old she's a sixty year old woman seventy seven year old who has been struggling to figure out how we're going to take care of these kids and you know my heart aches every night i think about that woman. i was brought into this fight through a very personal matter i read about on a blog about
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a lady in pennsylvania it was about sixty years old and she had no support system a family of friends around her and down to a last eight hundred fifty dollars could not find work and out of view of benefits she had two cats and a dog that she loved dearly her plan was to take those three animals drop them off at a local no kill shelter then she was going home to probably kill herself. i've been touched by that story ever since i read that story i jumped in at the sites these people go to sites and i mean i never saw the reason being is that a year and a half ago. similar tragedy it might seem like a softer steven an at age sixty one years old children so it's a chill them self as a result of the economy and being unable to find work so when i read about a ninety nine er's committing suicide or contemplating suicide. that's my reason for being in this fight if i can save one life or save one person going down that dark you know. that's why it was so so what would you say to those people that
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think that you know americans that are collecting unemployment benefits simply like to take advantage of that that some people get comfortable that you know once they're living this comfortable life and getting their check from the federal government why would they ever get up off the couch again and really want to do a real job. it's not a comfortable living these people are simply asking for a basic lifeline they're not living. they're barely getting by the amount of money they're going to fix is so minimal it barely puts food on the table and i mean you're simply preventing people from being put on the streets here and you're you're really protecting the economy and america as a whole i mean we can't have this many people without work and regardless of where a person sits on whichever side of the issue where the agree with extending benefits or whether they disagree with the numbers are too large the problem is too big to go unnoticed i mean and your economic experts agree with this they should
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clearly show that in california there are six people for every one shot out there pennsylvania there are twenty people looking for work for every one job that's not a healthy economy and i know many of your viewers come from other parts of the world and they've witnessed other countries where you have the well you know the poor did middle class america is disappearing which we're turning into truly a culture of the ads and the have nots and this isn't the america i grew up and it's not the america i know so rob tell me this because you know now it seems that the ninety nine er's there are other groups out there also that these groups these unemployed are starting to fight back and you want to influence midterm elections in november you know how do you plan to do that who exactly are you taking on is that republicans democrats are on both sides of the aisle. well i've been very lucky in an informal way the community has appointed me to be their bulldog
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somewhat and i've personally taken on taken on to contact each of these senators offices. a good majority of the democratic senators in particular senator stabenow now senator reid senator schumer and also the speaker of the house nancy pelosi i've contacted their staffs and demand. that they write legislation to help the ninety nine er's so far they have not honored that request we don't go on to demand that they keep the house in congress and the senate in session until such legislation can be passed. where we're at right now is that the ninety nine er's are staging a protest as of today we've made it our number one priority to plug up the phone lines the e-mail the fax lines and every possible means of communication for the senators and the speak roach spoke of. so that they realize we're here you know we want to start their work through dates that they realize they have to address us.
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well thank you so much you know we will see whether your efforts you know get get some results thanks so much. thank you so much. we've got just one more segment on tonight's show which includes our fireside friday and the twitter that plus comedian seton smith stopped by to give us his two cents so will discuss a wide range of topics including the d.m.v. and i'm not talking about the department of motor vehicles so stick around for some fun. you say. you. love it.
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to tonight's fireside with your host. remember the days when much of the country was up in arms over the bush administration trampling all over american civil liberties in the wake of september eleventh well i do and i even remember when barack obama was upset about. that means no more illegal wiretapping of american citizens no more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime no more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. there really felt great that candidate obama stood for something. i have served repeatedly. there should be no consciousness. the way he keeping america safe and secure.
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caused. well now looks like obama has changed his mind in what his administration deemed a quote technical matter they've moved to allow the f.b.i. to have access to any of the emails and web history of anyone deemed necessary for an investigation and the best part of all is they won't even need that pesky little thing we call the warrant all they need is a national security letter the exact same thing of the bush administration used to justify their intrusion so i'm guessing that obama forgot about this whole promise not concentrating executive power. biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with george bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through the day and that's what i and several. ways.
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what upsets me most about the obama administration's position is the way they went about it it is just so beyond disappointing that even after all of obama's rhetoric and insistence of robust oversight he's simply moving to cement the atrocious bush policy as the normal american power not only to extend the patriot act he's now pushing to expand it you know he also promised to close guantanamo bay yet that's still open and bob graham is even opened an entirely new detention facility and best of all in order to not be like bush who tortured people the obama administration has simply decided to kill them to increase airstrikes and to put american citizens on an assassination list sorry i went off on a little bit of a tangent there you get passionate but what i meant to say is that it really is utterly disappointing and i know politicians are known for lying but i wonder if we'll ever reach a day when their words and their promises will actually mean something and when we
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the people will hold them accountable. all right it's friday and c. is in the studio to give us his two cents on the week's most ridiculous stories we have everything from robots to dentures to wal-mart underwear that's a little too risque so joining me now is seton smith same thanks for coming back oh it is a pleasure to have you on the show thank you alone ok let's get into wal-mart and underwear i mean everyone loves underwear shopping you know it's fun for me but recently a pastor was strolling through the aisles and he decided that some of the pictures on the men's underwear were you know close to pornographic any of them pull them down i don't like porn you i'm not going to look specifically listen. i don't
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usually with people are not gay and you're super you know sexual usually don't pick up a paper and go i mean you see this man's balls and this is a first of all it's balls right here so my to do so about you both around here that's just rude can we talk to the minister to see his agenda of you know we had meetings about this can we get some more balls pictured here and be offended like who even did a little sexual repression involved in this story may i have maybe i just i do when i see a girl and i'm like those breasts are way too big somebody look at me let's take a picture of these breasts disgusting i can almost see this disgusting. ok good we can change this thing yeah or you change this and we're going to put another half naked you on actually which is the old spice guy who you know the first time i saw this commercial i was kind of i don't really know what to expect but he's increased their sales by over one hundred percent this man is amazing is that him and i believe there's a man is amazing look at ladies look at me and look at me that is literally he's amazing in till they decide to put
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a sitcom on when they have sitcom of the all spice guy that's when their stock is. plummets they do that with a caveman they did before this is good this is keep it like this please oh spies don't mess it up all right where you all got a good. good i love life you make money this is good i like this well i just like that he's you know like have been tired he's half half man have horses that he's like always been in service and then he had it going over some reason they like it when. i played i put it on my facebook page i love this man you know what i really want to i want to be commercial where i'm like the before and he's like the after i don't know how it could have been i don't know what going to be but listen i was biased i'm available whatever you want to go there we go. nice man ok you know there are a lot of really lonely people in the world and some of these lonely people in japan specifically old lonely people. now have a robots that are there for them to see and talk to is not sweet what happened to the robots which was to have sex with a i thought those were why is that not the priority i thought what is what i
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normally have women to talk to me while i get a robot to talk to me to that's annoying and be like you know least hours working on this to the robots to talk to people i mean our looks you might have sex you miss them out yeah you know but i don't want someone with braces on that different sort of work. with a robot you know if i'm going to take a bunch of metal mouth. ever solve and that's for sure but do you think something like this is where oh i actually married a couple in japan when something like that ever fly in america or you know people have told me if you get a robot to marry you tell your wife listen wife i don't love you very much but also yes of course we have this in usa who cares you know well you know we did two years ago obama was trying to put a death panel together to kills more people and this is a great second solution all right obama get on that as the new death panels. to ok ok moving on from robots paris hilton i think everyone knows by now apparently there are rumors that she's being paid to party with
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a malaysian businessman and central guy who how ugly. is this man because clearly it's mostly false but everybody just assumes that this man is paying people to come to this party you're a billionaire like you have no friends and everybody just assumes like even the elephant man had one friend and you're telling me yes to pay her down the wrong she's interesting it up we have one friend malaysian billionaire you got no you're like you're like me or thailand come on there's a lot of people you can pay to come and live better than a robot maybe verizon is better than a robot ok oh yeah i love the guy very quickly winston churchill's dentures were sold yesterday like twenty three thousand dollars because they're calling them the teams that save the world they're the exact answers he wore during world war it's he'll finally you know that man that rich man that barked at a saying hey poor people i don't care if you're hungry about me some dentures son all right i don't care if you're home free i don't care if you're starving or i don't know food money went to the over fifty seventy year old dances. i don't want to put on the glass or she's dating
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a girl very quickly what do you think nickname should be because apparently lately people are saying it should be the district maryland virginia i that gives me bad memories this is my problem this is my problem why do we even need it like i mean if you think about it d.c. already has their own nickname which is d.c. virginia has their own thing which is like northern virginia right maryland doesn't have one and i think merely made this up just so they can just times because the only thing merrill is known for is heroin and crabs so they're trying to see if they can get group. marilyn over here on the wire was a really good show. this is this it is really kind of it is true because it's like i.d.m. be what i'm going to die and either i go to murder sitting at the d.m.v. in california for hours waiting to get tried life driver's license or something so it's really that yes not a coma i don't like that we don't like that the district is good about thing breaking search or being a day before we go it is time for our friday tweet we told you about the pastor who got underwear packages pulled from walmart because he thought they were too sexy so
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we thought well for the underwear model tweet i have a feeling he'd say something like this why you hating. pastor god gave me these as in this hard ass and he would want me to flaunt it i'll have more tweets for you next week that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back on monday i will be here but don't worry lauren lyster will be filling in for me all week long now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the on the show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the alone show where we post the interviews and the entire show as well coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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wealthy british style stock. on. the. market
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why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. they faced this is not a provocation but a warning that. they force it and we should use steverson are you sure to suppress the trieste because they have no idea about the hardships through face to. face one it's businesses are open to new things for any army to life level using them is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. to true one nine
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hundred forty five gold dot com. twenty five people have died and thousands more have been left in the city of devastating fires continued. fishing for tossing drums chinese currency workers struggle to retrieve barrels holding dangerous chemicals which were swept into the river and are now heading for russia. was no most serious weeks before the artistic charm of the town of forests which turned into a giant canvas by a retired engineer. which
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are to live from moscow to eighty m. here marina joshie welcome to the program now twenty five people have been killed by the fierce forest fires raging across central russia as a weeks long heat wave refuses to loosen its grip about three thousand people have watched their homes burn at a similar number have been evacuated as firefighters struggle to prevent the flames spreading well you know across live to sarah ferguson who is running one of the worst hit areas and get the very latest so sara what's the situation where you are . twenty five people have been reported to have been killed by these and including two firefighters and thousands more left homeless now just outside. the village of. and as you can see behind me the homes are just being devastated the told through the village leaving as we said thousands and thousands of people homeless now many of them staying in some temporary refugee center.


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