tv [untitled] April 4, 2011 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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it will and he must be saying some genuinely nutty stuff and this morning on fox and friends that's exactly what trump was doing regard to our war in iraq from so this. rant is going to take over iraq you know that's going to happen we should just take you out so i say we take you out you know in the days when you want to live are. a little discouraged you can argue we want to we're going we're going to disappear we don't even know and we'd be right because everything was sun touches on this world belongs to us if we just commit the right number of troops to die to acquire a trump stick to your present day job as the us president would be very very ugly. coming up on this the forty third anniversary of the it says nation of martin luther king jr what can we learn from his last speech that applies to what's going on across america today and the conservative war on unions.
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both go back to the big picture i'm sorry but coming up in this half hour tonight we remember the life of the reverend dr martin luther king jr forty three years after his assassination just how far have we come as a nation and what lessons we still have to learn close as the minutes past the crisis in japan worsens where seven months of radioactive waste are leaking every hour into the pacific ocean and how it could affect us back your home and republicans prepared to try to cut the budget and guess who's opposed to their plans the tea party more on this since night still.
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forty three years ago today bill what silence the voices of america's greatest civil rights leader and frankly one of our nation's greatest leaders period thankfully reverend dr martin luther king jr his message continued to live on as the march for social justice continued all across our nation but on this forty third anniversary of his death it's important to remember what dr king was doing on the day he died. he was standing up for the rights of workers to unionize the rights of sanitation workers in memphis have gone on strike. take a look at what dr king himself had to say on the mission. your automatic. you are reminding. you not only for this. bug you are reminded of amazed. that the product.
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you. to the skin this returning from under the sea starfish the way the the. sun breath so with a renewed effort to this panel labor unions across the nation isn't king's message not just on race relations but labor relations as well all the more poignant. well our waldron joins me now to speak on this issue is j.f.k. historian and co-wrote with me the book legacy of secrecy a long shadow of the j.f.k. assassination of our welcome. great to be with you thank you mark or to have you here earlier on the show we touched on nullification it's a session new words in the right wing lexicon what do your research turned up on that. well the bottom line is that the phony history of secession and the civil war
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was used back in the one nine hundred sixty s. to gin up a lot of hatred and money it was used against the civil rights movement in general and martin luther king in particular it's simply a well documented fact that before the shots were fired at court sumter. the majority of white people in the south most of whom of course did not own slaves were against secession and in places like georgia where there was an actual vote and the people voted not to secede guess what happened they were florida style it was like florida two thousand they were florida style things where the be the results were kept secret and then when they you know and they were close you know hundred to margins but you know what all was said and done. the antis and station vote actually won but nobody fell night off for a long time because there was also warning else when they weren't out so it was an overwhelming victory supposedly fluor secession so i think that was repeated in
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a lot of states in the south we know for a fact it was repeated in georgia well documented by academic historians since the one nine hundred forty s. when they actually went back and looked at the newspapers and in the results at the time that the south and what's the session but just like people in power with a lot of money can sell a war today like iraq one into the same thing actually happened in the civil war and as i said for the hundredth anniversary in the one nine hundred sixty s. that was a major rallying cry when. a lot of conservative politicians in those days there were a democratic as well as republican and their big corporate backers ginned up this climate of hatred and fear directed at martin luther king and civil rights are also you know it made them a lot of money it's also an anti union message the racist message and you know it's very tragic that when you connect climate of hatred and violence in the sixty's driven by money in politics you know i see a lot of similarities to today obviously others to ask lamar i mean in the one nine
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hundred sixty is dr king and many other african-american leaders that there were there were very front and center and and the demand for civil rights you know from brown versus board of education all the way back to two arguably the wrong of policy versus versus ferguson was was being spoken out loudly and in the sixty's we heard this rhetoric of secession now we have an african-american president all of a sudden the rhetoric of secession comes back it seems like that is not a coincidence and i think that that's what you're asserting i'm curious though and feel free to comment on there briefly but i want to get right into dr king who killed dr king who paid for it and why. it's a special believe it's because of you know that the secession talk today in texas is nothing but part of the republican distraction to show you know there are more fortune five hundred companies in houston that any city in america except for new
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york so texas is going to see that this is well before the presidential election this is when you through meet your base you you gin up the contributions so texas is going to see but it's a great shock to get people talking and distracted from the other things that are going on and of course that's what was happening back in eighteen sixteen eighteen sixty one there were a lot of distractions so people wouldn't realize hey we're used by people in the south really don't want to see it but as to who killed dr king. you know anything about it is very relevant you know in light of the king day bomb plot and spoke out on. the arizona massacre in arresting chin states for us which hasn't obama it's very relevant question king was murder it was murder because of money in races you know fueled by the conservative politicians in their big corporate backers that same combination of today as for who exactly killed them because people don't realize the congressional committees millions of dollars
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a year is looking into that in the late seventies it was headed by the pioneering black congressman lewis stokes and strokes me conclude it back in seventy nine that martin luther king was likely killed by a conspiracy and james earl ray acted for money now there are still some dispute are we ok you know was he in shooter was he a spotter but whatever his role was you know he had it for money and so most people don't realize that you know the fish will you know congress concluded king conspiracy you know ray acted for money and stokes in his small time you know million dollar mr nation a rule the common suspects in the f.b.i. both of which don't horrible things to can and other civil rights leaders but most people don't realize the first person who bring the f.b.i. out as a suspect and keeps murder in the mainstream media has changed the stoner the incredible racist who was an attorney for james earl ray and so so much floats around
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today it was the bomb three years ago by louis stoke city african-american and a member of congress. and you know it and those are some areas claiming a high of rate of visitors money who paid for it and why. well we human high followed up on stilts and spiting simply and we actually pointed we found the evidence you have the solid evidence he gets for georgia white supremacists who raise the money actually put their pockets but they were telling people it was to kill came so eventually they had to make good on that as a race so much money running results and they actually were not able to find a hit man on their own so they turned to the man who provided that man and had always gotten away with murder mafia godfather carlos marcello the mafia godfather of louisiana much of texas mississippi and marcello brokered the hiring of a hit man to kill king and there were others possibly involved too and we detail all of those it like i see but you know this is not an engine history but last
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person or those four white supremacist could have been not just trying to convict good for killing king. died just in january of two thousand and six in my zip code he died one month before i had finally tracked in payout there are still one possibly two people today who could conceivably be prosecuted for king's murder if only the f.b.i. is going to test it so why isn't the f.b.i. looking into those. oh yeah they opened the what they call their so rights cold cases and the sad fact is you know there is never been a truly thorough fully informed unbiased us government investigation of kings murder you know who are certainly was not unbiased there was some information that we sent some cover that was withheld from stokes' committee and the f.b.i. would help bury information about the white supremacists karla's more so in king's murder from from president johnson from president carter from president clinton and
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now it looks like they are withholding it from from obama or the so withholding him from democratic presidents knows it well because it is usually only of a strong effort to find out who killed king under them. credit president i say so or might happen if it were a director mueller who was a bush appointee as i recall he's resigning what might this mean for obama we have just a minute left mark well i think the bottom line is and if everybody can make their feelings known to president obama we need a new f.b.i. director it would be great if you could be an african-american to finally put that racist past of you know forty years ago behind and they're actually unidentified fingerprints from the crime scene and raise rooming house that have never been run against the current version of the national database and you know how much it's been accumulated since nine eleven and you know their fingerprints of some of those four white supremacists the most that you can suspect they're missing the f.b.i.
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says well we can't find them well and f.b.i. director really wants to solve this case and he can find them or make somebody explain why they don't exist so there me leads yet to be explored a martin luther king's assassination we need a new f.b.i. director that's going to do at the african-american great if she can be a woman that's great if he or she could be a standard that's great but let's break the whole thing because i think most people in the f.b.i. they want to do the right thing but they need that leadership at the top that says the old piece of ass we're not going to withhold this anymore we're going to solve became or. thank you very much for joining us. take it up today all across the nation thousands of americans are honoring the legacy of the reverend dr marable thinking jr by marching in solidarity with workers across america against the republicans war on the working class the son of dr came martin luther king the third wrote a column for the f l c o this morning saying forty three years ago my father martin
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luther king jr was assassinated while he was in memphis tennessee supporting the strike of municipal sanitation workers he saw the strike as part of the great struggle of his time. a struggle for democracy for truth for justice and for human dignity these are the same basic reasons that my father would be joining with millions of other americans that day and supporting public employees in wisconsin indiana ohio and other states where collective bargaining is not water it's heck. let's honor dr king the right way this week and from now on show up and participate . age band officials estimate that seven tons of radioactive waste is flowing into the ocean every hour at the crippled daiichi nuclear facility the source of the leaking waste appears to be reactor two attempts to clog the leak was cement have
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failed and new attempts to plug the hole with a junk shot of sawdust chemicals and shredded newspaper to appear to work in either patients have now put a timeframe on containing the situation santa could be several months before that for the plant's cooling systems to come back on line and for the radiation to be contained as that would just be the first step it will then take hundreds of thousands of years for this mess caused by the use of nuclear power to dictate to safety for more on these new developments out of japan i'm joined by paul gunter director of reactor oversight for the reactor oversight project at the nuclear paul welcome back to the program tom what's the latest status update well we have a situation where it's now confirmed that there are uncontrolled releases of radioactivity going into the ocean there principally or the this interim tremendous amount of water that the tokyo electric power company over eleven thousand tons of
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radioactive water that's been used to wash over the melting fuel in the fuel pools in the the reactors and now they simply don't have any place to put that so they have now started a process to dump this radioactive waste into the ocean and then we have another leap from the trench the concrete trench where we were less monitoring we heard the readings are over one hundred rim per hour which is an intensely radioactive field at a service that has a lot of baggage is that one hundred round. one round is a thousand. million micrograms and these are dead this these are deadly i mean isn't annual exposure just normal background like around one. these are these are deadly fields of radiation there are. hundreds it isn't five rounds like you know like i mean what work of nuclear workers. we have situations now
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around this concrete trench that is spewing intensely radioactive water into into the ocean as well so we've got a tremendous amounts of radioactive inventory and i'm afraid that each day that this precedes it looks more and more like a just an unprecedented event where we thought. chernobyl was different from three mile island fukushima is starting to look very much different than what noble presented as a threat how so well i mean right now we have clearly. the nuclear industry dumping all this radioactive waste we have the nuclear industry apologia politest you know mainstream media what they're not telling us is how all this radioactivity being dumped is going to bio accumulate and then bio magnified back
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up through the food chain so phytoplankton were at the top of food chain phytoplankton playing to small fish large fish this is this is going to have some very serious consequence for the fishing industry given that there's no prophylaxis for this there's no magic soup that you can wear for the rest of your life or thing you can hang around your neck or you know i don't tablets or rather close as we get a protect one gland over a short period of time and and even then only very imperfectly. would it be reasonable and accurate. to say really the only solution is that first of all others of thousands possibly millions of people waltz million died as a result of this of if a million people died because of churn elbel that number is being taken very seriously by scientists say that that's just going to happen and b. that the really only genuine way we can eliminate the dangers of radiation are to
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eliminate nuclear power plants nuclear weapons absolutely mining uranium absolutely the the most the only relevant protection is prevention and if you want to prevent another fukushima only with a different name maybe it's seabrook maybe it's dresden maybe it's callaway these plants are aging these designs are flawed human error can enter into this picture at any moment doesn't it could be a digital tsunami next time from cyber attacks or these are all the concerns that surround the inherent danger in nuclear power and it brings down the grid could could produce a sense of the same effect of the i mean. well thank you karen thanks so much for being with us tonight i appreciate it don't think just because we live far away from japan that there are nuclear crisis one of factis rainwater and milk in berkeley california been found to contain radioactive iodine at more than
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a team thousand percent above drinking water standards here it is asian food and water watch wrote a letter to president obama asking for clarification on the dangers of radiation here in the united states letter read the three agencies that monitor almost all of the food americans eat have insisted that the u.s. food supply is safe agencies however a gun very able to detail specific ways in which they are responding to the threat of radiation and food e.p.a. was supposed to release findings on radiation rainwater in the u.s. last week but has since delayed the release until this week anyone else have a feeling we're not being told the entire truth like a fact that there is no such thing as a safe level of radiation. up next tonight's daily take on the big mistake the average americans duped into joining the tea party made by putting republicans in power in congress. for. fun.
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delusional fox so-called news host glenn beck said the monkey here donald trump makes him uncomfortable referring to trump's recent birth or claim is back called the reality show host who fires people for a living i showboat and dismiss trump's claims that obama could be a secret muslim right so the guy who thinks the president is the secret socialists who wants to put terrorist bill ayres in charge of presiding over a muslim caliphate in america that will see to it that all i know is the state of thrown in jail or concentration camps when barack is calling out the guy who thinks the president was born in kenya and is a secret muslim donald trump i think we have a term for this. this
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week republicans will present their twenty twelve budget proposal that cuts forward really in dollars in spending over the next decade. to take a guess at where those four trillion are coming from medicare medicaid social security that's right republican chairman of the house budget committee paul ryan takes the republicans were put in power last of ever to sell medicare off to for profit health insurance companies to hand over social security to billionaire hedge fund managers who need more casino chips to gamble with and it's help poor people who can't afford health insurance just suck it up but when it comes to cutting spending on the backs of oil tycoons ryan wasn't so eager to do away with tens of billions of dollars in oil subsidies to go to some of the most profitable corporations in the history of the world check out ryan's take on this yesterday on fox news sunday. do you eliminate tax breaks do you bring in new revenue by
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eliminating first those tax breaks for oil companies we don't have a tax problem for the total not eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas those are the kinds of details that you'll come out later with that the way to come back to cut back on the services for the sick the elderly and the poor absolutely cut back on corporate welfare to big oil polluters are we what's wait see. i've been saying for a long time that if the tea party could just cut through the b.s. that millionaire multimillionaires like dick armey and multibillionaires like the koch brothers the puppet masters are throwing at them and the average american tea party are would see that they're not all that different from progresses heck if they even look at their heritage or the beliefs that motivated the original tea partiers back in seven hundred seventy three and they talked about on the show last week they'd realize the real enemies of america are not the public servants working in government the real enemies of our way of life our history our the transactional
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who are peroration in their closing small businesses throwing pushing them out of business taking our jobs overseas bankrupting our government by not paying taxes and rewriting the tax code with millions of loopholes and dismantling our democracy with boatloads of secret cash in our political process but i think just maybe the average joe and jane six-pack tea party are starting to catch on. leaf and investigative reporter thing progress attended a tiny little tea party that one that was held last week here in washington d.c. and interviewed some people what they thought about forty billion dollars of their taxpayer dollars being given to the big oil companies as corporate welfare those same subsidies that republican ryan doesn't have a problem with here's what they had to say. do you think those. studies are your
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justified. no i mean do you think they need to know when. they should not have and they claim that i have. this disconnect in the sixty's here it sounds like they are actually. so there's one thing that the tea partiers and the republicans disagree on what about the rest of the republicans budget proposal because to medicare medicaid and social security how does the tea party feel about those a look no farther than a new york times c.b.s. news poll conducted last year but asked tea partiers are the benefits from government programs such as social security and medicare were the costs of those programs nearly two thirds sixty two percent of the tea partiers said yes these big government socialist programs are worth it tea partiers on top of that an n.b.c. news wall street journal poll found similar sentiments toward entitlement programs
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as the analysis read in the poll americans across all age groups and ideology said by and large margins said by large margins it was unacceptable to make significant cuts in entitlement programs in order to reduce the federal deficit even tea party supporters by a nearly two to one margin declared significant cuts to social security on acceptable. that's a two to one margin against paul ryan's republican budget cuts in the tea party so the question has to be asked right now as the average tea partiers are waking up and realizing their organization is just pushing the agenda billionaires in the cocoa oil business that spawned it when will the republicans wake up. or are they already so corrupted that they'll just drive their party and our nation with it over the cliff into ruin frankly i've been saying the tea party people who are calling my radio program for a long long time you guys really should be with us because we're all looking out
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for the interests of working americans and saying to my progressive colleagues and friends and listeners viewers would not show up at the next tea party meeting hopeful sign says get us out of nafta get out of it stop the corporate welfare you know cut off the c.e.o. one hundred million dollars a year paychecks things like that and what you're going to find is that a whole lot of these quote tea partiers are basically good working people who just showed up because they know something is fundamentally wrong in this country they just don't know what it is. they don't realize that the that the buses that they came in are being paid for in the platforms or paid for everything by the koch brothers as the zen master says will see. as the big picture for more information on the stories we cover and visit the website of tom harkin dot com and our team in this entire show is available free podcast on i tunes also check out our you tube page if you've got a com slash the big picture our slash on our but don't forget democracy begins with
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